Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
About fucking time
It's funny because the Marxist end goal is indeed to destroy these things, the institutions of the fabric of society, so that then "the revolution of the dispossessed could be possible".
They have been trying to do that everywhere and no matter when.
But what do they find after they destroy these things? No forced Communist uprising, but a massive organic growth of Fascism.
What Communists claim is human nature and human wants is not Communism at all, people deep down want Fascism, and they would have chosen it sooner and faster if not for the massive brainwash of the west (which is slowly being dismantled).
OP, you faggot. Don't tease me with a headline like that only to go into economics. I thought that jewnger cunt Melissa Click was really going to off herself for a second.
I can't wait until bottom-dollar online universities evolve into more serious entities and are given more respect by society. Traditional universities are rent-seeking leaches that engorge themselves on student loans but have no stake in their students' economic success. In the meantime, the government should force universities to have a stake by making the schools co-sign their students' loans and ultimately having them be responsible for making sure the government gets paid back. They'll all of a sudden realize that their $100k tranny arts degrees aren't actually worth that at all, and just as this professor said, have of these institutions will go bankrupt. If Republicans in the legislature weren't such worthless cucks, this is exactly what they would fucking do.
This. Although I'm glad I read OP's article, I do leave this thread slightly disappointed. (but just slightly)
I hope this means that the watchers are ready to have cameras rolling
So we hate kikes because they are lying, dishonest lizards, but then we trust the word of a kike?
This is literally a kike professor making up bullshit about their own kike institutions.
I don't believe a word of it.
they won't. If you are really talented, you don't need even need to graduate. If you aren't, uni is only an audition for grad school and to see if you're a good enough bullshit artist to make (((connections))) for later in life.
Every shit-tier town having its own college was never sustainable to begin with. Surprising how all these economy professors never figured that out.
A lot of european universities already know this. Why do you think there's so much space for international enrollments and why do you think the universities constantly kickstart programs to put refugees in university in exchange for government money? The smarter technical university instead cut down their teaching staff by a shitload and upped their technical staff to increase their academic prestige in research.
Bankruptcy does not mean it is the end. It is just unpleasant. Plenty of private companies and non-profits survive bankruptcy. It happens sometimes.
Now, i think they university system will have a suppository in less than 10 years, as the communists retire and start drawing their pensions and the pension expense eats them alive. When that happens, the nigger and beaner free rides will stop happening.
You are spot on user, it is a pleasure to read you. Keep that brain working and continue writing whenever you can.
This is "if it ain't NYC or California, it's 'flyover country' and irrelevant"-tier thinking.
Yes, this is why I clicked on the thread as well. I was anticipating that particular vile creature was on the verge of death. I'm still kind of glad I came here though.
Eh? Isn't this just a rip-off of the "Creative Destruction" theory of Joseph Schumpeter
from the1940s?
It is a shame that the government will bail them out with a fresh batch of new student loans and diversity scholarships handed off to women and niggers who don't belong there to begin with.
I'm no burger so I don't know which places are worthwhile and which aren't but the fact remains that you don't need a college in every town because there should not be that many college students in the first place.
While I highly doubt that "Clayton Christensen" is a kike and you need to seriously reevaluate your life if you think that, I agree that this sounds like the most crackpot bullshit theory I've read in a while. Fucking online universities? Really? They're already going out of business now and suddenly they're going to kill all real universities? And does any employer unironically take a diploma from DisbeaRealDegreeU seriously? Even if universities are a fucking joke you still have to show up, do some exams and projects, but there are still some people out there that take university degrees seriously.
I still think most of them will go bankrupt when the student loan bubble bursts and the next generation stays away from colleges after they become even more of a pozfest.
I'll believe it when I see it. The kikes will bail these pieces of shit out.
important to note that communism, like psychology and evolution both, rests on a principle of Godlessness. if proof of God's existence were, to say, appear empirically and irrefutably, each of these fields would crumble and disappear forever.
staring people in the face all day every day and no one has the proper glasses on to see with
PUSH this. No one will take dumb libshit classes if they can't virtue signal the crap. Professors won't be able to make dumb shit Commie comments while everything is being recorded. You make it happen with, 'this is the solution to rape culture' haha or some gay ass shit like that, whatever the faggotry of the day is. Umm, how it's democratic'. No racism blah blah.
pure pottery
From what i read american universities are just fronts for tax dodging hedge funds, they spend very little on "education" and more playing on the stock market.
Under rated post.
When the ROI for Chinese students just isn't there anymore it'll force US colleges into bankruptcy easily.
Academia belongs to the kike establishment and they'll try their hardest to keep the marxist indoctrination camps alive with bailouts or w/e.
That's the same reason online college degrees are so ridiculously expensive.
Artificial barriers to keep goys debt slaves.
You can now do uncertified DIY ivey league STEM degrees or get some certs from coursera and the like.
Won't impress HR harpies but if you network and find an "in" into a startup you just jewed the jews…
Virgin college vs chad Trade school meme when?
Good. Fuck college. It was never needed in the first place.
South Koreans are wising up to this as well. Programmers from game dev companies are often so burnt out by 30 and can make more as welders abroad that they re-school privately for it at a full cost private welding school.
Why do you think they've been shitting up education for so long and admitting failures that will not bring anything back in donations?
Make them insolvent and buy them for a penny.
There will be one mega college corporation in the future.
I've come to realize that communism is designed at its core to fail. It's sole purpose is to infect an already intact population and society and completely drive it under with its beliefs. Then, it's by design that (((another society))) would move in and take over. That is at least the plan and design on paper. Obviously, that sort of thing isn't happening, especially in the US. The sort of thing that may happen as paper planned intended would be what sweden will become and need liberated from.
Publicly funded institutions, such as most universities, don't close down when they go bankrupt. They just get more funds or restrict their operations while continuing to operate on a loss, as they always do.
No matter how good an online university is, students still need to do some things physically. I guess we will rather move towards hybrid universities and schools where books and lectures are digital, but practical work or exams offline. This would also allow more students, lower prices and more competition between universities. If you allow students to write their exams whenever they're ready, you could also drastically reduce timewaste. If i could have written exams earlier or whenever i ready, i could have probably gotten degree within 1 year instead of 4. In fact this principle could already be used above fourth grade to make students self sufficient. If a teacher told me i could get out of school earlier i would absolutely have done so.
dont get your hopes up guys. if our country is willing to bail out airlines and businesses, they will do it for universities. If I am remembering correctly, Trump just appointed a kike to head the dept of education so expect her to be lobbying congress for money soon.
Communism is anti nature. It's that simple user.
Most subjects that don't require lab work like science and engineering (which is most of them) can be totally done online. A science student would obviously require access to laboratories but it shouldn't be that much more expensive especially for undergraduate work. The most expensive equipment I used while in college was probably the microscopes. And I definitely agree on the point of allowing exams to be taken on a readiness basis.
That part can and should be taken over by the internet as well. There should be some kind of online platform for auditioning for and forming apprentice type relationships with highly knowledgeable/skilled experts in whatever field. That would be really revolutionary.
Engineering and sciences need more than microscopes. Depending on what you do you might need several different spectroscopes, atomic force microscopes and/or lots of EE related circuit elements. Those are often very expensive, require supervision and prior training to handle right and an untrained person can break equipment unwillingly pretty easily. Repair of said equipment often goes into tens of $ of dollars together with shipping cost and specialist damage assessment. Other than that having an online college for mathematical analysis would be pretty good.
The thing with online learning is very simple. Hardly anyone can write proper good scripts which are absolutely necessary for that to even work remotely. People write shitty minimalist scripts with in-field thought shortcuts, often no explanation of basics and usually they are rich with in-field slang words. These scripts are soulless and people who wrote them expect students to understand them flawlessly. Professors often do that in lectures too, but they can explain stuff if you ask them. Doing that online would be annoying. There are so many lectures on youtube of mathematical analysis or algebra that make bizarre sounding and looking theorems so easily understood and yet faggots lecturing students are just bad at teaching it right.
That exists. Your college should have a list of teams (or research teams) in your department. In those lists you can often send an email to the project leader and in my experience, more often than not, he'll invite you over for an interview and then show you around (after checking your GPA and stuff). It's one of these things you are not told by academic staff, but it exists and it's very common if you have any future direction regarding your field.
Right but I'm talking about a system that is not embedded within the University system. A system open to anyone to get involved with.
How would they verify your knowledge and capability to work as part of their team? I am fairly sure no scientist or engineering team would want someone from the street. It'd just reduce their effectiveness in research because they'd need to school their apprentices from ground up in what is about 3 or 4 year college in general.
What you want does exist but not outside university system. If you are a student in very first semesters and you want to pursue your own curriculum as opposed to default one, then you can ask a professor of said team to take you on as an apprentice and select classes for you + the classes you need for legal requirements of the title (ie. engneering title).
That's why I wrote about an auditioning system also. Read the post. Obviously things would have to be worked out. It would be a new system.
Humans have a biological tendency towards tribalism. Facism + religion (for safety and meaning respectively), bound by racial and cultural identities, are very close to the natural human state seen throughout evolution, which is why successful societies almost always start there and why we are drawn back to that during times of confusion or chaos.
Once a tribe grows large enough to become overly comfortable and decides to open membership to outsiders (becomes more feminine?), it starts to lose its shared identity. Without a shared religion, race, and culture, members of the tribe start to form sub-tribes to which they identify more strongly than their main group.
Communism (tribal splits by arbitrary man-made qualities like "proletariat" vs "bourgeoise") is inherently unnatural - it only becomes a possibility underneath the highly unnatural safety and prosperity fostered by a previously successful group.
Pretty much everything on STEM except Math needs equipment. What could be done however is to make the equipment or the room rent based, basically you pay for the hours/days of use and a fee for a supervisor to train you how to use it. This way you would actually have fair prices and even produce new business. Basically all universities would need is few professors and equipment to "rent", anything else could be digital. Need to write an exam? Pay a professor to supervise it. Need a professor to answer some of your questions or help out? Pay him for it. This would benifit students who only pay for what they need, and also the professors who would now make much more dosh too since they directly recieve the "tutor" money instead of a fixed shitpay from the university. You would also reduce university costs like fuck.
God damn I love being American
So is there any proof this guy is actually a Marxist?
Words have meaning you know.
Words indeed have meaning, and you have managed to misconstrue those in the OP. Congratulations, user.
Don't worry, I still have a spare cyanide pill.
Can we just go with jigger? I have no fucking clue how to make my mouth move to say jewnger.
"june" "ger"
when humans were living in and as tribes, what would the structures have been like (reminder that there are even primates that have rigid patriarchal dominance hierarchies)? was it more akin to a democracy or fascism? which would have been generally more successful in the eyes of the harsh environment of nature? natural democrats (or whatever word you prefer) may have survived to an extent but natural fascists (or whatever word you prefer) would have been the ones who truly went forward and pulled the rest of humanity along with them. fascism, roughly speaking, is in the dna of the strong and successful. nature hasnt changed and our ancestors have likely dealt with all of these problems before, albeit on much smaller scales if you want to look at it that way
You're the christcuck version of people who unironically wear fedoras.
I just starting noticing that and before this past year never witnessed religious debates online. I got the whole fedora meme but I never saw that the other side does the same tipping behavior but in their own way. When confronted and their beliefs challenged, a christcuck inserts their beliefs ala circular reasoning.
I guess I had to see it to believe it. The reason why they don't debate is because when cornered they fall back on circular reasoning.
It's a good thing their ideology stands for the abolition of property because they're going to end up homeless.
(self check)
Tis a saddening sight when trips go unnoticed
Has been happening a lot lately perhaps shills are instructed to not take notice of it. They fear our magic.
(Fucking checked)
Gee I wonder why…
Kill yourself.
This. I did not get my bachelour's due to being twenty minutes away from the nearest bus stop in the backwater town I studied.
Somewhat OT, but they want to throw tens of millions of dollars into a new school here (public, not secondary). They flipped shit when someone suggested that adding all that debt to our small rust best city was dumb: especially so with the trend for more decentralized education in the form of charter/cyber schooling. We only just unfucked our books enough to get out of "distresses city" status this past year, and they're still not good
*rust belt city
Damn. Where are all the foreign (Yuropeean and Asian) researchers that flood all of our R1 labs and institutions b/c they can’t find jobs in yurop and Asia gonna go now?!?!? Oh god. The horror… lulz
I work in HR, if you want to know why we aren't hiring fresh kids anymore no matter how prestigious their education and consistently demanding real world experience it's because college/university education is fucking worthless now, all companies have seen it over the years and hiring them is a big mistake where we see all the time the massive gap in their actual abilities compared to what their resume would suggest, a bizzaro world of what it was like for so many decades before contemporary times because the millennial generation got fucked up by the boomer generation's joke what could be considered "guidance" or "education". Sheer incompetence, costly incompetence.
Everything went downhill the moment schools started focusing more on humanities instead of actual education that would be useful and practical in the real world to the point it creeped into and stunted all areas of education including the practical majors. I shuttered when told that these kids had to take these purposely pozzed classes for the required credits, it was like a dystopian nightmare because not only were these classes utterly useless but they were indoctrination/brainwashing plain and simple.
Not to mention an "education" is worth even less now that so many more kids have it than our generation and earlier ones ever did. The fact is, yes, back then a firm handshake straight out of high school was all you needed to get a job as a man enough to support an entire nuclear family, if any young people have been told this by their seniors it is simply because they are projecting their own experience in that good times era created by the greatest generation which is not even close to the current reality anymore with a more globalized and saturated job market and postmodern culture since women and immigrants flooded the labor force causing a stagnation of wages plus the easiest outsourcing ability thanks to globalization history has ever known.
This is because of the idiotic leftist boomer generation's greed and incompetence, in particular the Baby Boomer generation's Alinsky brats like Obama who thought everyone should have a college education. But like any communist, they do not understand the nature of supply and demand the most basic principles of economics. It is worthless now, everyone has it so what makes you so special? Experience is king and experience is king because it is practical, it is tested. There is nothing tested about going to an Ivy League anymore, these schools are overpriced daycares and litmus test to see which potential employees are fucking idiots and masochists who enjoy debt slavery and poor life choices. Let's make this clear, the kid that want to a community college (that hopefully intelligently transferred to a better school but not necessary) with 2-4 years experience will almost ALWAYS be hired before the kid straight out of the most prestigious schools. It is just life, this generation should have learned by now what employers are really looking for and what is truly valuable.
These overpriced daycares deserve their fate, they deserve bankruptcy. They have long outlived their usefulness. They are filled with Marxist subversives that seek to undermine our businesses, way of life, and heritage and like anything filled with Marxists they are doomed to financial and cultural collapse.
Reminder that they got that little moniker for being a bunch of Zogbots that fell for kike propaganda and helping to destroy Germany.
The bigger problem I see is that we have a culture that pretends the point of universities is about the education when it is in fact about the networking. It often feels like people cling to traditional white notions of how our society's operate when the truth is everything is a racket where success and getting ahead in life is about who you know that likes you and who can you exploit. An racially homogenous society keeps these in check because you can often get people to like you through virtuous behavior and exploitation is minimized due to higher trust and share empathy.
Betsy DeVos is dutch or in west MI speak a hollander and has religion in line with her ethnicity.
Not going to happen:
Educational institutions are heavily tied to governments which give them any kind of credit. If someone gets a resume with a degree from an university, that degree should mean that the one who holds it has an education that applied standardized testing and held the students to standards.
What we will see is that traditional university will move more towards utilizing online educational tools.
Education should be done more like Europe has it. In my own country, Netherlands, there are no real private universities. Some are in name and on paper but they receive heavy funding from the government, and the government can hold these private institutions to standards.
In the Netherlands the government has an inspection that makes sure that the educational institution gives degrees that are sufficient. If the standards are too low, the university gets notified of it and would be forced to make changes or stop giving the degree, otherwise their funding would get slashed.
Educational institutions should be tied to the government, because a government is the only one who can make sure it applies standards of learning. Private business doesn't do this because by not doing this you can generate more profits for yourself. But education shouldn't be about profit for the institution giving the education.
I believe your account but
Wtf are you doing user
Back in the day you could get a job as policeman when you were 18 out of highschool, work 1 or 2 years and get a mortgage on an actual house (not a shitty appartment).
Try doing that in modern times in any western nation lel.
This is actually extremely good for reasons beyond the obvious:
Regardless of the finances of existing universities, people taking online courses allows them to get certifications they want without submitting to the "College experience" of living on or near-campus and being brainwashed by "campus culture" every day for several years.
The professors might remain as cancerous as ever, but their ability to influence students will be minimized.
HR does more than fire people for 'sexual harassment' user.
Yeah, it hires people for being brown.
One of those is not like the others, christcuck.
Organic evolution theory is backed by empirical evidence. Care to elaborate a better theory which explains ALL data gathered about life? you are welcome to do so
Hate to burst your little mystic bubble, but the Catholic Church teaches that evolution was the tool God used to create the variety of life we see on Earth. And Gregor Mendel was a monk. There is no conflict between God and evolution.
Fucking good.
I can't wait for student debt to blow up and college enrollment to drop, and deurbanization to begin in the US.
people are trying to make it happen for years now and still not happening.
they want to turn college into school 2.0 where EVERY SINGLE HUMAN GOES TO COLLEGE
but is so unrealistic to put a whole country into a building to give quality education so they know they can turn to internet to cut costs.
I would like to add to this.
I gradated from an online university, after doing two years at a state University. Overall it was much easier (for me) and rhe work is 100% dependent on the student being able to do the work on time without bullshit excuses.
If you're a person who can do work alone, it's fine, if you need hand holding, you're screwed.
I also had to take proctored exams for each class and sometimes proctored quizzes. For science based classes or those that require a lab, you would do some of the work online but you would generally go in with a small group of people and have basically a private lesson with about 6 or 7 people.
The only thing I missed was being I'm a class, but I really did like just having a deadline to do work and doing it on my own time whenever I felt like.
I graduated from undergrad from University of Maryland University College which is basically an independent subsidiary of the University of Maryland and works a lot with the military, I was a dependent though not in the military.
I'm glad that Holla Forums has become an anti-christcuck board. Cuckoldry should never be tolerated.
technically both survival strategies exist is nature. Fascism can be ascribed to a "male" survival strategy while "socialism" is feminine. Look into r/K selection theory. I think you will find communism fits right in with the mentality of a nomadic raider that views the possessions of a settled farmer as a merely temporary resource. Like locusts they descend on the farm, kill and take what they need and leave the valley barren for a generation. Only the farmer could sustain and invest in that land. The nomads survival strategy requires them to move on to the next goy- er, village.
Niggerball coaches and their illiterate players too.
That explains so much, like why their end goal has to be commune'-ism. Karl Marx himself was a leech off his bourgeois buddy privileged son of a factory worker Engels. Oh and funny story about Marx, he raped and knocked up his maid and when his wife confronted him about it, blamed his best friend Engels saying that illegitimate child was his until only later finally admitting it. That's the kind of people who follow that ideology are. Being against and speaking of the flaws of capitalism is fine and great even Hitler did that but you would have to be retarded to support that nodamic stateless moneyless inefficient ideology that is communism.
It's designed to be fertile grounds for kikes to ply their trade.
The infection doesn't kill the host, but the host is too weak to survive.
Get Liberal Arts out of higher education.
STEM, Business, and Law
Business classes were a complete joke. You can learn more from jewtube in a few days.
Dr. Pennebaker from the University of Texas thinks there is no saving present institutions because they’ve developed too complex systems around archaic ideas. For example, there was once a reason why school started in the Fall (Because that’s when crops were done being harvested), but that doesn’t make sense anymore. He says his schools computer system cannot register a class outside a narrow set of options (like one hour on these days, three hours on these days, etc). He also says his psychology students need to know a specific kind of statistics before reaching an upper level course, and the only way the university can allow them to learn it is through a statistics course that mostly covers statistics they will never use. He wants to post a video online that students can watch at anytime before the course to learn it, but the school doesn’t have the capability to do so. I would add we jam all courses and contents into the same system. For example, the credit hours and timeline for introduction to English is the same as it is for introduction to Biology, Business, Psychology, etc. Not all subjects are equal in this regard.
Jordan Peterson thinks an entrepreneural genius outside the school system will revolutionize education. I’m not 100% sure of this, but I think it’s for the best because academics are so used to education to being a certain way that they can’t see all the problems. Seeing all the problems would be admitting they are part of the problem, and there’s a lack of meaning to the amount of time an sacrifice they made for their position, and in what they do on a day to day basis.
I could see one possibility being that we eliminate the high school to college to career time line. Lower education could end earlier, maybe at 8th or 9th grade. Then you’d move into a modern apprenticeship situation, where you are working, but also receiving an education at the same time. Some of the education would be in your workplace (sometimes directly working in the environment and other times in a classroom setting), and others would be online, sometimes offered by your workplace and other times by an external institution.
There would be no semester, trimester, or quarter system. Your learning would be laid before you in a way that makes sense to your career, and some studies and experiences would involve strict deadlines, while others don’t. For example, you could take an online course in between working on projects at work during the slower times.
What do others see as alternatives?
This is a positive and will pave the way for legit online colleges with classes live streamed and labs done in your house/close location (if possible).
Anyone who takes business is a retard. Look at the top wealthiest businessmen or top CEOs. Almost none of them have business degrees. No successful entrepreneur I know around here has a business degree. The most common degree represented among them however? Engineering.
And law will be raped by AI. No more faulty emotional appeals and overly dragged out costly wasteful cases, just pure fair justice like it's supposed to be.
sounds communistic
not here for at least 100 years.
and pls share some stories or example of engie entrepeneurs pls pls, I am an engie student and I dont see how I can make money with this if I lose the gig at some random place
No just tired of the 50K+ per year price tag that comes with these colleges.
I was thinking you'd just replace your nog burger flippers with c3po.
Wow. Its a good thing google and facebook etc will take over the role of shaping young minds.
Draw something up and find investors, it isn't hard. It's even easier now than ever since crowdfunding exists.
Don't forget about us when you're at the top, faggot. You should fund the defense of western civilisation.
You can't trust fake experts. BULLSHIT!! College lives 4ever.
Fascism isn't an exact replication of tribalism, but it's probably the closest you can get while still maintaining a modern state.
(checked twice)
I blame how automated replying to posts has become. Now a days you can click on a number and it automatically appears at the top of the page in that tiny box, probably in a place you can't see unless you scroll up.
Welcome to democrat style spending. As soon as even the smallest amount of money becomes available it's time to buy something 10 times the amount with no prior planning and cancel it next year due to lack of funds.
A lot of scientists were monks in those days. I think the belief in God drives people to understand how his world operates. Even the non-monk scientists were deeply religious. Isaac Newton spent years trying to decipher the Bible. And god-created evolution makes sense from a logical point of view. He would want to create life that is best adapted to it's environment, it would be more efficient to just create a method for life to adapt itself.
I know, it fires people for posting on 8/pol/ too.