194 antifags face up to decades in prison


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Decades per, or altogether?

Democrat judge lets them go without a slap

What I wouldn't give to see the looks on their faces in that courtroom. I hope there's footage when they hear their sentence.


Why doesn't pol realize that like half of all judges are Jewish? And the ones that aren't are controlled by Jewish bosses. Jews own the legal system.

There you go, buddy.


Pol is full of ameriburgers who are still engaged in burger politics when they should know damn well its been a kike run sham for nearly 2 centuries.

Not really, no.



If the police can't enforce the laws on Antifa, then please, do tell where they can do anything.


Please at least be internally consistent, children

The implication is youre a shill kike who doesnt even know the name of the board and is spreading obvious lefty/pol/ anti-white D&C, not that kikes dont control the American government.


You 3 are honestly the real problem, edgy memelords.

>>>Holla Forums


Don't reply to them you only make it worse. Odds are they're literally children.

How can we celebrate this?

Didn't realize you were a grammar nazi as well. If you can't handle basic factual statements maybe you should be the one going to leftypol

Odds are your friends will have plenty of time to mature in prison.

Tumorpostng in a cancerthread

They'd have us in gulags had they the power thus they should be getting publicly executed.

White antifa terrorists getting away with not so much as a slap on the wrist? Fire up black twitter as a preemptive move.

The implication is you still trust (((big brother))) pleb


Missed that thread. Must have been some good salt.

Can you say oy vey instead?

Why are you spamming links to that board all the time?

>implying we have to trust (((big brother))) in order to enjoy antifa getting fucked with NO VASELINE

Max sentence would be 74 years per person.

One guy who plead guilty to a reduced sentence got like 4 months.

He's our now and wrote an article for Its Going Down about how he was forced to submit to white supremacists lmfao

Shitty thread delivers, kek. glad I wasn't drinking anything

Is that a real post?

Source you nigger





Archive you dirty nigger.



they are going to get raped in all holes in prison

do they put all the niggers in a separate area in prison?



It's not enough. Once the first set is cleared of all charges by their jury, the message will be sent to antifa all around the country that they will not be charged for their actions, and then they'll become more daring.


They might get light sentences but they get fucked in prison for being outward faggots.


Per, but they wont do much time.

Dane Powell was a part of these riots, faced 14 charges including hitting a cop in the head with a rock and was sentenced to 4 months.


How delusional can this bitch be?

Did he actually expected the blacks and mexicans to help his white ass? suddenly all the memes we make about leftards pale in comparison to how they really are IRL

No, if you watch any video of someone talking about their time in prison one of the first things they point out is how everybody automatically segregates themselves.

Its because of the gang culture where, in order to survive, you have to join a gang and all of the gangs are race based

You're arguing with a total autist thats bitching about not being able to talk about political bullshit in prison instead of concentrating on how not to get fucking stabbed and raped

It is clear this fuckers are insane beyond the point of no return

Look at this faggot's cock tattoo

I'm not arguing, I'm answering that user's question about blacks in prison.

Hey means that Eric King is a retard who would argue with your absolutely true statement about "everybody automatically segregates themselves" and "all of the gangs are race based"

user, if you're going to try to insult them by changing their name, don't give them one that paints them as "anti-fag".

Exactly, thanks user

Fearing arrest is a fatal weakness in a revolutionary. I don't think these fellows have what it would have taken to face down Pinochet, back in the day.

Oh Ok I get it now

Not as big as killing Soros or a Rothschild, but still bretty gud

Where do you think you are?

Kek, I thought that was some LARP at the time. Is it possible the indictment swarm is rounding up Antifa and BLM?

That post is clearly a LARP but it's a good LARP because it is pretty damn close to the truth. Antifaggots were likely having very similar thoughts, but they would intentionally never post them for the enemy to see.

Just don't use it as evidence in debates.

oh yeah man, i really buy that a legitimate antifa member posted that, and I also totally buy that Charlottesville wasn't a staged event, there were just antifa protesting the protestors. lol.

Holy shit, that is distilled 4chan

Of course most of the judges are roadblocked by the Democrats, but they're still coming sooner or later. Trump is working hard to de-Jew the Jewdicial system, and it's probably one of the more important stories almost no one is giving attention.



Trump will free them all, like he protects Eric Clanton and all other leftists.

If you are a right winger you will rot in jail.


That post showed up during the inauguration or whenever the antifa riots were at their most-consistent. It was known at the time that rioting under certain circumstances (ie: government-sponsored events or in specific areas) immediately become felonies, which are the source of your 'wew 10yr sentence' outcomes.

Clearly fake, but as another user pointed out, it's probably accurate. Except for the 'smash fascist faces' shit.

Fucking millennials aren't going to jail for their beliefs. They're the 'what do you mean my actions have consequences?' generation, and the instant it looks like they're about to be separated from Tumblr and pumpkin spice lattes, you'll see just how 'serious' they actually are about their beliefs.

Which is also why they'll never accomplish anything, just like Yuri said. These faggots aren't going to the Bastille for ten years to prove a point. They shit themselves if cops even look in their direction.

A Republican judge would do just the same.
