Starts in ~30 minutes. Starting new thread here to spur up conversation. What is he gonna talk about? Is this saltmining worthy? Is Trump announcing the US to sell us out to Israel? Hillary Clinton getting indicted? What could it be?
President Trump Delivers Remarks
Everybody's going to jail.
Hopefully. Trump must have the goods by now.
Too good to be true. Good things don't happen.
Set your expectations low.
Rolling for DotR.
Still holding out though.
Dubs for pants of shit going to jail.
Hoping for info on the indictments and maybe something about ISIS being legally dead, which would bode well for my investments in Iraq.
Checked but didn't kek'd, m80. I anticipate discussion about SA and his trip throughout the Orient/Asia. I will eat my own words happily if he does deliver OTHER news. I WANT TO BE WRONG.
I'm going with some trade deals and a unity speech.
OP here. I dont expect much from these remarks, but if its something worthy, I dont wanna miss it. Sorry for starting a faggot thread if its a nothinburger.
I'm pessimistically optimistic.
Eh, whatelse where a bunch of childless single men going to do? masturbate to anime?
Why the fuck did you point out that you're OP?
Checked, m88.
Links to live streams.
Gramp's Live News Stream (varies)
US Live Stream TV
Valid point, Im too used to idiots that can't determine that.
Spamming PBS Newshour feed. Grorious
Chat got closed. Fuckers.
Double barrel to the neck of all Clinton and Obama entrenched bureaucratics still not leaving the government and fighting from the inside.
We're live.
Still up for me. I'm trolling like all hell
either roy moore or tax reform shilling
Here we go. Starting with talking about international respect.
(((foreign powers)))
who cares?
ROEJE regimes
Bringing up what the country was facing when he was elected, specifically problems that were "inherited" from other administrations. Mentions ISIS, foreign rogue nations, economic self-destruction, etc.
Don't do it.
Trump is looking so sexy right now
Now specifically calling out ISIS and the strategy to 'deprive them of finances'.
god dammnit…
What total garbage.
Ah, yes, the (((unbreakable bond))) between the US and the Jewish state of Israel.
mentioned peace between israel and palestine, but also unbreakable bond
americans will stop sending them money?
Definitely a low point. But he did then segue straight into two-state solution.
I don't really want to hear it.
Now talking up separate nations' individualism and identity.
Bump, The Reverse Tornado is on folks, tune in.
>Mattis: We have to remain in Syria to fight (US terrorists we created/made a deal with in Raqqa) (((IS))) (already mostly defeated by Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq).
>Mattis: You know, the UN said that …basically we can go after (((IS))). And we're there to take them out.
tl;dr Mattis is a fucking retarded.
"Fellow americans, I officially nominate Nov 15th as the official day of the rope."
I wonder when he talks about someone with aggressive type economic dealings, does he implies (((them))), who get butthurt on things like boycotting?
Retarded zogbot*
Pro-tip: Trump is never talking about the jews. The most you'll get is the vaguest veiled reference when he needs a couple votes.
Japan 35 sanctions on shit korea
Water break!
OMG he just pulled a water stunt after blasting rubio for it for years.
He sounds a little out of breath, gotta get that water!
Trips say the Emperor is starting Shinto again.
I was just going to ask why his speech sounded off, then he pulled out the water bottle.
just invade north korea
No, really, the speech so far has been normal politics, nothing bombastic.
Is this supposed to be the bombastic stuff? Is it coming later in his speech or in another one altogether?
I guess you are right. (((Media))) would start shitting 100x more shitty articles about Trump's confirmed anti-kikeism.
I just hope that he will talk not with his words, but with his actions.
NK will just threaten the 2018 Olympics in SK and the US will cave.
Found them
Wont be the first time he's tricked the media by hyping up a speech only for it to be something minor.
It has nothing to do with media articles.
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He'a going to declare the final crusade on Jerusalem any time now.
Deal with it!
President Waterboy
>can no longer tolerate the theft of jobs and intellectual property
Bootleggers about to be blown the fuck out.
t. Bought shitty scam wires from China before; weren't even assembled when they arrived
President Donald "Dubs- Check'em" Trump
So, bilateral commerce contracts, no free-trade idiocy or TPP stuff?
stumbled his words at key american ally
welcome the decision of president mun(?) to remove the payload…restrictions on missiles to combat the north koreans
Quite the combo. American kamikazes.
President Moon
more like, president moonrune
i never knew it was pronounced "doo-ar-tay"
Did he just say de-niggerization? kek
fucking kek you dumb shills want everyone to ignore the millions of people all over america who voted trump in.
Surprise, it's fucking nothing
hehehehehehe he said fuck
American presidents have to bring up Israel's glorious friendship with us. It's a formality, like telling your wife her dress looks pretty.
gas the journos fucking now
So, really bland stuff.
The end.
America is back and the future has never looked brighter
This thread is cancer.
Oh for fucks sake, why is it always nothing
Bland, but not unimportant. All that economic stuff is like a tideswell. Not much to look at, but it's a huge shift in inertia.
Well it's fucking nothing other than gook loving.
I guess if he just repeats it over and over again it magically becomes true. Thankfully, we have folks like you to red text it for us for additional effect.
Let me guess, it was fucking nothing?
ya actually, there was a lot of nothing that we didn't already figure.
He's underlining his preference for oral injection of sperm.
He had to stop half way through to find water and then showed the label to everyone, promoting the product for free, and then stopping to drink every 2 minutes.
fair trade in asia. like many of us anons predicted
I miss the days of spicy press briefings.
all these fucking shills saying it's fucking nothing and calling the thread cancer and hiding some major shit by convincing people to not watch the "boring" video so that everyone misses something important
You are just fucking cancer. Filtered.
Could you be any more obvious?
You don't seem very invested ITT.
hey stop that reeeeeeee
Not completely, basically reiterated that the US is no longer cucking out to shitty trade deals and we're giving japan superior high-grade military tech.
Filtered. Feel free to reciprocate.
Confirmed gundams. Confirmed anime is being made real.
They're kiking up multiple threads presently.
You can feel free to post somewhere else. You admin shills knew what board you were coming to when you set up shop here.
Yeah, that was pretty exciting. Billions in arms for Japan, and not as a gift. Dosh for us, a real military for them.
I think most people were expecting an announcement on all the idictments and some justice for this country, not really trade stuff.
Yeah, (((us))).
pic related
mp4 not sure if related
Oy vey goy, selling firearms is anti-semitic.
Don't forget to buy our new Galil(TM)(R)(C).
True, the arms industry will benefit. But if they're buying from the US, not Lockheeb, then we're effectively making retail on it.
Shills aside, he's done more good in his first year than Obama did in 8. Helping Japan and setting up trade deals that don't allow China to skullfuck us is a big deal in a lot of ways, especially because every President since WW2 has made a point to try and screw over the Japanese and hold them back while sucking China's commie micropenis.
The point about stealing Intellectual Property is extra important in the context of China, because their IP and copyright laws are a fucking nightmare and the assbackwards system they use is the main reason they can continue to 'compete' by doing nothing but stealing and half-assedly reverse engineering other patents and products.
not enjoying your first day on the job?
what a disappointing load of horseshit that was.
a summary of his asian trip, a bunch of job stats and investment figures that may or may not prove true, and promises to spend fuckloads more on war. oh, and removing payload limits on south korean missiles, and promising to beat up those who are "cheating america", economically. did i miss anything?
he actually called it a "beautiful vision for the future." this is so bad.
pretty much, but just because it wasnt the best possible miracle scenario doesnt mean it's "nothing"
Yeah, Japan was basically weimar germany after versailles v2 until now.
All of his trade stuff isn't even worthwhile, either. He's just trying to hype up jewish arms deals and further ownership of American production by Asiatic investment to try to mask his lack of real ambition to make America completely self-sufficient, because being self-sufficient is bad for the military industrial complex.
THIS. Cuckchan had their heads so far up qanon's ass they were expecting more than just trade deals.
So what about our bases over there? Those expensive bases? Are we selling them guns rhen pulling out?
That would fit with the big picture, with a new eu army: a decreased us global presence. That is how you free the country from parasites and kikes
Now if only we could unfuck our own IP laws.
That bit about reaffirming the neutrality of oceans was, I think, a dig at China trying to build islands and platforms off their coast to scoop up trade lanes in international waters.
>(((we're))) effectively making retail on it.
trips checked
I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you clarify?
Well, there was that bit about dealing with rouge states that supports NK, could ve a veiled kick on Israel, not sure.
The Galil is such a overpriced peace of shit. It's twice the weight of any bare bones AR, while having the shitty ergonomics of an inbred FAL.
How would that be a kick at Israel? Isn't the narrative currently that Iran is supporting NK?
lmao, this is pretty self evident when all of us were screaming to quit following ecelebs from the campaign
Depends if he goes by the narrative or not.
Blueballs, blueballs everywhere
Pls no ban I still support just impatient
So much this. I saw the price on one on /k/ the other day and nearly sprayed my drink all over the place.
You know I'm petty sure if he talks about it he might be screwed, the FBI does have the power to put a gag order on the President and if he says anything that puts him in the spotlight in an "every man for himself" scenario.
(was literally the first thing he said)
get ready to murder and die for zion once (or twice) more burgerbros
lol just listen to yourself
It even LOOKS jewish.
What's worse? The Galil, or the TAVOR?
Selling guns and shit airplanes is one thing, but our presence there is expensive. We spend billions maintaining a presence in japan. Is this the first step towards closing down the bases? Will we shutter Okinawa? Shutting down those bases would save a lot of money.
Oh, okay. I thought that's what you meant, but wasn't sure. No. I don't think you will see any closing down at all or drawing back. I think the cards are on the table with Trump and he is a ballistic zionist who is 100% PNAC approved. They just had to throw some shade on the old guard to make it look like there was friction. I expect Trump to be more interventionist, not less. Hopefully he does not get a second term.
And let the chinks overrun the pacific?
IMI can't make a gun under 1000$. Even after that price point, they can't make it good either. Not Surprised that the Kikes still run around with our M-16's seeing as how Garbage the X-95 and Tavor is. Keltec makes a better bullpup for a far better price.
nice try gook shill
Kek. And their sights are so fucking dodgy for the price. More recoil than a .223 and they start going haywire.
Galil. At least the tavor doesn't weigh 10 billion tons.
You didn't know? Under the right conditions the FBI can forbid the President of speaking about an ongoing investigation over something like Uranium One. If he violates that order then the FBI will bust his ass regardless of his position.
They don't bust him. They shoot him.
Both. You probably couldn't kill yourself with either. They are both equally shit teir overpriced safe queens. Pic Related (it's far better at half the price)
Trump won't say what he's doing till it's done
SEALs are probably headed into shittier korea right about now
The sip of water was the signal
Has he unveiled the Gundam project yet?
OP is always a faggot according to popular consensus here.
That's the clandestine way of doing it, this is an actual legal procedure the FBI can do.
You're 2 years late to this, Avi.
i miss spicy threads
If nobody cared about even just playing along with the legal way of doing things then those laws are useless and may as well not exist.
Now you're starting to get it.
I listened David Seaman's youtube at same time. And he kinda was disappointed. Is this Seaman trustable? I kinda like him, but I don't trust anyone.
We must kill them all!
Sigh… see >10909777
really explains David Seaman
More like you don't get it, the gag order is no different from a threat to shut up and stay quiet.
Look if the way they dealt with hillary clinton for the last few decades isn't enough to tell you that the FBI doesn't give a fuck about the law I'm not going to be able to convince you. Filtered.
>MSM's (((official))) record is that the fbi director raped some 14 year old girl.
It makes up for the weight by ridiculous trigger pull, and is 7 MOA at 50 yards.
He's a Jew? I'm disappointed.
Kek. 7@50? Is this real life?
Holy fucking shit, a rotted out Romanian ak that's been buried in the Congo jungle can shoot tighter groups than that thing.
Trump spelled out how he's Making America Great. This man will go down in history as America's last and best President.
For anyone with half a brain, that was Awesome! Just Awesome!
inb4 leftytears
Even the_donald isn’t that sycophantic.
Nips would be thankful too, considering the typical niggery that our zog-nogs get up to over there.
Even if that is somehow an actual law it is bullshit and holds no water.
Fuck that shit. That is something China is doing right that we aren't.
Official water of God Emperor. Why aren't you or the frau running to the store to get a case of it right now anons?
Good goy.
Good goy.
leftycuck detected go back to sucking dick faggot
This is the reason why niggers are poor; you can't think past the next five minutes.
He's right though it's like summer in here. Did we pick up a bunch of cuckchan posters recently?
Might have been neogaf death flooding 4chan, leading to another exodus for the 6 gorrilionth time.
t. Alex Jones
Thank you filterman I have seen the error of my ways.
Fucking kike.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald Trump. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of world history most of the jokes will go over a typical observer's head. There's also Trump's nationalistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from heroic epic literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Donald Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Trump's populist catchphrase "IT'S RUBIO!" which itself is a cryptic reference to the Greek anecdote about Alexander in the Gedrosian I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Donald Trump's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a MAGA tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
O so it was just another larp of
Its Habbening!! XXDd
Who would have guessed that one?
you're supposed to be creating the overman. you don't do that by gifting your progeny a lower iq than yourself. you're a cuck tbh and your grandchildren will be niggers.
Go back to t_d and suck milos dick
Hey dumbass, news flash: these unconstitutional 3-letter agencies are Executive cabinet-tier organizations. Only the Joint Chiefs could use the military to haul a US President's ass in. And then only under guidance from the other two legs of government.
The faggots who are sucking trumps dick so hard he can do no wrong are just as bad as the faggots that do nothing but cry about him.
That's copypasta user. And I think some people are color blind because I hear mentions of Trump wearing a purple tie but the only times it looked vaguely purple was either obstructed by shade of a very dark colored tie or it was his blue tie in a shitty quality video.
mentioning Q after this useless dull speech ("major announcement" my DICK) is a definite accurate sign of subnigger ape intelligence. I mean, what has been said that was not obvious ? That's what I want to know…
Satan confirms you are a dumbass.
Qanon larpers got other theories supposedly
rick and morty copypasta my dude. its a new meme.
==You guys are in my timeline. My generosity and humility irl has been lacking since the election. You have my word things will start breaking in our favor. I expect to be in God's favor within a few weeks. Start thinking positively and come up with strategic plans you would like to see play out. I'll be in touch
Won't matter. Everyone here and there will continue to believe every mentally ill attention whore larper that says they are a government insider or a red team planner or some other larping bullshit that disrupts ongoing thought and conversation.