#OpDomesticTerrorism: Anonymous hackers take down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in new wave of attacks

The hacktivist collective claimed to have shut down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in retaliation to far-right marches in the US.

The hacktivist collective Anonymous has claimed responsibility for taking down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in retaliation for recent events in the US. These attacks were a part of the ongoing #OpDomesticTerrorism campaign.

A hacker associated with the hacker group operating the Twitter handle @AnonyInfo told IBTimes UK that the hacktivist collective had shut down over 12 neo-Nazi sites including cnkkk.net, texaskkk.com, vanguardamerica.online, whitehonor.com and others. At the time of writing, all of the websites mentioned by the hacker were offline. The hacker said that more "continuous attacks" are on the horizon.

Here's a list of all the sites that Anonymous hackers claim to have shut down:


Full article: archive.fo/ho2P7

Other urls found in this thread:



I've never heard of any of these sites though. I wonder if the skiddies bought them only to later 'own' them.

Thats a strange way to spell FBI


So, FBI taking down their own sites. Spoopy.

Some of them are only a couple years old but a few go as far back as 2009.

Isnt anonymoose supposed to be from halfchan?

Not a single actual Nazi site. Kill yourselves Anonykike. Not even a bump deserved by your faggotry

I think OP made post to shit on the pathetic (((anonymous))) takedown, m80. Of course none of the sites were of any actual importance and majority fucking honeypots.

Actual Thread Title:
LARPing faggots, whose act got real old in 2007, have successfully wired together a few servers and DDoSed a small number of small, single-server sites with traffic in the hundreds. Guy Fawkes' masks still culturally relevant somehow, despite that shitty movie being in theaters 12 years ago.


We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

All KKK sites. KKK are losers who can't even pick out a kike in a crowd.

I remember when anonymous used to take on people who engaged in censorship. I see the FBI takeover to make them useful little golems is still going strong. That or the moralfags took full control.

Still the irony of one group coopted by the feds taking on another group coopted by the feds is not lost on me.

On the other hand I do lament the fact that none of you autists are hackers.

Missed opportunity.

Remember, remember when anonymous had members, not just feds in a treasonous plot? They've lost all pretense of reason with their premeditated treason, and now they all need to be shot.


look at all these sites that mean nothing. Kek

Oathcucks and based stick ancap half Jews raising a half black child. A bunch of federal agents. Some "Nazis".

capped because his belongs in every maskfag thread

Everyone decent got imprisoned, recruited, or spooked badly enough by it happening to others to stop.

I stopped trusting them completely when they went against Golden Dawn because they were feeding poor greece-people who were starving and had become homeless. The Greece-authorities shoved Golden Dawn-members away and shutdown the handout-meals and the cooking. And what does Anonymous do? Go after Golden Dawn, just like every other bitch-boy media-pawn.

Don't even make the mistake of thinking that these people even date back as far as Chanology. When the Infamous Hacker Anonymous got tired and played out, some lefty goons and SJW-types swooped in and started trying to rebrand and claim that they were the true Anonymous the whole time. They tried co-opting imageboard culture and their antics played a part in turning cuckchan into Neo-Reddit




And they were coopted by the FBI long before that.


That is almost a limerick.

Crazy how Anonymous was created by literally us in about 2006 and now subverted by leftists and the establishment.

Even back then it was kinda fucking gay. It quickly turned into some self righteous entity that took it upon themselves to correct what they felt was unjust, instead of just doing it for the lulz. I liked it when they were just trying to get kids to kill themselves and they would obtain confidential information and leak it for shits and giggles.

How did that cyber war against ISIS turn out again?
Nothing happened, oh okay.

EFG is not the mascot of a winning team.

See? It should never have been about that. It should have just been for trolling. We've lost our way. We all have.

I buried myself under a rock after 2008 and came out in 2012. Seeing inept faggotry demotivated me from staying away from cuckchan. As pre mootxico originalfag I saw the shithole being made.
After 2007 the hivemind felt sick, drugged and emasculated. Large chunk of the hivemind was controlled by foreign entities on top of it.
Primal anons know this all too well and probably felt it. That sick feeling in your stomach if you dared to look at 4chan around 2010.

Those Holla Forumstards back then were the most racist, sexest, whatever on the whole internet. They did everything for laughs except when it came to animal abuse, then they started getting people arrested. It only took them 3-4 years to become completely subverted

Those "classical" Holla Forumstards just morphed into fullchan users. Anyone on halfchan is a literal bystander when it comes to actually generating quality OC, etc. Folks just got smart and splintered into far more articulate "sects" as the (((anonymous))) racket got more and more retarded throughout the late 2000's. Remember the "supabowl bomb threats"? Shit like that saturated Holla Forums with the worst traffic…subversion began YEARS ago. If anything, the current Holla Forums looks to be returning (minus the faggot fucking porno threads). I never lurk but just checked while making this post, and it DOES look awful, but shit, it is obvious fucking adolescent summerfag posting.

Cats were most sacred of animals. God help you if you were nigger or a numale on normieweb with shitty opsec.
Far too many faggots got hit and ruined for sake of lulz for me to remember them all. I moved onto /i/nsurgent scene before Moot cucked out and deleted the board.

why didn't they try to hit us?

Favor? Now is coming here.

Because they can't afford to sustain it like they did back when gamergate was in full swing. They went broke trying to cause problems and can't afford to use such a useless tactic on us anymore.

I should add. Easier for them to take down other sites and send their denizens here to cause chaos. Two birds one shekel.

I wasn't there since the beginning (found Holla Forums in 2006), but I do remember that distinct, sickening feeling all too well. Things were so good when it was all for the lulz, it felt like we all were part of something special, something that had never been done before. Like we all knew something everyone else didn't. Looking back, I think that it was true. The early chan culture literally raised us to become who we are today, and broke the chains of normie thought. Back then, it felt like we would never lose what we had. Of course, everything must have its ending.
All the more reason why I am profoundly thankful for each and every day that I post here, with you guys on 8ch, knowing that once day we'll look back with nostalgia at the exodus, KEK and all that.
I think a lot of you were there and understand these things which is why today we still keep the same spirit going. It's changed, obviously (we've all grown up and saw some shit), but this place still has that aroma of those days long past.

Over the years, it will be harder and harder to come across oldfags anymore. One day it might be practically impossible. So I'm telling you now that I love you glorious faggots and that it was great growing up with you. I will cherish you until the day I die.

I was on steak&cheese before 4chan even came out. I remember 4chan being a big new thing in 03-04. It was pretty fucked up way back then. Lots of evil shit. That's where I saw one of the first beheading videos from Iraq.

I remember messing around on IRC before hearing about this place from a high school classmate. why can't the internet go back to the way things were?

Been around since the early 4chan days.
The lulz were good, so many of us unwittingly but willingly destroyed ourselves inside in such a strange way.
But in so doing what did we find?
Everything we had been missing all our lives and had never known was missing.

Could my life be better for never having gone to Holla Forums?
Almost certainly but could the me that is now stomach the life that the me that could have been would have lived?
Not a chance.
Liberty or death.

We are the inevitable consequence of the world we live in.
We are doomed to redeem or destroy that world.

But you're right, oldfags become rarer every day. We die, we give up or otherwise just fade away.
Never in my life have I really believed or felt a need to believe in some kind of afterlife, but I hope the Promised Chan is real.
If only so I can see you all again.

Totally not fbi informant shit

Super 1337 hacxor d00ds dd0s non-cloudflared sites for an hour or so.. Riveting.

Which fed honeypot do you own, Agent "user"?

So, how do we take nationalism to the next level? ;3

This comic encapsulates what I feel at times


This is the equivalent of "hacking" (ddosing) 10 angelfire sites and celebrating. It took cloudflared destroying its company policy and saying "fuck you" to free internet, and the coercion of every domain registrar that offered to host the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack to take down the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack. Comparatively nothing.

I wasn't looking for these feels tonight. I hope one day we'll all find eachother on the promised chan, anons. We'll all finally have that beer together.

Would Holla Forums's nirvana/heaven state of being be a genuine type of hivemind? Is that actually the ultimate state of being, a harmonious consciousness composed of smaller, lesser, alike but unique minds?

Anontypes now?
A more perfect unity?
Till all are one?

I'd love it to be honest.
A more meaningful connection twixt us all. To truly know ourselves and each other.

Purest of connection. It's something I can't quite described. Let me tell you once hivemind absorbs you. You will develop a psychic esque link.

During Gaymer gate and exodus I woke up in middle of night as I felt hivemind on the move. Not to mention prophetic hunches and dreams I had all these years.
No-one believed me that Moot will cuck out for one last time and abandon 4cuck
Zoe Quinn did it all to play the victim to give his tranny ass attention he wont get otherwise
Waves of cancer and series of habbenings yet to take place
Ability to sense and feel foreign elements, shills and plebbitors alike

A hivemind of almost no dissenting opinion nor thought altogether, yet still homogenous and spiritually intact.

Very strong, i'd wager. Hopefully then true friendship and camaradery will foster.

I disagree on the dissent part.
Our constant dissent and arguing is what makes us stronger. What allows us to know each other so deeply.

But would it still be a hivemind even with constant arguments and dissent?

Yes, faggot

That is me tapping into hive mind which thinks you're a faggot

Of course.
Humanity and life itself are contradiction.
We only tell the truth when we lie. We only lie when we tell the truth.
We are order and chaos in equal measure. The Chans bill themselves as chaos personified but in reality we are balance.

Constant arguing is what make us stronger, constant shit flinging and back and forth insults that would trigger normies with ease

That's some hot shit, fellow double nigger.
Here's to your next set of dubs.

wtf I hate trying to preserve my race now, why are we caring about being genocided instead of just doing shit for lulz?

Saving your race is lulzy in itself since it makes kikes and libshits kvetch

Why not do both?

Isnt 'based stickman' some tranny fucking, once-T_D idolised fagget?
Top jej if they took down one of their own degenerate 'alt right' faggots.

I'd only heard of one of them (vanguard). Great job, fbiniggers.

to do what? shut down the site for an hour?

Who cares.
Who cares.
Who cares.

A mind can dissent with itself over which course of action to take, or belief to entertain. In a hivemind, this would manifest simply as different constituent parts resolving a problem. But being part of the same apparatus, they would ultimately be forced to work together.

So merely taking outsider/leftist viewpoints & diatribe, then dissecting and outright digesting it?

You mean the source. We visit there in death.

As an pre-chan oldfag, seeing this place alive and kicking is a blessing. Especially if it's a stressy shithole of a day, guaranteed keks to be had, puts a smile on my dial. Thank you, my fellow glorious Christmas Island lemonparty sculptors.

Why, for gods sake, WHY do they keep calling the KKK neonazi? Are they incapable of understanding these are two separate, different things?

Why are these people so fucking stupid? They have no idea what/who they are trying to fight, fucking hell, man. Do they think right-wingers marching in Poland have any relation to the american KKK? THAT DOSENT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.

They are shitskins, user. Expoct them… to be retarded

To be fair I think in a way we're beyond the idea of left/right.
Don't forget lefty/pol/ is part of us too.

Because the KKK has a complex history that is intertwined with the Democrat party.
They need to break it down to a premade trigger phrase to provoke the conditioned response in the normie mind.


You are a fag.


I know user

I don't think he fucks trannies but he's a rice farming advocate for miscegenation and says people should keep their mouths shut about our demographic situation despite knowing precisely what's going on in South Africa with Boers. He's worse than your average antifa commie as far as I'm concerned as he fully knows what we're facing and yet advocates to embrace destruction instead, your average antifa faggot is just too retarded to even realize what's occurring.

I checked. They're not down. What they took down? DNS abuse for 1 hour. FAGS


What a revolting piece of shit.


In what form?

They throw those labels so that they can target the right and non-leftist collectively.

In the same way as Holla Forums Holla Forums /d/ /x/ /ck/ or /u/

Yeah, that turned me from thinking that he was cucked but not actively harmful to wishing that he would just die in one of his little street brawls. Even if you blamee the Boers and act like they deserved it over apartheid like some leftist faggot the notion that most of Western Europe's been doing anything but bending over backwards for shitskins is absurd. It should be clear if you have the information that we do that even if you wished that races could just get along in harmony that its completely unworkable in practice, of course he doesn't really give a fuck because his child's a happa that won't suffer the same fate as white children.

Wow, that's feel.

do people know that the authors of V are self admitted satanists/luciferians?

fuck you, that hurt
I'm gonna hurt you the same way

By breaking away from normalfaggotry, anons unwittingly broke the conditioning, and because of braking the conditioning, anons were able to see the world through new eyes. Accidently, an anonymous information exchange hivemind may be one of the most important technologies humanity has ever stumbled upon.

I wasn't ready for that feel.

oh. ok.

comic relief?

Hey, fuck you guy!

So I guess them taking down DS is gong to be their only "crowning achievement"? Christ, once again they go after soft easy targets not many people are gonna give a fuck about. Way to strike terror into our hearts fags, if they take down 4chan or even this site then we can sit here and start quivering in our boots

No, forcing us to deal with the chaos of fleeing retarded refugees. The same boolshit they pulled in Europe.

gay fucking comic

We have a bunch of married people on this board leftyshill

I've got my first kid on the way.

Man, you're so cool.
Can you teach me to be as cool as you?

lol I've never even heard of those.

What a bunch of fucking faggots.

Because everyone that isn't a communist is a "nazi". It's the current year.

Nice honeypot.


Never heard of any of these sites, are we sure they didn't just register these domains?

DDoSing is considered hacking in 2017?

Registrant Name: Dalton Stout
Registrant Organization: Christian Identity Church
Registrant Street: P.O.Box 97
Registrant City: De Kalb
Registrant State/Province: Texas
Registrant Postal Code: 75559
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9036673837
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: [email protected]

we are not constrained like the europeans

What do you expect from a guy who used to huff cans of Febreeze to get high.

that or rogue antifa employees at the host pulling public_html. 1337 h4x0rz yo


Post real gore next time. This looks like a snuff film at best.

Feels good man

nu-'anonymous' is pathetic.

That's not going to make the left hate Anonymous any less for being white.

It's a play on the fifth of november, newfriend

Yeah, speaking of that, didn't a lot of anonymoose chanology faggots eventually end up on Holla Forums?

Reminders of failure.

I we can all connect to a singular consciousness are we Kek who time traveled to help our living selves? I imagine once enough oldfags join together some real paranormal shit will start happening. Imagine Holla Forums invisible and untouchable in the meat.

I didn't ask for these feels.

user we are the feels.

Who even enters all those websites? Only one i know is vanguard, and i think they have like 10 proxies.


Back then it was just meaningless griefing now everything is so politcised and I'm forced to choose the right side. I hope someone resses Hitler as an unstoppable cyborg to purge them.

nebber herd ub enny ub dem ubtil dis

bullying yourself is all the rage with kids now a days.

We love you too, Holla Forums, you are a core laughing stock for our culture.

Fuck, i thought i was the only one.
Every time something important happens to either Holla Forums, i """""""happen"""""" to be online due to some unique reason each time.


Ooooh I don't think that was a good idea spooks, probably should've stopped making diversity hires. The more you call them civic nationalists gosh darn ebul nadzees the more likely they are to leave the kosher honeypot and actually become one

Steam the rice, you pay the price
to become that.

never again.

Anonymous is a joke.

Very good points

Most of the threads I see on the catalog are pro-cuckoldry threads, pro-interracial threads, anti-racist threads, anti-trump threads, regardless of them being shills or not most of the users agree in these threads. It's obviously filled with underage b& retards and cucks and it will not change soon in my opinion, cuckchan is irrelevant and basically a poor man's reddit


denthead here. The hive mind used to give me panic attacks, every single time I get that feeling something magical happens.

You played yourself


fpbp… anyone with a clue knows this nazi revivalism is just larping and controlled opp.

Anonymous has been a front for CIAniggers since 2012.

CIAniggers shutting down large group of honeypots for being ineffective, but want to make a proZOG spin event out of it.

I'm actually tearing up from reading this. The feels are overwhelming.

I came to Holla Forums back in late '03 thanks to a friend of my sister telling me about it. I don't know what it was about 4chan, but the crude humor and simplistic layout drew me in the first time I visited. It was vulgar, raw, cruel… but it brought about an elated feeling as if I had found where I belonged! Despite there being no names, no faces; I still felt as if I had friends.

They made me laugh. They made me rage. They made me cry. They tore down everything I knew, and shredded whatever innocence I still had left; only to reshape me in a way that led to a better me! For that, I will always be thankful. No matter how dark things became in my life, Holla Forums was there to show me that it wasn't all bad. But as time passed, and the Maskfags began to creep their way in, there was a strange feeling inside. One that, while realizing something was wrong, it was a thing I couldn't place my finger on as to what it could be. Eventually, I grew tired of the mindless shitposting, and a feeling of wanting more ate away at me.

It was at that time I found my way to Holla Forums.

I had seen the cross-posts before. /new/ had been shoah'd at this point, and I had rather enjoyed the memes involving Hitler and gassing kikes. It pique'd my interest, and I took the dive. When I saw what Holla Forums had to offer, I never looked back! It was the flood of information anons offered up that hooked me. Revelations of things I had questioned from my time in school had been like a breath of fresh air. It spoke to my endless hunger for knowing more. It answered a question for me that I had asked myself and others many times…

When my husband asked what the appeal was behind coming to Holla Forums so much, I told him it was because I could actually speak honestly with other anons. It challenged what I knew. Made me question and analyze things in ways I had never considered. And when I found my own knowledge lacking, Holla Forums nudged me in the direction I needed to improve myself. It taught me the value of self-discovery, and the unrepentent need for true honesty.

In short: It has been a privilege, and an honour, to post with you supreme gentlemen! There is a part of me that hopes that someday in the future, my infant son will have the same privilege as I have had, to shitpost within the ranks of fellow anons.

Should this place ever fall, you faggots better have a contingency! DoTR is going to happen sooner than we think. My intuition is telling me as such.



Yeah, wow, that's some top-tier hacking right there, and not at all a list of literally whos. Welp, pack it up folks. They won. I guess it's time to gay marry a groid and start blowing farm animals.



You are, we are, everyone on this board is anonymous. That is the whole point of "Anonymous". Anyone who claims that they are Anonymous isn't.