So do we have any idea if he was just LARPing? I kept trying to follow this because it looked interesting but been busy and now hopelessly confused as to what all is going on.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off to cuckchan if you want to make shitty threads about retarded bullshit.

Sage goes in all fields

larp. and 1st post was right.
you prob are Q

What was it that gave him away? Was the shit he was saying too out there? i really don't know much. Been too busy to read all his shit.

It was a larp. Fuck off to cuckchan faggot.

Nothing outed the guy yet. We do not know if its a larp or a miracle yet. infinitechan is just under damage control like normal

Remains to be seen, status unlikly to change.

Largely depends on the sealed indictments and supposed GEOTUS big speech coming soon. Seems too good to be true. A psyop well done, 20% truth to stir the water then add 80% BS. It makes you to want to believe. Stinks fishy.

it's a larp a lot of shills and insiders seem to type up

it's strange tho as to what possible purpose it achieves. Everyone with a brain knows about the (((deep state))) corruption and is serves no purpose to build up Trump and then have him totally dissappoint everyone who isn't on satan's payroll.

are you niggers or retards anons? either way, fuck off


he posted that +++ saying no coincidences pretending he posted it before trump tweeted it but he didn't. I'm sure there are more examples of his bullshittery

Gee i dunno. Why would someone just go online and tell lies? Fucking kys for being a gullible retard.

Rule of thumb: if it's on cuckchan promising things that are too good to be true, it's a LARPer. Now go back to there.

it's a load of shit imho

this stuff is being shilled heavy on GLP and they've started shadow banning poster to the thread about it. Shills controlling the input-output from it.

It was most definitely a larp. I can't believe you faggots all made so many threads for it. Bunch of gay shit. At least now you're admitting it was larp.

LARP to pull you away from other possible ops like Kirstjen Nielsen halfway there to being head of DHS. This cunt flooded NOLA with forign spics and nigs after the flood while removing residents who wanted the rebuilding jobs in their own city. She completely changed NOLA's demographics and she will soon be emoting over the poor dreamers and their families because she's really all for letting them stay forever.

We need an op for this and fast. Senate confirmation is the last hurdle then she's in.

He's the John Titor of this decade. Might get a few things right by happenstance because of how many supposed predictions were made.

Try actually reading the threads, nigger.

make a thread about it

Gee I wonder. It's really embarrassing that a large amount of users on this board have spent less than 2 years on imageboards and don't understand.
Of course I can then dredge out now decades old tactics to poke fun at them.


An image with a censored tweet of "+++" was posted 8+ hours before trump's tweet though. That remains unchanged.

This alone makes me holdout on calling the whole thing a larp. The 1000+ sealed indictments and potus claiming a "big statement" when he gets back makes my happening sense tingle.


He already had his big statement. Aside from his seemingly unquenchable thirst it was pretty uneventful. Biggest takeaway for me was an announcement of building up the nips armed forces, but I'm pretty sick of the muh korea tbh.

checking out how I fart

what did he mean by this?


Blow your fucking brains out. He was outed on the 4th when no arrest or announcement thereof was forthcoming like he claimed.

Yeah, no, it wasn’t.

Link, I've been out of the loop today. Was it a press conference or presidential address?

How is that not an image?

Use the fucking catalogue or any news source. I'm not spoon feeding top headlines you lazy nigger.

That tweet has no connection to "Q", other than him making a comment about it after the fact and adopting the "+++". That alone should tell you it's a LARP.

Sure, but the simple fact that it was posted at all beggars a second look. It's not an easy coincidence by any stretch of the imagination.

You know that’s not what I’m talking about, idiot.

Then clarify yourself, I'm not a mindreader, retard.

What speech? I thought his announcement was the one today.

put a bullet in the nearest journalist's head and I'll tell you



It's the greatest LARP in 4chan history, the guys following it on twitter look like absolute paranoid schizo caricatures going crazy to piece together random bullshit that might fit the vague leads. They post under tags and names like "follow the white rabbit" like they're hacking the matrix.

TL;DR some guy posted leading questions, another guy (difference in typing style is slight but noticeable) continues the bread crumbs and makes at least one guess right. Tripcode appears and hijacks everything. The whole time these Larpers appear the Q threads grows in size, about around the 130ish mark it shifts for the worse and quickly spirals out downwards in quality. Most of the good stuff from those Q threads are in those 130ish threads, you'd best be seperating those finds from the Q Larp if you plan and doing any real dissemination of that information.

Oh and those crumbs were dropped older before the CBTS threads happened, and another dude said those crumbs were deliberately misleading and laid the whole score out on what's going to happen in the next few weeks.
Although I can't find the pick digging 4plebes, this guy on the other hand seems way more legit and actually matches what is happening. archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147166292

*Ah here we go, found it.

That should tell you about the shill army jidf pulled out from all over the world trying to shit the Q-user CBTS happening

Sage for not being a sliding thread