The creator of Cards Against Humanity raped a girl in college

It would be really awkward if people remembered that in this current political climate.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post this in the other thread idiot. Also archive.

This gonna get hot.

kek wtf

I left the actual links because it’s better for spreading them on Twitter. It lends better credibility to them as normies don’t take archived posts as seriously

Thank God, hopefully liberals will stop playing this lame fucking game. I swear, they think they're so risque and edgy for having/playing and uploading photos of themselves playing it on instagram.

Post both.

You archive to save the existing article before censorship, you fucking mongoloid

Do both


Being in the same room as a woman, if you’re not Brad Pitt, is rape, now.

We should call unattractive men Bread Pitt.


Maybe if you add more MAGA hats you'll blend in better, faggot.

Maybe if you add more MAGA hats people won't notice you don't belong here, faggot.

Your shilling software is doubling up again, Moses. Have Avram check the server for bugs.

Cohencidence, goy.

I can't wait for this to be blamed on the Russians.

well shit that was quick. guess it's time to stop posting in the other thread where we were thinking of a way to fuck these guys

wait, this shit is from 2014

tbh its not really rape if a) both of them are white and b) they make a child.

Kek, maybe these fags shouldn't be so quick to attack Trump when they have their own skeletons to watch out for.

a jew rapist well imagine my shock

He's a jew so it's rape no matter what.


Eugene Kanin, in his 1994 study of university, police and airforce statistics, found that, when offered a polygraph exam, 50% of university rape accusers recanted their allegation and admitted it was a lie.

They really are against humanity.

they're campaigning against the wall fuck em

Obviously, but this one's a kike. So spread it

What is this faggy game anyway? I know that it is popular for some reason but I have never been interested in trying it. It looks like low-budget, casual shit.


Ultra Edgy Misanthrope turns out to be a rapist. Not the least bit surprised.

Trump Curse?

When the Weinstein accusations hit the press I just thought, "well sometimes they throw one of their own under the bus when they piss off the wrong shetl** Shits out of control now, Oy vey how they must be wringing their hands.

Just kidding. Keep the niggerball on the televitz they'll forget about it by Tuesday,


This was a hoax and Temkin was cleared of wrongdoing but Gawker decided to smear him anyway. Just because this guy is a leftist shit doesn't mean Gawker's yellow journalism was true.

There was no "clearing". The girl accused him, he said he didn't do it but asked for forgiveness anyway

did some say…


Chad's are falsely accused by thots that get jealous when Chad fucks her roomate. But jews? Jew males can only get sex through rape and abuse.

i'm torn.
on one hand, i would really fucking hope the hypocrisy is real.
on the other, all those sources are not exactly known for their objectivity or even validity.
A drugged out hobo has more credibility than those sites combined.

so what?

We value truth unlike you leftypol.


are you serious? are you really so tunneled in your sight that you would overlook the drek this info came from just because this one time, it went in your favor? that sort of mentality is what gave these tabloids their power, you twat. never assume, always verify.

It's the truth. All jews are rapists. All jews dream about raping white women.

This game is pure soulless (((nihilism))).

I seriously doubt anyone still plays this shit other than the ones contractually obligated to do so on streams or at conventions.

it's "popular" with the youth since it's one of the only examples of free speech they have that is allowed to be offensive

It's "offensive" in only the safest and most stock outrage sort of way. Nothing about it is particularly politically incorrect.

They became fags when they banned passable transvestites

Ahhh, music to my ears boys. Cards against consent. Meme it.

Its also the most braindead "game" ever conceived. Almost any card combination will get some kind of response because "haha risque".

This is the most popular way for "college educated" idiots to participate in the board game craze without having to actually use their brain in any strategic way. The company is kiked too - oh they let you have the game for "free" off the internet (as long as you spend $60 in Printer ink and labor to make your own cards). While selling the game for the outrageous price of $45 at local game stores where hipster goy will pay out the nose for it to support local businesses. All while cutting deals with major retailers - you can get it at Target for $25. Not to mention the stupid-ass land grab, which is pointless thanks to imminent domain but allows the company to make a tidy tax payer profit when the government has to buy the land from them.

Also, apparently they are raising the price of their game on black Friday to continue this edge lord PR campaign. Sad thing is goym will buy it to feel edgy. People are so fucking stupid.

Convince them to play online

I'm amazed how fast this shit has gone. The media just acts like accusations are evidence and everyone just accepts it. No debate even. What an orwellian shithole the west has become, down to the last pretend rebel. Apocalypse now please.

someone please make

Anyone else noticing that news of Judge Moore has also completely fallen off the radar?

Fuck off, cuckchan is as bad as reddit now.

That's exactly what it is. It's an "edgy" game for faggots who fear being offensive in normal conversation so they use it as an excuse to be offensive without actually meaning it.

Read the thread, user.

the curse was memed responsible after all

Happens when their narrative gets completely BTFO repeatedly. Stay vigilant though, they're probably waiting until after the holiday and closer to the election to blow their final load. I'm going to go campaign for him every weekend until election day to help keep the pressure on.

how could this happen?


Hilary is 165cm, probably 162cm due to spine aging. She never wore heels that were much large, and usually she doesn't wear them at all, meaning this guy is a major manlet. He's literally in the bottom 2% of height at least.

It gets worst, he also has girl sized tits.

I thought you were exaggerating on the 2nd percentile thing.
160 cm = 1.6%
162 cm = 3%