Germany is widely seen as a world leader in the fight against climate change. Thanks to its investments in renewable power, wind and solar energy provide a third of its electricity, more than double the U.S. share. Germany's goal to lower carbon-dioxide emissions 40 percent by 2020 is significantly more ambitious than that of Europe as a whole or the U.S.
After the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed even greater determination. "We can't wait for the last man on Earth to be convinced by the scientific evidence for climate change," she explained.
But there's another, troubling side to the German story: The country still gets 40 percent of its energy from coal, a bigger share than most other European countries. And much of it is lignite, the dirtiest kind of coal. As a result, Germany is set to fall well short of its 2020 goal.
This dependence on coal is partly a side effect of Germany's abandonment of emissions-free nuclear power and partly foot-dragging on the part of a government wary of alienating voters in German coal country. During the summer election campaign, Merkel largely avoided the subject.
Suddenly, though, the politics have changed. Merkel is struggling to form a new government, and the Green Party, one of three would-be coalition partners, is insisting that coal-fired power plants start to close – the 20 dirtiest ones right away. This wouldn't solve the problem, but it would put Germany on a path to serious emissions reductions, and it's the only way to bring that 2020 emissions target back in sight. To live up to the claims she's been making, Merkel should deliver these closures.
It's not just the political moment that's right. German unemployment is at a record low, and thousands of new jobs have opened in renewable energy – making this a good time to help affected coal miners and coal-plant workers move into other kinds of work. The power market, for its part, is oversupplied, so a loss of coal plants would not appreciably raise the price of electricity for consumers in the short term.
Looking ahead, the best way to ensure that coal-fired electricity plants keep closing is a rising price of carbon. On that front, there is good news: Promised reforms to the European Union's cap-and-trade system would shrink its chronic oversupply of emissions permits. By 2020, according to an analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, this should triple the price of carbon to 24 euros a ton – high enough to push all European countries away from coal.
If Merkel acts on the proposal to close those lignite-powered plants, she'll give this overdue shift some fresh momentum.
Don't worry, goyim. Just a couple increases to the price of your emission permits and you'll be back on track.
William Lee
Take that nuclear reactor technicians!
Gabriel Sanchez
Ironically they are dependent on burning coal to support their low fertility rate as well. Kek.
Luke Brown
Is Germany literally paying the tole for burning the coal? I mean…just wow. You know?
Joshua Robinson
and high enough so none of the white goys can afford it once they lose their jobs. But don't worry, the muzzies will be subsidized to ensure their survival.
Isaiah Gray
Wow! Nice double entendre user!
No one gives a shit about Germany anymore. Your relevance died with your Fuhrer in 1945.
Jackson Allen
What's wrong with coal burners?
Parker Edwards
obviously they've replaced with the white men with sandniggers.
Henry Kelly
you. get the fuck off this board.
Xavier Morris
Absolutely nothing user, coal is a renewable resource after all, though i'd say germany could solve it's little energy problem by burning the kikes as well.
Isaiah Evans
Yeah, and then they pay other countries to take all that energy because everyone in the business realizes you can't run a nation like Germany with a powergrid that fails on a cloudy windless day so all that renewable shit is produces in excess.
Matthew Parker
CO2 is not pollution. Western nations should burn fossil fuels until the cows come home. It's all the countries with shitty (or nonexistent) dumping laws that we should nuke till they are covered in black glass.
Ryan Rogers
Gee, why didn't the engineers who invented renewable energy technology think of that?
(((Renewable energy))) cannot supply power on demand. It's a fucking failure of a system.
Christopher Lee
James Russell
For the burgers here: 1 kWh costs ~ 0,26€ for private users equating to 0,30$. Over the last 10 years energy prices in Germany have more than doubled, thanks to the shut down of nuclear power plants and sky-high subsidies to renewables.
The people who have profited the most are the Greens (aka Maoist pedophiles) who own the renewable energy companies and the German equivalent of SWPLs/gated-community shitlibs. In other amazing coincidence shutting down these coal-fired power plants would not only cause another price hike, it would also wreck what remains of the East German economy since the industrial complexes are dependent upon reliable energy sources and sizeable workforce employed in the open pit mines and the surrounding industry.
Carson Cruz
You're apparently not well informed, so I'll spoonfeed you:
Hunter Lopez
You need to fucking kill yourself. The remaining potential for pump-storage hydroelectricity in Germany is minimal, which is why renewable shills need to propose bullshit like damming up Norwegian fjords or building unreal shit like ring-shaped storage-pumped basins.
James Taylor
Oh, thought you meant Cultural Enrichment from their fine African bruders
Henry Parker
Source for that assertion or neck yourself, faggot.
William Wood
Triggered. Thanks for the conversions.
Ryder Jones
Last time I remember it was global warming. My parents were shilled with new ice age.
Isaac Torres
Except that this gives a very shitty yield. Stop deepthroating what the kike says to sell shitty panels and other kikenergy useless gimmicks.
Grayson Brooks
Except that gives a very good yield. Wow, look at that, I can also spew baseless, proof-less bullshit!
Either put up data or don't. It's like the other user had data either so it would be easy to dismiss his claims with a ouple of charts. Which you won't find because I got college friends who now work in that field and they all tell me the same thing. 70% of a month, europe produces almost triple the energy we need. Store it, and even with a 50% loss in potential, you can supply our needs and 50% more.
Owen Thompson
Gegenwärtig stehen dem deutschen Stromsystem PSW mit einer Netto-Nennleistung von ca. 9.240 MW zur Verfügung. Davon entfallen rund 1.800 MW und 1.100 MW auf Anlagen in Osterreich (Vorarlberg) und Luxemburg (Vianden), die an das deutsche Stromnetz angeschlossen sind. Die Nennleistung der einzelnen Pumpspeicher reicht von wenigen MW bis hin zu 1.052 MW.
This is two years old btw. So where is this extra capacity that will smooth over the loss of ~23GW of lignite powered energy generation providing base load then? Because I sure as fuck can't find anything beyond "it's in the planning stages" or it has been "approved by local government". For some strange reason companies seem very reluctant about actually investing. Also, if this is so easy and feasible why the need to build high-capacity power transmission to Norway and Sweden? Why is inefficient tech like Power-to-Gas or compressed air storage getting subsidised and hyped if there's no capacity problem?
Renewable energy is a giant fucking scam and you fucking defend spending billions of € on:
All because "muh CO2" and the possibility that if we reenact the Morgenthau plan global carbon dioxide levels will sink 3ppm.
**und wew, nigger Deine Kumpels an der Uni plappern auch nur den Scheiß ihrer Profs nach und die erzählen alles, so lange das Bundesministerium und der Jud vom Windkraft- und Solarunternehmen kräftig Drittmittel rüberschieben, so läuft das halt in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland.**
Eli Murphy
What will they use for power production? Turks? They'll become completely dependent on Russia. They are falling on their own fucking swords.
Sometimes, you gotta just love Burgers. No other nation would come up with a way to troll communists in traffic
Alexander Green
Parker Rodriguez
They could just remove all the non-whites from Germany and suddenly there'd be millions of homes that aren't using anywhere near as much energy.
Fuck the coal industry. Make Germany 100% green.
Dominic Evans
Dude fuck you. I hate coal because guess what? Coal is radioactive and worse than the pollution from nuclear power plants. Radiation is a serious issue.
Eli Baker
They should just run one current generation state of the art nuclear power plant if they really need a ton of energy or just put more money towards building enough green energy generation to cover all their needs entirely that way. If they can spend so much money to house mudslimes they can certainly finish the conversion to 100% green energy.
Jaxon Cooper
The real environmental redpill is that literally everything we do destroys and fucks up the environment and only limiting economic and population growth can stop it. The single best thing we can do for the environment is let our population decline like it was doing anyways and NOT import shitskins to undo that. Shitskins reproduce like mad and destroy the world.
Zachary Lopez
Oh. When I saw a thread about a western nation burning coal I thought something different.
Exactly why would we need to store water in the first place? Last time I checked rivers were pretty constant. Is there something I'm missing.
Coal radiation is pretty minimal. It is worse than Nuclear, but far under background levels. The real problem is the Chlorine and Sulphur that gets spewed out by burning coal.
Forget just making Germany green, think making the entire Western world green. That is how much money goes towards housing migrants in Europe and America. For just a fraction of African aid money we could have terraformed Mars and had Fusion energy in the 90s.
Isaac Cooper
What is the power even going towards? My guess is industry. Maybe make a big effort to change over all fluorescent and incandescent lighting everywhere to LED and start a program to retrofit every single home until they all have solar panels on top of them, shutters over the windows for winter so they can be closed and not lose heat, etc. Lots of stores are still filled with fluorescent tubes which die and have to be replaced all the time even though the led tubes can be put in their place and won't die, fade, etc. and yet use half the energy. Retails stores use a lot of electricity.
Instead of putting money into useless bullshit like making sure every need of rapefugees is taken care of we could put that money towards things like this and massively reduce energy consumption and increase energy production.
Then we'd only need a few dams or maybe a single coal plant or nuclear plant for maybe supercomputers or some forms of industry that require shitloads of electricity.
Jayden Bennett
you are literally retarded
Liam Lopez
Pretty much right but things like Fusion energy you can throw as much money as you want at it, it takes time, and it requires intelligent whites working on it, and it will come when it comes; maybe never.
Juan Cox
I agree, throwing money at something won't make it real. But the current Fusion research institutes run into budget cuts that slow development not to mention diversity quotas that if eliminated would have allowed us to reach our current development level in the 90s.
Eventually making things more energy efficient gets outweighed by the price of making more energy. This is why this could never happen. There is also a finite amount of energy efficiency you could reach, and even if this was reached (violating Thermodynamics) the power required would still exceed the production of one nuclear reactor.
Camden Reyes
Because green energy is not constant you can get good sun from 10 to 4 but then what? The wind never blows 35 knots non stop. So the green energy soloution is to store what you make when you have an excess hence pump water up a hill and generate energy when it flows back down. They also never mention the huge ass wind turbine maintenace costs to keep them spinning.
Anthony Mitchell
What is the point of this facebook meme in this thread? Why was this posted?
Kevin Campbell
Communists are not conservationists. Historically it's been monarchists, fascists, and various other far-right groups that have conserved anything. They're not trolling communists, they're making the communist happy as they get to tax them and make money off of it, while pretending that by so doing they are somehow fighting for a better environment.
James Howard
Yeah, being self-sufficient is awful. A friend of mine bought and installed his own solar system, including batteries for storage, he uses it for 100% of his own energy needs. Cost him a grand total of $3200 for the system, which is less than a couple years of electricity cost plus if shit hits the fan and someone takes out the power he wouldn't be affected, which was the main reason he wanted to switch to it to start with as he's a prepper. I'm planning on doing the same for myself next year on my work vacation with his help. The funny thing is that you've memed yourself into being reliant on kikes.
Brandon Wright
Burning coal is for chinks.
Wyatt Foster
Sure I believe you and what you just posted but just try and heat pic related with $3K worth of solar cells and batteries. Not all energy is for lap tops and lights and most of the places it works the best is where you really can survive with out any need to modify the temperature of your house.
David Parker
Also this, I'm so fucking tired of some people acting like polluting our local environments is a positive thing as a reaction to the climate change crap. Sure, climate change is bullshit but leave fucking up your air and water supply to chinks and curry niggers. NSDAP had a lot of policies geared towards conservation.
Aaron Cook
3/4 of produced electricity goes into industry and it's not light bulbs or any other irrelevant shit for transport or homes. You NEED fossil fuels or atomic. Everything is too weak and/or too irregular for regular industry. These green dreams of yours are retarded. Germany is like Germany right before invasion of Soviet Union, fearing for Romanian oil fields or Japan during the embargo. If Putin decides to cut gas, the whole German industry goes to a screeching halt.
Brayden Ramirez
Most of the costs involved with installing a solar system for your home are the installation fees, to be fair it is a complicated process that I'd be fucked with if I tried to do it myself. My buddy's a retired electrician though. This is a fair point though, both our summers and winters are pretty mild. It does snow but only a few days a year typically. Sage for double post.
Henry Miller
First I thought that this thread was about German natives started to breed with Mudshit refugees and Somalis. But that's probably the case anyway
Dominic Nelson
Burgers really shouldn't point fingers when it comes to race mixing.
Luke Baker
I'm not a burger
Xavier Thomas
I was giving you the full $3k for equipment, but there is a whole host of other things to consider. I doubt your buddy uses an electric clothes dryer and relies on a clothesline. Does he have an electric hot water heater or is it some kind of solar device? All the first world things that make life easy tend to drop by the wayside when you start to rely solely on green power.
Jeremiah Martinez
So? Go and brush the snow off the solar panels, big fucking deal. And wiring a house isn't complicated at all if you bother to read, you illiterate fuck. The solar panels come with installation instructions, just like everything else.
Connor Ward
Your point? How is reducing the energy required to light a store by half by switching to LED not a bad idea? LEDs are actually cheaper to produce than the other shit.
Jackson Nelson
Rivers never stop. Niagara falls generates a ton of energy.
Easton Martinez
I wouldn't heat it with solar cells, Personally I heat it with wood from my own property.
Anthony King
ProTip: I live in Northern Ontario where shit like your pic happens.
You can definitely heat the house no problem if you actually build it right.
Shutter the windows and you will stop losing so much heat. You can also have a wood burning stove but I get by with just electricity. Also only keep your bedroom toasty with a portable heater that runs just there, while rest of the house has to remain just warm enough that water doesn't freeze and burst the pipes.
Houses are built in an intentionally retarded and inefficient manner in Canada to keep the goyim forever working just to pay for electricity and natural gas.
A properly built and insulated house can be warmed just by your body heat alone. There are concrete monolithic domes that can pull this off.
Eventually making things more energy efficient gets outweighed by the price of making more energy. This is why this could never happen. There is also a finite amount of energy efficiency you could reach, and even if this was reached (violating Thermodynamics) the power required would still exceed the production of one nuclear reactor.
This here costs less than same as my computer. It produces 850 watts of electricity. I've seen a prepper guy living in a cobstyle roundhouse and he had just 250 watts of electricity running everything from a stove to a fridge to some lighting and a computer. 850 watts is plenty.
Angel Lewis
Half-German user here that visits his family frequently. Germans have been brainwashed to be afraid of nuclear power due to local propaganda. I believe it's definitely the other energy markets exerting their force, namely the solar/wind shitheads who the German government cannot stop French-kissing. They seem to have much more influence in the German energy market than they do in the US. If nuclear power was not shilled out of existence then the overwhelming benefits would be too obvious to be ignored. Compare this to neighboring France which derives roughly 70% of its electricity from nuclear power. Even my family members are convinced. I hate to say it but every time I go to visit my family in Germany I have to become jaded in order to not get depressed about how gullible they are.
Brody Martinez
That's what I thought. It's industry that consumes all this electricity but the average goy is guilt-tripped into turning off his lights for a day.
Still I am sure most of the country can be powered off of green energy and the rest maybe by a single nuclear plant.
Joseph Watson
It's not that complicated if you have time to post and read Holla Forums you have time to figure out the actually very simple process of installing solar.
John Parker
Not the case for muh toberymory cabin. It actually produces so much energy the excess is fed to the grid and government pays money for that excess energy and it covers the property taxes and more. It's literally a source of passive income and pays for itself.
Zachary Foster
Before glass windows were invented people had shutters. I don't know why I can for the most part not spot any homes anywhere in Canada that have shutters. When I see it is very rare and makes me really happy. It's really simple. You close the shutter and you stop losing so much heat. Especially at night this should be done, as during the day you can get some passive solar heating and light through windows. This simple solution solves a lot of the heating issues along with building proper walls. We could live comfortably in the most hostile environments if we got smart about how we build again.
Easton Phillips
Weird, I have shutters.
Ian Cox
Merkel is going to burn the turks as power, that is why she imported them
4d chess?
Carter Peterson
What have you done to me Holla Forums now I think there is a conspiracy between builders and energy companies with an ant- shutter agenda.
Jose Williams
Luke Butler
Most places are quoting 7-10k for solar. If he's being frugal with his needs and installs it all himself I could see dropping it under 3k. He'd have to be under 400kwh/month, but it's doable. Most people cheat a little and go on natural gas though.
Wouldn't shock me at all. My house has decorative shutters. It's stupid.
Asher Myers
Burn the rubbishes?
Joshua Campbell
The memes write them selves.
Colton Fisher
If Putin decides to hurt the German Industry, we will hurt his own country because Germany is Russia's second most important trading partner after China.
Germany is one of the major energy exporter of the EU, including to France during Winter because their nuclear power plant don't produce enough energy once every home switches on its electric heater. France is only exporting 5% more energy than Germany during the summer and the country that is topping both Germany and France is Italy, a country that has also gone nuclear free, yet nobody is talking about it.
Kevin Cruz
The Russian is inured to suffering and hardship. The modern German on the other hand…
Bentley Nelson
Way to miss the obvious joke.
Robert Flores
Sure, slam Germany for their coal powerplants.
Meanwhile streetshitters, chinks and niggers have proven to be the worst polluters in the world, throwing thrash directly into the rivers and oceans without remorse. 96% percent of birds found dead by the shores have plastic in their bellies. Never mind that. Or that the damn plastic doesn't even break down completely. First into microparticles, which can be detected. Then into nanoparticles, which can not be detected.
Nobody fucking chastises the streetshitters, chinks and niggers for destroying the earth, but western Europe must have carbon taxes and be guilt tripped into not reproducing due to "overpopulation" despite the European population having come to a halt.
But those nadsees, they're the bad guys, right?
Fucking revolting.
Elijah Foster
Are you implying that the problem with nuclear energy is yield? Because that simply doesn't make sense.
Tyler Butler
I wanted to give OP credit for that brilliant title, but then I noticed it was boomberg.
So first it was too much nuclear, now it's too much coal. Probably next they'll be saying that Germany is burning too many jews.
Adrian Garcia
fucking retard
Carson Wright
Global warming doesn’t exist.
Brayden Foster
Call me when the break even point drops down to below ten fucking years. It’s at twenty now for a whole house power system.
user, please.
Ayden Murphy
My god. This joke wew
Nathan Sanders
Maybe they shouldn't have went full sperg, bowing down to their illogical extreme-left "environmentalist" activists, and shutting down all of their reactors (at huge expense) as an overreaction to Fukushima.
Bentley Davis
Carbon dioxide grows plants big and lush that in turn produce oxygen
moar co2 means moar fresh air
Nicholas Reed
True but we are reducing the trees so we need to keep planting the trees.
Adrian Young
More like niggers and chinks are.
Jayden Wright
American "conservatives" are leftist filth tbh. They believe whatever the kike free-market mcdreck CEOs tell them to.
Jace Foster
Coal has nothing to do with climate. Anthropogenic global warming is a psuedoscientific religious cult being exploited by Marxists to push their agenda.
Camden Bailey
Kill yourself. All you need is to stop logging w/o replacement every forest and wildland area to make more concrete jungles with no plants in them.
Blake Reyes
Sorry, I thought you were talking about Hydroelectric power not wind or solar.
Yeah, just look at some of the shit socialist governments do to their environment. The USSR destroyed Central Asia's water cycle and China continues to poison the air.
Fascists prioritise love of your people and homeland. Love of your homeland means not treating it like a garbage dump.
You said we would only need a single nuclear reactor. By the laws of physics this is simply not possible. But you are right, switching to LED should be mandatory.
Here in Australia having shutters was a trendy thing to have in the 80s. So a ton of houses were built with them. This is good if you live in Melbourne (in Australia anything less than 15 degrees is considered cold) but not good if you live in Queensland like I do. Houses with shutters still got built and they turn into sweat boxes in the summer.
This. Every now and then you see a bunch of dead birds and fish wash up in Northern Territory from Indonesia. Indonesia has also once grounded planes in Australia from strip burning their forests.
Don't forget Brazil, India and Indonesia.
Tyler Martin
That is a good joke, regardless if the Russians become even more poorer and can't buy stuff like its the good old Soviet Union again, Putin will have trouble staying in power. Equally they would lose the funding for their military which is already in a poor state. There is nothing to gain in a economic clash with Germany, but much to lose.
Nah I am pointing out that saying that Germany is facing an Energy crisis or shortage is a falsehood. The nation is one of the three main energy exporters of the European Union, regardless if it uses coal, renewable or nuclear energy. All this talk about Germany's energy market is just lobbyist bullshit.
Brayden Ward
But Germany is not Russia's primary enemy. It's the US. So everything that will weaken Russia's geopolitical position against the US will not be implemented.
Josiah Davis
Has no one tryed Geothermal?
Kayden Parker
It's not available everywhere. You need to locate them in semi-volcanic areas.
Levi Rivera
anyone else notice that the liberals have turned up their war on coal 10 fold after trump stated that he supports the coal industry?
Also liberals are claiming they can replace coal jobs with solar panel installation jobs in regions like the Virginia where it's piss poor for solar energy,
Bentley Hall
Can't you just drill deeper?
Jason Diaz
Theoretically, but that opens up a whole range of engineering problems while also driving the cost up. You also have to pump the water all that way.