The media and cuckservative republican portions of the deep state are teaming up to bury the candidacy of Pro-Trump Republican Roy Moore.
One of his accusers can be proven to be a liar via pic related. Once one accuser is shown to be a fraud, all accusations lose credibility (the cunt who cried wolf, if you will).
I would ask that any of you with social media accounts spread pic related, or something that conveys similar information. Note that the change in ink color provides conclusiveness where handwriting and body-language analysis does not.
There's a lot of shills trying to keep us out of this. They want a senate victory and don't want our memes to be a factor.
Reposting some useful info posted elsewhere, for people who want to help spread this:
Email these sources because they will be the first to cover the story. If it doesn’t pick up at least it’s on the web now. Make an email with a tl;dr and brief proof. First sentence gives the headline; anything after that provides context, i.e. significance. For every news source that covers your story add them to your media email. Make a pastebin with multiple links and archives to include in your email. You can get more prestigious sources if they see they’re getting scooped.
Get these guys to retweet you. Use a sock puppet Twitter. Make sure you tailor it for your audience. Include a simple SFW infographic if you can. Links and videos are the gold standard. Use SFW hashtags and hijack at least one popular hashtag. The news will move on your email if they see a buzz on Twitter.
Also you can use tweetdeck to easily schedule your tweets. It's very useful for spamming things like this.
Use to watch to see how much your message is spreading and if you are getting censored.
Roy Moore is a zionist, just like Trump. Run your shill campaign somewhere else.
Isaiah Moore
>Don't resist the (((narrative))) about Roy Moore, goy
Easton Rogers
How to know you're saying the right shit: The Post.
Charles Barnes
Rapists and child molesters go in the BOG
Dominic Russell
At the end of the day, it's your time and effort. If you feel good giving it to zionists who are never going to do a thing you actually support [I'm pretending you're both legitimate posters on the board and not kike scum on Robert Mercer's payroll], then knock yourselves out. I can't physically stop you. I can call Roy Moore a zionist in your threads, though, and lurkers can make the call for themselves.
Nathan Hughes
Yes, we are attracting EXACTLY the right kind of attention.
Nathan Reed
Oh, no. It's not defeatism. Defeatism is going down the exact same zionist road you've been going down and expecting different results. If this thread was about yet another David Duke run for office, I wouldn't be in it. If Michael Scheuer was taking a crack at it, I wouldn't be in it.
Like I said, you are free to spend your time and effort in any way you choose. But if you want to push Roy Moore without having his Israel-first policy pointed out, you're going to have to bring in a mod to scrub the thread up for you.
Elijah Davis
So what you're telling us is that you ONLY come into threads to shit them up.
And you expect anyone to consider your opinions WHY?
Jonathan Perez
It's three posts, four with this one. That's not shitting it up. It would be halfway down the catalog without me bumping it, if we're being honest. But spend less time worrying about me and more time refuting Roy Moore's zionism – something you haven't done with any of your seven posts.
Some of us are less worried about threads getting shit up then threads shitting the board up. You give some people an inch and they'll take a mile.
Parker Murphy
Are you the same guy who shilled the CBTS threads for a week straight?
That guy also harped about, "X is a ZIONIST" without the slightest consideration that people can LIE.
Luis Rogers
People can tell the truth, too, and sell the desperate who has to hang out on the fringes a conspiracy theory about Zionists being chess masters.
Owen Brooks
No. Michael Scheuer doesn't feel the need to lie. James Baker didn't feel the need to lie. Mahmoud Achmadinijead doesn't feel the need to lie. I'm not real interested in the games anymore. Fuck the jews. Fuck israel. And fuck the people who are cool with them. You can have your thread to yourself now or maybe you can get the mods to nuke it and start over.
Jeremiah Gray
The butthurt will be glorious when Moore wins
Robert James
Your butthurt that we're pushing back against the kikes' narrative has been noted, fellow nazi.
Aiden Harris
Here's the source on the pic, if anyone wants to use it their own way.
He now has the key to victory. If he can actually prove it was a forgery the ass blasting people will give the dems and mcconacuck will be legendary.
Asher Scott
Easton Flores
nigger just shut the fuck up
David Thompson
You aren't good at your job.
Leo Hall
neither are you retard thanks for the bump
Aaron Wright
The accusation is enough now a days. Every single thing libeled against him could be found to be false tomorrow. It doesn't matter, the media will simply stop talking about it. Because they know if they do, from that day forward when ever anyone says his name, people will still instantly think and be like "oh yeah that's the guy how raped people isn't it".
Bentley Morales
Hence why this thread is a great idea signal amplify
Jeremiah Long
Evan Williams
While you are most certainly a faggot I didn't realize how much of a drumpf is a zionist shill blackpiller the dubs man I checked was. It was a good post in isolation. I don't even know the extent of Moore's Zionism and quite honestly, given the alternatives in both the past and upcoming election, I can't say that I care. Exposing the smear campaign for what it is and getting an anti-establishment guy elected is more important.
Liam Davis
Hannity tonight is basically throwing Sessions out with the bathwater and prejudging him before all the facts are in. Saying holding off on handwriting analysis is admission of guilt.
I had faith in you Hannity when you went to bat for Seth Rich, then lost it watching you cuck yourself in the reprisals. and now this. Meh, Fawkes Snooze.
fucking kikes. every single time.
Chase Martin
good find user
Hunter Sanders
Well thank you for see the bigger picture. I didn't see your ID initially, and thought you were this retard
Even after realizing the different ID, I figured the fag had just switched vpn.
My bad, I apologize for being a douche.
Henry Butler
Hannity doesn't want to get O'Reily-ed. Not that that is an excuse now.
Asher Clark
yeah fuck hannity
Andrew Fisher
Brandon Foster
Chase Turner
Honestly, destroying this smear would be worth the effort if the only benefit was further damage to media credibility.
Their credibility will not be adequately damaged in my view until people start actually adopting the attitude that "True things, once said by the Luggenpresse, become lies"