Elsa variation of IOTBW poster

The reason why this will be so effective is because Frozen is an extremely popular movie right now. Also, Elsa is literally the whitest fictional character you could think of, and her superpower is literally spreading whiteness in the form of snow. Gen Z will eat this up like crazy, it could easily spread like wildfire (or a wild blizzard, in keeping with the Frozen analogy).

Since we're getting into Winter, it's also seasonally appropriate. I realise some people think we shouldn't modify IOTBW at all beyond the original five words, and I understand their rationale, but I think this could be a hugely effective propaganda campaign that will really speak to normies.

All I think about when I see that character is those child-grooming videos on youtube. Disgusting.



not your personal army

looks good.

First, you don't seem to understand the goal of the IOTBW op. What are you trying to accomplish by putting some fucking (((Disney))) character on there? I'm trying to lead you out of the dark, here.


Your goal is to, i don't know, redpill 8 yo girls?

Fuck you, stop trying to change the poster.

You think this movie made a gazillion dollars solely off 8 year old girls? Lots of young people well into their teens and 20s are obsessed with Frozen.

Yeah, we all know about (((Disney))), but I don't see why we can't appropriate it and use it in our memes. The cultural marxists love to use our folklore and culture and twist it against us, so we can do the same back in return. Frozen is an implicitly white movie, and the reason why it succeeded so much at the box office is because whiteness packaged in a cute animated film is what so many young people want.

What are you sliding tonight? Changing the poster changes the message and changes the entire point.

How does it change the message? The rules about changing the message were there so people wouldn't add swastikas or celtic crosses or anything like that which would directly associate the poster with Neo Naziism or organized WN movements, etc.

Adding Elsa doesn't change the message, it just adds in a pop culture reference to make it more eye-catching and memorable to normies. Plus, from a visual perspective, it just works. Elsa is white as fuck.

I dunno. I think this change is actually effective. If anything it makes it less offensive since it's just a pic of beloved kids cartoon character.

Also, pic released.

The infantilization of our society is depressing.

user, you do realize 8 yrs old girls have parents - specifically, mothers, whom will not be able to rationalize to their kids "why it's not ok" without causing them distress?
Also older girls, teens and further, will be influenced by this too, given we live in an age of perpetual childhood.

It's not a bad idea, it's the timing that's wrong, this should come out a while further - when the IOKTBW is over and forgotten.

As effective as this
sure, damaged lib normies aren't the main target of propaganda campaigns, but turning some over is still beneficial (hell, perhaps plenty…if harry potter, elsa and the likes tell them to).

You sound like a generic advertiser. You don't really understand how the campaign works and you think you can slap a popular character onto something to make it more popular. My surmise is that you're from the 3rd world, the sort of place where sticking Elsa on knockoff goods is commonplace.
Sage for sliding.

The function of the poster isn't to convince people it's okay to be white you actual goddamn retard. It's to make apparent the divide between the people who know it's okay to be white and the kikes who kvetch about it.

In such a spirit I'm not addressing OP because he's beyond saving. I'm addressing the people doing what he never did and lurking. Look. This is what not to do.




you're a faggot and you killed a thread for a very unoriginal, and very stupid idea. like
pointed out this is very stupid to meme.

Goddamnit. Post got eaten. Anyways that's the point. Invert their heroes and they fucking snap.

No. Just the text. Always. The goal is not for the posters themselves to reach normalfags, but for the reaction to the posters to reach normalfags. I can't even tell the difference between the shills and the legit low-IQ dipshits anymore.

Yeah, and adding Elsa means more publicity, more media coverage, more reactions. They will eventually get bored of the original IOTBW design, and it will have to be changed up a bit to keep it in the spotlight.

Exactly. This will really piss off shitlibs because their mainstream media is sacred to them, and appropriating it for a pro-white message will drive them into hysterics. Shitlib women in particular.

No, it means the enemy has other things to latch onto. If you give them any out to attack the posters while dodging the question of whether the sentiment expressed by the text is acceptable ("They're politicizing a kids' movie", for instance), they will take it. If it's just the sentence, they are forced to admit that they believe it's not okay to be white.

The argument has been had. Sage and hide.

get out of here nigger

Good shit, OP.

Don't listen to these glow-in-the-dark fags.
You are more.
Color labels are tricks to strip you of your ancestral heritage and cultural identity.
This is how you disenchant the golem.

Yep, a whole new round of media attention.

< OMG, is Elsa a white supremacist now?

Can't wait until ADL lists Elsa in their hate logos repository with pepe. Bring it on!

Needs a wider border for more negative space.
Text should match movie style.


This isn't nothing. Put a pin in this for now, but it has psyop potential. Wait until iotbw completes it's natural memetic cycle though. Once fading and the other slight variants have been cleared for deployment, some time in the new year after all that while there is lots of snow on the ground. There is a time and place for this. Later.



Actually, this. Don't alter yet, but hang onto this idea for later. It'll extend IOTBW longer once it fades.

you know this autistic screeching is a meme now right?

Yes, because I helped set it up as one, to prevent knobs from altering the poster.

hey op: fuk u



This is so fucking stupid
TRS-tier retardation and shilling

I completely agree. I think this is a good idea. Maybe make a variety of wholesome/popular white characters. Probably should be posted here first for criticism though. We really don't want any direct racist/zenophobic symbols cause we want something aimple and nothinf anyone can realistically criticize.

Hurrrr hey gaise I just had an idea no one thought of before– let's change the poster!


The original is funny, subtle, tongue-in-cheek and makes the observer think. Yours is… weird. The first question that comes to mind is "why is there a cartoon character presenting these words?" And why is it? It's a good question that doesn't have an obvious answer. Is this about children? Is it about Disney? What? And so the simple impact of the original has been subsumed in a complicated meta-question without rhyme and purpose.

I mean it worked somewhat for Rick & Morty and Tay Sway. But what made the original IOTBW successful is you could just write it down yourself on a piece of paper and go hang it up. WIth this 99% of the autists that want to hang up the paper need to actually get a printer.

What part of
do you faggots not get?

In the original, there is no way for them to inject their narrative. All they are left with is saying: IT'S NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE.

No one saw that story saying Elsa Halloween costumes are racist except for a few tens of leftists and us few hundred to low thousands autists about these things.

So the narrative would be:
Literally every single piece of jew bullshit that has ever come down the pike has been foisted upon us in the name of "protecting the children". Kike psychologists have been studying us for thousands of years and they know exactly what buttons to push at this point.

Contemplate this on the tree of woe.

saged and reported for slide thread faggotry

Any other Disney Princess candidates?

Rapunzel is also quite white and also has blonde hair, and unlike Elsa she didn't serve as a temporary Antagonist.

Tangled also presently has a "Tangled the Series" TV spinoff which Frozen lacks.

Related music video of "Beautiful in White" put on YT in 2013. Note that Raps sends a good example of marrying a white man, something I don't think we've seen Elsa do yet.

Tangled is also a predominantly white franchise. The TV series has a couple exceptions, as Flynn Rider has a large black friend named Lance Strongbow, but he hasn't romantically pursued and white women.

Rap's friend Cassandra had a brown-skinned mother/daughter pair of fans but aside from these 3 examples everyone is right.

"Maximus' Enemy" even had the hero be a white horse while the black horse is the bad guy :)

Perfect example of The Hundred Thousand Black Cocks Stare