Some bimbo blogger just caused this shitstorm on social media about a guy who rejected her because he's not messing with coal burners. And she's like OMG so rayciss and everyone joined her in being offended. We need to ride this wave and make rejecting coal burners a trend.
Woman tweets text conversation with guy who won't date her because she slept with someone black
Other urls found in this thread:
Once you go black, we don't want you back.
Here's her Twatter btw
This fucking line pisses me off to no end from women.
No fucking shit you're being judged. Always. Everything you do is judged. You don't get to say "don't judge." and then do whatever the fuck you want. It's call taking responsibility for your actions, bitch.
Stupid whore, thanks for boosting the signal.
Of course.
Where there at least a couple of good, sane replies or was it all indignant, lefty circle-jerking?
There's a chance this was a hoax to gather progressive points, anyway.
Yikes. I wouldn't even exchange contact info with her.
Valueless even before the revelation
Women want zero responsibility or consequences. In order to do this, they will exploit imbalances in society such as the absurd hatred of those racially aware. So a man, making a free market choice to not date a women who's dated a nigger, imposing consequences on her, obviously must be punished. Ive noticed that consequences as a result of anything not violating the status quo (which liberals determine) are totally forgiven, while those that do violate, even a small small amount, are punished without mercy. Which is disgusting and yet, other than wearing a shirt with the word "nigger" on it in defiance, I dont know how to respond. Its depressing. That chick who flipped of trump and got fired, she gets 100k of free money. But we cant have a donation page for people we like.
When we make an alternative, that one either gets ddosed or the host drops us. Its an unfair playing field which feeds back into my first statement. We are the only ones who face consequences.
Not the ddosers, not the people who assault Trump supporters, not the people that dox bad goys, none of them. But speak out against dating negros and the whole world is against you.
I wonder if she realizes that she's helping normalize this type of rejection.
This will only embolden other racially aware men.
From the way she reacted he was hot and she liked him. Chad move.
It reads like a falseflag with the same person writing both sides of the conversation tbh, but it can still be used for anti-racemixing propaganda. That ugly tattooed yid didn't know what she was meming.
Fucking kek. Your pic related is amazing.
kek. savage
Holy fuck my sides
I hope this is real and not just some made up bullshit by a stupid whore trying to garner attention. Miscegenation should be stopped at once!
Damn right
We don't want:
Every time I see them opening with Current Year, I feel more confident of final victory. None of them can articulate a reason why this man has no right to walk away from this relationship because the woman's past choices have soured him on her.
It's current year!
Fucking lol
top kek
top check
Also look at how she was trying to downplay it.
Trying to coerce me into sexual relations with someone I am not attracted to is sexual harassment, possibly even attempted rape. Coalburners who try to sleep with racially aware white men perpetuate rape culture :^)
Checked. #/me/too
Checkin them ID double dubs of confirmation
This bitch screams coal burner trash. She did it to (((experiment))) but then realized which she kept to herself, of courseniggers are garbage. Of course she came to this realization after Jaqwandris ditched her whore ass for another whore.
Several women in the comments are saying they've had this conversation too. Are they just bullshitting to be in the group, having discovered a new form of victimization, or is this really common?
She probably acquired the gift that keeps on giving.
You know it. Shes spreading dat der African culchuh via aids now, worthless whore
Probably a bit of both
Ha, got em
Many young women make the mistake of thinking that men are 100% visual and are unaware that men judge women on other things (femininity, sexual history etc.) as well. Most White men don't date coal burners.
Guys ditching coal burners becoming a more common occurrence is pretty good news for White Men^TM tbh
But user, that is a good thing.
Sounds like such a nice, well-adjusted woman.
The ones that defend it are truly insane. Never mind burning coal in the first place. They are the most insane people you will ever have the misfortune of meeting and truly indicate that they suffer from a brain malfunction. A proper functioning brain would have prevented them from even thinking of burning coal.
Jesus fucking christ that's a depressing resume. Basically her entire contribution to the work force is nihilistic sarcasm.
Feminism has done them wonders.
Sounds fun. People writing for the satirist sites are pretty fun people even if theset are politically dishonest.
Wouldn't want that kind of sarcastic nihilistic sentiment as a wife, but as a freind damn sure I would.
Her father seems like a decent enough bloke. He must be really disappointed in her.
breddy gud m8 8/8
looks fake really, like she wants attention
Didn't make a well enough box to keep a nigger out.
Could have been a leaf
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we need to team up with black women in order to make this a shaming offense for their men and our women to mix.
Chad Nationalism is the way to be boys, as soon as you're fit and good looking (confidence comes with it too) even the most diehard feminist is creaming her pants and all the beta bitch boys hiding behind women so they can maybe possibly never score some pity pussy for being effeminate weaklings completely lose every single time beyond already losing in the realm of logic and sexual intercourse.
When I was more degenerate back on the campaign trail I was openly pro-Trump and pro-white and still fucked feminists that said they're voting for Hillary and "oh my gosh why would you vote for him you're crazy teehee but you have some points I guess". I've taken the iron-volkish pill more so since then.
Her dad looks Jewish.
Jesus Christ her ENTIRE TWITTER FEED is whining about Trump.
I wouldn't even look at her from a distance (50 ft minimum)
This is the original tweeter and the rest of the conversation
I've had discussions with leftist friends of friends online where they treat me as a racist monster and want nothing to do with me. When we finally met in person they were playing with their hair and shooting "fuck me eyes" while my buddies and I laughed about leftist faggotry.
top fuckign kek
Has image 2 been photoshopped? The vertical spacing between the speech bubbles seems weird and two of them are missing that arrow thing on the bottom left.
Nope, check her twitter
She may have shopped it
I like this guy I must say
He shouldn't be cowering like that from the word "racist". It gives it power. Just laugh and say "hey, i've said my peace. bye".
The lack of the little whale tail arrow thing in the messaging is due to very rapid back to back messaging on an iphone
He was a coward, but he does own a color TV
lel. definitely trolling now.
I can't be racist. I own a color TV!
He seems like kind of a cuck tbh, but I can't tell if he's just trolling the shit out of her at that point.
Checking her Twitter makes me question whether she's a real person. Almost nothing in her feed is her tweets, its all retweets.
What does that stand for? Is it possible this twat - if she exists - is South African? That would add some extra context.
Not a bad idea considering black women who sleep with white men are practically excommunicated from black society. Point out the double standard make it a black feminist issue
I lel'd. He should've just stopped it there and kept it humorous. Reminder: as soon as you start pleading with a woman you've already lost and they will have justified that they've won in their minds regardless of facts or reason. Never treat a woman as your equal and always tease them and they will want to swallow your cock for not backing down.
It's a good life. Cheers to you for enjoying it.
He can make a box to put his heart that his daughter ripped out.
I'm not rhesus. Black "people" are rhesus!
Never ever admit you are wrong to a woman.
They will always see it as a green light to hurt you to the fullest extent possible. It's best to leave it as 'agree to disagree'.
Black women HATE when black men date white woman. There's no one left for the black women. I always thought Trump should hire a big ass, BOLD black woman for press sec. She wouldn't take any bullshit from the press..but I suppose Sarah Sanders is handling it pretty well. Spicer was fun, tho.
Amen. Words to live by
The cool thing about this meme is because I even saw that shit being posted in forums here in huezil, just like anywhere else in the world black father are known for abandoning their spawn as well as beating their women,.
Her entire twitter is nothing but libshit politics, slacker reaction images and animal pictures.
The absolute state of modern women.
These are her only tweets, aside from that convo, since July:
Looks like a college girl pursuing art. Wew.
Amusingly, black men hate when black women date white men too. Basically, they both hate the opposite sex of their own race for realizing their prospects amongst the white race are objectively preferable to their own kind.
"hook up" He is right but no better if he is looking for hook ups
And Holla Forums is directly responsible for that, that recent trend in coalburners rejection are all thanks to our memes slowly falling into the normalfags thanks to social media like whatsapp or kikebook.
This avenue is an un-tap sore wound of any liberal feminist. Can you image the reaction and realization when white men start rejecting them for coal burning. The salt/tears and self hate.
red flag, "Onion contributor" kek.
Doubt it.
What's wrong with having Rh positive blood? Are you telling me I'm not white?
I'm glad I'm not the only one that got a kick about that. This whole thing just reads like a shitty comedy sketch.
after looking thru her twatter, I'm going with
shit didn't happen (but should have)
i nearly burst open my stitches keking
every fucking time
I wonder if the whole conversation is made up just to virtue signal about ebil racists white men. Most coal burners just lie about taking a mile of black dick.
Actually, my dear unMachiavellian anonfriends, he is answering pretty well. At first i thought he was cucking too, but he is actually pushing to make himself seem like more of a victim than her, thus denying her power of self-victimization, the greatest weapon of womankind.
He does not care about having her fall for him, thus a manly behaviour is not needed. He is not trying to dominate her, but rather fuck her feelings. The "if you can't respect my feelings" is straightforwardly pushing her own social powers against her.
It's best for everyone to just be honest and direct from the start. It saves from alot of confusion and heartache later on.
Explaining himself to her was a mistake, but she did come out as a nigger lover on social media… which makes her future prospects of happiness very grim. There is nothing to be gained by explaining it to a woman, just ghost her. She's attempting to shame him, what scenario could have been more predictable?
Friendly reminder that cracker women prefer pic related. Friendly reminder that your people will be nothing more than an unpleasant memory soon. Friendly reminder that there is nothing you can do to stop white genocide.
WTF i love BBC now
lel, ok Gomrad Sonig Stalin
Except women aren't very honest, especially when asked about things they are ashamed of or think will lose them something they want. That's why this whole thing smells like made up attention whoring mixed with a healthy dose of anti white male. And woman shitty enough to burn coal is certainly shitty enough to lie about it.
LOL, I have seen some redpill threads about what Chads can get away with on Tinder. Someone with more time than me should post a Chad profile on Tinder and troll some obvious coalburners for grins.
friendly reminder that posting professional porn doesn't prove anything. That woman will do anything for money, including bestiality, clearly
That turd she's pushing out is enveloping her!
Wonder why.
Also, no need for a (((YOU))).
(((YOU))) fucking glow in the dark.
The nigger looks CG.
What if blacked is actually all CG because they can't find anyone pretty enough to actually want to fuck a nigger?
Surely you jest, sir. Were it not for black women, black men might be more content with vidya games, kung fu movies, and fighting anime. They abuse children and berate them, turning them into the beasts that make us hate them.
lmao have you ever even watched that shit? the nigs fuck with absolutely no fire at all. its just pump pump pump. white men are the best at fucking by far because of our emotional intelligence. niggers do not know how the give a girl the dicking she needs.
I was thinking same thing, I don't know anyone who texts with proper punctuation like her texts are
Maybe all my friends are just retarded
I was thinking same thing, I don't know anyone who texts with proper punctuation the way her texts are
Maybe my friends are just retarded
The only thing that gives women the desire to fuck black guys is the taboo. It's still a cardinal sin and wrong in the minds of most white men, so women do it for the rush and to see if they can get away with it. It has 0% to do with cock size or ability, it's 100% PsyOp. The ONLY solution is to completely ostracize these degenerates.
majority of black dicks in porn, like 75%, are fake dicks. before he killed himself i knew a guy who worked as a cameraman and director for porn in california. he was a funny guy, but completely dead inside and pretty much all people in porn are that way.
I don't ebin think /r9k/ would touch this coalburning whore…
Interesting that on the original thread some black nationalists chimed in to agree with the dude.
This gives me an idea. Maybe we should try to meme against race-mixing from the black side too. If we could make something comparable to the 1950s "ideal white family" image for blacks, we might be able to get them to pick it up and start spreading it themselves.
Efuckt anyone? Someone must have it. Always makes me laugh and despair in equal measure.
Do you also watch dudes fuck goats and then use it as a basis to discuss race relations? Srs Q
is the audio native to this video? or did it originate from some other one? Ive heard this track played for various videos, and it seems to me to be oddly intune with this video.
That's probably the reason why attractive white girls do it, but far more commonly it's fat chicks settling for what they can get.
lurk moar faggot, just search the audio
It comes from this.
Dude knew how to meme,I guess.
go ahead buddy
maybe u can fuck them too
top first post
Every black nationalist I've ever met has pretty much had those views. Just spread vid related to black normies.
Writerfag here. We all do that. Using the right punctuation becomes so big of a deal, you do it for every communication; even short posts on Melanesian decoupage mutual-masturbation forums. :^)
black bitches always give me free food at chipotle dead srs
They mirin, hoping to get some "good hair" for their kids.
Oooh, those Digits!
That Slogan!
Those Tattoos… UGH
Never change, niggers. Don't you ever dare change.
lol don't be mad with whites, take it up with God. He's the one who made you people look so ridiculous.
Many Autists can't tolerate text speak.
This, Niggers don't have jobs (lots of free time) and have many advocacy groups (lots of free advertisement of their ideals to other nogs). Encouraging their own purity is good, in fact they might even finally move to Liberia.
What the fuck are you doing? Be a little more less direct with asking about their sexual past…..she'll just lie to the next guy
Once they realize that the world isn't the SJW diversity utopia they were told it was by the kikes, and realize that fucking blacks disqualifies them from any decent white men, they're all going to lie.
reminder that a huge majority of miscegenation propaganda coming from (((porn))) and (((the msm))) is entierely artificial
Fucking kek. I don't want to share a country with 'em, but I wouldn't mind having a beer with these niggers.
Oh, she's a Jew? The texts are fake.
Just saying, its fate. Stop the disease in a few easy steps.
Being fit helps, but what really matters is being able to talk to girls without coming across as a complete spastic.
I'm not meme-ing here, please tell me how to talk to girls without seeming like a spaz.
Normally I'd say it is a bit early for that child that age to have its hair dyed and wear blue contacts, but with a face like that it's gonna need every advantage it can scrape together.
Pay attention to what gets posted around here about their behavior. It's easy to not be intimidated by someone when you have no respect for them. I mean REALLY have no respect whatsoever for them. You can't just say it try and be an edgelord. It has to be the quiet, sincere lack of respect that you feel in your bones.
It wouldn't surprise me. The way it's written seems unnatural. Nobody who hates niggers that much would bother to call them "black man".
checkin those digits.
How do you find out a woman's past? I don't trust women to be honest about their pasts, but maybe her friends would? I know about checking their facebook/instagram, also the kind of music they listen to is a good indicator of any potential red flags.
Whats with all these alide threads? Is this 4chan now?
Which would make the author's intentions behind the article even worse
I'm glad leftist feminist trash self-brand themselves with tats, it's like a jew tattooing a yellow star on their forehead.
it prevents wasting any time trying to reason with a completely subverted useful idiot like this ugly whore
Get to know her mother. Even if they never tell you anything directly, the way her mother acts and the relationship between the two of them will tell you more than enough about the kind of wife material she is.
he knows the first thing she'll will say in an argument with him IF he dated her is talk shit about his size and say some negrocentric bullshit about, "a real man would…" while neck rolling like wannabe nigger.
She know DOTR is coming?
This is a different woman.
Jew / 10. Would gas.
I thought the issue is that most blacks are circumcised (mark of the goy) so, due to the loss of sensitivity, they pump and pump in order to feel the same sensation an uncircumcised man would normally experience.
So it's not just a black issue but rather, a circumcision issue. Do circumcised white men fuck better than circumcised blacks? Can you successfully argue this?
Nobody pointed this out?
Jesus fuckin Christ. I'm dying.
I'm a lot more normal in situations where I go to shows or hang out with other people than my best friend, but at home I'm a shitlord. I remember being edgier back in '95, but was more spastic then, most of my sperginess wore off,
I'd be happy to hang the Jews with that nigger before we had ourselves a nice race war to determine supremacy for the USA.
I'll bite, musicfag here. I really despise using Tinder but atm the last 6 months have been shit for me but I'll spare you the autism over it and I'm in a dry spell now. I'll be checking their spotify songs. anything I should be looking for?
Why do you think the growing movements of Gorge Lincoln Rockwell and the older Malcolm X were (((suicided)))? Can't have whitey and darkey universally agreeing that their problem is kikels and uniting together to destroy them before self-segregating. That's a Jew's worst nightmare.
I have seen some pages on kikebook that are politically incorrect as they can get away with. I have seen arguments ranging from denouncing trannies and hating on fags all the way to old Rhodesia and the South Africa crisis and even the occasional joke about the kikes. This was on a fucking Stephen Universe fanpage at that
W-what if her mother died when she was young?
yes man. white men are capable of fucking womens minds while also fucking their bodies. the top rated male pornstars are all vocal and very erotic with their female costars. blacks are incapable of this because of their lack of intelligence. if they try it comes off extremely cringeworthy so they mostly stick to "take that dick bitch" they cant authentically pull off stuff like "mhmm thats such a good girl you know exactly what i want to see dont you baby"
Even the regular story is that they were both murdered.
why not just avoid them altogether except maybe to occasionally wet your dick with a tinder sloot?
continued from her Twitter thread
this man is the shittiest of posters
whoops, already posted
Translation: She mis read the first couple of passages of God is dead when she was 17 and is now an avid nihilist 4 lyfe
how's your work on rejection of single moms or is that more of a mgtow thing?
I do not. We find an organization for black women and float the idea of starting to shame those fuckers and fuckettes.
Pretty sure there are a large amount of them who love vidya and kung-fu movies. Can't speak to the anime, but I'm sure there are a few of those.
Not even with your needle-dick, user.
Good to see Holla Forums is still the good little white knight cucks they've always loved being. Keep up the good work.
holy shit, he must have been pissing himself writing this, he can't even type straight just look at it, hahahaha
Are you being retarded as a joke or on purpose
we are caught in comedy fever
Are you guys nazis or what??
The fact that she qualified her statement with "b-but we used protection!" is an admission that she knows she fucked up. This should be used against her in all responses. She wasn't offended by the question, she was offended by the rejection.
This nigger gets it. She was immediately defensive until the male cucked out and showed an opening. Still hard to say if he cucked out or was playing some 34d chess however, but I'm going with cuck until proven chad.
Regardless, she goes into the trash.
Glad to see that men are developing standards. Honestly, enough of these types of chatlogs get out and you'll start seeing an uptick in women dissing black men.
Black women are why black men are going white. Some of them are even going to Brazil to find wives
>(((white))) woman
Huge red flag.
whats a whatsapp and where can I get one
Checked magnum dubs
Ive told this to several women user. I make it very clear and simple. I dont want kids coming from a womb thats had shit stuck up it.
Wasn't there some study that got posted here back in like 2015 that showed that women are genetically altered by the men they've had sex with or something?
Someone should post that, if they still have it.
The key to end spazzing is to have a high opinion of yourself that you garner from engaging in activities that you know improve you, be it physically and mentally. That and giving 0 fucks about women's opinions which comes with the territory of self-improvement, respect and morale.
Kek. Either take my words or be a petty faggot, your choice.
Today is a good day.(If youre not a nigger). Meme this into common knowledge and you will genuinely both shame women into not mixing with niggers, and make more men deny women if they have. Its like a repeating effect. More men hear that they should do this, more women get turned down, more asspain and as a result less women mixing with niggers for fear of being racially disowned. It could be worse, they could be part of the starting of the book Hunter instead.
top kek
I think it's sort of stupid, they'll pretend to be disgusted by it in the end but will they actually be ? You either find niggers repulsive or you don't.
An anti-mixing campaign would be good. Could be flooded with positive messages or preservation or even the grotesque outcomes of mixing.
Something like #NeverMix ?
Jesus Christ, that's child abuse.
The poor kid would look better being all black.
Why the fuck would you do that to your own offspring? Why would you despise your children so?
Theres a lot of people who find niggers repulsive who might not consider asking every woman they come across if they have mixed, up front… or have the character to turn a woman down if she has. There are far more Holla Forumsacks than there are people telling women they wont have anything to do with them if they have slept with blacks in the past. If we meme it, it might become common practice. White men should see it as something shameful, to sleep with a woman who has slept with blacks in the past.
Once you go black, we don't want you back.
Or they could just lie about it and you wouldn't know
Lying isnt a typically Aryan thing to do. If they want to lie about it, let them. Then they are lying coalburners. Let them start a relationship on a lie, I presume for sex alone and then to break up after. What a terrible person that would be, no? What a selfish filthy whore. Thats my response to that.
Coalburner btfo is cool and all.
Jesus Christ, people.
That slogan is pure Holla Forums, it's been around for ages.
You guys act as though it's new.
I had plenty of chicks coming up to me wanting to smash that told me they did these things, they really think it is a badge of honor.
So Expect to encounter fakers (girls that wanted status that are lying they did, but didn't actually..)
Just a few decades ago if you were caught cheating on your man, chances are he would blow the head off the guy you slept with, possibly yours and even his own. It should just be assumed that sleeping with blacks comes with a risk of having your head blown off in general.. among all the other risks like being gang raped and thrown off a cliff or having acid thrown in your face.
It's a big claim but given the past few years I no longer doubt it. We radically changed the fundamental fabric of our culture, or rather broke off the propaganda layer and let our people's natural light shine through. We should really meme harder against coalburners in my opinion, it's easier to belittle that than to push racial purity directly.
Vapid whores ?
There was already an idea here to meme against miscegenation, and post pics were made to be distributed on normie sites.
Don't think it ever went anywhere, though.
The memes were aimed at women, utilizing their maternal instincts.
Well, yeah basically.
One girl in particular, nice face, skinny body nice perky titties, long blonde hair.
Always knew she was a slut (a few years ago), didn't talk for ages, decided to try talking again.
She mentioned that she fucked a black guy, and asked me if I every did that to a black girl.
NOPED 360 degrees and kicked the whore out of my life.
Guess this is what happens when single ladies continue to be single ladies.
Does she know why you ditched her ?
In all likelihood shell be constrained to blacks or wimpy little cucks the rest of her life. If she even gets a white guy, it will probably be some paycheck-generating slob she had to settle for, who she'll end up hating & be ashamed to be seen with. She'll end up day-drinking, gaining a hundred pounds, and despising her life.
I have told her, she became jealous after a while when I was talking to a girl that had more class.
She wanted to know what was going on between us - told her that I understand that question, but that I don't ask similar questions because I just appreciate who she is to me - and that I won't interfere with her (and her ex she was seeing at the time).
She ended the night crying in my arms, and then we went our own paths - she did a fashion design study, followed by "facility management"
Yes, it's called telegony.
Google it.
You shouldn't have, now she knows where she fucked up and next time she'll lie about it to someone else.
Take a look at that poll. KEK
"Never" is a negative.
Normies subconsciously won't like it as much.
Try some positive wording.
#ProudFamily ?
Fuck knows I'm awful at this shit.
It's hard because positive words like "racial" and "purity" are also negatives to normies when they shouldn't be.
Can't believe I'm agreeing with Niggers
Then again Caanite Niggers are the only jew that's not 100% oven worthy
Or fed to alligators.
Don't forget that one.
Kind of annoys me though that cunts and libshits can spin nigger chimping as "Evil men (that means you Whitey)!"
You should have put an ugly mulatto child in that meme.
You know we can portray white women as degenerates and traitors. And make them unappealing to blacks. That’s why blacks should breed or rape jewish instead
Thing is, I no longer care much, lost contact.
She was all over me for a month, and suddenly lost interest (I had to study) - that was the 'real' reason why she couldn't see me for while.
After that she asked me why we didn't talk anymore. Told her that I respected her wishes to get educated ;)
Oh so this text is fabricated. Good news is that it puts the idea in the heads of women to stay away from niggers.
All of my keks
she used the "I have to study" meme to distance herself, so after that I dropped her like a brick, yet still acted like a gentleman (not supreme gentleman you edgelords)
Whoops. Missed it was from another account. Still looks fake as fuck though reading the other tweets. It reads like how a leftist female would imagine a "racist" would respond to sound not racist.
Judgement is an important part of being human. As is discrimination, which does not only mean the 'unfair' kind. Someone who has discriminating taste is someone who is likely to appreciate the finer things. Based on this woman's exchange and her photos, it is evident that fucking black men is not the only undesirable thing she has been involved in.
I went ahead and capped some of them.
Discrimination is basically your brain telling you to eat the fresh fruits and meats instead of rotten and fungus infected foods.
Discrimination literally means :
To discern between items based on objective criteria.
AS such, discrimination is only natural.
I think /ourrace/ is far better than the media depicts in this regard.
Exactly. Try telling that to the dimwits whose limited education and agenda prevent them from understanding the true meaning of words; to the point they usually make ones up, like homophobia.
What can I expect?
I've been doing this forever but I never got a media shitstorm out of it.
I assume he's alluding to the likelihood the mother was murdered by the father.
Pure + Shit = shit
Can you seriously justify wasting time and money raising mongrel offspring when that same time and money could go to making sure one of our many white women in this world has 100% pure white children instead? Most white women are having no children while you waste around fucking non-white women.
my god, the virtue signaling is off the charts. how many of these lemmings are bots?
whenever I see a white woman with nigger kids, I give her so much shit. I will push her faggot nappy headed kids to the side just to get to the counter at the store. I enjoy it when they cant even make eye contact and look down at the ground…shamed.
it's just common sense.
Gave that up long ago, just repeat your point loud and often - like the media does - to [con!]vince them.
Implying I am scared [irrationally] of faggots is an insult in itself. You are basically called a coward [fear] to your face. Furthermore, if you have dabbled in psychiatry you'd know that homophobia isn't even a clinical issue.
The next level discussion is obviously freedom of speech: Can't you say that you don't like men that fuck other man in the anus?
I've been on many dates where the woman will admit to it. I usually have to make them think I am an open minded person and get them to talk about kinks. Most will be glad to share their "shameful" little secret, but be giddy about it as well.
It happen so often that I just started asking right out. They were slowly putting two and two together and realizing no decent guy wants a mixing ho. It would eventually click for them that I dumped them because of it.
They are seriously like children. Just the thrill of getting away with something is enough to overcome their sense.
what is a ONS? after getting a boatload of kids [no daddy, but "enriched" genes] you can always go back to muh pure aryan qt slut whore pretending to be a good girl.
I love how they try to rationalize it with the "you're jealous" "my body my choice". They're disgusting retards, that's why.
"please respect my decision as a person to do the same thing, and let me make my own conscious choice about my own body as well - or don't you agree?"
As long as they have holes to fuck they will appeal to blacks.
Dude is trolling. I've heard the phrase "I own a color tv" by my elderly biker uncle in Texas 20 years ago. Its a purposeful joke.
Why hasn't anyone posted any std or crime statistics on there yet?
I'd do it myself only I got kicked off faceberg too many times.
it's like you want zuckerberg cock between your cheeks to give you a proper shagging
You're really into that graphic homoerotic imagery huh?
I don't use real information, they were just troll accounts.
Looking at your previous posts ITT, it's apparent that you don't belong here. Fuck off back to cuckchan, you degenerate race mixing piece of trash.
hahaha you faggot, you deserve the grave you dug.
May your hell be plastered with your deleted selfies.
The redpill potential for this is awesome. Take a bunch of that facebook feminist shit about women being proud of being single, then relabel them as coalburner aesthetic memes.
top bantz
I have never once used faceberg in my life. I was old enough when it became popular to realize how fucking retarded it all was and dodged the bullet entirely. That doesn't make you any less of an obvious cuckchan rapefugee nigger. You have to go back.
Let's be serious for a moment
The goal is to increase white birthrates and reduce non-white birthrates. Increasing white birthrates can be done in-part by reducing race mixing. Despite the fact that whites very rarely mix in the first place, it does happen with about 12% of our population and a larger portion of the population will sleep with non-whites.
So, we want to reduce that. How?
First, we need to understand why, which is fairly simple: culture and community, or lackthereof. Whites in white communities are the least likely to mix and the least likely to have sex with non-whites – in fact, the incidence is basically zero. Even if the two races are in the same city, even if they're neighbors, it doesn't matter as long as they don't interact. Seeing how dramatic the jump in miscegenation is between white communities and mixed communities, it's clear that community is the issue here. Which focuses the question further, "how do we create more white-only communities and less mixed communities?"
This is basically the real question we're asking. This is the only real and actionable issue and it has many, many possibilities, but all of them follow at least two strict rules: it must have a culture which possesses something that whites want and non-whites do not want. Non-whites inherently want whites because they have gibs, so the thing to repel non-whites must be strong enough that they will stay away regardless.
For this, we have two possibilities:
1. Something everyone wants (positivity, financial opportunity, etc), something non-whites don't want. Which creates an implicitly white-only community. Most white-only communities are like this (country and metal music, religion, jobs)
2. Something whites want, something non-whites don't want. Which explicitly creates a white-only community. This type of community is very resistant to infiltration. Holla Forums is one such community, for example.
Which clarifies two necessary data sets for developing a strategy. We need to know what whites want and what non-whites don't want. ANY strategy that reduces racemixing will utilize these two data sets.
So this is where we need to be serious. What do we want, and what do they not want? How do we use this to build communities?
Fun fact, places in America in the past that wanted to shoo away niggers in a tasteful way would blare classical music. It kept them away like repellent. If you've ever been to a symphony, the audience is, shall we say, of a white variety.
Clever. Nogs are known to not comprehend music that doesn't have a strong and blatant beat to it. Classical music probably sounds like noise to them.
ok, let me post one final comment then.
By giving information [adding to a system you don't control nor comprehend fully] to a commercial entity you are the product.
You are being farmed, facecuck doesn't care about your fake name. Because they know. they know you will get lazy and just click it all.
Driving the stock prices up, and making zuckercucks wall 3ft higher.
Smart. Blacks also HATE dogs. If you have dogs, blacks don't want to be around you. Getting your daughter a dog will decrease the likelihood of her getting involved with a nig by 100%. Meanwhile, if you have a dog, your chances of meeting a white woman are significantly higher.
They also HATE the cold. Whites don't necessarily love it but, at worst, it's a mild inconvenience to us. To nigs, it's hell. They get all ashy, skin starts to crack, they get stressed out. If you're in a cold climate, expect it to be white-only. You could, for example, vacation in a cold place during the warm months and return home during the cold ones and significantly reduce the likelihood of running into a nig. Interestingly, since nigs are indoors during the winter months at all times, they are more easily targeted by online propaganda.
Women already lie. She is just a dumb fuck.
OK, but I don't see how Rupert Q. Caligula's personal info benefits anyone when it's all fictitious anyway.
Anyway it's a moot point since they long ago banned my IP address and kick me off a few minutes after trying to make a new troll account anyway.
Do they not see the irony of it?
Always look for this genre. Especially Trap, Drill, Gangster Rap. I would be less alerted if they were the Nujabes/J Dilla/Flying Lotus type. To be honest there isn't much of Rap that is well mannered.
If you do find one of these gals ask her about currents events in the culture
if she responds positively to any of these, leave she is invested and is for sure a coal burner.
*Cardi B is an ex-stripper who got famous by stealing another artist's flow. She is a known and proud thot and if you're gal likes her. LEAVE.
last pic, the "daniel salmons" who buys into the bbc meme, he's pinging my jewdar something fierce
there is a Frankie look to the right hand one
Thank you. Does no one else see this chick is obviously a yid. He probably broke it off with her because she nearly put his eye out with that schnoz.
WU Tang Clan where inspired by Kung Fu movies.
and the Def Jam label have fighting games. Even rappers have their own games
New Wave rappers are starting to fuck with anime. Granted its SJ common tier.
This is shopped right?
And considering black women win from white women in their oppression olympics shtick, this may have potential.
"You just might have watched a lot of colour tv when he was conceived, I dunno, I'm not a science person…"
"They are always ex's… lol"
this is a gold mine
Boondocks was done in an anime style and is savage as fuck. everyone should watch that show.
It says things that are true and that people don't want to hear. And if you get bored you guys can always enjoy Uncle Ruckus. "its a known fact, colored folks run Hollywood."
can't do picture and video at same time
Just like their music sounds like noise to us.
Too bad [as] fucked the creator over in Season 3
Boondocks is funny because it's true. The writers are good at what they do.
Not the first time [as] fucked over a young talented avant garde man of color. They'll keep the money they continue to make off your work but good luck getting a good reference. How my spossed to pay my car note? Tell the collector, "Excuse me sir I read the great Gatsby"
This is not a guarantee. I knew of more than one woman who didn't listen to rap but would still have her black booty calls. I've seen all kinds and the only thing that will convince me is if they are obviously racist.
[spoiler] although my ex told me she was afraid of black people, I found out later she used to go to black clubs [spoiler]
I can't wait to see what that team produces next. maybe a detailed attack on media corruption. one can only hope.
Laughing at you're life right now coalburner
Heres an easy psy-op, create a fake tinder (or online dating app equivalent) with some chad’s pictures. Make some small talk and then pop the coal burner question. If they say yes shame them with something mild like “sorry but that’s a deal breaker for me, i think white women who sleep with black guys are gross.” Being overly mean will probably just get you reported but you can just make another account so it’s not that big of a deal.
As long as it creates salt I'm content.
She burned the coal?
Don't date that hoe!
White men are the most attractive (educated, ittelligent, good looking, great culture, wonderful manners) I don't understand why some white women go for black/brown men…IT's A MAD WORLD
By all accounts, the first game was great, the 2nd was just a'ite. But both were pretty solid, I think, not downright awful. It's based on the old AKI engine from the classic N64 wrasslin' games, so it has that going for it. I wouldn't know from firsthand experience tho, so don't quote me.
It's usually because they can't get "good white men". So they go for an "attractive, fit negro" instead.
I need a sperg to vent their autism on me.
What's the objective argument against women fucking niggers?
The most concrete argument I have is that besides AIDS and STDs is that any woman who fucks a nigger did so because of low self-esteem or value.
But then, some women do it since they think they are SO pretty that they can fuck niggers and still attract some "not bigoted" white alpha, which counters the low self-esteem argument.
What makes fucking niggers worse than just ridding miles of white cock?
I don't understand why some white women
Barely any women thinks with their logic but emotions, so they go after the poor black oppressed fucks. It's usually women that are not worth shit that chase for none whites
That's good, considering being a filthy nigger fucker is a deal breaker for everyone else.
No, that was retards being stupid.
It was a bunch of fucking idiots being idiotic. Humans aren't flies.
Also called Microchimerism.
After reading the idiots in this thread, all I can say is wow. These same racist fools dont have a problem fucking a non white female, but think white women are supposed to worship their worthless asses? The majority of these loons lust after Asian women (the more preteen looking the better) yet get angry when a Asian guy tries to hook up with a white female. These people are no different than the criminal blacks that make all blacks look bad, but instead, they make all whites appear racist when many aren't.
Think of how you'd look at your buddy if he plowed some hideous-looking sheboon. Think of the disgust and shame you'd feel knowing he cares so much about getting his dick wet that he was willing to overlook her cigarette-burn pubes and hi-test BO.
Now multiply that by ten. Men are biologically built to be explorers and want to plant their flag on mountaintops. Women don't have that drive, so they have no excuse.
A majority of white women admit they have a preference towards white guys. They instinctually find it disgusting, so the ones who date nonwhites are somehow broken mentally, emotionally, or physically. We all laugh when we see some hambeast proudly claim she's gone black and will never go back, but rascal scooters and stretchmarks are easier to spot than psychological issues. Dating a nigger is an easy way to know.
Sup ET. Haven't killed yourself yet, I see.
This is why Whites never get anywhere. White Nationalists always win the argument for the enemy before it even starts.
Jews have negative value by default
That (((nose)))… UGH
Checked and kek'd
Her relationship with her dad can tell you some things about her upbringing. You won't get as accurate an idea since women will mimic their mothers normally, but since she died at a young age she may mimic her father. Date for a while and then arrange to spend some time apart so you can think without your dick making decisions for you. Decide if all the irritating shit she does is something you can put up with forever and still enjoy her company. If she isn't doing any irritating shit, you haven't dated long enough.
Def Jam was a good party game. Not super fun by yourself, but grabbing three friends and throwing them in front of a train is great.
hahaha, it's all niggresses, hamplanets, and single mothers of half-nigs… the lowest trash of the dating world, all saying there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Trying this hard to spin being rejected into a choice.
The one positive to come from this is that blue pilled young men who think that White females who coal burn are a "tiny minority" are going to have a painful wakeup call.
chances are that the original conversation and her decision to make it public were not organic but were staged for the media to use as the basis of another 'White men suck' hit-piece
Everyone is free to judge you, based on anything.
Women whine about manlets then scream when rejected for weight. I hate entitled people. You can be rejected for anything personal beliefs, looks, your annoying laugh, anything.
Ewwww, you don't even need to ask her questions about her past, that's just foul. And convenient given it shows you straight up, avoid. Like bright colours on animals meaning poison.
The concept of personal responsibility is lost on Kikes, dindus and women, they honestly believe that it is cruel to hold them accountable for their actions.
Goddamn, everytime I see that thing the only thing I can fucking think of is it looks like that elf abomination from DA Cisquisition. Is this where they got the idea from?
Because they are niggers and not white people. Being a whore is disgusting but fucking a nigger is unforgivable.
Would you date a woman that openly admits she fucked a horse or ape? Do you believe fucking an ape is no different than fucking 10 white guys?
This, and after that she posted it online so that all the hate-filled commie nutjobs could have their
virtue-signaling lynching to prove how moral they are. He really didn't do anything other than tell her she is spoiled and doesnt want anything to do with her.
Does the dude who conversed with her know about her (((nose)))?
Niggers are so funny when they pretend to be intelligent.
Whats your IQ boy? 67?
What is a color TV?
You're ridiculous.
What do you expect, she is a walking stereotype of the rootless dumbed-down millenial metropolitan libshit with basic bitch political opinions derived from the Huffington Post and Salon
Oy fucking vey!
Of course it is, CT Fletcher didn't have kids with a White wife.
Some art as well…
Cant tell you how many talantless libshit "artists" have told me that I just "dont have the level of enlightenment" to understand the deep meaning behind their shitty bastardisations. Which is pretty much the only thing this cancerous creed called modern artists have to say when called out on how terrible their pseudo-art is.
yeah, Spencer is /ourguy/
Or, may I say, (((white))).
you're taking your life in your hands when you do that tbh.
So you are telling me that is a real nose?
That nose, those ears. There is a very good chance.
omg you geez like toddaly its like the current year like omg like omg
I wonder if "watching color tv" could become a milder version of "coalburning". Like look at that kid, her mom must have been watching color tv
pretty much this
you need to translate that sentence in english
I envy you. You obviously rarely encounter jews.
Remember the threads we had about microchimerisms? Summarized in short: women retain the mans DNA in their brains. This is likely the cause of the thousand dick stare and cluster B personality disorders found almost exclusively in sluts and not in virgins or women who have had few partners.
All the more reason to avoid sluts, especially race mixers. Who knows if that DNA influences future offspring or not. You'd better be safe than sorry.
it was, one of the libshits used it to virtue singal on her back in the comment section
Is this where the 56% face comes from?
this. this right here. its like women are logic impaired.
Nigresses like to offer him free samples of diseased food that will make his ass bleed.
Ids anudda shower!
Im definitely gonna integrate it into my lexicon.
Im still partial to calling niggers, 'Nigels' when concealing your power level is nessecary.
tbh that was once of my former exes but she was conflicted about it.
I doubt she knew who Cardi B was but knew Minaj.
me, I don't keep up with niggertainment. I know my shit, and its usually shit that involves totalitarianism or lack consitent beats like noise and grind and raw black metal
to add to that, I'm pretty sure that's coalburner repellent but these days there's 25% chance that makes me unsure of that
texting app
google play
dumbed-down rootless metropolitan with no feeling of belonging and social debt
you were too easy on her
what an ugly whore
checked for truth
Her child looks like when you hit random a few times in Oblivion's character creator.
The hero of Kvatch.
This seems set-up. Just like that one girl like a year and a half ago that tweeted something about here parents cutting her off because her BF was black. Then they found out and it wasn't true at all. The;
Is too obvious.
why do africans hate their own kind and don't find black women attractive. They lust over white/fair skinned women ?
I bet he built his own cuckshed.
A hearty chuckle.
Boondocks is hilarious. The writer was the biggest anti-Obama black person on the planet.
the man is already down, no need to kick him down any further
Because most black women are loud hamplanets with extremely abrasive and obnoxious personalities. Niggers think getting even a fat, disgusting white women is somehow stealing something from whitey. That's why coal burners can never keep a nigger around. The novelty wears off when white men don't pay attention to the nigger with the white slag…
i've asked a girl that question and dropped any girl immediately that answered "yes"
my wife said "eww, no"
that should be argument enough
this guy gets it
gross. how does he tolerate the smell of that rotten moldy hair under that wig? and the stench of that skin that flakes away if she showers more than twice a week. but then again, he's in porn and likely a homosexual with jewish handlers.
If you look at a lot of the photoshopped porn pics you will realize nigger dicks look like poo.
Would you stick your dick in a cunt that has had poo in it?
I would because of my scat fetish but most guys wouldnt.
If your a NEET you may not understand this, but the girl he was speaking to is a leftist blogger who easily could've ruined his life if he had "nigger, nigger, nigger" instead. All it would take is a phone call to wherever this lad works and he would've lost his job or worse she could've doxed him on twitter where he would have scores of SJW's harassing him for weeks. Using "black man" was the proper call, if he had gone with "african american" then maybe you would have a point and it would come across as fake.
The Hero of Kvetch?
Well duh, if she's dating niggers…
Why are you posting a picture of a gook?
not free samples they literally dont charge me for my burritos
Her features are clearly semitic
Not everyone are pol shitposters for the living, hun.
Man probably has a job.
Tits or gtfo
It's about retarded life choices.
She should know better than to be a whore for somebody who will make her a single mother/inject her with aids.
Or at best she's just wasting best years of her youth for nigger dick polishing.
I'm not saying a whores for chads are that much better but at least they take responsibility for the kids sometimes.
sex is for making babies. a woman shouldnt date ANY man she doesnt intend to marry, and if she had engaged in any sexual acts with anyone other than the husband (even a banana like in your webm) then she is not fit for marriage
while the roastie who has had "miles of white cock" only has a minuscule fraction of the value she would have if she were a virgin, one who dated a negro is worse simply because of the fact that the negro is an inherent enemy of our race and a direct threat to the security of our people. it is also an indicator of other bad behavior and/or traits that are generally correlated with women who date negros
Where the fuck do you think you are you fucking degenerate?
No, it comes from lefty/pol/.
Can we develop more loaded statements where the only lefty responses will be insanely racist and cause schisms in their dumbass virtue signaling communities?
A year is a long time for a roastie.
crap. I meant this one.
Jews. Niggers. The only difference is some niggers are trustworthy.
asian girls are like living lifesize dolls you can have sex with
What I see is Donkey Kong Jr. with a bad dye job.
My daughter had a girl in her class who was a blonde mullato. White features and hair, with brown skin. She could almost pass as a girl with a tan, but the brown was the wrong shade and just tended to make her look dirty, instead. I always felt bad for that kid, just like I feel bad for Junior. Neither one of them chose this for themselves, and no matter what they tell themselves over the years, in their hearts they'll know they're not normal.
I used to work with a mulatto girl who was insanely redpilled. Sweet personality, rockin' body, and face like Magilla Gorilla. Broke my fuckin' heart, because she deserved better than she got in life. Her mom had burned the coal, but her daughter was paying the toll, because mom found a cuck who was willing to look past her brown daughter…except he was either lying to the mom or to himself. They had two white girls together and the dad, the half-sisters, and probably even the mom treated her like the first half of Cinderella. In the end, the half-black girl ended up getting knocked up by a white beta and marrying him. As much as I hate to see that sort of thing, I wish her well because she's put in her time in hell.
Too bad so many of them are disgusting.
KKKodexer detected.
Know how I know you're not from around here?
Surprisingly lucid.
I think she meant "geography" there.
Anti-coalburner/anti-mongrel memes sound like a great idea, user.
Good. Mistakes need to outbreed the recessive culture by breeding with the dominate culture.
It seems icky, but it needs to happen.
I like how it devolved into black girls talking about black guys having small peens lol
lucky i got one that makes my cock happy
speaking of Roasties, if what makes a roastie, physically speaking, is taking sufficient amounts of dick, wouldn't one be able to, hypothetically speaking, marry a virgin and gradually turn her into a physical roastie by way of dicking her on a daily basis?
Yeah, except the brown taints the gene pool for quite a few generations. Plus there's that recessive shit to worry about if the great-grandkid hooks up with another recessive.
EVERY FUCKING TIME. Whenever you see someone shilling for tattoos on this board remember its the easy way to spot a drug addict or nigger fucker. Peak degeneracy
You're missing the bit where someone actually made him in Oblivion.
Where's the video, Jim?
As the lord Jesus said in regards to all women, "If it breathes, it's a thot."
THAT'S Jim's waifu?
Reminder that around 80% of the women who star in porn were molested as a child and have serious drug problems that kill them by 40. I've read sources the average life span is 37 years for a female pornstar. The women who star in interracial porn are even more mentally ill and desperate then those women. Literally street corner crack addict tier women that shills try to spam here as evidence of the end of the white race.
No the 56% face is a divide and conquer shill tactic in the same vein as "SLAVS AREN'T WHITE" "ITALIANS AREN'T WHITE" "ANGLOS AREN'T WHITE". Pure kike D&C
I recommend After Porn Ends to see how fucked some of them become. Don't bother with After Porn Ends 2, because for some reason they decided they had to show some moderate success stories like Lisa Ann. #1 ends with "This person died from AIDS/cancer/etc, and this person still can't find a man, and this person broke his dick, etc." sort of stories.
My favorite was Asia Carrera who actually moved to Mormon country in Utah because it's a no-porn zone and she was sick of being recognized.
But even Asia has a shitload of problems. She had a huge gambling problem. When her husband died, she was in deep shit because she had gambled away all the savings and was asking for help.
She's an alcoholic and has lost her kids before and detailed the entire time she was working to get them back on her facebook. She really is a shitshow.
Not to mention how she's completely let herself go and looks like hell.
I wonder (((who))) could have been behind that. Show the three porn actresses that aren't totally mentally ruined out of thousands.
Yup and thats not even mentioning the suicide rates of these women. Watching this stuff almost makes me feel bad for them because I know most are victims of child abuse and are mentally ill and in need of help
Porn ruins lifes and kikes have been pushing this shit on us for over 30 years. It's fucking digusting and getting worse by the day. Younger and younger people are being exposed to it.
They are though. Different sub-species isn't the same as different species
Life after porn: Tom Byron
Exactly. Porno movies aren't even porno movies anymore - most porn has been reduced to some chad fucking a dimestore camwhore and holding the camera himself. The concept of "porn star" doesn't even exist anymore as any chick with a webcam is now a porn star, yet that hasn't stopped a shit ton of 18 year old girls from somehow believing that being another one in a sea of 6 gorillion girls who think that letting some guy film himself shoving his dick so far down their throat that they vomit on themselves for some free porn tube is the pinnacle of what they want out of life.
Gas pornhub.
Varg was right. Time to turn off the pornographic jew
How about this then, different question:
Read Libido Dominandi
He didn't want to sleep with her, so she outed their private conversation on twitter? What a whore.
lucky you.
Roasties come about from sleeping with many men, not simply having sex.
What should we do with mistakes then?
There's no such thing. In time, they all will regret their actions before they die.
always the ex´s
The physical trait from which the term is derived is a result of being fucked a lot. I haven't seen any argument for the trait coming about that would in any way suggest that it is more likely to come about from taking a lot of different dicks than from taking the same dick a lot of times.
Can someone tell me why black men have no sense of responsibility and can father at least a dozen of illegitimate children without a care in the world. Is there an explanation for this?
added to my reading list
Blacks have no sense of responsibility period. It's not just limited to rearing children.
No selective pressures in Africa that made them develop higher mental capacities such as long term thinking, abstract reasoning, and tight-knit communities.
Brain development is biologically expensive. The brain requires much more energy than any other organ. Therefore, unless you NEED to be smart to survive, nature will not evolve you to be smart.
White people are just facilitating their dysfunction. Blacks will happily reproduce indiscriminately. However, in nature, they are subject to natural selection. In wypipo nations, they are free to breed and waste resources however they please. White governments make it nearly impossible for niggers to die.
its winter, all the smart races have winter
Thank you sir for your extensive answer to my question. (very satisfying, i freaking love Holla Forums)
Correct, it's winter. For the reasons 0a stated. Winter applies a selective pressure towards long term thinking/planning (which itself benefits from a certain degree of abstract reasoning) and tight-knit communities because being well prepared and working together over winter increases chances of survival drastically
Yes, I know this. Long term planning and communal trust was a must-have in environments with harsh winters, so long as that group farmed and cultivated food. You do not see Eskimos with high IQs. Why? Because they still subsist. They never learned to harvest, store grain, or preserve food. They just hunt wild game year round. Most don't even eat any sort of vegetation (they get their vitamin C from porpoise skins and eyes).
This is common knowledge here. Please just lurk or peruse a redpill infograph thread. Race realism/biological determinism is heavily based off of group evolution. Learn why and how different ethnicities evolved and you can predict their behavioral patterns. Remember, humans are animals too and none of our characteristics are an accident.
This, but if not for fucks sakes at least listen to
By this I mean pickling vegetables and other perishables. Eskimos do ferment meats, but it seems to be very primitive. One recipe I know of is stuffing dead birds (still with their feathers on) inside of a bag of seal skin, then buying it underground for a year.
Called Kiviak or something. It looks as disgusting as it sounds, by the way.
user come on now. You can do better.
Send her this
I had no idea that they did that. Another piece of shitskin trivia to log away.
I would argue it's the duality of winter and summer, where you have a season where you need to go out and accrue food for the season where food is scarce. This is because while perhaps you could subsist like the eskimos, because you have the opportunity to do better groups that do so will outcompete groups that don't.
Of course the obvious counter is that niggers never evolved better planning abilities despite the reality that better nigger farmers should outcompete those that farm worse.
You could farm in Africa year round. Africans never did. They were much happier chasing around gazelles and eating bugs. Why would you bother to learn advanced cultivation when your primary food source was one clubbing away?
I know several white men, including myself who have dropped women for sleeping with Mexicans or niggers. Dunno how common it is overall but it definitely happens a fair bit.
Is it just low-tier shitskins like niggers and spics? Do your buddies commonly ask if your gf ever dated a filthy jap?
Such a beautiful culture.
It proves they have terrible judgement.
BUMP for a good boy and what you're supposed to do. But seeing how the cunt is a, 'former contributor to, The Onion', it could be western snowflake cunt made up bullshit.
Hand and neck tattoos means there's been A LOT more than one nigger in her hole. I wouldn't be surprised if a video surface of her having a train run on her. Probably some spics going ass to mouth with her, just all sorts of degeneracy. Probably fucked by an uncle as well.
Dunno, never heard of it. If I remember right, the only interracial pairing less common than white female/Asian male is black female/Asian male.
Jews invented the word bimbo to make fun of us, like they invented "dumb blonde". Then we took the word from them and made it sexy, and now jealous Jewesses are trying to steal it again.
Don't do their work for them OP.
meanest diss I've ever heard. I'm stealing that and acting like I made it up
It's funny to imagine some beta chink getting bossed around by a nappy headed nigress.
somehow I don't think he would ever fight back and would take all the shit. until one day he slices her throat and dismembers the body.
I see it as desperation for a dick. I don't need a some hoe in my life that has such impulses. Either that, or I picture her as a subservient, no-self-respect sex slave like you see in blacked gang-bangs. That's all superficial, I understand. But consider how many black men fuck anything and everything. And that is no secret. If a woman degrades herself to the point of mating with something of such low standards, I can't accept that.
Yeah, yeah, stereotypes. They exist for a reason. One can try to reason yourself out of that. But why struggle and, on some days, recoil in disgust with images in your head of your gf/wife being smashed like a gutter slut when you can just start with a blank, unmarred slate - a pure woman that leaves no room for such thoughts?
Black Hapa's are some of the saddest looking people I have ever seen. Nigger hair, Asian eyes, and a natural skin color that looks like someone with jaundice. And usually, it isn't some beta east asian that gets together with a negress, they are usually south east junglechinks or flips.
I saw something similar with shellfish. They would wait until the tide went out, then crawl between cracks in ice floes to pick up shellfish that had been pushed up by the ice. They would shuck them, then pack them in a bag tightly to try and push as much air out as possible, lining the bag with seaweed. Then they would 'dry' them by leaving them under a pile of rocks. Pull them out later and the meat was almost mummified.
Sounds gross as shit.
They were around all that seawater and never learned to make salt?
I agree that that's where the term originates, but the behavior ascribed to "roasties" definitely doesn't come from normal sexual behavior (single monogamous long-term relationship).
lol-o lol o lol
No idea about the salt, I watched a documentary so it's second hand knowledge at best.
I think I read somewhere that low carbs is why Inuits aren't that smart, they evolved on a diet that was primarily fat and protein. A semi permanent state of ketosis.
No guy out there would be that dumb to out himself like that, they would first try to find out through her social media history and if not ask them but nobody would be so stupid and to say that's the reason just like you don't tell a slut you just found out she's a slut and you're leaving her for that, you think some bullshit excuse and just leave the cunt
Fucking this, even if this shit is fake the fact is she basically said all black men have AIDS
We should post this everywhere, get her fired
Do an internet search for "bogs closest to me"
What should we do with them? I have no idea. I'm not so autistic that I think an innocent child should suffer for the actions of it's opportunistic dad and it's retarded mother. Maybe we could ship them all off to some island and let them be mulatto together.
My sides have been obliterated
Because it's a genetic upgrade. Deep down blacks know that whites are superior, and want to acquire our genes for their children.
blacks can't control or supremely reside over anything. they do have a use, though. we can't have a race war until we've gotten rid of ZOG. if it goes the other way around we're 100% fucked
and that's the day where Ching Chong Wong's has the mystery meat special on the menu
It kind of goes like this with climate based selective pressures.
In order of positive effect on intelligent it goes.
Temperate (4 seasons) > Wet/Dry season >>> No seasons.
That's why the Hindus and the North Africans were able to develop some capacity for civilization, they might not have had winter but they had seasonal variation.
My point essentially is that it's not really the presence of winter that is indicative of intelligence it's amount of seasonal variation, a race with 8 seasons with seperate climate conditions would likely be doubly the intellect of the white race, because the more seasons there are to deal with the better forward thinking and planning you have to have.
Like with our four seasons you have to plan so that you plant crops in the spring when germination conditions are ideal, then you have to worry about irrigation in the summer when it's hot and your crops could dry up, then you need to worry about harvesting and preserving your food in the fall, then just worry about plain for survival in the winter.
Meanwhile in a climate with a wet and dry season you just need to worry about planting in the end of wet season and irrigating during the dry season, just harvest whenever the foods ready and enjoy.
Then you've got stable climate, there you don't plan for anything, you literally just bum around in the forest for a bit and eat whatever got stuck to your shoes.
It's not winter that does it, its the amount of seasons.
See: Jordan Peterson on how choosing a partner is the ultimate prejudice.
In fact, winter as a season is probably the least labor intensive unless you're surviving by the skin on your teeth without agriculture, if you are using the agricultural approach ally ou really would do during the winter is stay /comfy/ and eat. Maybe feed your agricultural livestock but that's about it, its why wintertime has such a comfy feeling and so many holidays.
He dodged a fucking bullet.
of course I'm judging you. now fuck off, whore.
there's some genetic transfer when the nigger unloads its semen into the wymyn. if you later get her pregger your kids will be part nigger.
I probably wouldn't even exterminate this nigger. I'd send him back to Africa with a jerry can of water and some camping supplies.
They have white intermixture. Same as the Japs. Seasons have nothing to do with it. Plenty of dumb as brick peoples living in the North.
I agree with this, I tried to articulate this earlier but failed. I'm not convinced by the idea that 8 seasons would lead to an intellect double that of the white race, I think there's likely a point of diminishing returns.
That's too extreme, doing something suggestive with a dumb banana is not grounds for exile. If you're imposing standards to that sort of absurd degree few people will pass. If a young woman touches herself are you saying that then disqualifies her for life? Would you pass that test?
I'll have her if you don't want her.
You should try to actually open a dictionary sometime
That user is ridiculous. Standard has always been no penis has been inside any orifice of you. (Penis has not been in mouth, anus and vagina). Healthy sexuality between loving partners should exist, I don't want to be in a relationship where literally the only time we get physical is when we are trying to conceive a child.
My sides have gone into orbit.
Robert Anton Wilson was right.
Bonus points if you know the work I'm referencing.
1) niggers aren’t even the same species as us.
2) there is a giant push from the kikes for race mixing (which only applies to whites go figure). As such one of the more practical ways to counter this is through social backlash.
3) women are the sexual selectors. Yes a man has to still be willing but the woman needs to allow them to fuck her and as such women are held to different standards of sexual selection.
4) The only “culture” niggers have is being ghetto trash and furthermore they are violent savages responsible for half the total rapes, murders, and other violent crimes in this country despite being only 13-14% of population.
5) Black man / white woman marriages are the most likely to fail whether that means the nigger runs off like a coon into the woods or he beats the shit out of the woman / kills her and goes to jail. Take your pick.
6) For the good of the race white women need to be pairing with white men and having stable, healthy relationships.
7) any white woman who ignores all of these points, as well as her natural instincts which tells us that niggers are repulsive, in order to virtue signal is clearly not mentally fit to raise children and as such should be discarded like the trash she is.
Burn the coal pay the toll. Heil victory.
That guy left of the centre-man tho! Dat fucking bycept
I've met so many such metropolitan libshit slags who humiliate people for "social justice"
for percieved "illiberal opinions"
Except that doesn't hold water physiologically. The size of labia minor is based on genetics, not sexual activity. I've seen virgins with roast beef, and porn stars with perfect burger bun pussies. It's not hard to google porn with girls that have taken miles of cock that have tidy innies.
You get off that blackpill shit right now user.
maybe its hard to see from down in the pit, but the overton window is being yanked back into focus.
it took years for the kikes and establishment to get this far, and look, in just two current years, we've already escalated to the point where our innocuous baby town meme frolics get us on tucker carlson on nightly normie news.
you are in despair because you are still asleep, twitching only your hands and feet. unaware that even those tosses and turns are rippling out into the normieverse.
white, patriarchal, nationalism, is what built and founded the modern world, and a force of nature that strong cant be held back by a bunch of limp wristed kikes and fat fucks with dyed hair.
your enemy is literally a hoard of physically unfit, malnourished, zog pawns that need safe spaces and soldier diapers (israel). who cant into guns for even a moment.
any time you feel this way.
just go watch randy stair try to shoot water jugs at point blank. this is your enemy. the news, the celebs, they will all bend the knee and stay out of the fight, licking the boot of the winner who pays their checks. no one pays them to pickup a gun, nor will they (liberals have a knack for eating their own. its what happens when you make cannibalism "progressive" )
the fire rises brother.
do not close your eyes just yet.
Back when niggers were decent.
Shit, even when I was bluepilled I wouldn't date a girl that burned coal. And IIRC this question was asked on yahoo answers and even that libtard cesspool almost unanimously agreed they would not either. It's a normal feeling.
Politics make strange bedfellows, anons…I realize this is out of our comfort zone, but can you imagine how much it must suck if you are attractive for a black woman and the first chance your black BF gets to cheat on you with a fat ugly white girl and he does it? This may be icky, but we can ally with black women to drive a wedge between the jews and their nigger golems.
until your post i never thought the kids hair was dyed, i just thought it was one of those banana looking niggers ,but more blond than orange. you're right tho, that bitch is fucked in the head so many ways.
goodness me, she's hot. where's the picture from?
Yeah this. Like you can't really defend that shit, but you're still going to try because you know you fucked up. Even the most cucked white guys know it sends warning signs that you're either trashy with shit judgement and self-worth or worse.
Are you still white? If so, then there's still hope. We don't need to put up a web page for donations. Where there's a will, there's a way, and finding a way is exactly what whites do best. Look at Stormfront. Look at Wikileaks. Both of them have found ways to continue to financially maintain operations despite the financial embargoes placed upon them. If you can't imagine ways that we can fund people from our side, you're just not being imaginative enough.
Whoops, wrong song.
Guys how the fuck do you spot crypto-burners? Some of them hide it so well it's sickening. They're the saddest to see too because they don't give off the normal warning signs - tattoos, hoop earrings, ridiculous hair/makeup. They look like decent girls from looks alone. Fuck living in the coalburner capital of the world the South
Did she work for The Onion or something?
Also shes got red flags galore and take a good look at her nose.
Chad obviously wanted a one night stand, fugging lelz.
Are you near a city or in Georgia Dixiebro? Around here only the most bottom barrel girls burn coal. Ugly landwhales all. Racemixing is still social death.
So basically white people shouldn't have kids and white men should just suicide from loneliness.
You're a Jew.
I don't understand this. If you've reached a point where you will refuse to fuck women who've been with niggers before, you've most certainly reached a point where you would be blunt about it.
This just reads like some cunt faking a text message to try and get attention. No man who is that open about hating coal burners is low test enough to type like that.
the sides, my god the sides
Son, I have unfortunate news for you.
NOLA my man. I was driving today and this beautiful girl was driving behind me. I was checking her out in my rear view mirror and then her passenger seat comes up with a shadow sitting in it. Fucking made me mad. She didn't even look trashy or anything, which was what caught me off guard.
well done, lad
This thread is just giving her what she wants. OP is a fag at best and that bitch shilling for herself at worst.
Sympathy is what these SJW professional victims want and they can point at us attacking them retardedly to attain it.
No one likes a traitor
Hence why it's called being a race traitor
At the restaurant I work at we call them Canadians. You can just say "Oh I had a party of Canadians and they were rude as fuck and stiffed me" and noone bats a fucking eye.
Get the hell out of that niggertown and come to Alabama user. Aside from nigger infested citieslike all cities its a White man's heaven. The women are blond and beautiful and only the fat ugly ones burn coal. They are then ridiculed and ostracized. Come home to the Heart of Dixie my Southern brother. Yankees stay out
Look for their oldschool demos.
They were never, ever decent. Being a trained monkey doesn't mean you're a decent human being.
roasties, not even once
isis have the right idea
throw a sheet on them and tell them to shut
the fuck up or it's the slave market
after bang send them to slave market anyway
the pinnacle of what roaties want out of life is attention
porn gives them that
this is the same reason every teenage girl is going along with "send nudes" to anyone who asks
Good God the "superior" Brit interviewing him. He's treating him as if he's a carnival exhibit for laughs from his audience. It's disgusting. Look at London now thanks to these people who "knew better" and were more "educated" than the "nigger clown" espousing "nonsense". Infuriating.
No every single great white civilization treated woman very well. The problem is giving them agency.
Yeah this
Easy with that paranoia, Amerimutt is an absolutely hilarious meme when you consider that a large proportion of Americans are so fucking ignorant that they can't even point out another continent. Here's a redpill for you amerifags: your educational systems sucks, learn geography and history
Impressed. Didnt even cross my mind
Similar to a dog.
If raised correctly, it's the best companion there is.
If not, it's going to make you both miserable.
I'm already there.
Racemixing should be a crime.
Racemixing will be a crime one day.
Woodworking is one of the most redpilled hobbies. Such a shame his daughter is a disgrace.
It is fascinating to me how windows operating systems became such a huge part of what is an ostensibly 80s based nostalgia item; is it simply that as times move forward, our frame of nostalgia moves with it? Or is there some element of windows in particular that leads us to utilize its font and style?
Is it ok to marry a 27 years old virgin lady?
Even worse, they project that the things they are attracted to in men, men will find attractive in them.
Muh career, muh degree, muh money, look at how many people I banged I'm such a stacy-chad! Look at how tough and independent I am.
You can see the cuck in his eyes.
Not for long. Mutts always darken once they hit puberty. This is the whitest he'll ever look.
As long as you name the jew
Leaving aside the part where you're actually autistic enough to fall for this, how would this even make sense physically? You don't fuck the lips, you fuck the actual vagina. It was a shitty incel/puahate meme, and spreading it does you no favours.
How is he playing if his king is captured?
Notice how she was instantly defensive.
Even she knows it's unattractive and disgusting.
She can be mad all she wants, but I bet you she won't say yes next time someone asks her
You're going to get me kicked out of class
I don't see the resemblance tbh
twitter. com/WeWuzMetokur/status/917723670260396033/video/1>>10909792
get in their social circle. The sort of roasties that fuck niggers have no loyal friends. Just make sure to play it subtle and low key right user
it's a cuck boys
"I'm not racist
I own a color tv"
Bump for the lolz. I wish 8 pol was more entertaining like this.
this is nu pol in a nutshell
Fortunately not everywhere is the USA and thus some of the places still retain the natural order without jews where niggers are at the lowest
Does anyone have the one with the albino gorilla?
I loved it for it looked so much like it.
Hey, drink some coffee before posting here.
meme makes no sense, that kid IS white.
Well, he didn't give you anything for your post. Perhaps you should think about why that is?
Anything like evasion, smiling, bantering is a tell off. Everything besides a clear and visible no-jokes-now face in fact.
I do have some problems with yerow piggus
There is literally nothing wrong with oildrilling, provided its a pump and dump. Its when it prevents you from making white children is when it starts becoming a problem
It is according to Tim Murdock. The point of it is that many of them are not as compliant with ZOG as they signal and pretend to be. Those lamenting that they are not signaling enough in your favor are missing the big picture.
Let the newfags out themselves. It is as old as Time.
It's disgusting, you traitor.
Racial bias against miscegenation is likely biological in origin.
By the official story, they were killed by members of their own organizations. The other user wasn't saying they literally committed suicide, but that their organizations did by killing their own figureheads.
Kurt Angle please go
Ok we need to use this likely fake but unintentionally good story.
1. She backtracked and ran damage control right off showing she is really rayciss.
2. (And this angle works easy) "Proud stronk black womenz dont need to be robbed of dey black menz! Its ETHNOCIDE." Ok ethnocide will confuse monkeys but say "real niggas stay with dey black queens" or some shit.
3. Point out how actual africans dont consider american blacks, black but every single one of them is at least 20% white. (This is very true btw. Snoop dogg is a third white. Saw it on some show.
4** i actually lived next to a "black consciousness" couple in my city. Imagine my shock. But i handled it great. Hid my power level and pushed his ethnic pride to rant about not race mixing and other stuff.
It was. Her backpedaling and trying to say "b-but it didn't really count" got her attacked in the replies. Would have been even better if the guy didn't cuck and just kept pushing that coal burning is degenerate, but whatever.
truly this thread is blessed
You do understand that women absorb DNA via semen. Even if it's a pump and dump you are giving them your DNA and it will be tracable in them forever.
I read here once where an user told one that the kid looked "just like her". It struck me as the perfect comment, because it gets to the heart of the matter in a way that leaves no response. I mean, isn't that usually a compliment for a parent?
I can bet this is fake and she's just making this all up to try and convince herself that fucking a nigger was the right thing to do because she feels guilty about it, she knows she will get replies supporting her.
actually, a white woman that had sex with a japanese dude is far less disgusting than one that had sex with a nigger.
is not the same thing as
Is that what they are? I always figured they were just Mayans mixed with explorer Polynesians or something.
Wew, somebody on here said Asian women have an expiration date, and fuck if hers didn't run out.
She's also a colander tipping Pastafarian now, still attention whoring by doing it in Utah of all places.
It wasn't about flies, there was a newer study regarding humans. See Male Microchimerisms in the Human Female Brain hosted on PLOS One (Published in 2012).
Yes there is. One it can still ruin your life because it's still a woman in the eyes of the law. Second, if you do get them pregnant, they will keep the child since he light skinned. As a consequence, one of your children will have to suffer being with a black mother, will have to suffer being ugly to whites and at deep down not accepted by darker blacks, and will add to the pool of blacks whites sympathize for because they don't look completely foreign like a pure black person does.
This should be the part that's pushed along with anti-racemixing.
Firstly, these women are disgusting. Secondly, sexual history should be important to the other party.
Most importantly, women don't actually care if you're a bigot and this is a good ground to really show that to the world. The standard portrayed by the media will never be the actual female standard by and large. Makes sense for women to be pushed more by attraction than social shaming.
Race mixing isn't as rife as the media makes it out to be. Still a problem, just not omnipresent.
Jew detected. get in the oven kike. Niggers have always been worthless and will always be worthless.
whos the gross coalburning mudskin ?
This whole conversation looks shooped but it does bring about an important point. No self respecting man wants some woman that's been dicked by niggers.
I remember the image originally being "sipping on white tears", before being edited. I can't remember what any of the original drama was though. All I remember is there was an action by the leftists, there was a backlash and then this was the liberal backlash to the backlash. I don't think it was necessarily gaming related. I'm thinking it might be that ice cream thing actually. The one that's meant to explain gender inequality. The boy gets one scoop, then a second one and then when the girl gets a single scoop, the boy throws a tantrum and cries.
user racemixing shouldn't be encouraged in any way, that pic is not going to redpill anybody, delete that shit.
That first pic is perfect
Agreed, even with the notion of hybrid vigor(?), who can say those girls look better than a blonde haired blue eyed girl, or a red haired green eyed girl, etc.? They don't look ugly as sin, i.e. on the scale of 1 to 10, they aren't under a 5, but are they necessarily better than the others? I would say no.
What's wrong with white/asians intermixing? They are the objectively superior races, and white/asian children/people look great. Even asians think so. Mixed white/Japanese people are practically treated as celebrities. see link. I've never understood this, "racemixing is bad" rather than, "breeding with shitskins is bad". If you mix pure water of one spring with water off another, you'll regardless get clean water. Mix pure water with mud and you will get mud water.
Hybrid vigor only applies to very inbred populations. The groid is the only inbred one in this case so its just miscegenation here.
Never occurs to them. Best to set your sights on
the next generation. Adversity will breed (pardon the pun) good wives.
lol i didn't even think about that until you mentioned it, but you're right.
kids would have been cuter had they not been mixed.
Do I smell a kike that falsified a convo for purpose of social recognition
Someone ask this insecure mulatto why his eyes are blue.
Do not fund the tainted. Stamp a mark on their foreheads and send them straight outside.
My fucking sides.
How the fuck did she become Samoan?!
post tits or get out slut
could you elaborate?
Reported for thumbnail posting.
women are too stupid to know what miscegnation means, just say race-mixing
it only happens when an egg is fertilized, that's when the mother begins sharing blood with the offspring
any woman who watches TV/netflix is a giant flapping red flag for me
it's like a computer monitor but for retards
Jesus, it makes perfect fucking sense. You guys are autistic as fuck with your inability to understand figurative language/symbolism. No wonder you think that Hollywood trannies are female, your intellect cannot penetrate beyond the veneer of superficiality. and right now you unironically think I'm just trolling - I can assure you, I'm not.
But do not despair, you can learn to be less retarded, because your problem is not organic brain weakness. Here's a clue to start you on your journey, I'll spoiler it so that you aren't deprived of the pleasure of solving the riddle of your own autism - just on the off chance (I'm being optimistic.)
The child is White because she represents the child that would have been born if her mother hadn't burned the coal. Do you understand yet? It's not meant to be taken literally as a White child who exists asking why she can't be White. God, it hurt to explain this, up your fucking game, turn off the TV or start viewing it analytically, your brains are rotting, you are turning into a Jew's wet dream of golems.
And this is why the Kikes can hide messages to one another in plain sight using symbolic language, most goyim don't even recognize it as a possibility, this has to change if we wish to understand what they're doing and the actual content of their mind-poison.
It's actually very similar. I lose respect for her either way. This is not something I decide - it's emotional and instinctive. At the root of it is obviously evolutionary "r" vs "K" selection. A woman that is strongly in the "K" range (quality over quantity) is automatically much more desirable. On average, she's smarter, more in control, better at raising children and less likely to cheat. In terms of natural selection, there's nothing worse for a man than raising another man's child. Women, on the other hand, can't be tricked into that situation.
So this is actually scientifically logical. We feel that way because our ancestors felt that way. Those who didn't ended up not passing their genes to the next generation. You can even see this dynamic in many animal species so this kikeberg narrative that women won't lose points by being sluts is just another (white genocide) lie.
Lastly: it doesn't have to be "miles of white cock" - the same principle applies if she had less, but low quality cock. We'll always prefer a girl with high standards for the reasons I've explained above.
Ragequit at 0:18.
This post smells of PillEater.
After the Blacks learn (((who))) were behind slavery, they can be a real ally.
nah mate, it's just a shitty meme.
The difference is that blacks despise white people, and 5 seconds of contact with inner-city blacks makes it obvious that theyre only after "dat whyte pussah" in order to spite white men and to ruin white women. Niggers rape 30,000 white women in America a year, it should be obvious to anyone with a brain that this is their way of getting raparations n shiet.
Most white women are smart enough to avoid niggers like the plague, but some of them are actually stupid enough to fuck around with niggers. This tells me multiple things about them; 1. they have massive daddy issues and do everything they can to rebel against him, which means your relationship with her is going to be nothing but her trying to make petty little feminist revolts every god damned second, 2 that she has no sense of danger and would walk into a lions cage and pet the lion cuz its a kitty!!!1 :3 3 that she probably has some sorta resentment against white people herself, and probably hates herself for being white and is glad to give reparations back to niggers, and 4 that she probably does not mind being raped, and in fact is probably turned on by it a little bit.
Add in the factors of likelihood of STDs and that they probably believe in the Jewish lies of BBC, which makes them both stupid and gullible, and you see why "we dont want you back". I live in California, I know plenty of coalburners, and every one of them is a fucking walking garbage bag with a million emotional problems. Absolutely nothing of value has been lost, I relish the day we can toss them in the bog so they dont defile my presence.
I will never understand the ceaseless amounts of idiots who just get random, meaningless shit tattooed on themselves
What used to be an ancient and sacred sacrament, something reserved for those of high rank to show their divine nature and their worthiness among their own tribe has been tarnished and made into a fucking mockery
What was once a rite of passage for young Scythian warriors is now a fucking fetish for every depraved degenerate weed smoking niggerloving fucking faggot on the planet earth
I know only rage in this moments
what, is @MeninistTweet the president of Burger King?
If an otherwise pure white was raped by a nigger should she be considered inferior used goods?
Rape victims in general are damaged goods. Its sorta fucked up to say but its truth. Ive known rape victims before. Most of them have alot of emotional problems to the point of being insane. Why do you think niggers rape our women? Why do you think Arabs do ? they know it fucks their brains permanently and removes them from the viable gene pool. Im sure some women are strong enough that it doesnt turn them into sluts or psychos but Ive yet to meet one. Its not something that I like to think about honestly, its one of the few demoralizing things thats true.
its almost as if he doesnt hate them, he just wants to stick to his own race.
For a start there is but I might want to add that regarding them as if they weren't always leads to problems. Shariah and Religion of Cuck™ic law in general contain laws specifically because of that.
You want to know why getting raped is treated as the same as willingly fucking around? This, this is why. Because as soon as you include rape as something separate, women take that as green light to ride the carousel and then simply escape accountability by playing the rape card.
"but.. we're hispanic. race mixing is the foundation of our cultural existence"
this made me laugh my ass off
Its the foundation of their cultural decay
Dont get me wrong aztecs and Mayans were a bunch of bloodthirsty savages, but they did create very impressive works of architecture, the Incans even more so. Given a few centuries they might have developed into fairly advanced nations, probably not at the level of Europeans, but at least they were heading in the right direction, unlike …..some races. Rampant human sacrifice and a completely insane religious system aside, they were very nondegenerate people. Alcohol was forbidden unless you were an elder, homosexuality was punished with the noose, promiscuity got the same treatment.
When the Spanish came they should have either just left them alone or completely wiped them out. What they did instead, which was creating the mixed race bastard children that we now call "Hispanics", was an abomination and an affront to nature. It would have been better to let the Aztecs die with dignity. Now their lands are just a big stinking shithole and it seems theyre even less advanced than they were 500 years ago. I dont feel pity for subhumans very often, but its a shame what was done to them. Spaniards should have kept their dicks in their pants.
No they wouldn't. They were genetic dead end and died from starvation anyway
no that is not a real nose lol
then why are they still shitskins in mexico and not just all spaniards? by advanced I mean relatively here, like Japanese advanced. I still think the best option would have been the spaniards just destroying them entirely.
why? that is a common joke
lol same here
maybe you should do what the rest of Louisiana has done and move to Texas
better start getting her preg asap if you want 5 kids
I can't wait to point this out the next "we wuz aztecs" I meet, they are all huge libs
so it is true they are descendents of aztecs? always thought that was a minority
Im not really sure, some Mexicans definitely seem to have more Aztec and less Spanish features than others but its all a pretty mixed bag. Most Mexicans I've seen looked very clearly like some sort of mix with heavy amounts of Spanish. The ones that are Native, its doubtful theyre directly from Aztecs, theyre more likely from the myriads of tribes conquered by them.
Have to point out that Incan agriculture was better than anything Europe had up until the end of the 18th century, and Tenochtitlan was infinitely cleaner than any European city.
Yes, specifically the late Aztecs. Incas were very tough, too (massive forced resettlements of conquered peoples), but not as big on human sacrifices.
Easy to say. What would YOU have done, after month-slong journeys and years of colonial warfare without any chance of ever returning to your native country (especially in the 16th century). They didn't bring women. OF COURSE they fucked the natives. Gay sex and masturbation simply weren't alternatives.
Probably has AIDS or some terminal infection.
Yea, I've read alot about Incan farming and agricultural techniques and it was truly fascinating. Out of all the Pre-Colombian cultures that were lost I lament the loss of the Incans the most.
I read that there was ONE Aztec king that did not believe in human sacrifice and practiced his religion via simpler offerings like incense and food. Very good ruler and very moderate and reasonable from what I remember too, its a shame the later Aztec kings did not pick up on his ideas. Aztecs really needed a hard religious change but it did not come from within, and it not come gently.
I guess I can understand, I have sinned by being attracted to nonwhite women before and Hispanic women are very attractive I will admit, I dont know what I would have done, but you can say that about alot of situations in history.
Me too. Highly fascinating culture and time period. Additionally, the Spaniards didn't exactly send their best and brightest, more like the scum of their society. Specifically in the case of Peru what created the long-term problem wasn't the miscegenation per se, but the miscegenation by and with inferior European elements. This apart from the fact that the Incas (i.e. the royal caste; "Inca" is not an ethnic term) were described by chronists like Ayala de Poma as very fair themselves.
Interesting. Do you remember the name of that king?
Well, the attraction itself isn't a sin, it's the acting upon it. And to be honest, I personally do not blame the conquistadors and would have done the same. People say "they should have left their dicks in their pants", but that's easy to say in front of a screen in the 21th century. In those times, with their misery and attrition due to diseases etc, after months and months in tiny nutshells on the high sea, stranded in a strange land, without women, without any chance of ever returning… it's very understandable. Not optimal, but understandable. And especially in the case of Peru, the Spaniards acted very dishonourably and destroyed a lot of what could have been salvaged.
Intelligent questions.
Yeah I've heard about the Incan upper castes having light hair and fair skin, it always gets shut down by (((skeptics))) however. I agree on Pizzaro not exactly being the best of the Conquistadors….IIRC the Incan Emperor at the time was pretty open to the idea of Christianity and Biblical lore, but the translation of certain theological ideas was taking too long so Pizarro just killed the nobles and took the Emperor hostage. Then they burned centuries of data and historical records. Much use could have probably come from those, now forever lost.
I dont speak Lizardman but I think its Nezahualcoyotl. Very interesting ruler indeed I would recommend reading about him.
and yea I see your point. I consider weakness of the spirit to be a grave sin but its probably the hardest to avoid, its harder to avoid than other sins. I wish things would have gone differently but its easier to make speculations in hindsight. We've come to the place we are now for a reason, the only way is forward.
Am I the only one who thinks their descent from these cultures combined with their lack of public human sacrifice are the reason they're crime-infested shit-holes? People tend to spend their time more productively than with commiting crimes if they just saw proto-pablo get sacrificed after robbing a fruit store last week.
I'm going to fucking crucify you, judean.
t. hapa
Settle down, Elliot Rodger. Please make another vlog about how magnificent and a supreme gentleman you are.
Interesting, thanks. Agree, one can only look forward, and I'm actually positive that at some point in time a specific Latinamerican form of NS will appear, one not based on race, but on eugenics and strict meritocracy.
There are studies showing that birth control screws with women’s partner preferences. That combined with identity politics = guilt/burning coal/reparations
The thread in which you post is Holy ground.
Bestiality is filthy, I wouldn't stick my dick in that, either.
VERY underrated post, this is the absolute truth, we are a creature that judges others by their actions and choices, and it's all quite natural and necessary as a survival trait.
Who the fuck came up with this "don't judge" nonsense, anyway?
Yea, it's funny, and all that, but joking aside, I feel terrible for these miscegenated children. None of this is their fault, they had no part in this terrible choice they are saddled with.
In that poor kid lies white genes that cannot ever be fully expressed.
This is a horrible injustice that has been visited upon him by his virtue-signalling "mother."
Did you even read the first sentence of the article faggot? The writer IS NOT the bimbo.
This is her:
It's a kiked up version of don't judge without evidence.
This is a problem with all colonies. Well adjusted members of society have little incentive to root up their life and battle for survival with natives in a foreign land. At least initially a colony becomes a means to rid yourself of criminals and the poor. I often wonder how much impact this had on European genetics. Some places like my country sent almost half their population to America.
what's wrong with a guy refusing to date a woman who was with a black man? he's not saying blacks should be killed, or even saying that other white men should not date white women who have dated black men, he's only making a decision regarding who he dates according to his personal preferences, and that's something everyone does.
we also make decisions based on our personal preferences regarding where we choose to live, I told my realtor, who was black, that I didn't want to live in an apartment building because it had black tenants in it, and I didn't want to live next to black people, I didn't say that some other white guy couldn't live there if they wanted too, nor did i say that the black family should have been kicked out, just that I didn't what to live there even though it had everything else I wanted.
what about Egyptians ?
remnants of Atlantis
twin towers confirm
The way to respond is to meet and call her a nigger poon. Then pissing on her and autistically screeching while seig heiling and doing the macarena.
Oh and get a friend to record it then post here.
Also many people on the right are beginning to become concerned that they'll become like this in the future due to normalfaggotry sheep behaviour and their nu male trigger nature.
Even though the left is a billion times worse still.
That bothers ne because the trigger of the left won't cease.
That means idiots like me need to trick the left into spreading their legs more and becoming more like fight club. I reckon Holla Forums has potential to start that.
Trigger nature of the left *
Fugg im tired.
Why do we react "im not judging you"? Why dont we just agree.
Like when they say your spreading white supremacy say - i know we are because white is supreme.
Imagine the reaction.
Even from a non racial purity perspective, it may affect the health negatively for the children. Not positively.
That's only when you take criminal action or action that may critically affect a person without proof.
For mere things like this you can judge as much as you fucking like.
"Chad" behavior is nigger behavior. Chads are the niggers of their races, regardless of their ethnicity. If you want to act like a nigger, you'll be lynched like a nigger.
You fucked thots, women who are trash anyways. That is neither an accomplishment nor is it something to be proud of or advocate for.
Take you TRSoddomite talking point and go back to your standard pool party.
You aren't welcome here.
what in the actual fuck is that?
Fermented birds in seal skin