(((Problematic))) Makeup-Removing App just released - roasties already kvetching

A company recently released an app that digitally "removes" make-up from women's photos - and the salt is already overflowing. Strap yourselves in, lads. And don't forget to download it and give it a 5 star review.


Other urls found in this thread:



It also works on movies, apparently

Post more examples of it working.



Huh, she looks exactly the same. Try it on Ivanka

Well, Melania and Angelina are still beautiful. I've never understood the clownify approach to make-up anyway; at some point faces will need to be washed.



the absolute state

Go back to reddit.

women look better without makeup.
makeup is an instant turn off for me.

Maybe this will teach women that men are into the female body as it appears in nature.

the review on the right is hilarious, but only semi true. the app is pretty realistic.

Cosmo and MTV don't tell them that so they'd never catch the hint.

yea but bitch please still wax all that shit, and I'll get waxed for you too babe.

Well no question there, we dont live in caves we have heaters

That will be tough when all the standard issue women's gossip sites (refinery29, glamor, vogue, etc.) are telling them this is sexist and degrading to women.

Great thread

Latino and greaseball women btfo. No more disgusting sharpie eyebrows

It's so fucking bizarre:

Women are more attractive without makeup.

Hahahahahaha when did you ever think that would be news!

Fuck off MGTOW

afraid of looking ugly?
Afraid of not fitting in?
Afraid of being out of touch?

You stupid nigger, this is a step towards freeing women from their mental prisons. Makeup is a disease

I thought makeup was sexist?

Snarky cunt detected. Ready to get BTFO

it's getting backstreet boys in here


I never wear makeup. I wonder if this will just make my face look slightly uglier and washed out. I'm not uploading face pictures on the internet though.
Makeup is ruining women. It ages your face like crazy with all of those chemicals irritants and drying agents. You end up dependent on it. Plus, if all women wear makeup all the time it creates an unrealistic expectation of what women actually look like.

Can you use it on anime girls?

I love it. The funniest thing about it is that girls who are genuinely beautiful still look beautiful when the app is applied to them. The rage is from ugly bitches who think make-up ever actually covered up what they truly were.

Am I the only one who sees the obvious telegony plus in her image? She possesses facial characteristics of DJT, obviously she's came into contact with his came so many times that it has changed her DNA. You see this a lot in older couples, the female changes to look like the man. Ofcourse they have to have similar facial geometry to be attracted to each other to begin with, but semen changes women.

Eh I just downloaded this and tried it out. It gives mediocre results. It's good at removing eyeliner so you can see a person with barely visible lashes. But it seems to do that by generally lowering contrast and mid tone values, then adds a noise filter over everything to make skin more uneven. So the color and shadow gets dropped across the whole image.

Outside of the triggering, it's maybe a good reminder. But its nothing like those pornstar before/after makeup photos.

wew it's almost like they defend their privileged with doublespeak.

pics related are from a "porn stars without make-up" album. more here; imgur.com/gallery/ynkv8 if interested. just please forgive the site & trigger warning. this was crossposted on 4/pol/ from reddit a few years ago. also there is another album filled with celebrities but i can't find it unfortunately.

I was thinking the same actually. I think it's because she was wearing light lipstick and the app made her lips even lighter. Trump has pretty pale lips because of his tan
can't explain the squinting eyes and brows, though. Very similar to Trump.

you will upload timestamped tits with swastika though

I mean, the only one that looks passable, even with makeup is the middle one, more or less because she looks like an actual human without makeup.

What happens when you use it on a guy's face?

First girl is cuter with no makeup but it looks like she got her lips blown out. What is all of that redness? It's herpes, isn't it?
Second girl is much much more attractive without makeup.
I can't tell with the third girl since she has bug eyes and in the makeup pic they're concealed by her bangs. Looks jewish.
I'm guessing these are all porn stars.

Most girls seem to be way more attractive without makeup in my experience. I think the only thing that genuinely looks better is a small amount of mascara. Anything else just makes you look painted up and fake.


Make your lashes less dark.
Wash out your skin.
Make your lips paler.
Give you eyebags.
Give you random spots on your face.

I'm assuming.

I'd wager that the makeup industry is more destructive to our natural resources than coal production. Every type of foundation is made with kaolin, a natural clay whose mining is quite destructive. Lipstick is derived from palm oil, which is farmed in massive monoculture plantations. Talcum powder is derived from talc, a member of the asbestos family of minerals. Mascara is typically laden with nylon or rayon fibers to increase the length of the eyelashes, not to mention a litany of dyes and additives to attain the desired aesthetic result.
The worst part is, at the end of the day, most of this makeup just goes down the drain, only to be applied again tomorrow.

Most women's skin looks pallid and diseased when their makeup is removed because their skin is never exposed to sunlight underneath their porcelain masks, only getting a chance to breathe at night - provided that the woman doesn't sleep in her makeup.

There's a reason why it's called makeup, they're either making something up or making up for something.

Blonde women with black eyebrows is an immediate red flag

bye bye bye

Most women would be more attractive without makeup, it's that they are hooked on makeup (caking their skin with shit) from ages 12 upwards that they shit on their own skin as well. Of course there are bad looking women and men as well, it's just that makeup isn't applied on the Shreks.

Oh and in Finland we luckily have the sauna test. Sauna is a way of life for most, so you can see your woman without any makeup by going to the sauna.

Does it darken the skin of negresses and chingers who use skin-whitening creams?

Well remember, women insist that they don't ever wear makeup because it makes them more attractive to men, no it's because they're powerful independent women and it makes them feel better.

I'm not sure if that's the reason. I think it's more that all of the fake chemicals are causing microirritation constantly. Also, it'll clog your pores and disrupt your body's natural oil production. It'll dry out your skin and cause wrinkles/spots. Especially with prolonged use.
Makeup doesn't deflect UV radiation. You'd need physical/chemical sunscreens for that.
Probably the absolute worst thing you can do for your skin. I hope most women are smart enough to remove it before bed.

Women's natural eyebrows always look the best. I seriously don't understand why women pluck them off and draw them back on. They always draw them with perfect angles and lines, too. It looks so unnatural and weird.

Ha this is great. Any woman who cakes on the makeup is a sign of a fake and artificial personality as a whole. A deceitful aspect of their life that they embrace and expect to have other men to believe they're a couple notches higher on the 1-10 scale because they paint their faces well. Any time I see a woman with little to no makeup I always try and compliment them. A genuine and honest personality and presentation is extremely hot. Too bad most women are insecure with their looks and have to resort to painting their faces to the extreme.

lolno. This app is terrible because it gives people a false idea of what whores look like without makeup, which I guarantee you is 200% better than what they actually look like without makeup.

But women as a whole appreciate other women who manage to use makeup well to make themselves look better. Hell, they idolize them.

Maybe if they didn't use so much fucking makeup all the time their skin wouldn't look like pockmarked leather.

I think you should think first on WHO gets them to use makeup in the first place

Is there an app that adds the armpit hair back? Is it time to return women to their natural state?

The thing about asbestos (and some forms of talc) is that neither are dangerous because of their chemical makeup. They're both silicates, which means you'll find roughly the same elements in most rocks on Earth, including beach sand. Minerals from the asbestos family (and again, talc to a lesser extent, though it's not part of the same mineral group) are dangerous due not to what they're composed of, but how their crystals are shaped. They're masses of microscopically fine 'hairs' that are incredibly fragile. Fine to touch, but if you inhale the shattered crystals, you're getting a lungful of insoluble microscopic irritants.

>I think you should think first on (((WHO))) gets them to use makeup in the first place
Nigger do you think this is my first week here?

Don't those particles adhere to the molecules in your lung cells very easily as well?

She hid the freckles under makeup. Fucking bitch, no wonder she had to suck Weinstein's cock.

Couples that last tend to resemble one another. Likely just an effect of being attracted to your own kind taken a step above race. You say you see women come to look more like their male partners as they age, but isn't it possible they always resembled them, but the effects of menopause are defeminizing their appearance, thus increasing the inherent resemblance to their husbands?

lol fucking hideous
ps hey hawaii love u bb

They can. Again, it's the size of the particles, not their composition that's the problem. If you melted asbestos down into a compact mass, it would be perfectly safe to use. It would also be about as useful to insulate your house with as a pane of glass.

Oy vey! Muh economy, muh capitalism! All for profit, profit for all! If you ever thought there might be more to life than the collection of material possessions or pursuit of vanity, you're ~weird~ and should be shunned/exiled/tortured!

does it remove fake boobs and lip implants?

this app is trying to nigger me and ask for $0.99 after i used it a while.

anyone pay it? it is $1 per picture or $1 for unlimited use of the app? i would gladly give the dev $1.

fuck off incel cuck

she actually looks cute without make up

Do it before it gets deleted like the one making niggers looking better as whites

It's not that accurate. The area under the eyes need more working.

porn whores dont count faggot and we've all seen these pictures
jesus they look bad FREAKED
its as if the "no makeup" image is actually ugly face makeup


Of course women are pissed when you take away one of their most important social tools.

Somehow compared to the real looks, the makeup versions give me an extremely arrogant impression. Or is that just an association based on real life interactions?


Alright phone fags, start running the ecelebs through it starting with the 'feminists'. Also dudes in dresses.

Apple will pull this followed by Jewgle.

It's actually pretty accurate tbh

Just use phone emulators like Nox.

Pornstars are ugly, inside and out, and hide their ugliness under painted faces and false, honeyed words.

Still looks like a tranny

Can't polish a turd and all that.


wow user, this really made me think



try it on this?


You need an app to find out who is a tranny and who isn't? How new are you?




This app does fuck all
All of them look the fucking same

They're butt-ugly either way

It's impossible to tell who is shitposting, who is shilling and who is just an idiot at this point.



someone do trump

I mean undo all their "glamor" shots on social media and tweet the corrected versions back at them

hey now

i'm just kidding, torfag. some of you are alright. don't go to portland tomorrow.


there must be a way to script searching twatter and doing this



Joogle search "trans activist"?

sex is for making children



KEK it gave him Bill Cosby eyes


Is it true that Ingrid Bergman looked like this without makeup?

Where is the app dumping the processed images? Seems like it's hanging up during processing and restarting

Can someone enlighten me to the meaning and origin of this term? Upon first hearing it, I thought it referred to a girl with big outie pussy lips, as in roast beef. Now it seems to be a blanket term for ugly women in general? In any case, it smacks a little bit too much of niggerspeak for my taste.

looks like tara mccarty or whatever is her name

Makeup is a lie woman use on men then end up believing themselves. It's awful on the skin clogs pores etc. best thing a woman can do for her skin is wear a hat when outdoors and use moisturizer every night. My face has never been in the sun or worn makeup. If not for my silver hair I could easily pass for mid 30s.

It's times like these when I remember how goddamn good it feels to be a man

Until the great unwashed vagina of feminist society wraps its gooey lips around your head; and sucks out all your hope, money and societal standing.

I've never heard of the time either. Seems pretty niggerish.

WTF is wrong with you?

Checked. Especially a white man.




No matter what happens to society or what it does, I'm still a man, and I'll always be able to take care of myself, unlike a woman.

I'll heil to that

it means a girl that sells her pussy by the penny.
cause her vagina flaps get pulled our and looks like roast beef.

basically, a whore.

Beef curtain pussy.

Well said, old chap.

People assortatively mate, especially on more heritable similarities. Them becoming more similar over time is them becoming more similar on the most environmentally impacted traits… but they're together in the first place because of their genetic similarity.

Programmerfag here, we need more apps that generate salt like this. Need ideas…

Did you miss the part about always wearing a hat?

It cant be female

This basically. What makes it different from those "What will you look like in 40 years" ageing apps? they just apply a wrinkle filter, noise, eyebags and random spots/discoloration.

If you want to see what your girl looks like without makeup on stop dating roastie whores and find someone with half a brain who shares your values and wants to raise a family with you.

honestly the salt this has produced across Holla Forums /r9k/ /cgl/ and others is fucking depressing. I thought we were smarter than this.

damn son. consider that stolen.

Huh, that is indeed some nigger level biology comprehension.

App that tells girl's weights from pictures of their face so guys don't get cat fished by fat chicks.
App that tells good lighting and good angle for ugly girls.

well, physiology actually…


I actually wonder if a neural net could pick up on something like that… that could be a really fascinating experiment with a potential payoff. And mining for the training data wouldn't be difficult at all.

So who are those roastie whores in your picture? Or are those "strong, independent wymyn"?


so, basically, any woman

I love this thread

are women starting to be put under the sexual selection spotlight for a change?

perhaps people ought be wary of outbreeding as they are of inbreeding

rock related


this is exactly why Holla Forums shouldn't white knight the womynz as hard as they do

Women really are children when they dont get their way.


No clue as you're the computer guy here and not me. I would imagine what we could do is take pictures of girls that we know are fat and thin, come up with a line of detectors, i.e. too curved of checks, too round near the jaw, neck being thicker than it should, and at different angles so girl can't manipulate it. Then have a simple a.i. sort them into a best fit cluster. The clusters being different weight classes, of course.

the poorfag version of this is to look at the angle. the higher the angle was taken from, the more distorted the pic and the bigger the lie


a term for a woman who is past the wall aka older then 29, when the party of life comes to an end and they only have another 50 years of remembering being a hot young piece of ass that everyone wanted, to look forward too


His real name is Michael robinson

expect that one to tell women they need to be black now

kek its just an unflattering filter that exposes underlying personality traits and/or flaws through reaction alone
they never do learn


So the rumors are true. Miley really IS Justin Bieber.

That definition sounds better. She's roasted, i.e. overdone…


this salt is delicious.


Reminder: cognitive dissonance ruins them.

It's a lie.
Roastie comes from rast beef, the way an abused vagina that took hundreds of cocks looks like, with hanging roast beef flaps.

Except that not how it works you permavirgin asstard.

you're right. that's not how it works. now post your tits

Stay mad, roastie

Apparently the 12 year old reddit brigade has decided to shitpost… I'm not going to bother teaching you how a vagina works….

Ok roastie

Why are you here? Did your twitch stream get shut down?

tits or GTFO

Nobody wants to know how a vagina works.

your pussy is my property

post the only thing you're good for, already: tits

She looks just like (((Matthew Broderick))), who is married to (((Sarah Jessica Parker))). Unbelomblable.

women are for breeding and nothing else, anyone here who white knights them are just /r_donald refugees who haven't fully swallowed the redpill, women are just as subhuman as any other nonwhite, they don't want respect and no amount of beta orbiting will change this, they want to be dominated by a strong male, not kowtowed to by a reasonable one, because women hate reason, they are creatures of emotional reaction through and through and need a strong hand to keep them in line.



-Ivanka Trump
-Chelsea Clinton
-Jeb Bush
-Elizabeth Warren
-the most famous of instagram thots


Target the women who whine about it. Find their pics and apply.


Don't need an app for her. She's a nigger.

Meaning: She's been fucked so much her pussy droops and looks like roast beef.
Origin: The MRA circles.

This user is technically correct. Some women are born wrong and have cunt flaps when they grow up. Some complete whores will not have such cunt flaps.

However, in my personal experience you better not deal with cunt-flapped women.

Posting scientific documentation on the matter regarding non cunt flap being a cunt for research purposes.


Yes, and she's the nigger people point to to say "they can be pretty!".
Prove them wrong.

Why do you have video of a women being sodomized by a Jew saved on your computer?


sometimes I get the urge to do some research on the effects of applied patriarchy


Ah, I see.
You're a degenerate. Into the pitfire you go.

Usually you can tell just by the width of the face. No FGAS can hide their wide pancake mugs.


There are actually numerous studies now showing that regular contact with semen is vital to a women's sense of well-being. I imagine that the effect begins to taper off once women become infertile after they're old.

our ancestors valued beauty much more than us because of how rare real beauty is. here is liv tyler without makeup, example of a genuine beauty

Just a sign of things to come once robot wives are commonplace.




That's not correct either.
Whores ofter get labiaplasty.
And she squeezes her legs together so low to moderate beef is concealed.
And in the end you really need a LOT of abuse to get a full roastie



MakeAPP reveals it: that's a guy.

Kek, its fucking Egon from Ghostbusters.

I was trying to work out who this reminds of and I think Ben Stiller

download it before (((they))) get it pulled

still extremely fuckable

kelly btfo
no surprises with kasparian

Better let the author know about F-droid. Once this story gains traction this bad-goy app will be (((memoryholed))).

Confirmed Lena Dunham is indeed a man


outbreeding and inbreeding depression
incest is bad, because genes are too close
racemixing is bad, because genes are too far

Ainsley Harriot?

Lol men are immune to this.




Not actually true, see the following.

Bill's lookin' old

I love growing out all my body hair, not being embarrassed about my body odor, working out as noisily as humanly possible and being an overall nuisance to women, beta males and other people
I brag about being a man out loud and around the clock because it's all about me being a man and it feels DAMN GOOD

Doing God's work user.


I do the same shit honestly. I make "sexist" comments as often as possible and act as condescending as possible about the "ills of women".
God damn, it feels good.

can someone with a twatter account post a bunch of these on there? #thehaggening

Bullshit. She does the lipstick spreading thing with her lips immediately.

>if you want to see women without makeup, you are a (((creep)))

not sure why so many people have a problem figuring this out



Moonman In the Flesh?


poor Michael.
He just didn't wanna be a nigger any more.

Notice how women recoiled when they realized that they're not what they truly are. Ironically, they think that we judge them, but we simply choose our mates. Whereas, they're too busy trying to compete with themselves until they become roasties or they commit suicide from the drop in their social value.

This app should be for free.

haha this. the salt must flow.


I know they're saying that only men will be using it but I'd bet more women would us it instead.
Like two would get into a fight on social media and one would use the app and post the picture calling the other an ugly whore or something.


The whole thing just shows that women are only taken seriously because of their looks. If you saw one of these creatures saying the shit they normally say on TV, you'd start laughing uncontrollably. What a total sham hahahahahaha!


Hahaha. The salt from this app is amazing.

This is a game changer.

t. Time traveler

come on user, i know you can fool some but not all.

Still hot

Why lie, there's plenty of salt as it is.

White Supreme Gentleman looks good. Asian is a #2 contender
I guess he's right, full blooded men always beat the mongrels down.

taking the make up off actually makes this dyke look more like a man.




The eyebrow colour makes her look like a bloody mestizo in makeup. I don't know why women keep on assuming men are attracted to darker hair.

The insanity doesn't even surprise me anymore.

I absolutely love how this has laid bare, in front of all, the depraved vanity of the modern woman. They can't even stay off social media for a night until it cools off, holy shit. Best timeline confirmed.

that's cute though

sides orbiting

I judge females all the time
by judging them on their genetics and how they're trying to fake some if they use makeup



Oh you motherfuckers, i actually laughed


huh, i can actually fuck her now

just make your first date a trip to the pool at the y or something



As long as she follows you and you're the leader then it'll be fine.

You can tell when a girl has makeup when you're close to her anyway.

Best option is to just court a younger female and marry her.

Ehh, thats the least awful one.

very nice eyes

Credit goes to a Halfchanner for his God-Tier +100 Hrs in Paint


A 10 is still a 10. Makeup only hides the 8s and lowers.

Looks like this app really rustles their jimbos. Perhaps because makeup is a major tool of deception which tricks men into believing the reproductive value of a woman is 3 points higher than it actually is (in the standard 1-10 rating system).
That would be like adding an extra zero onto a man's income, if you were to put it into perspective.
Honestly I would rather women didn't wear makeup, theres no reason to deceive your self because muh dik.


May the Roasties be Exposed!!!

Gary Senise in an Ozzy wig

90 year old Vladimir Putin horsing around wearing a red mop on his head at a party

Gary Oldman goes to the beauty salon

Failed clone of Elvira before extermination

Tim Allen gets a nosejob

Bloated corpse made up by a well-meaning, but sadly insufficiently-skilled mortician

Oh man, they hate this app because it reveals their true SMV.


got news for ya
she's wearing makeup


BBC needs to die


that macro needs to be spammed on (((jezebel)))

I knew a girl that had d cups by the time she was 12 almost 13.

i kicked my fiance to the ground last week. feels bad man. deserved it tho.

Poor girl.
By the time she was 16, she probably had back pains harsher than an old man's.

It also had her grow up to be a total slut teen pregnancy and everything. Her mother should have given her chastity belt once she saw her tits grow in. She wasn't super bright and there was no way she wasn't going to give it up to every half decent looking boy and smooth talked that walked up to her. Fun fact she had no father and was a definite attention whore. Never stood a chance.



One of the reasons why they should be married when they're at that age.
She could have had "safe sex" in a safe environment: "marriage" where, when she got pregnant, it wouldn't be that much of a big deal.

if you'd send your daughter off at 12 you are a literal cuck


the average 12 year old is twerking for pedos on youtube or rubbing their cunt for strangers on omegle, so who's the cuck, pops?

who is hildegard of bingen


i bet you'd like that to be the case

The woman in the second picture is naturally attractive without the mask.

13 is way too early even if her tits came in she still wouldn't be ready for a committed relationship like that at all. Maybe if this was 100s of years ago and she was upper class and literally raised to be given away, but that's not today's reality. More practical would be actually watching her kid, staying married, and other classic family dogma where kids grow up with a shred of self confidence that allows them to at least make somewhat intelligent decisions. Poor thing is paying for her mother's mistakes just as her child will.

Have fun with those abortions, no grandchildren or mixed race if they choose to have an accidental pregnancy.

I'll be finding a suitable suitor for mine and let them marry.



nice false equivalence there degen.

The Jews need to stop with this "every woman under 25 is children" shit. It's all just to lower birth rates. Naturally, we should all be fucking 15 year olds right now as nature intended.

Within marriage.


disgusting picture

I tried it on a guy that I know and myself and yeah, it makes you look like you have some kind of skin disease. But I figure that women who often wear a lot of makeup actually look like that since it damages their skin.

What's that second image? She literally looks like a reptile. Look at those eyes!

just admit you are attracted to pre and barely pubescent children

lauren is actually kinda cute without makeup

Can someone please do this pic?


I think that letting people marry earlier (12+ and after puberty has started with parental consent) means that there's less chance/temptation of young adults sleeping/whoreing around and increasing risk of divorce later in life.

Not that much of a difference with Natalia. Cool

how new are you m8?


Some guys have a point with the 16 year old thing, but 9?

no you aren't

I tried it on someone I know and it makes him look sick and old.


She actually looks better imo.


this must be your first day on the internet

I've been on the edge for a long time. Trying not to hate women. But this thread pushes me over the edge. I hate the modern woman. They are disgusting subhumans.

im not a proponent of arranged marriages and most likely never will be. i guess because im not a beta spastic with no other realistic options to get pussy. you really fucking think 12 year old females growing up in the large communities that exist now will be happy about being told which neckbeard they are going to marry. id rather keep the age of consent at 18 and discourage being a whore. let the women actually become fully grown.

shut the fuck up torposter go watch child porn. fucking fatass reject youre never going to get a 12 year old wife to stick your dick inside holy fuck youre disgusting.

but they highly encourage the infertile/dysgenic (((MILF))) porn fetish among the goyim


bitch youre the one shilling for younger pussy not me

Just like boob jobs.
Where’s the app to remove boob jobs from images?

Well I'm not supporting 9 year olds, that was a special case if you read it.

I'm for 12+ leaning more towards 14 being the average.

Do you know the difference between arranged and forced?
There's a difference y'know.

agreed. whites should encourage arranged marriages by age 5 or 6, but not allow consummation for another ten years


more projection.
follow the chain of conversation, you low iq nigger.
the argument is that it's better to marry off a girl at a younger age than let society dictate its warped values which cause little girls to twerk and masturbate for older men online.

Beauty should come from the inside, the women who are offended by this obviously have no concept of that and are vain as fuck and only believe that their outward appearance matters. I'd rather have a 7/10 traditional qt than a degenerate vain 10/10.

I'd prefer arranging it around 12 and consummating it a couple years later.

Obviously not forcing it though.

I'm not even disgusted, I just…
I don't know, man.

12 is too late. children should be paired up so they can grow and learn together as life partners which is what marriage is supposed to really be about


Comes from /r9k/, term is short for roast beef. Other anons explained why.

ok whatever man but you are insane if you think for a second id ever let my 12 year old sister let alone my daughter be sent off to live with another man if shes got pubes or not. you ever tried to make that common and i would actively fight you and whoever would go along with it. absolutely degenerate, acting like she will mature better under your care than her mother and fathers. fuck yourself.

you need to be put down. how could you do that to your daughter? youll never truly know the man and his intent you are giving her to. absolutely degenerate.


inb4 banned

nigger please.



pretty sure that's a dude

Thank you. The one on the left is Gollum-tier. The girl on the right is still qt, though.

do vid.me's of mass magazine burnings

Well I've actually thought of that before.
Yea I agree but I wouldn't call that "arranged" specifically.

The way I planned on doing that is having "family" events where One of the planned couples attends one of their families whether that be them going on a holiday/daytrip etc or just simply visiting their house. (obviously no alone time without supervision when they hit puberty or until they're married etc)


yeah, Hawris don't wear make up user-kun

its not going to fucking happen pedos youre going to get burned at the stake

stop projecting your latent pedo urges and learn how to read, faggot.
where did i suggest pairing up a six year old girl with a man? i said society should pair up kids for marriage, but the actual sex and marriage part doesn't come until their mid teens.
until then, they just grow up together as life partners and friends.

I'd prefer my 14 year old sister getting married now than her sleeping/whoring around.

Marriage is the only environment where "safe sex" can occur

I don't know why you'd rather have your 12 year old sister sleeping around and having sex with different guys from her school with the chance of her getting pregnant than marrying someone you know who will treat her properly and raise a family.


Hush up lass, the men are having a laugh.

Creator of the app tweeted this out just a bit ago



literally nothing conencted with that.
after puberty starts, that's no longer pedo either.

Spoiler that shit user

below 6-7 is too early, Westermarck effect will fuck them up. Ask the chinks and their habits of adopting female babies to be their sons wives

(protip: the sons go out and cheat on other women or became faggots, like Mao Zedong)





right, they shouldn't live together and grow up like "brother and sister"
i think it should be more like the boy and girl know they will marry at some point, but they still live with their own families and spend time together under chaperone like in traditional societies.
of course, if they get older and decide they really don't want to marry each other, they shouldn't be forced to.

link to twitter?


2D really is infallible



There's a video on efukt where a chick takes 100 dicks in a day. She starts off normal and puffy and she ends up with roast beef. IN ONE DAY.

though you do want the "first love" effect as well which occurs as long as puberty has begun.
When they see someone for the first time, you increase the chances of that happening.

I grew up and had family friends myself and I used to be "best friends" with one of the brothers sisters who was around my age, nothing happened after puberty with me and her, I wasn't attracted to her enough. She's alright but I realized after having a crush on another girl and stopping that I'm now looking for certain genetics/facial features.

He became famous from Sweatin’ to the Oldies.
Boomers still tune in for that reason alone.


if you were shilling for arranged marriages at 16 i wouldnt want to burn you alive, id just disagree with the arranged marriage part. but youre such a blatant pedo betamale you have to take it all the way degenerate. die.


if only she lives in a proper working society, a man would buy her and imprison her inside his home and give her to his son
Fuck the kikes.

It means any homophobia of the female sex.


Oy vey!

Ariana pls.



That's not the creator, this guy is.

So how will you solve the roastie/whoring around problem?
How are you going to lower the divorce rates?


Helen thomas plz I want to look into the elder gods eyes.

Are you retarded my dude?


see this is an interesting case study. with make up, id say female #2 looks more attractive, though without make up, female #1 is much better looking. it's all about bone structure and proportion.


< It ages your face like crazy with all of those chemicals irritants and drying agents.
< You end up dependent on it.
< Plus, if all women wear makeup all the time it creates an unrealistic expectation of what women actually look like.

don't get fucking use to it
your just an user here

This swede instagram cunt is still a beauty. Nordic master race confirmed.

Don't some facial products come from babies foreskin and aborted fetuses?

I already know the put stuff from fetuses into drinks like pepsi, coke to enhance flavors.

fuck you I wanted to sleep tonight

its funny bc #1's name is Pettibone. Was about to post the same thing, met her IRL, she looks better in this pic with no makeup

there wasnt a whoring around problem until we allowed the jews to subvert our nations and brainwash our people so get rid of jews/cultural marxism and get nonwhites the fuck out. then form a culture that exiles degenerates.

The App in question is MakeApp, dumbass.
FaceApp! is a completely different thing, and rather controversial, that they're trying to pile onto him.

w/o is 10/beauty. why would she wear makeup at that age?

That can only end well.

FaceApp is the one that can make different races version of a person, like pic related, and got shut down by (((them))) for showcasing real diff. due to races (RACISM!)

YES! Thank you

that's not really it. it refers to whores, women who by all means should be shamed for their behavior.

This is how every twitter comment thread goes:

that was such an awesome feature too



Education is a thing you know.

Wow, tumblr nose.


I never knew just how much makeup lied. It's like women are walking false advertisements.

I can't stop laughing




Telegony doesn't happen in humans

Do women actually darken their eyebrows like that or is this app compensating for few with draw on eyebrows

If anything, the app goes easy on women, since it doesn't really take contouring into consideration. So these women, especially the asians, would look even worse without their make-up truly. This app is very good in exposing them though.


are you sure?

Can't wait until onaholes + VR good enough to destroy casual sex

it works when I tell it to, and that applies to all women,

< needs to imagine without makeup to confirm

top fucking kek

t. user with coalburner wife

women are fake news.


Maybe it's just me but Melania without make up looks a bit like Dave Mustaine



Made her cuter.


the filter covers blemishes.

This is how women can throw the app off. Filter

Not really. A lot of them I've seen so far it methifies them, like they look even worse than they do in reality without makeup with bruised looking paler skin, but it is a much more real representation than many would like to present, and how much it triggers roasties is fucking hilarious.

Spoiler that shit, user

confirmed to be a cucchanner

You are an immoral degenereeeeeeeeeete!

Russians hacked our erections

You're a funny guy Carlos.
I'll deport you last.

The one on the right is a yid.

What happens with a makeup expert.
Get skilled.

why even bother, she's ugly even with make up

Melania is cuter without the makeup. It's a great shame that "war paint" is the standard for makeup. I wouldn't be surprised if Jews had a hand in making that happen.

she's only cute caked in make up and wearing 2D customes user

I researched it personally.

I'm not married. You shouldn't take whores and coalburners because their actions fuck their brains and/or shows how much fucked up they are

They are ALWAYS children, they are 5 year olds stuck in the bodies of adults.

This is fucking incredible


Is this a male?

Imagine if every guy wore a cod piece and 3" risers. More than that, they wore chest spandex that have the appearance of pecs, traps, and abs on their doughy body. Now have them put that they're 6'2 in their tinder bio and you're approaching the level of deception roasties engage in. Applying it to men only further highlights how retarded it is, but of course you still have to blame society for it

Holy shit, that's epic. Too bad the app crashes on me.


Lmao I fucking lost it. Literally this . Shit is exactly the same

Some would argue Yes.

limbo gymnastics ova here


I don't see that tweet, user



She’s shown pictures of herself without makeup. She’s gorgeous, girl next door.
Of course, gorgeous in every single photoshoot too.

Feminist MSM will be feminist till it effects their sponsors negatively.


another eco review inc. gentleman and a scholar

Glorious app.

if you grew up next to Chernobyl maybe


one of us did

Did "pics related are from a "porn stars without make-up" album" give it away?


I can't see difference

underrated b o a s t



Me too

I seen him in the movies.

She's not even that bad looking. She's just making a ridiculous face.


Her face is always ridiculous.


Feminism is not that bad. Its important to get some women in power and oust white men who control us.

Abso-fucking-lutely beautiful.

stay mad, roasty

also, tits or gtfo since you're not a real girl

Is that guy's face real? I saw dirty harry maybe a decade and a half ago and didn't remember that guy's face being so big.

Katy why do you have a Dumpster Family???

(((white men)))



Indeed it is.

Oh wow ya he is the Cardash on DS9, I never knew. By the by, we must genocide all Bijors, fam.

Oh boy here we go.



thats the apps vindication, is it not.
looks like bradley

Gotta love technology.

They're a cute

It's trolling? I cant tell anymore.


that sandwich looks good tbh

both pretty cute, could not help but to see pic 2

Nice. I can't wait to see how this plays out in the morning.

This isn't some retarded instagram filter faggot

The truth is out there.

The Maisie poster is going to kill himself tonight.

Run Sofia through the app.


Holy shit.




Tomorrow is going to be fun!



You'd be surprised.

brb whenever mad at female just get pic of her social media then send her makeapp version


lol holy shit.

the years gone so many memories

Why is 2017 so fucking entertaining?


So. Fucking. MAD.


(heiled) for no fun allowed

This app will change the world. It's like a new weapon in our memetic arsenal.


I don't hate makeup, I also don't hate their natural face. I'd bet most men agree. What are they getting their roasties in a ravioli about?

this is bringing out a lot of white knight beta-males.

why did that bitch sarah jones go so hard on asturias de alhambra? totally uncalled for and the upvotes from other roasties…..fucking women.

It's for other women.

The last thing Kasparian wants people to know is that Lauren Southern is still pretty cute, whereas she looks like a fish being pushed into a sock.

Currently making a video compiling all the salt and examples from this. Keep up the great work lads.

"Her face is her fortune," said Nietzsche. How salty would you be if a woman made an app that drained your bank account?

Enjoying this show, tbh.


theyre mad they can get instantly exposed for not being the perfect specimens they try to portray themselves as. im like you, dont really give a shit if they wear make up. im aware that it makes them look better and thats why im ok with it. they dont want us to know that, thats why theyre mad.

still looks good. bitches are whining because this is clearly exposing ugly whores, it doesn't just make everyone look like shit.

The best part of this? If they didn't actually look like that without makeup they wouldn't be losing their shit over it.

This is definitely going into another thread it looks like lads. If someone is working on an infographic, it would be nice to have it ready for the OP.


someone run this whore through, post it here and then post it on her twitter

Heh I see what you did there user.

It only makes him look more grizzled and battle-hardened!


Ashley Judd when she was on TNG. Run her through.

Without makeup these give off "childhood friend" vibes. With makeup, instead gives off "celebrity I will never meet".


You knew some pretty ugly looking girls when you were growing up.




I'm more prone to assume a better personality on a face without makeup to associate with childhood friends. 2nd one doesn't look too bad. 1st isn't bad either, but her mouth is on the weird side.



Kek. Have some OC from le Trump tax return meme.

Would probably be a more marked result if you white-balanced the original before makeapping it.


Prime example why we need a return to traditional marriage and courting. So young girls don't become degenerate, self-hating, soulless sluts that do nothing for the volk, she should've been married off with a functional family's blessing.

this is less dramatic then i would have hoped. maybe

is right. this thing needs high differences in colors to work right, if the original photo is bland it's not going to work

or she just doesn't look like shit without makeup which is unfortunate.

Okay, if you insist.

This isn't the app though, just that series of "porn stars without makeup".

Wasn't it only Nestle that did that?

better. still a bit too green in the original imo, but yea.

Gave it another shot after leveling it in Paint.net(no white balance plugin) and then a close up.


I bet Pettibone and the others will pick this up, luckily for her she seems even cuter without makeup. Looks more like a salt-of-the-earth American girl now.


Still true.

The biggest issue is that it's not just roasties wearing fucktons of makeup. I used to work at a high end beauty products store and around Christmas they'd fill the store with bins of the cheapest garbage lotions, lip glosses, eye shadows etc. Like a 5 for $20 deal. These young girls would be waiting outside with their moms before we even opened the doors. These little girls are literally covering themselves with chemicals from head to toe starting before puberty. The lotions are the most insidious, because they smell delicious, like cookies or honeydew melon, but they are loaded with alcohols that dry skin as well parabens which have been linked to breast cancer. Use organic, cold pressed coconut oil for dry skin, rashes and healing skin, for both men and women.
As far as the high end products go, it's exactly like fashion. You are paying for a brand name. $80 for foundation, $40 for one lipstick, $30 for one shade of eye shadow. And perfume? Put a celebrity on a bottle and we couldn't even keep it in stock. Women are extremely proud of how much their makeup costs. Quality is rarely factored into it. One thing I learned from the experience was that very few women care whether something is worth what the price tag is asking. They simply buy to be able to signal to others that they can afford it, all the better if it costs more than what another woman has. Advertisers and the companies that make the products know this all too well. That's why often the same exact product will cost more if it says "Womens" or "for Her" on it than the one marketed towards men.

One of us!
Now I don't feel bad paying $0.99 for the app.

You don't need to tell me, but I'd rather have right wing attention whores instead of lefty ones. It's a sign that the Overton window is shifting to our favor

Damn I love those slimline fore-grips.


Hey, some dudes are in to skeletons.


We need to put this thing through the ultimate test.

Then just recolor her hair back to the original roots, ugly scum bucket revealed


Spacetime fabric can only take so much user!



Nice try shlomo

i think she just doesn't look terrible without makeup.

>>>/jewess/ with the rest of your sick kind

You asked for it but I had to spoiler these. I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad

faggot detected

calling it right now, this app will be credited in atleast 1 suicide

it looks exactly the same.

Well RIP that app.


I bet Apple pulls the app tomorrow morning. Better enjoy the Haggening as long as you can.

it handle clowns just yet.


it *can't

Just download it and save it somewhere.

Kim Jung Un spotted at Hollywood Coke Party!

and one death is one death too much!



Now we know what Anita needed those $200K for.


I think that user is right, at least when it comes to comparing the before/after.
She doesn't look as drastically different as some of the others, so it's not really funny, sadly.


Everything below the eyes sucks.

post your ginnies if you got em

No wonder he chose to be gay.

Who will it be?

also she has a low-set forehead. absolute garbage.

Name: com.magicunicorn.makeapp.apk
Size: 22393825 bytes (21 MB)
SHA256: 23609C2FF6B6A49B650CFFBD47BD4B1F839EC9272627AFAD27174855C8A8DD9C
SHA1: 3707B02DDE99C19939F78F1C05829F898CC2EBE4
BLAKE2sp: D95D3D145196946B8FF1222BEBBAEC08A1BB6EA96AA0D2CAF13169B856F45AA9
/ipfs/ QmSvvK17ygo qt3zNXYoYigWrRSfNs xfJhc8bKxDyJGGobu
btih:12c7dbe7cf602a 32d5a752a7de2b58691ab 44b32 &dn=com.magicunicorn.makeapp.apk&ws=https%3a%2f%2fmy.mixtape.moe%2frepowv.apk&as=https%3a%2f%2fmy.mixtape.moe%2frepowv.apk

Holy shit. He's one of us!

Who cares tbh? The cat's already out of the bag. Two things will happen:
1) This guy is literally becoming a millionaire as we speak.
2) Copycat apps will surely follow.


really makes me think

I need off this ride.

I'll be sad when they pull it. -Kevin Spacey

Kathy Najimy is a chola?!

Dude, what?


get fucked Holla Forums

If you're lurking our Russian makeapp friend, please consider a better final image encoder. Leaving artifacts everywhere. Shame to have such a nice sophisticated network model shortchanged by a weak renderer.

very close yes?

Poor, naive soul.


Confirmed: Bruce Jenner is Cher.

I was doing umm. uh. research, yeah that's it, research..on.on.on. on how the app handles drawings and and art, yes art, and well it waaass and ad actually used …. *darts eyes precariously*

kys. I don't care if you're joking or not

Glad to see that Holla Forums is finally taking the red pill.

Still perfect. Really makes you think…

really activates my almonds

Please run my waifu through the app.
I have faith in her.

Yeah I do this to but women don't seem to mind so long as you are nice about it.

2D never disappoints you.

Agreed: twitter.com/gabrelyanov
Plus, it's an .APK, you can recoded into whatever.
W/opencv.org/ & VP9/AV1, would cum diamonds.

Run it yourself:
W/QEMU you can run Android on any OS & play w/it.

Well well well Mr SandyVagina, what exactly is your problem with pedos? They're just fucking immature assholes. You just need to grow up.

Holy shit, that "Gluestick05" cunt. She probably enjoyed the election, judging from what the wrote 2 years ago.

Of course she's perfect.
Thanks user.



can you spell child prostitution ring victim ?

I've actually seen women do this. In college. They were all in the same coven, err i mean dormitory.


What did you expect?

Actually, the zaniest part about all of this is that probably the people most likely to use the app are women against other women. Women are fucking savage beasts that should in no way allowed near technology. My own woman, who admits all of this and then some, taught me a shitload of things about the average woman's brain: they're like little vengeful children that, unless they're from a countryside background or are just candid at heart, will do whatever they can to bring down others while pretending to be a complete angel. Also, if you think that is only male-related, think again: these harpies will fuck you up the moment you are of no interest to them anymore. You could be the sweetest, richest, considerate, romantic, buff alpha male in the world, the attosecond that your existence is somehow at odds with her interests (her most esteemed friends, her social approval and standing and her sexual desires) they'll toss you away like a pair of worn out slippers.
Also, why the hell no one ever links to the apk when making these threads? Knowing nu-Feminists, they could take it down any minute. The thing is, no matter if it's accurate or not, it will absolutely wreck other women/potential female competitors because unless they post their natural face, everyone will be skeptical of their make up pictures, even if the clean one is dubious at best.

I was going to say that this must have been created by a woman but then I remembered computer science is a STEM field.

You guys have to be pretty retarded to believe this app. You realize cuckchan redditors believe this right? They are dumb capeshitters.

Maybe Daisy should be playing the Emperor instead

Jesus Christ is she 50yrs old?

Oh snap you caught me.

She looks like this without makeup. Ie you can actually see her skin and freckles aren't looking like she's half dead. Pretty cute tbh

Making a request!

You are truly pathetic at this. Please, for you're own sake find another career path immediately.

Gonna call bullshit on that user. Either you have never been in rural communities or you have been hanging out in some Norman Rockwell painting that time forgot.

There is the same level of shit people as cities, just far less concentrated. besides its more about how you are raised and socialized than where you grew up

Have anyone tried to iterate 5-10 times on the same image yet? Pick a suitable one and not the LQ ones.

Of course, it is only a prediction after all. But the average is close enough to rustle some jimmies.

just damn. That look in her eyes. How much longer before Danny Boy is in 'rehab'?

Cover the lower half of her face (nose and mouth) and look at her eyes.

Idk some of them seem to have women looking like they got sprayed with acid tbh. That one alone shows that its pretty wrong.

Makeup is one of the most stupid fucking things men ever let themselves get sucked into.

There's this chick at uni who was literally unrecognizable when she showed up one day without makeup. She walked in and I thought "Who's this? Never seen her before." Not kidding. Then she sat with the same people she always does, and it clicked.

To look done up on a night out sure, but painting your face every day to look a like different person is just fucking stupid.


Kinda looks like jfmsu. Is that it?

Joe Biden, is that you?

I smell a heretic and a blasphemer! DEUS VULT INFIDEL!!!

Wouldn't the first step be more white babies though?

No, that's how things become normalized.
If make-up use is to be discouraged it has to be done in every possible way while always encouraging and celebrating natural beauty, no exceptions.


Yeah you're right. I mean sort of a light touch up not caked on, but still yeah.

the entire corruptocrat harveywood globalist establishment trafficking ring will burn for what they've done. not just for emma, but for all the pure freckled girls-next-door who are yet to be born.

checked for dubs of soullessness. another innocent, taken and corrupted. i remember driving by the bus stop/train station in the valley, off of Lankershim near Chandler. pretty much any time of the day between 6am and 9pm you could see them; the young and hopeful, wide-eyed and innocent, stepping off of buses to take the train down into LA proper, to try and "make" it. cute girls, sexy girls, girls-next-door, almost to a one they were from some other, more traditional, more wholesome part of the country. and every time i would see them, i would shake my head and feel my soul dim a little. "more meat for the grinder" i would say.

i briefly dated one of those girls for a time. a cute, slender thing, from Florida. she had graduated with a degree in film, and like so many before her, wanted to make her dreams come true. lucky for her, she had good instincts, and was able to avoid being roped into some of the shadier shit during her first year in LA. things didn't work out for us romantically, but i did introduce her to my friends, who in turn helped her get a steady job away from show biz. after another 4 or 5 years in LA, trying futilely to get her script read somewhere, she decided enough was enough and made plans to head back to Florida.

we held a going away party for her, and near the end of it she told me she was very thankful to have met me, because if she hadn't met me, she wouldn't have met my friends and gotten the job she had, and if she hadn't gotten that job, she doesn't know what she would have done to survive. in her time in LA she had learned and seen enough to know what it was other young innocent girls did to "make" it, and she wasn't having any of that. last i saw of her before i deleted my faceberg was that she was back in her hometown in Florida, married to an upstanding white gentleman with a bun in the oven, eagerly awaiting her journey into motherhood.

i was able to save one Holla Forums.

If anyones complaining about this, just accuse them of female fragility (as opposed to make fragility) and if they arent white, accuse them of non-white fragility and point out whites are naturally beautiful without makeup.

lel doubling down doesn't change a thing. togtfo btw.

damn, I was not expecting that

Wide feet that have been forced into heels.Might be common in redheads. You think thats bad, go look up "foot binding".

tell me your font rendering settings

I don't think it's bad, I think it's laughable. I have little pity for these (((talented))), millionaire thots left tbh.

Holy shit did you need help. She is the only actress who has talked about 1) mens mental health (like yours) 2) suicide 3) the recent lack of importance of fatherhood and championing her father 4) feminism is too often seen as man hating

Dont fall for the memes

yellow fever fags eternally btfo


you sure pick a strange thot to post w/ you're ableist totallynotinsanenorcompletelylibshitstronkindepyndynt message user.



I voted for Trump user, stop acting like a dumb redditor pls

Theres no reason for a beautiful white redheaded woman to feel she needs to deform and mutilate her feet in order to be perceived as attractive. Obviously Id be quick to place the blame for those ridiculous "standards" on the Jew.

I'm sorry Emma Watson. No water out of bitter well make clean.

Why do women's eyes look so weird without the shadow and liner? Almost reptilian.

You were doing God's work. I've lost friends to LA. It's a hard place to live and an even harder place to leave.


Two words user:

the fuck are you on about user? i know what she's said and done. doesn't change the fact that they've been making a concerted effort to take something good, pure and wholesome and destroy it in every way possible. re-read my damn post

oh nevermind, you're just retarded.

Two words user. National Socialism.

Go back to reddit lad, you see him yelling at the paparazzi? You're an idiot. Like I've probably told you before

Oh look at that, she's still crazy beautiful

Completely separate you fucking nitwit

Do you guys actually crosspost from cuckchan? Damn


Wouldn't that be hebephilia?

Bradley, it grieves me greatly to see you post this picture. I love you no matter what, you will always be my grandSON. Nothing will change that. It pains to say I cannot support you as I intended should you continue down this road. You are a man with an XY chromosome and nothing you say or do will change that. You are uniquely and wonderfully made, there is not another Bradley Edward Manning. If you refuse to be him, them who will be? You have so many amazing gifts to offer this world, don't be fooled by the lies of our society, be true to YOURSELF, Bradley!

I might have misread your post, but if you paid attention she made bank and didnt have to do oscarbait and anything to be famous and has picked many indie roles mostly based on books

She is extraordinarily vapid, and has no clue about any of the talking points that she is fed.

Just watch this conversation.

I love it when the mentally ill become unhinged, please, do it some more.


Living in times when make up app can discover trannies.
This needs to be a plugin for a browser

The funny thing is that if you try it on a face without makeup it just makes you look old, tired and infected with hepatitis B.
And if you use the add makeup feature, it makes you look as an aging prostitute.

She kinda looks like Soros, except without the eyebags

user are you that autistic you don't know how to interact with people socially? Shes doing an intereview and letting the person shes interviewing control the conversation. Please stop while you're ahead, shes very meek and a good person.

They might be brother/sister for all we know

What happens if you run a pic through the app several times, using the previous results as the new base?

She paid a lot for that face.



Blue steel wewwww

She's clearly auto-piloting this interview, she's not exactly Holla Forums incarnate but as far as women go she could be a million times more degenerate than she is now.
Not excusing anything, but it's hardly fair to beat a child for doing something they have been taught isn't wrong.


Interview is also edited pretty shittily.

Everyone knows you have no morals

This happens

stay salty


Just remember, its ironic you'd ever use the phrase "toasty roastie" because you sound like one. MGTOW reddipol spergs legit sound like tumblr and say the same things in fact many times now. SAD

I'm using this

My wife never wore makeup, she never had to…she's white.
Rosy cheeks, blue eyes, pink lips, red hair…I tell her other women paint their faces to look like hers.

If these women with sun-destroyed features are so upset with what they REALLY look like, they can always have their face-paint tattooed on.

let it flow through you



You act like a girl.



The amount of mental gymnastics, holy shit.
These people never cease to amaze me.

Pic 2 is not bad without makeup.
It's because she's a blonde, with light skin.

strong retort

This is going to be funny.

The truth of the matter is that most women look ugly without makeup. Not all of them of course, there are some women which look good without or with very little make up, but those are very rare statistically speaking. The vast majority of women are ugly sans makeup, which is why they put on so much of it in the first place. And this goes for all women including celebrities, actresses and models.

This is why you don't women on a pedestal.

Ok roasty.

I ask people followup questions user. I question why they think x given y etc.

She is not a good person or a meek little girl, she is just a person and a very misguided one at that. The small courtesies she does by mentioning male suicide etc. is vastly overshadowed by the fact that she blames it on "toxic masculinity"


But that does not excuse her for not even questioning the doctrine she is being fed. She does have agency and therefore some of the the fault is hers.

This is probably not at all accurate but the bitching is funny to watch.

Alright, 24 minutes until the video is done. Should I wait until thread 2 to post it? Or should I post it as soon as it has finished uploading.

Thread 2, maybe as OP?

Anons on chan have confirmed she actually is really meek irl. She doesn't blame it on that you just cant stop making this a big deal for your fee fees she doesnt hate men.
Its edited also

That is the greatest picture of amy schumer ever.


Have you ever talked to a girl that says shit all the time? You say yea yea yea yea mhm no way! really? thats interesting yea yea yea a million times.

What it looks like to me is that the app is amplifying the bags under the eyes and the imperfections on the skin, which would simulate the removal of the pancake "foundation" that some women use to hide such things. It reduces the darkness and fullness of the eyelashes to remove mascara effects, and reduces the redness of the cheeks and lips to simulate the removal of blush and lipstick.
For some reason, it also seems to reduce the darkness of the eyebrows, which I guess removes the effect of something called "gelling?"…I've never heard of it, before.

All in all, it is probably very accurate in a large percentage of cases, which is why women seem to be so frantically upset with it.


Can someone prepare Thread 2 as soon as possible with a decent OP and overview of the situation, this one is about to hit the post limit.

Actually it's more likely other women will use it against women who they hate to try and ruin them emotionally. That's where the really intense salt will come from.

Never said she did. The only claim I raised is that she is vapid, as in uninspired, dull, vacuous. She is a mouthpiece for poorly formulated ideas, and therefore shares at least part of the blame for what they cause.

Or steer the conversation to a better topic, or talk to someone else or at least put more energy into feigned interest.

Shes neither of those things that you said and you're a fucking cuck that never obviously paid attention to her years and years before one speech

Entire conversation started when you said she said "all men are bad mmk" or something like that

This app is far from giving a true picture because, as we can see from the lips, it's somewhat using the contours of the applied makeup to guess where the real lips are.

Real beauty is real.

spoiled eggs are spoiled

Why does it change the color of teeth?

Because it doesnt work properly

You got me. She was completely off my radar until she put herself into a wheelhouse that I'm interested in, like the majority of people.

Though I'm sure she appreciates all your hard work protecting her honor from people who find her dull.

Exactly what I stated here , nothing about hating men. Why are you so hell bent on defending her from accusations that I never made?

From what I noticed it seems to be a bit aggressive in reducing saturation and gloss. Maybe it's recognizing oily skin, minor sweat or shiny surfaces as makeup and results in making the face look more dry and sickly than it should? Would possibly explain the issue with teeth as user pointed out:

Easy enough to test if you can find women who have engaged in heavy exercise immediately before the photo was taken; compared to perfectly relaxed and see if their faces are clearly different as a result.

In that case the AI needs a minor tweak or give the user the ability to control the extent of makeup removal to beta test it some more.

I'm not protecting her honor you fuck I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you cant handle it isn't the same shit you all say here day after day, she was always like that for years and years beforehand.


You either said that or responded to me when I was actually responding to that


Yes and no. The thing is, eyebrows are generally darker than the hair on the head (in some people it's the the opposite and eyebrows are lighter, pics related). So if you naturally have brown or black hair it won't change much but if you have blonde or ginger hair it will be noticeable.


does she even wear makeup? also

Not necessarily. Lighter-skinned women tend to be able to get away with not using much makeup. Most use eye-liner and nothing else.
That is, if they haven't ruined their skin by laying for hours in the sun. Light-colored women need to avoid the sun, and certainly not purposefully subject themselves to it, as it ages them terribly. Cigarettes & booze are a ticket to wrinkles & baggy eyes, as well.

Responded. Check the ID's mate.

I actually just came for the happening. Normally I just lurk Holla Forums and a bit of /a/. Holla Forums can be a bit too retarded if there isn't something going on.

Anyways, I'm handling it quite fine.

My point is that she does not question the ideas she has bought into, and while those ideas are not full blown cancerous degeneracy they aren't helpful either, and that she bears some responsibility for her actions.

Mildly bad is how I'd rate it.

She alone has not only triggered many roasties herself but many spergs. It's admirable. Not only that her existence has actually caused a shitton of discussion due to her mentioning.

What' up with her feet?


You gotta get chelsea before she was made to look more human

I don't know where you live, but here in spicifornia every other beaness I see has blond dyed hair/pale makeup.


iPhone users forever alone yet again….

She’s doing it for money and attention.
What do you expect from women?

That pic is a perfect example of a woman that needs no makeup.
Sure, she doesn't have the eyelashes that most women paint on, but everything else is perfect.

Rucka Rucka Ali is still a thing? Holy shit.

Look at actual photos of Katy Perry without makeup, shes a dumpster fire.

Nah, I don't think she is doing it for the money at least.

I'm pretty sure its more of a virtue signaling thing. Wants to be seen as a good person, change the world for the better and all that, but is lazy and misguided since actually fixing problems is extraordinarily difficult.

t.feminist roastie

She has more money to do with than she can think of. She also rarely uses social media shit like instagram she is extremely private.
She wants to do it and wants to make a difference, like you said fixing problems is difficult, so idk why anyone expects her to have to change anything. She has done a ton of charity even before the UN. Like I said, she was heavily involved with fair trade and charities in other countries. She is rich and genuinely wants to just be an activist.

Look up the definitions of words before you use them; so you don't look retarded.

Excellent, bravo



Right which is why she should read up on the works that make up feminist ideology, and read up on the arguments against it. Then engage in lengthy dialogue and debate with those who disagree with it in order to broaden her understanding and hone her argument on what is the proper solution.

It's far more arduous and daunting of a task than giving a couple speeches to audiences that fully agree with whatever she is saying.

It is possible though, look at Cassie Jaye's The Red Pill

it's not a pretty sight

Stop promoting that anti-free-speech kike fraud, user

Checked. That DWS though. Holy fuck that’s an ugly ass kike.

Katy Perry looks like bald eminem on estrogen and meth

Gonna need proof on literally everything you just said, (1).

Lauren is a jew and will always be a jew. Just read her book.