Card's against humanity trying to stop the wall

In their FAQ

Other urls found in this thread:

Let the pranks begin.

How does burning down their office building sound? That would be an epic prank.

Aren't these faggots leaves anyway?

Invasion of Mexico with these Cucks' plot of land glassed as collateral damage when?

glad I never bought their shit game

My favorite part though.

We got your money goy, too late.
The salt is so transparent.

Can't the government just take the land and give them money equal to the appraised price? I thought I remembered that happening with conservation areas.

Designers Josh Dillon, Daniel Dranove, Eli Halpern, Ben Hantoot, David Munk, David Pinsof, Max Temkin, Eliot Weinstein

They say they're "against humanity" right there on the box. I don't see why anyone is surprised.

Yupp. Eminent domain. The main issue would be the court battles.

Could just do what Obama did and take the land as Federal land due to some EPA shit. Skip the courts completely.

fucking kekekeke just build the wall around their office and leave their office on the mexico side so they all get raped

thats nice of them wanting to waste tax payers money, fucking kikes will hang

Designers Josh Dillon, Daniel Dranove, Eli Halpern, Ben Hantoot, David Munk, David Pinsof, Max Temkin, Eliot Weinstein

In December 2015, Cards Against Humanity launched their holiday gift campaign with "Eight Sensible Gifts for Hanukkah" in which humorous gifts were sent out over the course of the Hanukkah holiday. The first three gifts were pairs of socks, with later gifts including a year-long membership to Chicago public radio station WBEZ,[34] as well as a week of paid vacation for their Chinese-based manufacturing plant staff.[35]

In July 2017, a special edition of the base game, Cards Against Humanity For Her, was unveiled, in support of EMILY's List—a U.S. political action committee that aims to help elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates to office. As a satire of the "pink tax", it is exactly the same, except $5 more expensive and with a pink-colored box.[36]

In August 2016, Cards Against Humanity released two "America Votes" packs for the two presidential candidates: Vote for Hillary Pack and Vote for Trump Pack. Each pack contains 15 cards of jokes about the candidate. Designer Max Temkin said that the proceeds for both packs would go to Clinton's campaign regardless.[26] The group began posting billboards under a PAC called the Nuisance Committee.[39] Temkin named the PAC after his grandfather who was a Jewish POW in World War II, who formed a "nuisance committee" to try to annoy their Nazi captors without getting killed.[40] In September the group posted a billboard in Chicago with the words: "If Trump is so rich, how come he didn't buy this billboard?".[41] In October 2016, the Nuisance Committee posted a billboard in Dearborn, Michigan which was printed in Arabic text on a black background, reading "Donald Trump can’t read this, but he is scared of it".[42][43][44] An Overwatch-themed Anti-Trump billboard was also posted in Orlando, Florida.[45]

In the end it would probably be 100 times cheaper than battling (((Weinstein's))) lawyers.

Any lawfags have the over under on imminent domain cases where a plot of land is purchased publicly and openly just to tie up the courts? I imagine it must hurt their case in some way. As jewy as this sounds, the jewiest part is that it sounds like a virtue signalling attention/cash grab. I imagine their customer base already skewed hesvily degenerate.

Dont give them the power of holding your attention. They all fall in the end, avert your gaze and move on.

Cockroaches love to do their work in the dark.
I believe what you mean to say is don't give them your money.

Couldn't these fags be considered terrorists/sympathizers for trying to prevent the porous border from being secured against possible ISIS crossers?


are these retards actually going to try and out spend the fucking federal government? lol good goddamn.

ISIS has been wiped out last week, mate.

Ye, I forgot. Lion of Damascus raped them. Either way, the southern border is completely open to terrorists.

Report them to as many federal agencies as you can.

They're intentionally jeopardizing national security

This is just a viral advertisement for them. Saging so they don't get any more attention.

None of these people seem to realize that the man was ELECTED into office by the American citizenry. He didn't forcefully take over by military coup. The fuck are they on about that "Donald Trump" blah blah blah as if he's a dictator?? No; THE AMERICAN PEOPLE want the wall. Screeching loudly and hollering helplessly at the sky won't change that fact. They all act like toddlers who didn't get the shiny at the grocery store.

Wow, Jews are being jews. In other news, sky still blue and water still wet.
100% kosher certified.

Is anyone surprised?

wow, technically yes, I believe they are.


all obstructionist lefty liberal globalist cucks:


we had to suffer through the bullshit of bush. twice. we had to suffer through the bullshit of obama. twice.
we had to watch our great country rot and crumble while the globalists raped it and stepped on our principles and our freedom.

and then we had to watch the most disgusting and corrupt liar and monster we have ever known step up and claim to be running for president. hillary.

we stood up and we said "No." enough is enough. we demanded honesty and integrity and freedom with no strings attatched. and that's what trump promised us, and that is what he gave us and continues to give us.

you will just have to put a smile on and behave yourself just like all these good trump voters did for 16 years. trump is a good man and he is doing a great job. if you can take a step back and ask yourself "why am I mad?" "why don't I like trump?" and realize you have no reasons and no answers for yourself, and then take another step back and take a few deep breaths, you might just realize you like him. you must realized you have been lied to by the UN and the globalists. you must realize where all your problems truly come from. it's not this great man who just showed up. it's the demons in charge who have been in charge for years. this great man, President Donald Trump, is here to kick those demons back to hell forever (metaphorically)

you should realize that and be happy for once. everyone is waking up and you are one of the few who refuses to accept the good truth. you're not the rebels from starwars, you aren't dark and edgy for hating trump, and you aren't impressing your friends. being the underdogs is reserved for the righteous. you should be sick of playing a monopoly game with rigged dice.

change your game and get on the Trump Train.
only then will you stop losing "the game"


What happens when they hit 0%? Will they somehow find a way to try and claim his rating is in the negative? Wouldn't surprise me.

funny how they mention that there is low approval rating constantly but the good question is- how do they make up these approval ratings? when has anyone ever come to your house and knocked on your door and said "hey we need you for the approval rating vote!!!"

nobody has ever knocked on our door for our opinion. it's hilarious that these fake news pieces of shit probably just look at each other in their recording studio and go "hey do you have a low approval rating of trump?" and like the 3 people working there say "yes" and then they come out with this fake ass low approval rating story.

where's the proof? who did they interview? what set of people were asked these questions?

you know what I'm starting to realize? trump has a sky-high-fiving approval rating in the 150%, but not for globalist brainwashed leftists. all they are doing is saying "WE THE BRAINWASHED HAVE A LOW APPROVAL RATING FOR TRUMP" but they conveniently (and intentionally) leave out the part where it says "we the brainwashed" and just say that trump has a low approval rating without being honest and telling everyone where that mysterious rating came out from.

This is just a plain blatant outright lie. trump supporters are furiously happy and cheering all day every day. OUR approval rating for trump is at beyond maximum. lying by stating that trump has a low approval rating is just another devious way for the brainwashed lefties to state the obvious fact that only they disapprove of trump and that they disapprove of him completely. they feel that if they tell us this in the fake news over the t.v. and the internet constantly that trump supporters will eventually begin to believe that other trump supporters disapprove of trump and this is simply not true. this is just another "depression tactic" that the globalists use on populations that they want to break the spirit of, to make them feel hopeless.


God bless trump, and God bless america.

I fucking love trump, but everyone is always so two faced when it comes to this. the shills love taking advantage of this, or rather they are pretending to be us, and then trying to make us change our minds because we believe we are in the company of other real people.

gr8 thread. shills attempt the "nice guy" approach and fail catastrophically

or this bullshit

And I'm likely forgetting quite a few. Every few weeks, there was a new gimmick. Some frantic, desperate strategy using a combination of polls and false positives and self-titled experts declaring these things as indisputable fact, and then they just give up on one narrative and start another. The one we're on now is quite literally

It's really gotten that lazy, but these faggots are all patting themselves on the back over this one. They think they've finally got it! 3 months in and this will be the thing that stops Trump from being President! People don't like him! HAHA! Take that drumpfkins! NOW TRUMP CAN'T BE PRESIDENT. To reiterate.. We're THREE FUCKING MONTHS INTO HIS FIRST YEAR AND THEY THINK THEY CAN STOP HIM NOW. He's already elected and you can't fucking impeach a president because the news said all of Trump's supporters hate him now.

Don't get me wrong. You can be pissed at the guy or question his decisions or voice your confusion over the shit he's done, but this idea that half country has suddenly changed sides and now it's everyone versus Trump is fucking stupid. He's not going anywhere for another 4 years, for fuck's sake.

This blackpill pessimism and defeatism is simply the next step. First they tried to derail us. Then they tried to shill us. Now they are pretending to be us and trying to drag us into the abyss where lefty faggots have been wallowing for these past few months. This is demoralization, plain and simple, and just like every single other narrative they tried before, when there are not tangible results, they will panic and switch to something else. The earliest rumblings seem to be the baseless claim that Kushner and Ivanka are manipulating Trump and making him do things because Ivanka was sad about dead children.

they bitch and scream and moan and say "he will not divide us" while at the very same moment they are trying to divide US they are screaming out in pain with their forked tongues as they strike out with lies and hypocrisy
they go against truth and honesty and the good man that was voted in by the american people
they want to appear like the victims to others while they brainwash themselves to consider themselves heros.

>idiot who has no understanding of politics and is just "mad" for no explainable logical reason that TRUMP WON AND IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA stands at their special street shiaria diarrhea law shareabloobloo allahboof safe space camera while they repeat "he will not divulge us" over and over again

I laugh at the mass projecting the shills and the globalists have been doing. they are so butthurt about losing that they tell everyone else that they are cry babies while they throw nonstop temper tantrums all over the world. they look like the most immature cucks I have ever experienced in my entire life. they played dirty, they cheated, they scammed, they decieved, they did evil things to innocent people for corporate and otherwise greed and dirty money and for what they thought was power, and
They Lost.
they planted the seeds of evil and their harvest wasn't mangos bro. now they are the little kid on the flood of the supermarket crying and pounding the floor and screaming because they didn't get what they wanted.

Democrats lose In Special Elections, Republicans Win 5 Out of 5 Seats

The special elections are over with Republicans winning 5 new seats. The biggest battle being Georgia where the Democrats and other communist activists raised around $23 million dollars for Trump-basher Jon Ossoff’s campaign. However Jon Ossoff lost the special election as well, to Republican opponent Karen Handel.

A new CNN "meme" has been spread around social media depicting a screenshot after Democrats' stunning losses, exposing their most obvious liberal bias

In fact, after the loss CNN has now refused to cover the election results, and will continue their witch hunt against President Trump

Meanwhile, President Trump tweeted two responses, one response for the Republicans and one response for the Democrats:

"Well, the Special Elections are over and those that want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN are 5 and O! All the Fake News, all the money spent = 0"

http s://
"Democrats would do much better as a party if they got together with Republicans on Healthcare, Tax Cuts, Security. Obstruction doesn't work!"
http s://

The reason they keep doing this is simple: They are losing. They are losing viewers, which loses them money. Without money they can't enforce their control on the world as easily. They can't make people think and act and believe what they want if no one trusts them. They mistakenly think Trump is the key and that if we lost him, we'd lose everything, everyone would go back to sleep, and we'd all just pretend none of this never happened. We won, We are winning, We are not tired of winning, We will NOT tire of winning, and We will win forever. there's only so much longer that these parasitic cretins can scrape by before they lose everything and we are going to experience the feeling of evil losing until evil ceases to exist.

shills getting embarrassed

Every interaction these sore losers have had with him since he announced his candidacy has been nonstop criticism and sarcastic remarks. they will say anything to make him look bad. makes me feel happy whenever I see bad news about trump because all that it means is that trump is doing such a great job that all the evil people in the world are getting frustrated to no end. I love the sense of freedom that radiates off of trump. best president I have ever had the honor of witnessing. a true hero and a great human being. he shall not fear ten thousand enemies that surround him and neither shall we. God bless trump and God bless america.

Seriously, report them to your local congressmen as well as the FBI tips.

Call another districts congressman if yours is cucked

It will block Mexicans. That is a tremendous accomplishment. Opinion discarded.

if you think cards against humanity is "edgy" you're a normie. CAH was always a shitty party game for shitty libfucks to play with their cum-guzzling cuck friends.


the virgin CAH, the chad illuminati

Not even a question that they're going to get steam rolled by eminent domain.
Virtue signal to your peril.


So Cards Against Humanity is jewing its customers into giving them shekels to prop up this scheme, while the kike lawyer firm is jewing Cards Against Humanity by telling them they could fend off imminent domain for any significant amount of time. It's jews jewing jews.



Holy shit this is funny. Saved.

Build around it and leave them on the otherside of the wall :) Anyway, never heard of these faggots.

They aren't getting any sales from Holla Forums. It's a game for millennial Weimericans who play tabletop games and signal about how "nerdy" they are.

ignoring them is the best move

I hope they are being sarcastic. I hope they are just pulling my leg and in the end say it was all a prank.

No, they're all natives of Chicago. Specifically Highland Park. Which is the north side of Chicago, which is 92% White and median household income is over $115k. So these are Upper Middle-Class Liberals who spend all day virtue signaling about how awful it must be living as a Person of Color on the south side of Chicago. And completely oblivious to fact it is their own ideology, and generations of political dominance that are largely responsible for that mess.

If they do go to court, their fucking tax dollars are being used against them

Checked. Cards against Soverignty.

Ruin their brand. They are interfering with national security.

Mr. President please just wall them off on the other side without engaging them, that's fucking hilarious.


Here is a crazy idea: if they get charged a fee due to chargebacks shouldnt we all give them the money with our debit cards, then "learn" how they are doing all of these political activities and then say that they are not doing refunds. We then charge back through our bank, robbing them of even MORE funds.

Sure this might be some kind of crime or whatever but at least we can bankrupt some anti american faggots. Shouldnt be too hard to convince your bank to do a charge back if they are doing stuff that they said they wouldnt do in a pervious statement.

If you dont even want to go through the hassle thats fine. I figured that if we could all chargeback them with a 20 dollar fee they would lose thousands of dollars.

Whatcha doin IRS?

Not much, chillin like a tax villain.

You got lawyers? Great. You can file your papers while the wall is being built. CHOO CHOO motherfuckers.


We've been getting alot of these canned-spam posts lately…

It only takes 10% of the population to kill every single commie, traitor and jew in a country. We're already at 10% who'd do it. It's just a matter of everyone realizing that the kikes and cucks don't have any sort of majority or real grasp on power. We start shooting these fags in the streets and everyone else will sit on their hands.

wow what a loser

This. They make card packs for any topic including jews. They only cucked out for feminists and that was in their early days. They know people will buy their shit just to signal against Trump.

Hi shill. enjoying a good copypasta that goes against your agenda?


The police in the US are the only thing keeping this country from falling apart - and that's not a good thing.

Rome had no police force.
You couldn't bring the military into the city, and there was no police.
This resulted in people regularly gathering the masses into a mob to achieve political change - sometimes, that was the only way anything COULD change. Eventually, people realized, "Hey, what don't we just keep the mob going all the time?", and so the standing gang was born. These gangs basically held a given territory within the city, and would act out of that territory, to serve the ends of those they served.

The modern Republic? Well, they have the same thing - standing gangs, who serve the will of political factions. That's all they are - a gang, armed and given authority by those who hold political authority.
And what is it that they do? The impose upon the citizenry to maintain 'law and order'… And that has benefits, sure - plenty of dead niggers, and you basically need such a force when you've got large urbanized populations, containing lots of unarmed anti-firemar libshit Whites and violent criminal muds, because otherwise it'd turn into a massacre… But that's not their PURPOSE. Not at all.

Their true PURPOSE is to stop the plebs from rallying. Their job is to step in whenever someone would seek to for a non-standing mob, and knock those people to bits before they can gain any momentum or numbers. And it is their job - they are totally reliant, monetarily, economically, upon those they serve: serve well, you get commendations and more money… serve poorly, and you get fired (ie you lose your monetary access, your economic comfort and security). So, their loyalty - so long as the money remains - lies with the political factions who impart them with the authority to do what they do, to be more than an obvious gang-in-blue to the plebs, and who pay their wages.

tl;dr: The police are the issue.
If not for the law enforcement agencies in the United States, the United States would have ceased to exist a long time ago - and that would have been for the best. The LEO agencies are nothing but a standing gang, presented as though their purpose is to protect and serve the populace, when in reality, their purpose is to protect and serve those who pay them to keep the populace from rising against the political elite en-masse in violent revolt.

Checked for

Almond Status: *Activated*

Has Trump been in office a year already? :^)

just kidding, i know you cant mossad the assad

Im the loser for wanting a company ran by massive kikes to lose money and go bankrupt? Alright then faggot.

Cops are cucks

ya, this isn't going to do shit with eminent domain, + trump could just put the wall behind them and lock them in with the mexicans

The only user who's capable of seeing past all this shit. It's like the Keurig machine thing that just happened. They stop advertising on Fox and suddenly retarded boomers are swinging golf clubs at them and they're getting major publicity on fox probably more than before. Same with with this whole stunt. If you're oblivious to how Jews try and market you should probably head back to where you came from.

Do these kikes have anything in the Seattle area? Offices? Warehouses?

Why is the left so shit at roasting. This is some shit I'd expect to find in a Game Grumps comment section bitchfight.

Eliot Weinstein
5482 S Hyde Park Blvd
Chicago, IL 60615-5802
(312) 861-1813 - Landline
(312) 861-1891 - Landline
(773) 752-9693 - Landline
Ben Hantoot
1642 N Beverly Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2316
(310) 990-5969 - Wireless
2527 Scott Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90026-2333
(847) 924-4890 - Wireless
Possible Businesses
Hantoot & Angtuaco LLC
450 1/2 N Genesee Ave Los Angeles Ca 90036-2251
David Pinsof
1900 Glendon Ave #204
Los Angeles, CA 90025-4627
(847) 433-3138 - Landline
Eli Halpern
40 Holabird Loop
Highwood, IL 60040-2026
(847) 432-3198 - Landline
(847) 432-8640 - Landline
(312) 929-4111 - Landline
(847) 641-4187 - Wireless
[email protected]
Possible Businesses
Eli Halpern
40 Holabird Loop Highwood Il 60040-2026
David Munk
1848 N Fairfield Ave
Chicago, IL 60647-4214
(847) 867-6901 - Wireless
(847) 433-8226 - Landline
(847) 433-8227 - Landline
(847) 274-3681 - Wireless
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Daniel Dranove
2710 Kelly Ln
Highland Park, IL 60035-1655
(847) 926-0469 - Landline
[email protected]
Possible Businesses
Cards Against Humanity LLC
116 Pine St Ste 320 Fl 3 Harrisburg Pa 17101-1250
Max Temkin
156 Barberry Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035-4420
(847) 337-2163 - Wireless
(847) 831-0237 - Landline
(847) 831-0327 - Landline
(847) 337-2162 - Wireless
[email protected]
[email protected]
Josh Dillon
760 Marion Ave
Highland Park, IL 60035-5124
(847) 899-7823 - Wireless
(847) 433-7823 - Landline
(847) 433-3378 - Landline
(847) 370-7948 - Wireless
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Solution seems simple to me. Build wall around Cards Against America's property. Put them on Mexican side of wall.

It's a wasted effort, because the establishment GOP cucks in Congress have stopped the wall already.

This used to be called treason.
People used to get shot for this.

Ah, so they pretend to push the boundaries of edginess/ "adult" humor by use of by & large highly tame, agnostic references, while embracing extremely conventional and uncontroversial and unoffensive political positions. If you're wondering what "literally reddit" means then this is a good example.

Is this something to be concerned about? Well you tell me what do you think will happen when there's this one highly visible & well publicized gap within a 1000-mile long wall? It's really nothing to worry about. On the one hand CBP could do some high profile arrests there, and then people stop using that gap knowing that it's an instant arrest. Or some RWDS's come by in the wee hours and do some target practice. Or if the gap is simply ignored then imagine all the litter and human feces that will get left on their premises.

If the wall "will accomplish nothing" then what's even the point of undermining it? They contradict themselves. How can you reduce effectiveness from zero? I wish these libs would think their shit through sometimes.

Thats explained in the link.

This gave me an idea.

What if we did the same thing, but instead of letting Mexicans pass through, we kill everyone who trespasses on our property? Just get a tiny swath of land, market it as a "weakness" in the border, and then have a tunnel that Mexicans go into, fall into a pit with chainsaws and spikes or something, and never come out of?

Something kind of like oekaki related.

it's kikes ripping off kikes. Let them rob each other poor, it will make the DOTR easier.

OK, so let's do this. Make a game called
Cards For Humanity

and make it loaded with redpills, instead of the jewy shit where half the card combos is a reference to pedophilia.

oh thats an easy problem to fix
just build around the plot and don't protect the american land that exists on the plot from foreign countries, such as mexico

Cant they just build right on it and just pay them repreations later? Sure the gov will win the a emminet domain case but they want to waste time in court. Seeing this can't the judge either just throw out the case so fast it be hilarious?

Yeah, you probably should have hired the lawyers first. They would have told you not to buy the land, because eminent domain laws are going to take it from you and you're going to lose most of your money.

You… you didn't actually think buying a scrap of land was going to stop an international border wall… did you?

People don't get this. Police are a relatively new invention. First actual Police force was I believe London in the 19th Century, followed by New York a little later. Before then, regular folks kept the peace. Someone stole from you? You grabbed them and took them in front of the Sheriff or local magistrate. Deputies were orignally a temporary position granted when the Sheriff needed a posse for something.
Now, ask yourself, what happened in the middle to late 19th century that would have caused enough of an increase in the criminal element to necessitate the creation of a full time police force?

uh… rapid population growth and urbanization?


Rapid population growth of mainly Potatoniggers, Pastaniggers, and Chinkniggers in cities.

They're kikes so they probably just bought some tiny sliver of land rather than spend a bunch of money on getting actual acreage.

Jokes on them seeing how the wall is now a cheap, rickety fence. Will probably only cost a couple of dollars to fence around their little plot.

Not surprising since the head creator is a literal cuck who was accused of rape by a women he never even kissed, then blogged about how the experience made him a better feminist. He's even virtue signaled by removing "insensitive cards" because he was blacklisted for wrongthink from the ((young entrepreneur conferences))) worse than m00t was for being an edgelord. They are one-note wonders who got lucky making a dirty Apples to Apples ripoff, and who now have been reduced to thinly veiled e-begging in the form of "resistance" to Trump.

Vanilla CAH is literally reddit. The only excuse for playing it is making your own redpilled version.

sage for slide e-celeb thread

Libtards are so retarded. It's so obvious that they're just doing this stunt for shekels and they've fallen right for it. I now understand why jews want these people to be the majority they're so easy to control.

Urbanization was nothing new. Had been occuring for decades.

Bingo. Rapid, uncontrolled immigration of unassimilated populations. Jews needed cheap labor for their factories, and so were happy to import it. Then you have the former slaves to consider as well. They were effectively a foreign population as they were let off their plantations and into this country with even magical citizenship rights.

Really makes you think.

What really kills me is that they're moving towards table top games so much now. Are the libshits going to do to traditional games what they did to video games?

Good time to buy orders on their companies stock if it's possible.
Oh boy they are gonna have a bad quarter.

From another thread:




Yes they will subvert and destroy everything you hold dear to your heart.

This is genius.

They've been in /tg/ stuff for a while now. D&D 5E has a section encouraging you to think of your characters gender. Some tumblr cuntface made an article called "Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorist Problem" about how she had been sexually abused by random gameshop nerds for her entire life.

Remind people that the guy behind this raped a girl in college

Uhh they already have been trying to.

Rome had a police force you illiterate niggers.

They just pissed the money away; the constitution doesn't fully apply within 100mi from the border.

I guess I sort of knew, seeing how those 'reviewer' channels are and the fact that Wil Wheaton's so big in the scene, but this seems like they're really going all out.

Wheaton's not big in the /tg/ scene, he's just coasting off Star Trek nostalgia, where he was a character that everybody hated.

Having been in many gameshops over many, many years, I'm finding it impossible to believe that anybody did anything more aggressive than tip a fedora at her.

That's the best part of it. Usually people who live off past fame played characters everyone loved. Wheaton is an embarrassment of epic proportions.

They're seeing the window of opportunity closing so they're tightening their grip. They didn't count on nerd rejects of being territorial after being shit on by chad and stacy. Regardless of if Holla Forums thinks gamergate is cancer or not, it was still a major break in the culture war that worked in Holla Forumss favor.

Oh dude. Read the article when you get a chance. It's got it all. Pedophillia, victim blaming, cosplay consent, cons trying to silence rape victims, cops hanging up on rape victims thinking they're drunk. It's the apex of "shit that never happened" stories.

wow: old meme, pal

Roman Republic and Roman Empire are very different beasts

Are they violating the 5th amendment if they decline giving the land to the U.S government?

What a buncha cucks

It's already there. See Shadowrun 5th edition, and how their team has taken a stance against Trump and new World of Darkness where there are entire sections of the book based on using proper pronouns and shit. The subversion started easily as early as 4th edition D&D, where they started catering to normalfags, and those Penny Arcade cunts started endorsing the game. It's been over a decade of subversion.


Also Evil Hat games who threatened to pull their games from sites that hosted a game they didn't like. Pretty sure that's actually illegal, but nothing came of it. Also purged their forums of nonfeminists when a flame war broke out. Naturally they kept the idealogically pure.

Just build the Wall around them lol.

those (((names)))

Wew lad it is almost as cucks against humanity have no foresight and wasted their money on something so petty. I though these fags were supposed to making a huge hole in the middle of nowhere or something


Just keep the plot of land on the Mexican side. Problem solved.

Checking he who Checks

do they seriously think they are the first ones to think of this? Its not going to matter, once the wall is actually being built, that means they would have already hijacked all the land they need. oh no! not lawyers that specialize in this!
fucking homos.

Articulated masterfully

Doubt that The "Lion of Damascus" did anything. ISIS in Syria is wiped out by Hizballah-Iraqi Shiite forces. Don't know if Hizballah would give back land to Syria when those lands are like. Like you said, the borders are open to terrorists. That is if they did take the last stronghold.

See the mention of Israel kvetching like usual. Of course would like to see how things unveil in the future.

ISIS recaptured Abu Kamal. And still holding on, don't know how long though.

This dumb nigger thinks that somehow he's going to stop the securing of a national border with eminent domain laws? What an utter fucking moron. This faggot just wasted a bunch of money on land that he will ultimately have zero claim on whatsoever. Leftists are so fucking delusional.

Do these faggots think the government will build the complete wall one foot at a time? And as soon as they come across this piece of desert like any other, they will just drop their tools and give a confused look cause they can't build on it? Pro-tip: the government has more money than you and has better lawyers than you

You know I've actually met one of these faggots who made the game. All jew york urbanite scum who sit around in upscale hipster hovels drinking wine and eating bree making shitty poop jokes about trump. I used to kind of enjoy their game back when it first came out because you could be racist or sexist(tbh just a little edgy) with some of the cards like auschwitz. Nows its normalfag tier comedy central style bazinga jokes.
Fucking pozzed board games, is there anything left not tampered with?

Slap them with terrorism charges. Throw them in jail without trial. Build the wall. They clearly state that they bought the land in order to harm the united states of america - no need to go through the judical system with that one.

They are gonna have a bad day when they realize that Eminent Domain is a thing.

Typical shitlib slime, once they (((come out of the closet))) so to say they like every other faggot do it as hardcore as possible. Their faq section screams of the stereotypical over the top piece of shit narcissistic attitude that libs are infamous for. Literally inhuman, no natural born Human being is even capable of the alienation these fuckers are capable of. Let alone the absolute relish they take in it, which in of itself speaks volumes of their character and mentality. Regardless I highly doubt their ambitions will come to fruition due to the fact that this is a flat out declaration of not only sedition but open sabotage on national security as well. Which only a narcissistic piece of shit would even entertain the idea of such stupidity to be even moderately successful.

Not to mention they also share the typical shitlib attitude towards their own business, in thinking their superiority will keep their success even in the face of the direct opposite. They've been pissing off their fans and supporters for a while now. And that was just from snarky comments and politicized cards here and there. I fail to see how a flatout fuck you to their supporters and consumers is gonna help their case let alone aid them in their quest for more shekels. Then again it won't matter, for them to even think of this shit in the first place means they already have wealthy kikes supplying them with whatever dosh they need. These fucks are gonna redpill even more people while at the same time more than likely bringing the (((Fed's))) fist down on em. With so many video game devs doing this exact shit there's gonna come a point very soon where the indie industry is going to utterly tank

im gona laugh when the BLM takes their plot away! that would be great

Oh heavens, the pizzas they'll be getting.

its people like this and the South Park creators who think they're edgy until someone beats them at the game.

lel, time to waste some paper and print out my own cards only to tell them they can't have my shekels.

tbh maybe that's what we need rn. fuck due process, especially to kikes and their shabbos goy enablers.

"the jew yells out in pain as he strikes you"


I've played Cards Against Humanity once. It's shitty and pretentious. It doesn't surprise me at all that they would be such libtards.

The first police force was created in pre-Revolutionary France

Kasich sold us to Mossad if you really want to know.



Federal government has the power of eminent domain or police powers. Either they accept the money (less than market value because it's appraised by dumb nigger government workers) or the US government can take the land, as it falls under police power.

These faggots try so hard to be funny



Funny thing about this game… it's extremely (((triggering))) as a translibshit velociraptor identifying as a dead baby, I find this highly offensive game should be banned outright for its vile taste and insensitivity toward dead baby jokes and anti-semitic virtue signalling.

It's like a fag running a butcher's shop. What the fuck were they thinking?

I'm not suprised, only shitty university-numales and sluts plays that.

(((They))) aren't even trying to hide it.

They're so entitled and out of touch with reality that they believe this. I see articles and stories that use the phrase "democracy has failed." So if you set up a system where people vote for who they want, but they didn't vote for the person YOU wanted, it's a failure? We didn't see Republicans going around claiming that democracy failed after Obama was elected.


easy, just build the wall on the mexico side of the rio grand

please stop namefagging

Goddamit, I thought i'd gotten rid of that.

thank you user

Nice trips

Oy vey!

Oy gevalt

I appreciate your enthusiasm but I fear you do not entirely understand how a chainsaw works.

I think this can be explained by the usual cliche that we hear with jews running both sides of the coin — ie. they finance both sides, it's never a real choice. Only this time, they didn't really control Trump, even though he's Israel friendly.

The thing is that Trump was such an outsider and no one expected him to last through nominations over any other candidate. Then add-in the fact that Trump financed his own campaign and didn't need Jew money to enable his campaign in any way. Trump then did the impossible and actually won in the end — this was not meant to happen hence all their kvetching now.

Their view of "democracy" is that it has effectively failed because Trump was not meant to be there in the first place.

This just in: Jews hate America.

Spread this to every smug libshit and and deflate their egos

Jonestown 2 when?

They already subverted and destroyed (non-jap) cute drawings for the most part and I already loved drawing stuff for the most part

How cute, they're trying to steal our meme.

Isn’t cards against humanity explitly open source? Why not just print up a run of your own and pledge the funds from its sale to digging tiger traps along the border or something — see which sells more?


I think it would be funny if we could take off to twitter and other social media to write about the rape charges brought against Temkin, the creator. Something like:
“So Max Temkin, who raped a girl in 2012, bought some land to block Trump’s border wall. This is coming around the time that rich, mostly Jewish, left wing guys like Max Temkin, who raped a girl in 2012, are being accused of sexual misconduct. So why do you think Max Temkin, who raped a girl in 2012 is doing this? Is it because Max Temkin, who raped a girl in 2012, is trying to be a real hero? Or because Max Temkin, who raped a girl in 2012, is trying to virtue signal to cover up his history of having raped a girl in 2012, around the time other rich, mostly Jewish leftists are being accused of sexual misconduct…?”
Or something like that, you get the point. Mentioning the rich, Jewish leftists part is essential because it divides us from them.

Cucks who invented a board game think they're going to out smart one of the world's foremost real estate developers in a land deal. Right.

Jew Fun Fact: Golems are pretty obviously idols when you look at all the weird powers ascribed to them. They are effectively saying that Trump is a god they have lost control of.



(dub check)

Thanks broham, always nice to make a successful thread that doesn't die after 20 posts.

Nigger they have already infiltrated and are actively doing that. DnD 5e Strahd Von Zarovich is now Strahd Von Cocksucker. They have a fucking Burch on their "geek and sundry" show supposed to be about tabletop, comics, and other shit.


What the fuck? Just merely electing Trump has caused illegal immigration to drastically decline. If the wall reduces it even by a little, it would save us far more than the wall itself will cost.