I Hid In My Bathroom From Anti-Semitic Marchers in Poland — In 2017

I Hid In My Bathroom From Anti-Semitic Marchers in Poland — In 2017




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Daily reminder that this kike's fear isn't good enough. Recreating that fear here in the US isn't good enough. They need to be killed, full stop. The police and military who would protect them need to be killed, full stop.

The Jews will be expelled from America and Europe, and non-whites in those areas will be deported or ethnically cleansed. Nothing can stop this future, it is the will of the Gods at this point.

Complacency and pledged loyalty to obvious and odious zionists like Donald Trump will sure as shit stop it if people don't wake up.

I can't wait until these people are purged from the planet

So a nigger, not a pollack.


Soon you'll have to hide in your bathroom in all countries, not just Poland, fucking kike.
DOTR comes soon and you will have your head mounted on a pike after seeing your family die in the gas chambers

And these, ladies and gentlemen, are the epitome of Jewish bravery.
The saying stands, that once bullets start flying, Jews will lose all power.

A walk down memory lane

Construction crews don't "often" find remains of poor Shlomo's great grandpa who hid in the basement from the evil Polish Nazis. I'm willing to bet one person found one body, one time, decades ago. These people whine and lie and fabricate and exaggerate so much that I long ago stopped taking their melodrama with even a whole handful of salt. And why would it be the Poles' job to commemorate Jews in Poland? That's the job of Jews in Poland, and if it's not being done, that means that even the Jews in Poland don't give enough of a fuck to take care of their holy sites and cemetaries. When have Jews ever been so generous toward the goyim? Does Israel have any monuments to the Irish potato famine or Holodomor?

I swear these demonfolk are even afraid of their own shadows

Jews have this weird fixation on Holocaust. It's like they want someone to gas them. Maybe Kikes subconsciously know they are nothing but a bunch of parasites.

They want the gas because of all the rewards that come with it post gassing. Without the holohoax narrative they couldn't have hidden behind the anti-semite shield and been gassed american style decades ago.

The remains of huge, fossilized noses of course.

Then they overcompensate by being more openly brazen as if to look like the noble, weak, cowardly warrior fighting the forces of evil in front of their audience in a mass deception. Time and time again they pull the same trick. Cause trouble wherever they go, project blame, when it becomes an uncontrollable mess they play on feels being unjustly persecuted, then finally they become what they're enemies always said they were and either get led to the gallows or mass suicide to somehow not honor their enemies by receiving a warriors death.

It's why they willingly put the stars of david on them in Nazi Germany out of "defiance" and it's why Hollywood has massively project us to feel sorry for the underdog, the weak, and the cowardly on the battlefield and to neglect the true warrior who is a master of himself and his ideals.

we will find you nigger

No White Sharia Give Me White Socialism.



There will come a time when we will drag you out of your hiding jew, we will drag you to the streets.

Wotan is awakening. His wrath will be greater than anything seen before. All this anti-white kikery and degeneracy is just breeding the next generation of storm troopers. The soil of our homelands will be soaked in the blood of our enemies.


This. Reminder that you must learn to recognize and overcome your feelings of guilt and teach your brethren to do the same. For this guilt is both our strength (among matters pertaining to our volk) and our Achilles' heel (among interactions with the enemy). The kike knows this and exploits it on a daily basis. We must acquire herd immunity to this typical trick.

No guilt. No mercy. No fate but what we make.

here's a webm i'll post a superior one after this

"The shelter was cracked, and a defiance seeps out."

promised superior one sage for double post


it almost wasnt koshah enuff.

how many times do they need to get kicked out before its their fault?

It's a super effective strategy because it taps into the White emotion of guilt. When a White experiences guilt, he shuts down like Robocop and is unable to function while the yid pays a nigger $20 to poz his neghole.


They'll find you there, better use the oven.

so you went to a first world white ethno state. Hey, Pakistan is pretty anti-semitic. Same with Afghanistan. Oh strange, you don't want to go to those places?

This was at Charlottesville where have you been user?

So, so kevetching. Cunt wants to be a mordern day Annie Frankenstein. 'Muh privleged life' hahaha

Filthy fucking yids.

Omg, what the fuck is this creature?

The future

May the gods of our ancestors carry us to the day of wrath, may the Wild Hunt howl at our backs as we trample our enemies into bloody, bone-choked tar.


Was that bathroom in the attic?


Translation: Was literally shitting himself.

Typical jewish fraglity. Why are jews so afraid of change? Jewish people are on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, they are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more jews around. If jews were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren't succeeding and making the inroads that we are. Looking forward to a more equal future without jews.
I love when things like this happen and I can feed them back their own propaganda.

Down to the child.

Because jews fear chaos and cant into long term planning.

It's like annu

It reminds me of Carl the Cuck and Aids Skrillex had a son with an Asian prostitute


start at 0:55

So brave, just like anne frank!

is there anywhere in the entire fucking world i can go without having to see this


oh shut up you retard

I know it isn't pleasant but you're right - they want us dead, they'll kill us given the chance, our generation must do the hard work.

O kurwa, this is comedy gold.


hahaha scared little kike, GET USED TO IT!!!
well there is one silverlining, at least these KIKES are finally admitting their privilege!!!

Im too tired to search for a meme with puke in it

Jews profit when bullets start flying.

Every single time.

They at first were kicked out of Carthage, later on Alexandria before they started to dwell in Europe.

Woman thrown out of Polish church for ‘racism is a sin’ banner

Gabriela Lazarek was protesting at a Mass in Warsaw attended by Catholics participating in a Polish Independence Day march. An estimated 60,000 demonstrators took part in the annual event, marking Poland regaining independence in 1918.

According to the Polish newspaper Ośrodek Kontroli Obywatelskiej, the Mass was celebrated by Fr Roman Kneblewski, known for “nationalist” views, and many of those in attendance wore political insignia.

Lazarek said that she had not intended to unfurl the banner inside the church, but that during the homily Fr Kneblewski invoked the teaching of John Paul II, and she was so shocked that she stood up and displayed the banner.

At this point, Lazarek claims, several attendees ejected her from the church, shouting, “Get out! Get out of here!”


Although the march was not specifically organised by the far right, politically extreme slogans were displayed on some banners, such as “Pure Poland, white Poland!”


It's hilarious how the world did a swap. Germany is cucked to hell. America and Poland and Russia have become thoroughly nationalistic. Everyone is trading places.

I hate jews and their constant use of buzzwords.


This. There's only like 2 thousand of them and they can be free of the jewish problem within their own borders. Stamp it out now. Just 20 Breiviks could handle them all, assuming 100 kills each.

We've wasted enough zkylon B delousing these ungrateful kikes. What they're going to get is a chance to dig their own grave and a thwack to the back of the head with the shovel.

lmao this is amazing also I thumbed up the video it does a great job exposing the jewish abomination

Was there a jewish commie revolution in Poland in 1918 like there was in Germany? Someone fill me in

I'm polish and I hope there will be more jew aware people. Get rid of them once and for all.

Poland was fighting the reds after the western front came to an end, as in actually fighting a war and winning against them.

Let me guess, the shower in the bathroom was actually a secret gas chamber installed by russians.

Triple that number for the cryptos: still easily..uhhh… remedied

The Poles successfully repelled a Bolshevik Russian invasion in 1920, completely routing the Red Army around Warsaw.



Nefarious jew bastard detected.

No, seriously, what the fuck?
Russia is even more fractured by ethnicity than the US, nationalism doesn't really exist there, and if it did, it would be civic nationalism anyways.

good vid



That picture will never stop cracking me up


Our enemies are trembling with fear, and we haven't even started yet. Beautiful.

I can't believe how most of them think they're the heroes of the story. By their standards, The Lord of the Rings is all about Gollum's brave exploits to reclaim the stolen ring from the evil Hobbitses.

>"They have tiki torches, for pete's sake!"

I'm not a violent guy by nature, but some days I want DotR so bad, I can almost smell the rope.

You know, I never realized it before now, but this chick is similar in appearance to the description of the Eloi in Wells' The Time Machine.

Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

Don't you have some usury to commit?

That number can't be right. Finland is a nation of 5 million and we have about 1300 jews. Poland has a population of 40 million and once had 3,3 million jews. Wikipedia says there are "80 000+" jews in Poland.

I'm sure there is more of them. Kikes are smart enough not to reveal themselves too early.

Most went to israel because guess what? Poland is dirt poor when compared to other major nations.

So where is antifa stopping these guys?

Nah, israel isnt that rich either but if you're jewish and go there they give you a free house and gibsmedats

After being international jewish headquarters for 200 years I'm not surprised.

There a tens of thousands crypto kikes in structures of power in Poland.

>Is probably definitely pro-rapefugee, pro open-borders, pro multi-culti, anti-white
Not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer, are they?

Why is there always one mudslime convert spamming every thread with this stupid meme. Is it just the same faggot every time?

Just leftovers from the time being a soviet satellite.
If PiS is doing what it said to be doing, one half of these kikes will be gone(the worst kind). The other kikes will be removed within the next 2 elections.

And people say that jewish comedy is all shit and piss jokes.

Are you implying that jews are white and/or should not ethnically cleansed? Kikes deserve no sympathy, they're not going to be deported to israel or whatever you had in mind, they're going to be killed. Hitler wanted to simply deport them and that didn't turn out well either.


Why the fuck do they do this every. goddamn. time? It sounds so pathetic and weak. What are they? singing some highschool football cheerleading chant? Jesus christ.

I will believe it after it happens.