Anglin is a sperg, surprising nobody
well tbh its likely he came from the straight edge punk scene which slowly turned sour over the years, going back as far as 1985, the rise of indie, emo, and post-hardcore elements and fag virtue signaling, and then the acceptance of feminism (this goes back ages) could turn anyone (I'm also an example) into the most angry NatSoc you can think of, among other factors. hardcore punk has been cursed since 1979, when Crass came on to the scene. that's why I left. to be fair, Anglin makes valid points but he's not pushing the overton window far enough. I'm about 2 years older than him and I would know.
he's also from the same state as I, and as any redpilled white dude from Ohio can tell you, this state can really make you hate other people
anglin isn't even white
kek they really took some artistic liberties to make Sperglin look like threatening.
yea but to be fair his experiences with women mirror mine. plus we once only lived 3 hours apart. I didn't know him at the time, only interacting with him later. we bonded a bit on the fact our lives mirrored each others. and then he vanished. this was before silicion valley took down the original Stormer.
then again unlike him, I never had a liberal phase.
He's pushing the overton window the same way all the Aut-Kikes are: towards acceptance of BASED right-wing jews by White Nationalists.
Anglin shills ITT
…I'm starting to think this article is actually an elaborate fiction. Because there's no way Anglin was ever v_gan, you don't just stop being v_gan, that isn't how it works. Anyone else remember the Vice article smearing v_ganism lately? I think the meat and dairy industry is paying big bucks to try to make sure v_ganism is seen as racist, lol
He got cucked into being a Nazi? Okay, now I get it, I hate Anglin a lot, but this article is obviously bullshit.
I'm reporting you just for that disgraceful attempt at hiding your nose
my only progressive era was in the late 80s as a little kid, and then Waco and The Lorena Bobbit incident happened. also, I was pre-Alex Jones. I grew up on Limbaugh instead, because my dad wanted to "show me the truth"
Lets list this stuff, according to this article:
1. He was an anti-racist fag
2. He got cucked by his girlfriend
3. He was gay for black guys
Yeah, I'm sure this is all totally true.
those two incidents turned my world upsidedown of course.
Just read the article, it's too much. It's genuinely too much, one or two of these things, sure, I could buy it, but all of this? No way.
He looks like the Eternal Jew poster boy.
oh fuck, cry me a river Anglin, that's happened to me 6 fucking times, and even the first time when my so-called "HS sweetheart" got "raped", yea right, ok lady I just laughed in her face and told her to kill herself. I was a beta with the mindset of an alpha or close to it.
You give me one reason why anything in that article is implausible. Fag Anglin is non-white mystery meat LARPing as a nazi, so why shouldn't I believe he was basically a v e g a n antifa with a hardon for niggers? How is that incongruous with his already legendary levels of faggotry?
I mean going beyond, like memeing Aryan Congo into existence, just let that sink in
Read the entire thing, it reads like a list of memes they gathered from 8/pol/, he apparently met Duterte in the Philippines, read Joseph Campbell, was an early Alex Jones fan, was v e g a n, was gay for shitdick, it's just all so obviously contrived. The purpose of the article is obviously to make people suspicious of anyone who supports Duterte, Jones, or v e g a n i s m, it's a manufactured piece.
anglin is literally only useful for getting his crap website banned over and over again, giving a lead in to a discussion on censorship and how the elites in tech are ideologically biased. I honestly can't think of a single other worthwhile thing I can attribute to his existance. Besides in the first place isn't he a race-mixer?
Even though this is a blatant (((mainstream media))) hit piece, you can't deny that controlled opposition faggots like Anglin and Dicky boy Spencer are insufferable.
Him getting banned isn't really useful, considering it made a libertarian website run by a fat kike, his B'nai B'rith wife, and a gaggle of sexual deviants the top "White Nationalist" website in the world.
Yeah, they're massive faggots, but this article is probably 25% truth, 75% fiction. In reality ANglin is most likely Jewish.
the main problem there is he hasn't gotten it banned again yet
Anglin's a pathetic lolcow fraud. So again, why should I doubt an article about him being a pathetic lolcow? The only thing that's wrong is their narrative that he's an actual nazi when in reality he's considered a laughingstock by actual nazis. This isn't a hit piece against Anglin, they're holding him up as the face of internet nazis because he's such a fucking clown. It's a hit piece, not against him, but against legitimate white nationalists.
So? Propably half of this board are spergs. Second half have autism.
Because there are obvious lies in the article, the stuff about We ev being a Nazi, the stuff about Russians hackers. The only v e g a n Nazis that are influential on the internet are Renegade, and Anglin and Enoch absolutely despise Sinead, so I'm guessing this article was made with Anglin's help.
"Fields chanted “White Sharia”—Anglin’s phrase—before he drove his car into a crowd in Charlottesville."
This sure sounds likely.
Of course they're going to claim that kike w e e v is a nazi for the same reason they're claiming Fag Anglin is a nazi. Because they both fucking aren't. But why shouldn't I believe that Anglin was a cocksucking v e g a n or an "antiracist"?
Why are you running damage control for him?
hes a paddock in the making.
I'm not doing damage control for him. It's exactly because Anglin is a piece of shit that he never could have been a v e g an, being a v e g a n requires genuine empathy for animals, and having altruistic characteristics. It's clearly a lie.
Didn't TRS start that? And we all know Bloom-Fields is probably a heeb.
Your entire presence ITT is running damage control for Anglin.
did someone say filipinos
That would be a Vandal void meme.
No, moron, I've never once said that Anglin isn't a faggot, what I'm saying is that the narratives used in the article are clearly contrived and manufactured to be of relevance to current day events.
Oh, now I understand your confusion, you're an idiot.
They're the green niggers from TRS, correct?
Yeah, tell us more about how the mulatto lolcow fraud could never possibly have been a v egan numale, an antiracist, or a closet faggot. Because this is the face of a true alpha, right? Run more damage control.
This article is bullshit. Anglin is still a faggot nonetheless.
Color me surprised.
You don't understand psychology at all if you think someone like Anglin would ever have been a vegetarian.
Do you think it's normal for someone to go from saying the White race should be bred out of existence to running a WN website called "Total Fascism" in the span of a year?
So he's another loser compensating for his libfag youth? My gosh, he's 95% of this board.
So Plato was a limp-wristed numale for saying the ideal city would have no meat, and Hitler and Rudolf Hess were the same for being vegetarian.
Yes. I used to be a devout Feminist cuck. My ideals reshaped in roughly 2 years of seeing the truth.
Fuck, Goebbels had the very same happening to him.
OP (>1) is an obvious shill and you should sage this thread.
You're a fucking idiot if you believe anything the left writes about what they see as racists.
And it really doesn't matter if you don't think Anglin is sincere or not, what matters is that the leftist newspapers do.
Kek, fucking jews.
Also, thanks Jewish scum for reminding me to visit Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack today.
Crass rejected leftists and SJW.
So where is the actual opposition? Leftist trolling and jews shilling is tedious
Anglin's response to the article
Is this supposed to be like a muzzie screaming allah snackbar.
Two years is a lot more than it took Anglin. and I'm sure he was far more anti-White than you were. I googled him the summer before he launched Total Fascism (maybe 4 months before) and he was still making videos with third-world flips.
Honestly don't know what's worse. That article, or AnglinIDF's damage control.
That was high school. He didn't get woke to the JQ and race realism until his late 20's.
Can't believe how many of you fags are taking this kike article for 100% truth just because you hate Anglin. Confirmation bias overload. Even with all his flaws, I think the Stormer is still a great and very entertaining site, and actually the only news source on the planet that I trust these days.
Don't go overboard. The article is full of nonsense, obviously, but Anglin is clearly a Jew.
Come on, really? I don't wanna be the white knight here but that statement just forces my hand. It's just dishonest. If I wanted to say something bad about the guy I'd say he looks like a Polack prole soccer hooligan.
You are the actual opposition.
Yeah, I'll pass.
Just fucking kill yourself already
I totally believe you user. I mean, who would require proof on an anonymous Japanese Basketspinning Conglomerate?
Proudhon (inventor of anarchism and its circled A logo) explicitely advocated the extermination of all kikes.
I was part of the emo / post-hardcore faggotry scene. I had a goog glance at the antifa / SJW / feminist madness. Here I am now, sieg fuckin heil
Me in a nutshell. Sieg Heil brother.
Nobody likes talking about it, but you simply can not ignore or deny the British-Anglo position in promoting their own version of kosher friendly nationalism. The British run the same ops over in Britain as they do in America. The British still have major control over the United States.
You guys don't have anything on Anglin other than he was a fuccboi in the phillipines for a few years before becoming redpilled.