There was a massive police response to several crime scenes in Rancho Tehama, California Tuesday. Deputies say at least three people are dead—including the gunman.

Other urls found in this thread:

Source it faggot

nothing of value was lost

Started at a home and moved to a school with "hundreds of shots fired" hmmmmmmm how long between texas fedoralord shooting and this

When is this man going to stop?

Sam Hyde?

Will his thirst for blood ever be quenched?

Now this will go for several month can't let little cocksleves/comrades get killed like goy

Rancho Tehama is famous for being a meth infested shit hole.A late 60's planned dude ranch/HOA turned dope haven.It's off by itself
in the foothills with a 25 mile drive to anywhere.

You won't hear a lot from the news for this. Can't have the possibility of the precious snowflakes realizing their dumb ass policies don't stop mass shooters.


I think he could actually do a mass shooting and get away with it because of the confusion that would ensue.

Gets away every time, the only known serial mass shooter in history.

Remember, if it's a shitskin, it shouldn't be talked about much because as long as there is one white racist on this planet, they are entitled to limitless violence.

Either its a spic, a white liberal or a Muslim

I've had it. I'm tired of him getting away with these things. I'm tired of the media excusing his behavior because of a few internet trolls online.


You're an idiot. Urban populations in red states still vote blue and rural pops in Blue states vote red.

This is true. It's almost like the more like a sardine you're forced to live the more liberal you become. Unrestricted urban populations were a mistake. Any population 100,000+ is uncivilized and compromised.


That's like saying Detroit turned whites black.

Cities don't make liberal parasites. Cities merely attract them with convenient gibs. Once they attract enough parasites, the conservative producers start leaving. Eventually only parasites remain.

Another shooting eh?
Tinfoil hat time.
Yesterday FDA approved little sensors in an antidepressant pill to determine if you have taken them or not. Stand by for news this guy was on meds, stopped taking them, then shot up the school. Followed by 6 million articles about how we could have prevented this if only all pills given to (((mentally unstable))) individuals had these sensors in them.

guess the shooters motive Holla Forums

False flag.

Yet another (((mass shooting))) that takes place in (((California))) that the rest of the country will have to once again pay for instead? Yippee

come on people, if you're gonna fucking shoot their shithole up at least fucking go big

Never let a disaster go to waste though, Jews will surely profit off of it if we don't beat them to the punch


Can anyone explain what's happening in this vid

(((Workplace violence)))

"His name has not been released"
Why? Was he a non-white or something? Aren't these shootings a little conveniently synchronized?:

Holy fuck

I fucking love that vidya

The county where this happened in is about 80% white. Odds are the victims were white, and the perpetrator was another piece of white trash shit like the untermensch who shot up the Texas church.

If I was a betting man I would grab some Japanese OTSKF.PK stock. They make the sensors. If there is a call for the sensors to be put in more pills they stand to make a whole lot of money.

California is full of minorities, which is why it's more blue then the red rural folk. Anyways there is a really good chance this is FBI doing a psyop for gun control. FBIAnon more or less admitted that is why they're doing it.

Liberalism is mostly Virtue Signaling. Living in the city packed with other people who will ostracize you can create a mentality where you feel you must Virtue Signal (Automatically makes you a Libtard). So virtue signaling becomes who these people think they are. It's how they not become outcasts.

Hateful Nazi bigotry!
t. msm

The Unspoken Truth behind school shooters

"beta uprising" and why the mainstream media is so focused on portraying school shooters as mindless non-humans who did it for absolutely no reason other than because they are crazy while simultaneously using this as anti-gun and 2nd amendment destroying propaganda.

I have noticed an ongoing theme to the school shootings in the usa; specifically the shootings that involve the shooter being a student who actually went to that school, how the mainstream media decides to report/USE it, and how the school systems seem to respond to it.

it always appears the same way.

I'm not saying that what the person did was right, it was very wrong indeed but follow me for a moment with this.

>then a bunch of talk about how the family was this or that and how the shooter had mental issues (but lets leave out that they were all high on prescription drugs that increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and destroy learning! thanks doc!)

and then finally in late 2016 things coming out like
but then the hypocracy of the whole thing hit me like a train; "why the fuck are teachers and students being told that they should learn how to recognize the early warning signs of the very monster they all contributed in creating?"

I and many other people had a nightmarish experience in school being overwhelmed and overworked by multiple hateful, bitter, and careless teachers who competed to see who could give the students the least amount of teaching and learning and the most amount of testing and quizzing, or who could give out the most school work out of the multiple teachers you were supposed to attend classes with throughout the day. then they would all compete to see who could give out the most precious-relax-and-recover-opportunity destroying homework assignments, and who could give out the most on vacations so that those were ruined too, and finally who could give out the most on summer break so that you would really feel that feely kind of feel that feels very very bad.

it wasn't ever enough that school already looked like, sounded like, felt like, and clearly and obviously resembled a slave labor camp; but it never stopped at just that. I was bullied by students endlessly without mercy and was unable to recieve any help from a teacher because they didn't seem to care and never took any action to stop my suffering no matter what I told them. teachers had special preferences for the worst students either knowingly or because the bullies always had a perfected split personality for their victims and their teachers and somehow never got caught no matter what. a teacher could watch me get punched right in the face and wouldn't do a single thing about it. I could tell them and even if they saw it happen they would deny it or try to brush it off "oh just get over it, you're tough! don't let them get to you! just walk away" but after countless days of being physically assaulted if you even raised your arms to defend yourself or block a punch from a bully, the teacher would be the first to run over and give you all the blame and send you off for detention and in school suspension. there was always this strange lingering theme that I was the designated scape goat of the entire school. I could promise on a stack of bibles that they were a well organized cult and I was some sort of sick twisted sacrifice. but I rejected their game, and somehow I made it out alive. I didn't snap and go berserk like the shooters because I'm a very reasonable person and I would never even think to do something like that. I'm convinced that I have more patience than a saint.


after that experience I understood Why, and How these things happen.

I believe it in my heart and soul that there is a rampant vicious and rabid viral pandemic of highly organized scapegoating taking place in Americas schools. I believe that this is also highly likely to be occuring in Japan. look at their suicide rate and the ages that people commit suicide at. children and young adults are being overwhelmed, overworked, and gangstalk scapegoated literally to death all over our great country and these pieces of shit in the school system and the mainstream media have the gall to tell people to "learn how to watch out for the warning signs"

You want to know what the very best cure for breast cancer is you shitlover pink ribbin worshipping cucks? it's not early detection "our scan determined that we now know that you now ALREADY have cancer! congratulations!" it's prevention.

Stop doing the things that create monsters, and maby you wouldn't have to be constantly looking out for them, you damn fools.

Public schooling is the NUMBER ONE scourge upon humanity!

This is what it's like in the US: you learn to read and write, do basic calculator math, and you get a very vague and hazy overview of 'history'. Just enough for politicians to use historical celebrities to push their personal agendas while leaving the bulk of the population clueless to what history actually looked like and why things are the way they are, and making them not want to know since they disliked their schooling so much.

All the while they're teaching children to fear, obey, and receive all 'truth' from constantly changing figures of authority to whom they are essentially helpless. A divide is put into the family since children are torn from them too young for too long when we've evolved to live side by side until old enough to fend for ourselves; it kills oral tradition and leads to children and parents not understanding or appreciating one another, since they both live in entirely different worlds during the day and when they're finally under the same roof, they're so exhausted and emotionally drained they just want to vegetate in front of a TV or a computer monitor. Little deep connection or conversation happens here than in families closer to one another

Don't you see? It destroys families and destroys their knowledge from being passed on, replacing it with bureaucratically preapproved information. It's a tool for control

Take the children, force them to WASTE their entire childhood doing absolutely nothing productive or useful, force them to associate "learning" with tedious and mediocre work, then they go home and associate "fun" with tv and the media.

The schools are not intended to teach children, one of their main goals is preventing them from learning too much that would make them less dependent on the system. Having just enough skills to be a useful cog in the machinery is the aim, and of course with the proper brainwash upbringing.

Teach the children to hate learning, to love being unproductive, and guess what?
You may as well have taken everything from them, and they don't even realize it.
It is the worst crime ever committed, the worst institution ever conceived of, yet no one talks about it. Ever. Those that do are ridiculed.
We should be ANGRY. They took away the one thing we can never experience again and never get back, our childhood.
We should be livid, we should be politically organizing against the people organizing it. Yet no one cares, they just let it go.

It confuses the students. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials, this programming is similar to the television; it fills almost all the "free" time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.

It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.
It makes them indifferent.
It makes them emotionally dependent.
It makes them intellectually dependent.
It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).
It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised.

Backpacks are a slaves weight
Homework to chain you down at home
No windows to "stop distraction"
Tests to grade your worth and stress you
And constant indoctrination by mediocrities and shit textbooks

The education system is not "broken", it is designed to ruin children. It creates imitators rather than innovators. It defines intelligence as the ability to remember and repeat things. It is also designed to make students weak and submissive as adults.

Instead of finding children with creative and analytical minds it punishes students who question the curriculum and rewards mindless parroting or solving per-determined tasked with per-determined solutions.
The thing about weak and submissive adults is absolutely the primary function of schools. Learned helplessness is truly the one things schools are ultimately about.


Lets also not forget about common core and how stupid it is and how much more stupid they are trying to make all the children become.

Think back to the beginning of gamergate. all of the gamergate shill sjw femminazi's kept on saying "gaming is dead" "videogames are dead" as if to make it a meme and convince people that videogames are really dead. Holla Forums almost agreed with this but they and everyone realized that there are still many good games out there and videogames were and are still not absolutely dead, just surrounded by cancer.

The real goal of these "videogames are dead" SJW gamergate shill femminazi's was

quote from different anons:
"The vast majority of people still send their kids to these places. It boggles my mind how such ignorance could be so copious. Today on the bus there was a girl with her mother. She was crying because she was scared to go to school. The mother started yelling at her and made her go anyway. I don't understand the kind of depravity that would allow a person to do such a thing. I went to school everyday with tears in my eyes and came back with tears in my eyes. It was hell. I wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. And yet almost everyone has to go through it.

"I legit was just thinking a little earlier today how furious i was that I was forced to waste the most developmental time of my life learning absolute garbage. 12 years of grade school and they legitimately teach you nothing practical. American schools, and i'm assuming most European, are not institutions of education, but rather behavior modification and social conditioning. Its really tragic

"Every time something bad happens in my life I just remember "At least I'm out of high school

Fired from my job? At least I'm out of high school.

Someone treats me like garbage? That ain't half as bad as when I was in high school.

"High schooler here, and there's also other points being missed here. Not only is it making the idea of education less fun, it is getting more intense all the time now. Now everything needs to be higher; you need higher test scores, you need higher SAT scores, you need to decide what you want to do at a younger age, yaddayaddayadda. The point is that most kids arent ready for this decision in their life and will either pick the easy way, and end up trying and failing for sports, or trying to be a high acheiver. the problem is that this level if education is too much. The stress and sheer amount of information being crammed into our heads is too much. I have considered suicide many times and cry myself to sleep often just because of the pressure. Its just stupid that people would do this to children just because its normal and if we dont like it too bad.

very sad example of "kitty cat HANG IN THERE FRIEND" poster overload at school from an user.
"That reminds me. Imagine taking a class that has no windows and all of the walls are plastered with posters. You can't put your eyes anywhere without seeing them. And if you try to look away, the nacrissist you are supposed to be worshiping has a meltdown. And they are designed to be as asinine and distracting as possible. They drove me into panic attacks. I completely lost my nerve so many times just over those posters. It's not something that bothers you at first. It's just an annoyance. But as the years go on and with all the other things happening, it turns into a blistering rage. One that has to break eventually. Like Chinese water torture except in the form of eyesight pollution. And then of course it's time for psychologists and forcefully voluntary medication."

"I'm becoming a teacher, and you know what they tell us?

some may be, but a large amount of them are just like public schools with the name "private" slapped on top.
the sad part is that alot of these are not in the normal part of the system so abuse happens almost constantly. the people that work there get degrees in psychology and then use that knowledge to mentally torture kids and punish those who don't conform to force."

any kid that doesn't confrom/follow orders mindlessly in school is taken to a psychologist and diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and OCD so they can drug them up with prozac (mostly fluoride) and ritalin and every other fucked up drug that should never be given to a child with a developing brain. then the kid zones out and behaves like a zombie and feels sad all the time so they diagnose them with bipolar depression and give them even more drugs. kids are being treated like numbers and cattle at school to pass as many tests as possible without learning a single thing and making money for pharmaceutical companies

My parents insisted on me going to psychiatrists and every single one of them requested that I take some SSRI. They would talk to me for like 4 minutes before dispensing whatever evil concoction pfizer was pushing that month.
Its also funny how every single psychiatrist would push a different type of pill. One of them wanted me on Cypralex, the second one said wellbutrin, and lastly seroquil.
These idiots actually said I need seroquil, a fucking anti-psychotic. They even gave me some defacto diagnoses of having psychosis because I was strongly against taking SSRI's, because you know, not trusting big pharma must mean that I'm crazy.

"Me in high school:
Me in college:

"It's very simple: those who can't do, teach
with few exceptions, full-time school teachers are the most egotistical and incompetent people to be part of society.
It's better to learn from those who actually do, like your parents or your retired elders in a multi-generational household, than it is to learn from one of these parasites."

"I can say with confidence that Zero-Tolerance policies (specifically the ones regarding fighting, which discourage standing up against bullies) are one of the many things responsible for creating a generation of idiots and sociopaths.

I started getting bullied since before I was 8 years old. It only got worse as time passed. Every single day was a struggle not to lash out at the people who physically and verbally abused me. I was pretty big for my age (part of the reason they picked on me), and my parents told me that they would not be mad at me for defending myself against them (though they never actively pushed me to do so), but I knew that I would get suspended or worse if it came to blows. Ultimately, I was more scared of my teachers and principal than I was of my peers. I was unable to stand up for myself as a student, and the principle/teachers did absolutely fuckall. Very often a bully would start hitting me when they knew a teacher or employee of the school would be intentionally not giving any attention to anything in my general direction, not because they were tired or careless, rather they knew that trouble always followed me and they behaved like cowards and became intentionall lazy, unwanting to deal with the bullies that constantly harassed me. The pompous, pretentious, hypocrites would pretend they were being smart by "allowing the problem to resolve itself". When I would bring up my hands to cover my head and face from the attacks the teacher would only then decide to pretend to notice that I lifted my hands, not to strike, but to cover my own body in self defense without any offense in any way, and the teacher would immediately punish me and send me to detention.

How DARE I protect myself from people who had the unspoken ability to be completely invisible to teachers and other figures of authority that could never insult reality by wearing such a title. My parents would contact the school and say "Hey, why are you letting my child be psychologically tortured by his classmates?" and the school would feed them some horse shit like "We're doing everything we can to help him!" Either way, they'd sooner suspend one kid for beating the shit out of someone than suspend half of a class for mistreating that kid. There was nothing being done, nothing could have been done without me being punished, so I just took everything they threw at me, and they never held back." The amount of homework being given every single day, every weekend, every holiday break, was becoming hateful and abhorrent. The amount of books students were required to drag painfully around the school on their young undeveloped backs and shove into undersized and strategically meticulously systematically tiny undersized and inconveniently placed lockers far from each and every single classroom equally, was becoming too much for me. I had straight A's and they all dropped to F's in a very short period.

My parents, brainwashed by psychologists and therapists forced me to take several kinds of "medications" that I "needed" so that I could "do better" and "feel better" played games with my young developing brain's chemisty and my hormones and constantly simulated a physical emotional experience of feelings I can only describe as literally being in hell. The side effects where literally anything you could have imagined. I gained weight from it all, and the stress. I was 150 pounds overweight and malnourished and flushed all my pills one day and promised I would never take another pill from these shitty fake doctors ever again. I spend some time in a mental hospital as they tried to convince me I needed them, but I didn't give in and thank GOD there wasn't much more they could force upon me, so they let me go. I changed my life and lost a ton of weight and now I warn people about school and how fucked up this shitty terrible nightmare we live in a system designed to cultivate unrelenting suffering and psychological slavery. I warn people because I have hope. I want to change this fucked up world one word at a time.

"Public schools are corrupt. I used to live in a state where attendance was mandatory.
Was bullied every single day until I just got sick of it at quit going to school. A couple weeks later I was sitting in a court, fined about 700 dollars, put on probation for an entire year of my life, and forced to go to school. I ended up missing a week to grieve for my grandfather but they decided I took too long and threw me in a juvenile detention center for a whole month. I was finally able to get off probation after forcing myself to go classes and do 48 hours of community service, it was a huge load off my mind. One day at school, one of my "friends" was caught selling weed to other students and had his mom's pills in his locker. You know what he got? 2 days suspension. He had shit grades, but he attended school, and that's all that matters to them."

"The most infuriating part about bullies is the double standard where they never ever seem to get in trouble for their behavior, but anyone who dares stand up to them is slammed down with an iron fist, could it be part of the government agenda? are they doing this on purpose to force people to accept "their place in society" early on?"

Society has also been indoctrinated with the idea that people who dropped out of school or didn't get good grades must be bad people, which makes it even more difficult to get along with people or get a job. As if it wasn't difficult enough?

or alternatively:

(reply to above)






the biggest waste you can make is running around trying to please the monsters that run the system by giving them any form of your effort and taking their quizzes, and looking for their approval. while you could have spent the time looking for food or water, or running away to some better place on earth to make a new life for yourself, they have you sitting in some little school room taking the GED.
>DEATH of your mind



forget kids getting expelled for eating poptarts and being accused of "the poptart looking a similar shape as a gun", now kids are getting sued for looking at each other and smiling and getting along.

Federal Government Is Bullying Parents Who Homeschool Their Children

A 14-year-old girl was suspended from school for a month and faces possible assault and battery charges for playfully throwing a baby carrot at one of her former teachers.

A fourth-grader from Hillsborough, Florida, was warned not to pass any more love notes to his female classmates—and will be charged with sexual harassment if he persists.



why college is scam

might be a good idea to watch stefan molyneux's videos on no college for white man, and other "don't go to college" videos

College Student Earns 4.0 GPA, Then Drops Out: "You Are Being Scammed!"

Billy Williams just finished his first college semester and did so with the all-impressive 4.0 GPA. Instead of celebrating his accomplishments with friends and family, he decided to drop out of college entirely.

Billy made a facebook post that is now going viral in which he explains his reasoning for dropping out:

“Now that I’ve finished my first semester I think it’s safe to say… FUCK COLLEGE. Now before all you of you go batshit crazy… I have a few points to make.

1. Yes I have dropped out after finishing my first semester (with a 4.0 GPA). And it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made. Not because I am averse to learning, but actually the exact opposite.

2. YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but you will see it some day. Heck you may have already seen it if you’ve been through college. You are being put thousands into debt to learn things you will never even use. Wasting 4 years of your life to be stuck at a paycheck that grows slower than the rate of inflation. Paying $200 for a $6 textbook. Being taught by teacher’s who have never done what they’re teaching. Average income has increased 5x over the last 40 years while cost of college has increased 18x. You’re spending thousands of dollars to learn information you won’t ever even use just to get a piece of paper. I once even had an engineer tell me “I learned more in my first 30 days working than in my 5 years of college.” What does that tell you about this system? There are about a million more ways you’re being scammed into this.. just watch the video i’m gonna comment if you want to see more.

3. Colleges are REQUIRING people to spend money taking gen. ed. courses to learn about the quadratic formula (and other shit they will never use) when they could be giving classes on MARRIAGE and HOW TO DO YOUR TAXES.

4. Gosh there are so many more reasons I could add, but just comment if you disagree or have reasons to add. I’d love to add to the discussion. TAG a friend in college, Tag your parents, share this if you agree, disagree. Let’s just talk about it. Heck post a picture of yourself flipping off something you think is unjust in our society.”

Billy is right too that the price of college continues to soar.

In 2015, Harvard’s annual tuition and fees (not including room and board) would cost a person $45,278, which is more than 17 times the 1971-72 cost. If annual increases of tuition had simply tracked the inflation rate since 1971, 2016’s tuition would be just $15,189.

Quotes from anons:

anyone been getting flashbacks to pathological liars in school or near school trying to fool you into horrible things happening to you?
(previous /x/ thread)
(exGATEers thread)

I can't believe some of the lies I remember people telling me and the things I heard them say to others.


way later

another way way later

another I remembered from early on

I also remember alot of people trying to get me stuck in logical traps where they sell their logic as fact rather than appearing to try to convince me since they are aware that people are resistant to others openly trying to convince them of things. basically they tell you that there is only one factual way of going about something so that you make a huge assumption and never gain philosophical ground because you assume better logic doesn't exist. there are many types of logic and some are better than others, but there isn't really "just one way" to go about everything. everything has many ways. understand? I'm not trying to be vague, it's just that these things apply to many many different things in your day to day life. any one specific example would be limiting to the overall understanding.

how to make school lunch good

you know they can make it taste good, and healthy right?

roast some onions and caramelize them and roast some peas on the side. then put the peas and onions in a blender and cream them with salt and pepper.

roast broccoli, more peas, potatoes, corn, carrots in the oven and serve them along side the creamed peas (as a sauce)

another great thing you can make is dark red kidney beans and black beans boiled with some garlic and onions and cumin, maybe a little pepper. makes a great bean soup. very delicious and very healthy.

for drinks, they shouldn't have any milk or juice. it's all bad fats and sugar. they should at the very least be given clean bottled water (BPA free of course) with no fluoride. if they want an extra drink, they should be given wheat grass juice with some blueberry and acai puree mixed in for more antioxidants and fiber and a good splash of lemon and or lime juice for the vitamin C content.

they should also be given an orange or an apple, and about two handfuls of mixed nuts. (unless allergic)

for dessert they should be given some hemp protein powder blended with coco powder and flax seeds and a small amount of avocado with some organic fag b12 and vitaminD (from garden of life, best one out there in my honest opinion) (the rest can be water) this makes a nice chocolate pudding with omega 3 and fiber.

this lunch is healthy, tastes great and actually makes you crave eating it, and KICKS ASS. you want kids to be alert? you want them raising their hands and answering questions? feed them stuff that actually makes them feel awake and supports their body's health.

all the food should be at the very least non-gmo, and all students should in addition to that still have the freedom to bring whatever food they want from home in case they simply don't like or can not eat the options offered.

and last but not least, you pay taxes. taxes pay for school. the school will then pay for your kids lunches. no excuses. fair is fair.




Shooter was released on bond for stabbing a women, now i dont know about the US but i would suggest domestic violence.
The rest is a rampage about certain issues involving the kid they probably had, maybe it wasnt his (and found out about it) or she wanted a divorce etc.

Video of neighbor who reported the dude for being crazy. His roommate died in this incident.


I had the unfortunate experience of living in that area a few years ago. it was common knowledge how corrupt the pols/leo were. The DA was secretly famous because his daughter took a shotgun to him on prom night. He didn't die, she wasn't arrested, everyone helped cover it up but everyone knew.

In my neighborhood some kids broke into a veterinarian and tortued the animals, painted satanic shit everywhere. None charged because they were kids of a pastor, an leo and a pol, plus a couple meth head kids.

Meth is huge up there, I would say meth or illegally gotten oxy was his drug.

Sounds like my 5th grade class. Oh, how I want that back.

That is what i thought too.

Cool it with the copypasta, f2a807.

it was relevant and important.

A bunch of jews celebrating and making light of dead children should be all the proof you need that there is a war going on here, user.



They are saying 5 dead, 10 injured.

why do these fucks keep doing this? I swear it must be the globalists sending sleeper cells to stir up political unrest

Welcome to today's civil war. It isn't going to happen on a battlefield conventionally. Mass shootings will disarm the population and make conservatives easier to kill and their children easier to manipulate.

Possibly, if everyone keeps being pussys about it.

if everyone had guns, nobody would try shit.

He will never stop getting away with it, he's always ten steps ahead of everyone.

It is because you are a sadist in the reflecting lake. The hatred you inspire in others is your true self. What you perceive to be your own thoughts are the thoughts of people around you.

In solitude if you trust the people around you then you reflect to the internet your true self. If you live without trust then you are a proxy and you reflect the false persona of those around you. Go see more of God, your mini-God is perverse.

Did Idubbbz become a mass shooter?


nah, it's assbergers. fuck off.

The TV it's self is the source. Can you think of a better description of modern mass media than "A bunch of jews celebrating and making light of dead children" ?
The fact that people still watch those actors and luminescent niggers and believe that it is news is both confusing and enraging.

Im glad Anons archived that video. It got shoahed from the original source.

fucking shills trying to sound edgy

no, you fuck off shill. amazing how desperate you are to keep people unaware of the truth.

SSRI withdrawal is trippy. It can make you breakdown. Zaps, nightmares like bad acid trips. Watch it ultimately be psychotic effects from SSRI withdrawal.

tbh with all the sjwism shit and transgenderism going on, I miss satanic shit being the most shocking thing ever

My ex-girlfriend was studying education.

She was upset because she didn't pass one of the assignments. The assignment was essentially so the school could check if they could read and write to a decent standard. I looked over her assignment and it was riddled with errors. I explained to her that the criteria demanded 'few or no errors' and that she had like 15, which I felt was well over the acceptable amount.

What happened is that she complained, cried and escalated the situation enough times that the school ended up passing her probably because it was just easier. She is now employed as a teacher. I lost hope in the university system when I realised that this is the standard of teachers that they are pumping out.

education is a disgusting rending plant


Abilify just became approved for them. Otsuka is already going up. I imagine there will be a demand for them just with hospitals etc. making medication tracking easier. Once people feel comfortable having just the crazies tracked constantly, without their permission, they will start pushing them into other medications citing better patient management to general practitioners etc.



Someone has to wrangle the niggers.


I'm on antidepressants. I have bi-polar. mostly because a) either I inheritered from my father or b) my ex-girlfriends gave it me proving that girls really actually have cooties and can give you the female version of autism.

I had similar experiences but probably a lot worse of a life. the thing about teachers preferring the assholes thing was true for me too. I attended one HS reunion in 2011. never again. it also didn't help that well into my late 20s I got (up into now, my 30s) it was whore after whore after whore of an ex-girlfriend, the only one who didn't ended up accusing me of rape (and we dated twice, she only wanted me, that was the last straw) war never changes. I'm pretty sure I don't have a soul anymore.

it's pretty funny to consider a lot of this lately. Particularly this hollywood and media stuff. Like so these feminists go into work, get harassed and raped, then write a story about how all males are rapists or all gamers are misogynistic haters, then their boss that just raped and harassed them approves the story.

Meanwhile the nerd that just wanted to be left alone are wondering wtf is all this faggotry about.

Even if they shot up every elementary school the resident spics and nogs will still for for gibsmedat candidate

Remember that "mental illness" is invention of medical jew.

An invention that genetically plagues them, apparently


Forgive me for being a nigger, but how do these sensors work? I mean how do they get power to broadcast back to ZOG HQ to tell them if you haven't taken your good goy pills?

Video related, totally normal teenage girl murdered her neighbour due to SSRI poisoning. Judge wanted to hear nothing of it, now thanks to the kikes she will spend the rest of her life in prison and a little kid is dead.

I wasn't going to say anything because I know where you're coming from but I have to now. Other anons are definitely thinking it because we've been there too.
I've read this before - or heard it, don't know but… going from memory:
>I-just-understand-it.jpg when it comes to advanced concepts for age group

You weren't, by chance, involved in the gifted and talented education program at your school(s), were you? If so, you're not alone.

Fam, I'm not going to fight evolutionary pressure.

You've completely got it. How can anyone actually stand to go through such a process? It's why I barely attended school, and when I did I did nothing.

Short people having no reason to live.

Please just bomb us already.

Gun control activism.

Reminds me a bit of the handicapped kid we had in town, no matter if summer or winter he would drive around in his bicycle, go to rain barrels and shout "spirit of the water i summon you". He also relentlessly watched the ninja turtles.

Here's your shooter. Kevin Neal

I sincerely hope not.

Fuck. Am I the only one who thinks that mass shootings by niggers happen every day (drive by's for example, or home invasions killing an entire family of 5) and the news just doesn't even report on it nationally unless a white male did it?


Who else simply "fell through the cracks" recently, after beating his wife and child, after having threatening higher-ups?

Trips of fuckin truth

Here in Chicago its literally every single night some nigger kills a niglet and a few others in a drive by, yet that doesnt count as a mass shooting. I guess thats the kike medias way of saying niggers arent human.