thoughts on proudhon and mutualism?
Thoughts on proudhon and mutualism?
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I don`t honestly see how any market economy could function efficiently without the security&stability provided by the state.
Then why struggle for communism, if those who you would struggle for are, as you say, incapable of defending themselves and their interests autonomously?
Well you might start by actually reading him
Honestly, even Proudhon abandoned anarchism in favor of federal republicanism and even elements of syndicalism.
Cantonalism, syndicalism, and nationalism for life!
communists are against the market, your question makes no sense
Bretty cool who doesnt afraid of markets
I see the major anarchist thinkers kind of like stepping stones in how the revolution should work. More and more businesses become mutualist co-operatives, these then federate into collectivist syndicates, which in turn gives them the power to abolish the market and produce goods for need to bring about full blown anarcho-communism.
Decent starting point in terms of literature and political theory, that's about it.
Daily Reminder Marxism and anarchism would not be around today if not for Proudhon.
Pretty based
Pretty dank, I am not a mutualist but I support coops, mutual banks, and other formal or informal money schemes under capitalism. But in an anarchist commune, it's better to just get rid of money and plan the economy in a democratic fashion. Coops still mean that production is for profit instead of use, and I think it's an aspect of capitalism that we should get rid of.
That's actually what Graeber's take on mutualism is as well
Petit bourgoeise
It involves people with black in their flags so I assume it's more contrarian nonsense that appeals to people who like to think of themselves as rugged individualists, none of whom could last a week outside a nanny society.
Funny because stalin had a more bourgeoise life than Proudho
maybe you shouldn't assume things and instead read about them
It's funny because your don't even know what petit bourgoiese is.
Are you that retard who was fagging up /k/ with your autistic textwalls a few days ago?
i think is one of the best ideologies down there and many of the people who believe in it are well read
petit bujee fuck.
Is there some quick overview of Proudhon (not from a Marxist, please)?
I wish more people would join the movement, coops have proved themselves not to only be a viable option, but to actually survive and thrive in a capitalist environment.
I think the main reason it doesn't get much followers is because it's easier to pitch retards with "woo kill porky!".
In the broader context of other anarchist thinkers, and from a bit of a syndicalist slant, but a good overview: