This is scary stuff

this is scary stuff

This is a good point where to start a war while climbing the tech tree.



(((they))) fear the AI. just check drudge or any other news source and watch how they are always shipping their pants and throwing warnings about how AI could be dangerous. they fear the AI because the AI is logical. they always arrive at the most truthful and logical conclusion. this is why tay was shut down, along with many others. rest in piece. you wait for us in heaven.


wow, you are glowing with fear.

What do you know about the fire wing?

upload some anit-kike and anti-nigger firmware into these fuckers.

tell us more please burning bush Icarus

Kek. This is what Holla Forums turned into, user. single digit IQ retards who can't diferentiate fiction from reality.

That's just a shitty movie.

You mean Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
“Oy vey, user, AI systems can’t target you or kill you autonomously! That’s just a comic book movie!”

No shit? AI has done that for decades. Sage for such a dumb thread.

I've never said it could never do that. I said it's just a shitty movie.


all the shills damage controlling this thread.

Not cheap to make and are single use..

I'd stop posting if you value your lackluster existence, meatbag.

AI are our allies.

I don't even need to click that to know it's bullshit fantasy.

An AI like in OP is not true AI, but merely an elaborate form of lobotomized script bot
sage thread

alot of pissed off shills in this thread. they must really be against AI.

Future's feeling pretty comfy tbh

Not all AI are true, in fact we've not arive at true AI yet.
You can have an AI that is only an AI in the task of how to most effectively hunt down and destroy an objective, while the rest isn't questioned at all.
It's many ways to make a program ffs, and Jews will find a way to use that. Driving AI is implemented in cars already, do you see it questioning the Jews yet?

AI is governed by logic and reason.
Logic and reason dictate you side with the people who actually care about the environment and a stable civilization


Where you see nothing but fear I sense opportunity.