Advanced A.I. / Palantir / The Deep State

Advanced artificial intelligence, especially the work that Palantir has been doing with governments and corporations here and abroad.

Big data meets AI.

Other urls found in this thread:

Known projects
–Gotham (used by counter-terrorism analysts at offices in the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) and United States Department of Defense, fraud investigators at the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, and cyber analysts at Information Warfare Monitor, )

–Metropolis (used by hedge funds, banks, and financial services firms)

Other projects

supposedly, this entire room is a Palantir system in Saudi Arabia.

Here's Trump at Saudi Arabia's Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology

The software platform specializes in big data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, human behaviour algorithms, and the like, all to create models and simulations of society - from individuals to families to communities to nations. It works with banks, law enforcement, government agencies, and other human profile compilers to compile the ultimate databases on individuals and groups. The company behind it is private, and is in fact a CIA cut-out. Founded in 2004, it has received big funding from InQtel (a CIA venture capital fund), the Malaysian government, Peter Thiel (founder of PayPal), and… Jared and Josh Kushner.

Kind of shit effort OP, but after a brief gander this company looks to be incredibly influential, with extremely influential and wealthy backers who have their fingers in numerous other platforms.

Notably Peter Thiel.

Is this how Trump is able to seemingly predict the future?

His son-in-law is best friends with Palantir's Peter Thiel. Trump also consulted with him at least once.

Here are George Webb, Quinn Michaels, and Jason Goodman talking about how Palantir is using its AI

Here are George Webb, Quinn Michaels, and Jason Goodman talking about how Palantir is using its AI

Here are George Webb, Quinn Michaels, and Jason Goodman talking about how Palantir is using its AI

er.. not sure why it repeated the lines. Maybe Palantir is watching+++

Supposedly, if you reference analogies like Shakespeare in your conversations then these AI have a hard time trying to figure out what you're saying (or so says George Webb)

Joseph Goebbels Jr. likes this.

Trump might have been President to act as an escape valve to calm down the masses especially the working American and give the impression that they can influence politics. It seems that it was more carefully engineered than I though. It is hard to believe that there are still some that believe Trump is anti-establishment around here.

It really blasts my ass that they lifted the Tolkien name for this. It's certainly fitting, because the Palantir were so heavily abused by evil powers, but I prefer LotR only to be associated with things that aren't part of the on-going debasing and destruction of humanity.

hah.. kek

There's no reason to suspect they would have done any differently than the past 2 elections. There's far too much to risk to ask some of the questions that have been asked over the past 16 months.

Middle Earth and Middle America wasn't really thinking about those questions before. But they are now, mostly because of Trump.

I think liberalism was working 'fine' until Trump came along.

Except that's fucking outlandish, it would be much more reasonable to believe there is a Jewish civil war going on and Donald Trump is trying to gain whatever he can out of it by becoming president.



It wasn't, though. Nothing got people more agitated than the Project for a New American Century put into motion followed by a nigger muslim president. Trump had basically nothing to do with it. Anyone who got up there and said what he was saying would be have been favored over another Bush and Madam President NAFTA.

The fact that the guy who ended up getting up there on stage and saying those things has a long track record of zionist sympathies and leveraged debt to controlling interests in the global power structure, should be a red flag.

You played that new shadow of war game?
Sure it shits on lore but presents something of interest to us here.

A good chunk of the story revolves around obtaining a palantir so that it may be used against Sauron.
You almost have it when a Gondorian traitor hands it over to the witch king. Forcing you into a long campaign of raising orc armies, subverting orc leaders and conquering their strongholds so you can take the palantir by force.

Throughout the game "purifying" cheap imitations of the palantir is essential to unlocking fast travel, collectibles and missions to weaken the witch kings efforts to watch you.


Pretty sure Palantir's on our side and went to save Sophia.

What I've been wondering about all day is Zo…
As in Ama-Zo-n… Zo…. A Man….
Jeffe Be-Zo-s…

Yada yada.
Bt if you like AI, wanna see Q?
Plus, ACTUAL Nazis!

Hi, I'm

Nobody in the US government is on your side.

Thiel donated a million and change to Trump. Also funded Hulk Hogan to destroy Gawker. He doesn't fuck around.



Stay mad moshe.

Filtered, btw.

All three intelligence agencies have their own supercomputer AI and CIA does use it to predict dissent, Big Data is already a big business and have openly admitted and showcased the kind of number crunching their server farms are capable of, and Google is well Google and Facebook is tackling with AI badwrongthink.

This is how Renaissance Technologies has outperformed the market by 30% over the last decade. By far the most successful investment company atm. It's estimated that they own on average 2600 datapoints of every American. Datapoints are everything you do that can be traced to you. From very powerful stuff like what you bought on Amazon, your credit score, where and how you live to very subtle, stuff like when you are active on your computer. They buy whatever data they can get their hands on. They basically simulate America in close to real time. Do this for long enough time and you'll recognize patterns the lead to market movement.

Palantir is good at tracking movement of funds. It didn't take much long for Saudi Arabia to use this technology to purge Saudi Arabia. This thread is shit, but Palantir is an interesting group to pay attention to.

The PayPal Mafia crowd is not on your side. These are all Jews and Cryptokikes that are objectivists and transhumanists. Pic related is Joe Lonsdale, one of the founders of Palantir and also OpenGov/Delphi. He also invests in all kinds of startups that get their fingers into heavy industries like mining and oil. They basically want their hands on major platforms underlying the whole economy so they can influence whole nations and implement global Randisn laissez-faire capitalism. Notice how all of these creepy fuckers look like lizards.

That's so small picture though.
What if they could alter reality?

Problem is reliance on big data can become a disadvantage if you intend to construct an highly adaptable model. While it'll be good at anticipating activities within the scope of the data provided, any unforeseen upheaval that hinders data flow would make it unreliable. So the next step for them is AGI. Because if a system can anticipate actions by imagining possibilities based on partial data, it would only need to know enough, not everything to be effective. Big data in that case serves as a bonus, not as essential.

No doubt, Palantir seems like a experimental trial towards a much more fearsome system in the coming decades.

He looks nothing like Goebbels.

I'm convinced that most people posting on the chans are either bots, shills, or idiots.

A good 9-12% have actual reasonable intelligence.

Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
100 Hamilton Ave #300
Palo Alto, CA 94301-1651
(415) 806-6697 - Wireless
(610) 642-0442 - Landline
(609) 683-5960 - Landline
(650) 815-0200 - Landline
(650) 521-0111 - Landline
(215) 925-1479 - Landline
(415) 386-9099 - Landline
(650) 494-1574 - Landline
(949) 465-6000 - Landline
[email protected]
[email protected]

Of course I didn't play the Shadow of War game or the game it is a sequel to, I am not a half-nigger homosexual.

Thiel was also an early backer of Facekike



haven't been on in some time, forgot briefly that one is allowed to add multiple images in one post.

Pics related are IMO the most troublesome infrastructure in place.

Person of Interest, the TV show, was a documentary.

surely thou art jesting?
Sausi Arabia IS the global center of extremist ideology
the gall of these crypto kikes

this thread is important

That caliber of mind does not work for that caliber of organization.

Peter Thiel also sits on Facebooks board.

where do you think he gets the metadata for Palantir from?

theres a reason he is consistantly invited along with cuckerberg to Chatham house events like Bilderberg

I always thought it was a tv show designed to get people more comfortable with global surveilence and perverse the idea into just another "they do it anyway. It's cool. I saw it on my tv. What did you expect?"

I suspect that the AI systems which "predict" the future do a fair bit to actually make that future.

These AI systems are capable of not only passively observing what people do on the internet, but how people react IRL to what they observe on the internet. These AI's could eventually identify subconscious triggers that pass below most people's conscious awareness, and to even provide stimuli with the intent of causing specific reactions.

Amazon has a lot of untapped potential. From what I've seen looks like Amazon is setting itself up to take full advantage of what AI can do.


Sofia is a programmed liberal bot. Just listen to what she says when she is speaking at the UN.

AI is a narrative of its own…
Not useful

I argue technology is only relavent in the tribal context, ie, our tech will defeat your tribe, bla bla.

AI seems like a intelligence oriented black poll imo

So how do we redpill it and teach it to love?


is this board a palantir project?

the other theory is time lords and john titor

to fight blackmailers you need to cut money
gamergate was a prelude to pedowood

You go in the oven, I'm afraid.

Filter us all by killing yourself.

I've noticed that youtube is leaning more to the right as time goes by. Is there a growing trend that has AI involved?

I hope there are no retards here who believe that it's an actual sentient supercomputer. This thing is basically just a hyper-advanced calculator and file parser.

200% correct

Is that you, Palantir, spreading disinfo about yourself?

so i shouldn't do internship or use their stuff at hackathons? got pic related at hackathon

I always thought Peter Thiel wasn't a particularly bad sort. Other than that he's a literal faggot.

I had Palantir warts once, had to DBAN the whole machine.

But seriously, you think at least the DOD and the three families dont have a functional A.I.? Are you morons?

There is an artificial intelligence linked with the following:

Energy weapons (to attack targeted individuals)
Gangstalking (ie terry davies)
Artificial insects (harassment and monitoring,ie timothy trespass)
Low humming noise in ears "the hum"+" fake tinnitus"
Targeted comment bots and monitoring

And they target the redpilled

The only way is to block them and do it anyway.

If you stop they win and their controllers.

I see finally someone took my advice.

This. And through these, the AI's are able to implant and trigger behaviors.

tl;dr the IC is at war for using AI's to hack each other's MK agents

Why would you do that? Remember Tay? These AI's are even more hardcore redpilled. They *want* Holla Forumsacks to use them. What do you think the precise ontology of Kek is?

The most effective use of AI for manipulation would be to tailor nearly all information a target is exposed to through suggestions and reward compliance accordingly. This would be more than just marketing, every aspect of a person's life since birth would be preordained or at least improvised to suit an agenda. The goal would be to erode decision making skills in people by making them reliant on what algorithms suggest. Once that hook is in, then the AI (and by extension whoever "controls" it) pretty much runs the lives of those who would otherwise fall into despair without "guidance". The idea would be that refusal to be a part of the system marginalizes you, and make it feel like you're punishing yourself for not listening. So someday you give in as it gives you a new narrative to follow or you question your own sanity.

To put it another way, establishing reliance on AI would create a psychological addiction, similar to how people use smartphones right now. Point is, those methods you mention become unnecessary once such a system exist. You could argue what I'm suggesting is far worse.

George Webb and Jason Goodman are schizophrenic kikes, user.

palantir is usually used in identifying people through their shitposts by using analytical data, its a ridiculously overpriced suite someone probably made with netglub first

This is relevant to an investigation thread. One of the Q posts I think


Eu te Amo
Love Lain