Karl Lagerfeld sparks outrage over migrant Holocaust comments

Karl Lagerfeld sparks outrage over migrant Holocaust comments

Karl Lagerfeld has sparked outrage by evoking the Holocaust as he attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel for opening Germany’s borders to migrants.

“One cannot – even if there are decades between them – kill millions of Jews so you can bring millions of their worst enemies in their place,” the 80-year-old Chanel designer told a French television show.

“I know someone in Germany who took a young Syrian and after four days said: ‘The greatest thing Germany invented was the Holocaust’,” he added.

France’s media regulator said on Monday that several hundred people had lodged complaints about Lagerfeld’s comments on the Salut les Terriens! (Hello Earthlings!) talkshow on the C8 channel on Saturday.

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Sauce: theguardian.com/fashion/2017/nov/13/karl-lagerfeld-sparks-outrage-over-migrant-holocaust-comments

Looked very semitic when young, but apparently not a jew.

I would find the irony to be quite palatable.

The tide is turning lads, can you feel it?


Jews play both sides, if soros and the rothchilds speak up then you know shit is going down.

Wikipedia checks out, Karl is normal. Looks like the girl is getting a Chanel Purse for Christmas.

I don't know who this guy is apart from being in the Totally Spies movie.

Soros already "spoke up" by moving 18 billion of his private stash to OSI, while Lynn de Rothschild is running her jew mouth off on Twitter.

Its just beginning, in the age of kek all consequences are ironic and final. No refunds.

At least the responses she's getting offer some comfort. People are wise to their tricks.

Is there a source for Karl supposed kikery ? Holla Forumsacks should be careful to provide proof when it comes to naming kikes.

She was also anti-Obongo, it really isn't anything new.

nobody said he is jewish, he looks like it though

probably playing 4D chess though as he is well read and is circle is likely starting to feel threatened by all the migrants that would be the first to hang them when they come to power, so he chooses the safe route of playing the jew defender

No idea about Karl himself but his father Otto belonged to the Old Catholic Church, a schism spin off that was born after the first vatican council.

I thought that was the juden?

I dont like he memes jewish narrative muh 6 millions, but this


It's the only invention they never stole.

I know he's burning in hell right now.

He is at least on kosher-nationalist alt-light levels and even thats a fucking wonder.

Jesus, I can't tell who's jewing who, anymore.
Every time you look behind the organizations that are insisting on bringing in more and more mudslimes, everywhere in the Anglosphere and all of Europe, you find they're Jewish.
As for Merkel, she's just for sale, nothing but a whore. She does what she's paid to do.

So who is it that he's REALLY complaining about? But he's also promulgating the holohoax in the same sentence, so who's side is he really on?

Though they follow 'that' religion, I bet ordinary Syrians would be decent people. The ones who have made it all the way to Western Europe are probably not the best, and only a small part of the tide of shit-coloured 16 year olds "escaping the war".

Oh shit.

Nah, she's an undercover commie. She was a very good goy in commie Germany + women get wet for savages.

Correction: perverted women with low IQ's get wet for savages.
Then, after they ruin their lives, they either blame everyone else, or they double-down on how "virtuous" their perversion is, and become Antifa land-whales.

Hi fem/user/. I like your OC.


This is a 16 year old. If you happen to be his dentist and realize he is at least 40 after examining his teeth we will put you in jail.

Look how sad he is.

I would pay money to watch him eaten alive by rabid dogs


This is why you take one for the team every once in awhile. Somebody's wingman, a few decades ago, didn't take one for the team and give this goblin bitch a good dicking, and now her frustrated cunt has set out to destroy Europe.

I hope you're fucking happy, you kraut faggot, wherever you are.

The mouth, the nose, everything is jewish.

You have to listen to the rabbis to understand what jews do, they want greater Israel but their kike religion says they cant adquire the terrain by force, they can though, by persuasion, that is by moving all the middle east to Europe.

Shooped or not? If not I will add to my memes in the background of terrorist attacks folder.

Sure, definitely 'ourguy' amirite? Despicable.

Karl Lagerfeld is absolutely redpilled on the mudslime situation, he's a fag but he remembers Hitler"' and can't into his power-level because he's​ into much fashion. But he's old enough to remember what Europe used to look like'''.

Lagerfeld is smart as fuck. This is a great example of 4D chess. He says an anti-migrant statement but can't be prosecuted under "hate speech" laws, because he can say he was trying to protect Jews. A faggot actually talking about Europe's very own degeneracy.

Praise Kek, what a time to be alive.

The fire rises.

He's a low ranking good goy who doesn't know the purpose of all this is to subvert Religion of Cuck™ to hedonistm/moderate Religion of Cuck™ and eventually have Muslims fighting Muslims like they got Christians fighting Christians.


I see what you mean, but that is not the most Jewish-looking person I've ever seen.

Lagerfeld did nothing wrong. Rent-seekers gon seek rent.

>several hundred (((people)))

Perhaps it is a language barrier. By invent perhaps he means, made up. And by germany he means the kikes running the show.


Achtung! This new batch of stasi needs reeducation to learn how to identify jews properly.

jokes aside. I really feel sorry for this poor kid that didn't ask to have a nigger father and a dumb bitch excuse of a mother. I really hope this girl does well in life and becomes a motivational speaker as to why racemixing fucks one's life up because she'll be confused or delusional for much of her days. These fucking bastards are committing child abuse without even realizing it. That stupid bitch who birthed her was an attention whore to begin with, the very reason this poor girl's life was created upon. It's disgusting and it's time for men and women to start addressing this fucking issue head on without hiding power levels. This is not brazil.

I don't see it. Nose is slightly large but not hooked/curved. Can't tell the eyes. Mouth: wide like a nog but thin lips, I guess that's a Jewish trait, but not very convincing. Hair: straight in all pics no curls. Finally his forehead is long which afaik is not Jewish, but Nordic. My guess is that he is a north south euro mix.

there are others like this?

Do fucking share user! Please

More of these photos?

Merkel is a kike.
