Mattel announces the first Barbie to wear a hijab

Fucking kikes are messing with the children. Faggots on Twitter love it of course

i honestly don't even fucking care at this point. my outrage has reached its peak years ago.

everything by (((them))) is tainted and corrupted to the core. what else is new?


does the hand detachable after holding kens hand?

I remember when muslim barbie was just a Sam Hyde joke

They're really trying to virtue signal hard with Barbie. Remember when Mattel wanted that foot of a woman Amy Schumer to play her in a live action movie?

yeah her barbie would of looked like this

Isn't the concept of Barbie in its essence haram as fuck? A mudslime Barbie is not a Barbie at all, just a doll-shaped symbol of regressive tolerance.
Actually do girls even play with dolls anymore? I thought they all just killed time with their parents ipads.

It makes sense from a business perspective. I'm not trying to dig at anyone with this, but it's likely meant for the European and Canadian market specifically. If there is anyone who knows the real demographics and their trends, it's big corporations. As things sit currently, this is a wise investment for the future for them, and they even get to hop on the "Le right side of history" train and get nice PR out of it.

There is only one solution.
And it's final.

I saw this on Brit news. The jews are calling it "Revolutionary!" I 100% believe the Jews know that they canned will get along with the muslims once they settle the Jerusalem issue, and that they will sell those whites left alive into slavery and dominate the world in a chink-jew-saudi axis. Those are their plans anyway. The Jews got on very well with the muslims for 800 years, selling us out in places like Spain, Constantinople. Rhodes, etc.. while their fellow Jews waited with the muslims to take White slaves.

Anyone who really thinks the Muslims and Jews are enemies doesn't understand history. the conflict with the Jews is less than 100 years old, before that they were best pals. I wish I could fins a "former Jew" like bobby fischer or benjamin freedman to direct questions to like this. But that's like finding a chink with sense of human decency.

My niece is 5. My sister and her husband have a 3 yr old son as well. White nuclear family but he's a dumbass with the money. Anyways she likes to play with dolls and he watches trucj videos on YT all day. I rent the open basement and half of it it fucking filled with toys

it doesn't user. to religious muslims, any depiction of a human that way is deeply offensive. There's a famous story about the Afghan leader Hullah Omar throwing down a carved jade animal the chinks had just given him as a gift like it was burning his skin. Depictions of any living creature aren't allowed in their religion. It has no other purpose but to further subvert Whites and get on the Jewish PC bandwagon.

How did she get a name like that?

when will the african-white-latin axis rise

You're overestimating the population. It's simply "diversity" propaganda for children.

I should add, I hope i'm completely incorrect but that's what i see rising. Mandarin is now the #1 foreign language being taught in Israel, even ahead of English. Whether the chinks will let them become a parasite, managerial class is doubtful. But 1400 years of muslim history proves they will if they can use Jews as white slavers and quislings governors in conquered provinces.


Like pretty much all of their names, it can be literally translated into something like "Sword of God" or whatever they went with, so I'm sure in Arabic it means something.

What the fuck is this? What was wrong with heroine? Is this a continuation of that his-tory shit, which only existed because women have always been irrelevant and nothing more historically than the wives of more famous men.

Also how is barbie heroic?

user, you realize that in past 2-3 days, Brits have been hit with the most expensive Christmas ads of seasons being a series of race mixing adverts (black male, White female of course), Tesco ad with muslims celebrating Christmas, and now this. It's not necessarily a shill, many people are just feeling fucking hopeless. Even if you are a pagan, Christmas used to be a time of something like White solidarity and celebrating family. It no longer is, and is instead used as chance for the Jews to push the multi-cult, and no one dare speak out against it (even on twatter) or the Met will jail you.

I hope the producers get beheaded

(yes, it's a jew tube embed link, in bed on my shitty nigger-rigged tablet, so no web-m)

another one (this isn't even the worst offender, the race-mixing one..if you are wondering why Brits are so fucking negative)

THIS is the fucking worst one. It WILL make you rage:

would muds even allow their daughters to have a barbie?


Life hits fast user

Why do kikes even bother marketing to Mussies as if they're a lucrative demographic? Their shitty religion doesn't even include an equivalent to Christmas or Hanukka. It's no wonder they're all depressed suicide bombers. If it wasn't for the fact most of them play PC games like CS to distract them from their shitty lives in the desert there's would probably be even more trucks of peace then there currently is

This is exactly why Kikes have been trying for decades to "Secularize" Christmas, it doesn't have have religious significance goy! It's just a holiday about shopping for the latest shit goy!

Ugly as fuck

Get out.

Brits have proven themselves to be spineless. They don't do a fucking thing but whine and bitch about how bad it is on Airstrip One while clearly being too fucking scared to actually take physical action against their traitorous politicians and the occupying shitskin invaders. All it would take is 1% of the white Brits to stand up and start conquering their enemies to cause an outward ripple effect that would end up seeing the EU utterly in flames and Europeans across the continent annihilating their opposition at every turn.

I guarantee that open hostilities will kick off here in America first. Us stupid fat Yanks are the ones who will start the global war on kikery just as Uncle Adolf predicted we would. You sad little cunts will jump on for the ride afterwards but it will take the American rebel spirit in order to commence the global destruction of the juden and their golems.

This word filter is starting to grow on me.

Not even a fucking Brit, but congrats, you are the reason people despise the US.




Do you think "Meme Responsibly" is just a fucking meme? Be careful what you post on Himalayan Black Magic Basket Weaving Forums.

Look at her third-world face. This is what they're trying to sell as beauty. Nobody is going to want these.

All the big British store Christmas commercials featured Black Male / White Female families. I must say though, the comments on this M&S one were really encouraging.

One guy wrote

And I remember "Check your privilege" was a joke about retards on Tumblr.


If there aren’t accessories that let you rape Hijarbie, it’s not accurate.

Shitskin barbies tend to become rare collectors dolls because no body wants to buy them so they discontinue them, everyone wants the blonde or the very least the brunette haired barbie.


But will she have a clit?

Hijābs are patriarchal anti women oppression.
We must protect our daughters.

Am I just retarded or did nobody on the internet actually publish footage of her Olympic matches? 10 million videos of 'my sons basketball/football/baseball game last weekend' but nothing for Olympic events?

The Jews keep a careful monopoly on it user. Oi vey, do you expect to see to see it without forking over shekels? That Jewish caviar isn't going to buy itself…

user is right, just trying to normalize shitskins on culture and encourage cross breeding

Nobody's gonna buy them. It is empty virtue signalling

Good. By promoting Mandarin, the Jews will be self-obliged to do business with them… It will be funny. In a manner very similar to the Jew themselves, the average Chinese person has basically no concept of the kind of honor that whites value. Their instincts in this regard are entirely different, alien to us. I anticipate the Jews getting burned by trying to deal with them. If anyone can Jew the Jew, it's a chink.

muslims think any suicide bomber is a hero.

These dolls will ever sell because they lack vital accoutrements. Where are the suicide vests?

top quality qt if that snap is real

Satan approved! Self-immolating hijarbie (now with pre-mutilated vagina!)

when i saw that plastered over yidtubes homepage i yelled



i always knew it was a man just from its face


Truly there is only one god; KEK. and Sam Hyde is his prophet.

Assuming this is for real, we must meme Blessed Weapon Barbie into reality, and then arrange Martyrdom for Mattel.


that's a pretty cute goat

This probably was made like 3 years ago

They come with the Barbie Dream Truck!

does she have an accessory suicide bomb vest?

One of these?

It works two-ways user. It's also an act to get the shitskins subverted to the jewish controlled culture.

Some twiddler sjw socks can make a stink about how this is just a white barbie painted shit. It clearly doesn't have her muzzle, as seen in

Literally no one will buy this.
Mudslimes will ban it because it's harambe, and white girls want old aryan barbie like always.

Now this and -STILL- no vinyl hood Barbie.

Also. Huge Cock Ken when?


Yeah great investment. Who was this marketed for again?

All white families ban Mattel products. All of them. They want to embrace mudshits? Fine, their affair. We will no longer support you then Mattel.


They need the ken version (Abdul) who has a string on his back and explodes. Gotta have the dollhouse expansion pack too, with a bombed out house full of weaponry

The hijab barbie can't leave this house either, as sensors will go off and the Abdul will gain sentience and stone the girl.

Another popluar DLC is the car, it is a 90s toyota pickup with a 50cal on the back


This must be some kind of bait.

Get real user, you wouldn't download a car

I've watched that ted talk like 20 time because that's where the future is headed apparently.

There's A Jew Under My Bed, by Roald Dahl

Thumbnail looks like the terrorist had an arrow sticking out of her spine. I was sorely disappointed when I clicked on it.