Mall of America in the Current Year (in Minnesomalia)

Looks very diverse. This is progress guys. Expect this in a mall near you (if theyre not already filled with nigs or spics).

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slide thread

sage this thread

Quit reminding me. Just nuke this fucking state already.

what exactly am i sliding and why is this not thread worthy? its a pretty obvious visual of what is happening.

because it could just have easily been appended to an existing thread relative to the topic. this did not need its own thread. clogging up the catalog, forcing other more important threads out. killin me.

It gets tiring. All of this fucking liberalism. It'd be fine if this shit was confined to the metro area, but it's not, it's spreading. These goddamn welfare monkeys the left keeps importing are ruining everything. The culture, the quality, everything. I want it all to end.

Well someone has to shop there.

Where is the proof that this is american footage? It could be anywhere and a Twitter post claiming as much isn't proof.

I live in MN, I've been to the Mall of America, I know it's surroundings and what's in there. The Nickelodeon Universe amusement park inside it is a dead giveaway too. Can confirm.


Malls are a dying business model and have been for a long time. There have been countless articles about it. They can't be selective in their clientele and turn away blacks, so whites stop wanting to go there anymore. They are in steep decline all over the country.

Still, this should be horrifying nonetheless about the sheer number of Somaliniggers there.

Just like movie theatres. They were once a nice place for whites, but as they deteriorated into a den for niggers, humans stopped going. Those kike movies weren't worth it in the first place, but factor in some monkeyshines mid film and you can forget it.

If you watch the documentary of Mall of America made in the 90s it was all white families. I went there recently to check it out an unwittingly had no idea it had been taken over by Muslims. I was even told the Muslims would attack real Americans inside the mall sometimes. They claim the mall is theirs.


People are constantly getting stabbed and raped in Mall of America now. Look, this just happened 17 hours ago.

This is ETHNIC DISPLACEMENT of whites in our own nations. STOP trying to bury this reality.

what are they looking for? A good deal on a goat?

Looks like they're all Somalis.

Keep in mind that America has de facto mall segregation. There's the white malls with the expensive clothing that the Stacies all go to, then there's the nigger malls that offer cheaper products targeting the dindu demographic and no white person would want to be caught dead shopping at one.

Holy fuck. I know MN is filled with shitskins, but didn't think it is this bad.

And that makes it better because?

Only 3rd worlders go to the mall now.

This 100%.


The last time I went to a mall was about 3 years ago in Joplin, Missouri and it was filled with niggers and degenerates who didn't know whether they were supposed to act like a male or a female. Fuck malls, but this video is still disturbing.


It doesn't, but it partially explains why they're all you see. This isn't a mall that white people go to, so it's not an accurate sample of the population.

Why do people care about this mall again? Whenever some "terrorist plots" come up in the news they bring up this place as if anyone would bomb a mall.

I went to the Mall of America like 10 years ago, it was nowhere near like that. It was CHANGED to be a mall that white people dont go to.

Someone's gotta do something about all these fucking niggers. Some anons should band together and do something about it, any help at all would be appreciated.

No one cares about the fucking mall, they care about the fact there are so many goddamn somali niggers.

Yeah duder, mail me at [email protected]

Sorry I should have phrased that question better. Why do magazines and (((news))) stations bring up this place as a possible target for an act of terrorism? It doesn't seem that important at all.

malls were a pretty big deal from the 70s to the 90s, boomer scum and gen x filth still think malls matter for some reason

Somaliasota has a better ring to it imo

Can we get this footage to Tucker or a similar news source that would reach the mainstream boomers? This could really wake up a lot of people.

What the fuck is wrong with Minnesota? I'm from North Dakota (next door to Minnesota), both our states are of strongly Scandinavian and German descent, and yet there is probably no stronger contrast in the entire US than our two states.

Pic related: North Dakota is one of only 12 states that would've voted for Trump if only women voted. What makes us so different from Minnesota?

If you want to do it just fucking do it. Dylann Roof didn't fuck around begging for someone else to start the race war.

Fucking god damn motherfucker. I was in that mall less than 10 fucking years ago and it was nothing like this. Spread this shit far and wide, this is an absolute breaking point.

Probably because (((they))) know someone will want to kill the somali niggers they keep fucking importing

Please, that place USED to be white as fuck. It was never created or designed to pander to shitskins.

The boomers would probably think that it's a good sign of integration since the somaliniggers are enjoying our culture (of consumerism).

How about Minnedishu

Forgot to ask, what the fuck ever happened to that somalinigger cop who shot and killed that innocent woman for no reason whatsoever?

A higher population got them targeted for diversity bombs.
Iowa is stopping tons of annual festivals due to crime flash mobs, where a hundred black 'youths' run in and commit crime.
It isn't attacked because it's so bad, places get attacked for being good. Proximity makes Illinois look like outright shit.
So they inflict the ultimate punishment, them trying to spend time near you.

Don't forget culture. Minnesota got targeted to get blacked because we were developing a unique Midwestern culture.

Doesn't really matter. Even leftist can't suppress their unconscious rejections.
If the boomer says in the moment they're supportive. Come back in 3 weeks to hear them ranting about blacks.
Show them the state of decay and their mind is cured by psyops.

Did the malls die out because of mail orders from phone or online? Or did they use malls as some sort of recreation and it got replaced with something better.

As long they go there making malls into a ghetto, I'm all for it; Can't even remember if I ever went to one. As long I don't see them at any places I go to, I'd be fine with it.

Damn it burgers… that's starting to look like the streets of Paris or London..

Your question is valid but that map is skewed because it includes colored women who are like a 90% democrat demographic. In this map you can see that if only white women voted, Trump still would have won the election (though he still would have lost Minnesota)Fun fact: If only white people voted, Obama would have lost both the 2008 and 2012 elections. The media doesn't like to talk about it, but those are the only two elections in US history where whites were on the losing side, 2008 was our first national electoral loss. Demographics are everything.

A good part of the democrat's grip on Minnesota is the Democratic Farmer-Labor party, the DFL, which is peculiar to Minnesota. Wikipedia's current article is almost entirely bare on the subject but used to have lots of history on it, they basically made it a rural interests party to protect farmers (in particular sugar beet farmers) and to this day people are still strongly loyal to it for it. It is unfortunate that people are unwilling to reevaluate their loyalties and I agree there is something wrong with them for this kind of stubbornness.

That's where most of the business is going to, but it's not the cause. People would still prefer to shop in public and see things in person before buying if they could, but no one wants to be around niggers and you can't have a "whites only" mall/store/movie theater etc.

I remember visiting in the 90's when I was young and they had a giant inflatable Snoopy you could jump around in.
Will we ever be okay again, Holla Forums?

Nigger & online shopping have killed the mall.

The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens


Ayy Dan Bell.

That is so blatantly the Mall of America that it's not even funny. Minnesota has a huge Somali problem. I believe Mark Dayton, the governor of Minnesota outright said that Minnesota was no longer going to be a majority white state, and if you don't like it, you are encouraged to leave.


Damn. At least the malls in my area are still okay


Bottom right is looking pretty solid.

I live in NorCal and the malls arent THAT bad yet, Jesus Christ.

The white people map is what things would look like without the massive (D) voter fraud.

I remember that. After a quick search it looks like nothing ever came of it. Even in the most recent articles I've found the officer hasn't made a statement yet. Apparently he's undergoing an internal investigation in the police dept, but he's decided to stay silent and nothing's really happened. The investigation will probably just lose steam (it's been over three months npw) and this nigger will just get let off the hook, and the women he killed will be a distant memory for those involved.

Although I did find one article (pic related), that says that prosecutors might have a case against him by the end of the year. Fingers crossed.

Do Mexicans even hang out at malls? Niggers just stick to shoes and video games. It mostly white girls and Asians here.

I wonder what nigs are doing in such a place with no money. They are just walking around

Reminder that CRISPR makes ethnically targeted bioweapons possible for under $1000000 and 500 man hours if you order most of your oligonucliotides from China and get creative with restriction enzymes.

Somalians are like living area denial weapons

What's happened to malls is quite a thing, tbh.
What used to be a place for chad and stacy to go on a date, now's turned into a hang-out hub for shitskins of all sorts. It's what's killing the malls, too. Do you see any bags of things those shitskins have bought at any stores? of course not- these animals simply go there to socialize. If a mall has to constantly clean up after people that don't buy anything, then the profit doesn't just stop coming in; it turns into the mall subsidizing shitskins to occupy the space.
Outdoor outlet malls aren't as bad, but it's happening there too. The classic indoor mall has turned into a schmelting pot of shit from all corners of the planet.

Keep in mind "white people" includes jews, hispanics and arabs who self identify as whites, and Irish and Italians, no D&C but you know those two groups strongly trend towards the democrats. Irish are white but Italians aren't.

What the hell are americans supposed to do?

boomers and gen x kiddie fiddlers see the mall like a child sees a lolly shop… I was a security guard back in the 90s and perverts were everywhere. boomers and gen x pedos must be angry that one of their favorite hunting grounds have been taken over.

t. non faggot gen x who has bashed a few pedos..

the first roller-coaster i ever rode was in Camp Snoopy

I was not prepared for this feel.

Kek appreciates your service user

True, true, but my point is that North Dakota, despite being neighbors with Minnesota, and both being heavily Scandi/German, is still one of the most right-wing places in the entire West, while Minnesota is basically Little Sweden. It's just weird to me.

We can never go home again, user. But maybe we'll wind up with a new home in the end.

Make Minnesota White Again

they're whiter than you shlomo

I've been there. That's definitely the Mall of America.

This. Yes, it's a nigger mall now. It wasn't before. We are losing ground. That's the problem. Obviously this still doesn't reflect the demographics of Minnesota as a whole (though not for lack of Jews trying).

Roughly a decade ago I remember being a mall rat and goofing off in these sorts of places that were nearly entirely white, riding my bike with a group of friends and just leaving them out in a pile without even putting locks on them, playing at the arcade, trying to steal nude mags from a quick shop, trying to convince the exotic sword shop guy to let us buy his crap, grabbing food at the court and discussing girls or which movies to see next (sometimes we would watch multiple movies in a row). Now all there is are Indians, Somalis and Mexicans, mindlessly wandering about with their pack of shitlets, never buying anything and stinking up the place. The only whites remaining are a few older people running in for quick buys or teens going to the movies and leaving. Malls have detiorated quickly and that goes for outdoor strip malls too, nothing but Indians, niggers and spics and tiny groups of white girls shopping together where I fear for their safety.

Holy fuck I was there only a year ago and it looked nothing like this

sage because shit thread

Its not a mall anymore its a goddamn refugee camp

It's a Great Lakes state bordering Canada so I'm not surprised

Seriously though, I'd take here in Commiefornia than there any day. At least Mexicans actually resemble whites and don't wear depressing head covers

weird this is being saged and counted as slide.
This is a visceral, blatant, demonstration of the results of the NWO white displacement / replacement agenda.
Keep it in mind, this is why we collect, organise and fight

I was around 7 in '95 and I remember wandering around the mall with my mom's boyfriend's kids, seeing the sights in a place unlike where I'd come from, utterly innocent and just taking things in with awe. A row of 30 candy machines near the food court was enough to blow my young mind back then.

I always wondered if enough lone white wolves shot up enough migrants in places like these then gun control could actually become a thing.
It would have to be at least dozens of separate incidents at least but if they tried to take guns off citizens, well, those would be interesting times.

it was always a camp

I have exactly one picture of my visit there as a kid. Weird to think what a time capsule an errant photo can become as things change around us.

I'm in. Email me the details at [email protected]

Good lord. And that's in fucking Minnesota of all places. Why the fuck would muslims and niggers go that far north? Looks like England.

It's part of the Great Lakes region alongside Michigan, home of Detroit, as well as Illinois, home of Chicago. Unless you can't into geography I don't see why you'd be surprised. It fucking sucks, sure, but it's not surprising.

All the malls near me are closed and rotting.












I live in a fully developed part of Southern California so I can't see this happening either. Plenty of Mexicans at the local mall but that's about as bad as it gets. I rarely see a Hijab but whenever I do I fucking cringe. I wish someone had the balls to just rip hijabs off of any Mussies heads whenever they saw one

What event can this thread possibly be sliding besides the ones already stickied?

I live in the UP and I've seen more blacks this year than ever before. I don't know what's causing the immigration, though my suspicion is drug-traffickers from Milwaukee looking for easy marks to over-charge.

Maybe property values are rising again in Detroit causing the nigs to spill into upstate

When there are more niggers in a single frame of that video than I've seen in the real world.
I often forget how bad others have it.

Jobs. Minnesota is one of the only states where the rate of economic growth is still climbing.

The best way to fight this is to make long term family plans, arranged marriages for your children and grand children. The absolute best being long term arrangements with other NatSoc families for racial and ethnic purity.

No wonder they are pushing anti-white.

Looks like plenty of niggers then too user. I love the 90s asich as anyone (87 vintage) but we were blind to the problems all around us already. All the more heartening to see that someone like wlp could remain so vigilantly hateful and not join society in having fun.

I remember hearing about this place when I was a kid and thinking: "Wow! Why can't we have something neat like that around here!" Now I laugh because I know white people are our own worst enemies. Build cool shit then give it away to niggers and kikes for virtue points.

this map was made with "feelings" as evidence.

t. nonwhite


Are these 'refugees' or tourists?

This. I actually liked going to the mall and checking out new shoes, clothing, books, and other random shit. Now I buy what I need online unless I have no other option so I can avoid the niggers and the mixers.

Only if you shave them.

During work hours. I had a half-day and went to the mall, very few whites walking around. The ones I did see were wearing suits or with their family which included a small child.

For the exact same reason their are infesting Scandinavia user. D&C, they are all shipped and bussed into our countries and homelands to demographically displace us and create internal conflict while the kikes robs us blind.

imagine the smell

If this doesn't highlight the problem…..

2:29 - 2:39

Wait what, malls still exist?
I thought most of them already closed down a decade ago.

it's pretty amazing the short attention span of normies in America. not even a decade ago, Somali pirates were a thing. Somalia as a country, IIRC, had so little productivity and people avoided it so much, that looting stopped not because Somalians had a change of heart - they just literally exhausted all of the things worth stealing there. And now we import them to America…..

It looks just like Britain and Sweden.


Petty theft and loitering, with occasional gang fights and riots over fried chicken and training shoes.

You have nothing to do here, kill yourself

They converted malls that white people don't go into anymore, into mosques?

Oooh the kikes even tossed in some GenX D&C.

Is it true that there's a place on this earth that is called the great lakes of Minnesota and it offers unsurpassed beauty?

Have they reached that far yet and are they shitting in it yet? Please tell me this is fantasy



oy vey anchor it before the daytime posters see it

Subhumans don't do nature, so if you want to visit for such things you're fine.


Yeah this is part of the anti white replacement agenda but Im watching this thinking… They prepping for the next election? Wonder if this a backup plan all these towel heads are crossing over from canada and their you get your democrat voting base. Trump should also build a wall between canada and the usa at this point.