Wow, Jordan Peterson is a real weasel. I actually like this guy and have defended him. But here he is during the Q and A of the “Stifling of Free Speech on University Campuses” panel being asked why it was that he kicked Faith Goldy off of the panel for doing a podcast with Azzmador.
His answer was pure weaselry – he said that she didn’t ask Azzmador enough questions. Wat?
She was the one being interviewed. She was being asked the questions.
The other guy on the panel – I don’t know who he is, just some guy – said they banned her because otherwise people would have rioted and shut down the event. He said it was a “pragmatic” decision. If Peterson would have said that, I would have been like “well, that’s pretty cowardly, but okay, whatever.” Instead he gave weird Talmudic reasoning, blaming her for the decision because she allegedly didn’t fulfill an esoteric requirement he’d set for her without her knowledge.
Once again, we see that these Alt-Lite characters are not willing to push back against anything at all. The only thing they do is come out with arguments and facts that were mainstream talking points 10-15 years ago, and pretend it’s revolutionary.
Peterson isn't even alt-lite user. He would be considered a liberal not even 10 years ago.
Nicholas Reed
I know you're Holla Forums because Holla Forums never has threads about Peterson. We also don't care about e-celeb drama. I saw your 200+ thread on Holla Forums sperging about him, too.
Blake Rivera
Yeah, it always amazes me when people talk about how you should use Petersen as an entry level redpill on people you know, he's still believes in equality and other such bullshit.
We've had quite a few shitting up the board from faggots over the past year really.
Asher Taylor
even worse than that he implies that it was the fact the she didnt stand up to his beliefs by "questioning" them.
he wanted her to tell the guy what an evil racist white male he was.
Justin Watson
Nope I'm from >>>/4chon/
Daniel Morgan
Peterson shilling is actually pretty common here. He's the new Dilbert man, except much, much worse.
Hunter Wright
He has talked about this on numerous occasions now. Youre taking one moment in time that isnt at all indicative of what he thinks about the situation, or her personally. Nor was Peterson the one who made the decision. Fucking reddit.
Jack Gray
Peterson makes over $100k from patreon subs like you lol
Cameron Martin
No. He doesnt believe in equality at all and spends a shit load of time explaining there is no such thing, its not possible, and people should get the fuck over it because well, thats that'.
Luke Murphy
Luke Smith
If I subbed maybe. And good. I like to see dollars go to good use. Hopefully it turns into 250k a month. Help him on his path to making more vids like the one he just put out 'identity politics and the marxist lie of identity politics'. A lot of people need a milder form of truth than /pol. And hes doing a far better fucking job than anyone else I see out there right now. The positive effects of Peterson outweigh anything negative about the guy.
Evan Bell
This user isn't wrong. Peterson is definitely a classical liberal in many aspects, but he's no egalitarian. He's also a resident of Canuckistan, where it's quite illegal to say certain things, especially anything critical of a (((certain tribe))) so he is very careful not to say shit that could land him in prison. I'm not a fan of the man personally but I recognize that he's undoubtedly a figure that many people will look towards at some point on their path to the red pill.
That said, who gives a fuck what he says about Faith Goldy? Bitch isn't special. Neither is that fucking half-senile old felon Azzmador. None of this is important. Sage for e-celeb drama thread.
Thomas Ross
you have no idea how a cult of personality works. you probably think alex jones has done more good than harm as well.
Jeremiah Young
He also touched on this during his last Rubin interview. Basically said he had no problem with her asking them questions but a huge problem with normalizing them, joking around, etc (in so many words). Hes smart enough to know the truth but isn't willing to risk his career over it. The reality is if most people keep digging they'll eventually reach the real truth.
Bentley Evans
Who the fuck is Faith Goldy?
Kevin Hernandez
so he is absolutely worthless
Xavier Gomez
I thought this way for many years but I was dead wrong. What you need is a constant blast of truth, day after day until you wake up from your brainwashing. Exactly what Trump did during his campaign.
Caleb Lee
Hey moron, why don't you go up to Canada and start publicly naming the jew and questioning the holohoax. See how long it takes for them to lock your ass up and throw away the key. Stop wasting dubs.
Nicholas Jenkins
This nigger makes the same threads everywhere at the same time
William Peterson
Pretty much. He buys into the mainstream nazi narrative even though he claims to have done extensive research on communism and national socialism. Any legit research will lead you to kikes run bolsheviks and weimer republic.
Mason Wood
Jason Garcia
If i were to ever go to that marxist shithole i'll be sure to back up my 1st amendment rights with my 2nd
Nicholas Robinson
That Goldy bitch is just some cheerleader for controlled op crypto-zionists like Spencer and Anglin. He jettisoned her for the same reason we did them. She's as much a snake as they are.
Eli Scott
Oh, the irony is strong.
Gavin Turner
It doesn't get more obvious than that. The only video I could stomach watching was the one on pepe and meme magic just for fun and he was extremely cucky. The other guy in that video was far more sensible, down to earth, and open minded. Peterson is one of those guys whose high on his own farts and his time, his reasoning, his version of "logic" has passed. He's a dinosaur doing what little he can do to unfuck what people like him and his generation caused hoping he gets into the cloud city as he's knocking on its door step.
James Torres
The Jordan Peterson cries out in pain after he strikes his victim.
In Jordan's Mind, Faith didn't ask "one question". Well Jordan, let's talk about the one Jewish Question or we'll have just consider a tool of the Canadian ZOG machine despite being dragged into the limelight because of your contrived "controversial" position on C-16.
Leo Ortiz
This. Peterson is a subversive. At least Antifa is a walking unintentional redpill. Peterson is feeds sells bluepills wrapped in reddish wrappers.
John Jones
Gas the Kike
But before the deathcamp, OP, here is the Truth. JBP did not disinvite her from joining the panel because she gave a platform to ebil nazis. He is deriding her for NOT CHALLENGING THEM TO SPEAK TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER. He is saying that she did not get them to ENUNCIATE THEIR VIEWS FULLY. ie NOT ENOUGH FREE SPEECH FROM WHITE SUPREMACISTS.
for you Holla Forumsacks - watch the video. He calls her Brave. This is more than hiding powerlevel, this is a great nod.
also, he is protecting his own fight from the cheap mistakes of e-celebs - and as he has said hundreds of time in his videos he can "tell the difference between a cheap, insincere political attack" and this
John Hall
Sage please.
Faggots and shills invading hard.
Weak Kikes.
Jayden Wilson
Educated guy. Would trust his word for psychology facts. He personifies the "enlightened centrist" with his political opinions. He believes Nazism is about white supremacy, which is incorrect. It's about setting a standard for others to follow and breeding the strong. Whites just happen to be good at that.
Otherwise, this isn't politics and doesn't need a thread. There's no denying he's smart, but remember he's a psychologist first and a politician second.
Juan Bell
I hope you do Mr. Bronson. This country needs an enema.
John Gutierrez
It may not have been intentional in the beginning (since he became famous for the new canadian Religion of Cuck™ law) but hes run into the jewish question more than a few times and cucked each time. You can tell if someone is ignorant on the subject or purposely avoiding the question altogether.
Robert Long
I think you're reaching. Whether he's just a kosher boomer centrist or playing some kind of 88D hash hockey, I highly doubt the old fart is wise to the specifics of the alt-kike and glow-in-the-darks.
Bentley Wilson
criminally unchecked.
Brayden Sanchez
seems more like he acknowledges the potential for people to contribute despite the risks
Nathaniel Foster
I can't believe there are people on Holla Forums defending a psychologist. This boards needs an enema.
Ethan Turner
Would bang though.
Ryder Reed
Peterson is disgusted by intellectual dishonesty and that kind of thing keeps Marxists up at night and their minions salty. I want to see his face of disgust on a syrup stamp one day.
Austin Jenkins
Na. He really isn't prepping people for the war ahead of us.
Alexander Sanders
Except that Trump did no such thing. I don't even see him as someone who's sufficiently redpilled. Same with Peterson. He's half-redpilled at best.
Bottom line is that Peterson's work is a net-positive for us so far and that's all that matters. When he fucks up he should be criticised and when he does something good he should be praised. The same should be applied to Trump.
Maybe the OP wanted to D&C and maybe he didn't. Bottom line is that it can't affect you unless you're unhealthily idolising those people. We don't depend on them.
Justin Perry
You have to remember that Peterson is still Cucknadian after all. He utterly fails to pinpoint the immorality of various forms of degeneracy. He's literally a half notch above Joe Rogan; just mental gymnastics for potheads who might've stumbled their way through an associate's degree.
Jacob Kelly
"Most of my friends are Jews" - Jordan Peterson
Ayden Perez
That war you mention is a little vague, what kind of numbers do you see vs one another? Look at all the salty replies in this very thread, I'd say that he is doing good work and making the right kind of disturbed, disturbed.
Hudson Lewis
I wish we could get him unfiltered. He subscribes completely to IQ, which means he's half a sneeze away from race realism. I wonder how much of his unwillingness to hit on the most serious topics have to do with his legal environment, because he seems rock steady on a lot of things, and seems to have the right soul to actually want truth.
He kvetches about the 6 gorillion, but I don't know how much counterpoint he'd also be willing to offer if he wouldn't get run up a lamppost for daring to. He does get visibly angry when talking about how students aren't taught anything wrong the Soviets did. Either way, he's telling people things they need to hear to become better people. The fact that he realizes the great thing the political right has to sell to the youth is responsibility tells me he understands zeitgeist and the root essence of what's going wrong in society. Unlimited rights, zero accountability.
Part of me doesn't want to find out what he'd do with totally unrestricted speech, because I'm afraid I'd be disappointed. The rest of me hopes he'd be an unstoppable anti-progressivism weapon.
Robert Brooks
Trump is useful because anyone who supported him and though any real change was going to happen only to be disappointed is ready to wake up.
Luis Myers
What he did is wake everyone up to the fact that everyone is full of shit. People always knew but now all the cards are on the table. Now people are forced to question everything and some will wake up because of it. Had all of that not happened, people may have been fooled by all the false flags and bullshit narratives over the last few years. Its a step in the right direction.
Mason Torres
Xavier Morris
are you implying we should allow nonwhites into our country because they have potential? or am i reading your extremely vague reply wrong?
Jason Ramirez
By war I meant exactly whats happening in south africa. In 15-20 years you'll have nog/spic presidents calling for the extermination of whites once everything goes to shit. Once the economy crashes again it won't be "those damn bankers" but "those damn white bankers". Unless some serious awakening takes place where people see the difference between kikes and whites, and all bankers are kikes, this is the future that awaits us.
Samuel Mitchell
Most people won't even blame Trump. They can clearly see him being smothered by the swamp. At worst, they'll consider him insufficiently strong and start hating the swamp even more. This is good. Even if he fucks up completely, he'll become a semi-martyr.
People were awakening anyway but there's definitely a lot of value in him bringing up the subjects of unchecked immigration, jobs for citizens, shit trade agreements and bad foreign adventures.
Kayden Richardson
Salty is a term i never heard before reddit ahowed up.
Ian Kelly
Someone want to give me a link about this goldy character? what got her in trouble?
Isaac Bell
This video is even more damning. You can't get more intellectually dishonest than that. Not even the leftists say shit like that. can't embed because posted in another thread
Wyatt Perez
She went on a Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack podcast.
Adrian Richardson
Jackson Jackson
Shes a cucky journal-slut who was at Cville. She was right near the accident. She did an interview with some White Nationalism guy, Azzmador, associated with t.h.e. d.a.i.l.y. stor.mer.
As a result, she was shunned. This cuck kicked her off some panel about free speech as a result, which is laughable in the utmost.
Peterson is shit, just another 'rational, principled' type, ie a cuckservative. He whines about vaguely 'alt-right' shit, so the same crowd who likes those kinds of cucky intellectualizer e-celebs promte him greatly. Its like holding up Dawkins as 'based' because he shits on muzzies.
Brayden Sullivan
Angel Bennett
Fucking disgusting
Jaxon Cook
Well to be fair. The last 2-3 minutes she did basically sounded as a mouth piece for them…
Not that I think she should have got kicked off the panel for that. But when she was talking to that guy towards the end, it became apparent it was no longer an interview we she was just saying her opinion and not asking questions towards the guy. So as far as firing? I think that was appropriate tbqh. Shit interview. Got to find out that the interviewer's politics were though (which is pointless)
Kevin Long
You retarded chesscuck. Watch OP's video, he's on stage with mystery meat I don't recognize, a jew, and a poo in loo, and you think he's hiding his power level? It amazes me the denials and contortions some people will twist themselves into so they can continue to idolize their e-celebs.
Did you watch ? He thinks jews are high IQ and that your anti semitism is a priori and reprehensible.
It's ebonics. When you hear it you know you're talking to either a nigger or a wigger.
I don't have links but she was a Rebel Media personality like Lauren (((Simonsen))). She was fired for attending Charlottesville and this interview when Ezra Levant specifically forbade it. She smokes to stay thin, styles herself like every other instagram whore, and talks with her hands like a nigger. Kind of loud and aggressive alt-right and seems to be a slavophile. She is pretty but greek so not white.
Grayson Phillips
I'm being absolutely honest when I say I think Terry Davis is significantly smarter, more insightful, and more honest than Jordon Peterson. Anyways, that's enough with this eceleb.
Brayden Perry
lmao..This made me laugh more than it should. You have a lot of strong opinions on her. Thanks for the explanation
Xavier Baker
Objectively true.
Leo Diaz
He is motivating a lot of young men to make better lives for themselves. I fully disagree with him on Jews and wouldn't mind if he published explicitly how every dollar of his patreonbuxx are being spent, but, at least his ideas are anti-numale faggotry. Also, he is one of the few people that had the balls to speak out publicly against Bill C-16, which literally forces you to use proper "gender pro-nouns". CBC slanders this guy continually.
He is not immune to criticism, but in a country where leftist nonsense is creeping very quickly, he at least speaks out against it.
Thomas Ward
Jordan Peterson is not Alt-Lite, he's based. I'm from Toronto and he personally told me, Adolf Hitler was right, and that it was really just the Jews that made him into a bad guy
Dominic Perry
If her surname is actually "goldy," hard time understanding how at least her father isn't a Jew ("goldy" obviously short for"goldberg, -stein, whatever) but the entire thing is a fuckup. I really, genuinely dislike Peterson and he has some pair of balls calling anyone else "intellectually dishonest."
He styles himself as a great "truth teller" rather than someone collecting ~1.2 million shekels per year just via Patreon. This is the same person who won't dare say a word about what actually matters, and it's only 2 things: race and the Jews. Not only does he not name the Jew, he goes out of his way to suck Jew cock.
As my grandfather used to say: "She's a scumbag, and he's a douchebag."
Gavin Cooper
What good does that do then? If anything doesn't that make it worse? He knows….but yet withholds the truth.
Jayden Morris
I think he's hoping the TRShills pick up on it and meme it into reality like Crowder. If you can't make them into a Nazi, project them as one I guess.
Thomas Robinson
Post proof
Benjamin Evans
>especially anything critical of a (((certain tribe))) so he is very careful not to say shit No he isn't. There is no reason for him to be careful, because he would never say anything bad about them in the first place.
Easton Robinson
Imagine getting to punch that face? He was ranting on some bullshit about "guys have to know he would them." Nothing would make me happier than a genuine chance to just keep smashing his face and not stop. He's an outright liar who has taken over a million shekels and spent it on $2k apiece tailored suits rather than what people paid him to do. I have no question he planned this out from the beginning, and thus picked fag pronouns since he knew the vast majority of old, conservative types with shekels would be against. How can you talk about Derrida and Solzhenitsyn and not mention the role of the Jews in Marxism?
Isaac Jones
Jace Morgan
Just read Jung and Joseph Campbell! All this faggot has ever done is ripoff their work and misrepresent it, he's a basic bitch christcuck liberal who serves the same fucking role as someone like Alex Jones (keep the goyim retarded by giving them 95% bullshit dipped in 5% of truth.
For fuck's sake, no on on Holla Forums should be falling for a conman like Memerson. He's strictly for reddit.
Austin Morgan
go to 0:47. Swap the world ashkenazi jew for european people. He would never say such a thing under any circumstance.
almonds are definitely activated.
Noah Hill
listen here pagancuck. No DC. I don't talk about you, you don't talk about me. GOT IT PAL?
Sebastian Roberts
All the recent posts don't feel natural. I think someone is trying to cause problems.
Isaac Russell
Pagan = larpagan Christian = christcuck Atheist = fedora Muslim = mudslime Jew = kike Hindu = poo in loo
Dominic Phillips
Its easy to like him on the surface because his main fight as against postmodernism and marxism, which we obviously hate. However he doesn't offer any real solutions other than self-improvement. We obviously blame jews for the formation of postmodernism and marxism, but he refuses to make that connection. He is definitely using his position to make the maximum amount of money that he can, but hopefully he can succeed in fucking with postmodernism in academia. I think that would atleast be good for us, but he is not good for bolstering numbers for our cause or anything. Really he is just preaching traditionalism, but there are cracks in his arguments that are very obvious to us because we know the whole truth.
David Hall
Faith Goldy ?
You mean the super based "reporter" that just happened to be cruising around during the totally real non staged event in Charlottesville ? That totally cool event in which the evil nazi ran over people and the antifa medics rushed into action and had red tape to fashion into a cross on their backpacks and then there were based muslim women in hajibs making making sure that no one got too close to the action ? BASED dude.
pls don't ban me for "shit posting" even though "shit posting" is a SJW goon term. BASED DUDE.
Easton Nelson
Holy shit, to be that schizophrenic and still speak so saliently, he musty have a massive IQ. Part of me wants to see what he'd accomplish without mental problems. But I know that's where the magic comes from.
Anyway I would sage but this shit thread is already bumplocked
Leo Jenkins
I'm not autistic enough to find it but in this interview he fully says Marxism is natural extension of Judaism.
Oliver Bailey
was meant for
Jason Allen
I watched this when it aired and I would have remembered that. I don't.
Luke Thompson
He's a leaf, he doesn't dare say shit about jews. He talks as much crap about Nazis as he does Commies. He's really not all that smart he just knows Jung's work which he repeats. Nothing really his own. He hasn't advanced his field and now he gets 50k++ a month on his Patreon because of jewtube videos.
Nathaniel Wood
Robert Murphy
Every jackass with a paetron should have to do this to weed out fraud.
Jack Watson
Brandon Rodriguez
Cameron Wilson
What is derrida's take on jews?
Connor Wright
Derrida WAS a jew
Jaxson Harris
Not only was he a jew he was a sephardic jew, which even other types of jew want to shoah.
Isaac Gray
I know that. But I don't see the relation between derrida and solzhenitsyn. I know solhenitsyn was against jews….but it isn't like derrida is a special jew.
Cameron Morgan
His point was that Peterson bitches about Derrida and praises Solzhenitsyn often.
Chase Thompson
perhaps I wasn't clear enough. One named jews in communism, the other was a net-marxist, post-modernist Jew which peterson constantly talks about, yet never dares breach the subject of Jews and communism. that was my point.
Elijah Nelson
I dont know why this would be locked unless the discourse in the thread was cancer. Peterson is a kike, hes directly attacked National Socialism, says we are ideologically possessed, refuses to address white genocide and has no viable solution to the problem of radical leftism and cultural marxism… obviously neither for white genocide. National Socialism is the solution, and until another viable solution is presented (there isnt one) its the only justified course of action. Seeking a National Socialist society, through any means necessary. He obviously doesnt like that, because he cant be a part of it. Look at his face. Thats a kikes face.
Nicholas Wright
His ears stick out too. Big bushy eyebrows. Whole face says "kike".
Colton Kelly
Actually I think all 3 of the men on that panel are kikes, third guy is ambiguous. The woman I think is a poo. This is where whites are supposed to look for advice on our ideology and society, and the way forward? He also says its an excellent question, and then immediately "admits" hes aware of the "irony" of it, when in reality is hypocrisy and not irony. Everything about this guy drives me nuts. Id sage for multi if it wasnt locked already.
Chase Cooper
Campbell is fucking joke, read Eliade. Hardly anyone on this board has the requisite autism to absorb the dozens of tomes and essays Jung wrote. I started a year ago and I'm still only 3/4 finished.
Ryder Sanders
Easton Baker
Me too, I'm new here
Luke Williams
this pretty much
Zachary Davis
a cutie
Nolan Lopez
Joseph Martinez
couldnt have said it better myself
but it's peterson that is shilling for them in the video and in general, he literally berates a skype for not demonising and dehumanising Hitler enough
Hunter Rogers
"Goldij" (Anglicized "Goldy") is a Ukranian yid lastname
Alt-lite personality Used to work for a jew Was a C'ville and reported on WN's without lying or misrepresenting them for political purposes (something which even the alt-lite and paleo-cons did) Did an interview with a guy associated with Andrew Anglin wihtout trying to set him up and/or misrepresent him The entire alt-lite started autistically screeching and kvetching She got fired by her Jew boss She's persona non-grata now Thats it pretty much
Cameron Williams
Steven "Beat Jews Into Powder" Crowder
Carson Howard
Pretty much
Caleb Murphy
> He looks italian to me, and I would love for you to tell me the source for your claim that Goldij is a yiddish last name? Tone down on the purity-spiraling there Mr. Crowder
Jaxson Lopez
Her mother is Italian, not her father. Ethnic Ukranians don't have surnames with "gold" in them, "Goldy" would pass the smell test if she were an ethnic Anglo.
Leo Powell
"gold" in Ukranian is zlato :D :D :D :D I find what you said hillarious gold is not the same in all languages :d
Forgot to add ctrl+f "Zlatin" in the same article, it's right next to "Goldin"
Gavin Brown
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Cultural Marxism is, in fact, Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Deleuzianism AND Guattarianism. Idpol is not a political philosophy unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning philosophical non-system made useful by Guattari's schizoanalysis, rhizomes and vital deterritorializing components comprising a full philosophy as defined in "What Is Philosophy?"
Many left identitarians use a modified version of Deleuzianism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Deleuzianism which is widely used today is often called 'Cultural Marxism' and credit is given to the Frankfurt School, but many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Deleuzian non-system of difference, developed by the Liberal identitarians.
There really is a 'Cultural Marxism', developed by Adorno, Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin, but these people aren't using it; it isn't a part of the system they use. Deleuze's repetition is the philosophy of liberals: the difference in the plateaus that allocates the machinic desires against the oppressive totalities and identities that you know. Deleuze is an essential part of Guanttarianist identitarianism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete liberal college campus. Deleuze is normally used against Frankfurters: Cultural Marxism is actually the whole system of Deleuze and Guattari with the name of Marx added. All the so-called Cultural Marxists are really Cultural Deleuzeans!
Cameron Campbell
OP seems disappointed he can't label Jordan a Gnatsee and send him to leaf prison for a year.