How to avoid suicide when getting redpilled by Holla Forums

I’ve seen seriously despondent people who wished they’d never taken the redpill. I see people wallowing in despair because they don’t know where Holla Forums will lead them. Some want out, but they can’t escape. Others just get swallowed up by the darkness. Here’s how you can survive Holla Forums. It’s painful. You will never be the same again. But if you want to come out alive, and in most cases, be better off, I strongly advise you heed these warnings/instructions.

1. Your first encounter with Holla Forums will be shocking. Everything you read will be either nonsensical conspiracies or just seem like hate speech. You will not understand half the things people are referring to. You will be the normie that everyone will be hazing. This is normal. You are not special. Everyone goes through this.

2. You will start to understand the jargons of Holla Forums. You will start understand what the posters are actually saying. You will start swallowing redpills. Unfortunately, for the first 6 months, they will all be hateful redpills. Why? Because these are the easiest pills to swallow. You will find the truth about racial differences, women, Jews, governments, homosexuality, and other degeneracy. You will start to hate. And this is the most dangerous stage of Holla Forums. You must continue because if you stop evolving here, you are doomed. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep pushing ahead user.

3. Once you have swallowed enough redpills, you will start feeling segregated from your immediate group of friends/families. You’ll find yourself opposing just about every popular opinion they have. You try to hold your tongue, but it gets harder and harder. You can’t understand why these people are so blind. You can’t understand why at some point in your life, you actually agreed with these people. It’s tough becoming estranged from your loved ones. So, don’t argue. DO NOT TRY TO FORCEFEED REDPILLS TO OTHERS IN YOUR LIFE. This is the most important lesson you will take away from here. Redpills are something that has to be taken voluntarily.

4. At this point, you will fall into despair. You will feel alone. You will feel like everyone around you are just idiots going through life without a single rational thought. And then, you will become angry. You will know what true rage is. It will surprise you.

Now, this rage is the crucial fork in the road. It is at this point that either Holla Forums will make you a god or an ostracized hateful racist neo-nazi. You can use this anger and become destructive (to yourself and others) or you can use it to your own benefit. It is up to you.

If you wish to transcend into the true redpilled state, there by achieving Nirvana, you MUST adhere and obey the following steps.

5. At this stage, you still have not taken the ultimate redpill; that is, you are ultimately responsible for your actions. That you are responsible for who you turn out to be. You, and no one else, is responsible for your happiness. You still have not accepted that posts that warn you on this board about drugs, porn, feminism, and other degeneracy are not just a meme or a lecture on morals but are instructions. Instruction for you to survive the brutal process that is redpilling and eventually, success in life. And the truth is, you can’t take this final pill until you’ve changed certain things in your life. And tomorrow, you will start this process.

6. You will wake up in the morning. You will take a shower to wake up. Then, come sit on your bed or a chair, and close your eyes and CLEAR YOUR MIND. FROM THIS MOMENT ON, THERE IS NO THINKING ALLOWED. You are not allowed to think. You will only do. There are no excuses. There is no rationalizing. You will simply do what needs to be done. You will open your eyes and go about your day. Either go to your job or your school and do your best. From now on, everything you do, no matter how mundane, will be your best effort. You will eat no processed food. When you are done with the chores of the day, you will go straight to the nearest gym and join.

7. You will lift weights. Slowly at first. It matters not how much weight you bench. It only matters that you are there and that you keep going there. And it matters that you are there for the right reason. You are not there to impress girls. You are not there to make yourself look sexy. You are not there to become a model. You are there to improve yourself. Period. You are doing this for yourself and no one else. When you get home, eat a healthy meal. Under no circumstances are you allowed fast food or processed foods. Spend 30 minutes on Holla Forums or some other right-wing site, especially Libertarian sites. Read a book. No TV. No Netflix. No video games. No porn. Try to go to bed early.

8. Repeat this for 3 months. It will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. But don’t give up. Above all, do not think. Thinking only leads to laziness and excuses. Every time you start thinking about making excuses not to go to the gym, GET ANGRY!!! And this is where you use that RAGE I talked about earlier. THIS IS WHERE THAT RAGE WILL HELP YOU INSTEAD OF DESTROYING YOU. If you find yourself lacking the motivation, summon that anger that Holla Forums has instilled in you. Bring it to the brim. USE THE RAGE. LET IT CONSUME YOU. Then, just get up and go to the gym and burn out the rage by lifting. As you lift, think of all the redpills you’ve swallowed and think about how mad it makes you. Think about how hypocritical and how evil this world truly is. Think about how when shit hits the fan, there are only 2 things that are going to save you; your physical strength and your guns. Think about how the government and people in power force you to be less than what you’re capable of becoming. How they want you to conform to social norms simply for the sake of political correctness. Think of how unfair things in this world truly are. And finally, no one on this god damn planet can help you EXCEPT yourself.

9. In 3 months, you will notice a significant change in you. You will look different. You will feel different. You will notice that people react to you differently. It is because you will be more confident at this point. You will start affecting those around you more than they affect you. Some will resent you. Others will admire you. Fuck them all. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is you and how you are changing. Movies become boring as hell. Why? Because you no longer live in that fantasy world. You now understand that the mind numbing effect of mass media is INTENTIONAL. They are trying to control you. But you will not let them anymore. You won’t be able to watch any TV. You won’t be able to watch any major news outlet. It will all look like bullshit to you. And you will be right.

In 6 months, you will no longer be recognizable. Physically and mentally, you will be a completely different person. Now, you are ready for the next step. Financial security.

10. You will get your finances in complete order. You will payoff all your debt as soon as possible. No more credit card debt. This will be a lot easier than you think because you no longer have degenerate expenses draining you financially. No drugs, no smoking, no movies, no eating out, no concerts, no materialistic sycophantic women, etc. You will find more energy and more motivation to improve your income. You will no longer be held back from getting that better job because at job interviews, you will be infinitely more confident. The lack of degenerate behavior and physical fitness will improve your intelligence. You will have a clearer mind and your memory will improve as well as your ability to concentrate. If you are a student, your grades will improve dramatically. If you have a job, your performance will greatly increase. It’s a feedback loop. The better you become physically, the better your mental capacity will increase, which in turn will motivate you to improve your body even more. Suddenly, women who you would never even have thought about approaching because they were out of your league will start approaching you. But, here’s the thing. You are now redpilled. You won’t fall for the fake, bullshit crap that you once fell for. You won’t give a shit about this hot bitch looking to seduce you because you can see right through it. You can see her motives. You are no longer blinded by your hormones. THIS IS WHAT Holla Forums IS ALL ABOUT. SEEING THROUGHT THE BULLSHIT. You are there user. You are redpilled. And life is fucking awesome.

People who don't care about the truth above everything else shouldn't be on Holla Forums at all.

only little pussy faggots kill themselves.

Dont kill yourself or encourage others to do so. You may point to one of teh rulz of the internetz and say "hey never stop ppl from an heroing goy". Think back to that screencap of the world as your oyster. On old Holla Forums the guy that wrote how when you are suicidal you are free to do whatever you want. Also dont get suicided and to do that do not acknowledge the masonic conspiracy irl. Online maybe if you can maintain some distance with proxies etc.

OP speaks the truth. stay frosty anons. exercise, eat right, and make white children.
The truth will set you free, if you can handle it. Race realizations can be a bitch.

Just embrace that you are one of the few, the proud, one of the only bearers of truth in a world of lies. Fight the war with the others like you and be happy doing it. It's you versus the world. At least you know you're on the side of good.

Good posts, though. unsage.

Capped for posterity.

Never again will I live in a multicultural city and get enriched by the crime.
Never again will I need to be confused about women and why they're attracted to masculine men.
Never again will I look down on men who lift weights for being jocks or meatheads.
Never again will I willingly work directly with fags or women.
Never again will I be confused about premarital degeneracy and why 30-something women are so unhappy. (got myself an aryan QT wife, just as redpilled as I am).
Never again will I donate to multicultural charities or spend time helping nogs or spics cause "there's only one race xD"
Never again will I support hollywood.
Never again will I believe the US Govt has my best interests at heart.
Never again will I internalize white guilt.
Never again will I trust jews.

Stay strong, newfags. We are here to guide you, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The reward for digesting the redpill is allowing yourself to live the life you deserve to live.

Thank you, user. I am right at stage 5. I just want to say, I really, really, don't understand how people don't at least understand and admire Hitler. But, that's because I cannot really empathize with people who think emotionally. (ENTP here).
I think the hardest stage is stage 5. Because it means you have to get off your ass. I'm going to go do deadlifts while listening to "Erika" on repeat now.

There are many paths to this end, the same methodology does not apply to all men universally.
Transcending boredom has been my path to stay focused, as well as manual labor and a good diet.
I am debt-free as of last july and celibate since february.

Now days everybody wanna talk like they got something going to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish. Motherfuckers act like they forgot about memes.

user it's because every single authority figure and piece of media has, throughout their entire lives, told them he was evil incarnate. The reason they've never checked for themselves is because they're either too busy or can't be bothered to think critically about history. People have different interests and priorities man, that's one of the reasons the world is in such a mess.

What is this shitty slide thread. Report this shit. Only leftypol's want to be a hero

One thing OP, this isn't true. If you don't live in out in the country and have some sort of long-term food and water security you are dead regardless. Self-defence is secondary to that.

Today OP was not a faggot.

Everything spot on.
Bears repeating. To expand on this point, don't assume others will be like you, swayed by facts on a screen. The ONLY way to redpill MOST normalfags in through modeling. Most people are lemmings and will emulate success where they see it. This is not a conscious decision on their part, but an involuntary and instinctual desire.

Achieve everything in points #7 thru #10, and your confidence and competence will shine like a beacon among the lemmings. They will smell your success and gravitate toward you. That is when redpilling can begin.

Real Red Bills are raising a generation of cancer killing murderers.

if you kys or an hero while under the red pill process you were weak and had no place in the future of our glorious civ any how. Natural selection at work here, only now Humanity is powerful enough to control that selection and set the parameters of failure. Rise above or die.

take your finger out of your ass and become a prepper, mentally & physically.

otherwise, go to hell

Checking those sweet digits. I wish the ribbons on the cap were the Daily Dose colored.

I disagree with this strongly. But don't waste your time on anybody who isn't a close male friend.

Every time. Why not use stock photos where both parents have the same hair/eye color, since the whole point is to promote homogeneity? And no, I'm not a blond male myself, but I want all the European phenotypes preserved, so if you're making propaganda, make it good.

10/10 fanfic OP.

Made me wish I was back in the day when not only were men able to naturally be motivated to do this without having some faggy message board post for Indo-Chinese tapestries lay it all out for them, but reaching that self-development was actually possible from not having been raised in a feminized system.

Varg is wrong on this mate, It can happen. Both my parents have brown hair and yet my sister is blonde, and I was too as a child.

that was beautiful ty


seriously wtf


Is it fair to say the redpill changed my life by convincing me to change my career path into taking over the family farm? Because I feel that to be the strongest affect of the redpill for me.

Anchored. Brilliant. Thanks for this though OP. Im starting right now.


This is wonderful truth.
Thanks OP.

A week ago there was another thread on here regarding a guy who wanted to give up. Does anyone happen to have that thread?

I have never seen nor heard of a person commiting suicide after redpills. Not saying it can't happen, but I work on the assumption that anyone mentally sound enough (or crazy enough in the case of some) to seek out the truth would be immune to such a weak act.

once again thankyou to our great mods
thankyou for anchoring threads like this so we the users of Holla Forums are able to avoid shitty threads which waste time and space for all of us
if this thread wasnt anchored i wouldve just assumed it was a shitty slide thread

exodus to >>>/new/ when?


Bumpity bump
