Webm Thread: Where Do You Think We Are Edition

Last thread was in Page 13.

MP4's allowed

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Anyone got that webm of glitchy and miscolored human models grinning and dancing to a weird song? Shit's like a fever dream.



I have a request- anyone got that webm of that guy fucking a vacuum cleaner? I would appreciate it/

You are well aware it is either something stupid.

requesting that oblivion character eating an orange webm


now this is autism

It is much worse than this one tumblrina.



Pretty please?







Of course there is no "reverse racism". Its just racism.

Did he died?









Map and game?


But really, what is the context ?

pls user




thanks! here are some tits in return

tfw nobody to play Vermintide with on Holla Forums.

that shit is so fun.





Good taste, you redeemed yourself.
>I wanted to post more Missalice but I only have 200mb+ videos

shamefur dispray

I would play, but one of the updates broke the game for me. Crashes my graphics card.







That's a trap.








At first I thought this was just some creepy pasta in video form.


Reposting from the last thread.

Where do I find more of this, I know the artist's name but neither google, nor gelbooru, nor fucking sadpanda give me shit.




Can't you idiots at least try first before asking?

What if he wanted the webm itself to save dumb shit?


Then he should have save it the multiple times he have the chance to when it was previously saved.



Jesus my grammer is fucked up today.



I fucking love Ben Mauro and Aaron Beck's art, should I take the time to see Chappie? Or even Elysium and District 9?



If you like District 9, you'll like Chappie and Elysium. Chappie is the weakest one out of the three in my personal opinion, but it's still good if you like the others.

Otherwise you're not missing out on all that much. If anything, at least watch District 9 if you're on the fence.

I think they're all worth the time to watch. Pirate them or find another way to watch them for free, though. Worth a watch, not worth the money to buy them without watching first.




It contains actual storytelling and compelling characters without resorting to pandering to the audience bait David Cage loves

Chappie is terrifying to look at, and the poor guy learns about life through the harshest of circumstances, and terrible people are afraid of beings like Chappie not being in their control

Elysium however is average at best, District 9 is the same thing as Chappie pretty much, instead a man slowly is turning into an alternate species his people regarded as trash, and realized how hard they have it

You know, actual storytelling, not forced shit David Cage loves to do with tons of attractive characters and cheap setups like crying kids/women etc




Thanks, I'll take a pirate then


behold, ted cruz's ultimate punishment



nice audio fag

You can see the pain in his rat eyes

Deathwing soon brother


Deathwing will be fun.

Traps don't have tits, that woman clearly has tits albeit small.


Tranny then.

just turn the audio up, user.



Yes, you can, if you're not going to be a parent then I will gladly bitch slap your brat











should i play JA from the start? or just skip?


District 9 is bretty gud, the others are complete dogshit.

I weep for mankind.

whats this from? i want more

The only link between JA1&2 is the mercs so you can skip the first one.


thanks user!

fucking auropians



Ironically, he could have won against Clinton. Now we get to see her crooked ass in the white house. I'm going to kill myself this November.

I fucking got into comp with a friend and we've PLATeau'd and just can't climb regardless of how hard we try.

I think the worst thing I've seen was my friend and three other people get ulted by reinhardt on the first point of eichenwalde, and the fucker killed all four of them in one swing, they were so close together.

I regret my purchase daily. Please bully.

Have you considered looking at your masteroverwatch personal stats for the characters you play in comp to identify your weaknesses?

wow can you fucking not please, I know im a bit of a pussy sometimes but I come to this site to get away from my sadness, user.

My buddy does. We think it boils down to whether I can get away with playing Reaper or not.

We typically lose when relegated to support roles, so we try to at least get one of us to play a damage character, even though I'm not the greatest with most of them. Reaper is one of my least played characters bar genji and zarya, both of which I never bothered touching, but he's stupid strong when you play him like you would play Spy in TF2, focusing on flanking and taking out key targets. Otherwise it seems to be the weakest link on our team, like the Roadhog that can't grab anyone but their biggest tank, or the genji that plays genji like a tard. They never switch, so we never progress.

The last time we played our losses were so bad my rank tanked down to 2501, literally two points above gold.

District 9 is the best, definitely worth a watch
You'll forget 90% of Elysium and get annoyed at all the commentary that's IN YOUR FACE all the time, but the remaining 10% are with D9's main actor and they're great
Chappie is worth just skimming through the movie to get to the Chappie parts because everything else is really boring




Blizzard's 50% winrate algorithms notwithstanding, team mates usually amount to white noise if you play enough matches, in that them being good or shit should balance out with respect to your opponents. I don't think you should lock yourself into believing that your losses are simply down to you not getting a certain character or role, because that tends to blind you to more valid criticisms that you can make and so use to improve your play.

The greatest barrier to improvement is honesty with yourself. You might compare it to physical exercise, because they're both fundamentally tasks of self-overcoming, and this is relevant because similarly, the man who pays for a gym membership, shows up regularly, might even go through a routine, but is not truly investing himself in the process with study and genuine effort will not progress. Simply showing up, queuing for the game, and sort of reckoning a reason for the loss isn't enough. Are you reading guides? Are you watching streams? Do you tune into the tourneys? And while doing these, do you try to look past flashy plays to the fundamental reasons certain character and play decisions are being made? Do you warm up prior to the match with aim training? And so on.

I can list a specific regime of study, practice, and honest self-reflection which will help you improve to a certain point, but even this isn't the real game, because you must understand that behind any of these activities is a reason, which is that each is individually contributing to a greater chance of success in the competitive matches you play. It's like increasing your critical chance, where a crit is a match won. But since everyone needs a place to start:

-Make sure you've watched the latest tourneys and know the character choices which are made, and why.
-Pick a role, not a character, to main, and then also have an off-role. Familiarize yourself with all currently meta relevant characters in these roles.
-Watch guide videos semi-regularly to get updated tips for your character choices, especially if there patch changes.
-Queue at appropriate times to avoid children.
-Do half an hour of aim training before a match. This can include flick training on the training range with McCree, practicing tracing moving targets with Soldier/Zarya, or going into a custom map filled with Ana bots with headshot only enabled also as McCree.
-Introduce yourself to the team at the start of a match and try to build some rapport briefly (ask how they're going etc).
-Negotiate roles. Do not be upset if they snipe roles. If someone locks in something inappropriate, ask if nicely they can change to something else, or offer to swap with them.
-Understand, explain, and call good tactics on certain maps to your team, i.e. where to hold, where to group up, when to push, whether or not to try to combo ultis, whether or not you're going to play conservatively or aggressively, highlight problem enemy characters so you can coordinate kills. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
-Record your own matches if you feel it necessary/have the hardware. Watch them afterwards and look for mistakes in your play, things you could have done different.
-Check your personal character stats on masteroverwatch to see how you compare to others who play it. Are you doing enough damage? Are you dying too much? Let your relative position inform your attempts to improve your play.

Have your friend do the same. If you do this and also think about other ways you can address the problems you perceive, you will increase your rating and attitude very quickly, since they form a positive feedback loop. Don't think of it as having "farmed yourself down" due to some superficial problem like not getting reaper, think of it as indicative of some underlying problems that need to be addressed. Whether or not that's objectively true, it's more constructive. Sage for OT.

Have you ever played a match where all your shots didn't hurt another player?

I went through 95% of a match unable to hurt a Mei no matter how much I hit her with bullets/rockets, was fucking infuriating

Play World of Tanks, you'd have a lot of fun


What weapon mod are you using with CoC?

It's not my webm so I ain't sure user. You could see if the CoC thread is still up, or make one yourself, they'll probably tell you no problem

You're propably right.

I don't main characters, or even roles. I play whatever needs to be played. I'm usually more focused on support or tank roles when I can. Nothing new, considering I had 1.4 hours clocked on TF2. The only reason I mentioned Reaper specifically was because I have maybe an hour and a half on him and the last match I played I got recommended up to legendary for just doing my fucking job. I didn't even think I was doing that great but even the enemy team seemed to think so, despite my team losing in the end.

I'm more of the mindset that talking will lead to tilting, which will lead to losing. One of my old friends that went Diamond on League recommended just muting everyone and doing your job as you're supposed to. Often times teammates will urge us into team chat. Every time we do, they'll lay out a plan of attack, and we'll follow it to the T, only to find out we got our shit fucked anyway, most likely because one of our other teammates didn't stick to their plan. We got a 4-man premade on our team that did exactly that, and it lead us to getting absolutely steamrolled for the entire round.



I didn't understand the webm, but is it me or does the blue shirt guy sound like DSP ?

Get out.


Zune truly belongs in the pantheon of humanity's greatest artists.

I can only imagine good ol EoSD Sakuya between a DaVinci and Raphael painting

I haven't been keeping up with Holla Forums. Are you saying Jews are an alien machine race, or are you legitimately worried about machines and animals being given rights?

Anybody got more of miss aline 94?
I have a fit reddit slut to trade.


When is Holla Forums going to support HEVC mp4s?
Surely we aint talkin no commie "o-pen sorcerer"?

Wasn't District 9 the movie where AIDS is how aliens are made?

Maybe they are too taxing for the server


What sorcery is this?

like nixon said blackus are the only race to have no history
They never invented writing and they never recorded what they did besides cavemen drawings, and they never took someone else's writing until they were enslaved and forced to

Something the matter quads man?

Not at all my dub negroh.






so that shitty webm is still going around uh?
playing on baby mode would make any game look like shit

Not sure what you mean, but ok

I want that to happen at my funeral.









A shame nobody has cracked it's protection to translate it yet

Why wouldn’t YOU be?

Too bad BethDOOD is mediocre regardless of difficulty.

Came back just to request that webm/mp4 of that dude fucking a vacuum, again

Not really. Shit's so unlikely, I don't even think about it.

meanwhile I'm still dreaming of a world where one has to actually prove their worth to even be considered a person.

Did you mean this one? There are some fetishes I will never understand.

Bethesda only published it. id Software made it, same people that made the original Doom.


Actually, Hitler made many mistakes during the war. He invaded Russia in the winter being perhaps the biggest mistake. Allying with Japan was probably another big one because they drug America into the war.

It's a shame both sides of the conflict hate people because of their race. A global nuke would be the solution

I don't hate people because of their race at least not all of them s-some of my friends are b-black!
I was actually talking about retards. They are not people and should not be considered ones.
On the other hand, if a machine can pass the Turing's test, plus be a good addition to the society, I see no reason no to grant it rights.

He invaded in June.


Neither do I, I believe that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, regardless of their race and whatever genes come through with it.
Thing is, if either side gets what they want they'll come crashing down either on white people or black people, worst case scenario everything in between too. One can only hope either a reasonable leader is born or we are all purged from existance

No, I mean the wemb of the guy on a bed, on top of a vac fucking it.

I don't see what's wrong in judging someone by innate attributes they possess.
Would you want a woman serving in a phallanx?
An asian man?
Would you want a non-citizen elected into government office?
Then why would you want a nigger or a jew in your country?



Tempo is wrong for that video. If you wanted to get banda music, you should get something that at least matches. Looks even more beaner.

I didn't make the webm I just got it from /a/

okay, let's all just calm down and look at this fucking adorable toucan

That's all fair and good, yet going around dismissing entire populations because of their race, ignoring the fact that there is always people who excel in every ethnicity is irresponsible as fuck. I care not if a nigger or even a jew decides to settle in the country, as long as they possess the cognitive capability to behave as any citizen of the country would then they're welcome. It's more of a no special treatment policy, regardless of who is receiving it





I must fill /a/ with more Mexican halfbreeds.


Okay, my mistake. His mistake was STAYING during the winter then. Right?

Its CSGO Bhop, no clue what the map is.


This some new fetish or something?

Do it you won't

The only new thing I see around here is you m80

Can anyone give me the source to this song?

why are birds the best pets?
is it because they are the tame and smart animals that resemble ourselves the least?

You sure are. This is an old meme from halfchan. The guy who drew them claimed to be half-jap and half-bean. Says his father left when his mom got pregnant. So much butthurt was caused by him that I could not forget. He was legendary. Our /a/ currently bans for posting them, though. Meido is too butthurt from his waifu getting the Mexican treatment.


No, I won't. Meido gets too butthurt.

Dude can buy a toucan but lives in a trailer…

Is it from /a/ exclusively, that would explain why I didn't hear of it

It's because they're cute UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

The halfbreeds have been a thing for quite a long time.

Also, I guess I should post something.

sounds like a sound investment to me

Shit got posted everywhere, m8. /a/ was the most butthurt, though.

It's because they are little dinosaurs.



I must have missed it, maybe it happened during a hiatus. Still I can't help but feel somewhat ashamed


He used to have a lot of them. Now only a bit remains. I wish he was still doing it because the responses he generated were genuinely hilarious. He's kind of like that dude that makes "realistic" anime, which turns out to be terrifying. Shit's great.

Here you go bro

OK. You're an idiot.
Glad we had this conversation.



Arsenal Overhaul


Thank you very much user!

You know that it's just the company in name but not at all in spirit. Don't spread lies like this, user.











I didn't actually save it? Oh no

Tried to save the thumbnail?




Top fucking kek






Chappie is not a really good movie. It's okay, and definitely a must watch if you're into Die Antwoord or something.
Yolandi is mai waifu



There is some serious incest going on that band I wager




Wasn't the Daimayou of Holla Forums a mexi-japanese half breed?
>tfw you're the only one that remembers that meme


Was that his name? Either way, I'm glad someone else still finds it funny.






I only remember that his last name is Takeda and he hates japs.























Missed opportunity


Fuck, good point

I'm just posting ones with no filename so I can name them.



My filename for that one is actually AnonymousHQ




I think I'm going to just collect as many of these as possible.


Better version










Is that cat having a seizure?


Yeah, epilepsy in cats is not uncommon.


Why do these shows never have the idols synced up?

Is it to show that they took time out to draw each one individually? Like weebs would give a shit?




What is this from?


what do you even do in such a situation


Not sure what the sauce is. Most of what I'm posting here is ancient.

Say your goodbyes

Look at me talking to myself.

I take it this is Second Life? People take themselves a smidge too seriously eh? Just shouty assholery and oh so easily tapped.

I love how he's a literal Internet Tough Guy with overinflated delts too.

That was remarkably fast, what a loopy experiment idea, the EKG is great. Looks like he dropped the smoke into his crotch too, his junk is probably burning while this is going on.


The same thing you do with humans: remove all things that could hurt him if he bumps into them and hope nothing bad happens



One of my grandmother's cats was epileptic. It usually just siezed up for about 30 seconds, then got up and went about his day.

I don't know if they have epilepsy medication for cats, but when a human is having a seizure there's nothing you can do besides make sure the area around them is clear so they don't hit themselves on anything. They use to suggest putting a pillow or something in the victim's mouth but that's more likely to block their airflow and make them choke.
-t. someone whose mother has seizures





would it be funny to set mouse traps on the ground and let them sperg into them, asking for a friend of course

Wellp. that's it for my unnamed webms. I'll refrain from shitting up the thread with gifs

Sounds about right. A cat that made it to adulthood probably doesn't have too much to worry about. Just a minor inconvenience. A cat with more serious fits would probably not have lived to adulthood.



So, can someone give me the full and clear version of that Colombian cocaine disco shit webm? I couldn't find it on the webm board. I think I got it off Holla Forums



Holla Forums has a permanent webm thread, you might find it there

I looked, couldn't find it





Well shit

Good shit


Dear oh dear that video makes me spew.

The guy in the glasses should be saying "Humongous what?" until that 'Crime Spotted' notice pops up.












Is it worth watching?

Give it the the three episode test and form your own opinion.


mad house does top quality stuff
the soundtrack was lacking, and it went normalfag popular
but the anime itself was alright

It's ok


In the last thread there was a parody of the Umaru-chan anime OP, does anyone have it?



this one?

that's stolen pretty much unchanged from the Speed Racer movie, what a faggot

no, but I have this














Yes that one, thank you, have the entire first episode of Mike Tyson Mysteries as thanks.

Thank you for trying, that was also helpful.


It's because in their tiny little brain they believe you are one of their flock.

No problem user, i'm always glad to help.

Where is this and what is going on? Are they filming a movie or something?
















I feel like this is referencing something, but I don't know what.

Probably some nip movie


Holy shit its referencing the full scene to one of the gay porns used for MADS

Can't we just have an otomad thread

Poor Rumia



Nah, we've went over this before


I found it




Why is shit like this popular now?








I could use more otter












That song is like a hymn to Latins.






Can't tell if the audio on that is shit or my headset is screwing up.





It's not that good, yet I don't think it's shit

I was hearing a lot of popping.


Listened to it again, no problems. Guess my headset was just fucking up a bit ago.

Oh, alright








Do you have any more BMVs?

Not that I remember, sorry


okay, found that in my webm folder






I mean like on the internets.





Currently remaking my collection of Pokemon OST webms.

Anyone know how to get variable bitrate for audio on webms with ffmpeg?


It's on my todo list, I got the MP3.






Is this made by the ones who did the gay merman?


Iunno, post the gay merman one.



I don't have it though, didn't save them. I hope the user who has the whole 14 episodes lurks today















Here's one from a video game









Giratina mk2, changed the command a bit.


And lake trio mk2























548 replies, wtf


100 replies by 6b002f and 123 by 279fdd. Did someone break the 213 record yet?


leave it to idiots to film it vertical.

3euro per minute.

the italian one makes your sheets dirty.











Hmm, I wonder if anyone could nab the segment where Butch from the Good Dinosaur (voiced by Sam Elliot) tells how he got his scars…


Blatant lies, user…

They are the only vertebrate to be native to every continent in the world.

What continent has no mammals at all?
What continent has no reptiles?
Or do you mean "native" in the meaning "they lived there before Pangea broke apart"?


They lived there before the pangea break and even afterwards.

I think antartica/alaska counts.

And I believe we found several land masses that had reptiles and birds, but no mammals due to the reptiles and birds edging out the mammals in the survival category.

I could be dead fucking wrong though. Paleontology is a crash course on expecting you're really fucking wrong and owning up to it.

dang this parrot is adorable

infuriates me to no end.


A criminally underrated theme.


Dude is too talented for porn.