Posting because it explicitly mentions the guy recieved funding over $1 million from Soros, which is right up your guys' alley. Pic is first related pic I could think of.
>Nota joke. This happened a bunch of times, Asa Khalif says. >Theprotester arrested on some 20 occasions had offered to play the role of character witness. The prosecutor-to-be had gratefully accepted. Khalif had never endorsed any political candidate before Krasner. But Krasner, a left-wing defence lawyer who has sued the Philadelphia police department 75 times, had represented him in a half-dozen court cases. >Moreimportantly, much of Krasner’s platform could have been written by Black Lives Matter itself. Krasner was calling for an end to abusive “stop-and-frisk” police searches, an end to “mass incarceration,” an end to cash bail for non-violent offences, an end to the death penalty. So one day in the spring, the Democratic primary in full swing, the Black Lives Matter activist and the white candidate for district attorney walked into a barbershop in low-income North Philadelphia, a pair of lone-wolf rabble-rousers now a tag team. Krasner was in his trademark suit and glasses. The black men in the chairs were debating the merits of Jay-Z and Kanye West.
At first I thought that's the new flag of Germany.
Carter Reyes
Fucking lol. Liberals are only trotting this guy around because they literally have nothing else. New Jersey? Virgina? Philadelphia? Those places were all Democrat strongholds to begin with. Who cares? The "resistance's" energy is just them pretending winning places they were always expected to win is some kind of sign the Communist revolution is re-gaining steam at miraculous levels. Whoop-dee-fucking-do. Let's see how Liberals feel when Moore beats the shit out of them in Alabama and gives the President the votes needed to pass health care, among other things I'm sure.
Cameron Robinson
For a symbolic view of how Philly has managed to somehow become more shit, look no further than the federally funded black power statue now placed next to the Rizzo statue. Such tolerant times, truly.
Aaron Nguyen
(((Soros))) is really pushing his BLM golem these days. He funds the American Library Association, whose upcoming conference features speakers such as Patrisse Cullors (cofounder of BLM). And our beloved Bill Nye the Soros Shill.
Prayer to KEK: May Buttcoin make Soros shekels obsolete soon.
Lincoln Jones
George Soros needs to be put into a cauldron of hot boiling semen.
I would murder that kike faggot for any amount of money…so long as someone who wanted him dead could get me to his location.
I don't give a fuck if LEO pigs, CIA, or FBI faggots get butthurt because of my comment either. Suck a big fat kike dick you scum.
Austin Long
What a goddamn joke.
Jaxon Parker
Just look at the subhumans hovering around that thing, ugly people are attracted to ugly things. The jews will pay a dear price for erecting such disgusting degenerate art.
Jaxson Wood
Every time.
Lincoln King
Literally the punchline of a joke in Spaceballs a great treatise on jewish psychology when you take away the laugh track.
Brayden Sanchez
It's gaudy as all hell so it fits niggers just fine.
Angel Russell
Why would they find the skidmark flag appealing?
Gavin Cooper
This is great. Philly was a shit show to begin with but I bet this idiot will refuse to prossecute niggers, which will only make Philly worse. A similar thing happened in shitcago when some marxist dirtball become DA there. They threw out any case with a black perp. The only way to get rid of these idiots is to let them utterly fail.
Eli Sanders
The only way?
Alexander Perez
Such cities are lost. Get out of them and let the animals devour themselves Detroit style.
Jaxon Murphy
The “Global City’s” Sultan Sadiq Khan ran on the same platform. Knife crime is up 25% in the last year alone and gun crime has almost doubled in the same period.
Isn’t Philadelphia already referred to ‘killadelphia’? America needs fascism.
Charles Watson
One of the many "red light dead light" cities in the United States. I was in the city of (((brotha)))lee love a handful of months ago and it was beyond repair honestly. Just another metro area that all of the negroes and non-whites swamped to for the gibs, etc, and the rest of the rural Pennsylvanians have to pay for. Sincerely, an upstate jew york user.
Owen Wood
Grayson Diaz
Leftists are hellbent on faking a majority because they know majority is the only way they can win, but the most essential part is that people think that kikes have a majority/are in power, the actual majority means nothing (look at voting fraud). Once people realize that kikes, commies and leftists have no actual majority, authority or right to even exist, it only takes 10% of the population to kill every last one of them. We're already there. Wake up anons, we're getting close to our opportunity. The have been the emperors for over a century but now they have no clothes.
Dylan Perez
Just let it all become Weimar. It's the only way they'll learn, it's the only way that real Nazis ever get into power.
Sebastian Edwards
They have to control the DA so they can control the voting next election. They can't let Philly allow the state to go Red next time around.
Kayden Phillips
Camden Nelson
Checking underrated dubs
Jayden Allen
Kayden Martin
Philly user here, with (((Krasner))) as DA, this city will slip further into Detroit 2.0. Justice will be in the hands of the few individuals who choose to defend themselves. This kike wants a disabled police force, unarmed citizens, empowered baboons, and all the other typical kike tricks.
Angel Adams
Let's talk solutions Thermite, sawzall, gasoline t. not fbi
Michael Sullivan
Krasner will play ball the same as the rest of Philly LibShits do as soon as they’re elected otherwise he may have a short career. There’s a reason why libs from outside the city hate Philadelphia just as much as Right Wingers do.