Looking for some good action games reminiscent of devil may cry, or bayonetta, obscure shit preferably doesn't even have to be cuhrazee just unique.
Unique Character action games
I can't think of anything unique, but this might tickle your boner
Just call it an action game, for fuck's sake.
Killer is Dead
Heart&Slash looked at the character action genre and decided what it needed was roguelite randomization. It's kinda broken, and indieshit in the worst ways (except the devs don't follow feminists on Twitter, so that's something at least), but it's worth checking out for something that's unique at the very least.
Plus the soundtrack is great.
Heh, I thought to myself not to call it a character action, but I still did it anyway. oh, well
eh… maybe Thinking of something that just plays weird.
looks gay as shit.
take that back, I might look at it. I assumed it was in 2d, or some top down thing.
Shit looks pretty alright
I can think of Darksiders, Castlevania, Onimusha(?), Dante's Inferno
Magical Battle Festa, although it's more like Virtual On than something like DMC
there's something fishy around here
C'mon, have some creativity.
It's not Undertale, if that's what you're suggesting.
Shinobi on the PS2
There's also Kung Fu Strike
Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogies Revenge
If you can get your hands on the games try Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2. 3 is bad, Yaiba is godawful and I personally haven't played Razor's Edge even though I hear it's terrible.
The first boss fight against Ryu Hyabusa is the two of you being on different platforms, he fires an arrow at you every eight years or something and you have to throw something at him to stun him. Then you go through one of the many ON RAILS PLATFORMING sections and watch an animation that plays of yaiba slashing ryu that doesnt' connect because ryu teleports to another disconnected platform. Rinse repeat everything including that animation then you get the atomic izuna drop cutscene.
In other words it's a shitty gimmick boss in a game full of them. The other two fights with Ryu are better but they're not enough to even bother pirating the game.
It's a very broken game if you know what you're doing. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I doubt that's what OP's looking for.
Well you've prob heard of Fairy Bloom Freesia and Rainblood chronicles
The earlier onechanbaras are way better I think
Van Helsing on the Ps2 is devil may cry
Castlevania lords of shadows, whilst being godawful, does fit into this category in some ways
Muramasa the Demon blade on the vita + it's dlc makes me think alot of cuhrayzee games, but isn't really, fun though
oh and sengoku basara
Long as I'm here, I think I have a couple other character action games in my library I can recommend.
It's 2D, so it has that going against it, but for what it is, it's an incredibly robust hacky slashy. Plus it's made by Wayforward.
It's a fairly short game, it's like 10-15 stages and each stage is a small arena with regular waves of enemies. But the whole thing is under a time limit, and each time you play you start from the beginning. Not the greatest character action game, but definitely unique.
I guess it kinda counts.
Like a combination of Bloodrayne Betrayal's 2D combat and Croixleur's cutesy anime style. It's super challenging, however.
Truthfully it's closer to God of War than Ninja Gaiden. But for an indie project ported straight from the XBLA, it has an impressive amount of polish, and great style.
Of course.
It's another one of those "anime girl fights waves of monsters on a single arena" games, but this one is probably closest to being like DMC or Bayo. It's got complex action commands, you can buy new skills, it's pretty good.
I think this one was actually made by a guy on halfchan's /agdg/ way back in the day. Pretty cool for a one-man project, but honestly not great. There's a difficulty curve that starts when you first meet robots with giant hammers that break guards and can't be countered, and leaps ten minutes later when you fight two of them at once.
Hell, you might as well.
Is From Soft's Ninja Blade any good?
Mother fucker I did not type this out just for it to be completely ignored
It's more creative than your average anime girl #12334545 at least
They're called spectacle advent cinematic-action hyper impact fighter-brawlers, faggot.
First tell me what a "character inaction" game is.
It's a walking simulator.
Pic related is most unique of the bunch and is my favourite of the genre.
Just call it stylish action, it's what DMC originally called the genre
If you've spent any amount of time in cuhrazy threads on Holla Forums you've probably played it, but Metal Gear Rising is the one action game that has a gimmick I haven't gotten tired of
It never gets old
Best dollar I've ever spent during steam sales.
Do you know how much shit falls under an "action" umbrella?
Juju Denetsu Toki going ape shit insane and snow bros
Those are nothing in the slightest like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.
wtf, i hate you now
OST of this game, when?