Zündel's Bunker

Zündel's Bunker

Categories: Holla Forums History, Psychology & Philosophy, Subversive Jewish Books, Historical Texts, Fiction & Novels, Health & Dietary, Physique & Martial Arts, Science & Engineering, Manual Arts & Architecture, Self-Sustainability & Survival, Misc Skills & Masteries, Music & The Arts.

Contents.txt - mega.nz/#!pM1CibqT!PaxJ7dRQAxb0QMIPbIPIcBJS3EI4lvVVbrXw8iBL-JE

PDF files - 2282 Files, 234 Folders, 26.4GB Total Size
Image Files (Collection - Caricatures in Der Stürmer) - 1208 Files, 145 Folders, 313MB Total Size
/zundel/ - >>>/zundel/
mega link - mega.nz/#F!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg

/zundel/ CSS code - pastebin.com/cvVGYEcS
Last Updated - 13/11/2017

Other urls found in this thread:


'How To Use the Website

>If you find a book you want to download, follow the Mega.nz link to anonymously access the file from my Mega.nz archive source. If you would like to browse this archive directly at the source, go to mega.nz/#F!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg .

This thread >>>/zundel/2164 is for requesting and uploading requested books. Requesting and uploading requested material in other threads are fine as long they are on topic with that thread.

Deleted Threads and Bans for Book Discussion

I will be recording every event henceforth in which these threads are deleted by Holla Forums administrator 'Imkampfy'.



Enjoy /zundel/,
Morgoth - Board Owner/Archive Manager
(8ch.net/zundel/) ([email protected])

Books for Holla Forums

A. K. Chesterton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1480
Adam Lebor (1 File) >>>/zundel/1478
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (12 Files) >>>/zundel/1466
Alex Jones Exposed (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1481
Alfred Rosenberg (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1463
Anatoliy Golitsyn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1960
Andrew J. Hurley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1462
Anna Bramwell (1 File) >>>/zundel/1461
Ariel Toaff (1 File) >>>/zundel/1460
Arnold S. Leese (11 Files) >>>/zundel/1457
Arthur Kemp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1971
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1 File) >>>/zundel/1972
August Bebel (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1451
August Kubizek (1 File) >>>/zundel/1973
Austin J. App (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1448
Barbara Kulaszka (1 File) >>>/zundel/1447
Benjamin Weintraub (1 File) >>>/zundel/1446
Benton L. Bradberry (1 File) >>>/zundel/1974
Bernhardt Klassen (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1441
Brandon Martinez (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1438
Caleb Williams Saleeby (13 Files) >>>/zundel/1979
Carlo Mattogno (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1429
Carlos W. Porter (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1427
Charles C. Tansill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1992
Christine M. Johns (1 File) >>>/zundel/1416
Christopher Jon Bjerknes (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1414
Collection - Adolf Hitler (58 Files) >>>/zundel/1873
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (73 Files) >>>/zundel/18
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, Paganism & Christianity (27 Files) >>>/zundel/71
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (16 Files) >>>/zundel/2
Committee for Truth in History (1 File) >>>/zundel/1413
Count Emmanuel Malynski (1 File) >>>/zundel/1412
Curtis B. Dall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1411

David Duke (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1408
David F. Crew (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2001
David Irving (26 Files) >>>/zundel/1382
David L. Hoggan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1380
David Lane (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2004
Dietrich Eckhart (1 File) >>>/zundel/1379
Don Heddesheimer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1378
Douglas Reed (17 Files) >>>/zundel/1361
Douglas Valentine (1 File) >>>/zundel/2008
E. Michael Jones (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1358
Eckhart Verlag (1 File) >>>/zundel/1357
Edward Kritzler (1 File) >>>/zundel/1356
Eric Dubay (1 File) >>>/zundel/2009
Ernst Hiemer (deutsch) (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1353
Eustace Mullins (60 Files) >>>/zundel/1324
Executive Intelligence Review (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1321
Francis Galton (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2043
Francis Parker Yockey (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1317
Frank K. Salter (1 Files) >>>/zundel/2048
Frank L. Britton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1316
Freda Utley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1315
Fredrick Toben (1 File) >>>/zundel/1314
Friedrich von Bernhardi (7 Files) >>>/zundel/2049
Friedrick Karl Wiebe (1 File) >>>/zundel/2042


Gedaliah Braun (1 File) >>>/zundel/2057
George Whitehead (1 File) >>>/zundel/2058
Gerald Burton Winrod (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1310
Gerd Honsik (1 File) >>>/zundel/1309
Germar Rudolf (1 File) >>>/zundel/1308
Gottfreid Feder (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1305
Grant F. Smith (1 File) >>>/zundel/2059
Gregory Delaney (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1298
Gustav Freytag (1 File) >>>/zundel/2060
H. B. Isherwood (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2061
Hanns Anderson (1 File) >>>/zundel/1297
Hans F. K. Gnther (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1296
Harrell Rhome (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2064
Heinz A. Heinz (1 File) >>>/zundel/2066
Hellmut Schramm (1 File) >>>/zundel/1295
Henri Roques (1 File) >>>/zundel/1294
Henry Ford (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1291
Hermann Greife (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1290
Hermann Goring (1 File) >>>/zundel/2067
Hilaire Belloc (1 File) >>>/zundel/2068
Howell Arthur Gwynne (1 File) >>>/zundel/2069
Human Rights Watch (1 File) >>>/zundel/2070
J. M. Spaight (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1286
J. Philippe Rushton (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2075
Jack B. Tenney (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1282
James Bacque (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1279
James M. Ennes Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/2077
James W. Von Brunn (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1277
Jared Taylor (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2078
Jewish Tribal Review (1 File) >>>/zundel/2080
John Colin Campbell Jordan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2081
John Glad (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1270

John Glad (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1270
John Sack (1 File) >>>/zundel/1269
John W. DeCamp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1268
Jonathan Peter Spiro (1 File) >>>/zundel/2083
Jonathon Marshall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1267
Joseph Goebbels (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1265
Kevin B. MacDonald (21 Files) >>>/zundel/1245
Klaus Polkehn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1244
Leonard Young (1 File) >>>/zundel/1241
Louis Marschalko (1 File) >>>/zundel/1497
Leon Degrelle (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1242
Madison Grant (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2091
Marcus Eli Ravage (1 File) >>>/zundel/2093
Martin Luther, Dr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1239
Mary Phagan Kean (1 File) >>>/zundel/1238
Michael A. Hoffman II (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1234
Michael Collins Piper (8 Files) >>>/zundel/1226
Michael F. Connors (1 File) >>>/zundel/2094
Michael Hudson (1 File) >>>/zundel/2095
Michael Sharpe (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1225
Michael Walsh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1224
Mike S. King (18 Files) >>>/zundel/1206


Naeim Giladi (1 File) >>>/zundel/2096
Norman Finkelstein (1 File) >>>/zundel/1203
Otto Dietrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2097
Ovid Need Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1202
Patrick J. Buchanan (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1199
Paul Findley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1198
Paul Rassinier (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1196
Peter Schafer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1195
Phd. Albert D. Pastore (1 File) >>>/zundel/1194
Phillip Mauro (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1192
R. W. Shufeldt (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2098
Rev. Denis Fahey (1 File) >>>/zundel/1191
Rev. E. Cahill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1190
Revilo P. Oliver (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1182
Richard Harwood (1 File) >>>/zundel/1181
Richard Lynn (1 File) >>>/zundel/2101
Robert H. Williams (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1178
Robert Ley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1177
Robert W. Whitaker (1 File) >>>/zundel/1176
S. Z. Batten (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1168
Seymour M. Hersh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1167
Sheldon Emry (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1161
Silas Walter Adams (1 File) >>>/zundel/1160
Stephen A. Zarlenga (1 File) >>>/zundel/2102
Stephen Birmingham (1 File) >>>/zundel/1159

Stephen Sizer (1 File) >>>/zundel/2103
Susan Cavin (1 File) >>>/zundel/2105
Suzan McGee (1 File) >>>/zundel/1158
T. Lothrop Stoddard (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1157
Theodor Fritsch (1 File) >>>/zundel/1156
Thomas Goodrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2107
Tim Ripley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1155
Udo Walendy (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1148
V. K. Clark (1 File) >>>/zundel/2109
Valdas Anelauskas (1 File) >>>/zundel/1147
Viscount Leon de Poncins (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1145
Victor E. Marsden (1 File) >>>/zundel/1143
Victor Ostrovsky (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1140
Viktor Suvorov (1 File) >>>/zundel/2110
Vladimir Avdeyev (1 File) >>>/zundel/2111
Vladimir Stepin (1 File) >>>/zundel/1139
Werner Sombart (1 File) >>>/zundel/2112
William L. Pierce (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1138
William S. Sadler (1 File) >>>/zundel/2116
Willie Martin (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1134
Wilmot Robertson (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1131

Psychology & Philosophy

Carl G. Jung (14 files) >>>/zundel/98
G. Stanley Hall (8 files) >>>/zundel/142
Eduard von Hartmann (5 files) >>>/zundel/170
Immanuel Kant (7 files) >>>/zundel/192
Ernest Belfort Bax (17 files) >>>/zundel/175
Arthur Schopenhauer (3 files) >>>/zundel/175
Gustave Le Bon (11 files) >>>/zundel/150
Walter B. Cannon (5 files) >>>/zundel/136
Wilhelm Max Wundt (7 files) >>>/zundel/128
Alan Watts (16 files) >>>/zundel/112
Count Alfred Korzybski (6 files) >>>/zundel/164
More Psychology & Philosophy (47 files) >>>/zundel/199


Norse & European (147 files) >>>/zundel/561
Modern European (38 files) >>>/zundel/679
Ancient & Modern Rome (36 files) >>>/zundel/609
Ancient & Modern Greece (36 files) >>>/zundel/608
Christianity & Catholicism (27 files) >>>/zundel/610
Sumeria & Mesopotamia (5 files) >>>/zundel/611
Laurence A. Waddell (7 files) >>>/zundel/600
Idolatry in Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, Paganism & Christianity (27 files) >>>/zundel/71
Other History (29 files) >>>/zundel/691

The Masteries

Self-Sustainability & Survival (164 files) >>>/zundel/714
Health & Diet (109 files) >>>/zundel/713
Physique & Martial Arts (32 files) >>>/zundel/529
Science, Engineering & IT (83 files) >>>/zundel/241
The Evil Genius Book Series (IT) (11 files) >>>/zundel/310
Arduino (Open Source Computer Hardware/Software) (14 files) >>>/zundel/295
Building & Architecture (34 files) >>>/zundel/239
Manual Arts & Woodwork (29 files) >>>/zundel/240
Forge Practice & Blacksmithing (13 files) >>>/zundel/242
Miscellaneous Skills (31 files) >>>/zundel/865
Music & Art (41 files) >>>/zundel/866

Fiction & Novels

Joseph Campbell (8 files) >>>/zundel/445
George Orwell (16 files) >>>/zundel/450
J. R. R. Tolkien (41 files) >>>/zundel/388
C. S. Lewis (6 files) >>>/zundel/431
Charles Williams (7 files) >>>/zundel/466
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (7 files) >>>/zundel/439
Robert E. Howard (3 files) >>>/zundel/437
H. A. Covington (6 files) >>>/zundel/489
William Shakespeare (Complete Collection) >>>/zundel/449
James Joyce (4 files) >>>/zundel/499
Philip K. Dick (8 files) >>>/zundel/504
More Fiction & Novels (15 files) >>>/zundel/512


(thread archived)

Zündel's Bunker


Now imkikefy is going to make another thread on /polmeta/ screeching about books. Nice.

They don't stop comin


Talk shit, get hit.

You say something, manlet?

Good material. Make sure newfags never find out.

It does seem like discussions about bettering ourselves are constantly getting anchored. What is Holla Forums to stand for if not for the improvement of our people?

Three years, buffalo queers.

>>>/zundel/ is one of the best boards