Barbarian games thread
I've got a list going, always seeking to add to it:
Post barbarians games and barbarians.
Barbarian games thread
I've got a list going, always seeking to add to it:
Post barbarians games and barbarians.
Diablo 3.
Your mom.
I wanna fuck that girl.
I know its unrelated, but if anything I want to be that girl. I know I never will be it just makes me sad :(.
Just play Path of Exile and shut up about being a barbarian and get onto cleaving entire swathes of enemies away while they explode into rainbow colored elemental burst of blood and gore.
Who doesn't want to fug a red head barbarian woman?
Shame there aren't more vidya games with barbarians in them, then we could get more of them and thus more rule 34.
I'm compiling a list though, for future reference.
Just get fake tits. You're already halfway there being a female barbarian by being a man
On a more relevant note
What exactly do you mean by a barbarian game?
One which has the aesthetic or one features barbarian class/playstyle?
ADOM has a barbarian class which is actually one of the easiest classes to play.
In Dragons Dogma you can get a pretty nice barbarian aesthetic going with the warrior class and light armor. You can also make your character fuckhuge and overly muscular.
No axes unfortunately. Only hammers and two handed swords.
isnt there a new conan game coming out soon? it'll be something like rust or ark
I hope she has a feminine penis
Maybe because there is already a barbarian thread?
I want to be more than just a shirtless dude. I want to be able to pillage, raid, rape, and just be a mercenary who cares for nothing more than gold and glory.
Both. If it has built in Barbarian, great, if it has the ability to make Barbarian, great.
I don't think there's ever been a more relevant time to post my waifu.
Why do you dig up the dead
Mark is threatened by anything that shows men actually being men
I expect this thread will be deleted when traps aren't posted
I don't know, ask people who jack off to Squigly.
Jews love Nu-Males. The guy in Ops picture isn't a Nu-male.
Looks more like a wood elf imo, all that dryad shit going on.
Does Volgarr count?
I don't really count Vikings as Barbarians. Similar in ways, but distinct in others. I don't know why they called Volgarr a Viking though.
I never liked the Barbarian class/archetype.
The whole naked loncloth thing was way too stupid
I hope it doesnt end up being shit.
I still don't understand what it is.
Is it a moba? An MMO-lite ala destiny?
wut gayme
Isnt this being made by funcom?
Believe it or not she's voiced by the woman who did Nurse Joy from Pokemon. Her voice lines are lewd as fuck for a mostly PG-rated game. Literally polar opposite character type. Sadly, this video doesn't have her launcher selection quote: You can't see a tree grow. It's enough that I do. ( ° ʖ °)
I'm surprised there aren't more barbarian games made. It's a pretty obvious choice for a melee action game. With the popularity of Dark Souls you'd think somebody would have said "let's copy that but with barbarians"
I don't think Miku is a barbarian. It's a shame, she'd look good in a loin cloth.
The fuck is with the Anime?
It's a survival multiplayer/singleplayer game with NPC enemy factions and dungeons from what I've read.
Conan Exiles. Out beginning of next year iirc.
Sounds more like a Druid 100% instead of a Barbarian.
Europa Barbarorum.
I remember having this thread almost a year ago. OP, do you still think you will find anything new?
So I have a question. What defines a berserker compared to a warrior, a paladin or a knight? I know there are differences in armor, also possibly in why they fight, but are there any other differences?
a berserker need to be able to go beserk
I think you mean a fluid druid :^)
Miku is my favorite barbarian too.
I do not.
Torchlight 2's Barbarian class is fun.
You can dual wield shit like a god (especially knuckles), use wolf-projections to counter and attack, and just rack up crits like no end.
All characters in Torchlight 2 have a "meter" that fills up, and does something good. For the Barbarian, you're almost encourage to constantly jump from fight to fight to keep your meter up (which increases damage + crit chance), but even then it refills when you hit people pretty quick.
This. Real life berserkers were usually people who went into a frenzy in combat, or even took hallucinogenics to further up their savagery.
It can't tactics, but shock and awe does wonders- especially if you can direct them. (Don't go until I say).
In games Knights tend to be about taking large amounts of damage for allies.
So do Paladins, but they also get some healing and defensive magic. And plenty of evil smiting powers.
A Warrior is a simple melee fighter. Not as swift as a Rogue, not as defensive as a Knight, not as strong as a Berserker.
Berserkers often have gimmicks about increasing damage output, and even getting hurt increases the damage they dole out. They tend to have the worst defense- and poor intelligence.
Barbarian Returns
This utter sperg needs to die in a sling shooting accident from self inflicted injuries.
What about PCP? I was told that it does funny things to people.
Can never have enough of those.
Wouldn't the tits bouncing around be a hindrance in battle? Not rhetorical.
Shame most of the cosplayers doing that type of archetype are usually flabby instead of muscular. Kinda ruins it when you see the arms and legs have a bunch of fat on them instead of muscle. Not that I prefer fat or muscle on a woman, but a good cosplayer should fit the body type of what they're portraying.
I don't think the Norsemen had access to PCP. Maybe if you have a time machine you can go back and give them some bathsalts.
Well this chick goes into MMA fights and wins with tig ol bitties so probably not. Tits aren't bags of cement and they certainly don't throw women off balance (see; women talking in a straight line); they're quite malleable, like bags of sand.
I meant naked, bare tits. Wouldn't the bouncing around when they're not restrained by cloth/armor be disadvantageous, assuming the tits are big enough?
I like his videos, I don't see the problem.
No, I wouldn't imagine so. Like I said, they're quite malleable. They wouldn't get in the way of the bearer all that much, if at all. Even if they did it's not like their arm will catch on the immovable tit.
I mean, an enemy could grab and squeeze them in battle, but if he's got an opening to do that he'd probably go for something more vital or fatal than do what amounts to a titty twister in the middle of a fight.
What I meant was more in a movement sense. If I exercise naked my dick being free affects me differently than when I'm clothed. I'd assume the same would apply to breasts, which would be distracting when someone's in a fight.
It's more area to cut. It's also protruding out of the chest. It's much more horrifying to have your cut than having your hand or foot. It's a delicate area.
Breasts don't weight that much, and floppage is easily ignored.
Although I'm sure your dick weighs less than your underoos, I'm sure the weight difference is negligible.
Distracting to the person attacking them, sure, but if you're a fighter who fighters barebreasted I'm sure you're use to them being there.
Sure, it would be easier to cut, but then if you're going into a battle bare tittied then you can probably take it/gotten use to it.
Amanda Love.
Fucking internet. At least it wasn't her from what I could see in the thumbnail.
Ya I kinda thought about that after I posted - if I got used to it the movement wouldn't feel strange and it probably wouldn't be distracting.
I cannot count the number of times I have seen this occur and it makes me curious as to why it is a repeating occurrence.
hahaha, I tried run this through google translate and it gave me this shit
no bump for completely off topic
Isn't the recommended videos they show you based on what you have watched in the past?
What videos have you been watching user?
That… wasn't the video I saw user. She wasn't a muscular girl, just a normal girl. Only had 400 views, compared to all the other recommended videos that had hundreds of thousands of views.
The occasional search for "black chicks, white dicks" here or there. Sadly, these websites don't always get it right. Thank god for thumbnails though, mistakes averted easily.
You can play aas a barbarian in Heroes 3
look up Brittney White
Well my mistake. I didn't watch the vid in question.
Way ahead of you bruv.
Neither did I, I saw all I needed to know in the thumbnail.
Holy crap, she has real boobs. Either that or very realistic implants.
Real tiddies.
i want to put my wiener in that
enjoyable powergirl live action never
Been a long binge on monstergirls. Fit, healthy, feminine humans is a nice change.
those things look like they'll hit the floor when she goes topless
you know nothing, John Snow.
Bit tits are a hinderance, as they alter your center of gravity/balance.
Also, they are a back killer.
Too bad the Warrior class in DD sucks balls. Granted, it's still satisfying to play because of the physicality in knockdowns and such, but other classes get much, much better mechanics and survivability. Except maybe the Mage.
However if you just want to play dress-up as Barbarian it's got a lot of decent armor pieces to do so, and the character editor is one of the most in-depth that has ever existed.
The 3DPD meme needs to die. Some IRL humans are actually worth snuggling
Don't say that, you'll make the autists come out of the woodwork
what a fucking scrub get out of here
Breast reduction surgery is not treated as a cosmetic procedure, fool.
Put one space after 3 symbols.
There's this wonderful place called 4chan.org where people are all like you. You should go there you would fit right in.
Bump for more 'barian games.
Pardon? Vikings weren't barbarians? What kind of ass-backwards logic is this?
You're saying these are the same?
Clearly not. One is some artwork and the other is a regular-ass nerd dressed in something he bought off the internet. So why the hell aren't vikings barbarians. Use words instead of dumbass pictures.
Barbarians aren't real. Aside from meaning uncivilized, what we think of as a barbarian is an entirely fictional creation.
Accurate depiction of a viking warrior.
Vikings wore armour, Barbarians did not.
Being facetious aside, Conan wore armor all the time if you actually read the stories. You've got a completely arbitrary definition of what a barbarian is. One that excludes fucking Conan. Vikings were barbarians, not because they didn't wear armour, but because they did all the barbaric shit. Rape, pillage, revelling in the glory of combat, taking shrooms to barbar even better.
Torchlight also has class mods, and there are a few that add barbarian class and equipement, instead of just playing as Berserker.
A Casanova is a beautiful and seductive man. Casanova himself was ugly in real life. It's possible to have an archetype based off something that excludes the person that it's based off. Same is true of barbarians, as the archetype doesn't include armour. Fuck off and make your own viking thread if you're that much of a fag for them then.
is there some joke im not getting?
Final Bump.
Check the 24hr log for an answer, 8ch.net
Polite sage for noting related.
That's not really going to help, especially 6 days later.
Well it probably just simply hit the final page from lack of new replies. I have seen may a thread die like this. Another option less likely option one of the mod went on "do something" phase.
Far Cry Primal technically would be a barbarian game as it is set during the stone age.However it is yet another Ubisoft open world game, which most likely doesn't help it qualify. Also I found this pcgamingwiki.com
It wasn't, it was a brand new thread.
And Far Cry Primal is garbage, don't even mention it.
Said the 4chingchong refugee.
Well in that case then it is likely that the thread generation broke for a short while. It can be fixed by logging in to a public mod account and making a post. Th details are in a /sudo/ thread.
My pillars of eternity barbarian used a single sabre, no shield, and was named after this guy.
Shit game, unfortunately.
Woad wasn't that far off
Woad's not a drug.
plus they sag, everything sags with time, its not fair
Being a woman is a hindrance in battle, period, betaboy.
Don't use the word woman and period in the same sentence please.
but it's not, most real women are shit. Yeah you may have 1-2 female friends who are genuinely nice. The reality is though the vast majority of women a shit.