Remember when people would make fun of console shooters for having auto aim and aim assist?

Oh god you're actually serious.
What is there to prove? The game has huge hitboxes, you have skills to gurantee a kills and escapes.

Not even TF2 was this easy and that shit has retards shooting at the floor with the soldier just to kill anything.
Fuck, STICKY BOMBING takes more skill because you gotta atleast plan the distance you gotta detonate that shit.

You literally press a button and the- now, read carefully with this part. THE GAME AIMS FOR YOU. Then you shoot.

you casuals are so precious.

we have IDs here, user

You have no idea what you're talking about since you have never played the game.



Pretty sure hanzo has huge hitbox with his arrows that go around corners.

Sounds like you don't even understand your shitty overwatch mechanics.

Not right now, check in about one hour or two.

You can literally be a foot away and still get a headshot with hanzos arrow.


He hasn't in literally months. You're repeating information that hasn't been accurate for like four or five patches.