Gaphics looks like something from last gen and no matter what you do they still look like muddy shit(its a feature)

How can you fuck up this bad and not go under?

Is this game with CIA?


Isnt Remedy M$'s bitch or something?

Yes, but it's not an excuse for constant sub-par performance.

So why hasnt M$ finished them off yet? This shit was a colossal failure.

So I have heard its half cutscenes and half game but how "cinematic" is the game? Is it full of walk slowly while camera focuses on set piece or what? I have never even seen any game footage

So what happened, did Remedy stop giving a shit?

But user, every current Console Game has graphics that look like last gen.

Considering they are indentured servants to Microsoft that have been quite literally told to whip something up that might recapture the old Mad Payne magic again as cheply as possible, i can't blame them.

It's build up like a episodic TV-show including Live action footage with Max Payne-tier Bullettime and timefreeze mechanics in a unimpressive covershooter that tries to be like Max Payne but isn't.

It's not easy working shit hours with shit pay forced to make this uninspired garbage no-one asked for over Alan Wake 2.

They did seem damn proud of it.

Fuck them. They shat on what Alan Wake could have been for a "couch experience".

Karma is a bitch, and Remedy can drown in it.

It's so sad. The industry strangled all passion out of him.

They were forced to shill for it.

Yeah, you can see that his head is still square from when he went inserted himself into Max Payne to play Max, if only they had more polygons at that time.

One quarter of the game is standard third person shooter with time power gimmicks. Then there are sections where you control the character but all you can do is walk around look at audio/text logs and listen to dialog or press a button. All this in interspersed with short in engine cut scenes. Then there are the pre rendered cut scenes and THEN there are four 30min live action episodes. So it's mostly story.

Micro$hit gave them metric shit ton of money for it, and you do what you're paid for

Nah, just shitty business partners like M$

The gameplay is so bad it could as well be a feature film

This one looks like last gen shit even on PC

This meme needs to die. You people need to stop sucking off figureheads

Fuck off schlomo, we know it's the Jews and their lust of shekels destroying the industry.
