After making a living for decades off of Holocaust art, claiming to have survived two different concentration camps, Rosemarie Koczy has been busted as a total fraud.
Koczy claimed she was Jewish and that she was deported in 1942 at the age of 3, surviving two concentration camps, first at Traunstein (Dachau) and then at Ottenhausen (Struthof). Fifty years after the war’s end she wrote of that time:
Remaining at Ottenhausen for several years after its liberation in 1945, she was raised afterwards by her maternal grandparents, her mother briefly and several foster families and orphanages.
However, in November 2017, through an exhibition of more than 100 of her works bequeathed to the city of Recklinghausen, her life story was revealed to have be forged. Several documents proved her forgery. Her name did not appear in lists of camp prisoners, and Traunstein concentration camp was exclusively for men. Kocty had a Catholic baptism, and her birth certificate indicated that her parents and grandparents were also Catholics — and not Hungarian Jews as she claimed.
She's at least an honorary one unlike you, turbo jew.
Connor Myers
Daily Reminder
That just makes it more amusing. We should start accusing holohoax survivors of being "fake Jews" trying to profit for themselves.
Jackson Evans
Why do they always go so big on their camp "survival" stories? And all the rest. Maybe if they stuck to one camp and one gas chamber, nobody would bother to check if they're lying
Landon Perez
Because ders no business like shoah business! The bigger the story the bigger the shekels.
Aaron Long
Bump because it's not too late to make this cunt's fantasies come true!.
Gavin Long
You'd think these frauds would do the most basic of background checks to make sure their lies weren't so obvious.
Blake Bennett
It also shows how little research people do about any topic since and how information is way more available now than before.
Matthew Stewart
The jews have already set a precedent. It was real in her mind. Who are we, or jews for that matter, to deny what her experiences were? She is as much of a victim as the real jews who were holocausted by the billions. Some events are true although they did not take place.
Joseph Ortiz
Must have been a horrible place to live
Andrew Diaz
Its a bit like how SJWs compete with each other for victimhood status. SJWs are continually trying to one-up each other so that they, and they alone, can claim to be the most "oppressed".
Similarly, Jews are continually trying to one-up each other with their holohoax lies so that they, and they alone, can make the greatest claim to victimhood.
John Edwards
You're both retarded but at least you're not claiming the Nazis bleached your butthole before cramming it full of wood.
Jack Rivera
This is ultimately what repilled me. It seemed so unlikely that every story was this impossible tale of amazing luck. Not one survivor had a simple believeable tale.
Jayden Brown
because you cannot make big hollyJew bucks on boring stories that center around a single gas chamber. the goyim need to know how truly evil the nazis were:
There were 6 gas chambers for every human. They would cut every Jew that entered the camps into six: two arms, two legs, his torso, and his head. After draining the blood which the nazis drank, the severed limbs would be skinned to make lampshades and shaved to make bedsheets out of hair. Finally, what remained *bones, flesh, organs, etc.) would be spread across the chambers and liquidated by zyklon b to produce very cheap soap. Of course, the nazis needed men to operate the machines so I survived the camps, but it was torture nonetheless. Every day, the camp inspector would search me for shekels and I would be forced to give up any profits I made off the shabbos goys working in the concentration camp with me - the horrah! Thankfully, everyone in my family made it to America so this story could be told and Israel created.
William Evans
It's called the Big Lie. If you tell a lie so outrageous, people will double take and think. No way a sane person would lie about that! And they repeat the lie over and over until the repetition turns to truth. jews call this chutzpah.
Parker Sullivan
Oliver Nguyen
Kike vs nigger deathmatch in a rome arena. This is what awaits these subhumans. The last one standing? He gets to see the REAL gas chambers in action