/Pol has been taken off google search results

No Post on this? I have to manually type in the url every time I want to view the site now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jim bloked Google Search because they were kikes. Sage for slide

This isn't new

half chan Holla Forums top of results. 8ch has been banned from jewgle for quite awhile now. i used to click on the wikipedia link and get here from there. nao i just click bookmark b/c idgaf

good. let halfchan suffer the normies.

How new are you?

Welcome to more than 1 year ago. Kys.


Is this an advanced shitpost?

I know it's bait but wew

watcha sliding shlomo

Why would you use (((Google))) anything?

Why wouldn't you just bookmark Holla Forums (in a decent browser like IceCat [Linux] or Palemoon [non-Linux] that won't directly feed your bookmarks to their database forever).

Why can't you remember 8ch.net/pol/catalog.html?

Good. Nazi fags are anti White.

This is really bad
Now we need to find other ways to expose ourselves to bolster our ranks


and you just knew?
newfag detected



Funnily enough /leftpol/ and /cargo-cult/ are butthurt about this.

Why are people acting like 8ch not showing up on jewgle is a recent development?


welcome to the /deepweb/ user

We don’t need to be exposing ourselves at all you idiot. The people who deserve to be here are the ones who got here on their own. This site has been blocked on google for months. I thought summer was over.

don't link here you stupid fucking niggers, nobody without at least entry level redpilling is gonna learn anything here

You'll just attract the attention of normalfags and journalists

Those who seek the truth will find the way. It's great that there can be actual conversations here without the new slide thread every 5 minutes. Without a constant influx of newfags trying to change the board culture into reddit-lite, refusing to lurk, showing off how enlightened they are, etc, ideas have a chance to flourish in here. Memes can be born and grow without ten thousand 12 year olds trying to add their "input". Not being on jewgle is great.