"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers -already, you see...

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers -already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! -then we should in all probability have been converted to mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeranism [Religion of Cuck™], that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."

Was Hitler wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


"The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science… The instructions of a hygienic nature that most religions gave, contributed to the foundation of organized communities. The precepts ordering people to wash, to avoid certain drinks, to fast at appointed dates, to take exercise, to rise with the sun, to climb to the top of the minaret — all these were obligations invented by intelligent people. The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory. Observe, by the way, that, as a corollary, the Moslem was promised a paradise peopled with sensual girls, where wine flowed in streams — a real earthly paradise. The Christians, on the other hand, declare themselves satisfied if after their death they are allowed to sing hallelujahs! …Christianity, of course, has reached the peak of absurdity in this respect. And that's why one day its structure will collapse. Science has already impregnated humanity. Consequently, the more Christianity clings to its dogmas, the quicker it will decline.!"

Was Hitler Wrong?

There is a picture of a Nazi in the corner of this website, was Hitler wrong?

No, Hitler was right. That's why everyone needs to stop eating meat. Sage because we still need to use Christians and Meatcucks as useful idiots for our struggle. Can't expect everyone to live up to our standards, Hitler understood that as well.


Who are these people?

None of us are ignorant of the fact that Turkey was Germany's ally, retard.

Only a few sections of Table Talk are incorrect, and only in some translations. The book itself is real.

Jeffrey Herf reports that in December 1942, von Leers published an article in Die Judenfrage, a journal which belonged to the anti-Semitic intellectual world, entitled "Judaism and Religion of Cuck™ as Opposites". As the title indicates, the author's perspective is Hegelian, presenting Judaism and Religion of Cuck™ in terms of thesis and antithesis. This essay also reveals the ingratiating National Socialist perspective which von Leers projected on the Religion of Cuck™ic past as well as the intensity of his hatred for Judaism and Jewry. The following passage is part of the original text:

mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's hostility to the Jews had one result: Oriental Jewry was completely paralyzed. Its backbone was broken. Oriental Jewry effectively did not participate in [European] Jewry's tremendous rise to power in the last two centuries. Despised in the filthy lanes of the mellah (the walled Jewish quarter of a Moroccan city, analogous to the European ghetto) the Jews vegetated there. They lived under a special law (that of a protected minority), which in contrast to Europe did not permit usury or even traffic in stolen goods, but kept them in a state of oppression and anxiety. If the rest of the world had adopted a similar policy, we would not have a Jewish Question (Judenfrage)…. As a religion, Religion of Cuck™ indeed performed an eternal service to the world: it prevented the threatened conquest of Arabia by the Jews and vanquished the horrible teaching of Jehovah by a pure religion, which at that time opened the way to a higher culture for numerous peoples ….[9] (Quoted in Victor Klemperer' Tagebuch as author of an article "Schuld ist der Jude" in nr.143 of "Freiheitskampf" Review (1943), where he accuses the Jews to have prepared the First World War to destroy the German people: "if the Jews win, our destiny will be that of the Polish officers in Katyn".

Is he wrong?

Religion of Cuck™ is fine for Arabs so long as they stay out of the West. What about that is hard to understand?

Does Holla Forums realize that they are word filtering Hitler?

What? Adolf Hitler. Hitler. My Fuhrer.

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers -already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity! -then we should in all probability have been converted to mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeranism [Religion of Cuck™], that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."

So Hitler was wrong?


The Table Talks were literally Hitler just having stream of consciousness conversations with friends around dinner. They aren't all things he genuinely believed, they're just ideas he played around with.

Sounds smart, convert to an Arab-supremacist religion with a prophet who literally tried to conquer your ancestors and enslave their women. Nothing could go wrong

Nice same-fagging, retard.

I guess Hitler thought the muslims who conquered spain, demanding a tribute of hundreds of virginal blonde Visigoth women per annum was admirable as well?

How about the Ottomans raiding eastern and SE europe for white female sex slaves?

So you're saying Hitler was wrong?

The thought of millions of young arab and africans flooding into europe and mass raping white women on the streets of cologne would have been a terrible nightmare in Hitler's time. Now it's a reality. It's all fine and dandy to appreciate a foreign culture or ideology from afar, that's what idealistic-painter types like Hitler do. The modern equivalent of Hitler would be a weaboo.

Hitler is saying that white people should become Muslims

Your IQ is too low to comprehend the nuance of his musings. He said positive things about Japan and China as well, he didn't want Germans to become Chinese.


"then we should in all probability have been converted to mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckeranism [Religion of Cuck™], that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world"

The vast majority of Muslims are not Arabs
A religion is supposed to come from God, not a cultural creation
muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker was of the same lineage of Jesus and was born 700 miles to the south
Europe was not converted to Religion of Cuck™ because of a political coincidence, this is was Hitler is saying.


Also Hitler's stance on religion is pretty easy to figure out if you're not a black and white retard.

cons: Doctrine is weak, foreign religion, semitic
pro: somewhat traditional values, unifying effect
pragmatic: religion of majority of german populace, cannot simply replace overnight

cons: nonwhite religion, foreign religion, semitic
pro: traditional values, unifying effect, warrior religion
pragmatic: foreign religion with no adherents, potential inspiration for future

pragmatic: few adherents, difficult to convert populace, unrealistic

wtf i love Religion of Cuck™ now

All I can say is that the inbreeding really took a toll on your critical thinking and comprehension ability.

A religion is a political system used for societal control you stinky third worlder, it's the 21st century. Whichever political system is most effective is of interest, Hitler was remarking on aspects of Religion of Cuck™ as a political system. Implying he was dumb enough to actually believe your floating semite in the sky(stolen from Judaism) is hilarious, don't flatter yourself.

yea, not in this reality

Christianity in europe isnt anything like what the amerikikes are doing, people dont give a fuck about dogma nowadays and little 70 years ago.
Religion of Cuck™ practiced like that might even be preferable, but i doubt it would even work because its much more of a rigid cult than a philosophy.

You guys understand that religion is your understand of the whole of reality and existence and is based on truth, not cultural bells and whistles like dress and food. If it is truth then their shouldn't be a choice based on political convenience, and if you don't believe it is true their is no reason to have false beliefs.


The world is composed of building blocks of people, the single person, the family, the nation, and the world. The religion is what unifies the whole world like the nation unites people, so it should be that people from foreign countries are practicing it. You guys realize that before the prophet the Arabs were completely different Pagans, and that Religion of Cuck™ completely changed everything.

Jesus mocked religion; he did not start one.
Pedo goatfucker: still in his grave. Jesus, not so much

oh please, nobody but the most gullible of idiots believed that religion is literal truth, for atleast a century.
All dogmatic religions are just successful cults, initially planned to instill followers with a belief system that helps keep society together, tailored to a specific kind of people.

The point in Religion of Cuck™ is that is originates from God, the prophet is the messenger of God, the Qur'an is the word of God.

The prophet was actually contacted by another Arab claiming to be another messenger of God who wanted to split the world between the Arab tribes, and the prophet responded that the whole world belongs to Allah.

How can you deal with realpolitics if you don't even have the basics of existence down?

How do beliefs that aren't true help keep society together?


Its not the beliefs, dogma keeps society together.
"Beliefs", impossible do prove or disprove, are as true as anyone wants them to be.

Yes Hitler got a few things wrong and we know this because your schizophrenic, subhuman IQ, nigger arse is sitting in sweden..

Believing is a choice, how can you prove a choice?

You can believe it for a good reason or a bad reason.

You gotta go back.

You can choose to believe something true or choose something false. Saying religion is just a belief means nothing. When you see a scientific paper you choose to believe it and it becomes your "beliefs". The belief has to be based on something so you can choose what is true.

I choose to believe Religion of Cuck™ because with the evidences and miracles I cannot logically see any way it could exist without being the true religion.

Like how you choose to believe mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker flew up on a winged horse and cut the moon in half?

Tell us about the thought process that led to you believing that.

Charles Martel is entombed in the Basilica of Saint Denis. Saint Denis now is one of the most immigrant-dense and crime-ridden areas in all of France. Sad tbh.

Poitiers itself is also full of muslims and niggers. It was all for nothing.

Do you think we don't know that this is something usual that can't be explained by science? It is being blatantly presented as that

The point is to use your intellect to deduce things that you can't observe.
My though proccess is: miracles prove the Prophet is the Prophet of God > The testimony of the Prophet is correct > I believe this to be a real event.

You complaining that we can't observe this and that it's a unique event. When you read a scientific paper you are reading the testimony of someone and believing something you haven't seen based on their testimony. It is the same principle

only the shia Hezbollah is worthy of not attacking - and only because they spend every waking moment fighting Israel.
Every other kind of muslim is a worthless shitskin and on a similar level as a kike.
A semite is a semite is a semite.

What did we find this time, kike? Is there something juicy in the sealed indictments? Have we correctly guessed an upcoming 'Iranian' attack?

Look up on Kirchenkampf, also Charles Martel and his sucessors invited jews to their courts, granting them massive privileges and near monopolies, including in the slave trade of Europeans (many of them already christians). Charles Martel attacked the Frisians, while "Charlemagne" genocided the Saxons, and, when muslims in Iberia were weakened by Civil Wars, he sent embassies to the caliph and attacked the Basques (he was defeated), allowing for 700 more years of arab rule in there.

Look at Mein Kampf, volume II, chapter V:

Talks to replace christianity were all over it. Hitler openly criticized the clergy for failing to protect against communist degeneracy, and in fact, was heavily opposed by them (the Christian Party, that of Angela Merkel now, was his main opponent inside Germany), the church made personal attacks on several High Ranking NSDAP officials, and even propped up militant groups like "The White Rose", effectively siding with the Soviets and the Rothschilds over the European People. Thousands of priests were executed - look up on the "Executed and Catholic Martyrs of the Third Reich" (and remember, barely most kikes were killed in the holohoax). And if you go into the table talk and the doctrines of the party, behind the procession full of germanic symbolism, you will see even more of that, like this:

I hope mods anchor and delete the majority of these threads because they are often shit and heavily raided, not because of that.

This retarded fucking notion that because Christianity didn't become the perfect religion that it needs to be completely abandoned for whatever pretentious bullshit some pseudo-intellectual faggot has decided he wants to push is so unbelievably stupid only this shit-hole could possibly think of it.

I'd like to believe the anti-Christian posters are just kike shills, but I've talked to too many of you to know that's not the case. Whether or not Christianity is shit is irrelevant today. It doesn't matter if we should have followed something else. It's an objective reality that you are not going to be able to use anything besides Christianity to push western values back into the mainstream. No one will ever declare themselves a fucking pagan as 75% of Americans don't even know what a fucking pagan is.

So if you all know that you'll never actual succeed in pushing anything that is as productive as Christianity for enforcing traditional values, your only possible motive could be destroying traditional values themselves. Fucking retarded atheists need to be shot for such malicious bullshit.

See here: Redpill yourself on the NATIONAL SOCIALIST ideas - what you're saying is coming out of bure butthurt, and you're only pushing christianity because of it being an "identity" (an identity that was imposed on us by the (((shadowy elites))) behind the church), not because of any merits of christianity. There is no place for "christian nationalists" in our movement. And, besides, the MAJORITY of christians nowadays are non-whites living in Africa and Latin America.

Stop attacking "muh pagans", because they threaten a world-view you hold based on things you don't fully know, and fight degeneracy instead.

Now this is such a lie it needs to be called out. Christianity sees the family, and even society, as a mere "temporal matter". In it's essence, it tells you to abandon your family and go live in poverty like the saints and martyrs who were married to God. It encourages you to abandon this life of sin and "flesh" and go live in a cell, in some monastery, dedicating your tenporal existence to the after-life and cultivating "patience" or somethimg (untill your burdensome life is taken away and you can meet God). Have you seem the lives of saints? People who went to live in the desert, people who cemented themselves in a hole and so on, all very "pious". Taken to it's extreme, it can result in things like the "Circumcellions":

Is this the European tradition? Is this what kept Europe afloat? (against other "menaces" created by the very same jews?) True Christianity will always mean you pick JESUS over your BLOOD, its nothing but a hindrance to political goas, and has always proved itself to be so. It even activelly opposed the Reich. It was not untill very recently that they adopted "traditional family values", as a counter and a vent against the planned destruction and degeneracy of the family by bourgeouis and marxist elements - and it has since been dropped - you see homossexual bishop, the pope upholding divorce, the last time I went to a church I even saw a pro-miscigenation pamphlet IN THE CHILDREN'S school… Well, they dropped it in Europe at least, in Africa they still very much oppose even the use of contraception, while sending missions hand-in-hand with globalists, to feed niglets. In the end, they dont care about what happen to Europe and Europeans, they just want more followers to their hebrew desert cult, no matter the quality.

Oh and the majority of Monks and nuns were taken as "tribute", by the church fron the local populace, just as they had to pay 10% of their income to the church, who was the biggest landholder in Europe, owning a third of lands and living in luxury while the peasants starved - and that was their place, as the church consented with it. These monasteries even started wars to grab more land from the local population, all to preach in latin, while banning most literacy, even the bible, and having a monopoly of the law.

In the monasteries, the people were subjected to tonsure and other demeaning measures, and forced into a life of celibacy, owing complete obedience to the church. We can never know for sure what happened in these places (homossexual practices, rapes of children), because they even registered and buried the dead, but what we know is that they hoarded the stolen riches from the populace in these places, which had to be fortified, or else the "missionaries" would risk martyrdom at the hands of the populace and "bandits", like many Frankish "saints" of the 6th century…

Did you quote from the table talks? Not everything that is contained there is legit, you know…

Fake bullshit.

Hitler was a product of his time.
There was no mass-migration of Muslims into the Western world.
There were no "refugee" boats coming over the Mediterranean or the Balkans.
There were no Muslim ghettos in the cities, or 2nd generation immigrants who refused to learn German.
Nor were there non-German majority school classes or city districts.
In that context, it's easy to see the Muslim world as an ally that had fought on the German side during WW1, and continued to struggle against British occupation, and thus see Religion of Cuck™ as a more Martial religion than Christianity.

You may question the context of his table talk, but to call it fake is a bit innacurate, considering they were recorded by people very close to him, like Bormann, who died in 1945 and had no reason to adulterate it.

And, of course, Hitler would want to protect christianity from the attacks by (((atheist communists))), as we all do - thats was how he gathered the support of Christians and of elements of Prussian Aristocracy, who initially opposed him - by pointing out that the Church and the "Christian Party" (that of Angela Merkel today), had failed to protect from the degeneracy pushed by the jews and misused christianity for political purposes, and also that he wasn't a "socialist atheist" for criticizing the church, as the cuckservatives of the time attacked him. That is not to say, however, that he didn't have criticism of Christianity and held it above all else, as can clearly be seen on Mein Kampf, nor indeed that National Socialism was a "christian movement".

mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker
muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker
muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker

kek this is a prety thorough word filter but you missed a few, kampfy

Do you know how easy it is to make up some shit and then fabricate the evidence for it? Especially after WW2… I don't even want to know how much BS is floating around. For me, everything that that came after Hitler's Stalingrad speech is potentially a forgery. The same applies to everything that "resurfaced," was found again in some attic in the 90s and what not. Backdating is a common is also a common method in the controlled publishing world.

For the last time Hitler saw some muzzies as potential allies but ultimately wanted to keep their race separate. If you take a cursory glance at what mudshits believe it's not too disimilar from what we want (save for their false prophet goatfucker cult).

Parts of the current anti-Religion of Cuck™ movement are justified, and some are just kikes trying to manipulate us into wars for Israel. Stopping ethnic replacement (anti-arabism under the guise of anti-Religion of Cuck™) is fine. People who actually study fascism instead of regurgitating memes from neo-conservatives will know that there are groups such as the Ba'ath, Hezbollah, and Syrian National Socialist Party which, while Arab/Muslim, are respectable.

Both Religion of Cuck™ and Christianity are semitic religions, so by default you should expect them to be proto-bolshevik garbage. Any good found in these movements is usually done through aryan influence and interpretations. I agree with Nietzsche on how Christianity is weak and effeminate, and Religion of Cuck™ is certainly more manly. But the ideal world would have neither. Instead of promoting honor and good character, these universal Abrahamic religions just demand you submit to them.