How's 2016 with anti-commie Putin, nationalist Trump, and nigger Castro dying on Pinochet's free helicopter day? Can't wait for you sodomite faggots to be forced out of your parents basement.
How's 2016 with anti-commie Putin, nationalist Trump, and nigger Castro dying on Pinochet's free helicopter day...
Shit, Putin and Trump died too?
I will never be forced out of my parent's house because they let me live here VOLUNTARILY
2016 = best year
Long as the comrades in PRC keep it up, revolution has a change.
Hold the comrade Deng Xiaoping`s line and we can defeat the revisionists!
Why does Holla Forums idolize failures like Hitler, Mussolini and Pinochet? I suppose because fascism is the most beta ideology imaginable.
The next 4 years are going to be wonderful in showing how trump is shit and the only answer is socialism, you are alredy seeing a rise of an non idpol left.
Holla Forums is retarded, and Mussolini and Pinochet were failures, but don't group Hitler in with them please!
really makes me think
Chile's economy went to shit under Pinochet you dumbfuck.
Oh, well in that case all the more to laugh
Pinochet cut inflation from 375% in 1975 all the way down to 9.9% in 1982, so of course it is going to cause economic instability in the beginning.
By the end of his reign in 1990, GDP economic growth actually increased overall and sparked off the massive rise in picture related.
The contradictions are heightening.
waste of fuel tbh
To be honest most of the world which has been dominated by Judeo-Christianity and other Abrahamic religions is the last place to accept scientific socialism. This includes Russia and countries dominated by Judeo-Christian colonialism and the slave trade in the Americas like Cuba and the United States. As scientific socialists and evolutionists China as the largest country uneffected by an Abrahamic religion should be our main concern in this world today.
The only real competitor to China today is the United States. Actually, the Trump victory is a good thing for China because first of all it means that the TPP which excludes China is not going through so agreements that include China like the regional comprehensive economic partnership can take its place. Secondly, as Trump is a nationalistic demogagic scumbag, his victory proves without a shadow of a doubt that bourgiosie democracy is completely and utterly bankrupted as a system which is a major victory for Leninists everywhere as it demonstrates that the superiority of a single party system. The single party system preserves democracy within the party well ensuring a nationalistic demogag from an outside party won't come in which is the best possible system.
Yes, Fidel Castro died but he was a retired senior citizen so who cares. Also Russia has returned to Judeo-Christianity which isn't that suprising and we have an orthodox Judeo-Christian like Putin in power but again who cares. Putin will die or fade away like the rest of them and someone else will take his place. Russia today is a declining power with a declining population due to horribly low birthrates which is suffering from economic sanctions from the West and Japan. Russia relies on China today to survive these sanctions. Russia is basically China's bitch which is the complete opposite of what it was fifty years ago.
After he died, note that. Not to mention his economic policies resulted in 1982 monetary crisis
Angell, Alan (1991). The Cambridge History of Latin America, Vol. VIII, 1930 to the Present. Ed. Leslie Bethell. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 318. ISBN 978-0-521-26652-9.
Leight, Jessica (3 January 2005). "Chile: No todo es como parece". COHA. Retrieved 5 May 2008.
If the economy was shit under him and it took economic reforms after the damage he had done, was he really that GOOD?
What is your graph supposed to prove?
That little growth (more like going back to normal) was because of the ConcertaciĆ³n anyway lmao while Pinochet's reforms fucked everything over except for the richest (and himself, of course).
Duh, guy fucked the nation's economy. Why would you think he'd know the best ways to kill a person?
How economically illiterate do you have to be to believe that 2% growth (in a developing country!) is a success story and a model worth emulating?
To say nothing of the fact that the Chilean economy under Allende was sabotaged by the US.
As I said, cutting inflation that massively causes massive instability and there was no example basis of a society in the past to go off.
Read above.
Nope, because the hyperinflation stopped after he ran and didn't return to the ridiculous heights that it was previously at.
Nope, the growth quite clearly starts after 1982.
If you read the chart, it is quite obvious that the economic boom was beginning after he implemented the pragmatic economic policy in 1982. Also being able to cut inflation from 375% in 1975 all the way down to 9.9% in 1982 in itself is a remarkable achievement.
You mean the inflation US caused lol
Yes I know.
Also Pinochet was a CIA plant, but that doesn't change the fact that his changes, while failing at first, eventually lead to the growth of prosperity in Chile.
You're giving him too much credit. Most of the work for that was made by the ConcertaciĆ³n like I previously said.
Also I wouldn't call Chile "prosperous". Lots of inequality here, things that those graphs don't show.