Why do spic Holla Forumstards even exist?
Why do spic Holla Forumstards even exist?
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This is mostly true of M-L societies, though.
Because some people are fucking stupid.
Sounds like America and Japan to me, probably other capitalist states too.
Wasn't there just some outrage over facebook or twitter stopping "fake news"?
This is why we have "quasi-democracies" that lean towards police states
Most of these freedoms exist as long as you can pay for it lol
These retards don't know what they're talking about, that's all.
as opposed to glorious usa where is capitalist tell me where can live and what job can have
as opposed to glorious usa where consumer good is poor quality and plentiful
as opposed to glorious usa where job is assigned based on where parents afford to send to school
as opposed to glorious usa where the government monitors and subverts all who complain
no of seeing problem
as opposed to glorious usa where passing port is not need
as opposed to glorious usa where 1/5 rely on charity to not into starving
as opposed to glorious usa where there are no free elections and government officials do not answer to the public
as opposed to glorious usa where all art must conform to porky agenda
as opposed to glorious usa where state AND capitalist report only what they want to hear
as opposed to glorious usa where have "independent" judiciary and have right to "fair" trial
as opposed to glorious usa where every one with cellular phone is of a bug
as opposed to glorious usa where no can into affording travel anyway
what a bullshit, you choose schools/jobs by yourself
What a bullshit, they're even better because build to last, no "planned obsolescence" or similiar
"People in class societies stay within their class" - there, your capitalism. In socialism/communism, you have good grades - you can choose any school/work you want.
That's politics, not economy. Try to post unfavourable review about some company, go, try it, and prepare for a lawsuit.
Muh kike on a stick.
Passport mutherfucker, do you have it.
Muh mass produced cheap "grey slime" shit. Oh right, in capitalism everyone drinks 1000$ champaign. All clean and natural, no "how much meat is in meat" bullshit.
But they respond before Stalin, you want go to gulag comrade?. And who says you can't have democracy in "workers paradise"?.
Talmudvision/corporate media are better
Oligarchs/Jews know better what you need to hear
Yes, there are. Noone micromanages every little trial.
NSA is better.
Gated communities everywhere. "hurr durr you cant enter secret installations".
Argentina is in africa
Facebook and Google are leading the charge, IIRC. If you are resilient to cancer, you should watch Last Week Tonight's bit on "fake news" to see exactly how Old Media sees New Media. Unfortunately they don't seem to have it on their youtube page.
These kinds of people need to die in the revolution to come.
And then you mention spooks, never change tankucks
is of good postings comrade
"good" part was not an moral statement.
It's still a spook though
Not in the context where "good" was used as quantitative/descriptive imperative instead of moral one.
But then why should I put the quantitative/descriptive imperative of the collective over my own even in cases when it does not benefit me?
You definitely should not, if it clearly goes against your self-interests.
Then why did you complain about that in ?
Generally individuals self-interests are aligned with the interests of the party in dictatorship of the proletariat.
But not always.
thankings you comrade
Well yes. It is definitely not in the self-interests of reactionaries,liberals,revisionists, the bourgeois nor opportunists.
That one's actually new on me. Had a good kekmax.
One thing you should keep in mind is that people with internet connections in these countries are generally from the richer classes. Naturally they will be biased against socialism because they stand to lose them
Literally none of this is true in any capacity especially about Cuba. Is this what this kid's fascist abuelo told him? I'm dying over here.
fuck off lares you retarded teenage faggot
Criollito it's much easier to just admit you're retarded than to prove it every time I post :^🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀))
most latinos on there are petty bourgeois cunts
I just watched a "documentary" on tv about castro, the 95% of the time was shitting on castro and only a small portion talked about the good things he did (while not saying many other stuff like the 0% child hunger).
It's funny how the program stqted that under castro there was no freedom of press.
Meanwhile, in glorious US of A, school lunch programs are being cut left and right, especially for the kids that can't afford it.
Those children are lazy and can't compete in the glorious free market tho
Most argies are very distateful creatures
like every castro thread on 4chan had multiple seething argentines, wtf is up with that
Argentina is rich and white, naturally they're gonna Fidel for kicking out the pale porkies
holy fuck.
Spanish nationalists see Latin America as their rightful playpen, pretty sure he'd look down on those dictators