Will Ying ever be nerfed?
Will Viktor players ever get on the point?
Will Bomb King ever get his buggy shit fixed?
Will Ying ever be nerfed?
Will Viktor players ever get on the point?
Will Bomb King ever get his buggy shit fixed?
Is this a good game? pls recommend starter champs
Whoops, wrong image.
I second this.
As long as you pay attention to team comp and don't put yourself in a position where you lack something major it doesn't really matter. Easiest most effect pick per role is Fernando (easy to play high impact), Viktor (easy damage if you're not a dipshit and hit your shots, Cassie is also great, focus on dodge roll bonus), Ying (auto aim heal so long as you're dropping clones you're helping) and I guess Skye for the lolult. Flakers are more preference then anything, I have more success on Evie over the other ones.
Practice makes perfect.
I end up playing front like most of the time. Easiest to carry as long as you have at least one damage person/good healer to work with. Some games are depressing but most are fine.
We need more OC
It's a toggle though.
I want to believe.
It makes sense. HiRez isn't huge, so it takes them a long time to develop something. Blizzard is. It would be very easy for them to see a game idea, look over it, and then scrape together a complete and polished game before the first studio ever got out of beta. Especially since Blizzard already had all of those scraps sitting around from their previous projects.
They're all ripping from the same source materials anyways.
Everyone rips off from everyone. Shits all copies of Pong all the way down.
Paladins been in development and playable since 2015. Fact of the matter is a handful of class based team shooters coming out was inevitable. Market been craving it and only TF2 was on the market for the longest time in terms of modern titles.
Fernando is a BM machine
I'm not sure I understand why Fernando's rush has damage on it. It's so low it might as well not be there, and there's no stun component so it's more of an escape tool than an offensive one.
From what I've heard Paladins was playable first but has been redone a whole bunch of times to make it more like Overwatch since Overwatch became playable. Both clearly started from the same core ideas but as to who came up with "big knight with an energy shield, charge attack and a long range fireball" or "gremlin in a robot suit" first you'd have to go back through patch notes or whatever.
Depending on how you're built and how the fight is going, you can use Charge to keep the pressure on a low health target. 200 is peanuts on its own, but add a 450 Fireball hit and 200 DoT damage from flamethrower, and it starts adding up quick.
I don't think it comes with the damage, I'm pretty sure you need to buy a card that adds like 200 damage + knockback to your rush.
It always does 200 damage, but the knockback is exclusive to the Unstoppable Force card, yes
Keep in mind that the fireball will also deal 100% more damage for every target it passes through, up to 2250 when passing through all five enemy team members, absolutely melting them.
Fireball is no joke, man. Pic is from a game with a pal of mine. We clutched the final midfight after I fireballed four people and he bombed them for an instant triple kill.
Nah 200 is base damage, you add in the knock back.
Charge is a simple ability, the dmg is low but anything higher would be obnoxiously strong. Fireball and Flamethrower range along will kill half the roster. Fernando kit is very good for its archetype. Good enough it always be strong no matter who plays, but outplayable.
Speaking about Fernando, has anyone else notice that since the last patch people is using him more offensively trying to kill everyone and losing the objective all the time?. Because having a bunch of Ruckus trying to play like Viktor and Makoas that don't now how to grapple was not enough suffering apparently.
Probably just the influx of new players. I've had a few games tonight where people admittedly first game of the mode.
Just outplay and bully the other team to victory and hope meatshield stays alive/doesn't dive alone
I just started playing Evie
Holy shit she is fun.
Well it's not exactly like Overwatch is an original game
It's the cadaver of a failed MMO repurposed into a TF2 clone for quick bucks. It blows my mind anyone could see Overwatch as creative or innovative in any way.
I stopped playing payload after about four games, how about others?
"How to win as Bomb King."
Congratulation! Now you too can be MVP! Now get out there and win some games!
Porn for the Smut God!
It's both.
Btw, if your right hand is misaligned while you try to type paladins, you get oakadubs.
that last percentage is always the longest
Makoa is such a well designed charter, I'm sure Hi-Rez is proud of themselves
what are you talking about? none of that applies to makoa at all
This is what I run when I know I might need to carry. Grab and kill everything that moves. Best when utilized with another front liner but not necessary if you feel you can hit your directs. Will directly counter Ruckus since he can't do shit unless everyone is low HP on your end. Other front lines need to be outplayed but its fairly easy to do as long as you hit hooks.
He isn't really that hard to deal with as long as you avoid giving away easy grabs. You can't just walk out in the open alone and expect good results. I find he snowballs more so then other front lines because really he has the only real CC in the game. Most damage get fragged immediately if grabbed, more then once I've caught Evies and Andy trying to do a flyby, just need to lead a little bit depending on your ping.
People are going to get used to the mechanic eventually but for now its pretty fun.
This is dirty as hell, I love it
Balanced as fuck.
Bomb King is interesting to play against. Then I figured out two things:
1) You can destroy his bombs.
2) He has shit fucking HP.
That said, he has amazing CC, so I make a point out of killing any Bomb King I come across as soon as fucking possible, since literally nobody else will do it. Him, Skye… fuck, I always kill the fucking flanks.
Him and Skye are the only ones I actively chase down though. Skye players are particularly fun to chase down because the players are very predictable. Nothing is more satisfying than gunning down an invisible Skye.
I like playing Cassie and just making him pop. Its hilarious
Then they get mad and fly across the map to stick bombs all over your face
i play Viktor because i can't use the projectile weapons fuck
In reality
Nice game Hi-rez.
The champ is beyond broken right now.
I feel like such a prick with Buck. You just bully the entire game
Vindictive players are the number one cause of deaths for me. Especially when I play Ying. There's this sweet spot at about the third quarter into a game as Ying where the other team gets fed up with your shit and begins to actively target you the moment you get back up to the front.
What a surprise.
its entirely possible that the entire team was garbage
I fucking hate Pip players more than anyone else. They literally never fucking heal. All they do is jump around pretending to be some sort of damage based character. And you know that every single person playing him is a furry.
To be honest Pip's kit makes him more efficient as a flanker than as a healer. I try to do both when I play him but the area is really small unless you use the dedicated card and teammates can easily bodyblock it.
the range is huge though, everything pip does involves huge distance, hes all about controlling positioning
Did you set your F key to left shift yet?
Time to stop for today I guess.
He wasn't even healing himself. That's just being shit.
He's a sustained flanker, yeah. I think they should move him out of the "support" category.
i dont think it counts healing when you heal yourself. i just had a game as pip with 2000 healing because people would just run into the meat grinder with no cauterize or wrecker against a ying/fernando while we had no beef. and i know i healed myself for more than that.
lol what? do you not aim?
wait thought you said right mouse, nah F is fine
And I'm not a furry, but you got to admit Pip looks very huggable.
I love the move speed buff for the potion. Base abilities are more then enough to get kills as needed.
The major issue about Pip is that his default card loadout is absolutely garbage for healing.
With this one if you hit at least two allies besides yourself at the same time the cooldown will be two seconds. So you can keep shitting them out nonstop. Not quite Ying level but I get around average 40k healing on a payload game.
And while you are waiting for your heal potion to regen you can throw out the slowdown ones which have a fairly impressive splash radius.
And on of the off chance everyone dies you can press F to run away like a little bitch. Also helps for bailing from flanks.
His primary weapon is fairly respectable in terms of damage too for a support. Grover's is still better at range but the potion launcher is more reliable for self defense and adding up a little to the DPS.
Watch out though, that card for reducing the heal's cooldown has a 5 second cooldown itself.
pip looks like the generic little smug furry
my only complaints about him are cosmetic tho, nothing wrong with how he plays
i want to spam laugh like in smite but it is not possible
at least he doesnt look like a disney character. then again it would be pretty hilarious if he were 100% fursona
the furries would probably go crazy over a black & neon green skin, it'd be easy to differentiate furries from legit pip players
Can anyone stop this madman of a character?
Yea, I noticed that it has a cooldown. Didn't know how much exactly though, thanks for that info.
So Holla Forums is now pretty much anti-Overwatch pro-Paladins I'm guessing
both games are fine
Well paladins is the better game that's free, why not
My only problem is that its Hi-Rez. Tribes Ascend was great till the fucked it up so badly people bailed from it.
4 years ago. Let it go.
It is what it is, at least now they give away all past tribes games for free. It isn't much but that game was a cluster fuck
Yeah, nah
thank you based vaporeon
it is not a good game.
Makoa should really auto counter ruckus without much thought into the build.
It seems like rock paper scissors between the front lines. dwarf dumps on turtle dumps on ruckus dumps on dwarf. with fernando off in his own side world where he and the other tank just stare at eachother longingly through never ending shields.
what makes you say that? ruckus shreds other tanks but fares poorly as the center of attention. while makoa can force fernando to turn his shield to face the turtle, opening him up to attacks or get hooked and have the whole thing cancelled anyways, and dwarf just needs another brave soul to stand by him, whether its a viktor, ying or another hunk of beef while he drops a shield between the enemy and their own tank while shooting him in the anus
Almost bought into the meme.
it wouldnt surprise me if it were actually the best moba since smnc, but when they priced it at 60 dollars they performed sudoku.
just wait till you play androxus.
Played androxus to lv 8
Makoa can bring ruckus forward to become the center of attention where he fares poorly. Ruckus batters down the dwarf's shields and turrets so easily that they may as well not exist, while Makoa struggles to put out the dps to deal with them and can't hook around them.
Fernando is a fat fuck. He'll gladly take ruckus shots and makoa hooks, but can't do his job too well while trying to roast them, and against the dwarf he just ends up dancing around the dwarf shield when playing aggressive.
Pip is so good.
This tbh, also 12 deaths in 18 minutes on pip, what are you even doing with your life?
Yeah, when there are two flanks and a wanna be flank (Bomb King) I'm sure that my long ass CD of heals is going to reach everyone every single point.
Nah mate, every heal was for two players max, they were never close to each other, I even chased down some of my flanks just to save them.
I don't get it
I know that feeling very well.
it's called agreement
is this another game with forced 50% matchmaking?
i wish i knew you could do that. i was trying to explain to a viktor player how another offensive option would have suited us better than aggression
/r name text
You can whisper during game too
My team wins.
Enemy team wins.
Whichever team has a Skye wins.
It's been a long time since I've seen such a goddamned broken character in any game.
Having to buy cards to ""counter"" heroes comes with an opportunity cost you know. Yings could also just not place their illusions in the front like mongoloids.
Bulldozer won't help you if the Ying places the illusions behind walls, the payload, etc. You'd have to put yourself out of position to attack them, and then you'll probably just die. The healing range from the illusions is crazy. Plus, every second you're attacking an illusion is a second you're NOT attacking the damage dealers who are going full tilt on you, and I think just about every Ying uses the card that decreases the already short cooldown for the illusions when one of them gets killed.
And building Illumination? At all? Ever? Does anyone do this? I'm legitimately asking, here, because it always seemed utterly useless to me. Who besides Skye can even go invisible?
ying is the bane of my existance on evie unless the whole team takes the time to shoot her illusions
i end up getting cauterize because i need to be able to pick my targets, a long standoff where i slowly pick away at illusions wont end in my favor since the team doesnt usually know how to play. i mean this as in theyve never played a video game in their life, literally just walking up to someone and sitting there is becoming all too common a sight.
They're sitting there pumping out 800 health per second. If that's not a problem to you then okay.
i dont like illuminate, buying that means not buying defense
I thought I recognized that name
Just finished a game where we had a Viktor and a Kinessa, and me, as Ying, had not only highest damage, but highest killstreak and highest objective time.
We lost, of course.
Because Jesus fucking goddamned Christ. What the hell, guys.
Feels like there was a sudden influx of new people from somewhere.
Only if your team is decent
You forgot
Just did a Fernando game and a Ying game. The Fernando game was nice because the rest of the team actually seemed to develop an idea of how to stand behind the fucking shield about halfway through. To be more precise, the Grohk on our team kept close and we bulldozed through the enemy without much difficulty. Their fault for not having a fucking front line.
Now, for Ying, let's just say something. This game wants you on the OBJ. You stand on the fucking OBJ, you get your payload, you push it forward. This is the goal. Damage? Healing? That's all well and good, but if the enemy is on the OBJ and you are not, you're going to lose no matter how good you are. So unless I'm playing flank, where am I taking my happy little ass? The OBJ.
Now logic dictates the party will keep similar tactics. You may have damage and flank getting a bit more creative, but front line should be up front with the support. Our front line of the day was Ruckus. You would think that, being a front line, he would want to move up front. So you could imagine my surprise when, on our second push, I found out that my entire team had decided to go up and flank or stand behind cover, leaving a floating elf with shit HP and illusion magic along against an entire team.
Moral of the story is fuck people who don't play the game right.
When I go with Ying, I like to keep one illusion in the front and one illusion in the back and bounce between them, though it depends on the situation. If I have a cluster of allies together, I move an illusion to where they are. If everyone is on the OBJ, both illusions are going on the OBJ. If everyone is scattered, I'm keeping the damn things where they're usable.
I always take Illumination if the enemy Skye is any good. If they're completely shit then it's not even necessary though.
Strange conclusion, 90% of my games my team mates avoid the OBJ like it's the toxic floors in Doom. I haven't been playing long, but I consider it a miracle when people stand behind my shield as Fernando or don't fuck off to the sides of the objective.
Just the way free to play games and pick-up-group queues work. All anyone–except tryhard faggots like myself who try to win–care about is the leaderboard.
There's a tank? Stack 3x shield damage card, and plow bullets into the enemy tank's shield! I could just kill the rest of the team, but hey, this way my damage numbers on the leaderboard will look good.
That's the sort of thinking you're dealing with from most of the playerbase. I played Smite a lot when it was new with a friend and we had to 100% carry every game if we wanted to win–sometimes even that wasn't enough, where we'd go 40-0 and then end up losing.
People really really like flanking. I see a lot of cassies and bariks inexplicably going on solo missions deep behind enemy lines.
I'm doing so well with evie
I can't belive people are complaining on official forum about evie nerfs.
I just started playing this, no experience with any other game, and I fucking manage to excel in scores with a random team on the 2nd match.
Even then I don't think I'm playing him effectively, got any tips?
See that's the thing - what logic dictates is rarely actually practiced by these retards. The worst part of all is that I actually have shit-tier reflexes and, in an average match, my actually skill is rarely the highest. If these retards would actually play the game correctly, they would be better than I am.
You're playing bots m8. Until you hit player level 5 you're just playing with bots.
my submission for stupidest match
Rather odd since I apparently didn't have enough players for 1 queue.
I've had dumber though.
Get Spitfire 4 to lower CD of Q by 2s for every shot that hits, turning your 20s CD on insane aoe damage to 4-8s. Increase your flight speed and booster as well.
Press F, spacebar above enemies, pew pew, land. Rinse and repeat.
Apparently you get a gold bonus at level 25. Was not expecting it. Guessing its 5500, can't see why else I would have gotten a boost.
Patch preview also happened earlier today. Next champion is gonna be a man with snek. M1 projection, m2 hitscan low cd dot heal, Q AoE buff/debuff that heals/dmg. Ult is aoe fear from central position with 20% dmg boost on feared champs. His dash is a short invulnerable state that goes through champions a short distance, so low mobility.
Oh and his reload throws the snake that stuns people on contact.
Patch overall looks solid. Skye ult will have dmg fall off from the center, custom games will be a thing so scrims/in houses will be easier. Also defenders have more setup time in payload. That will increase quality of games dramaticly
Not sure how but my evie is suddenly using cash cosmetics.
Guess there's some bug.
Which? Sure its not unlocked on the account?
They do give away a decent amount of skin codes/you mighta got it out of a chest?
nah I haven't unlocked anything, and I'm saving my chests
Got into the game and evie somehow has the white hair
Chests can give out duplicates so opening them early, before you start spending gold on cards, seems the better choice.
Check to see if you have the Black Ice body. Although it feels like that hair just kind of appeared in my inventory as well after I redeemed for giveaway while back
I don't know if it varies but 1800 is what I just got out of a chest with 3 I've already head. I've been buying cards non stop and I've just reached level 25. 12 left.
If someone wanted to maximize gold spent it would be best to only buy the cards you need as you level up, chances are you won't use most of em as you level up anyway. This will net you quicker voice packs/cosmetics if you were to never buy gems.
same here with fernando
That game was an exercise in masochism
The Bomb King chased me with his ult and it was scary ;_;
snekmancer nice
Your team was fairly special to say the least, I find most of my games competitive but every once in a while you get these horrifying games. Gotta love fresh meat
Our Ying was AFK for half the match, our Androxus had negative K/D, and our Fernando (who I was partied with) isn't stellar at tanking
No one on our team had more than 2 elims that match, which is something I had honestly never seen before. For what it's worth it was fun playing around your Drogoz and Andro even if I never won the fights
Earlier I had a game vs 3 healers as Pip and frankly I've never felt more alone in a team game. It was an odd quickly lost game
Instead of playing five levels with bots, new players should be forced to stand on a point for five hours.
They won't be able to go afk, and will have to answer why they have to stand on the point every 10 seconds.
Who's the best champ and why is it Evie?
That's a weird way to spell viktor.
Ying is cute.
Bulldozer is only worthy when Ying is with Barik, and still she can throw those clones nonstop. Her CD is a joke, she heals way too much for her damage. They indeed need to tone her down, nerf the healing range / the cooldown of the clones, the HP of the clones needs to be toned down if you're a tank and the only one shooting at two clones you will eat 1.125 damage without being able to do anything and her DPS is quite good as well. She is still not as OP as Skye but she's nº2 without a doubt.
Cauterize is, in general, a better option. Yes fucking up 30/60/90% of the healing is not the same as fucking up 100% by destroying the clones, the problem here is that she's going to throw clones nonstop either way and with cauterize at least you are dealing damage to someone that is not an "dispenser".
Illuminate is really good and really cheap. However it is a counter exclusive for her, you cannot afford to buy it as a tank. What's more, it takes the slot for defense only to be able to SEE her on her invis, she is still fast as fuck and you wont be able to chase her with most characters.
However, when I play a Flank and I see a Skye, I always pick up Illuminate and instead of doing a Flank's job I just babysit my damage dealers / supports redeeming Skye an ultimate machine which is already fucking strong. Skye still needs nerfs heavily, her ultimate is a joke, she needs cast time to balance that shit.
In my opinion, illuminate should be on Utility and if we have to switch one of utility I would switch maybe Nimble on Defense. This is just a crazy opinion though.
Because your teammates are human, but the opponents are bots mate.
Aggression is only good on Kinessa for one shots DMG classes.
The only reason someone would rush Agression would be because they have no tanks no supports. I have won many matches where my team was ONLY DMG and I have lost matches where the enemy team were ONLY DMG. It was fucking impressive how fast we were taking down EVERYTHING
Illuminate needs to just have a secondary effect, steal the viktor card and have illuminate reveal enemies you hit for a second. Hell, that could be the only thing the card does and it would be still be very useful vs skye while providing something that's useful in a general sense as well.
Kinessa has that card as well, and, yeah Illuminate should give something more. It may be cheap but it's still a slot that you waste for no defense, maybe they should put together illuminate with CC reduction and make the card 300 instead of 200.
No fucking one buys the CC reduction, if you get stunned you're going to die either way and you have more chances to survive with 10-30% dmg reduction than half a second of less duration.
I made this, along with these. They're all yours, my friend.
So is this game actually worth playing?
Do the people in this general get together to play?
It's pretty legit, and it's free, so the only cost of trying it is time and hard drive space. Personally I stopped playing Overwatch altogether
Did you get lost on the way to KYM or something?
cool, it is shit
goodbye snek
You give those back
Hey fuck you smug Homer.. I'm just happy that I coined the phrase "paladong",
But do the people here play together?
What even for? There isn't even anything to set up.
The game is good but not great. It is still a buggy mess, the beta shows.
Yes, the people around here stick together and play. I personally added like 3-5 guys from here and sometimes we play.
ive seen an attempt for anons to play together and a few ggs in previous threads. i didnt join in their reindeer games since theyre on another continent.
Huh, didn't realise some of you guys played together. I'd be up for a bit of that as long as it's yurop servers.
a-any ausbros?
Viktor players deserve to be dragged out into the streets in the middle of the night and beaten savagely.
I have a problem where i think my game stopped updating achievements for me, for instance, i did that play in the group with friends for almost two hours among others and got nothing, i also won ten+ games with Barik and i still haven't gotten my engineer skin.
is there anyone you dont want to get brutalized?
I want to brutalize Yang, if you know what i mean.
Everyone in this thread should commit suicide since they've already drank the Kool Aid.
I'll continue playing Viktor and there's nothing your scrawny ass can do about it
Yeah, I'm EU, just take into account when I post a screenshot of a match and you'll get my name or even someone else's name from here, if they dont have the blue icon (the one that is to add someone to friends) it means that they are friends already.
I just want his HP to go back to 2K
Did you mean to post in the Overwatch thread?
i cant help but think of mystical ninja (where goemon is named kid ying) when people mention ying
What makes you think your garbage is better just because you have to pay for the other one?
You're still wasting time on this shitpiece when you could be playing actual good games like EDF, Rocket League, UT4, Grim Dawn or everything you missed out from the past.
Pick one
meme game shilled by the gooks
normalfag twitch cancer
never ever
alright that game is kinda decent so I'll give ya that
how severe is this damage falloff on skypes bomb?
They didn't really give any concrete numbers
See, this is why these threads are fucking cancer
Hey, at least it takes actual skill unlike this "press key to win" garbage
It'll likely be somethg like 3k direct in the center trailing off to 1k near the edges. This way at least running will feel like it does something instead of "URFUCKEDLOL"
Skye isn't even OP, just a stealth character pubstumper
I want to have sex with D.va
on the other hand you should be encouraged to move to cover instead of trying to outrun fatman and little boy
And somehow EDF is the meme game
oh well, i did what i wanted to do
How do i into Bomb King?
You kill self
Pick bomb king
Pick that card that gives poppy bomb extra knockback against enemies
Pick the card that lowers grumpy bomb CD
Pray you get a map with lots of ledges
Throw out grumpy bomb every CD
pray that your 3 bombs you stick on that shitbag actually do damage.
>Last first person shooter can remember have played was Team Fortress 2 a couple of months after it was released, before it went free to play
I've never felt more useless in my life. What character is good for newfags like me
Viktor is super easy for damage
Fernando for tank
Skye for flank
a snake feels no attachment to you, it only likes being around you for warmth
The text on the CC reduction card seems way off, grumpy bombs do almost nothing if you've got level 3 resilience. I've tried it a few times against grumpy spam on and have been fairly satisfied with it. not as satisfied as I would have been spending the credits and slot against more than one champion, but at least it works to counter that shit
thats not a bad generic loadout, but multiple loadouts are particularly nice on bomb king. if youre up against mad tanks definately take grumpy bomb cooldown reduction. if you have to play the role of flanker or if its a good map for it such as sawmills you might want the card that reduces poppy cooldown per sticky detonation so you can stick to high ground and bombard the points. poppy bomb cooldown is also nice if you have to go up against multiple flanker yourself, forcing them to use their mobility skill(s) to stay within range of you
a map like frog island usually means constant headbutting and flanking is particularly dangerous, you could opt to do it anyways or go for a safer approach with the card that heals you per sticky bomb detonation or things that scatter closely packed enemies like grumpy bomb cooldown, or poppy bomb knockback.
I understand their asshurt, but they coulda just killed OTHER people, like the really good Ying.
but then you would have shot them
Yup, steam and hi rez whatever definitely aren't synced as i am no longer getting achievements.
Doesn't really matter.
I just had an enemy Skye that got so bumrustled at my Skye that he literally spent the entire match trying to chase me and only me down.
is there a way to look at items and loadouts in the results or history screen?
nope, only in-game
Looks to be patched in eventually though, judging by UI
What's MMR like in this game?
I'm asking because I wanted to play with my friend, and he's typically in the top 2% of any FPS he plays, whereas I'm always average. We can't play Overwatch because it queues us against the top 10% of players at all times when I'm only playing just to play a game with my friend.
If I play this game with my buddy, is it going to throw me into a miserable hell every match? Or is there even MMR?
Just play casuals with him.
Afterwards, try some comp and see how it works. I do play comp but solo, so I don't know how it works with a party.
It won't matter
just get gud
devote yourself to the life of healslut and play the objective, problem solved
have him make an alt
As I played, people got better and knew how to do shit like hide behind shit against skye's ult.
But suddenly now I'm matched with complete retards who are allergic to objectives.
I dunno
Yeah, it's been getting especially atrocious with everybody trying to act like a flank. Only the filthy drogoz pickers play the objective, if only because they can usually see it when they're at the top of the skybox.
Also really not liking the silent disconnect and bot fill-in that seems to happen several times per game now, I'ld really like some more info to know that my teammate is going to be suicided by bot for the rest of the game.
>Proceed to win 4vs5 somehow
People like this actually exist. Holy shit.
add me faggots, my IGN is CirclesofJerk
Where exactly is the Loss in this?
You must be new. You can clearly see it man.
**| | |
| |_**
It's not that hard
Welp, should have spoilered all each line.
I fucked up once twice while calling someone a newfag. I deserve the bullying.
Where can I read about this? The forums?
EUR West or East?
So just like human beings, then.
well as a human i understand humor so im remarkably more advanced
Wait what happened to that glacial map, the one with bridges/ramp on one side and corridor on the other?
I havent played that map in like fifty games.
do you mean the one with that long narrow cave that goes around the outer perimeter with a few windows from either spawn? now that you mention it i havent seen it in a while either.
Are you playing on siege? That one is a payload map isn't it?
i usually play siege and that is/was a siege map as well. isnt the medieval themed payload map a variation on the sawmill?
Thanks user
Playing Ying makes me wet, dont blame me
I'd like to give a very special "Fuck you" shoutout to Kinessas who don't buy any items (despite being told to multiple times) and just charge the point over and over and over again.
If I could hazard a guess, I'd say he didn't even use his scope or charge his fucking shots.
Forgot the stat screen.
Jesus Christ, guy. Jesus fucking Christ.
wonder how much he gets paid to stream. im assuming you won since you cut off the top and bottom
that's how the dc auto-bots usually plays
and do these transformers also announce their presence by saying "oops" in vgs?
Yeah, we won. Mostly thanks to healer ork whose name I can never remember. He basically carried us.
who knows, I think the bots actually do use some vgs commands, but it's too hard to tell the bots from the human shitters in this game.
This was probably my best drogoz match. He is so much fun.
That's it. I'm fucking done.
These fucking people. Cassie literally doing nothing but shooting into a goddamned wall the entire match, Evie just flying around and going into ice block when she lands. Bomb King landed some good Grumpy Bombs and I swear was the only other player to even think about getting on the goddamned point or cart, but even the two of us couldn't take on an entire fucking team.
I seriously hope there is some kind of punishment system in place for leavers and queue dodgers.
With how often this kusoge crashes at the start of rounds and during loading, that wouldn't be a good idea.
so literally ana besides the nana boost
Don't think there is, other than the deserter penalty.
I'm sure they'll fix it on release. I think for SMITE you get like a 30 minute penalty just for dodging?
OIDF is here!
That's when I knew that game was lost
i still hug the wrong wall at the start of jaguar falls if i played it on the opposite side the game before.
thank god their their team imploded after the first minute of the game
It can be worthwhile to check their official forums every once in a while. They are full of cancer but you can fish out useful info every now and then.
Turns out the reason for Bomb Kings wildly varied damage is because if the target jumps all bombs attached to him fall off. Not even a mobility skill is necessary. Just jumping makes them fall off.
I thought this known by most of Burger Kang players. You can check it out in the shooting range, try throwing some bombs on the running Pip, they'll fall off relatively quickly.
If you hit two consecutive stickies on someone it's a good idea to blow them up immediatly or else they'll fall off. The only time you'd want to to stack all of your stickies before detonating them is if someone is stunned.
I don't know if it's a bug or intended though.
Also I don't know why they didn't make Kangz as the face of the game instead of that shitty elf healslut, his design is much more interesting
Nah just kidding, I know perfectly why
Add me mein negger if you are from EU, look for my name on one of my screenshots if I didnt post any here today I'll do later.
If you are from USA, well, good luck finding people here I guess.
I want to impregnate Yang.
Fernando and Ying are in every comp match, if they are together is a free win.
I guess that, as a fellow spanish, I'll have to properly learn Fernando.
Remember that time when shitters called Fernando shit tier and a waste of a character?
Why is Grover everywhere?
Starting some matches in EU. If someone wants to join, send me a friend request or say so on this thread. I'll try to pay attention between matches.
IMO skye's ult isn't that bad, it has a long range but the signs that she's about to use it are pretty obvious
you just line of sight it and yer safe
ye boi
Snek man looks cool.
well then it tends not to display the fallen bombs correctly. and thats nonsense, ive had times where id dash blink or otherwise swooce away and they still blow up on me.
Fernando is a credit to team.
Fernando is pretty much a won match to be honest. It's really hard to kill him and even more with another tank/support with him. Truly a nightmare of capping points.
Sauce on this?
I think I sent you a friend request.
shielding amount is bugged in the history
Jesus man.
there were no women on their team to distract with the 2 fernandos
So as someone with absofuckinglutely nothing in the game, how do you get past shield cancer without pay to win/grindable cards?
I admittedly fled my first real game due to Barik/Fernando bullshit just being generally unkillable and if you flanked them you got gibbed by turrets/demon mccree or whoever the fuck he is haven't learned all the names yet
I hate this healslut.
Drogos shits on shields with or without cards and you can buy the Wrecker item to dramatically increase your damage against shields.
Excellent game we have here
aside from wrecker, certain ultimates are usually well spent to remove competent front liners/fernandos who know how to right click.
rather than fuck around with fernando for an extra minute while his team has time to show up, if hes at half health i might ult him as viktor, and cancel after hes dead. you can retain some of the ult meter by hitting e again.
Here is some general advice for supports
Get that reserve ammo card or whatever its called to lower cooldown on heal potion and upgrade it to max. You now have two potions you can throw every 8 seconds. The range upgrade helps too.
Generally follow other attackers like victor or bomb king and help them out with slow potion and extra dps to make their job hitting things easier and heal them as necessary. Ruckus is a good buddy to have too.
Totem range and duration. The % based healing might seem useful but it's not. Ignore the health upgrades unlike the heal slut Grohks totem can't be shat out every five seconds and it will be destroyed if put out in the open. However it can heal around corners and behind cover and walls as long as the ally is within the green circle. Put rest into ghost walk speed to GTFO out of dangerous situations and laugh at enemy ults.
Help with captures and finish off wounded enemies with your LG and occasionally throw out the ball lightning at crowds.
The heal radius and cooldown cards. Rest into crippling throw duration or cooldown. Speed boost is too situational to be useful.
If your team has a tank attach yourself to him with your vine and stuff yourself as far up his asshole as possible and never let go while simultaneously throwing your never ending supply of axes with the same sized hitboxes as your own body at distant targets. Crippling throw disables mobility skills so use it so shit on enemy Androxues and Ewie's before they can escape.
The longest, most satisfying match.
IGN is ArbalestX
Looks like you can use Ying's illusions to block Drogoz's ult
I'll see into it later when I log back in mate.
It bodyblocks everything and, yes, it stops Drogoz's ult as well. You can as Ying fuck enemy Drogoz placing a clone next to your tank and hope that the tank can yuke him so he touches the clone.
spidermanning around is fun, so is getting to dump on enemy dps from the point with your axes
Got a buff so of course, you HAVE to play it.
While we're whoring out usernames, go ahead and add me if you're US: Domnkou.
I play Smite, too, if any of you are into ASSFAGGOTS.
did you both died?
When you get into real games it's a real hit or miss. You won't win a decent Viktor, Skye or Edgelord in plain face-to-face due to them being able to escape you without effort, dodge rockets easily from mid distance onwards while dealing guaranteed hitscan damage to you. You have to play smarter than them.
God damn.
You know what I've just noticed? It's almost constantly the person with the most objective time who has the most gold.
Does being on the objective in and of itself give significantly more gold, is it just that being on the objective means being in more fights which means more eliminations and kills, or a combination of the two?
This is very important. Depending on the answer I might actually be able to convince these fags to stand on the fucking capture point.
Yeah, you get mucho puntos for standing on the fucking objective. Fernando gets mucho puntos for shielding, so he should usually have the most credits on his team.
Gives like 4 per tick, 6 if you contest, 2 on payload
Drogoz spit attack doesn't seem all that useful from what I have noticed. It seems to do okay if I give it that speed buff, but that's it. Salvo works okay on a group of people. While the Knight breaker plan is nice, but outside of shield destruction salvo can cripple you a bit.
If I'm going about it wrong please let me know.
It's a large aoe 1k damage that knocks people off points/ledges, it's great.
Then why am I only seeing 150 damage? I can't seem to get an idea of it's AoE.
Spit fire AoE can seriously ruin peoples plans if you can hit it constantly, salvo is designed around hitting a bunch of targets/area denial. For straight up killing people its way better to just straight up direct hit them. I don't think you can Salvo hit and kill anyone without needing to reload, which usually = you dead.
Spit is used like a pulse rifle. Shoot spit, shoot it with rocket
i agree 100%. though i wouldnt consider myself to have played any real games, i have had head to head fights with what i would day are decent players on either side of the equation and it often comes down to zoning with your fire spit.
just fuck my shit up
Lemme guess, your team was full of flankers and nobody was smart enough to buy wrecker?
Honestly sometimes I'd love to be able to rewatch some matches and spectate some niggers on my team because I'm wondering how they managed to deal so little damage. I still remember some Viktors dealing 30k when I had 100k as Barik.
its easy to understand with kinessa
I've never played her so I don't know how much damage the fully charged carbine does, but I'm guessing it's ~1000. An average shitter scoring ~20 shots a match, plus the smaller ones and whatever else coming out to around 30k sounds about right.
1.3K body shot 1.9K headshot.
With aggression she can one shot (head) any DMG and Flank.
She's a really good character, the problem is that she gets countered so easily it hurts to live. The best way to play her, because of how these kind of games works, is not about aiming like a proper sniper, its spamming charged shots like a mad man to score those 1.3K nonstop.
A good Kinessa can carry the game really fucking hard, however she requires of a team that protects her from flanks and shit. I remember a comp match where I played Androxus and instead of flanking I babysitted a Kinessa 24/7, eating a Skye up like no tomorrow and a Buck. The Kinessa ended with a fucklot of damage and practically carried the game, however she needed my assistance to do her job or he would have been useless the entire match.
Everyone bought wrecker, but we got no money to upgrade it cause the match was a fucking steamroll.
Fernando, Barik, Makoa, Bomb King Grover. Try to contest the point when you can't be one of them, I dare you. Yes we had a Drogoz to do something, still they were steamrolling like no tomorrow.
thats retarded
That moment Edgelord instalocked I knew I'd have to pick a flanker myself if I wanted to get any job done. And worse is even when I managed to kill Cassie, Drogoz and Pip my team still managed to not kill Makoa 4v1 quick enough for the rest of his team to come back.
How can you choose heroes mid battle?
You don't, he is probably talking about the selection screen before the battle began.
Oh baby.
ive seen that happen before, is it a display error?
Dont know how people can still pick kinessa
I make especially sure to make their lives miserable. Kinessa getting positive K/D is extremely rare in my games.
Because Kinessa needs to put a lot of effort to work.
However, when she works, she's one of the best.
20% of the time she works all the time
Bump limit reached.
I seem to see at least one person who either has the founders pack or some cosmetic costing hundreds of crystals, guess hirez is doing okay.
I don't even
i see all kinds of ares fernandos, theyre usually at least competent players.
did he have maxed out nimbleness or something? does that even work in chicken form? even so thats sad as hell.
how is that even possible? the credit trickle should have gave more than that even if anons team never stopped pushing. or does it not count passive moneys?
Well, evidently it doesnt
No idea. Essentially, I would make it to the OBJ first with Master Riding and stick on the edge. The enemy just stood across the way while Grover and I chilled at the point. Androxus came in from time to time. The other Fernando just backed away from me instead of trying to push past for some reason. Otherwise he might have made more of an asset to his team. Their Ying should have stuck with him better and they might have been dangerous.
As far as credits over time, I don't know. The match only lasted about five minutes. And it was a nice match, just going through and curbstomping. Unfortunately, the follow-up to it can essentially be described as embarrassing to be a part of. Some fuck-off picked Makoa and decided that being a front line meant using a shield to tactically retreat rather than protect the objective. To top it off, he was the one trying to direct people at the end. The crowning moment being where he told everyone to "stick" to him at the end, leading to a carpet bomb that cleared out everyone who didn't have footwork to stay out of the red circles. That is to say, I was once again the only person on the objective, as I was for most of the fucking game.
I hate people who play video games.
And where's the new thread
getting sick of being booted after champion selection screen.
whens planetmans2?
i think you hate matchmaking
I got buck costume and a horse trough some code giveaway.