Best "town" themes

I can't get this song out of my head. What are the best soundtracks for casually strolling around town in video games?

Other urls found in this thread:


Animal Crossing was probably the best at this overall, but it's kind of the whole theme of the game.

Nah, fuck right off with that.

a real comfy holiday sounding song :D

get out please.

I'm one of the guys who goes "HA" at 0:08.

FF9 has a few that are catchy as fuck.



This isn't actually town music for a game, but it should be.

Also, Lisa had a lot of memorable tracks and this one was no exception.

One more.

Christmas Edition

The LISA soundtrack was pretty great all round




wait, which one are you talking about, Nice Weather or Summer Love?

Time to get comfy. Take a look into the past, when you was playing AC during the night, even all the shops are closed, you wanted to caught more insects, fishing, talk with someone, etc.
When you was in your bed, maybe after doing a long task, or because your parents demand you to go to sleep soon, but you want to play a little bit more and hid under your sheets for that. Just remember that moments and listen this song.

Wild Arms series has a lot of really enjoyable town or friendly location themes.

Forgot my embed.

That sounds like shit mate.
Try this.
And get some fucking taste, nigger.


Take anything from FFVIII.

Balamb Garden, Breezy, Martial Law, Fishermans' Horizon…



Best song coming through.

Terranigma, theme of Crysta. A lovely, tranquil hometown.

this motherfucker knows


Michiko Naruke really knows how to make good adventurous dungeon themes, excellent battle music, and comfy town themes for when you're not exploring.

Reprised in Crysta's final day. You get to revisit the village one last time, before it gets erased from existance. The final dialogue with the (unaware) npcs is still haunting me.

I'm not even sure who is trolling who anymore

Fuck off tumblrtale




Cut the fucking sperg, nigger.
We were having a nice thread.




You are embarassing me in front of everyone. Go wait in the car.


oh shit its the vidya police

Shame Naruke got sick partway through the development of Wild Arms 4 and never returned to the series afterward.

Which isn't to say the music in WA4, 5, and XF is bad, but it's still not the same.

stop all capsing at least, this thread is for comfortable.


GO back to Tumblr nobody wants your undertale garbage here you faggot.

Learn to embed.

Jesus fucking christ. why the fuck are you so goddamn mad? You have taken "stop liking what I don't like" to some kind of autistic new extreme.

yeah I'm retarded


You're making everything worse

Last one from me on this series.

4chan is supposedly closing down, and a lot of those user's are coming to Holla Forums



Might be wrong, but I think that guy's been here for a while. Or perhaps multiple people have taken up the mantle. I don't know.




Fuckin hell, coming back to Trista near the end of 2 filled me with so much love for that town as soon as this song played.

Slightly offtopic: I've been replaying Paper Mario 1 and 2 to see if 1 is better or it's just my nostalgia goggles. So far I can say that PM64 is way cuter, but TTYD has enough improvements to be the better game on a technical level. The only problem is that it's easy as shit to cheese with a Danger Mario build. Maybe there's a good cheese build for 64, and I haven't found it yet.

Arrangetracks varient as well. Honestly prefer this version.

I first played 64 when I was like 5 fucking years old and I'm replaying it recently too, it's a shitload easier than I remember but it was also one of my first video games so of course I remember it that way.

One thing I noticed is that badge points are way more important than I initially realized. They're basically your gateway to any kinds of skills and abilities. I've spent more on BP than HP and FP I think.



check em for kirill pokrovsky


Every day for seven years.

Maybe a deformed one

better version

Just look at the thumbnail and you know what it is.


never come to this board again







I'm disappointed in you, Holla Forums.



RIP grey Jinjos

Also Isle O'Hags

Comfy as hell, but also strangely haunting and unnerving.




Is this game worth playing?

It's pretty good, the puzzles aren't easy compared to Zelda.

This place was my favorite. I'd spend hours and hours just wandering this city.

fight me

Kill Yourself

I came into this thread to find this and was worried until I found your post.


You seem to assume everyone on Holla Forums likes/gives a shit about JJBA.

I see your Song of the Ancients (Devola) and raise you the instrumental of Song of the Ancients (Popola)

this is a shop theme but it's in the town so whatever

I've been trying to replay TTYD using a set of gecko codes that make the game harder (+1 DEF for all bosses, even the first encounter with Crump; double HP for all enemies; sadly no attack buffs, hopefully I can find one soon enough), and it's a lot more frustrating to manage than before, especially during Chapter 4. Jesus FUCK I did not expect Doopliss to have 5 DEF on his first form.

I see your Song of the Ancients (Popola) and raise you Repose.

I already know people hate this game but this town theme is comfy

Just about the only good thing to come from that pile of paper waste is the music, and even then the final boss theme is still incredibly underwhelming compared to the original three.

All of the town themes from that game would make it onto my list.

i get vibes from the town in links awakening



Where everybody go?

Whatever your opinions on the game, this is probably the best tribute to onett that will ever be made, and its comfy as fuck


I'm ashamed to admit I loved the shit out of that theme.

what happened to all the good video game musicians?


Is it out? I haven't heard anything about it.

Is it worth playing at all?

They're still working on it. I think it wont come out any time soon