Facebook Founder Sean Parker: We made Facebook to be addictive

Day of the Rope.

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I must have an inherent immunity, that garbage has no appeal whatsoever.

Did anyone not realize this before hand?

what were imageboards made to do? Facebook is only addictive to the average pathetic normalfag btw

Believe it or not there are also people who try heroin, go "nope, not for me" and never touch it again no I am not talking about myself.
I think some people are lust less prone to addictive behavior patterns.

The concept repulses me and always has. But one cannot deny that social media appeals to a majority of people.

Existing societal damage aside, the chief concern should be the strong possibility of state mandated participation of social media in the near future. China’s social credit scheme will very likely inspire Western Governments.

are just less prone

Addiction primarily psychological. Our Vietnam Vets were all on heroine in 'Nam and quit on the stop when they came home.
Some of us are strong-minded enough to not fall victim.

ahegao is best face

on topic:

I don't think that that is very likely in the US, at least for now. Maybe in parts of Europe, but Americans push back against most large scale government data collection, such as national ID and such.

In other news: water is wet

I still have mine because I have a group chat with online friends and if I didn't talk to them everyday I wouldn't have any friends

Saw the show tonight. I truly hope Tucker can meme a Congressional investigation into these assholes into existence. Not that it will likely amount to anything, but it might put them on notice at the least.


I think that for Holla Forumsacks, by virtue of our attitude towards the world, shit like social media naturally doesn't appeal to us. We are trained (and burdened) to see the flaws in modern society, so of course begging for attention on instawhore or faceberg is repulsive.

You may come at me rodents of the hebraic persuasion but I would prefer if you just made yourselves comfortable in the ovens.

You filthy fucking nigger, YOU HAVE US. We’re better friends than your faggoty facebook posse. We tell you the fucking TRUTH. We don’t talk about you behind your back; if you’re wrong we’ll mock you to your face. We endlessly strive to improve each other. If you have a problem, we’ll solve it by telling you who’s responsible for it and how you can combat it. Sometimes it’s your fault. Sometimes it’s the jews’. What more could you want than us? We’re the hurtbox, motherfucker. Facebook is a hugbox.

I had a FB account briefly on the urging of my uterus-bereft sister. Come to find out, that's all it takes for them to get a hold & plaster your info on the web. I'm working on disappearing. See ya

to harvest memetic energies and argue about anime?

Parker is a blowhard and always has been. I would say an even bigger weasel than Mark. That's because he has no real talent of any sort other than the ability to bullshit. All credit to the guy as it's made him fantastically rich. So his claim now is rather empty. They filled a void. Right place, right time. Myspace was falling apart. People are inherently, noisey, jealous, gossiping cunts. Also lazy and bored. All faceberg does is sell ads. For all the top kikes big talk, it's just an online ad seller. It changed nothing. Just took advantage of a situation. People are lemmings today and as such, have no clue what to do with themselves. So it's stare at a screen. Just like their parents did in the 20th century. The screen has changed but it's still the same shit. People haven't evolved in one generation. If anything, computers have made them dumber.


I really wish you faggots never learn why imageboards were created in japan. Its too hard for brains of modern western imageboard users to understand the whole thing why psychologically names and identities on the internet are cancerous idea leading to constant self gratification.

lol. bbs invented in usa. but yeah, my life has improved after turning user.

The e-peen problem.
With an ego to satisfy, you cannot engage at full potential with others.

we are your friends. you are here therefore woke. drop the account give your friends some tasty tasty OC to destroy zuckfuck and his posse. But honestly

this exactly, will always be scared instead of just posting. and the honest response allows your ideas to grow and refine, its much healthier.

I tried opium once, not for me but very fun. on the other hand I'm a chain smoker and drink and ganj on the regular, so brains are weird I guess. and…

Someone just got BTFO'd hard.

not likely

They invented a new vice. Fucking brilliant. Enslave the retards. Turn them into an army that kills itself.

Most people who "try" opiates never become addicted.

Except they weren't fucking "strong minded" because while in Vietnam they WERE fucking addicts. The fact that MOST of them quit when they got back home has nothing whatsoever to do with zogbot mentality men being "strong" and everything to do with environmental cues theory of addiction.
For exactly the same reason, addiction treatment services tell the dirty junkies they service NOT to visit their old haunts. The only difference between those junkies and the zogbot junkies is that the latter had this step carried out for them by being shipped out of vietnam, virtually guaranteeing success in cessation.
If every heroin addict was shipped abroad at taxpayers' expense, the cessation rate for that cohort would also be phenomenal.
Most people who "abuse" opiates are self-medicating. Soldiers abuse them for their anti-anxiety and anti-depression effects because killing innocent men, women and children who are doing nothing more than defending their homeland from barbaric invaders (you), can be taxing on the conscience and the nerves - opiates numb the conscience, once the need is gone, the drug no longer serves a purpose and can easily be quit.
Opiate addiction is not an indictment of the individuals to who it pertains, but of the sick society in which they find themselves.
Also, did you know that the worldwide war on opiates is a Kike war? Heroin was available over the counter in Finland up until the 1970s, no one there saw it as problematic because heroin is such a great drug for a variety of ailments, but pressure from Kike central (the USA) finally saw Finland's supply of raw opium cut off.
tl;dr people abuse opiates to survive in a fucked up world, ruined by the jew.


Oy vey, stop having this thread about Jews spying on billions of people! Grr bad goyim.. let me think of a meme issue.. Opiods!



Get the fuck out

what/where is the sauce on this

It's more addicting than goybook.


(are here forever)


Holla Forums is addictive

this. this is pure cancer

Not checking trips and quads should be bannable. It is similar to blaspheming Kek's will.

That's our job

Facebook is actually annoying and consumed by pure garbage nowadays. Tells you what type of idiots get addicted to garbage. There's nothing of value on fb except maybe keeping in touch with friends or family, it's just one moronic waste of time otherwise.

I see faceberg ending up like myspace. The young are already living it in droves because of their stupid parents, older relatives, and pedos.

BULLSHIT. Myspace was awesome. Facebook sucked ass. People went to FB because it was new. Then went back to MS. All of the suddent MP is bought out and a female executive turns it into a music website and nothing is left but FB, nothing forever and ever. It's completely CIA. Just like how we need more Holla Forums's and get nothing but fucking shit scams. fringechan.org was actually exactly like this place for a second but it disapeared. That's what they do. They herd us into one or two websites like Twitter and FB that (((they))) control.

It's all part of the plan

polarchive/res/183.html if you want it. Scroll to the bottom

oh just go fuck yourself

don't feed that creature just tell them to stop.

wasn't intended to be though. big difference. What if you got a "DING" for ever (you) you got? very different experience

((they)) are afraid of a de-centralized internet.

They want centralization at all costs, despite new times showing that centralized models lose against non-centralized ones.

"Hooked" and "How to create Habit-Forming Applications" are also indicitive of this.

I wanted fb because it was classmates only. That was really cool. They did something really cool, then opened the gates for $$$$$

but yeah myspace kinda rocked, had everything, could customize your page, ran my band off it, you actually got fucking gigs on myspace! it was so amazing.

Yeah f-goy is getting myspace'd
it's snapchat now

Brave New World is the future, goy.

Myspace was always trash and anybody who thinks otherwise is human trash.

not mine. will be killed first.

found the guy who had no friends on myspace!

It very well may be because at least on imageboards you can pour your honest heart and see if anyone else agrees. It's food for the soul knowing you are not alone.


Tbh 1st youtube was glorious.
fully customizable homepage, friends, subs, comments, likes, everything.



everything! thats why it went wrong though, more people were using the internet and they felt inferior seeing leet-ass profiles as they tried(unsuccessfully) to make there background black. It was too hard for the casual. The same casual who saw no difference between fb and mySpace. I can't believe fb dropped current school email requirement. thats when it went to shit.

Back to tumblr.



My youtube page was so glorious….
Still miss it.
The trolling was also a huge part of it, great days, great anons I've worked along with
I stopped using youtube when they changed design.

It's ruined

It's a damn shame chicks like that don't exist anymore. Good times.

remember streams

OK, fair point. Meme it.
but, are we really sure Tucker isn't among us tbh heh?

never had a facebook account
if you get "addicted" to a website there's something wrong with you

Most definitely made to be addictive but that will be its downfall. You join FB because everyone else is and you can keep in touch with them. But like all social media, it's time consuming and starts to drain you. I'm not surprised people are leaving it in droves now as the site is too big and FB keeps somehow making it worse.

For artists and businesses, they rope you in the hope of making a page to advertise your stuff. But you need an audience so you generate likes for your page. After getting a certain number of likes, your posts no longer reach most of the audience anymore and you have to pay to boost them. Every single post needs to be boosted and it can get expensive quickly. I expect that businesses are just waiting for an alternative so they can jump ship.

It might have been fun years ago but now FB is just exhausting and annoying. Messenger is the only useful part of the site.

I just went back to college (undergrad) after taking 5 years off. not one goth or emo. it blew my mind. they are gone.

I'm fairly sure someone on his writing staff is. its mentioned here. 6 hours later see it on tucker. check cuckchan twitter and fb….they aren't talking about it. scary.

i member

If anything Tucker is definitely an honorary Holla Forumsack

Precisely. Only way to leave is get cut off internet access

Wait, hang on a sec, you mean to tell me that kikes knowingly exploit people's natural impulses in order to enrich themselves no matter the negative consequences to their victims and society in general?
I'm shocked.
Next you'll be telling me that Fascists and Nazis implement strictly ordered societies with clear cut rules in order to instill self discipline in individuals and teach people ways of living that assist them in overcoming their negative natural impulses for the betterment of the whole society, rather than greedily profiteering at the expense of others.

This admission could be used in a class action suit for all the traffic accidents and deaths normie cunts have caused while updating their status behind the wheel. Food for thought.

hiel Tucker

srs? ppl actually pay to have their own personal pages gain popularity? muh naiveté heh.

Ignorance truly is bliss


Some employers already see it as a reflag if you don't have a good goy social media page.


I'd say addictive is the wrong word in what they are trying to accomplish. They are trying to get you to maximize the amount of time you spend on the website.
Lots of websites do this, especially ecommerce. For example YouTube tries as hard as they can, to get you to keep watching videos. Ever wonder why they added autoplaying videos after your current one ended? It makes people more likely to stay on YouTube and not close out of the website.

I'd still be on AIM if it wasn't for the fact everyone I knew exodused to FB.

What do you think addictive means?

Creating addicting elements is just one component you can use to increase the time people spend on your site. There are other changes they can make which can do this to like redoing the ui, fixing bugs, or removing annoying elements (If you have a strobe light on every page of your website, then they'll probably click away).

Digg, MySpace, Facebook and Web 2.0 bullshit since then has only proven to me that Ted was right about the dangers of 'oversocialisation'.

And studies show this shit is literally functions like sex and drugs. All those virtue signaling SJWs were born out of this because they were mental defectives who needed dopamine hits.

No shit, it's the exact same reason World of Warcraft and Call of Duty was peddled to young white males to waste their youth years away.

What universe do you live in? Myspace started out as a place you could just meet girls before dating sites became a thing. It was great.

blackpilled bitch

it was great, then the creeps rolled in and the hotties ran to a walled garden

Shouldn't it say "raise" since the action is being done by people using the tech,in contrast to the tech magically becoming popular by itself??

GTFO you feminist.
categorizing men with libido as creeps is a shill tactic.

I can appriciate that sentiment, now GTFO ponyfag.


I guess this is a "man with libido" to you

You must be 60 years old that gets work through newspapers.

Search for "Lana Rain Pink Pirate"


Someone was posting on cuckchan a month or so ago claiming to be on his staff, posted some pictures of Tucker from behind the cameraman, not sure if it was legit.

It might be addictive, but it's SOCIAL media not ANTISOCIAL media. Using it for what it was precisely NOT made for is the biggest Fuck you to them ever.


This is bullshit that pretends that the actual backers/creators of facebook didn't know what they were really doing. They knew exactly what they were doing.

Yeah maybe my brother. That's it

It depends on who's leading the charge. Look at Vk. No censorship.

Try masturbating whenever you receive a 'like'.
Do it for a few months, a dozen short sessions a day. Only ejaculate if someone posts on your wall.
You'll soon be conditioned.

This is right.
It's the friend who tells you the truth or the friend who tells you what you want to hear.
But you never leave either.

It's easy to have a distorted vision of MySpace if you were a whore on it and added total strangers in a way Facebook mostly discourages. If you restricted to real life friends it could be a lot of fun. For one thing it didn't reward you for staying home and doing nothing.

That MySpace gave us the "MySpace pic" while Facebook gave us the selfie should tell you all you need to know. If you stayed home and tried to post anything other than a blog entry, there was no reward for this because likes and reposts meant nothing. The only way to enjoy MySpace was to post OC and engage with others posting OC, and in the 2000s this often meant going out at night and going to shows. You had to be IRC social for it to work. It helped that the smartphone didn't exist yet, but Facebook killed it anyway. It was just too satisfying and too time consuming for too many people, and it was something you could do from home, all day and night if you wanted, and still get high off it.

But no, I don't think many people went back to MySpace. There was a bit of drama when Facebook shook up their page design and app setup, but by that point MySpace was no longer an option.

IRL social, rather

Why not both?

I had a myspace way back when, it was mostly a joke with music that played automatically and was obnoxious. I remember when I first heard of facebook it was still exclusive to university students/faculty or some shit. Seemed very elitist which was the appeal at that time. Now my grandmother literally talks about what she saw on "Spacebook" (bless her heart kek)

Has anyone ever told Ted he was right all along?

Yeah one of my pages, some sort of ridiculous ideology, a mix of Archaeofuturism and Neo-Strasserism (more anti-kike than he was but more socialist than Hitlerism) raised a few eyebrows, including my family who said my employers were spying on it and I need to "cut it out" (parents are mid-period boomers, cut em some slack)

I was one of the first ones let in during the vetting and I never went to college. Wonder why I was picked? I

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

Bump. This is actually illegal in the USA. Even potato chip companies cannot ever use the word addictive in relation to their products.

Truth be told; I only used it because a lot of my "friends" were using it.
I have new friends now.

I love all of you

No, because "rise" is the noun form of the verb "to raise". "A raise" only has one definition, which is "increase in the salary".
sage for offtopic