Dark souls, my niggers

It's return to lordran day, the event ends the 24th if you guys wanna smash some reddit fags with me. I'm poor so I'll be playing on ps3 username: GO_BACK_2_REDDIT but I'm pretty sure they're infesting all versions of the game

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Lordran a shit, Undeadburgs where it's at

Wait, this game has multiplayer? I completed it on my own for nothing then.


Oh shit nigga, I am down on PC. Best fuck you moment you can do too reddit faggots is invade level 8-10 in the burg. Skip hop and jump down to Kappa demon and wait for them to kill themselves cause of not knowing how to get down.

I got a modded build but I don't need that or any glitches. The name and flawlessing them is more than enough to get some 12 year olds to leave

It isn't really a glitch. You just climb up a ladder and jump down onto a ledge then fall into the alley. Its pretty awesome.

hey do whatever, I know in my experience just invading then running over towards the enemies and waiting for the host is the most annoying thing. Try that

>finally get parts, buy and install DaS, get DSFix
Didn't know that it was coming back to life. It's gonna be nice to have the full experience when I play through it the first time.

good luck user

Started a new character on PC, but haven't been able to invade anyone. Haven't seen any blood or soapstone signs either

Be sure to have this two mods and even with this you're still at the mercy of the netcode, good luck
wulf2k.ca/ (Dark Souls connectivity mod)

It's hard to come by new dreams to crush nowadays. Good luck with the deprived twinks user.

Thanks user, but I've tried getting DSCM to work for quite some time now and I have no idea what the problem is. I'm getting a .NET framework error and my version in higher than 4.5. I just wanted to do some low level invasions round the Undead Parish

Undead Burg is in Lordran

Why is invasion in dark souls 3 so damn nerfed?
Also what is it with faggots giving themselves even more of an advantage in invasions? Like, people go out of their way to complete the game entirely with a very small soul level, probably through cheesing the game, and then decide to go back to the opening levels and be summons for their friends, or people who skip around the bosses they don't have to fight to get some of the really good gear and still be able to be invaded in the opening levels. I just want to play my ganondorf build with little shits who either underestimate the dark hand and a magic equality build or have good people who give it all they got. The only fun guys I saw were these cool dudes playing as ornstien and smough and they were actually staying true and not pulling dumb shit like pulling out a fist weapon just to parry.

Anyway, what the fuck is this shit, I want to have fun and wreck little shits with fun builds.

Do you guys want to all dress up as dark rough riders and spook them back to reddit?

If the goal is to spook them then use the cheat engine to set your body sliders like pic related and use these weapons or the bonewheel shield

I was more thinking we spook in some dark hands and dark swords and the dark set, spook strength dex to 16, and spook in the red eye orb to do maximum spooking as a bunch of skin men.

dual wield skull lanterns or you're shit

I gotta step it up, these kids are too much apparently.

Those are always the worst

it's really hard to keep up with these cool guys

bloodborne thread where?

I want to go a 50 faith build, any idea what weapon i should be using?

Astora straight sword is great sword, but anyway with a faith build your weapon should be more of an off hand thing and your miracles should be your main attacks, but also having the utilities. Whenever I did faith I also did strength and I just made everything divine for the role play.

gid gud scrub

speaking of that, the thing I actually hate the most about people who play RPGs today is they don't do the RP part, so it just becomes a build simulator; they don't play a character with any restrictions, they just pull out a buckler, a knife, and a great club and play the meta and let the game play them. It makes it really unfun to see that kinda stuff, because I always just put like two seconds of thought into who the character I was making was and I would stick to that; I have two builds that will probably end up with very similar stats, but because I played them differently, I didn't wear out the experience of playing that way.
The people who honestly just play the numbers game have to be literally deranged, playing basically a blank ass slate with no thought. Even subconsciously you have to think about these things, and if you're able to just shut that off, the emptiness of your room decorations starts to show.

can't tell if old fag using old phrase or new fag who didn't get with the times.

I just had the channeler in the depts buff the gaping dragon, didnt know that could happen

It's called winning. Those people aren't having fun unless they are winning.. Gradually all multiplayer games shift towards whatever meta allows people to fuck other people shit up the fastest and hardest, roleplaying be damned.

Why is Demon Souls so fucking dead online.

Because it was released seven years ago.

Artorias is the worst character

Is this shitty event still going? I got a pyromancer all ready to stick his flame up some leddit asses.

Posting build for maximum reddit butthurt.

If you need to use CE to make this character then you're an awful player and just as bad as they are.

They were so upset that people loved it. I'm even more ass blasted when invaders start fucking me over because of the fact that I ran Mound Makers before dropping the game.
