How the fuck did this happen?

I thought the upper class british snobs were proud as fuck of their ancestry and heritage to the point of even being extremely classist.
So why the fuck do they let Immigrants roleplay as British Nobility?

Other urls found in this thread:


materiaReligion of Cuck™

replace Religion of Cuck with Isla m

The house of lords isn't a hereditary chamber anymore.
Hasn't been for a long time.

Now seats are awarded to various parties along ludicrously arbitrary lines that mean no new party is capable of ever obtaining seats in the lords.

Brits are cucked flat out full on.
Enjoy your enrichment faggots
P I s s lam and mohomo the goat blower can collectively fuck themselves

Why is no Lord speaking out against this?

Should all Lords who stayed silent be hanged when the revolution comes? They were supposed to safeguard the Nation not let Pet-Niggers roleplay as Barons.

Britain is white soil. They may seem cucked, but allowing Britain to fall to muslim migrants is not to the benefit of the white race as a whole.

So don't try to discourage them. They have a hard battle ahead as is.

Okay, then … where the fuck are the people speaking out against this madness?
They don't even dare to talk about Pakis and Indians. They always talk about Immigrants or "Polish Immigrants" or from Bulgaria or whatever.

In America you have many personalities speaking out against this, but in the UK? Where are the advocates for the British?
Fuck, even here in Germany people speak out against this.

But the British are so obsessed with politeness, they rather want to kill themselves than offend a Muslim.

It's against the law in their country, user. The discussions against immigrants are done in private, or on Filterman's channel. I'm not a Brit myself, but I have sympathy for their situation and as I said, Britain is white soil. No amount of immigration will change the history there. If the British people refuse to fight for their own land, we must reclaim it in the name of the white race. They will get our help, willing or not.

Checked and respek'd. I have noticed lots of defeatist chlaims and blackpill shitposting lately on this board. This is a place for actual discussion - not emotional blackpill crybaby bullshit. The schlomos are really trying to shut it down.

I am almost positive there are huge nationalist/white nationalist movements in Britain. I understand your concern that folks are nowhere near as active as Americans but it isn't all silent…

Are you british? If so, have you ever seen a solid Rock Against Communism or Oi gig? I think some of the old guard still play around some local pubs wherever the niggers didn't turn it into an islander depot.

The problem is that in the UK the police have a habit of setting up groups to facilitate communication and organisation between those who want to do something about this.
Then using them to fuck over everyone.
As such there's a rampant paranoia you don't find in the USA or elsewhere.

So for us the fight is quiet and limited to the rural regions (where outsiders don't go). Until the English snap out of their current stupid lunacy.

But absolutely no one is speaking up and that is the first step.
Fuck, even UKIP failed and the Brits rather let someone negotiate Brexist who didn't want to get out.

God damn, I hate that when I watch Anglo Youtubers, including Stefan Molyneux talk about the world. Always this throwback to "good old british values", but saying it in the modern world is like a weird parody or mockery.

You have to speak up! At least for the next Generation or they are going to hate you as much as we hate the Boomers, if you do not speak out.
Fuck me, just opening your mouth is difficult and talking about your views is shameful. How is Britain ever going to be white again like that? How would a single Pakistani with a british passport ever be deported with such an attitude?

what's that middle embed supposed to be in the picture?

You don't get it.
The English can't really be controlled and they're difficult to direct in any capacity.
If they decide to change then it'll be sudden and out of the blue, maybe something will trigger but maybe it'll just happen for no reason.

That's how the English are.
Meanwhile the Scots roll around in the mud and derp because thats what they do and the Welsh reee at anything that dares set foot in their valleys and hate everyone.
So at the very least Cymru remains pure outside of Cardiff.

Considering the picture clearly references Gurren Lagann?
Probably row row fight da powah

Fucking lost it

I disagree.

Cool story kike

Excuse me but mind you reminding me who made Rothschild who they are?

Thanks for WW1, thanks for WW2, thanks for housing the Rothschilds, thanks for being the Satanic pedophilia and cannibalism capital of the world and endlessly doing the work of the Jew you ugly ginger manlets with shit teeth and the most horrid accent known to man. I hope some Paki you let in to fuck your daughters finally nukes you shits out of our misery. Britain has never been anything but cancer.

To be fair.
If not for the continents insistence on subjugating Britain then the Brits wouldn't have felt any reason to help out the Rothschilds.

well thank you

Right and Germany made kikes rich before WWII, what's your point?

Not British, and you'll never get any real Holla Forumsack to hate our white brothers.

I wasn't talking to you, but the Brits as a whole. Look at all of the plural words, m8. Nuke Britain.

How about nuke Israel you D&C kike?

One could argue Tommy Mair effected change well outside of his typical sphere of influence.

Not condoning what he did, just saying "groups" can be overrated.

I'd love nothing more, you misguided little man.

Oh you

The Brits are indistinguishable from the kikes, having done their dirty work for so long. If all of the above were dead I'd not shed a single tear.

Enjoy your ban, kike

Go back to Reddit/Cuckchan.

I suggest you do some reading on the country of the 'Uyghurs'. Erasure has historical merit.

more like this


have you ever heard of the eternal anglo?
their history is mostly of how they betrayed the white race in favor of jews and other non-whites.
this anglo tradition continues even today, except now, instead of destroying and selling out other white nations, theyre selling out their own civilians while encouraging other white nations to do the same.

while i agree its a sad thing to see a group of whites go, and dont ever want that to happen, but if i had to pick one group, it would be the english.
if they all mixed with jews and arabs and continued trying to exterminate white people, how would that be any different than what theyre currently doing and have been doing since even before their "glory days" of colonialism? the only difference is they wouldnt be white anymore, which would make them easier to identify

Ah yes. Suddenly "English People" will rise up, but not you of course. Someone else will save them. You might even shame them, while it happens to save face and then when it's all done: "I always supported you :)"

What you said is true for the Germans as well. Or the Scandinavians. We here hope that something will happen as well. We were the first big country to enact universal suffrage as well. We were the industrial heartland of Europe.

We're the Welsh. We got conquered and there's no chance of us beating the English
So long as we get left alone we're fairly happy.
All we can do here is remind them that other options exist and poke them incessantly.

Argentinian here. Been part of Holla Forums for 4 years straight. We hate them as much as possible.

They are the jews. You burgers of course are the other arm of the jew.
We will never stop thanking you for "liberating" Natsoc Germany and Italy, thus killing our ancestors.


Ah, some more British targeted D&C.

I would cum in my underwear, if I were lucky enough to witness an Asian PM in my lifetime.


Yeah that's the modern conservatives for you.
They abandoned the old Tory principles and are as Thatcher made them: A cosmopolitan globalist party.

I would be interested in hearing private britbong conversations regarding speech laws. Did Britain ever have legal notion of free speech? When first did they implement laws stating you can't criticize anyone except for straight white males?


Such piss poor lifting of the goblin, is that the best you got? Not bad.

Why is it David? Just a generic Jewish name, or does it maybe have something to do with David Bowie's goblin king character?

20% of people are anti free speech SJWs.
10% of people are pro free speech patriots
The rest just want to watch match of the day with a pint on Saturday and dont think about these things.

No. We did pioneer a lot of the freedoms that modern people expect and spread them around the world. But we didnt write anything down for ourselves since the Magna carta.

The House of Lords stopped actually being noble when Labour ended hereditary peerage.

Wrong. English Bill of Rights and John Locke established a lot more of those freedoms and were written a long time after John.

From the mid-victorian era onwards the English
aristocracy ,who were always stapped for cash, married their sons and daughters off to
wealthy jewish merchants.
At this stage, probably the majority of the House of Lords has some jewish and therefore
middle eastern blood.

It's not politeness m8, it is basically illwgal to critisize.


Perhaps it is because britpol just LARPS as Holla Forums

K sel asp

How do you think Laws are passed?

Okay, thought experiment. What if Religion of Cuck™ was outlawed in Britain tomorrow? What would happen.

The exact same thing has to happen to prevent such laws from existing in the first place. Don't use this as an excuse to lie down now.


Attack Britain.

Wonderful idea continental filth.
How many times have we ruined your shit when you've tried this? Too many to count at this point. You'll never win so just give up on ruling Britain, we're not European.



They're the absolute bottom of the barrel. They are the a perfect mirror of the Jews and they've shown themselves to be snakes throughout history. From the very start these rats have been rolling over for invaders and sneering down at everyone that wasn't a genetic mutt like them. The only lives of worth on that shitty island are the Scots and the Welsh.

Illiterate niggers are the worst


Not enough apparently. Are you this retarded because you're Welsh or because you're a kike?

Oh, look. Some brown sack of shit has an opinion. You are subhuman.

You are missing Jutes, Norwegian Kingdoms, and the Glorious Revolution. Brits' defense past the Navy=zero.

Nobody outside the isles has managed to conquer all of Britain. Just chunks of England.
Meanwhile every power that picks a fight with us inevitably dies off as a consequence. Whether they win or not.


Rome fell.
We're still here.

But do go on living vicariously through the english.

You guys really need to start thinking about guns over there.

Hate to break it to ya bud but voting to leave and then voting to come back because you failed so hard at leaving is pretty shameful. I know an ulster Scott who razzes the Welsh all the time for that.

We've never voted to leave the UK.
Mostly because we can't. Subjugated nation remember?
As for the EU, we're still plenty opposed to that. Don't listen to those southern cunts in Plaid.

Rome is only relevant because it absorbed the maximum quantity of jewish semen it possibly could and set out to share its love of the jews with the world.

This is what divide and conquer looks like

Hey mods this is pretty clearly and anti British thread. About five different IPs trying to cause infighting and hate between Eurpopeans

The UK is severly broke. They make Greece look responsible and in good shape. They need dat poo in the loo gold and slave money. Also, these fuckers will smile at Akmed while holding a knife behind their back. Shitskins will never be truly accepted by these fuckers not that they should be, it's just a bunch of posturing for the public. Fuckers are really holding on by their fingernails.

No, the Brits have always been fags


Sage and report slide threads

Fite me after tea fagit,

Yeah, right

How fucking new are you?

Same reason why the nobility of Egypt let the Hyksos in.

You know what's funny?
9 centuries ago the king of England nearly made the country Religion of Cuck™ic for the sake of seeking help from a caliphate when trying to attack other european countries.

The caliphate rejected the offer.. they could have made the world muslim had they accepted.


What a shame, Muslim Sultan John (Yahya) I and Religion of Cuck™ic Brits would create Muslim Germans which would satisfy Hitler's dream of a worldwide German Imperium.
What a shame, we do truly live in the worst timeline.

Dude thousands of little girls being raped and cops covering it up didn't wake up English. Do you think a rise in subway prices will?

You need to stop waiting for something that won't happen.

Dammit I always miss the kike posts when they are happening. I need a good laugh.

Cymru am byth.
Wales is shit, but we have more nationalistic elements.
Cardiff is trash though. South Wales is ok, but nothing replaced the industries they closed so it's poor as fuck. I hear west Wales and parts up north are liberal, mainly due to universities.

Atleast we aren't England.

Kill yourself if you’re really that stupid. If the government gave each Englishman a gun and told him to shoot himself in the temple or he’s racist, every last one of them would do it.

t. Controlled by the (((Bank of England)))


this filter is getting really annoying

sage for offtopic

Pure blood Scot here. Living in Cymru. Spent most of adult life in South West Eng. I can say you are all mostly bang on about the cuckery,

Have never met anyone on these islands as redpilled as me thanks to you all. This place is done, in my opinion. But this place was done the moment Bonnie Prince Charlie sailed away in defeat and the world's first central bank is still here.

We dont talk to eachother about this over here, I actually found out some former friends were in the tribe when I mentioned h0l0hoax. Friendships now broken, suspect this is how it has gone for any others but Ive never met them and there is no safe way to connect over distance.

I lurk, learn, reskill and sharpen myself for the day when the Masjid armouries are emptied. Suspecting they will drop the dollar and Religion of Cuck™ will make a play for it street by street over here.
We will have our hands full but Im no bothered - I feel like the last of my kind here still holding onto the myths and traditions. Im past worried with all the doomporn around, this is the baptism of fire for the new nation that will arise, these islands have seen a lot of migrations and invasions.
I suspect each man in the army that saves this outpost of aryandom will have taken his gear from a would be attacker, we have no weapons. One of us will appear who is without remorse or limit, befitting the end of the Kali Yuga. Just as AH said and our most ancient hindu/indo european traditions hold.

We must tie all these themes together if we are going to make this one collectively.

That desire to fly into the enemy without a care comes from us Scots and dont forget it.
As Wallace said to his men right before they formed up at stirling bridge,
"I have brought ye to the revel, now ye must dance!" Blackpills are your breakfast over here, but the bridge to supermandom is loneliness and persecution so lap it up!

Because the "noble" are a bunch of fucking degenerates with no sense of pride and patriotism. Hence why they adopt racial strangers while frowning at homeless white people. I live in a village with a lot of rich folks and i see it all the time, older rich couples that gives the world to these fucking immigrants for social brown-points. It's fucking disgusting and makes me puke a little bit each time i see these degenerate excuses for "families".