Rest in Peace Sweet Prince
Say hello to Comrade Che for us.
Rest in Peace Sweet Prince
Say hello to Comrade Che for us.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fake and dumb.
Did he finally kick the bucket?
In b4 sticky
Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet
May his soul have an aliyah in Gan Eden.
"Nothing in the world is irreversible, not even capitalism." - Fidel Castro
Rest in Power, comrade.
Those porky bastards finally got him with those slow-acting poisoned cigars.
I'm not sad, maybe a little. He kept saying he was going to die soon, he was 90 for fucks sake.
Rip in peace
Hopefully Raul won't fuck it up
See you, Space Cuban
How's it feel knowing that Kek killed Castro?
Holla Forums cucked again!
wow so edgy
Did "kek" kill Hitler too?
The Internet didn't exist in 1945
m8 Raul has been in charge for a decade now
For fucks sake Holla Forums get your shit together
kek didn't kill Castro, it was Pinochet festing on the living dead
Right then. Who's building a shrine to Kek now?
Neither did Nazi Germany.
Should've been Chavez instead of him
will this matter?
Tomorrow I'll drink to you, Comrade.
Cuba ou muerte!
Haha Best Current Year Ever Castrato died from GRIDS from sucking much cock
tfw his boyfriend Sanders dies next
qualitatious hentai
I'm not a pro-Castro but,
This motherfucker deserve to be respected.
Rest in peace my friend…
Sure. But two days after that GET, Castro dies… On Pinochet's Birthday? The synchronicity is telling.
Why are Stormlords thinking this is some kind of setback for us?
He was 90 and retired from public service.
He died undefeated and is now resting in power.
They are jelly because fascist leaders are militarily incompetent
bout fucking time, he was fucking 90
Because stormfags lack the ability to demonstrate critical thinking.
He was only an iconic symbol at this point, so it matters not.
I would literally spam the shit of cuckchan but i'm ISP banned so i can't say shit.
Nah man Kek literally murdered him.
It was our victory
Don't forget over 500 assassination attempts.
And he was taken down by meme magic.
How can the CIA niggers even compete?
This confirms to me Holla Forums just keeps posting here to fuck things up. He wasnt even a communist even in his own words and experts called him anti-communist.
If he stopped smoking the CIA's salty tears he would've outlasted capitalism lmao.
That being said, another chapter of 20th century leftism has come to a close. Hasta siempre, comandante. F
Keep telling you that. By comparing him to george soros you guys are just embarrasing yourselves.
Toasting in ebin bread
hahahahaha can't even come up with an actual answer.
The last cold war commie country that was already reforming.
Now that castro is dead the process will accelerate even more.
Yeah, when I read it, I was wondering why Fidel's existence still mattered for some people. He retired, and he passed the leadership on to a successor long ago.
Why hasn't kek killed Soros yet?
He was retired. His brother has been in power for 10 years, you dense fuck.
It was a bad year for the left.
reposting this ebin video because it touches on Cuba.
RIP comrade
Lucky bastard died just in time. Now he won't have to endure the fall of socialism in the developed world.
RIP in peace tbf
Why are you mourning a brutal dictator?
t. idpol
You forgot:
Go kill yourself my d00d.
2016 just doesn't stop being shit.
Good Night Sweet Comrade
Chavez been dead for 4 years
because it's fun
??? i've been here since 2014
Matate, negro asqueroso.
Recordatorio de que nunca, NUNCA seras independiente y siempre viviras con tu cerda madre.
Sanders is, he just knows how to present himself. Besides Trump will hurt us as much as he helps us. I wasn't talking about the alternatives.
¿Qué coño es un Ricky?
Took two years to muster the autism to get a trip huh bucko?
have some good music familias
El azote del populete y el independejo (melón).
Well, on the
politico puertorriqueno
lol tengo 16, yo no pense encontrarme con una estadista aqui de todos lugares (de Holla Forums, quizas?) pero rossello me da asco por mucho mas del estadismo, como el pipeline al estados unidos ese, que idiota jaja
…no i've had a trip for a while as well
i'm not a suckdumb
A real left winger would NEVER bend to knee to the Clintons.
That old piece of shit was a fucking Sellout .
me encantaria escuchar el razon de este bicho porque es una niegapatria y le encanta el pene de los estados unidos jodiendole
aprende estrategia o muerete
Sure m8, it's not kek at all m8.
literally irrelevant
Fucking /int/ on halfchan has less Holla Forums shitposters right now in their Castro threads than Holla Forums does.
and one of them's a half-puerto rican self-hating spic who's never even been to puerto rico, lol
Top kek. Ricky es un mediocre, eso es cierto, pero es mejor tener a un inepto vigilado por Thomas "Führer" Rivera Schatz que tener a un populete de gobernador.
Se sincero, a cual UPR vas a ingresar? Si vas a Cayey te voy a partir las piernas y te voy a enseñar mi mural de José Antonio Primo de Rivera y Francisco Franco en los inodoros de la biblioteca.
I love the taste of porky SALT.
Pic related.
Si consideras que las estretegias para ganar una elección valen más que las ideas o posiciones morales de un individuo, pues adelante.
Pero no vengas a decir que un gigante vende humo de mierda es zurdo. Vendido, lo es.
Glad he's dead. But I'll let the tankies and cuban sympathisers mourn for him.
lurk more, m8
halfchan /int/ is fucking trash
Salty CIA.
Make sense, that town was forgotten by the God of progress and capitalism and is stuck on the XIX century. Fitting for a loser like you.
of all the revolutionary icons, I think he and Che evoke the most sympathy from me, for doing something us bourgeois would be loth to do, was actually fight hard for our beliefs and ideas
gb2 puertochan, fascists are welcome there because it's a shithole. i don't know why you hate populares so much but it's gotta be a bad reason like "they're too pro-human rights"
jajaja todavia con las porquerias de "estandares" y cosas asi. hay cosas que adelantan a la causa y cosas que no. bernie no ha cambiado para nada
Que fue mi pana ario como esta la vina por alla.
Estos mamaguevos no suelen estar en hispachan?
not even a Fidel supporter but
1. Pic didn't prophesize the death a commushit
2. this makes it irrelevant considering that meme magic often fortells prophecies
3. Kek, from what i gather is a god of chaos with no political alignment other than to sew seeds of absolute shit posting.
4. why do you assume everyone on leftypol is a commushit?
Not too sure if the dictatorship of the proletariat is my belief or idea, but hey, each to their own.
The Kek cult, I can't tell if this is irony at this point.
Good Night Pink Tide.
Reddit get out
¿Como puedes tomar en serio a ese payaso que solo repite las mismas cojudeces que la prensa de mierda estadounidense y los SJWs?
No compres humo de los falsos profetas.
Vivimos en un mundo de cabeza donde los disque liberales son mas fachos que los disque nacionalistas, pues gracias al candidato de estos ultimos se han bajado el TPP que nos iba a recontra mil cagar.
Fuck off communist LARPer. Holla Forums is a DNC board.
at least he didn't kill himself like that Adolf faggot
No you may not use Castro for your burrito.
Made sense for you to go there, honestly.
Your watermelon threads are showing, kripto-populete.The PPD is a colonial party that is stuck on limbo and if you give your vote to them you should shoot yourself. Oh wait, they do not respect the constitution and do not want you to own weapons. Puerto Ricans leftists are the hyper-cuckolds, the PPD fucks your country and you suck their balls.
I picked Lares because it can be argued that what happened there was the first leftist revolution, it happened in Puerto Rico and it's obscure. It's a footnote in history, that much is true.
You're not superior to me at all, I'm already more of a man than you'll ever be.
You're still not white, no matter how badly you wish you were, you fucking criollo. Fuck off or kill yourself.
No mi guey, han infiltrado a Puertochan tambien. Todavia Puertochan tiene fotos nice, nunca he usado Holla Forums ni nada asi que yo no se de eso, porque realmente me da trabajo leer espanol y comunicar, porque e vivido en los EEUU por la mitad de mi vida y siempre en escuela gringa tambien. Pero las pocas veces que use a /noti/ vi muchos fachistas
capped for cringe
lol like it or not el esta radicalizando a la gente y tu sectarianismo no ayuda a nadie
I didn't even hear about that, that's just where the family's always gone.
I don't know what you mean by watermelon but I don't care. The PPD is effectively a sovereignist party now anyway, and that's what they'll have to be for the upcoming referendum. Guns are important for me but that doesn't change my vote.
The real cuckolds are pro-statehood. Read War Against All Puerto Ricans
You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Kindly, fuck off
Sick burn bro.
I'm no beaner, gringo.
¿De que sirve la radicalizacion si ni siquiera se sabe para que uno está peleando?
Esos negros que salen a marchar y a hacer vandalismo no tienen ni un carajo de idea de a quien estan beneficiando con sus acciones.
It just took us 60 years
Another dead commie.
Soros is next.
I actually have to wonder if the people who post anime reaction images actually watch anime
Not too sure about that. But hey
Least he didn't die like a bitch
Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about?
Sorry, but the only way to get rid of liberalism is through communism.
Yes, because the dictatorship of the proleteriat has really WORKED WELL before hasn't it?
Because I capitalize and punctuate? it's actually because I have to take my time struggling with this shitty keyboard so I might as well, usually I just lowercasepost.
Pa eso estamos nosotros. Aunque no lo crees la izquierda se entiende mejor que nunca en America (fuera de antes de la primera guerra mundial)
That liberal fuckwit can die as well.
tbh I don't really watch anime but I save the anime reaction pics because they're cute
No tacos para tu asshole.
Si con izquierda latina te refieres a esos grupos que tienen delusion de superioridad moral, que tildan de racistas y xenofobos a todos, que son feministas, que no les gusta que se digan ciertas cosas y que otras no, pues te informo que eso es fascismo camuflado de izquierda.
You see mad, boss.
This is why you're losing the current year to us.
Save that shit for when TFRP stops.
protip: it won't
Rest in piece you strong motherfucker
kek. We are literally becoming memes
Holla Forums status: BTFO
Che should have been the one to die of old age.Castro was not a good leader by any stretch of the imagination.
lol i think not considering he survived 600+ assassination attempts from the likes of you lot, it was his time and he took it
What?! Aww that sucks. RIP. He was never able to bring about the utopia that most of us in the champagne class fed the useful narcissists of the virtue signaling crowd. I sort of feel bad for all those cubans who wanted a better life.
2016 has been really hard on us lefties, well, at least the lower tier…
Stop giving this faggot (you)s
la Revolucion fue capaz de despertar en el pueblo dormido los mas nobles propositos de ideales
Wouldn't be to sure about that but hey, there are worse way to go. :^)
Its funny how people mocks Fidel about Cuba's poverty and life quality by ignoring completely the USA embargo like that had NOTHING TO DO with Cuba's economy.
pretty based man. /r/equesting the pic(s) where he's wearing two rolexes
Be sure that Che will greet him.
Why does that number get bigger everytime I see it?
Te llamaria retardado, pero recuerdo que tienes 16, todos fuimos asi de retrógradas cuando se tiene esa edad. Negro estupido.
If they go their way, that college is gonna be fucked believe me. Professors in UPRRP, UPRC and others are already moving their pieces and are ready to strike out of retaliation.
You call yourself Puerto Rican and cannot even under stand the simplest political symbolism in the country? KYS.
Be real here. They called you a nigger in the mainland and you hate them now, right?
Great literature you got there, son.
RIP. A great man.
To all the reactionary fucks reading this, remember that Castro and Che are loved and admired all over the world while fascists are despised.
Cuba's quality of life is top tier compared to all of the other South American countries.
Well who knows, maybe Cuba can actually recover what with all those trade embargoes lifted off them.
Still, my condolences.
Now cuba will improve.
castro was a textbook reactionary
even most anarchists I know have some admiration for Che and Fidel
I agree completly. Only traitors are partying right now.
>wishing eternal punishment on dead people rather than living ones
lol Nietzsche was right that the religion is one of resentment
Good thing hell doesn't exists them
Some. But not a lot.
The fact that people starve in a fully fertile land sure is because of the embargo.
Straight up bullshit.
it's always been 600+?
Internationally speaking Grito de Lares is very obscure. this board is full of gringos.
M8 I'm sorry for not understanding obscure political terminology on an island with 3.5 million and no internet presence that I haven't lived in for many, many years.
They actually tend to think I'm White or mostly White despite the fact I'm at least 1/16th Taino and 1/16th or less Cherokee and much more of that Black, I just don't go out much and my dad's all-American other than the Cherokee. I don't know why you keep calling me a parasite because I own my own means of productino and will soon be pretty damn rich. I have nothing against crackers, I just think Puerto Rico should be separate from American imperialism, because it hurts and impedes Puerto Rico.
You seem to be a big fan of going on Google for ad hominems you can type at people and universities. Pretty pathetic tbh fam. You should still read his book because him being 25% Black or his ""parasite"" working class dad who had a job being deported should have nothing to do with the facts collected in the book.
Why do you fascists always love America so much? Lol.
Huh, really makes you think.
this is how you're spending a friday night huh?
An incompetent coward who ended up hurting cuba more than helping it.
Literally the kim jong il of island-nigger commies
Castro was pretty chill at times, though every time he was lenient, it bit him back in the neck.
There is literally no encouragement for dictators to be lenient. No rewards either. Because instead of being thankful, the guys he spared just plot against him aboard.
How many assassinations did he survived? Including the exploding cigar?
Here's hoping that history absolves Comrade Fidel. Rest in peace, comandante.
Yes, because capitalism doesn't have a giant death toll now, doesn't it?
If you cannot understand something as simple of that, how do you claim to have any right to the future of this country? You are a mongrel without land or identity. You are not a Puerto Rican and you make for a pity American. Consider suicide.
You sure do, 16 years old.
You sure will!
No, I am just stating the truth about UPRM. That you want to refute the truth is not my problem. Just keep in mind that it could go the shitter in less than a decade.
You obviously did not understood what I meant. I did not called the man 25% black (The word quatroom means 25% white anyways), I called him 25% Puerto Rican.
Biased "facts" and manipulation of information do not make an argument.
Here, you should read this to understand why I want to eliminate the thousand something jews living here.
Yes because it's all JEWISH lies amirite?
Over 600 times
Biased "facts" and manipulation of information do not make an argument.
C'mon taconazi-chan, did a rabbi finger your mom while you watched? Why all this hatred for juice?
I never called him a Jew. Funny that you jump out to defend them?
Go back to school.
I'm not the one who posted mein Kampf, and wanted to kill Jews now did I?
Also, didn't Adolf say that capitalism was a jewish invention as well?
LOL tipico
Yeah I'm writing a book which has gotten very good projections from my agent.
LOL other people have claimed the same thing you have and haven't been able to prove it. Everything in there is verifiable and sourced.
I don't have to understand obscure political terminology to know
Statehoodists are much more "mongrel" than I am, I didn't ask for my piece of shit deadbeat abusive father. I don't need or want spooky land or identity. My identity is me, Lares, and what I stand for, not a tiny mountainous island in the Caribbean. Even a toddler could understand, given the information I've been given, that Puerto Rico must be independent.
Also nice No True Puerto Rican.
So tell me, why do you love America?
I am talking about nutrition.
Rest in peace
pick 1
may he join che in guerilla heaven or something
I, for one, welcome the death of the Fidel "NOT REAL GOMMUNISM :-DDD" Castro.
To luagh at the death of a real american is shameflu.
Castro dies and Little Havana celebrates Trump.
Talk about cucked
Nice Facebook picture, Holla Forums.
It's just "o". Lrn2spic
more like not wanting to rot in a commie gulag. Its no wonder their parents came over in droves on the banana boats.
our leader hasn't kicked the bucket bucko ;^)
You'll wish he had soon.
stay cucked loser.
You've been had, enjoy your border fence.
We were high energy throughout the whole year, and drew massive crowds. Any smart person could tell it was all red meat for the folks who can't follow a 24 hour news cycle, ya know cuz…..they actually work (unlike leftist scum).
As for Mr. Trump's comments in the past its not like a celebrity can come forward espousing any sort of right wing ideology without getting crucified like Obongo did Trump a few years back.
Man payback is sweet! And now this commie spic kicks the bucket? The only thing that can make this year better is Comrade Sanders keeling over next followed by crooked Hillary.
You mean like it was under Obama?
There's three other stickies, my retarded friend.
hardly call that mass incarceration with over 9 million illegals roaming the country raping white women. How much backpedaling are you losers going to do before you an-hero from grief?
Obama has deported more immigrants than any other president, but keep thinking your feels > reals.
/r/ing this to have "RIP" on it
Stay delusional
Pic related
Desu I thought the spergs on Holla Forums were less cringy.
How's that "muh communism" doing for you, faggots? You see that flag up on top of the moon right there? No star and sickle. Get ready to taste the full freedom of a capitalist world, sodomite kikes.
All I can see is completely white flag m8.
Read Adorno
And all I see is the lower half of an American/German made lander and commie tears. :^)
I can't believe the Illuminati have won again.
Based goldwater already got an article up
Rip in peace.
Great news.
Gonna celebrate today.
Democracy in Cuba next year.
You can't have both you dense Holla Forumsyp.
No. How about market socialism with Chinese characteristics?
you do know that Fidel's brother is in power right?
Of course I can, just look at America.
You mean Capitalism.
You wish you had fascism buddy so you can finally look Tyrone in the eye without wetting yourself.
What a fuck is Fidel's brother?
Already have that all over the world. Good photo though, Soviet fascism. Too bad the photo is a hoax.
viva la revolucion!
You must be over 18 to post on here.
I think the Reichstag being LEVELED to the ground by the Soviets proves otherwise Stormcuck.
The man thinks evil men with big noses are destroying his race. Dude probably still thinks the Americans went to the moon. :^)
Hoax. As in - didn't happened. Find me one proof that Soviets existed.
protip: you can't.
Germany exists and rules Europe, but Soviets are nowhere to be found.
Hence the photo is a hoax.
What happened is the victory of the Not Socialism which eventually led to the creation of the European Union.
Your argument is literally muh feels > reals
This is why it's not worth arguing with Holla Forums
Good riddance you useless faggot
I was there, it's… Relatively sad. I was never a fan of Castro but these are some next level classcucking.
Heh, still got it.
I too idolize someone who ruined a country's economy.
Turns out this is one big fake, he's alive and well faggots.
RIP to my nigga Fidel
He will rest in the communist heaven and gets to meet all the socialist celebrities. He will be happy
Murió Fidel Castro el mismo día del nacimiento de Patricio Aylwin y de Augusto Pinochet, estúpidos y sensuales sagitarios
you can't make this shit up
I give Holla Forums my condolence to the death of revolutionary hero Fidel Castro.
I pray to Allah to show him mercy in his grave.
t. Syrian living Kuwait.
Celebrating someone's death is bad karma, Holla Forums.
You should remember this considering you think meme magic is real.
Before the top post was edited it said crazy instead of interesting
fuck r/socialism
Not even a Fidel fan, but still
Friendly reminder that he created the best health care system in the western world.
Gee, capitalism sure does produce enough food. Shame you're not allowed to eat it. GR8 SYSTEM 8/8 m8!
cya authoritarian nigger.
Doubt it. But this as hell isn't
I'm just waiting for Corbyn's comments, which will will definitely be positive, and will definitely be turned against him
How does it feel knowing Castro overthrew Batista and keked America for years even as a 90 year old man all from a tiny little Island?
You're all going to join him in Hell
pretty shit bait tbh
Not even a communist but
Nice spook
1. Engels was also a white man who helped create communism
2. Didn't Hitler whine about how Jews also created capitalism?
I like how Holla Forums are a bunch of bootlicking fascists but then unironically call political opponents "authoritarian."
CIA on suicide watch
Did he ded?
Have you thanked Comrade Fidel already today for creating the only country in the world that is considered by official UN indices as both highly developed and ecologically sustainable?
fucking tankies
Well I have nothing to say but I wanted to make myself present in this thread.
words cant describe my sadness right now and these Holla Forums cunts think this was it meme magik , if only he stopped smoking
he backed off like 80% of his promises, man. some leader ya got there
nobody starves in Cuba. they have higher life expectancy than USA.
Must feel good to be an American who went through the retarded standardized education system and a Muslim tier religious society
I love the poorly educated XDD
I have 99 problems but america ain't one
"Condemn me. It is of no importance. History will absolve me"
how is tankie twitter taking this?
keep living in the bubble if it makes you happy :^)
ruthless capitalists have no decency
shit that was actually sad
What's some good pro-Castro literature?
RIP comrade Castro.
Last time i check hitler killed more of my "germanic" people than commies did.
I don't lurk this board regularly but figured I might as well see the reaction to this.
Why are you all saying RIP? I thought you were all edgy ayythiets? Last time I came here you were posting babies with deformities and stillborns and having a good old laugh feeling superior you don't believe in a loving God, rather than feeling the sadness an ordinary person would feel coming to such a conclusion.
I have never seen this here.
hahaha like fucking clockwork
I'm not saying that level of vulgarity is regular, I assume it isn't, but it's a thread a I distinctly remember. It might have been here about a year ago tbf. Point remains. Weren't most ayythiests around here? I'm just curious.
When even latinos don't know what Cuba was like under Fidel…
atheist here
i love laughing at stillborns all the time, it's just part of my godless humor. can you point me to some good "deformities" threads
Eh, so? Rip and rest in peace is a saying, not necessarily a declaration of faith in an afterlife.
If I wasn't an ayytheist, why would I make condolences, if I believed in the afterlife then Castro would be chilling in Marxist heaven right now.
Anyhow, RIP in peace to a true titan of Marxism, a man who managed to keep socialism alive under all the pressure of the USA without going full tankie.
First Trump wins now Castro dies.
Holla Forums confirmed for suicide watch.
too bad there was not suicide watch back in 1945, huh /pol?
I feel like crying
Its a Black Friday Miracle, god bless Capitalism!
How exactly are these bad things?
most of us are just happy hillary didn't win though
and castro died at 90, after surviving numerous assassination attempts, that's not really a loss for anyone
Rest easy compañero
WTF i hate Fidel now
This is what life was like before the revolution
Of course they will meet in Hell. There are people there in need of liberacion too.
History will absolve him.
RIP Castro. A man who deserves respect.
Apologies for the newfags who think they're being funny by gloating over this. They're likely children for cuckchan who have no idea what this place is.
"They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?"
Some of us are Catholics, some of us are into political theology, but none of us are reactionary Anglican fuckheads like Roger Scrotum.
Sad! He was a quitter. Low energy…
They generally don't, or only watch the most normiecore series.
They are fully into unironic waifuism, though.
t. /a/non who used to be GG before it went full reactionary
Castro did a lot of good. I've always said socialism is better than capitalism.
It's why the lolbergs are so retarded to be celebrating Pinochet's birthday.
Jesus christ step up your game, lettersoup informants
Mis respetos.
Fuck you Holla Forums
Cuckchan ruined this site
RIP Castro
also RIP God
Interestingly, cats were also the first things eaten when a medieval city was under siege.
Eh, yes, we already established that. That article doesn't give any other reason than "the famine happened because authoritarianism". But if you actually read the article that is provided as source, it says that the fmaine happened following the collapse of the soviet union, and if you do a bit more research, you know that the famine was solved by the government chosing to move away from centralized monocultures towards family owned small farms which we're run with older methods, which were needed because it couldn't get the minerals and resources of sustain monocultures. These sustainable methods continue to today and is also the reason why so many people in cuba have to work in agriculture and why farming is relatively well paid in cuba.
That doesn't sound much worse than the effects of a recession on a capitalist economy. And it looks like they learned how to adapt their economy so it wouldn't happen again.
It's funny isn't it? When peoples living standards drop, the government runs short on money for maintenance of public buildings and thousands move abroad in a communist society, its a terrible crisis which killed thousands of people, but in a capitalist society it just a recession, no biggie, stop complaining!
For him the revolution is over, but our struggle continues with his example to guide us.
These Miami retards celebrating the death of the most notable man from their country is sickening.
the embargo started in 1958
the famine after the fall of the soviet union
get rekt
you asked if a famine happened
and I gave you a source that proved that a famine happened
it doesn't matter if he solved or not
also that fact that the famine started after the fall of the soviet union proves that it was caused by the government because of incompetence
only a handful of capitalist countries suffered that
ALL communist states suffered that
there is a difference
get salty
Yes, when they stopped receiving aid designed to compensate for the damaging impact of the embargo.
Yeah, when they lost most of their trading partners, including their main source of fertilizer for crops, and the US tightened the embargo in hopes it would destabilize Cuba. lern 2 read
No. Learn to read.
Every capitalist state suffers from recessions retard
Lel, remember that time after Katrina when Castro wanted to send over 1,000 doctors (some of the best in the world) and 24 tons of medicine to Louisiana to help and the Bush Administration refused it?
Good riddance to the shit stain.
yes it happened after the soviet union felt
but this proves that the cuban government was incompetent because if they were competent they would not have allowed to only depend on another dictatorship
yes only a handful of capitalist countries suffered a famine that bad
but ALL communist countries suffered a famine that bad or worse
big difference
Can you recommend me some good books about Cuba and Castro, Holla Forums?
I want to learn and not just offer up empty praise and rhetoric.
They will get theirs, don't worry.
Fucking finally.
Geez i wonder who else they would fuck rely on with a hostile superpower on their doorstep and the whole of latin america and US allies following suit.
wew lad
Love all this talk about communists causing famines.
My country lost 25% of its population to colonial, capitalist swine taking advantage of all our natural produce and sending them over to Britain whilst the rest of the country starved to death
t. eternal Hibernian
Fat bourgeois pigs
but also
only commies can truthfully rally behind such sentiments and ideas. and produce such great human beings.
thank you fidel.
Higher HDI than many capitalist countries, fam.
oh just look at all those countries that were NOT capitalist!
literally there are not more than 5 countries there that are indeed capitalists countries lmao
I know that feel bro.
America + capitalism would have turned Cuba into Honduras and Haiti if it wasn't for Castro. He literally saved millions of lives.
I was so close to not crying, and you just fucked it up.
Nobody remembers the crisis that was averted.
And nobody thanks those who avert them.
Well, there's your answer. They were enemies to begin with.
Fidel Castro >>> Every US president ever
stay mad faggot
pope francis will make him a saint of the people and franco will rot in the dustbin of history
eat shit and die, commies
if communism is so great explain how Fidel died?
praise el papa
not big surprise
If fascism is so great explain how Hitler died?
If communism isn't great explain how this happened?
Nigger what.
Lets just take 1800 as a cutoff point at which countries became capitalist, shall we?
PS give feedback comrades, if you got critique on what is and is not "real capitalism" or something like that I would like to hear it. I've been very liberal in both what capitalism is and what communism is, taking the broader strokes.
wrong its actually because you are gay haha faggots
Just by a glance I can see these are bourgeois traitors of the people poorer that them. They always look the same and they only come out when leftists are gaining power in come country.
u fukkin wot m8
this is why i dont like le no true socialism/communism meme
Do you have more from where that paper came from?
guys pls help
I would provide sources for the Khmer Rouge being backed by CIA et al.
Pretty based country, tbh
I live in the USA and in my state one in four adults is functionally illiterate.
don't worry, all this is unimportant compared to the fact that casinos and Nestle aren't welcome there
32 million Americans can't read. 21 percent of American adults read below a 5th grade level.
Pretty staggering when you think about it.
US literacy rate is so bad that they can't even round up people to measure it.
wow these bougie Cubans in Miami are really pissing me off
u wot
How is this not considered a humanitarian crisis?
It's from a curriculum on the famine. The notes in it are rather simple but it has a good bibliography.
Björn Afzelius, Swedish socialist/communist/hippie, had a book that was notorious enough to get him banned from Cuba. Haven't read it, but it should be pretty good
what did he mean by this
i used to volunteer with an adult literacy group
you'd be surprised how people learn to cope and function in daily life without learning to read, i mean it hinders their job potential, but some are pretty crafty
not real, unfortunately
Fucking disgusting two faced traitors.
These are like the American Iraqis who constantly urged for war in Iraq.
Cuba is, according to CIA world factbook, at 4.5 to USA's 5.8
These are the type of people to pop champagne at the death of a great patriot just because of politics. Says it all. No class. No respect.
99% bourgeoisie.
Are you seriously that retarded?
You know they have economic incentives to flee Cuba right?
Cubans can receive SS retirement without ever paying a fucking dime into the system.
that's how it goes. Of course they would support the party that wants the status-quo (non-normal relations with Cuba) to continue, they want their gravy train to continue
Kek, how will the capitalistcubacucks ever recover?
The USA spends twice as much as the UK per capita. Doesn't mean it's better, just that the free market is a failure.
I was just curious as to what it actually meant to you here. Reading too much into it I suppose.
That only means they were enemies to begin with it.
here's an article about special status for Cubans
Now I understand why Castro killed so many.
These people are disgusting.
I would have done the same.
Can someone do one for fascism? I think a side by side would be interesting.
Is this for real
I'm more heartbroken about the passing of Fidel than I was about my own relatives dying
How could you possibly like this guy ?
How many of his own people did he kill ?
me too, my mom passed two years ago and i remember sitting at the funeral thinking "well, at least Fidel is still alive"
Me too, it is if like my father just died
At least Putin didn't shit on him:
"The unusually impassioned communiqué saw Putin hail Castro as a 'symbol of a whole era of modern world history' saying he was 'a wise and strong person' who was 'an inspiring example for all countries and peoples' and a 'sincere and reliable friend of Russia.'"
rich coming from a man who sold himself to the public as an authoritarian
Good on him.
It actually makes me happy to see a rich fucktard like Trump mad about Castro, even after his death.
Too bad there aren't any comrades there to pop some molotovs to send Comrade Fidel off in style
decent infographic at the porky magazine of The Economist
Why do I get the feeling this user comes to this revelation every time he's discussed? The consistency of right wingers to be pathological liars and engage in histrionics would lead you to think they're all women.
except possibly by everybody who lived under him and who don't post ironic toad images on a Taiwanese finger-puppet BBS all day
I've seen other sources that say similarly but please don't use images without citations
It's an older PEW study but here's a more recent one:
yeah, because we can trust the Americans to do anything but go "hurrr gommie :DDDDDD" at groups of Russians en masse
Why would an American outfit have an incentive to lie about Russians wishing the USSR had not collapsed? Surely there would be a stronger incentive to suggest that the collapse of the USSR has been received favorably?
Cool, thanks
It's just that muh graffs without any or credible citations is a common Holla Forums tactic and we're better than that here, so I try to politely discourage it when encountered.
that's retarded because if anything, they'd be dying to prove russians are happy the USSR fell
never been to America detected
Americans consider swedes 100% communist, much less Russians
good riddance
rest in piss you filthy commie
Still no reason to suspect that PEW would lie about this.
Castro is the dictionary definition of "overstaying one's welcome". If only he or Rafael would actually try to create a different socialism, since it's not like they have much to lose, something good could come out of it. At least it would be better than this protracted decay towards an obvious and bitter end.
What really kills me is all the vultures of the world pretending to be lovers of liberty now. If Cuba was the exact same but with non-commie nomenclature and symbolism, the same people wouldn't be batting an eye. The exact same scum who erased the anti-authoritarian left of East Germany, and who painted the Tiananmen protests as kids clamoring for Western democracy.
Memes aside, why is Castro so great? I thought he was just another state capitalist and not a real socialist? I also thought Holla Forums hates the kind of people who wear Che shirts.
well that's where you're wrong kiddo
i AM american
don't ever talk to me about my own country's propaganda ever again
He didn't bring about socialism but he did manage to liberate his country from imperialism and not only greatly raised the standard of living, expanded education to all, health care to all, and contributed both to military and medical resistance to capitalist exploitation, but did so with very limited resources 90 miles from the planet's most fearsome capitalist power.
His accomplishments are many and his failures are many, and neither does one cancel out the other, but must all be taken in context to explain the man as a whole. His is a life worthy of celebration, because even if he wasn't able to deliver Cuba to socialism, he at least set it on the path towards it.
1. State capitalism is a dumb anarkiddie meme
2. Cuba raced ahead of Caribbean rivals and is still doing much better than them, despite a lack of consumerist wealth Cubans are blessed with good education, healthcare, and so on.
3. Cuba was and is much less tyrannical than other attempted state socialist regimes and is not marred by mass killings and so on.
4. Castro is personally a badass for insulting America so much and surviving so many assassination attempts.
In my mind Castro's Cuba was the closet the world ever came to real socialism (not including microstates that only lasted months)
Thanks for the explanation.
It's just that I'm skeptic sometimes when people here praise certain regimes, especially tankies.
Remember user, Real Communism™ is against big government, gun-grabbing, gibsmedat, etcetc…
Nothing but respect for this man.
Pinochet did nothing wrong
free helicopter rides, Asserist!
That's good, you should be skeptical. Whatever Cuba or Fidel's virtues, they shouldn't be the only things examined. As socialists, it's our duty to criticize as much as praise, to learn from the failings of those that came before us, but to celebrate their accomplishments too.
He wasn't entirely good or entirely bad, but a complex person at the forefront of a complex situation. Fidel deserves alot of criticism, but I think today especially should be for celebrating his accomplishments. He found Cuba mud and left it brick, and for me I think that is enough to ask of one man.
is he, dare i say it, our guy?
RIH we have a long way to go, but with enough luck and spirit all the commies will cease to exist.
Because people started shitting on him, so I need to be contrarian.
*dibz vedora*
really makes u think huh
what did he mean by this
Castro, you will be missed. You will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders ever. RIP
He raised the standard of living for those who where essentially poor in the more populous areas, but that's still not much better than when Batista was in power. There are still people who live in dwellings where the ceiling is made of the styrofoam.
Havana is largely ration-dependent, so a lot of families have to math out portions to make it to the end of the month if they're not talking business with their neighbors. More autonomous regions like Villa Clara where I'm from have far more farmland so food is far more abundant but even pre-revolution that general area was wealthy in harvest and in cash. "Business" is still the same as usual, and you have to deal with other people on the street in order to get things that you need, nearly all of which are stolen from the docks or from the government.
Throughout its post-revolution history, its aims were to make the foundations for socialism but all it did was turn people into underground capitalists in order to survive. It's one of the best examples of dialectical reversal you can get.
True, even as flag related, the cuban phenomenon is worth discussing and Fidel's accomplishments in surviving American imperialism through sheer cunning is worth of much praise, that alone -to me at least- is far more valuable to humanity that whatever underlying virtues or failures of his regime at large.
Also a nice example of the function of the "spook" of Nationalism as a practical force that can be weilded to astonishing effects.
I do respect him a lot in a way, And I'm not celebrating his death, if anything, he was a worthy enemy, even if he infiltrated my country's hierarchy through afro-caribean witches exploiting Chávez' inclinations for the occult.
Let the reactionaries celebrate this one time. They were never able to secure a victory over Comrade Fidel while he was alive.
The second someone tries to establish communism it goes under attack by capitalist superpowers. It's no wonder bad shit happens when every other country with a modicum of power is simultaneously trying to destroy your economy.
I liek the edge
so why did the famine start in 1921 and not 1918?
Tsarist Russia had famines all the fucking time. You can't seriously be expecting a leader to fix a country overnight.
What? There were massive food shortages even before 1918, during the war. It's a big part of why the Russian revolution happened in the first place.
If it is he's already deleted it.
so no it isn't
the famines started hundreds of years before Lenin was even born
Why do you have any opinion at all on this when you're so badly informed? gtfo
it's either capitalists or nature, make up your fucking minds commies ffs
Can someone drop some pdfs of books on Cuba?
Nature and Kulaks'/Stalin's faggotry(depending who you ask) in case of Ukraine
Rest in power
I second this, it would be incredibly useful. Also maybe some stuff by Castro would be nice.
these have some interviews with the man himself which is great
quads of maximum damage
a mini motherboard doc about the diy culture that arose during the special period in cuba
He killed so many because that's the only way communism gets to stay in a place: Shooting the ones who disagree. Also, don't you think there is a reason for people from his own homeland, his kin, who lived under his regime for years to hate him so much? Do you really think they started hating him when they touched american soil? There's a reason they fleed from there in the first place.
The left makes everything about "waah he was bad to me sometime in the past and i must fight him" but fail to realize their own system turns people against the institutions. This is the result of that.
hopefully a communist kills you
the meme is strong in the left
I love that people ignore how this works all of the time. Yeah, do you think it's just any random Cuban fleeing the country or do you think there might be factors aside from "be Cuban"? And it's even crazier when they point out it's right-wingers fleeing to capitalism. As if that somehow vindicates their position. Yeah, I bet if a bunch of black people move into a neighborhood, the white people who leave are probably racist. Must mean that racists are right and blacks are terrible, huh?
Hi, I'm from Holla Forums and confirm this is 200% true. Do you want an infograph?
Maybe not but it does mean those black people come from somewhere they'd rather NOT be. Just like Cubans, any cubans, all cubans who escape. Stop deluding yourselves leftypol, they weren't part of the 'elite' the 'burgeois' or any of the other memes you guys dogmatically preach.
They left, on rafts made out of trucks, because socialism is a nightmare to live under, and only those who actually have can understand the hatred these people feel towards their executioner
never change lefturds
What are you on about? I just want to learn about Cuba, my understanding of it is based purely on pop culture.
Lol, fuck off. I won't spare any tears for the bourgs and the children of bourgs who left because their land and factories got taken away. Most Cubans who left did it one ferries and planes, it was a tiny minority who tried to get to the US on rafts or whatever.
Lol this was posted while I was typing this up, I knew someone would bring up the rafts bullshit.
The Cubans who left were economic migrants just like the right accuses the Syrians of being, they weren't refugees. The US gave all of them citizenship immediately just for being from Cuba so why would the greedy not try their luck to live the American dream?
Sin el Jefe ahora, perro siempre libre. Adios, Fidel.
That's what I was saying. You must have missed the sarcasm.
Massive financial, logistical, and material aid from numerous capitalist nations.
A story from a Cuban:
My mother was born into a poor peasant family in Pinar del Rio, Cuba's westernmost province. She was not allowed to finish the Second Grade. At age 12, she went to work as a maid/nanny in the home of a rich family, where the "father" of the family raped her on a nightly basis. She did not own a pair of shoes until she was 15. She learned a trade, became a seamstress, and worked in sweatshops as a sewing machine operator.
Fidel Castro ended all that.
That is why she loved him until the day she died.
That is why I loved him until the day HE died.
Where was this written?
So what? What the fuck does it matter if they want to live the american dream? Why does the left think itself so righteous as to tell people the way they want to live their life is wrong?
Those poor fucks left their families behind to live under some resemblance of hope for the future, something that couldn't be attained in socialism. Really now? they Left on jets and and ferrys? See how deluded you are? Actually believing these memes is why cuban people hate you and your guerrilla bastard.
just a friendly reminder that Raul Castro is still the main president of Cuba
though i'm not exactly sure how Cuba and the great Burgerland are going to handle 'warming relations', especially in the century of 2000 + 16.
it's a giant ball of uncertainty
liberals and conservatives have somehow painted Fidel as a racist lmao
Seriously, read a fucking book.
The neoliberal mindfuckery never stops does it?
"When Cuba sends it people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
But we're the bleeding hearts with no connection to reality.
You are. Somebody literally said people fleed from cuba in ferries and jets… If that's actually what they could have done, would they really have gone to america? all of them?
Meanwhile, Haitians face a far longer journey and if caught they just get deported, and no lover of liberty cries so much as a crocodile tear for them.
It should be obvious by now that Pope is an Argentinian socialist double agent which infiltrated the Catholic Church beyond wildest imagination of their initial plans.
I guess so. Sorry I suppose.
ebin b8m8
saved for future shitposting.
Can the left ever recover?
The majority if emigrants left because Cuba allowed the US and/or Cuban exiles to send boats or planes to pick them up because they figured they were better off without wannabe captains of industry, sorry if the truth hurts. Try not swallowing US propaganda some time.
Don't forget "cultural Marxist", that term is all the rage these days.
t. Stefan Molyneux
So many butthurt expats and bourgie Cubans lel
Fidel won.
I love the people calling him brutal when the only "humans rights" abuse people have ever tagged him with was against free speech. (Ie: freedom of propaganda which would totally not be abused as it was in the USSR after Perestroika)
RIP Fidel "Porky's knell" Castro
so do the people that blame Castro for the poverty in Cuba (despite being one of the lowest in the developing world ranking 6th out of 108) take into account the US embargo that cost the country's economy $1 trillion and the way monopoly capitalism chokes you out if you don't play ball?
Really when you put things in to perspective they've been a good country overall since 1959, in terms of how they've behaved.
As long as the US is allied to countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel they have no right to criticise Cuba.
I see people from all across the Arab and African continents expressing their love and appreciation of what Fidel and Cuba did for them and it's beautiful. That's internationalism, comrades.
change into a corpse
i feel conflicted castro was authoritarian but he is one of the few latin american leaders who dared to stand up to the usa
he had to be authoritarian. how did being open and democratically elected work out for, say, Mosaddegh?
What's all this 'F' business?
real life is complicated. it's rare that there are actual heroes and villains. castro accomplished alot but sometimes he had to be a dictator to do it.
draco brought law to athens, but he had to be a tyrant to do it. it was so acrimonious he went into self exile and most of his laws were changed shortly after he left, but the systems he invented and put into practice functioned endured for a long time and were the intellectual ancestors of european legal traditions that endure to this day.
in one of the recent call of duty games there is a cutscene where you hit the F button to "pay respects"
well he didn't have to put gays in gulags
that was wrong.
but Cuba rectified its treatment of LGBT people and enacted progressive policies towards them before many western nations.
Rest in peace comrade. You fought the good fight.
Gays often works as a gateway to liberalism
Not only that but Batista's Cuba was a massive hub for bohemians and petty-bougeois intellectuals and artists from the hemisphere, whorehouses and fancy restaurants were everywhere.
When Fidel decided to direct those resources towards proles there's no doubt they would be disappointed at this overly "authoritarian" (pragmatic and realist) Revolution.
Just another example of Castro's moral character, he went to see the camps himself and realised he was wrong. How many leaders actually change their minds? Castro was born in the 20s yet he was able to accept gays
all this talk of miami porky cubans celebrating fidel's death.
here's the reaction of actual cubans. notice the multi ethnic nature of the crowds, notice how they're all shedding hot tears
RIP Comrade
sauce i like to read this
Remember, Castro died on Pinoche's birthday.
Cuban expats really are fucking scum
If there's any American leftists here in Miami, crack some skulls
Some good tweets on capitalist cognitive dissonance
Dear fucking Lord, Holla Forumsyps unironically saying that the international media is being biased towards fucking Castro by saying Cubans in fucking Cuba are mourning him.
This is the kind of shit we're in for in the next 4 years, isn't it? A hellish mix of ignorance, stupidity and doublethink. Jesus, take the wheel!
Go away. Nobody cares.
I get the feeling Corbyn is much more socialist than he lets on
Livingstone and McDonnell even more so.
saw trip, didn't read
well McDonnell has "admitted" he is a Marxist and has endorsed violent revolution multiple times
I like to imagine a world where Jez and John win in 2020 and just dissolve parliament and gulag every Blairite and Tory.
user, please, my dick can only get so hard
The w e w is very strong in this one
what a disgusting group of people
Emmet Rensin is pretty based. He also shits on tankies a lot, which I find both humorous and reassuring.
That picture of Che reminds me that everyone should read this Berger essay:
There aren't enough [citations needed] for this.
add cuba flag in honour of our great comrade
I hope that his brother will not let happen to cuba's people same thing as former soviet countries
Holla Forumsack here. Just wanted to say Castro was one of the few modern-day leftist I respected. That guy had some huge cojones and never defended fun unlike every single lefty still alive.
Out of curiosity, which others do Nazi types like?
Tito and Zizek have a few who respect them. Zizek I guess it's because he isn't being a retard about Trump. Tito is because he was ballsy as fuck.
Nice Fuhrer dubs btw.
How do you feel about Trump's immediate (and completely predictable) flip-flopping? Serious question.
Shout out to my nigga Fidel
Exposed the CIA as bitch made and resisted the eternal burger
This isn't the general opinion (and I'm not 'murican, so I don't follow it too closely), but I always expected him to be looking after number one since he's a billionaire and has ties to jews (to some degree that's impossible to avoid when you're rich but when your kids marry them that raises some red flags). So not surprised in the slightest, but still have some hope he'll do a good job even if far from perfect. Still, just his victory alone is good for right-wing parties everywhere and may be enough to help us fight back the invaders before they rape everything.
Nigger didn't even got in office yet.
Thank you for the insight. And what country do you live in?
Check out Anis Shivani.
Caution: he's brown which hopefully isn't too much of a problem for you
And he might not ever get in office. Recount, baby!
I'm not interested in a useless debate. All the facts are available in Google. Feel free to look it up.
🍀🍀🍀Carlos Eire🍀🍀🍀
this, scrap the black nationalist flag
Listening to Sargon right now, and he's triggered by the positive media coverage.
Where…? Other than leftie websites.
I can only help your intelligence gathering effort so much, user.
Guy doesn't even have a wikipedia page. He could be green for all I care so long as he doesn't want to take over.
He said he would replace it, he is building his thing reforming the actual system.
Pic related
The ones that the MSM are crying holocaust about?
Of course. You're just spreading bullshit.
The Guardian, I guess.
You know, like the one or two positive article out of the hundreds of others that were negative.
But if you're Carl "muh missile crisis" Benjamin, that's not good enough.
I don't want Hillary to win the recount, I just want it to cause a constitutional crisis and Holla Forumsyps chimping out.
Yes, a dubious pic of a paper w/ no context is an argument.
No, I'm talking about the cadre of other well-established politicians. It's basically all of them other than Bannon kek
No, I'm #DRAININGTHESWAMP with my buddy Reince Priebus :^)
Obomba has literally killed more innocent people than Castro, and these people are gonna cry when he dies smfh
Wait so why do people think Castro was like Stalin? Didn't Castro hate Stalin?
castro never sold out, he could have, like china or Vietnam, shit got tough after the soviet union fell, but he never sold out.
And he trolled america till he day he died, the CIA could never kill or overthrow him for some odd reason, man that is some incompetence.
I would say che and fidel are probably the best examples of successful communists and revolutionaries
because McCarthyism has made "communist" mean "ebil dictator" or "killed 70 gorillion people"
Remind me why so many right wingers hate him?
Castro had a complex relationship with the Soviet Union but of course the media doesn't care
He's an author I think.
Anyway, here's an article written by him, so you get where he's coming from.
Do people on this board actually believe Cuba will even be socialist in 10 years? The Coca Cola money is already pouring in and as soon as the Cuban government gets a taste of that sweet sweet imperialist money Cuba will become nothing more than a gigantic American tourist trap.
Even Fidel must have known on his deathbed the dream was over. And what are you guys going to jerk off over? The socialist countries of Europe that are currently experiencing Hitler levels of nationalism? The remaining socialist shitholes of South America where they dine on cats and dogs? The now basically capitalist China? Fucking North Korea?
I give Castro credit for probably getting as close as anyone was ever going to get to the Marxist utopia. But these ideologies are officially dustbin of history tier at this point.
Done a blog post for Comrade Castro
because we know it isn't even socialist know
Capitalism is next.
You're forgetting right-wingers believe
1) Reagan was good
2) it's important for poor people to die
we're all moving to rojava brosef
Hasta siempre, comandante.
History will absolve you.
Funny, that's what Castro railed against back in the 1950s. The Batista dictatorship ran the country for American business and the mob.
Nah. Socialism is a long struggle but we'll get there. Capitalism took centuries to establish.
There isn't a single socialist state left in Europe or South America.
Good piece.
I read something that said they had elections every couple years on issues. Do you know anything about that?
Is Raul legit?
wow there is TWO points in that are equal to it
Because a picture of him with papers talking about it don't prove anything amirite?
People that rallied up against it and now they are crying about them having power.
His job to do what Trump and Bannon tell him to.
Also love the convenient omission about TPP being given up, something that are pushed by multinational interest and politicians everywhere is already done.
Raul took part in the revolution alongside Fidel if I'm not mistaken, but he's not nearly as charismatic. Also the guy is in his 70s I don't know how much he will last
They key phrase here is "two key provisions".
Yes, that photo proves nothing. Thank you for agreeing.
No, I'm saying his cabinet *is* establishment.
I love how you seriously believe Trump has any independent ideas of his own.
I deliberately ignored TPP, because
1) his people have worked with TPP lobbyists (along with other corporate lobbyists)
2) it's currently dead anyway
I believe there was some degree of inner party democracy but not sure as to how this played out in practice.
Uh oh Holla Forums better get ready for some real arguments. Molyneux's probably been lying in wait for this day to BTFO commies forever.
I expect after Raul croaks cuba will probably just go the way of china unfortunately.
Or it depends, maybe trump will make them mad and go full commie again, lel.
What about all those co-ops Wolff has been talking about? Didn't a state owned enterprise in Cuba get turned into a cooperative?
wait does this mean the accelerationists were correct
that fella is so creepy
Nah, I disagree. His voice and face makes him seem like a really warm, nice guy. Too bad his views are memes.
Not an argument
I'm sorry, I can't take a guy who believes that scientists are unimportant and that they should be doing something usefull like making phones seriously.
Some right wingers have pretty good humour
inb4 !it is healthcare! And government related! It's the same thing!"
You have no proof of the wall being given up but real proof and details about it mean nothing. Ridiculous.
You have no idea what establishment is
Raul is cool. He stood alongside his brother for 50 years.
His successor is already known, a man named Miguel Diaz-Canel, much younger and more open minded, but still committed to socialism.
How will Holla Forums ever recover?
stopped there Molymeme
Huh, don't you know people who die under capitalism are just lazy?
Of course the pagans are celebrating
literally just making up numbers
I don't think you understand how economics interacts with poverty, healthcare, social mobility, pollution and hunger.
Is Holla Forums now going to bring up numerology? Holy shit.
It is now officially 24 hours since Comrade Fidel died.
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Slavoj commenting on Fidel
Hasta siempre, comandante.
This is about Che, but why not.
what a memelord
I support Zizek but not here
He's growing more reactionary. Sad!
No kidding, it seriously sounded like he was paid to use "stagnant" as an argument.
wow what a shock. is zizek fucking serious here?
All the while sitting on a pile of riches and claiming that because his people had decent healthcare they were "liberated"
Dude was a piece of shit and everyone knows it. Quit larping
what are these people smoking
There was a single claim about this, and it was from a woman who was known now as a recruit by the CIA to kill Castro. The claims of here being "forced into an abortion" are highly questionable considering such testimonies only came to light after she fled Cuba.
A lot of factors play into this, but yes it was shitty. Resource scarcity as a result of embargoes doesn't help: the steady rise in suicides coincides with said embargo being put into place.
As did Batista AND the US. Both shitty, but neither of them were unique to Castro.
Again, shitty but not unique and was STILL BETTER than under Batista. Also religion wasn't really oppressed under Castro. The only restriction was that clergy couldn't join the Communist Party, which was a given considering they adhere to a hierarchical organization that spent most of the 20th century condemning Communism (going so far as to excommunicate all communists who adhere to materialist schools of political thought).
Won't really defend them too much there. I will say this much: they did try. Given the scope of the threat that they were under however (the capitalist superpower being 90 miles away), the party clamped down in the early days to combat said threat. As it tends to go with state power, once it's been established, its hard if not impossible to dismantle internally.
The US literally had sent an invasion force the year before the Missile Crisis. That wasn't an abstract threat of attack: an already existing attack was fresh in people's memories.
I'm not one to really suck the dick of 20th century socialist leaders (especially ones who adhered to ML principles), but I don't doubt that the Cuban revolutionaries like Castro did have the interest of the people in mind. They helped put Cuba on the map as something more than just a backwater banana republic, and outside of what remains of the butthurt exiles in Miami, most of the people who lived through that revolutionary period still hold out hope for what it fought for.
screencapped for tankie autism
why are Holla Forums such parasites?
my dad told me that one of his most vivid childhood memories is how happy his family was, upon hearing about bay of pigs victory
my grandfather was cheering and laughing like he never had before
don't lose hope, remember castro started with 19 rebels and three years later he entered havana
He passed down and became a good communist.
They are bothburning in hell, that's for sure.
There is no such thing as socialism in one country, and nationalism (whether American or Cuban, “right-wing” or “left-wing”) is nothing more than the consort of war, designed to facilitate the division of the world proletariat, to lead the working-class onto the battlefield, marching under “its own” national flag, and prepare the separated sections of the working class for reciprocal slaughter, all this in the name of “their” national interest, the interest of “their” nation’s bourgeoisie. The self-proclaimed Castroite “anti-imperialists” (i.e. anti-western imperialism) fail to understand that imperialism is simply the logic of world capitalism’s atomic components, nation-states — imperialism is capitalism’s metabolism in a world divided into nation-states. As competing zones of accumulation within this world-system, nation-states are led to clash with one another. Only the dissolution of nation-states, as politico-economic units, can put an end to this system, and hence bring about world proletarian revolution.
What we see in Cuba, Venezuela, etc., contrary to tankie/Chomskyite nonsense, is nothing progressive, no step forward for the working class. The displacement of the old bourgeoisie and their replacement by a new, “red” bourgeoisie and the replacement of privatized industries and free-market capitalism with nationalized industries and state-capitalism (and a flourishing black market) are irrelevant. The obvious features of capitalism, as described by Marx in Capital — the accumulation of value, commodities, the exploitation of workers, etc. — remain the same. Internationalists reject the choice between “capitalist” bosses, police and prisons and “socialist” bosses, police and prisons. Between “right-wing”/pro-American and “left-wing”/anti-American regimes or countries. This is all superficial, leftist (left of capital) nonsense. International relations are inherently fluid. Those who eulogize or propagandize on behalf of the “red” bourgeoisie help to foster and reinforce illusions about the “revolutionary” or “progressive” nature of various anti-proletarian, nationalist regimes and state-capitalism. We have reason neither to mourn nor celebrate.
Cuba did not have forced abortions, although it had one of the highest abortion rates in the world, which is not surprising, given that it was a communist shithole.
Based Zizek
Fucking shit, how many elephants had to die to build your tower?
a message from our friends in the YPG
Yes, China is the greatest country in the world it just needs to develop its productive forces first. China suffered under the oppression of fascist Japan, tsarist Russia, and the West for years as a semi-colony and it couldn't just jump into communism over night in such conditions. It needs a period like the NEP in Russia.
"What is socialism and what is Marxism? We were not quite clear about this in the past. Marxism attaches utmost importance to developing the productive forces. We have said that socialism is the primary stage of communism and that at the advanced stage the principle of from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs will be applied. This calls for highly developed productive forces and an overwhelming abundance of material wealth. Therefore, the fundamental task for the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces. The superiority of the socialist system is demonstrated, in the final analysis, by faster and greater development of those forces than under the capitalist system. As they develop, the people's material and cultural life will constantly improve. One of our shortcomings after the founding of the People's Republic was that we didn't pay enough attention to developing the productive forces. Socialism means eliminating poverty. Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism." - Deng Xiaoping
liberal "Socialists" BTFO
Is pic related you?
I question the point of this sticky when its mostly shitposts from other boards.
Woah I did not expect this feel
Well, actually…
Why don't you ask your god Trump.
One less hypocrite. Funny how Communism has promised to be the opposite of what the New Left is, yet they've become seemingly the same thing.
Being a socialist now means wearing Adidas or Nike clothes and going to McDonalds, KFC or BK after a riot for the "working class".
Its all about jew-led college kids worshipping a bunch of hypocrites that sooner or later constructed a crypto-capitalist society (China is another good example aside from Cuba).
There is just one way to beat the globalist exploiters, banks and rich and bring back power to the people- by nationalism and fascism.
Leftists are a joke and in no way able to lead us to a world where the Lower and Middle Class is fairly treated. Sorry.
The only red country that stayed true to itself is North Korea, but noone wants that.
I've been saying it this whole time, this guy's a right-wing entryist.
close, he surely is a leftcom or trotskyist
am I still (mistakenly) banned?
I wanna see when fucking dronebama will stand trial for his fucking imperialist wars
god i hate americans so much
He's right though. Mythologizing authoritarian strongmen who supported "red" state capitalism does absolutely nothing for the left in almost 2017.
Zizek was right about Trump and right about Castro.
Leftists need to stop living in the past.
It's way past your bedtime.
i just lost all respect i had for Zizek
Zizek is right.
Never speak ill of the dead? Only if they have renounced communism!
Fucking lol. No, you are right, the capitalist shop owners and businessmen who were dodging mustardgas and handgrenades in some piss-soaked trench are responsible for everything. Also, i think this graphic was a satire and some braindead commie saw it and started spreading it unironically.
Those National Socialists were secretly capitalists who turned all those jewish shop owners into soap bars because they were capita- i mean merch- i mean… hmm…
yes, the petite bourgeoisie are essential for the maintenance of the capitalist system that not only created and upheld european imperialism but also the conflict known as ww1
read a book
One of us ought to read a book. More than 90% of german nobility died during WW1 and WW2. The german barons died face down in the snow on the russian front, but who cares about the "petite bourgeoisie", right? Off with their heads!
that's a shame. if there were any justice at all it would have been 100%
please user my dick can only get so erect
also you don't know what "petite bourgeoisie" means
you're also retarded for saging a stickied cyclical thread
Because they were Schlomos. Gidler did not have any problems with German capitalists who even financed him
Because their ill gotten wealth was being seized bootlicker
Kek, retard.
Stop being such a smug cunt if you know fuck all. What are you, 12?
the masons wouldnt kill one of their own who was abiding by their cult rules he had blackmail on others and others had blackmail on him so he couldnt be killed out of unnatural causes
That's more honest. These people are better than you, they are smarter, faster & stronger. Historically vermin like you only reproduce when the "bourgeoisie" is dead.
The sage was from another thread.
See, even a simpleton like you knows that there are more variables to consider.
yeah they're so great they got themselves killed on the frozen steppes of russia lollo
i guess i shouldn't be surprised that a boot licker idolizes the aristocracy. it's really pathetic hahaha
at least you'll join them in the same dustbin of history :^)
Another great article from Charnel-House.
"political refugees" settling in Miami, turning it into a criminal shithole.
It's ok when Cubans do it.
The good thing about Trump is, that it could've been Cruz or Rubio instead, because these retards genuinely think anti-social means anti-socialist.
based Slavoj, I would die for him without hesitation
Oh my, John Paul II must be rotating in his grave.
This makes me suspicious, given his support for Leninism. Cuba is exactly the Leninist model.
Fidel Castro, Stalinist butcher and enemy of the workers, is dead. The working class won't be happy until the last bureaucrat is hung with the intestines of the last capitalist.
Fidel Castro, verdugo Estalinista y enemigo de los obreros, ha fallecido. La clase trabajadora no estará contenta hasta que el último burócrata cuelgue de las entrañas del último capitalista.
Not at all, sometimes big events shake the stagnation and bring about great things.
You might want to read The State and Revolution.
No! That faggot spread propaganda all over Cuba, and made tons of forms of art illegal.
what types of art?
I will tell an example.
Cuban rappers are forced to talk about Cuba in a positive matter, or they will serve jail time.
False. Read this story:
Notice how the rappers were actually allowed until it turned out that the fucking CIA was funding them.
What Lenin advocated in writing and what he practiced are different.
Oh shit I guess I was wrong. But, communism is all about censoring people. Is Cuba communist, but only economically?
Just because capitalism uses soft censorship doesn't mean it doesn't practice censorship on a massive scale.
In what way should they be careful? What are the things they can't say?
try to watch pic related movie.
Ideology is pushed to us from places which you'd never expect, the fact that all hollywood is owned by a few bourgs is no better than state-owned film making in soviet union
I will watch the movie. Thank you.
Trump is going to do individual trade deals(which if there is enough of them it could end being worse than the TPP), he argues for "better deals" not that he was against trade deals.
About that wall.
Also some of his campaign managers came out and said that it was just a metaphor.
Cuba is economically capitalist.
Oh shit.
Don't you have a 400-page paper on some bullshit about how it was all justified because muh dialectics to be writing right now?
i think i read something about forced labour camps, and firing sqauds
Right wing BBC shills utterly BTFO by a sensible analyst and expert
kronstadt demands
1) Immediate new elections to the Soviets; the present Soviets no longer express the wishes of the workers and peasants.
The new elections should be held by secret ballot, and should be preceded by free electoral propaganda for all workers and peasants before the elections.
2)Freedom of speech and of the press for workers and peasants, for the Anarchists, and for the Left Socialist parties.
3) The right of assembly, and freedom for trade union and peasant associations.
4)The organisation, at the latest on 10 March 1921, of a Conference of non-Party workers, soldiers and sailors of Petrograd, Kronstadt and the Petrograd District.
5)The liberation of all political prisoners of the Socialist parties, and of all imprisoned workers and peasants, soldiers and sailors belonging to working class and peasant organisations.
6) The election of a commission to look into the dossiers of all those detained in prisons and concentration camps.
7) The abolition of all political sections in the armed forces; no political party should have muh privileges for the propagation of its ideas, or receive State subsidies to this end. In place of the political section, various cultural groups should be set up, deriving resources from the State.
8)The immediate abolition of the militia detachments set up between towns and countryside.
9) The equalisation of rations for all workers, except those engaged in dangerous or unhealthy jobs.
10) The abolition of Party combat detachments in all military groups; the abolition of Party guards in factories and enterprises. If guards are required, they should be nominated, taking into account the views of the workers.
11)The granting to the peasants of freedom of action on their own soil, and of the right to own cattle, provided they look after them themselves and do not employ hired labour.
12) We request that all military units and officer trainee groups associate themselves with this resolution.
13) We demand that the Press give proper publicity to this resolution.
14) We demand the institution of mobile workers' control groups.
15) We demand that handicraft production be authorised, provided it does not utilise wage labour.
Was this achieved without affirmative action, all-women shortlists type nonsense?
Kek, why did they let him go? Also, I didn't know the Bay of Pigs was on the southern coast, i.e the furthest from the US. Seems like a bad landing site.
I think the cover story was supposed to be that it was a spontaneous invasion/uprising of anti-communists from around the Carribean/South America. The US wanted it to look like they had nothing to do with it.
What do you think? It was not
what the fuck
concerning the US embargo, can anyone speculate on what Cuba could've been like had they not lived under such an embargo for 50+ years? is it as damaging as it seems? I've heard it brought about $1 trillion loss to the economy
i know many that work as handymen and are extremely efficient with mechanics and the like yet cannot read nor speak well it's quite an interesting phenomenon
it's around 750 billion dollars, since 1960.
Even the fucking Cato Institute realises it was a spiteful and damaging policy
A tyrant that destroyed his nation for personal gain getting his dead ass patted by world leaders who would do the same.
Posting in Epic Bread
The USA is a mess of awful statistics. It aint a pretty picture.
This. I used to work with people that taught adult reading or ESL. Often times these people are perfectly competent in this or that, but just never learned to read. More often than not they were just passed along by the school until they were old enough to drop out, and then they develop coping mechanisms to fake literacy. Very few of them go out and try to learn on their own for numerous reasons, but in particular because of the stigma attached to being unable to read, and they could potentially lose their jobs and have their whole lives ruined if it's found out that they can't.
It's really a horrific mess of a situation.
how do they do that?
Too much idpol
Have you ever had a form handed to you, and then the person says something like "This says we're loaning you Such and Such amount at So-and-So interest, and that you agree to blah blah blah?" They do that, mimic like they're reading what's on the page, flip through the papers, and then scribble what looks like a signature even though they don't understand a word of it. Things like that.
Sometimes they have friends, neighbors, or even their kids read them things like documents they get in the mail. That's particularly common among poorer immigrants that never learned to read in their native language, much less English. Often times in immigrant communities there'll be or someone will know a more educated member of the community that will help their neighbors or whatever with stuff like that. It happens especially with stuff in legalese.
If I remember right, there was a story about one man that worked at an auto body shop or something like that. He never learned to read, but he did learn what sort of things to put on the form. Real simple stuff, "yes," "no," etc, because he knew what was expected. But then the company switched over to electronic forms and he was completely fucked. His boss learned that he couldn't read and was fired.
Hey guys Pinochet died the same day as Elie Wiesel got the Nobel Peace Prize!
N A Z I S B T F O!
That's fucked up and sad.
Yeah, it really is. That's not even the worst of it.
If a porky politican died like Thatcher, you'd be celebrating too. Don't be this dumb, lads, please. "THOSE CELEBRATING CUBANS ARE DISGUSTING!! WAAAA MUH SITUATIONAL SPOOKS! THEY'E BETRAYING THEIR COUNTRY!!"
Is there any self awareness here?
we wouldn't be out on the streets celebrating
And yeah, I know. Holla Forumssters are are shutin neckbearded Asperger sufferers like all other retarded ideologues
k dude.
I don't see any mention of this board there.
Damn, look at this tough guy
t. Sargoy of Cuckad
Well shit,
I don't think Che will be too happy to see Ol' Cast-Iron Castro.
get the fuck out
Venezuela might be shit, but telesur has some good documentaris, faglord
What about the "cubans can't leave the country" meme
how fucking delusional do you have to be to believe this
meme? tell me, what kind of work would give a cuban enough money to afford a ticket to another country?
hell, the vast majority of venezuelans can't afford to stay in another country, and that's not even an island.
But he's right
No shit, Zizek.
You realize this applies to capitalist countries too, right?
Yes. I only replied to that post.
But the larger point is that we should stop idolizing and mythologizing 20th century strongmen. It does nothing for our cause.
That's a fair point, but the man had just died. You don't just say "forget about him" right away. Besides, this is quite hypocritical coming from Zizek, who loves to ironically put Stalin posters everywhere.
that's the point.
I do agree that this was kind of dick-move, but person like him had to have his response well thought out. Maybe it was just attention-whoring by which he gets more attention from people who sees word "communist" as insult. Maybe it was bringing up that 20th century socialist movements were not so successful and we need recreate most things from scratch. I do not know, but I know he is master in ideological warfare and he had to have strong reason to say something like that.
I think you're all over reacting. I don't think Zizek is saying that Castro is shit and so was Cuba but instead that we have to take a critical look at Cuba and see, without rose tinted glasses, exactly what was done well and what was not in Cuba's revolution. Rather than mourn we should press on and not linger on old forms of leftist thought. I think his comment on how Cuba stagnated were a little harsh seeing as how besides the embargo they are just a small island nation that can only produce so much.
I was actually listening to an old interview of castro and the interviewer asks him if he was a communist like the rumors say, and he denies it.
I was all "hmm, thats weird".
Then i saw a video by alex jones of all people who claim the CIA actually funded castro to overthrow batista and castro told them he wasn't a communist, but then got in power and was all "psyche"!
So, castro is pretty much the most ultimate CIA blow back fuck up
Where can one find some unbiased history on Fidel and modern Cuba?
Where can one find an unbiased (e.g., not written by porkies or tankies) history of Fidel and modern Cuba?
I live in Miami and made a Facebook status yesterday saying Fidel was responsible for both good and bad.
Shit was wild. Really a bloodbath.
Are there even latam bros here?
This was a song written by Silvio Rodriguez, a Cuban musician who was inspired by Fidel to write "the stubborn".
Here are the lyrics in imperial.
The Stubborn
So that my icon won't be shattered.
So that I will be saved among uniques and odds.
So that I will get a place in their parnasus.
So that they will give me a little corner in their altars.
They came to ask me to repent.
They came to ask me not to lose.
They came to ask me to get undefined.
They came to offer so much shit.
I don't know what fate is.
Walking, I became what I am.
Let god be the one divine.
I'll die as I lived.
I'll die as I lived.
I want to keep defending lost causes.
I want to be more left than right.
I want to make a united congress.
I want to deeply pray a "Holy Son".
They'll say that being crazy is old fashioned.
They'll say that people is bad and non worthy,
but I'll keep dreaming being mischievous,
maybe, to multiply bread and fishes.
I don't know what fate is.
Walking, I became what I am.
Let god be the one divine.
I'll die as I lived.
I'll die as I lived.
I'll die as I lived.
As I lived.
I'll die as I lived.
They say that they will drag me over rocks
when the revolution ends.
That they will smash my hands and mouth.
That they will take my eyes and my clapper.
May it be that stubbornness was born with me.
The stubbornness of what is now stubborn.
The stubbornness of assuming a foe.
The stubbornness of living without having a price tag.
I don't know what fate is.
Walking, I became what I am.
Let god be the one divine.
I'll die as I lived.
I'll die as I lived.
REEEE why am I unable to post in some threads on here?
Will they play the Internationale for Fidel's funeral?
"Cuba wasn't a true communist society but it will not stop me from honoring it" - Holla Forums aka commie safe space
Not an argument.
What a joke your board is.
Would explain 638
That's not Hitler's Skull. That's just some American's Skull that they have at the Smithsonian.
This is Hitler's Skull
That can't be Hitler's skull. There aren't enough semen stains on the teeth.
Bone Bleaching is a thing
There isn't enough bleach in the world
Castro was actually one of the good guys though.
Bernie "cuckold" Sanders on Castro's death.
Friendly reminder that Pence's state sponsored gay conversion centers are worse than anything Castro did to homosexual Cubans.
Looks like Martha is still buttblasted that Hillary lost. Bet she blames Bernie, too.
Meanwhile Colin "the answer to 1776 is 1917" Kaepernick gets booed for not shitting on Castro
The more dangerous you are to Capitalism, the more vilified you are. It's the iron law of mass-media.
Which is why each and every pundit (i.e. Capitalist shill) will helpfully explain to you why Castro (and his heinous crimes) should not be idolized and that people should just move on.
Black Lives Matter Mourns Fidel by Adopting His Vision
BLM are pretty shit tbh. Black nationalists LARPing. Not a patch on the Black Panthers
Speaking of them we should have a panthers flag
Was Castro Rich?
Fucking americans
I'm latam, but I live in South America so I don't know if I'm quite what you're looking for.
CIA on suicide watch
They lost their chance
I'm not seeing where he's wrong, honestly.
Castro's death has extremely triggered Sargon.
What did Castro actually do to homosexual Cubans?
He gulaged them and wanted to reform them through work
Of course everyone attacking him for this forgets to mention he actually legitametly changed his mind and has since worked hard to reform and improve the treatment and rights of lgbt people in cuba. The guy was born and raised in the twenties it should come as no surprise her had ignorant views about sexuality luckily with learning and visiting the work camps he realized he was in the wrong.
Erm, I kinda agree, but by that logic Stalin did nothing wrong which is not the case.
The Cum of Aryans is White
I am dating the daughter of Cuban refugees/exiles/whatever-term-you-want-to-call-them. Ask me anything, I'll answer what I can. If it's good enough (read; relevant) I'll relay it to them.
And yes they voted for Trump.
were they wealthy before the revolution?
did they support Castro at first?
My gf's father (Raul) was the grandson of a pro-Castro politician and the son of a lawyer. He didn't establish his career before leaving, but he did complete a respectable amount of education. It's a bit of a clusterfuck, so I'll explain the whole thing.
He was born about three or four years before Castro came into power. His dad beat his mom, so they were living separated, which was fucking difficult for the mother because her father was a pro-Batista politician that fled the country before Castro came to power. His mother was out of the country visiting her parents when the whole bay of pigs thing happened, so she was stuck in the USA but maintained contact (through phone calls and mail) with Raul and sent him presents and shit. Raul grew up, thoughtlessly going along with the anti-USA propaganda. Raul's mother was unable to return to Cuba for any reason, so she decided fuck it she's an American now and decided to learn English and work. She quickly found a (ethnically and religiously) Jewish US soldier with whom she fell in love with. After the soldier came out of service he became a lawyer and they got married. Raul's mother became a relatively prestigious cosmetics salesperson. Having both traitor and loyalist blood, the government wasn't too proud of Raul. He was asked to denounce his mother or else he couldn't continue his education as an economist. He stated "The one who denies his mother, denies his country!" After this, Raul had to pursue education as a chemist instead. Once the borders opened up a little ( in '78 exiled Cubans could come back to visit family), Raul's mother came to visit him and they had a dispute because Raul's mother wanted to take Raul out of Cuba, but he refused because he felt it was too dangerous to leave. After the visit, the government came down pretty hard on Raul calling him a muh privileged America-lover and such. He left during the Mariel boat lift and almost ate shit literally every step of the way. When we left to the emigration camps, his neighbors almost stoned him. He had to impersonate one of his friends to get into the camp, because otherwise they would have denied him because of his education. They let dogs loose in the bunks at the camps to fuck with the emigrant Cubans. The ship his friend picked him up on sunk halfway through.
I don't know much of my gf's mom's (Diana's) story beyond she snuck out with a fake passport while on a business trip in some south American country. She got caught once she landed in Florida, but because of the Wet Feet, Dry Feet policy she got to stay. She also got an education as a chemist, so they now both work at the same company. I don't know if she supported Castro or what her financial status was before leaving Cuba.
Pic related was written by Raul's mom. It's a pretty interesting read.
photo from Havana, Castro's memorial in Revolution Square
elian gonzalez talks about fidel