Self Improvement general

Let's get a sig in here. Been going to the gym lately but like many just sort of flit between machine to machine without much of a goal. Looked at the 'starting strength routine' by Rippetoe. Anyone else try it or can recommend? TLDR is that it's a barbell training regimen with a few multijoint, full body motion exercises to maximize number of muscle groups used in order to build a foundation of strength. for example, why work out your abs ever, when doing weighted squats makes you work out your abs anyway. Here is the program if anyone is interested

Worried about conditioning on this, but i figure that it's better to be doing something than nothing at all.

Other urls found in this thread: D from low-cost UVB lamps enter&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=0&column=def simple&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=0&column=def

Ty for link. NGas the kikes.

Be lean and able to run 5miles at anytime of day. Deadlifts are good shit.

I despise cardio, most i've ever ran was 2 miles at one time. I've been doing the stair machine and can go for 20 minutes at a good pace but i would love to be able to do 5 miles. Any advice for getting to this level of fitness cardio wise?

Yeah. It's pretty much the best starter program. Machines are for advanced bodybuilders at best. Proper barbell training is where it's at. Avoid CrossFit, it's just a ticket to snap city. If you want to do interval training, try something real like tabata.

If you don't want to do SS because the powercleans make your vagina dry and itchy, do stronglifts 5x5 instead. It's basically the same program anyway, it just has rows instead of powercleans and is 5x5 instead of 3x5

I would also recommend GZCL Method for novice/intermediate lifters. Been running the "Rippler" variant for about three months, and it's worked like a charm on my progression.

You can know everything there is to know about fitness, workouts, routines, diets, etc.but it doesn't mean jack or shit unless you put it into action.
To do this you must use your willpower.
You must continually engage your prefrontal cortex to express your willpower and prevail over your more comfortable instincts. Your rational decision-making and motivation deplete with use much like a muscle depletes with use. It's only after you surpass the limit that the muscle adapts and becomes stronger. The same is true with your willpower. Insufficient intensity = no improvement. Muscles adapt to increased work loads and become bigger and stronger. Seek full range overload. Delay gratification. Endure short-term discomfort.

keep that gay shit on 1/2


Don't forget to practice shooting and exercising your trigger fingers, anons. Most of this will be useless for what's coming.

I've read some people say that stronglifts is just a SS ripoff.

I'm not familiar, got any links or a tldr on what it brings to the table over something like SS or Strong5x5?

Overweight shill detected. Keep licking your cheeto uncrusted fingers, I'm sure it'll get you somewhere eventually.

just ignore the negativity or else the thread will be bogged down in bickering like 90% of threads like this

At a minimum, get some kettlebells, learn some exercises you can do with them. Supplement with body weight exercises and occasional cardio.

Don't join a gym until you have a reason to do so. You want to deadlift really heavy weights

This thread won't last long. The mods here don't like Book and Self Improvement threads.

Wonder who is behind that.
Where can I go for those topics??

You can't do barbell exercises reliably without joining a gym because for safety reasons you'll need a squat rack and overhead press becomes difficult unless you're going to clean the weight before you do them, and putting the bar down becomes an issue as well without the rack. The weights are also way too much to purchase on your own.

I see the value of body weight exercises as well but barbell exercises seem to yeild faster results. Winter is coming as well, so as much as i hate the treadmill/stair stepper, its a good idea to have access to them during winter months.

Don't forget to do a lot of pull ups. One of the most important exercises known to man.

Work on building your mental toughness in and outside the workout. Seriously, only way to do anything is to… exactly that, do it. but obviously to make it easier just train up to it. Shouldn't be hard to find programs out there on the web

Trips of truth for access to a gym! Start there and get fucking yoked. Home gym comes later.

Reminder to do the Wim Hof technique of breathing and then exposing yourself to cold for ridiculous energy levels.

Yes - start at 2 miles then increase your distance to 5 miles gradually over the course of 5 weeks, careful to run only 3 days a week, ie. Mon, Wed, Fri. Keep running even if you are going so slow that it's almost a walk. Don't fucking quit. Work your way up to 6 miles eventually, but remember to stretch before and stretch twice as long after a run, especially to prevent injury. Keep motivated.
- - -
My current self improvement:
1. Getting a motorcycle license so I can ride a dual purpose motorcycle (On-road and Off-Road,
2. Reading spiritual material,
3. Cycling 20+ miles, 3 times a week (totaling 60+)
4. Became fag (for health reasons - not to save the fucking dolphins and buffalos and shit)
{Getting scrawnier, tighter, and lighter}
I can't run anymore due to non-running injuries to left knee and lower back, but I try once in a while. It's not usually a good idea.
Weight training isn't for me personally. It kind of goes again't my idea of getting scrawny right now.
–would like to join some sort of "Fight Club" though…a for real one - not some kind of faggot dojo like I went to growing up.

I became a V e g a n - not a fag jesus christ

I know it can be confusing, but this is Holla Forums not >>>/fit/

Preparing for war bro

The five components of fitness:

Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
-efficiency of oxygen/nutrient delivery and cellular waste disposal
-Running or walking 1 mile burns 100 calories
-1 pound of fat is 3500 calories.
-How far do you have to run to burn 1 pound? How far do you have to run to burn 50 pounds?
-Fat is only burned for energy with oxygen. So, high maximum oxygen consumption = high fat burn. You could sit and breath heavy and intense and it would burn calories. Or you can drive yourself to heavy breathing with effort. Run, lift, use your body and make yourself breath heavy and your heart beat fast.

Muscular Strength
-max force exertion of a muscle group
-Discover the heaviest you can lift once in pounds. Multiply this by .75 = the weight you should lift to get stronger.
-Find the weight that lets you do 8-12 repetitions before failure. Then perform 3-7 sets of 8-12 repetitions at this weight 3 times per week.

Muscular Endurance
-Repeated movement tolerance
-Muscles must be allowed sufficient recovery time ~48 hours between abuse. To do more builds willpower but not physical muscle. After wearing out your muscles, they are all torn apart. You must eat protein to fill in the new tears. The tears heal with the meat you eat.

-Ability to move joints through range.
-Your body gets used to holding itself in a posture. You must consciously occupy different postures to ensure maximum movement capacity.

Body Composition
-body fat: total mass ratio
-Drink lots of water and eat like your grandpa would. Stay in motion and you don't really need to worry much about this. Just eat old fashioned, homemade traditional dishes with fresh local ingredients.

Nice pasta dude


Stronglifts is absolutely an SS ripoff. Literally the only difference is that you do rows instead of powercleans, and it's 5x5 instead of 3x5.

Not quite true. You can easily make a homemade power rack and lifting platform. Buy or make a bench and you're good to go. You can put the bench in the rack so you can use the rack as safeties for bench press. Weights can be gotten pretty cheap if you wait to grab some second hand.

Wim Hof sounds like a retard but the shit works. Looking forward to some icy swims this winter.

Here's an easy one:
Stop drinking alcohol

How are you guys doing with drugs/alcohol?

I’ve been clean and sober for a week now. feeling pretty “meh” tbh. Could you guys cheer me up?

Also has anyone else noticed, the less you smoke weed, the more you dislike trump? I mean during the campaign I was all for him but now it’s like I see things in a new light. It’s like how EDM is only cool when you’re high. I don’t want this. Maybe I should go back to drinking -_-

If you want to self improve but you're a lazyfag than here's the best advice I can give you: stop drinking sweet sodas. Zero. It'll suck for the first few weeks, maybe even months as your body goes through withdrawal syndrome but once you've passed that point you won't crave that sugary jew and I promise that you'll notice a weight loss.
For detailed info there's always /fit/

Is there no alternative to squats? I don't have workout buddies and just can't seem to get the form down. It also doesn't help that my back and knees are fucked from sports.

Extreme Kettlebell Workout: Keith Weber

I suggest:


Waste of time. If you can read this message than you're all set.

Nope. The deadlift is the king of lifts, and the squat is the queen. They are so important because they work so many muscles at once. The deadlift requires almost every muscle in your body to execute properly. The squat a few less, but still a shitload.

The intensity of working these muscles gives a powerful stimulus to your nervous system. It can take several days to fully recover from a serious deadlift session because your nervous system is so taxed.

That's kind of true, I was learning German but realized all Germans speak English anyways so I started learning French just because those fags refuse to learn English. I think French/Russian are the two best languages to learn in preparation for DoTR since much fighting will be done in France and I fully expect rampaging gopnik convoys to swarm across Europe, drawn to the chaos like WH40k Orks.

Kettle bells are a fucking meme. The only lift that can't be done better with a dumbell, or isn't worth replacing with a dumbell/barbell lift is the kettlebell swing. Advising a newbie to get kettle bells is absolutely shit advice. That's like telling someone they can post on Holla Forums most effectively via carrier pidgeon.

Don't underestimate slavs. When the Day happens Slav RWDS will make Western ones look like a sissy numales

Hey Anons,
I dislocated my ankle last year and had to get a plate put in. Since then i've felt really flat, been riding my bike to get the movement back to 100% but I really need to step it up a notch, anyone got any suggestions?


It all starts with healthy diet, user.

Hopefully. Either way it will be useful to learn their speech to communicate with them since their grasp of English is usually poor at best. I tried learning Russian but the alphabet gives me headaches and it was really frustrating so I switched to an easier language for my first time learning another one.


Just curious, why are you opting to 'become scrawny' instead of weight lifting. I think for functional strength a mix of endurance and strength is best, but are you forseeing endurance training to be more valuable in the future?

Working out always gave me a smaller dick.

Fug. Guess I got work to put in.

i literally can't relate to anything you just posted. drinking a pot are pretty abysmal as pastimes go. even if you're wasting your life I can think of about 100 things i'd rather do than abuse these substances

If you hate running, try breaking it up with swimming and cycling. Swimming can be challenging, depending on your locale. Exercise bikes are ok, but nothing beats mountain biking. Going up hills with a pack on will shred your legs. If you live in an area with good bike trails, hiking might also be an option. Otherwise jump on one of the bikes at the gym and watch tv/listen to music for 20kms or so, adjusting the tension occasionally to simulate the extra exertion caused by an incline. If you're a strong swimmer and you live near the coast, surfing and spear fishing might be something to look into. Otherwise find an indoor pool with a cheap season pass and do early morning laps to break up your jogging.

Literally never done them, only smoked one cigarette in my life.
Stopped drinking after uni and I don't miss it at all.

Yeah it's because he fucking cucked out on almost everything not because you aren't a pothead anymore. inb4 b&

This was unironically me 7 years ago. /g/ to /fit/ to Holla Forums.

Farmer's carries are probably one of the easiest exercises to get into. It's practically impossible to fuck them up or injure yourself. The best part is that you don't need to buy heavier weights as you get better, and can just walk further with them.

I've always been a social drinker and never enjoyed any drugs. Only thing I ever used was adderall for all night study binges but I never got addicted, felt amazing on them though, but then you feel kinda shitty afterwards, which was expected. I listen to fashwave or classical or relaxation mixes when I study; metal and alt. rock when I lift. Only reason I could see why you're feeling different is because you're actually caring about being skeptical now instead of saying "hahhh fuck it everything's cooool maaaan, got my guy", it's perfectly natural to wonder what the fuck he's doing.

My diet has been shittier lately and I've suffered for it, I also need to get away from the computer more often. Taking Holla Forums breaks are good but taking internet breaks are better. Thanks for reminding me what I should be focusing on.

Shitty program and a site referral
I like self improvement Generals but this op is kicked out to the max


seconding this! walked to the grocery store once to get some exercise and ended up buying more than i expected. Ever walk 2 miles with a gallon of milk, corn, whatever the fuck else i bought? Traps were in agony after that…

No problem man I'm working on that stuff too. I feel like I'm slipping into insanity sometimes and I'm depressed all the time so lately I've been trying to focus solely on self improvement and fitness and ignoring current events and the internet (though obviously I'm doing poorly because I'm on Holla Forums now)

can you recommend a better program? i made this thread to brainstorm some ideas

Stay away from monkey branching roasties

/fit/fag here, SS is great for beginners then you can transition into an intermediate program like 5/3/1 which is what I do. I highly suggest reading the cuck/fit/ sticky, it's great information:

I can recommend learning anatomy and doing q exercise or large muscle group only including squats bench chins ups and deadlifts
A named program is ONLY an advertisement and ONLY installs in you the thought that this shit is more complicated than it really is

It's not either/or you faggots. I Holla Forums, /fit/, and Holla Forums. When I'm not lifting or at work, I'm programming and shitposting on my riced out gentoo box.

but starting strength's biggest emphasis is squats, and the other exercises are bench, press, and deadlifts, with chinups/pullups added in the second/third phases. it sounds like the programming is exactly what you recommend so what is wrong with it? have you ever even heard of it or looked at it?

My personal suggestions, based on what has worked for me:

Go to the gym 5 times a week, 2 days for cardio, three for lifting. Don't focus your lifting days on a single muscle group (this is more for aesthetics than anything else) but on functionality. Your exercises should more or less reflect real-world situations. What situation requires that you only use a single group of muscles?

Take vitamin D supplements. I live in a country where during the winter we may get 3-4 hours of sunlight if the sun is even out, but in general, this acts as a general mood booster.

Eat breakfast. Eat lunch. Eat dinner. Do each on a normal schedule. Have your wife/gf cook for you, as she will always cook it healthier than you do. I'm fortunate in that my woman comes from a country with a rich culinary tradition.

Spend as much time in nature as possible. Take the long way home and go through a park if possible.

Meditate. The new-age term for this may be mindfulness, but, however, the concept isn't as bullshit as they present it.

Learn multiple languages, fluently, and think in those languages. Also, learn the oldest attestable version possible of your mother tongue. I know 3 languages rather fluently and am working on another 2 right now. Historical linguistics is a passion of mine, so this may not be a path for everyone here, but as I have learned new ways to conceptualize and think of the world around me, it has reinvigorated my sense of wonder toward our world.

For my last point, it would be to have pure hatred, not reactionary hatred. Hate out of love for what is good, not out of spite toward evil.

I think this is a good thread to ask, how can one self improve when NEET on Welfare? Any ideas where to start? How can i maximize benefit from my lifestyle?

hey man, my biggest problem is vitamin D. i work only nights and hardly ever get out into the sunlight, do you have any suggestions besides supplements? I already take vitamin d but I'm afraid it's not enough and was looking into dietary supplementation like cod liver oil, but that is expensive and has other problems as well (too much vitamin A, as well as tasting like shit). I think a tanning bed may be a good idea. I read that, as long as it is a uvb bed, it will stimulate vitamin D production.

What is the best, most potent natural antihistamine? I want to get /fit/ and conquer me social anxiety but whenever I'm stressed in some way (be it physical or emotional) I get extreme stinging and burning pains over my entire body, as if I'm being stabbed with small needles. Based on research, it seems that this is caused by histamine. If antihistamine is what suppresses this issue, I will be using it daily so therefore, I don't want to take jew pills.

Focus on form with nothing but the bar and then build the weight up while maintaining form. You'll add weight back pretty quickly and return to your original weight levels and from there you keep going up. Use a power rack with safety bars when weights get higher, then you won't need a workout buddy. I find working out with someone else mostly distracting unless they're dedicated anyway.

Mehdi's StrongLifts program is pretty good (very similar to StartingStrength) and he made an phone app for it that's dummy-proof to track every workout and record progress.

You basically have all the time in the world to lift and partake in literature. Those are the two main things you should be doing to improve body and mind, as well as one non-computer related hobby.

hydroxyzine is a commonly used antihistamine for anxiety, but you really don't want to be on antihistamines for daily use. They have anticholinergic effects which dry your secretions and make it harder to urinate. Long term antihistamine use is associated with development of dementia. This is a dose and length dependent relationship, so I would not start down that path. Working nights I used to take a swig of liquid benadryl to fall asleep when i got home from work. I did this for about 2 years straight until i read up on the literature and stopped completely.

I understand this struggle completely. I'm in Estonia, so in February there is maybe a total of a 3 days of sunlight in the whole month. Here, there are some supplements that dissolve in water and provide you with about a 200 percent of your daily value. Personally, I split the dose to half in the morning and half in the evening so that I don't piss it out. I'll try and find a link to them, but I have to head off to work now.

But seriously, vitamin D deficiencies are the reason that Nordic countries - especially Finland - tend to have higher suicide rates. A lack will automatically make you more depressed.

Thanks. I certainly need to read more, especially /pdfs/ stuff and lift. But what non-computer related hobby do you suggest?

Sunlamp. I worked a nightshift once a while back. And although I'm sort of naturally a nightowl, the sunlamp was really nice and really does improve mood. Your vitamin D supplementation should give you the nutrition you need, but the sunlamp really does improve your general disposition so much it's hard to truly tell you how beneficial it is.

I do not recommend tanning beds. But a sunlamp is amazing.

get a gun a train with it

Not possible. Sadly.

It's true that you should be doing compound lifts, but the idea that lifts should "reflect real world situations" is largely bullshit. I know it logically makes sense, but it usually just an excuse to abandon form. This is the excuse crossshitters use to do kipping "pullups." If you have someone do proper pullups everyday, and another person do kipping pullups everyday, and then have the both scramble up a cliff, the proper pullupper will win Everytime.

Here's a good article from rippletits on thesubjevr

thanks, for the suggestion. do you know if the light from a sunlamp will stimulate vitamin D or is it strictly a mood, thing for you? i don't know the biochemistry behind it, but it does need to be a certain kind of light for D production.

the hell is wrong with you

I just had to google 'kipping pullups', goddamn crossfitters are huge faggots.

Look into meditation and mind-calming techniques for social situations. It's all in your head, there's no reason to be afraid of anyone that eats, breathes, shits and sleeps just like you do. Adopting a "who gives a fuck" attitude works wonders.

Guns are funs, try them out and get into the culture. Soon you'll be tearing them down, oiling them and putting them back together again after a day at the range. If not guns, bow and hunting culture is awesome as well, there's a lot of soothing meditative traits to taking care of and training with equipment. There's also large learning curves so you'll never be bored from how easy it is as there's always room to improve.

Well, not being american.

Cross fit is a complete joke. I'm sure you can get in a specific kind of shape using it and there are people out there who have it work for them. I even like the idea of it, but the biggest red flag is that they don't call crossfit gyms "gyms". they call them 'boxes'. That shows you from step freaking 1 that they are more interested in the branding then anything else. They want you to have to think you have to join their special club in order to do body weight circuit training. Start looking into the 'certifications' they offer and the money they charge for them, as well as the ability to teach crossfit for that level of cert, then it starts to resemble a pyramid scheme pretty quickly. Once i saw a glimpse of this bullshit, i googled the founder, and what do you know his name is (((greg glassman)))

if he's truly a neet, he probably doesn't have the money for a gun, either

Any non-degenerate activity that stimulates your mind and is enjoyable. If you work out, take care of your body, and try to develop a hobby that will improve yourself you should be an overall better person in general.

It's for mood. Sunlamps are used quite extensively in Alaska for when there's that long ~6month winter of perpetual darkness. If you're taking vitamin D supplements, it should be enough. Natural sunlight is best, but the combination of the sunlamp to stimulate your brain into producing certain chemicals related to being outside has been proven, along with VitD supplementation is usually the best alterantive. Tanning beds are made to TAN you, and can therefore actually damage your skin if used extensively.

So here's the deal.

A friend of mine encourages me to get /fit/ and whatnot and I do the same to encourage her to get fit. Being physically healthy will be best for both of us and it might improve our mental health too.

Thing is, we're both autistic as fuck and college stresses us both out to the point where it is *very* difficult to even get up in the morning because of stress and whatnot.

Should I just push us both to go beyond our capacities and just get the fuck outdoors or do I really need to listen to my body like this? I'm not the most unhealthy fuck in the world, I'm already seeing improvements, but my mind just wants to get going and do things while my body is being a little bitch and giving up. I feel lazy as fuck like this.

My friend gets the same way, except that she's more prone to just giving up outright I think, so we're challenging eachother and keeping eachother going, I think that's good.

I still code and lift I just don't shitpost on other boards anymore.

thank you for the warning about tanning beds. I dislike them too, because girls ruin their skin through an expensive compulsion and doesn't really even make them look better. For me, that's not an issue because i literally get no sunlight. I've looked into it a little bit, and there's two kinds of beds, base tanning beds (uvb rays), and then you 'bronz the base' with a bronzing bed (uva). I feel if i already belong to one of those faggy gyms that have tanning , then why not try them out a bit and see if it helps my mood.

I'm interested whenever you get a chance to find out.

If you're actually autistic going out in nature far away from the commotion and stress of civilization will do you a lot of good. We've evolved to function just fine in a traditional lifestyle, but the commotion and lights and noise and crowds of the modern age fuck with our heads and make it so we feel stressed just being outside our rooms.

Preaching to the choir, bro. You can get a crossshit cert in a weekend. It's pseudoscientific garbage.

Take my advice here, do all your work on the weekdays and make it a point to not do any studying or school related stuff on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Treat it like work and you feel so much better knowing you have off from the stress for a bit.

Also, if you keep going your body will eventually adapt and it will be a natural part of your routine, just don't push yourself extremely hard or you'll want to quit, it's not a race, it's wellness.

They have UVB Sunlamps, thus stimulating Vitamin D production that you can buy. Save up for one that's portable so you can use it at work if possible. D from low-cost UVB lamps

I'm working outdoors innawoods most of the time, and ideally when I leave college I want to be working innawoods fulltime, but college is a pain in the arse and just ruins my energy and willpower.
I suppose I'm more active than the average sperg, I'm not a NEET. But I can certainly do better.

i know, it's just… being on Holla Forums actually improves your daily life. i wasn't even going to start doing crossfit, but just looking at it for 5 minutes allowed me to see through the bullshit, and when i saw it was some shekel grabbing jew who started it, it all made sense instantly. Such a shame it has garnered so much popularity.

I'd suggest looking into and limiting exposure then. Figure out how much UV exposure the average person would receive and try to calculate a reciprocal amount on the bed (whatever the type should be). Shouldn't be that long. And the bed should improve your mood, FWIW. It's just that habitual and chronic use is detrimental in the long run (skin damage).

God I hate crossfit so much. It's better than doing nothing (unless you hurt yourself — a possibility), but largely it's turning into a stupid social club.

Crossfit is so fucked that it's more like an eventuality, which is why I'd say it's probably worse than doing nothing.

I get you, I'm pretty high functioning so I can deal with it fine but I just need time to myself in silence and isolation to relax and recharge.

I'm an avid support of strength training and maintaining racial homogeneity within white nations so hear me out on this one. If you are burned out from lifting or were born to be a 6'2" (1879.6mm :^ ) aerodynamic skeleton like me, or just want to improve yourself in general, you need to consider taking up some form of cycling (mainly road or track). Too many people neglect developing their cardiovascular system which is fucked because it can severely bottleneck the limits of other bodily processes and feats including your mental aptitude and certain types of muscle fiber which are essential for ENDURANCE (one of our most essential evolutionary advantages).

If running wasn't as destructive to your body as it is I would say just stick to running, but cycling has too many benefits to ignore whether you are a NEET leaching off of society looking to take the first steps to redemption or already are active lifestyle master race.

1. Bikes in general, both competitive, and recreational cycling have rich European heritage, history, etc.
2. Most types of riding are inherently social and promote local communities (cycling clubs, charities, public races, right wing pace line squads). You will find that your local cycling clubs are chiefly populated by honest, hard-working h'wites. If you are lucky, most of them will be pretty conservative. I'm in a fucking commie state and I can count the lefties in my club on one hand.
3. Cycling has a relatively high barrier to entry which keeps out a lot of degenerates and "minorities". This is especially true for competitive riders. A descent race bike is going to run you at least two to three grand minimum and you better have really fat paychecks or be sponsored if you want to be competitive.
4. Cycling is the absolute perfect compliment to a weight lifting routine because it is easy on the joints and you can control the intensity and intervals of training sessions down to an autistic level. I train people to race road bikes and the first thing I discuss with them when planning their season out is THEIR NEW WEIGHTLIFTING ROUTINE.
5. If you are fat, cycling is not only a great way to burn a megafuckton of stored glycogen and fat, but can help you out of your fat depression as well. I have some respect the bigger guys I see go on group rides with our locals. If you are fat and have to go up steep climbs you are going to get strong as fuck from dat resistance, but it's going to hurt.

I think being sedentary is so destructive that it, in my opinion, is probably worse than crossfag. If someone knows proper form and what is and is not dangerous, crossfit shouldn't be "that" bad.

As I get older, I'm having to really watch my form on my knees and back. If I was in a Xfag class and they started doing all that stupid shit that just flat tell them "yeah, I'm going to do this the proper way".

I used to run, MILES, almost every day when I was ZOGbot and now my knees and other joints sometimes ache after long periods of standing or sitting (am largely officefag now). Sitting really is the new smoking, but I've transitioned from running to recumbent bike use. I can't bike now anyway due to winter road conditions in my area, but the recumbent bike allows me to have a great cardio workout while watching videos and listening to audiobooks. Hell, I was listening to WLP narrate his Turner Diaries book while on the bike and I actually became so engrossed that I actually went over time by about 10 minutes before I noticed. But that recumbent bike is amazing for my joints and still gives me a good cardio workout.

Stopped doing drugs during my early twenties. I'm an oldfag now but quite the alcoholic. I drink myself to sleep almost every night, which makes the mornings dreadful. I compensated with fitness: I run 2/3 miles a day, do pull ups, chin ups and some weight exercises. IT sure takes care of the hangover and I can go about my day OK (work, etc.).

Still, I know that shit (alcohol) is holding me back on a lot of stuff. I have a stable gf, work, play in a band… but I know I would have a lot more energy if I quit that fucking vice off my life. I tried many times but no luck.

Don't forget your cardio anons,being strong is important but so is being able to go places fast.

And if you are married try to get waifu to at least do cardio so that she can keep up with you,my latest effort is trying to get mine to spot for me at the shooting range since she is a no guns.

Agreed on the love for bikes,I would always go to the gym cycling(thus got my cardio)

Also i unironically have a mountain bike in my bug out place so if SHTF i have an alternative to petrol to move around/patrol my land.
It is a great way to increase your mobility and carrying capability if on proper terrain.
If you're schizo enough to be a prepper lile myself consider your terrain,get a bike and learn how to mantain it,there's a reason in the 30s there were a fuck ton of countries using bycicle infantry.

How do you guys do this? The taste of liquor is so vile I don't understand drinking it in any setting besides a rowdy party.

If someone is doing proper form and knows what is and isn't dangerous they aren't doing crossfit, though. Crossfit exercises are just fucky versions of normal exercises, by doing normal exercises correctly instead you have left the crossfaggotry behind, as you should be doing (in a non-class setting you don't pay for, of course).

It takes more muscle groups to redirect a kettlebell than it does a dumbbell. Niggers and their isolation workouts.


For me the taste is linked to feeling good and having fun. It's also not a big deal if you're just slamming shots and following them with potato chips or peanuts.

I see. Maybe I'm just a fag but the taste is so horrid I hate drinking.

What a fag. I bet you do bosu ball squats. "Muh stabilizers"

Go read that rippletits article I posted.

Well I suppose it depends on the person, for me though, it helps me relax at night, enjoy things more (cooking, reading, watching a movie, etc.) and I tell myself it helps boost my creativity; some of my best musical ideas have come on while drunk. Tbh, though, some other very good ideas have come out while stone cold sober, so I guess that's a bit of a lie I tell myself. Also, not all liquor taste bad. There's excellent tasting whiskey, gins. It depends on the quality. Good, expensive red wine tastes wonderful to me.

To add about general self improvent: learn languages, start as early as possible since time becomes a commodity later in life. I was lucky enough to have parents that, with all the fuck ups they managed to have, sent me to language schools during my childhood and I speak 3 languages fluently and a couple more at entry-level.

Stay fit. Do at least 3-5 hours of sports a week. The change in outlook and appearance is incredible.

Try to eat as little carbs as possible, and when you do, eat the non shitty ones like potatoes, sweet potatoes, lentils, etc. Most of your meals should be high in protein and fat and a fuckton of vegetables.

Drink at least 2l of water a day. Read a lot: this is fitness for the mind. And last but not least: avoid porn, it's fucking poison. That's a vice that's also really hard to cut out.

I mostly agree with you,I gave up drinking and pot at age 18 (i started when I was 13)for my uni entry exams,I never really liked the taste of liquor,i would just drink to get wasted and then I discovered most people drink in parties to become who they want to be,they drink mostly to have an excuse to become the outgoing guy who can try to pick up girls etc etc.
Some do genuinely like the taste of it but personally I always would get revolted by it,no matter how gay/fancy/sugary i made the drink to me it tasted like shit so I would just drink tequila shots/vodka and beer to pass it down.

My waifu used to own a kind of posh bar so even if now I have tried expensive and good alcohol I never came to like it.
I do drink beer every few months if I feel like it,but for the most part i simply drank cola when i went out 2 years ago i simply substituted the carbonated jew with orange juice and milk.

If you are prepping for any type of disaster or straight up SHTF mode, solid bikes are an amazing investment. Even basic bike mechanic knowledge is extremely valuable in that regard. Some bean stole my old MTB so all I have left is a cyclocross bike, and a climbing bike. Modern carbon frames are pretty impressive, but you ain't repairing that shit in the field when it fails. My cross bike is aluminum and accommodates really wide tires with disks if needed so I'll never sell it. Cross bike's unbeatable if you could only have one bike for fitness, utility, and commuting. Not to mention, commuting on bikes saves so much money if you live in the city. There are bike paths all over my city and it's fucking depressing seeing so much traffic because most people driving around are just going four miles away tops.


Oh totally, I love being drunk I just hate the way of getting there so much I don't do it anymore.

They don't call it social lubricant for nothing, I'm a sperg so it helps me loosen up at parties. But yeah revolting is the right word.

Start out simple. Strong Lifts 5x5.

This was my problem. I was drunk all day every day for years because I basically didn't exist sober. When I finally quit (not through willpower or want, solely because the drinking finally caught up with my body) I was like an egoless zombie for two or three weeks afterwards.

I'm doing this routine since I'm working out at home in my garage. The power cleans from SS scare me so this seemed to be a good alternative for a compound exercise program, though Stronglifts is damn near the same thing.

Damn, that's true as fuck m8. Drinking was definitely not my thing back when I was in school and I stayed away from drunks as much as possible, but occasionally I would hang with by brother's degenerate addict friends and we would get trashed. I think the taste thing must be mostly genetic. I'd say objectively, alcohol tastes like shit, but for some some reason I can straight up gargle acetone level shit that would made most alcoholics puke. Sometimes at parties I would do shots and just gargle them (pls no penis joke) as a dumb joke/trick and the most alcoholic people I knew would turn away to puke.

I never called you a big guy…hahahaha

Full SHTF mode,whenever I have money I buy some shit for my little bug out home.
In my terrain i want MTB since I want to be able to be off roads in case I want to set an ambush or things like that,to me it's not only about speed but how it allows you to carry enough shit to survive a few days outside in case you want to patrol.

I saw it not only in men but specially in women how they would pretend to get a bit drunk to become more slutty when they could easily drink way more and not be impaired.
I had more trouble with smoking,i genuinely liked the taste of it but i thought if I were to get ready for a SHTF scenario i would have to quit and i much rather have a clear mind in that scenario than having to worry about some retarded shit like tobacco when I had more important things in mind.

I was a bit of a sperg and i tried to overcome it,i knew and experience has proven than even if your sperg instincts tell you everyone is looking etc etc,people give a fuck specially in big cities and even if they think you're the biggest most awkward retard there are so many million NPCs you can safely give a fuck about meeting them again.

One thing I did to overcome my fear was going to a park in my uni with many people,go alone and start doing somersaults and rolling on the grass,i felt like everyone would watch,i wanted to end myself yet of course nobody gave a fuck or blinked an eye since they were busy with their own shit and nowadays with smartphones people are ALWAYS with other shit in mind.
I still sperg out every now and then when I have to request things from people,specially on the phone although it only happens when I don't know the person I'm talking to,i have no problem when it's a work related thing,my trick (and this is a whites only trick)to overcome that is to be super nice,it might take longer than you want to but if you are super nice people tend to try and help you out.

Nowadays I'm /fit/and very confident in myself,I'm married and it's my wife that feels embarrassed with me since I give a flying fuck and i would go around with a dakimakura in japan or things like that,I basically see the world as a big playground,if it weren't for niggs and sandniggs that's how a homogeneous society should always feel like,safe enough knowing all the social rules and etiquette that you can safely anticipate what will happen.

All you need are pullups, chinups, pushups and running.
An unconventional tip: only give 80% effort. You will be disappointed in yourself the rest of the day, and anxious for your next chance to prove you can do better.
Biking is a quick path to becoming roadkill in my city.

Read the book. It will teach you the main movents and the accessories. Watch his youtube explanations too. You find the book on >>>/zundel/, then decide.
I'd do SS for 2-3 months and then swittch to GZCLP

You must run. Getting big is good and all, but if you don't have endurance to move at decent pace it's worthless.
Get yourself running boots and don't run on hard surfaces such as sidewalks to avoid long lasting injuries. I suggest woods or track. Your goal is to run 3 kilometers under 12 minutes(if you finish under 15 minutes it's good too). If you can't even finish 3 kilometers don't get discouraged. For practice do 30 minutes of 2 minute run, 1 minute fast walk rest x10. Once it gets too easy do 4 minutes of run, 1 minute fast walk x6

This is wrong

If you rope hop instead you won't turn into a T-rex

Doing it over and over and increasing a bit each week even though you fucking hate it. Also trying stuff besides running is probably a good idea but you might find you enjoy running (I did, don't do it anymore though because I bike 15 miles to work.)

Oh yes forgot to add if you wanna get lean and mean like anons have been suggesting, try bodyweight training. Really good especially if you also do martial arts (and the equipment is inexpensive.)


All that's left is cannabis. Can't give up herbal Jew. Trying but it's my only vice, I don't even drink coffee or alcohol ffs

Thoughts on weightless training?

Before this derail into some alcohol support group or x is better than y (usually what happens) I would like to point out the most important thing mentioned in the OP, a goal. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound when focusing on specific endeavors. Most programs give you this (roughly) by default but you also need to sort out the larger picture too before you go on program autopilot. Why? Because It is poor planning to expect progress on multiple activities at the same time, choose one and maintain on the others and at some future milestone make new goals. This should be self explanatory considering the topic is self improvement and not e.g. powerlifting improvement.
To be honest these /sig/ threads could use more goal oriented discussion and then experienced anons could provide input instead of the current format which is vauge. The basics of fitness are kind of finite and easy to learn and going from machines to a program can most easily be done by including one new exercise each workout until you master it, then include another. I would recommend it because you will leave the gym tired and with comfidence which is most important when developing a gym habit.

This channel will provide you with some important perspectives and I would recommend to watch those about Squat and Deadlift. The lessons are relevant even if you never plan to do them.
tl;dr Why are you training for a sport if you are not going to compete. Do not let rules for specific movements limit your options for progress.
Personally my aim is to reach some decent numbers in the gym, then try to maintain them and focus on other activities (biking/skiing/climbing/running). That extra 5-10 kg squat will never replace learning a different skill.

Also do not forget to warm up your wrist and ancles even when not using them. Compromising the CNS or exposing weak parts will result in lower power output (e.g. lifting the chin during squat exposes the neck, just use the eyes to look up).

Remember to use a mirror/record yourself to prevent imbalances by being more dominant in one side which can happen on bodyweight exercises. For pullups I think there is too much diminishing returns so not going to failure and do another set is probably better for progress. Don't take my word for it though.

I actually kek'd in real life.

Other than some rope, what do I do?

Nah, I'm good, you fucking weak untermensch who have to train to equal one born with ubermensch DNA can keep wasting your time.

I can't improve, I am the best. I'm already max human potential, I'm also a master of CQC. I laugh at you plebs who think you'll ever be equal to me or my ubermensch volk with your silly bitch weights. If you aren't born with Adonis level physique you deserve to be gassed.

My name is user and I'm an alcoholic. 2 weeks sober today.

Get in shape, learn, focus on improving yourself and developing useful skills. Don't think about the time you've wasted, unless it's to give you more motivation. If you do that, you'll probably figure out what you need to do then.

molotovs on synagogue/corporate office/media organization/govt officials/porn producers

There's this pretty cool thing I've been trying. "Natural Movement." It's literally moving naturally. When was the last time you climbed a tree, chopped wood, dug a hole, crawled on the ground? Natural Movement is the ultimate redpill.


I don't get this. I think Holla Forums is keeping me sane ATM. This is the only place where people understand what's going on. EVERYWHERE else, people can't into a simple fucking thought. They make fun of conspiracy theory without understanding any of it or even knowing a single contemporary theory. This does not give them a second thought, no doubt they are proud of how sane and smart they are.

Try to explain it to them and you soon realise that they can't understand it because they really are too fucking stupid. They really do execute scripted responses to specific stimuli, there is no cognition at all. Lay it all out for them in simple terms and with public record and they start talking about something else like they literally fucking rebooted. And then a kike shill will accuse you of confirmation bias.

Maybe I sort of do get what you mean because I've had to stop myself from telling people "Gas yourself" IRL.



I will check out the kettle bell. I've been doing dumbbells with OK results, better than the gym anyway. Does anyone have advice for gains if you're a twiggy fucking alien with great big garbage scooping arms?

So basically join the army? Trench digging was the ultimate exercise. It was the first time I was sweating so much in winter while being oustide.

I quit drinking after one time I got fucked up so bad with some friends that I blacked out and woke up in a hospital. You don't really need alcohol to be social so kick it.

The average quality of person here is a little higher, but I still find it leaving much to be desired on occasion. Nowhere near as bad as talking to the NPCs though.

Start out slowly user. If you can't run 5 km, then walk it. Then try to run slowly, then run a bit faster, then when you feel confident with running 5 km, increase to run 10 km in a slow pace once a week. Keep doing 5 km 2 times a week aswell and you will get good cardio within 3-5 months.

Like most things, the importance in getting good at training and getting fit is just keep training. Force yourself to do it and keep doing it for the rest of your life.

I used to smoke dope every day, and now I successfully cut it back to the weekends after trying and failing for a while. My life has improved significantly. The best part is that I no longer feel compelled to masturbate as often, which has allowed me to try no-fap. I'm on day 13 today. My lifts are going up too, which feels especially good. I'm still a lazy cunt towards my studies, but I hope soon enough I'll be able to tackle that effectively.

I don’t usually have time to go to the gym more than 2-3x/week, but when I go, I typically do deadlifts(~70% max for reps), dips, pull ups, abs, and squats 2x/week, and then do aux lifts the 3rd day. Cardio all 3 days. It’s been good for maintenance tbqh fam

What if you could only one pullup at a time? For sure I could do 12 negatives with a 5 second pace down.


What is it, sager? Is it a case of the buttertits, the FASface, or the manletta man? No matter what you are too much of a bitch to overcome, I'm overcoming that sage of yours pronto quick.

Come get some you fucking Military nigger

Starting Strength is a meme, extremely bottom heavy.

Pic related if you want a more balanced starting program. Wouldn't stay on either more than a year before switching to a PPL routine.


I'm not in the military, I just think it's entertaining that you for some reason think this is the place for your sadcunt pissing and moaning in 'muh self-improvement isn't real' format and feel like mocking you in return.

Mathematics and software engineering student reporting in (Europe, not amerifat). Time and food are a luxury. Been living on ~30USD for the last 20 and something days. Lost a nofap streak to primal urges last night (no 3DPD, only wholesome animoys). Feels bad but I will not capitulate.

Can someone recommend exercises that can be done with a single dumbbell like shown in OP? That's what I have. Been doing some exercises I've seen in a booklet in our college gym (where we have PE once a week) every day, will take a rest this weekend. The will to progress is amazingly strong. Cold showers every night. How important is cardio? Now that colder times are on the doorstep I doubt it'll be safe to go running.

As for food best I can do is 12.7% protein cheese that I found in Kaufland. All the protein crap is expensive like liquid gold. I guess I'll listen to the age old advice that goes "eat like your grandpa did". Good thing I have access to home-made kobasica and ajvar on demand. Balkanfags will know what I mean.

Currently tfw no gf but that might change sooner or later depending on circumstances. Mild fears on that subject. Can't really take women seriously, they are ineffective at everything they do and don't have a sense for modesty. Starting to see what male authority means and how it shapes their thought process.

Reading is on a halt until I pass the oncoming exams. There's a lot of work to do but I got into that one college I really wanted and it's been going great. Didn't meet any straight up polaks (though people here are raw, traditionalist and relatively nationalist by default, balkanfags and slavs will know) but did discover a legit communist. He's a scrawny clown and his voice makes my sides implode. Weak fag.

Don't forget to install Linux and throw vidya in the trash!

That's it I guess. Made a lot of progress this month and am quite satisfied with myself. Would recommend anons to watch Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus' Bride). It's beautiful, pure and comfy.




Reported. And sage evaded.

That program is starting strength though lol. SS has chinups you know.


So it was a cuckening, were it? Makes sense. Probably the manlet thing too though, yeah? I mean, you'd basically have to be a manlet, right?

No it isn't m8, SS has you squatting every workout.


Quit drinking. The Sinclair Method can cure your addiction. Doctors hate it because the method requires you to keep drinking. Works like a champ.

htt ps://




I'm glad that your Redditor sage-as-a-downboat ass isn't raising children, to be perfectly honest.

Sage does not work like a down-vote you autistic monkey.

All witness the penis in mouth man


I promise to never reply to you. :^)





no homo

Look into sub-maximal kettlebell swings. Doing these every day will make you leaner, stronger, faster, and better conditioned. There's a thing called the "What The Hell Effect" in the KB community. I encourage you to give it a go for a month and then test your running capactiy. You might end up liking it. Anyways, search for the book "Simple & Sinister" by Pavel, it's really all you need.

You don't even need dumbells,get a bar to do pull ups,and with that you're golden following this unchecked anons chart,i prefer free weights.
If you're yurop or you can use decathlon,or try some second hand buying apps.
You'll find so many literally unused equipment you can't go wrong (god bless the betafags that fail after one week and the fat bitches with presummer workouts)you can make a cheap home gym for a few yuros


Absolutely no homo

really makes you think

A couple nuggets of advice:

1. Strengthen your stabilizer muscles, especially around your shoulders. Hurting your rotator cuff will keep you out of training for months.

2. HIIT cardio is about all you can do while focusing on strength training. Do 20 minutes AFTER your lifting on your lift days. It will boost your metabolism for several hours. Keep your recovery days for recovery.

Remember that there is more to self improvement that physical fitness. Don't get me wrong, physical fitness is top tier as it builds discipline that can be transferred to everything else you do in life, but it really is just the baseline and you should be seeking to expand your self-improvement further.

Regular reading and writing should be added. Your reading should be stuff that is challenging, the kind of works that require active reading. Most of the classics are good for this as well as philosophical books. If you've never written anything regularly besides shitposting online, I recommend this exercise: write 15 minutes non-stop about any subject. I started this exercise in high school as a way to be able to delve quickly into standardized testing essays but it really helps in avoiding writer's block and eliminates needless overthinking and hesitation.

There are a bunch of other skills you should be learning (like survival skills, working on cars, basic carpentry, basic home improvement, etc stuff every man should be able to do) but I think these 2 are a good baseline and anyone can practice them without spending a lot of money.

Try pointing your feet out to the sides more, your knees will need to follow that direction. Remember you need to look at the floor in front of you. Low bar squat is superior, so try to do that if you can. You use your glutes to drive the barbell upward once you pass parallel, no reason to go any further down than 'just past parallel' unless you're a masochist.

Da Comrade. Pavel make strong like Russia.

What's the best workout advice for a skeleton with a pot belly? Can I run it off? What should I be eating?

I should add: Gimmicks aside, Pavel's stuff is really good, I found it very useful.

Don't run, what you need is to build muscle mass. There's plenty of good beginner strength training programs listed in this thread, pick one which works for you.

I came back to the thread and almost thought someone dug up my real name.

Mnergh. I started drinking again to help my fitness. Get some rum in me & throwing the iron around becomes a lot more interesting. There's a very fine line though.

Went straight & sober for 8 months. Lost 20lbs of muscle. Couldn't talk to people sober, lost my sex drive. I'm too much of a cripplingly depressed asshole to go it alone. Alcohol is my vice, but I take pills & shit in the weekends.
Yes. Fuck you. Gimme a handful of tank candy & a bottle of Jagermeister, see you on the frontline.

The man is a true salesmen, but his stuff works. Even if you don't follow his programs to the letter, the principles behind them make sense and get you strong.

Anybody got a pdf? enter&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=0&column=def simple&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=0&column=def
(ebook format only)


lmao, enjoy looking like a fat fuck t-rex. squats are way overemphasized in that.

what is the optimal amount of time to spend on Holla Forums per day? what is the minimum?

Eat a high protein diet and do compound lifts. I'd need to know more about your current diet to help you more than that.

I try to not let it disrupt my sleep cycle. Computer screen emit blue light which the body misinterpret as "oh, it's day time let's do day time stuff" and your start to fuck your shit up in a negative feedback loop.

Circadian rhythm regulates metabolism. So your body is doing different thing with nutrients and stuff when it thinks it's day to when it thinks it's night. The screen disrupts the rhythm.

What I've been doing is I have an alarm set for 2-3 hours before I plan to sleep and when it goes off that's it, no more computer screens be it phone or laptop or TV. At that point I allow myself to do whatever, usually end up reading physical paper books, and my body gets into sleep mode even before the 2-3 hours are up.

Also for added sleep hacking, keep your room cold, 50-65 degrees f, and make the room as dark as possible. This makes an optimal environment for getting in as many REM cycles as you can in the night. The more REM cycles, the better rested and recovered you'll be when you wake up.

Also, as far as total time to spend on Holla Forums that's up for debate.

Was talking about Move Your DNA. Great links though.

If you are already one of the initiated, I would just check on it periodically throughout the day unless you are contributing to some Holla Forums project.

I avoid confrontation because I'm afraid of making my side look bad. weights will help?

Yes, also spar with your friends. Fight Club one might say. The more familiar you are with violence, the more confident you will be in violent situations and in general.

While Holla Forumsacks are smarter than your average normalfag, they're still by and large a bunch of annoying retards. For example, I'm surprised nobody called you a shill for "earlobe spacing".

Maybe but I lift a lot and am more insecure about myself than when I started so ymmv. After a while you tend to become hypercritical about yourself and develop body dysmorphia. Guys compliment me on my muscles but I always feel scrawny. I have to psych myself up in the mirror every morning to convince myself I'm swole enough to step outside.

You brave man. You're right nobody cares about anything but themselves but I still find interacting with people difficult.

I've been thinking of starting a journal, might be interesting for Holla Forums to shitpost about if I ever snap. Or used as a historical resource for the future NatSoc states of how bad things used to be.

You should run it off then start bulking. If you just start lifting with that you'll look like shit and get even fatter from bulking. I was the same, I just did a lot of cardio in the beginning and lifted to learn the form and adapt my CNS then bulked later on when noob gains stopped.


Doing negatives with a slow pace down certainly help, as does flexed arm hangs. You also have to focus on pulling with your lats/back/shoulder blades with your arms simply being the "levers". Be sure to keep your core taught, and autistically focus on proper form. Pyramids are also useful when you can manage more than one. The most important thing is to stick with it, and practice as often as possible. Mind over matter, my friend.

Do what I did. I bought a kitchen safe to help myself ween off of it. I would set the safe to only let me take weed out once a week, then once every two weeks, until eventually it was monthly. Now I am almost 5 months sober from weed.

no. it can only be that everything else in the program is underemphasized by comparison. i bet you dont even have any traps

do you know what red light specifically does? i have a red led led light that i use at night (i also have other colors too as part of my collection). of course the blue light simulates day time by inhibiting melatonin or whatever it does, and green light can be used as a substitute for blue for the same circadian rhythm stuff, but red seems like it's not a factor in this (the human eye's cones can only sense either red, blue, or green light)
i never really found any good research that explains exactly what effects there are when each type of cone is triggered, other than the whole thing about blue stopping melatonin production. i have a hunch that red increases hgh, or maybe green does, or both do, but my untested theories can never really go that far. yellow seems to be the most common non-white color that is sold in stores too and i wonder why that is
mugwort tea can increase the duration of rem sleep, or maybe just the potency of rem sleep. possibly at the cost of the other type of deep sleep tho i'm not sure. it does something with rem sleep though and makes your dreams more colorful. i think you can build up a tolerance to it quickly though so i like to drink a small glass an hour before bed each day. you can also burn it and inhale the smoke that is produced (smoking)

yeah i've been thinking that a single brief browse of the catalog at the end of the day is best. or maybe in the morning, like reading the paper

try to smoke so much that you begin to hate it

Do intervals and sprints.

1) burpees in sets of 10-15
2) jump rope for speed in sets of 250
3) box jumps in sets of 10-20
4) weighted step-ups in sets of 10-20

5) sprint 100 feet, jog back, repeat
6) cycle 10-15 miles, do occasional sprints for as hard/long as possible, then coast it out

7) weighted walks (load a comfy backpack with ammo and water) and walk 1-3 miles as quickly as possible

What is best to prioritize now for when SHTF theoretically in 3 years? I live in the country, yet a couple of mighty stone throws away from towns.

-Vegetable and herb growing at home
-Gunilla tactics and firearms training
-Innawoods shelter, foraging and trapping

This right here is pretty much the ideal plan guys, I definitely recommend it as it's HUGELY successful with my life

You're a fat piece of shit or a newfag, or both.
Either way you don't belong here.

I suggest you watch Varg's videos to get an idea of what to do with your land. Your list is good, I'd add:
-figure out how to dispose of waste without running water i.e. dry toilets, compost, etc. I believe Varg uses it in combination with Hugelkultur to fertilize his crops (ones that won't be ready this year so the harvest isn't contaminated with shit)
-look into other parts of permaculture
-if you don't have a family old enough go RWDS with, network with likeminded people (optional; squads are very effective but with the current police state lone wolfing may be better in some ways)
-set up a water filtration system so you can get clean water in case plumbing goes down
-learn to live without electricity
-map your local area and nearby cities and develop a plan to act on when SHTF (bug out locations, targets, cache sites)

Thanks user! Glad to hear you're doing well.

Nietzsche looks like Teddy Roosevelt with those glasses

Quite a shitty routine for a beginner tbh. I had a very, very, VERY hard time putting on gains on this program, with the added downside of acquiring a bigger gut and close to 0 chest gains (or any substantial gains at all). But maybe that's me. If you're adamant about doing it, consult the book about this routine which you can torrent. It has got a fuckton of information on the exercises you have to do. And make proper form your number 1 priority or you'll fuck your shit up fast.

Machines are one of the most pain-free ways to build up strength and condition yourself for lifts that will eventually include free weights. With those (machines), I had very good results and the most pain-free gains of my life, which was a luxury for me when doing Starting Strength.

Try to get a good program that also doesn't surpass 1 hour of training (45 minutes is optimal training time). Separate long cardio workouts from your lifting days, mixing both doesn't "kill gains" (as per the /fit/ memes) but you can't expect to do well in both if you do them on the same day. Then move on to the next program after you feel like you can execute all lifts with a slow, controlled motion without compromising form at all.
My first program included a light warm up jog, chest machine, leg extensions, a bit of ab work and a few other things I can't remember right now. Really light stuff, all done in 3 sets of 15 reps.

There is no excuse for training certain muscles, ESPECIALLY your abs (and core in general). These are your body's most important muscles. Train them well and train them safely on their own, or you'll get a hernia and have to rethink your life choices.

For cardio, C25K fits very well for me, since week 1 feels like a breeze and I believe can truly condition you to do what it says (am on end of week 2 now, feels good making the first cardio gains I've ever had).

Stronglifts was made by a shitskin with questionable experience. 3x5 fucked me up, 5x5 made me take weeks off training at a time.

t. lifter creeping into intermediate mode

My first gym program*

There is no excuse for not training (isolating) certain muscles*

Amused I made so few mistakes at these exhaustion levels tbh.

Youngfag under 25, I've decided to get a job working in a factory just to hotbox myself and lose weight lifting heavy shit because because I can't go to the gym and am too autistic to lift in front of people let alone have money to bulk and I heard natural gains like this stay with you forever, is that true?

I also feel like my brain has shrunken since a year ago and every day I can feel it less and less, this is could be confidence or a physical problem but some background is that I manipulated the pressure level and fluctuations since I was in primary school and I've also been feeling dents when I rub my hands over my scalp (notable one being a vertical one on the middle of my forehead and on my temples) so I'm wondering if I should just kill myself if this is irreparable because my eyes feel dead and don't have will to think or learn like I used to. I think this is also a spiritual issue as well but I won't delve into that unless asked.

Posted a pdf on figuring out your specific diet and working into proper health routines.

Couldn't get the second book to upload though.

This is a very shit meme. Stop being an egoist, literally nobody will notice you unless you're choked under a bar on a bench or something similar (that is, if you're a fucking retard and exceed your limits too much).

Whut? Why bulk if you want to lose weight?

You have to maintain them in order to have them functioning as they should. It is, however, true that muscle memory is a good ally and can help you recover your gains the second time a lot faster than the first. That is, if you are making a conscious effort on getting actual gains, i.e. a progression on strength and muscle building over time. Working a manual job or factory job makes it harder to track down progress since there isn't a specific pattern of volume, intensity and intervals like there is in a regular workout or gym routine. If you're able to do that, props to you. My experience on a similar job is that I've been doing multiple kinds of garden work and other kinds of "hard" manual work on my home's field since I was basically a kid, and I still ended up being a scrawny betashit until I took my workouts and nutrition seriously and started doing things consistently.

Hook your mind off of electronic devices and start engaging your mind in all kinds of problems. Also try getting your hands on physical books. It may merely be a non-physical problem you're trying to fix, a problem of your brain not getting enough of a workout as it used to. Nutrition plays a good part in this too. I'd advise you to pay a visit to a doctor, but who knows what kind of (((doctor))) will get his hands on you these days.


What the fuck are you talking about? Have you been compressing your head like an Aztec?

l2crossboard/crosspost faggots.

You guys should look into fixing your gut health and removing parasites. 80% of americans have candida, a parasite infection in their stomach. This affects the way you think and your behavior.


drink a cup of kefir before bed every night. i usually drink some in the morning as well

Drink Kombucha instead, dairy is riddle with hormones

Probiotics alone are not enough to get rid of parasites though

Fuck no but it's hard to explain, maybe it isn't anything special.

Here is the video, is it O.K. to take probiotics or not, Codreanu basically said that vitamins and pills don't truly fix you because the body is relying chemical substances instead of natural change like liposuction.

All those threads are pinned, lurk moar or go to cuckchan you fucking baboon.

kefir > kombucha
kombucha is a meme. drink green or black tea if you're going to waste your money on kombucha

How is kombucha a meme? It's a fermented blend of green and black tea that's been around for thousands of years. I'm sure kefir was fine a century ago but with the modern dairy system i wouldnt trust it.

only one study has been conducted to show kombucha is beneficial and it was done on an animal. people only drink it for the taste. actual health benefits not included.
some green and black teas actually has been shown to be healthier than water

I'm sure the us army ranger that can bench 400 pounds and can out run you even carring 75 pound ruck is worried about getting smaller

Yeah and they lower dht act like a fag be a fag

Running doesn't stop from gains.
Do you get all health info from GNC fags lol
Run and eat like an animal. Look at spec ops
they all run like gazels but can bench and squat too.

Here are four done, granted on rats, that show it's affect on aiding in liver toxicity:

When I first started drinking it I thought it tasted nasty. Most people I have had try it thought it was disgusting. It makes my stomach feel incredible after, it's definitely not a placebo.

Low DHT is healthy for the prostate.

Your sexual fantasy "man" is irrelevant for his personal goals.

Beating feating and fasting

fast daily and eat one keto meal a day the more grass fed red meat the better. Don't forget veggies I eat those pre washed salads with melted grass fed butter

No his goals are retarded because of the you gotta be small to run meme. if you work out and train like a beast you will become a literal beast

Falling for the dht soyboy meme

excess estrogen is bad for prostate.

Push ups, sit ups, pull ups, squats/lunges sprints will do more than most bro science fags think they will. eat a high fat diet from fat that comes from approximately wild sources sleep tons and RUN. closer to barefoot the better

I don't know enough about the specifics but high DHT =/ high T and low DHT =/ high estrogen. High DHT is an indicator of hormonal imbalance in the endocrine system.

well to summarize it.
its a jew lie and dht levels have nothing to do with it
estrogen is a product of testosterone production

Do you have any resources where I could learn more?

Thanks. I'm dealing with hair loss right now that I think is linked to hormones, appreciate the resources.

Same here m8.
Been doing "goblet" front squats with 70-100 pounds to get form right. Put 2 lb weights under your heels for training wheels too.
Gradually remove training wheels and move to barbell. Been working for me.


Also, to everyone that uses stimulant drugs, I can tell you first hand that lifting is the best high in the world.

anybody have the high meat webm? high meat is like kombucha or apple cider vinegar or anything like that but times twenty

Pls no, I've seen it. absolutely disgusting

Okay sorry if I was rude, I thought you were doing something really stupid and dangerous, I don't know what you meant by manipulating the pressure level.

fucking pleb

Correct toes and proper barefoot like footwear will correct knee and back pain.

kek pls

I’ve been lifting regularly for years now. I took up boxing 2.5 years ago. I’ve taught myself languages, both spoken and programming. I have a terminal academic degree. I spend more time reading books than shitposting. I started writing a simple blog to practice getting my thoughts into words. I’m always trying to learn.

But I still feel like it’s all pointless and I’m wasting my time.

How many children do you have user?

That feeling of emptiness is because you have no great cause to follow or leader to fight for. There is no heroism or struggle to sacrifice everything for. Unless you're a hedonist, you won't feel happy in this nihilistic material age. I suggest following the advice of and starting a family, which will fill at least one of the voids in your life.

what the fuck is a 'high meat'

op here, what do you think of the criticism that SS has not enough shoulder girdle emphasis, and that people who do SS sometimes add shrugs on top of it to compensate? that's the biggest criticism of SS i've seen.

What is PPL? and why do people do SS for a bit then transition to something else? I get that it's a beginners regimen, 'starting' is in the name, but why would multijoint, full motion exercises arbitrarily become obsolete once you start building muscle? thanks for the info

Deadlifts are a catch 22 for me. It is an insane mass builder, and if you want to get will do it.

But training in bjj and boxing has made me realize that I am to big to be as quick as I want to be, so if I want to lose weight, I just stop deadlifting for a month or so.

I got married two months ago. Give it time. Also, I can’t afford that shit yet.

I’m a soulless, isolated nihilist. It seems to be the modern condition.

Because it's boring and they want to try other stuff and mire themselves in the mirror doing curls.
They don't. The fundamental movements of SS should be the basis of any other program, though, and the only stuff that will change will be accessories, frequency, and progression.

Sounds about right. I can't wait for the collapse.

candida is just yeast, it's not a parasite

Congrats on the marriage situation.
I would recommend watching some Jordan Peterson to take care of your nihilism issue.

less than a minute in and it's not looking good..

what are accessories? sorry i am relatively new to lifting. like shrugs in my example?

Thanks. I started watching his lectures recently. He is interesting, but I don’t agree with all of his arguments.

The dude fermented meat for a long ass time, had to open his window up and eat some.

Same here, obviously ones regarding the holohoax, but when you separate the wheat from the chaff he can pretty life changing, especially in the field of nihilism.

meant to say or. parasites usually feast on that stuff

I'm picturing a dude touring with his wife doing this and I busted out laughing

I aspire to be like you, that and have 3-4 chilluns minimum

I need to find something that shows that I am trying to become more social active before I keep being sent to a Psychiatrist from family and "concerned friends", I have social anxiety, I know this because I had a court ordered evaluation. I mean my Psychiatrist sends me a functioning but it's feels like I'm being controlled.

this is what everyone should do all the time
but some shill is going to show up and tell you that you can't listen to or benefit from anything he's saying because he's wrong on some point

You don't need to give up deadlifts to lose weight or get faster. Plenty of mma athletes deadlift and remain lean and in their weight class. Deads and squats are fine for combat sports.

It comes down to your diet. Keep deadlifting, but be smart and don't snap your shit up if you're on a calorie deficit.

I do heavy deadlifting, squats and other heavy lifts 3x a week while running 3x a week and training bjj at least 4 times a week, but manipulate my body composition entirely by diet.

The thing about combat sports is it takes a while to find a balance and to tune your body for that kind of volume. As your technique in grappling and striking improves, that part of your routine becomes much less taxing and you can lift heavier / more often.

Just listen to your body and make adjustments as necessary. Slow it down or take a break when your body starts aching and increase total volume as your body acclimatizes. Number one priority is avoid injury. This is a life long game with constant adjustments forever. It's also an extremely rewarding lifestyle.

Oh don't you know? If you're not 100% pure from birth and born hating jews you're controlled opposition and the only future is to sit on Holla Forums and make jew memes. That's why Donald Trump isn't worth believing in either because he's not at all like the media portrayed him. God I can't see how anyone can believe in anyone. I bet these threads were made by jews too.

MMA training. Be honest with them that you have social anxiety and want to toughen up, a good camp will give you friends, discipline and confidence. You only have to take the plunge

Yeah, accessories are just stuff that you add in that aren't part of the main lift. Like if on chest day you decided to do curls, or leg extensions on squat day. Sometimes they're also called assistance exercises if they work muscles that are holding you back in the lift. E.g. doing tricep extensions or skullcrushers can help if you're struggling with lockout on overhead press or bench.

Try going to a local traditional games shop, they often have events where you can meet with other people and play social games. People who go to these are likely to be autistic and/or neckbeards so it's a less stressful environment than say going to a party or something. I used to go to a board game night that a local shop hosted every Tuesday, people would bring games they owned or play ones that the store had set aside for them in a back area with a bunch of tables and chairs.

This, eventually you can learn to execute techniques without muscling them and it becomes a lot easier. Old men with canes still whoop a lot of big guys because their timing and techniques are so refined. The cardio from rolling helps with lifting as well, I've noticed I can reduce my break between sets from 3-5 minutes to 1 now without getting gassed.

He’s convinced me that religion is useful to society, but not that it is true. I think he could examine any mythology or fairy tale and extract the same sort of information. “You’d better build your house of bricks, bucko, because the big bad wolf is coming and he’s no joke!”

I also have difficulty taking dreams as seriously as he does. I don’t have vivid, coherent dreams, so statements like ‘we live embedded in a dream’ are just absurd, stoner-tier nonsense to me.

he makes money off of it and is from a westcost fag.

His fitness pricipples are good .though I highly doubt he is 1488 /ourguy/

Because you can target them to become huge to assure stability on future heavy squats. Also same thing for lower back.

Do 5/3/1 faggot, read the Tnation article.

Is that weekly? I need something at least weekly.

sounds like a great idea, but I don't know how to play and don't want to make an autistic mad for not knowing the rules I might get confused.

it's over already goy
let me tell you about the 6 trillion

I read>>10881470
Raw vegetables, you can find high protein in beans and other vegies. Stay away from meat. That goes for everyone. Stay away from meat and make it a cheat meal when you "need" your meat fix. Meat kills you from the inside out.

Just tell them you've never played it before and they'll be happy to show you. In my experience people who play board games are really friendly and not really autistic. By board games I don't mean Candyland or Monopoly btw, generally they play European strategic board games like Settlers of Catan or Ticket to Ride and stuff like that. If you play Magic or something like that though then yeah you'll probably run into some sperg rage.

Oh you don't have to tell ME, since I'm a jew too, for not immediately condemning everyone for not being pure enough and saying it's a waste of energy and time. That's pure kikery, not spending your days going about telling people their shit don't shine. I probably a job and ambitions, I'm such a fucking CIA plant.

The thing that helped me kick sodas and also helped me reduce the amount of beer I drink is seltzer. 99% of what I like soda for is just carbonation and they make a decent substitute for that drink you just need to relax when you get home. It isn't the same as a beer but once I have one beer, I have 5+ so if I have a seltzer instead while I decompress, it keeps me from drinking. Also, it's cheap as fuck.

Another tip I have for my fellow spergs is to force yourself to call people instead of email/text/whatever people. I used to be apprehensive about calling anyone about anything but was forced to get over myself due to my job. Now I can't stand people who try to communicate urgent or time sensitive information via some form of text. It will help you get past a lot of social anxiety and it will also make you the most efficient person in your office. A conversation that takes 10 back and forth emails gets done in 30s if you just call the person. Enjoy.

That's because your perception is a dream, you never experience the world as is, you experience it through your own particular insanity. Take cats for example, they see less colors, they see more "frames" and they are aroused by small movements, that's a totally different way of seeing the exact same world that you see. You live in yourself, not in the world in a sense, if you lived in the world you'd be a god, seeing things as is.

Do they really have this? Are you sure this not a homeowner association community room? I don't live in one.

Yes I do despise cardio as well, mostly because it's boring and there's not much skill to it, and running hurts my feet when I do it everyday. I found trail riding to be quite enjoyable, there's a great deal of skill involved, it really pushes you especially on tough terrain, its quite enjoyable, and there's also the objective of getting good times. It's best to ride with someone of similar skill and endurance, but you can easily spend a whole day out there burning calories, and enjoying nature.

It's also nearly 100% white

How does one acquire either of the drugs used for that treatment without visiting a psychiatrist? I somehow doubt a psych is just going to buy into whatever method you want to try without requiring you to undergo one of the known bullshit, but standard, treatments first.

They'd get their asses chewed out for that in the Marine Corps.

by cardio I am referring to traditional methods such as cardio machines and other traditional cardio methods

Truly patrician taste, user. I've since outgrown my mountain bike, but I loved trail riding when I was younger. I'll probably get back into next spring when it warms back up.

Hey guys, I'm a relative newcomer to mindful meditation. I'm having a hard time shutting my mind up for more than a few seconds at a time. What kind of benefits have you guys seen by sticking with it? I'm aiming for productivity, focus, and visualization just how vivid can the visualizations get?sometimes, I'm afraid of what I might see

Sure, perception is not reality, but it is all we have.

But I don't see how that equates to dreaming.

Mindfulness is nothing special. It's just the ability to recognize that your stream of thoughts are not literally reality, but instead a simulated reality of predictions that come and go through your consciousness. It's a good habit to have, but not something that will yeild many benefits on its own.

A practice I learned from another teacher was to just practice being aware of what comes to your awareness and don't chase it out, just be aware of it.

You'll be amazed how quickly random thoughts die when you just watch them with just the intent of watching.

Go for 5 minutes. Every 4 seconds say in your mind what is happening. Everyone 1 second if you need deeper foundational work. Try to breathe in for 4 counts, then out for 4. Later when you have a handle on that, do 4 counts in, 4 counts hold without closing your throat, 4 counts out, 4 counts holding without blocking your airway.

Place your focus right behind your eyes, you may feel them tingle a little bit and this will also help you focus on keeping focus on your mental screen.

If your mental screen is just stillness in your mind, say "clear"
If a visual thought pops in, say "thinking"
If you feel an ache or tingle somewhere, say "feeling"
If your attention is brought to a sound outside or a memory of a tune, say "hearing"

And just stay with awareness of that thought, as if viewing as another objective viewer, no shame or emotions or judgment, just *being* with it. But do be aware of what emotions do stir up, if it is negative, it's indication of where expression and healing and forgiveness probably needs to take place.

This way you begin to develop the training wheels of being aware, so you can be aware consciously when you are meditating and focusing on having no thought generation of your own, so that when OTHER thoughts come in, you are aware them and can begin to distinguish your own from external thoughts you picked up on.

Also be sure your spine straight and aligned and your chin *slighty* tucked in, this allows proper energy flow and healthier breathing.

Do not be a little bitch with what may pop up. You *want* unpleasant stuff to pop in because then it may express itself and may leave. If not, the bad memory or thought stays to ferment and prevents proper energy flow which then can manifest later as "random aches" where the energy/memory is stored and other emotional and psychological issues begin to fester.

If you can't handle a certain thought and focusing on it with gratitude or a blank expression doesn't make it leave, just state in your mind with authority "I banish the thought", or "I reject that thought" and visualize it rocketing away from you into the darkness. The same thought may return over and over again, and you will need to repeat it over and over until it sticks, perhaps dozens at times at first in rapid succession. In a few weeks of consistently banishing thoughts, your head will be spinning how instantaneously and without fight thoughts vanish. I was disappointed myself the first time because I was so assumed to "mental sparing."

Saying "Gas yourself" to thoughts and visualizing them being thrust away and locked into a gas chamber would be hilarious and stimulating to your subconscious since you probably have your own culture shaped from Holla Forums culture.

Also visualizations are as strong as you can imagine anything right now.

Imagination is one of the most fundamental tools available for creating visualizations to impress onto your subconscious so it may shape your perspective of reality or bring things to you by "coincidence." However, there are a number of fail-safes for this not working like not believing you're worthy for what you're visualizing, this will ensure you never get it, or doing something you know is wrong in your paradigm.

Frater Xavier from MindAndMagic on youtube has his whole channel dedicated to this.

Benefits of meditation are of deep stress relief, working to calm the exhausting cattery mind, feeling peace with yourself which instills gratitude for the things in your life, stilling the mind so deeper problems may have a chance to surface themselves so you may deal with them, either through expression or focused meditations on them or just learning to forgive yourself and all involved in that situation so you can finally let go.

Heck, I did a meditation just where I focused on an ache itself in my abdomen, felt it travel to my heart, then circulate back and forth and then after the meditation the shitty demeanor I had towards the stray cats at my house vanished along with the ache. I was no longer expressing the symptoms of stagnate energy stuck within me.

It does take consistent daily practice. It's best if you do at least 5 mins a day ideally at the same time each day than to do 1 hour spariodically.
Having a note book to note new ideas and sensations around your head and body are also important so you can document and realize your growth with sensitives, along with identifying your strong suits.

Yes it's once a week, more if you feel like it.

You could go once a week to this too, if you have a Games Workshop around your area just ask the cashier dude when they have get together SS or events for board games. Schedule a 1 day for this and 1 day of MMA, though I think the MMA is a better subculture to get into personally, use the board game group to just get used to talking to people in a social setting again

A general practitioner should be able to prescribe you naltrexone. Lie and say that you have heard it is good to prevent cravings. That way they have deniability when you run the sinclair method.

Failing that, there are places online that sell drugs. Look for a reputable one. Naltrexone isn't scheduled and you couldn't sell it on the street. I imported mine.


The mods almost had me beliveing they'd started caring about this board. This is the most whitepilled thread going and they anchored it. This kind of info is key in keeping Holla Forumsacks from going off the deep end and yet they deem it unworthy here. Fuck you mods, we just need 1 fucking thread out of 100.

As someone who wet ages my meat for up to 6 weeks, "high meat" sounds fucking disgusting. This is what would cause mutiny on sailing ships in the old days.

Who would eat this willingly? If I said I ate dog turds and it's great for digestion, really got the system humming again, would people run to the local dog park?

Please someone meme this as a trendy thing for liberals to do.

that is the state of all modern men
the point is to find something to add value to
perfect a craft
in that craft, while you craft you will chase perfection
that will slowly seep into everything else in your life



< Mods: Anchored


Rotten meat

Anything involving bettering yourself physically or mentally (like book threads) get anchored at best or deleted at worst. The mods are pretty strict on the board being "politics, news, happenings and current events" only.

I'm surprised it got this far before the anchor



fuck you mods, you're killing this board

I understand the mod's arguments. These threads are seen as gay and datamining.
There's >>>/improve/ and >>>/fit/ for fitness and mental techniques, and >>>/pdfs/ and >>>/zundel/ for books. Admittedly these boards are dead.
I wish these'd be linked in the sticky, and a cyclical thread allowed, but we don't live in a perfect world.

Make sure youre getting maximum test gains by getting enough zinc, magnesium and sleep. The best exercise you can do is compound lifts, bench, squat, deadlift, OHP. All you need for these exercises is a bar and rack. The rack doesnt need to be fancy, in fact ive seen some built from scratch. Safety is really not that big of an issue, if you fail on sqaut all you have to do is let the weight fall of your back, I'd say benching is probably the least safe as you might get pinned but even then there are ways of recovering. Basically get a fucking barbell and start the compound movements there is nothing that beats them, Bodybuilders, Powerlifters, Strongmen, even cardio based athletes do them. Obviously if you cant afford a couple hundred bucks to get some equipment then do push ups and other body weight exercises just know that nothing will come close to the basic barbell movements.

yeah these threads are datamining, i'm trying to mine data from other like minded people and get inspiration for improving myself. I hope others were able to mine a little data as well, that's what people getting together and talking is. There's so much talk on Holla Forums and in our other platforms on how white america is increasingly isolated and atomized, how it leads to depression and suicide. Christ, even in this thread alone we have a handful of people who can barely leave the house it seems, but any time we try to talk about things that actually matter besides the news of the day, we get stopped. We bitch about the media's propaganda because IT WORKS. You can't BE IT, until you SEE IT, so how are we supposed to build camaraderie and get anything done if we're stopped at every turn. you can't do it on 4chan, TRS is basically the definition of controlled opp. /meadhall/ is a fucking ghost town; nobody looks at it. This is basically it.

I understand the mods' arguments as well, that we don't want spam and we don't want the board cluttered up with a bunch of shitty blog posts and complaining by every user who has a gripe about something that day. But this board is getting deader and deader. there's hardly any interesting threads here at all. i just check back here to get see if theres any important news items which are stickied most of the time. the other 95% of threads are for news that is either irrelevant or like a month old. Even the stickies barely get any traffic.

umm, user… hate to break this to ya…
you fucking love amphetamines

The booze is merely disinhibiting you, stoking your dopamine system which is likely at present utterly fucksville and - most insidiously of all - inducing an insipid sentimental mindstate whereby you temporarily "relive" being more in-touch with your muse than you probably are now as a middle-aged man. I too am an oldfag and a musician and honestly that shit just goes away and you're better off kicking the booze and the drugs, fixing your dopamine system, and taking-up genres of music more befitting a gentleman (if you havent already) and discovering in what manner your creativity will express itself once you unfuck your brain.

Because here's the thing: you will still be creative and vital, but never again in the way you were when you were 18 or 22. While there are few things more embarrassing than the "middle-aged rocker", the creativity itself never really goes away, though. It just becomes more scarce in modes typically associated with "young man's angst" like music. Thus, it has to be cultivated and guarded. So, avoid dissipation and the temptation to prod the muse using artificial, chemical means. Listen to the advice of these anons about health & fitness. I also recommend reading & writing because as far as applying your creativity to more mature-masculine modes, the written word can serve as a fantastic outlet from now through the remainder of your life (assuming you manage your depression first).

If music is really where your passion lies, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of fixing your brain chemistry first before re-dedicating yourself. I believe there are new genres of music yet to be invented by and for white guys who aren't classically trained, but aren't young edgelords either. Go invent it. But first, get fit. Creative people who continue through middle age being dependent on drugs and/or alcohol do not have encouraging prospects late in life, and this crosses all boundaries of demographics. Shit doesn't end well, so get on the natch and stay on it.

Then we should probably be more consistently cross-linking. I've seen the /zundel/ BO linking his shit as of late. We do what we can user, and I know it's difficult, but we are the scions of a new age. If it wasn't difficult it wouldn't be worth doing.
I've had the idea of integrating Tox or something chat in-thread so people can talk with one person's ID and the Tox handle expires with the thread, this way 2 people having a chitchat or spergathon doesn't occlude more potentially important information.
…maybe I should make a board called /polblog/

The top of his monitor should be eye level, he's asking for chronic neck pain.

I kekd

I made these DIY squat stands for cheap. They have two heights, one for the bench and one for squatting. Really stable, I've had em for years. It's just 2x4s of certain lengths screwed together and cemented into buckets. I reinforced the high stress areas on mine (where the bar sits) with cheap metal plates so the wood wouldn't split if I racked the weights too violently.

And you can just buy used weights for cheap on craigslist or something. Only thing I would buy new is the bar since you don't want it to break. Overall my setup (weights, bar, materials) cost me a bit over $400 and I've had it for 4 years so far.

Well said, I'm on the verge of quitting Holla Forums too. I think I've got all that I can out of here and it's time to move on to the next phase in my life.