Anyone up for a rage thread? Starting with some OC

Anyone up for a rage thread? Starting with some OC.

Keep it vidya related.

Other urls found in this thread:

This isn't going to happen.



We can try

How can one person have so many shitty opinions?

We already have a Battlefield 1 thread up.

it's called clickbait

I don't think I can go any further.


Ignore the name, I'm using it for shitposting on another board.

Why do casuals only know about Mass Effect and think they are qualified to say how deep vidya writing is?
There are dozens of videogames with far better stories than Mad Men or the Sopranos.

Tell me about limbclock.
Why does he say "MAAFK"?

That first pic

the fuck?

the fuck?!

Daily reminder that this is what Atlus has become.
Daily reminder even we here on Holla Forums are no safe from Purse Owner fags.

Ancient yahtzee meme, Mr Ellipsis Doublespace

Yeah, right.

What's wrong with Overclocked?

DS1 was basically just a elaboration of the first part of SMT1 as far as i could see.

2 aka 'Autism Survivor' is the one that doubled down on the PURSEOWNER stuff.

This reminds me of a flash on newgrounds, it's like when somebody would do a sprite flash and sonic would HILARIOUSLY say "fuck"


I honestly can't stand anything Atlus has crapped out since Persona 3 aside from Strange Journey and some of the other pre-Kaneko-leaving MegaTen games.

Welp, cursive writing is already considered racist. How long until the English language itself is?

nice contradiction nerd
get your shit together

I'm fairly certain I've seen posts to this extent around. Maths has already been considered racist enough for common core to come into existence.

He's already got that annoying looking face. Odds are they used him to state the unpopular opinions and he "wins" when the owner of the channel or the majority behind the channel want to push that narrative.


Third image really shouldn't bother the average Holla Forums user much, most of them are in the age group that made "beautiful and compelling" stories like bioshock and fallout 3 successful.

I especially love shitposters with no taste who can't even put in the fucking effort to capitalize their fucking sentences.

Someone didn't watch the Zimmerman trial.

Think that's bad?

My school never taught cursive.I'm right now teaching it to myself to avoid looking like a retard.

Idiots can't read cursive. Good on you for teaching yourself script, so that you can write properly, and READ THE GODDAMN UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AND OTHER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS.

I'm not American, so no, I didn't.

You know, if the sensible people could segregate themselves from the blacks and idiotic leftists, it'd be pretty simple to wait 10 years or so for everything to implode and let whatever region theyre in control of fall into total anarchy and destruction, then just move back in, kill off the dregs and resettle the land.

oh my mistake, it wasn't a contradiction it was just an oxymoron, that's so much better
get your shit together

They should just change their name to pic related

Blacks can't read it. Where's that troll pic about Trayvon that was in cursive?

People that use cursive are the real retards.

no where is safe until the race war starts

Nvm, here it is.

They threw cursive out of the curriculum sometime in 2008 or something. I can't remember. I'm lucky enough to have learned it but my handwriting still looks like shit even if it's cursive in shorthand.

Just make small noses a requirement for entry. Problem solved.

The average game in 1983 was like three hours long, if anything they lacked padding.

that might actually work

Anyone have screenshots of people posting this on Facebook? I thought I saved some but I can't find any.

They can't even list more than 20 games that came out before 2007, and the only games they'd be able to list are really famous ones they probably haven't even played, like Zelda and Mario.

when a game was short it had challenge and replayability

now when a game is short it's easy as shit and has cheevos

I forgot to add that the webm I posted has something like 25 million views on Youtube.



I really doubt that anyone learning modern cursive will be able to fluently read any document from the 1700's. The writing style was so different, 90% of it looks like slanted circles with blob "letters" at the bottom.

Really the only people who use cursive anymore are asshurt 8th grade women teachers that want to make the class needlessly difficult by writing everything on the whiteboard in cursive so they feel as if they've accomplished something in their life when the one kid who doesn't feel like wasting his time with bullshit archaic writing systems didn't bother and raises his hand to complain.

lol XD, star wars is way better than that weeaboo trash XDXDXDXD

And Shadow of the colossus, lol, who the fuck plays that, sounds like a god of war ripoff, lol, I only play the originals, ripoffs can go die XP

Red Dead redemption? lmao, fucking gay cowboys more like, bioshock doesn't have gay cowboys, lol

Planescape Torment? who wants to play as a blue-ass nigger? nobody played this so it's obviously shit. I mean nothing can compare to Legend of Zealda, all my favourite utubers love that game so I should too, no, it's not a shit game that is only well regarded because of it's nostalgia, lmao, no the first part of the game isn't a slog, if it was that then why would all my favourite youtubers like it, if not because they were 5 years old and didn't have taste roflmfao XP.

Metal Gear Solid 3? sounds pretty gay, like why don't you play as an armoured badass with recharging shields? why have you got to be a massive baby faggot who has to hide? that's pretty gay, and that ocelot faggot is pretty much a massive tryhard gay faggot. Nah, halo 2 is way cooler, you shoot aliens in it, not hide from big gay russian men who are gay.

Lol, of course Mass effect won, it's the narritive experience of the year with a diverse cast that is all-inclusive of all races of people, and in the first game you get to fight racism head on by befriending that girl. It's like Persona, but better because it's in space and even more diverse, nobody wants to play that gay anime game with that gay Final Fantasy ripoff gameplay, we want to shoot guns with our diverse set of pals! And Mass effect has way better writing than any game ever, it's literally the Citizen Kane of videogames!

Well they succeeded.





Great album

It really is.
VT's song titles are fucking hilarious as well.

Meant VS

I fucking hate this style of preview graphic where they show the person making a stupid fucking face. I don't know why I hate it so much, but it makes my blood boil. It's like they intentionally go out of their way to make the most annoying fucking expressions they can.

More like fat rolls.


I guess it depends on the region. Where I live everyone writes and reads cursive constantly. The only moment when I read print is in front of a computer or from a printed document.
But yeah cursive from 100 years ago is almost fucking illegible.

The constitution isn't even hard to read regardless.
The real problem is when you're trying to read some random fuckwit's handwriting when he clearly doesn't write regularly. If you don't write regularly then just write in fucking print.

He's right though, remasters have gotten out of hand to a point where if a game did well 5 years ago we get it twice for no discernible reason other than having some fancier graphics.
You'd think he'd be a cunt for thinking old mechanics = bad but then again he's probably talking about wind waker HD and I agree, going on a scavenger hunt to find the pieces of the triforce was just the developers rushing the game out to make a quick buck in the first place.

I guess you're from europe or anywhere outside of the US then. I know lots of languages like german and russian still use cursive extensively but in the US it's pretty much dead. The closest most people get is writing block letters together into horrible looking ligatures as a kind of faux cursive. I'm doubly guilty of this because I hardly write at all anymore; the only occasion which I really do is for class notes and my notebooks look like someone having an ongoing seizure with a pencil.

I'm sure he did get mentally challenged in is day to day life.

B-but user, I meant, WE should rage.

Stupid normalfags have stupid normalfag ideas, who woulda thunk.

But I can read it.

What a nice prayer.

I've been meaning to start one for the last 4 years or so, but I'm too lazy.


Not writing often is probably bad for you.




the funny thing is he probably fucking actually has something. but for some reason he decided to destroy his credibility instead by making everyone stay up until 5 fucking AM to hear him shill his book.

Elijah Wood took a turn for the worst after unemployment.

Pr os that his evil twin

the average game in 2016 is coming back to that

doesn't everyone learn cursive in school nowadays?
also you're working under some big implications, if you can't read old cursive you're either a nigger or the writer was a nigger

Common core is taking over, and everything that gives fucking retards a headache is being chopped out of the curriculum. This is all part of (((someone's))) plan to make America dumb and pliable for less costly manipulation in the future.

People think I'm a genius because I can read at a glance, formulate theories based on available information, and perform basic fucking arithmetic without counting on my fingers. It's horrible. I'm not special at all. People thought nothing of learning French or German at the turn of the previous century; people today can't understand the difference between your and you're.

So I spend many a night teaching people how to properly commit suicide on the appropriate board, that they might be spared the hell that grows ever wider with each passing day.

Yeah, but then a bit of war happened and German became unpopular. Now Spanish is the in thing.

Yep, can't get a job at the unemployment office unless you can translate.

Go back to cuckchan

Trying to fit in friend? You don't have to try that hard.


it must feel bad being old and seeing their kids ruining the world and the kids of their kids being raised in that cesspool

yoshi is a qt

a koopa is fine too


It can be.



You do understand they're comparing the dynamic range of fps to your set resolution. Right? As in the resolution changing automatically with your performance, like a framerate.

Yes and there no reason you couldn't do it technically, full dynamic switching on the fly would probably be hard to do for pretty much no benefits but having a group of set resolutions for specific performance threshold or specific points in the game is doable and the latter has been done already.

Yet it doesn't compare to framerates.

The framerate fluctuates depending on the complexity of the scene you're trying to render there's absolutely no technical reason you couldn't make the rendering resolution fluctuate according to the same factor.

Not surprised in the least.


Yet you and another user were implying that it was stupid to even think it was possible, not being worth doing isn't the same thing as not being possible at all.
Not even implying the guy in the OP wasn't a retard that probably didn't even understand what he was talking aobut but making just as dumb of a statement in response doesn't exactly show you're any better than him

It was being implied that the comparison is an extremely thin one to make, and suggesting that resolution is a minor thing to care about like fps apparently is makes for a foolish argument.

What a tosser. Shouldn't be surprised with hair like that, though.


Don't talk shit about my waifu.

I got three good reasons she's named "Lahti".

One, she's big as hell, two, there's loads of critters in her, and three, people are always spilling the nastiest shit into her, but that's okay, cause nothing comes out of their alive.

There are lots of games that dynamically downscale their internal rendering resolution in order to maintain a constant framerate. The most recent one I can think of off the top of my head is Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Underrated post.

Nothing wrong with big girls, user.


Needs to be bigger

My shoulders are crying, but my dick hungers.

It's what Yahtzee calls CoD games. I can't really remember why though.


Remember that the S's at the time looked like our lower-case F's

But the man looks like a kike.
Perhaps his grandfather changed their surname?

Isn't that guy one of the nu-males from Hello Games?

Which is a damn shame, but at the same time most schools only taught one or the other, for some reason, and cursive is rather useless.
Definitely learn it on your own, though. IT's a nice thing to have.

English wasn't the main language thought in my school, should I teach myself cursive?

Nigger detected.




We need a purge.


Wasn't the Oct. Suprise.





What was his name again?





>all of which also apply to him
i will never understand these people

god i fucking hate pedros face, wish I could crowdsource a bunch of fucking knuckleheaded surside spics to jump his ass

They only taught cursive once in third grade and almost never mentioned it again after that.


my school never taught computer letters

Almost forgot, posting the ones that can make any user go nuclear.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

god fucking dammit why do i read those again when people post them
it never fails


I'm beyond mad.

I realized that at least 80% of humanity always were and always will be trash, and it's your job to not end up as them but the elite that exploits them.

physiognomy is real, my friends

>that kid was me
I still don't know how that works

What the fuck is cursive
Because I'm sure as hell you fags aren't just talking about curvy letters.

The October surprise won't ever happen. Never trust an Australian.

user pls




4chan is the new ebaumsworld. Whatever shit anyone gets up to, they get the blame, and this on top of them bleeding cash like mad to the point Nip moot is planning to prune down boards and limit image upload sizes.

Sounds familiar… Is that you Ayn?




not really
mainly because redditors and other types of cancer are so commonplace everyone already knows it's us and if you say something like "so is this where 4chan is?" a bunch of autists will freak out




I'm almost afraid to click

No. I suffered, you'll suffer with me.


I knew he was a faggot, but fuck me how much of a sycophant is this guy?


tldr shill your game if you want people to know about it.

i was looking for this webm for a while, i even needed to post it on a thread a few months ago but didn't have it

Uh, you too!

it's not as much as rage as it is rage memory
when Holla Forums was like this it was really unnerving

their fault for losing

I am infuriated.

he's right about RTS dying though

4chan has a /vip/ board now lads, where only people with 4chan pass can post. Do you guys think this will affect Holla Forums somehow? More immigration?

Shit. I had to go through the same shit in about the third grade. Only on top of this it was about the time I was diagnosed with dyslexia as well. Since I was in a small town, they just shoved me in the retard class in the middle of learning cursive.



Shit, that made me laugh

From now on, if people ask why I waste so much money on alcohol, drugs and video games, I'll just reply it could be worst: I could waste it on a degree.

I could draw that.
My kittens could draw that.
Sperm 431784321 in my left testicle could draw that.

They really aren't trying anymore. That doesn't even remotely roll off the tongue, how are we supposed to push an agenda if it isn't even catchy?


I love the pic in my previous post because here you see the most privileged bunch of cunts on the planet, with their trendy brand handbags, designer clothes and overpriced Apple laptops, drinking overpriced Starbucks and Red Bulls, being told they are the ultimate victims.

Universities aren't universities anymore, they're kindergartens for the emotionally challenged. I can't possibly imagine how any of these people could function in the real world after four years of such brainwashing.

Scream really, really loud until you give up.


for what purpose


I went to go check, user is not bullshitting

Your doubts are unwarranted; reading the constitution is easier than reading most people's modern handwriting.

I can read it without an issue. You're making shit up or are blind.

I write and have always written everything in cursive, as it's a much faster and easier way of writing than the alternatives. The only reason there is any push to abolish it is because little brats today can't be arsed to learn to write well or, at the very least, learn to decipher ugly handwriting. When I was little and wrote like shit, my dad made me sit and write several pages of the language textbook down. If he disliked the way it looked, he made me write it all over again, for hours if need be. Of course, I bet your parents just sat you in front of a TV and forgot they have a little shit like you in their lives for a few hours. You fucking nigger.

This is a bad thing? 4chan needs more money right now, adding some extra features to get more people to pay isn't bad.
Besides, it's nice to have a board with no newfags, and where it's impossible to ban evade.


I hope you're kidding.

fucking hell

I want 4chan to succeed. An optional board won't fuck it up, I can still browse Holla Forums and /a/ all I want without anything changing. I just also have the option to use /vip/ if I want.

If you don't care about 4chan enough to drop $15 a year, you really don't have the right to complain that a single board exists for the people who DO support the site. If they start doing shit like saying "pass users have a higher image size limit on all boards, and can use emotes and emojis as well", then I'll be a bit pissed, but right now Holla Forums is still Holla Forums, nothing really changed for "old boards" outside of how successful 4chan is.



Who could be behind this post?


next point

as always, the irony is lost on those fags

I have no words

I paid 2 years in a row JUST for captcha removal and 4chan support. Now we're getting a fuckload more for the same price. Shorter time between posting? Amazing, that's a great benefit! The little "since4pass" shit? It's not needed, but a cute gesture anyway. An exclusive board? Fuck yeah, that's neat.

What else do you expect? If you want more you can always host your own site and give yourself whatever shit you want.

OK, time to kill yourself.

Get the fuck out of here you dumb nigger.
Oh wait, this is a rage thread. That's why you're posting like that right? It better be.



Thought it's an epic ruse.


there are no words

Here's the catch: I want nothing more. I want the simple stuff.

gg ez

I want feminism to succeed. A woman vote won't fuck it up, I can still see qualified senators and presidents without anything changing. I just also have the option to hire women employees if I want.

If you don't care about women enough to vote for suffrage, you really don't have the right to complain when women only hook up with men who DO support their rights. If they start doing shit like saying "I refuse to shave my legs or take a bath or clean up my menstrual blood", then I'll be a bit pissed, but right now feminism is still respectable, nothing really changed for "family values" outside of how successful women are.


Good. For once, I'm glad I got baited into submission.

Fucking "thick" faggots. 7.62mm is thee absolute maximum acceptable round diameter!


Okay, as long as those people are not posting here I can just laugh about it.

except they're less successful. Feminism hurt women the most of all. In the past, all they did was take care of kids and household - clean, wash, cook, etc. Today, they still do all those things, AND they need to work a job in order to make do. They didn't get the RIGHT to work, they got the OBLIGATION to work. Being able to just sit at home and do the chores… that's an unattainable luxury for all but the wealthy.

do people (who aren't spammers) actually reach these numbers?

I don't know about you, but I never made that many posts on one day.


"I don't get why you're mad at me mom, at least i'm not in school"
>it already is if you live in san francisco

My mom died four years ago, I'm a grown ass man now.

I want CIA to succeed. A Big Guy won't fuck it up, I can still shoot a man before thowing him out of a plane all I want without anything changing. I just also have the option to pull that off if I want.

If you don't care about the flight plan enough to bring friends, you really don't have the right to complain that a single hired gun on the aircraft exists for the men who DO support the flight plan. If they start doing shit like saying "crashig this plane with no survivors", then I'll be a bit pissed, but right now the flight plan is still the flight plan, nothing really changed for "old aircrafts" outside of how successful CIA is.

You vastly underestimate the power of the NEET

Those fags desire everything they get tbqh





Pathetic bait.





he said recommended


and i said you suck dick

Does he have brain damage? Wait, he's a journalist, of course he does.

stop blogging

wew lad

stop arguing semantincs and put that tongue to work



We CRISPR now.

oh they know what they're doing all too well
they aren't some retards who landed on a field of journalism they know nothing about
they're all paid shills with a hook nosed being behind them

It is not even that bad. Just a lot of not knowing how games become viral and most basic info about marketing.

Try watching anything newer about actual game design from them.

Nah, I'm good fam

Well it is rage thread after all.

In the meantime I watched their humane design video. I wanted to make webm out of this but I really don't need more of this thread after that vid.

To even think this faggot calls himself developer.

How long until we can live forever


It's almost impossible to show these dolts that 30 frames is way worse than 60. It's almost like arguing with a bratty kid who will turn their nose at a home made hamburger steak in favor for mcdonalds paper thin patties and sugar covered fries.

you'll die before you can be immortal
even if no one knows the answer it doesn't matter

Yes, I want to see this video games thing through up until the very last one is made

We'll see about that, I'm determined to defy senescence

This is also the reason why I'm studying genetics.

I'm going to Emperor of Mankind the shit out of mankind.

I heard that if you live in a collage dorm or use a library computer then that 500 posts a day can fill up fast with other peoples posts counted towards your own.

They've taken it too far!

never because heat death

I didn't even consider those.
That's pretty fucking greedy now that I think about it.

Maybe she's has some followers.
Post your drawings, mate

ackshually now it looks like a good policy
it might keep underage stupid enough to not know how to circumvent it out of imageboards

Ever played Soma?
Not gonna happen.


if you're immortal what are you gonna do when someone kills you


not die?

if you're immortal how likely are you to get stuck forever?

Who is this old Jew?


Requesting Dump, these are my favorite meme.


so what your pic says is that we already live in an anarcho capitalist society?

Isn't this actually a /lat/ meme anyway?

Like Tithonus trapped in a room for all eternity. remember when asking for eternal life to also ask for eternal youth.


I'm giving it a month at most before anarcho-capitalism memes become a facebook\reddit\funnyjunk\whatever thing (if it didn't already)

Why do you want to live forever, to suffer?

wtf, how do they track how many posts you made if you are supposed to be anonymous?

Lets not be crazy now, I don't mean immune to all forms of death, I just mean immune to the body breaking down to aging.

I'm not sure if I would bank on a second big bang after the eventual death of the universe and being lucky enough to end up on a livable planet.


I love them too. Does anyone know where it first appeared?

Seriously, why the hell would you want that?. Are you that damned happy with your life?


Dumping the ones I have



I know that this face was very popular meme on /lat/ imageboards, don't know the rest

Look at the scrawny guy with the glasses he looks like he's unable to lift his arm from the table because the pip boy is too heavy for him.

I'd say I'm fairly happy with my lot in life and I do recognize that to be alive right now and far into the foreseeable future is pretty good, and I'd like to see how humanity grows, both in the positive and the negative.



I don't get this meme, isn't it how many countries already operate?

I want to live forever, so when it all comes crashing down I can watch the dumb fucks reap what they sow.

I know it sounds edgy as hell but after interacting with college kids, the only thing sustaining me, is knowing one day those kids will enter the real world and have to compete with chinks and indians.

I've already gotten a glimpse of it, my step siblings both college grads with no job other then shit they could of gotten out of highschool meanwhile I'm making 40k a year with a high school diploma.

That's how all countries operate. Some just mask it better.

There are a few latin posters on leftypol, but I don't believe that they could create something so amusing.

Posting some relateds.

Yeah, but, 500 posts every single day…? How can NEET's survive a month without killing themselves?

are you serious?

I nearly died from losing my sides when I first read that.

have you ever played Neet simulator?

How can NEET's what? Pets?

Of course

Got my minecraft acount stolen. I can't login to play single player anymore. Yay for always online single player games!

That second one is the best of all time.

Hardly, most of them were between 15 minutes and about an hour long. Typically the only games that clocked longer were RPGs.

If you really didnt care you wouldnt be so butthurt about it. And you should be because its fucking simple and I learned it in 3rd grade

Extra reddits feels like cheating.

At least Max still looks like a little shit that still pisses his pants. That's the one shining light through this.

Holy fuck why did I watch it.
What made me go back to this thread holy mother of fuck.

Man, I drew a lot of really, really shitty drawings when I was a kid, that I was dumb enough to put on deviantart, and that I was fortunately enough to have taken down. Probably during the transitionary period they had to the new bullshit they have now, but I honestly don't know, I just checked one day out of curiosity and it was all gone. I still cringe over it periodically, though. It was all dumb shit and I should've known better, but I was a dumb pre-teen who just wanted to fit in with the cool kids. I still spend a lot of time beating myself up over all that shit, because I'm not proud of it and even though only I remember it, I gotta carry that horrendous shit with me forever.
Seeing this autistic adult making shit that was on the same level or worse than that, and still being really proud of it? Maybe I should cut myself a little slack, even if it's only once in a while.


Fuck him fuck him to hell and every piece of shit who posted on this disgusting piece of shit youtube comments section! its goddamn disgusting!


oh my fucking god! this bitch always drones on and on making up large fucking words to sound smarter than she is but all it does is confuse your mind because she's talking in this monotone voice and just talking and talking, Anytime she talks my mind automatically ignores everything she says.

how can anyone stand listening to this nasty bitch, i can't even stand looking at her face, anytime i look at her i instinctively turn away because i can't stomach looking at it, that red streak in her hair also makes me want to hurl.

I want to kill someone

I don't know if it's true but an user on here a few months ago said he wrote that as obvious b8 but whoever made the screencap took it at face value


You're so oblivious that you must be autistic. There's no way a functioning human being would read that as anything but sarcasm

Where is math?

Why does this guy speed up/tone-shift his voice? Is he a fucking tranny?
Also is this the same spirit science shit?


It's called a joke user, but like I said it could just be bullshit

I dont believe so, spirit science guy talked about history and put it together in a nice video.

this Extra Credit guy is a faggot.


I don't know. Due to everything being extreme, you can't let poe-esque shit slip under your radar as a "joke", because then it could eventually become the norm.
I'm obviously referring to another situation than this one.

Portal is a FPPuzzle

Dumb fucking bitch. She correctly identifies the trope, but fails to understand why it is.
Because they are cruel and manipulative.
Because men think that women are pretty, but deep down, know that they are cruel and manipulative. The trope of "ugly female monster still having female traits" is taking the things you admire about women and twisting and corrupting them for the sake of horror. The idea of making monsters out of corrupted "pure" things, women or otherwise, might as well be considered a cornerstone of horror, probably because it works so well.

It's not rocket science. I don't even like horror and I can even tell you why it's a thing.

I'm saying semantically it is technically a first person shooter, but on a more practical level it isn't.


every fucking time

who was Corey from the Salem witch trials

Pic very much related.

Sounds like a pretty good government to me


Look, I'm not going to say that that user isn't a complete retard, but Chess clocks exist. Clock pressure is a real thing in Chess. Time isn't an infinite resource.

I basically saved his life.

i agree, he does sound like the spirit science guy

pic related


Where is the one where he goes about how we will run out of the internet

Ask and ye shall receive.



Hes right tho, if it fails the retards who were too stupid to leave when it was time will come here in droves.

do you think he would dick a blue eyes white human?


It's average the time between those 15-minute games and the 15-hour-long CRPGs.

Why do so many people watch they guy's blatant fucking pseudoscience?

Ok, that one actually sounds a bit fun.



Does anyone outside of edgy Teenagers actually believe in Anarcho Capitalism? I mean a basic understanding of economics will explain why it's a horrible idea.

A lot of actually important academics believe it's a good idea.

It actually does make sense if you really think of it; in an ancap system the market is completely free, everything is private and if you're a land owner you're completely free to do anything you want at any time your want it.
The upside is that with an absolutely free market you, as a producer and land owner, are able to put whatever prices you want on anything, buy and sell anything at the expenses of everyone and so on; this means a fuckton of competitive marketing as there are no regulations at all.

In this scenario all the land owners would be basicly mega-trump but without foreskins.

Of course, the downside is that this means that the common citizen's fate is completely left in the owner's hands. Kind of like what happened in the middle ages, you could end up as a peasant in a land owned by a really chill guy that puts his subjects on top priority or most likely end up as little more than a slave.

By the way, guess what kind of people favor the idea of completely subjugating entire populations with the power of money?

except anyone could fuck over anyone else.

this system was active in the 1800-1900's Monopolies and oligarchies happened, some guy bought all the gas stations and charged whatever price he wanted. same with other markets.

That's basicly the idea, there are people that believe this is how economy should work.

A lot of academics also believe in communism

Social sciences is a weird world.

t- bachellor in social sciences.

I believe in a system like Venus Project.

Let the fucking ancaps take over, I want to live in this world.

More like Free Cities :^)


Fresco is a great person and a genius. I think we would a bit better technology to do what he is planning though.

I love Free Cities so much

let's not also forget "academics" is a very broad term and might include lots of smart people, but most of them are completely new to the field of economy and human interactions.
Ask an economist or whatever it's called about communism and the guy is instantly going to freak out and point a billion things that will go wrong



Okay you win I raged.




Do they not understand what a fucking focus tester is?

nah, if they criticize it they'll publicly shame them for daring to have bad opinions about your shitty game.


Michael Pachter

His inane ramblings only get coverage because he's (((chosen))).

Who says these things?