What is everyone on Holla Forums reading? Looking for some new books to open my mind. Don't really care what the topic is, but preferably politics.
What is everyone on Holla Forums reading? Looking for some new books to open my mind...
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this thread will be locked because mods don't want you reading.
I have been reading Bronze Age Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe by Gimbutas to better understand the origin of the Aryan.
I just finished "Our Enemy, The State" by Albert Jay Nock. He was a big time lolberg/ancap political theorist who started to turn against democracy and the jews later in his life. His break-down of the colonial history of the US is really interesting and fills in a lot of gaps in my thinking about the founding of America. It's good reading for being exposed to someone who breaks out of the mold of traditional politcal thought entirely, and his later works show he was getting majorly red-pilled.
Right now, I'm reading "Keats, Hermeticism, and the Secret Societies" by Jennifer Wunder. I've only just started getting in to it, but it seems like a very in-depth analysis of the whole history of mystery schools and where secret society symbology comes from, historically. Interesting if you're into the esoteric but probably unreadable for the uninitiated.
If you're a STEM-oriented user, I highly recommend "The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules our Lives" by Leonard Moldinow.
Currently listening to the audiobook of this.
Reread Call of the Wild. Jack London knew what was up.
Looks like the full text is available online too
Get on my level you niggers
martin armstrong's writings regarding cyclical history, politics, and economics
OP, I recommend
for books. vast troves of books to read.
Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche and Why Civilizations Self-Destruct by Pendell It's decent entry level, but nothing ground breaking
Is Toynbee worth reading? I've read Spengler and Yockey already
Also, what Campbell book should I start with?
Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago". Long as fuck, but very interesting.
I went on Amazon to look at reviews for "The Jews and Their Lies" and was not dissapointed.
look at the fucking title of the book
He single-handedly reformed the fucking catholic church, which literally ruled over half of the world at the time. Brainlet tier.
TOP LEL. This person obviously got super triggered by the car of peace attack and then sought out anti-semetic literature on Amazon to kvetch in the comments section. The salt is just too real.
Jews and their lies is an interesting book, although I personally think Martin Luther did the work of the Jews, whether or not he knowingly did it, the damage was done.
Have the Talmud. Know your enemy and whatnot. puu.sh
For more clarity
You need a bigger varitey of books.
richard dawkins "the god delusion" (never read it though)
steven hawkins universe in a nutshell
The golden compass phillip pullman
my nigga
I'd contribute, but the thread will probably be deleted in a few minutes by the mods. They hate books, especially politically incorrect ones.
Tacitus then Mein Kampf
Anyone has the image?
Currently reading The Creature from Jekyll Island
pic related
I'm currently reading Goethe's Faust and plowing through all of Plato.
Faust is good shit
Could you at least suggest non shit tier books?
I'm 100% sure you will enjoy Hitler's war.
I have Hitler's War but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. How good is it?
I want to read my collection of Holla Forums pdfs but I'm too busy watching anime and fapping to lolis. I think I'll just continue getting all my facts and knowledge from infographics and whatever posts sound really smart.
Best book I've ever read. It's the perfect balance between learning and entertainment. Irving books in general is such a joy reading.
Somehow this is the book stash i imagined Holla Forums to have.
I'm to poor to buy books, so i just read on my kindle. I'm getting getting all 21 volume on Frederick the great by Carlyle as a birthday gift so I'm super stoked about that.
pdf's is good also look here. Very well organized
ok I've been here three years now, how do I link to zundel or a post in another thread on 8ch without having the whole link shown? pls no bully
Start with the smaller lighter books first to get some momentum. I'd recommend Feder.
You mean like this >>>/zundel/
yes how do I make it a link like that?
Oera Linda Bok
Currently reading The Lord of The Rings saga. If anyone hasn't read it already, I'd suggest you do. It's an essential read however, the biggest mistake I made was watching the movies before I read the books.
Probably your sister when her tits fall aside like you open a book in the middle and my dick will be the finger reading the pores through friction.
It is as easy as it looks.
all any user needs to keep busy for months and months
You aren't intelligent enough to be posting here
To RedPill normies I suggest [The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency] by [Annie Jacobsen}
Yeah, me neither…
they don't think it be like it is but it do
*tips fedora*
More like you tipped fedor.
The first two I finished reading recently, the last I'm going to read soon. Victoria is hardcore civnat fiction, think paleocon turner diaries. "Our Southern Nation" is a short but sweet overview of the origin of the South as a place and people and its current heading and trials. Too short for my taste, but well done nonetheless. The last is a 60s thriller about a black Intellegence operative who gets hired as a diversity token but uses what he learns to plan a black urban revolution.
Books by Srila Prabhupada – If anyone reads these just read the bhagavad-gita before the bhagavatam.
William Walker Atkinson has a solid edition of the Bhagavad Gita aswell.
I forgot the vid
Thanks user, >>>/zundel/ BO here. Amazed this thread is still up tbh.
Zundel's Bunker
This is the first section of my archive, dedicated to Holla Forums related topics, containing approximately 800 pdfs (8gb). There is also 'The Furnace' section, with over 200 subversive books written by jews/ziocucks for anons to study >>>/zundel/933 , as well as my holohoax collection >>>/zundel/18.
mega link - mega.nz/#F!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg
A. K. Chesterton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1480
The New Unhappy Lords; An Exposure of Power Politics
Adam Lebor (1 File) >>>/zundel/1478
Tower of Basel; The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (12 Files) >>>/zundel/1466
200 Years Together
Censored Chapters of 200 Years Together
From Under the Rubble
The First Circle
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 1 - I-II
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 2 - III-IV
The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 3 - V-VII
The Jews & Soviet Russia
The Voice of Freedom
Alfred Rosenberg (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1463
Criticism Of Oswald Spengler
Russia's Gravediggers
The Myth of the 20th Century
Anatoliy Golitsyn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1960
New Lies For Old; The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation
Andrew J. Hurley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1462
One Nation Under Israel
Anna Bramwell (1 File) >>>/zundel/1461
Blood and Soil
Ariel Toaff (1 File) >>>/zundel/1460
Blood Passover
Arnold S. Leese (11 Files) >>>/zundel/1457
Gentile Folly; The Rothschilds
My Irrelevant Defense; Jewish Ritual Murder
The Jewish War Of Survival
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock - A Visit to Arnold Leese's House
Our Seditious Cartoon Book
P. E. P. (Political and Economic Planning) or Sovietism by Stealth
Psychology and Jews
Race and Politics
REX vs. Arnold Leese Trial
The Fascist; The Organisation of Racial Fascism (Established 1929)
Arthur Kemp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1971
March of the Titans; History of the White Race
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1 File) >>>/zundel/1972
Germany's Third Empire
August Bebel (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1451
Academics and Socialism (Deutsch)
Assassinations and Socialism
Bebel's Reminiscences
My Life
Woman in the Past, Present and Future
Woman Under Socialism (Translated by Daniel de Leon)
August Kubizek (1 File) >>>/zundel/1973
The Young Hitler I Knew
Austin J. App (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1448
The Myth of the 20th Century; An Evaluation of the Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age
The Six Million Swindle
The Sudeten-Germany Tragedy
Barbara Kulaszka (1 File) >>>/zundel/1447
Did Six Million Really Die; Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zundel - 1998
Benjamin Weintraub (1 File) >>>/zundel/1446
The Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism
Benton L. Bradberry (1 File) >>>/zundel/1974
The Myth of German Villainy
Bernhardt Klassen (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1441
A Revolution of Values Through Religion
Natures Eternal Religion
The Klassen Letters Vol.1 (1969-1976)
The Klassen Letters Vol.2 (1976-1981)
The White Man's Bible
Building A Whiter And Brighter World
Expanding Creativity
On The Brink Of A Bloody Racial War; With the White Race Targeted for Extermination
Salubrious Living; A Natural Life Style for Achieving and Maintaining the Ultimate in Superb Health and Well-Being
Brandon Martinez (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1438
Grand Deceptions; Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Jew World Order Unmasked
Masters Of Deception; Zionism, 9-11 and the War on Terror Hoax
Caleb Williams Saleeby (13 Files) >>>/zundel/1979
Evolution; The Master-Key; A Discussion of the Principle of Evolution as Illustrated in Atoms, Stars, Organic Species, Mind, Society and Morals
Health, Strength and Happiness; A Book of Practical Advice
Modern Surgery and its Making; A Tribute to Listerism
Organic Evolution
Parenthood and Race Culture; An Outline Of Eugenics
The Conquest of Cancer; A Plan of Campaign; An Account of the Principles and Practice Hitherto of the Treatment of Malignant Growth
The Cycle of Life According to Modern Science; A Series of Essays Designed to Bring Science Home to Men's Business and Bosoms
The Methods of Race-Regeneration
The Progress of Eugenics
Woman and Womanhood; A Search for Principles
Worry; The Disease of the Age
Carlo Mattogno (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1429
Auschwitz - Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings
Auschwitz - Open Air Incinerations
Auschwitz - The First Gassing; Rumor and Reality
Auschwitz Gas Chambers - The End of a Legend
Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History
Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and Meaning of a Term
The Bunkers of Auschwitz - Black Propaganda versus History
The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp
Carlos W. Porter (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1427
Not Guilty At Nuremberg; The German Defense Case
The Lebensborn Program and The Herrenvolk; Fact vs Fiction
Carolyn Yeager (10 Files) >>>/zundel/18
Buchenwald Memorial Archivist Cannot ID Elie Wiesel as an Inmate
Elie Wiesel and the Mossad
Famous Photo of Buchenwald Survivors
How True is Elie Wiesel's Stolen Book 'Night'
Myklos Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel
Obama Names Elie Wiesel to U.S. Holocaust Council
Relative of Shlomo Wiesel Says He Died in 1943
Signatures Prove Lázár Wiesel is not Elie Wiesel
The Many Faces of Elie Wiesel
The Shadowy Origins of Elie Weisel's Stolen Book 'Night'
Charles C. Tansill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1992
Back Door to War; The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941
Christine M. Johns (1 File) >>>/zundel/1416
Christianity Exposed
Christopher Jon Bjerknes (1 File) >>>/zundel/1414
The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein
Collection - Holocaust Handbooks (73 Files) >>>/zundel/18
1 - Germar Rudolf - Dissecting the Holocaust; The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory'
2 - Germar Rudolf & Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht - The Rudolf Report; Expert Report on Chemical & Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auscwitz
3 - Jurgen Graf - The Giant With Feet of Clay; Raul Hilberg and His Standard Work on the Holocaust
4 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Stutthof; Its History and Function In National Socialist Jewish Policy
5 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Majdanek; An Historical & Technical Study
6 - Don Heddesheimer - The First Holocaust; The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
7 - Arthur R. Butz - The Hoax of the Twentieth Century; The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry
8 - Carlo Mattogno & Jurgen Graf - Treblinka; Transit Camo or Extermination Camp
9 - Carlo Mattogno - Belzec; In Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research & History
10 - Carlo Mattogno - Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and Meaning of a Term
11 - Carlo Mattogno - Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz; Black Propaganda Versus History
12 - Ingrid Weekert - Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
13 - Carlo Mattogno - The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
14 - G. Rudolf, S. Thion, R. Faurisson & C. Mattogno - Auschwitz; Plain Facts; A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac
15 - Germar Rudolf - Lectures on the Holocaust; Controversial Issues Cross-Examined
16 - Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson. Germar Rudolf - The Leuchter Reports; Critical Edition
17 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Open Air Incinerations
18 - Germar Rudolf & Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz Lies; Legends, Lies & Prejudices on the Holocaust
19 - J. Graf, Thomas Kues & C. Mattogno - Sobibor; Holocaust Propaganda and Reality
20 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; The First Gassing; Rumor and Reality
21 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings
22 - Carlo Mattogno - The Real Case for Auschwitz; Robert van Pelt's Evidence from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed
23 - Carlo Mattogno - Chelmno; A German Camp in History & Propaganda
24 - Carlo Mattogno & Franco Deana - The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz; a Technical and Historical Study
25 - Carlo Mattogno - Inside the Gas Chambers; The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography
26 - Santiago Alvarez & Pierre Marais - the Gas Vans; a Critical Investigation
27 - John Clive Ball - Air Photo Evidence; World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed
28 - C. Mattogno, T. Kues & J. Graf - The Extermination Camps of Aktion Reinhardt (Part 1 of 2)
29 - Walter N. Sanning - The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
30 - Warren B. Routledge - Holocaust High Priest; Elie Wiesel, Night, The Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism
31 - Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking The Spell
32 - Thomas Dalton - Debating the Holocaust
33 - Carlo Mattogno - Healthcare in Auschwitz; Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates
38 - Carlo Mattogno - The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions
Auschwitz - Faked Death Camp Medical Experiment Photos
Belsen Trial - Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals Vol. II
Bible Believers Website - Is The Holocaust A Hoax
Chaim Simons - A Historical Survey of Proposals to Transfer Arabs from Palestine 1895 - 1947
Ditlieb Felderer - Anne Frank's Diary; a Hoax
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, Paganism & Christianity (27 Files) >>>/zundel/71
A. T. Jones - Ancient Sun Worship and Its Impact on Christianity
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons; Papal Worship Proved to be Worship of Nimrod and his Wife
Andrew C. Skinner - Serpent Symbols & Salvation in the Ancient Near East and the Book Of Mormon
Anonymous - Ophiolatreia; An Account of the Rites and Mysteries Connected With the Origin, Rise and Development of Serpent Worship
Clifford Howard - Sex Worship; An Exposition of Phallic Origin of Religion
Col. J. Garnier - The Worship of the Dead; Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry
Dr. Abu A. B. Philips - Fundamentals Of Tawheed (Religion of Cuck™ic Monotheism)
Dr. H. Oort - The Worship of Baalim in Israel
Elford Higgens - Hebrew Idolatry and Superstition; Its Place In Folk-lore
Ernest de Bunsen - The Keys of Saint Peter or the House of Rechab Connected with the History of Symbolism and Idolatry
Frederic Portal - A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols With Those of the Hebrews
G. R. Hawting - The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Religion of Cuck™; From Polemic to History
Henry D. Ward - History of the Cross; the Pagan Origin, and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image
J. Endell Tyler - Image-Worship of the Church of Rome
J. Endell Tyler - The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome
Joanne Pearson - Wicca and the Christian Heritage; Ritual, Sex and Magic
Joseph Brown - Eastern Christianity and the War; Idolatry, Superstition and Corruption
L. A. Craighen - The Practice of Idolatry
Rev. A. S. Thelwall - The Idolatry of Church of Rome
Rev. John Mendham - The Seventh General Council; The Second of Nicea, Held A.D. 787, in which Worship if Images was Established
Richard A. Gabriel - Gods of Our Fathers; The Memory of Egypt in Judaism and Christianity
Sha Rocco - The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship
Simon - Papal Magic and Occult Practices within the Catholic Church
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - What is Romanism; The Supremacy of the Pope, Pardons and Indulgences Granted by the Pope
T. W. S. Jones - The Queen of Heaven; Mamma Schiavona
Thomas Inman - Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism
William H. Kennedy - Lucifer's Lodge; Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (16 Files) >>>/zundel/2
Andrew Fabius - The Rothschild Money Trust
Arthur L. Humphreys - Lady De Rothschild; Extracts From Her Notebooks With a Preface by Her Daughter Constance Battersea
Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Rise of the House of Rothschild
Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Reign of the House of Rothschild
Frederic Morton - The Rothschilds; a Family Portrait
George Armstrong - Money Trust
Guy de Rothschild - The Whims of Fortune
Ignatius Balla - The Romance of the Rothschilds
John Reeves - The Rothschilds; The Financial Rulers of Nations
John T. Flynn - Men of Wealth; The Story of Twelve Significant Fortunes from the Renaissance to the Present Day
Marcus Eli Ravage - Five Men Of Frankfort; The Story of The Rothchilds
Mary E. Hobart - The Secret of the Rothschilds
Niall Ferguson - The House of the Rothschilds
Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail of America
The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed
Committee for Truth in History (1 File) >>>/zundel/1413
The Six Million Reconsidered; Is the 'Nazi Holocaust' Story a Zionist Propaganda Ploy
Count Emmanuel Malynski (1 File) >>>/zundel/1412
The Occult War - The Judeo-Masonic Plan To Conquer The World
Curtis B. Dall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1411
Franklin Delano Roosevelt; My Exploited Father-in-law
David Duke (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1408
ADL Report - David Duke
Jewish Supremacism
My Awakening
The Secret Behind Communism
David F. Crew (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2001
Germans On Welfare; From Weimar To Hitler
David Irving (26 Files) >>>/zundel/1382
1965 - In The Service of the Reich; The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel
1965 - The Mares Nest; The War Against Hitler's Secret 'Vengeance' Weapons
1967 - Accident; The Death of General Sikorski
1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17
1968 - The Virus House; Germany's Atomic Research and Allied Counter-Measures
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst I
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst II
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst III
1973 - The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force
1981 - The War Between the Generals
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor (Deutsch)
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
1986 - Morgenthau Plan (Deutsch)
1986 - Morgenthau Plan Introduction In English
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt1
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt2
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt3
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt4
1987 - Hess; The Missing Years 1941-1945
1989 - Göring; A Biography
1996 - Goebbels; Mastermind of the Third Reich
1996 - Nuremberg; The Last Battle
2001 - Hitler's War and the War Path
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity appendices
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity endnotes
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity index
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt1
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt2
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt3
2003 - Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
2005 - Rommel The Trail of the Fox
2007 - Apocalypse 1945; The Destruction of Dresden
2007 - Secretly Overheard - Eavesdropping On Hitlers Reich
David L. Hoggan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1380
The Forced War - When Peaceful Revision Failed
The Myth Of The Six Million
David Lane (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2004
88 Precepts
Deceived, Damned & Defiant
Interview With Meredith Viera
KD Rebel
Dietrich Eckhart (1 File) >>>/zundel/1379
Bolshevism - From Moses To Lenin
Don Heddesheimer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1378
The First Holocaust.; Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During And After World War I
Douglas Reed (17 Files) >>>/zundel/1361
A Prophet At Home
All Our To-Morrows
Disgrace Abounding
Far and Wide
Fire and Bomb; A Comparison between the Burning of the Reichstag and the Bomb Explosion at Munich
From Smoke To Smother
Galanty Show (Novel)
Grand Design of the 20th Century
Insanity Fair
Lest We Regret
Nemesis; The Story of Otto Strasser
Otto Strasser - History In My Time (Translated by Douglas Reed)
Otto Strasser - The Prisoner Of Ottawa (Translated by Douglas Reed)
Somewhere South of Suez
The Battle For Rhodesia
The Controversy of Zion
The Siege Of Southern Africa
Douglas Valentine (1 File) >>>/zundel/2008
The Phoenix Program
E. Michael Jones (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1358
Culture Wars Exerpts (5 Files)
L'affaire Williamson; The Catholic Church and holohoax exposure
Libido Dominandi - Sexual Liberation & Political Control
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And It's Impact On World History
Eckhart Verlag (1 File) >>>/zundel/1357
Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919 - 1932
Edward Kritzler (1 File) >>>/zundel/1356
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean
Eric Dubay (1 File) >>>/zundel/2009
Famous Freemasons Identified; Masonry From the Vatican to Hollywood
Ernst Hiemer (deutsch) (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1353
Ernst Hiemer - Poisonous Mushroom (Illustrated by Philipp Rupprecht)
Fips (Philipp Rupprecht) - Les Juifs Se Presentent (Illustration of the Jews)
The Jew in the Proverb of the Peoples (Deutsch)
Eustace Mullins (60 Files) >>>/zundel/1324
America's New Robber Barons
Exposes and Legal Actions
F.D.R. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
How to be a United States Senator; The Hiding Place
Murder by Injection - The Great Swine Flu Massacre
Murder by Injection; The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
New History of the Jews
Phoney Wars for Phoney Peace and the Ministry of Fear
Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Secrets of the Federal Reserve; The London Connection
Sigmund Freud; Antichrist Devil
The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax
The Biological Jew
The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins
The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins (Different Version)
The Curse Of Canaan
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Propagandists
The Gentle Art Of Thought Control
The Great Betrayal - The General Welfare Clause Of The Constitution
The Holocaust Explained
The Man Who Refused To Lose
The Rape Of Justice - Americas Tribunals Exposed
The Reuters Connection(s)
The Scandal Unveiled
The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb
The Secret Holocaust
The Secret Holocaust (Different Version)
This Difficult Individual - Ezra Pound
War! War! War! By Cincinnatus - Forword By Eustace Mullins
Warning - The Department Of Justice Is Dangerous To Americans
Who Owns The TV Networks
Alfred Rosenberg & Track of The Jew Through the Ages
An Appeal Against Racism
Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite and Fight Against the World Government
Behind The Falkland Islands Story
Boycott the Jewish Weapon
Celebration of Rosh Hashnah
Christian Serbia; Black Hand Salonikan Jews (An extract from the Curse of Canaan)
Eustace Mullins, continued…
Elegy for a State
Eustace Mullins Visits American Free Press
George Viereck
Henry The K
Heroes of the Right Wing
Huey Long
Inflation; The Jewish Desease
Inside Story of Douglas MacArthur
Murder on The Supreme Court
My Life in Christ
My Struggle
New Look at Herzl
The Black Plague; Destroying America from Within
The Danger of International Merger-Mania
The Day Virginia Died
The Great Swine Flu Massacre 1976 Murder By Injection, Sixteen Hundred Dead
The Lindberg Murders; Hauptmann Was Innocent; The Prosecution and Defence Combined to Frame Him
The London Connection
The Reuters Connection(s)
The Secret of Iraq
The War Against Christianity
The World Order; A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
War Against The Christian World
Washington DC; City of Fear
Why General Patton Was Murdered
Executive Intelligence Review (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1321
The Ugly Truth About The Anti-Defamation League
The Coming Fall of The House of Windsor
Children of Satan
Francis Galton (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2043
English Men of Science; Their Nature and Nurture
Essays in Eugenics
Hereditary Genius; An Inquiry Into its Laws and Consequences
Probability, the Foundation of Eugenics; The Herbert Spencer Lecture
Francis Parker Yockey (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1317
Francis Parker Yockey on Racialism
The Collected Works of Francis Parker Yockey (13 files)
The Scientific-Technic World-Outlook
Imperium; The Philosophy of History and Politics
Frank K. Salter (1 Files) >>>/zundel/2048
On Genetic Interests; Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration
Frank L. Britton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1316
Behind Communism
Freda Utley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1315
The High Cost Of Vengeance
Fredrick Toben (1 File) >>>/zundel/1314
Fight Or Flight; The Personal Face Of Revisionism
Friedrich von Bernhardi (7 Files) >>>/zundel/2049
Britain as Germany's Vassal
Cavalry in Future Wars
Cavalry in War and Peace
Germany and England
Germany And The Next War
How Germany Makes War
The War of the Future
Friedrick Karl Wiebe (1 File) >>>/zundel/2042
Germany and the Jewish Problem
George Whitehead (1 File) >>>/zundel/2058
Mending Mankind; The Factors Of Racial Health
Gerald Burton Winrod (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1310
A Defense of Christ's Cause
Mussolini's Place in Prophecy
The Tabernacle, Temple & Throne
The Truth About The Protocols
Gerd Honsik (1 File) >>>/zundel/1309
Fiend and Felon; Perjury, Power and Murder in the Footsteps of Wizenthal
Germar Rudolf (1 File) >>>/zundel/1308
Resistance Is Obligatory
Gottfreid Feder (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1305
The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation
The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money
The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions
Grant F. Smith (1 File) >>>/zundel/2059
Big Israel; How Israel's Lobby Moves America
Gregory Delaney (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1298
Protocols of the Ruffle Crested Kikes of Zion
Monsters of Babylon
The Sumerian Swindle
A Sea of Blood; The Truth about Bolshevik Russia
Mexican Racism Against Americans
Muslim Werewolves Howling at the Moon God
Gustav Freytag (1 File) >>>/zundel/2060
Debit and Credit
H. B. Isherwood (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2061
Race and Politics; The Myth of Racial Equality
Racial Contours; The Factor of Race in Human Survival
Hanns Anderson (1 File) >>>/zundel/1297
The Jew As Criminal
Hans F. K. Gnther (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1296
The Racial Elements of European History
The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans
Harrell Rhome (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2064
From The Temple To The Talmud; Exploring Judaic Origins, History, Folklore and Tribal Traditions
Deconstructing Six Million Holo-Myths; Exploring the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma
Heinz A. Heinz (1 File) >>>/zundel/2066
Germany's Hitler
Hellmut Schramm (1 File) >>>/zundel/1295
Jewish Ritual Murder - An Historical Investigation
Henri Roques (1 File) >>>/zundel/1294
The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein
Henry Ford (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1291
My Life and Work
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
Hermann Greife (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1290
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia
Hermann Goring (1 File) >>>/zundel/2067
Germany Reborn
Hilaire Belloc (1 File) >>>/zundel/2068
The Jews
Howell Arthur Gwynne (1 File) >>>/zundel/2069
The Cause of World Unrest
Human Rights Watch (1 File) >>>/zundel/2070
Fatal Strike; Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians In Lebanon
J. M. Spaight (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1286
Air Power in the Next War
Aircraft In War
War Rights On Land
Bombing Vindicated
J. Philippe Rushton (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2075
Race, Evolution and Behavior; A Life History Perspective
Thirty Years of Research; Differences in Cognitive Ability (with Arthur R. Jensen)
Jack B. Tenney (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1282
The Anti-Defamation League & The Fight to Save America
The Zionist Network
Zion's Fifth Column
Zion's Trojan Horse
James Bacque (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1279
Crimes and Mercies; The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation 1944 - 1950
Eisenhower's Death Camps; The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two
Other Losses; The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians under General Eisenhower's Command
James M. Ennes Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/2077
Assault On The Liberty; The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship
James W. Von Brunn (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1277
Kill The Best Gentiles; The Racialist Guide For The Preservation and Nurture of the White Gene Pool
Jared Taylor (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2078
Paved With Good Intentions; The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America
White Identity; Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
Jewish Tribal Review (1 File) >>>/zundel/2080
When Victims Rule; A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
John Colin Campbell Jordan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2081
National Socialism; Vanguard of the Future
The Uprising
John Glad (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1270
Future Human Evolution - Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century
Jewish Eugenics
John Sack (1 File) >>>/zundel/1269
An Eye For An Eye; The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge For the Holocaust
John W. DeCamp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1268
The Franklin Cover-Up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
Jonathan Peter Spiro (1 File) >>>/zundel/2083
Defending the Master Race; Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant
Jonathon Marshall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1267
The Iran-Contra Connection; Secret Teams and Covert Operations in Reagan Era (with Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter)
Joseph Goebbels (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1265
The 'Nazi-Sozi' - Questions and Answers for National Socialists
Bolshevism in Theory and Practice
Communism with the Mask Off
Kevin B. MacDonald (21 Files) >>>/zundel/1245
I - A People That Shall Dwell Alone; Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy
II - Separation And Its Discontents Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism
III - The Culture of Critique; An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements
A Revisionist View of Anti-Semitism (Review)
ADL Report - Kevin MacDonald
Can The Jewish Model Help The West To Survive (Speech Transcript)
Comment On Ilana Mercer's 'Blame The Jews'
Diaspora Peoples; Preface to 'A People That Shall Dwell Alone; Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy'
Enemies of My Enemy (Review)
Evolutionary Strategies Of Ethnocentric Behavior (Review)
Henry Ford and the Jewish Question (Review)
Immigration And The Unmentionable Question Of Ethnic Interests
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965; An Historical Review
Preface to 'The Culture of Critique'
Stalin's Willing Executioners; Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR (Review)
The Alt Right & the Jews
The Conservatism Of Fools; A Response To John Derbyshire
Thinking About Neoconservatism
Understanding Jewish Influence - A Study in Ethnic Activism
Was The 1924 Inmmigration Cut-off Racist
Obama at AIPAC 2012
Klaus Polkehn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1244
Semitic Controversies
Leonard Young (1 File) >>>/zundel/1241
Deadlier than the H-Bomb
Louis Marschalko (1 File) >>>/zundel/1497
The World Conquerors; The Real War Criminals
Léon Degrelle (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1242
The Story of the Waffen-SS
Campaign In Russia; The Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front
Letter to the Pope on His Visit to Auschwitz
The Eastern Front; Memoirs of a Waffen-SS Volunteer 1941-1945
Madison Grant (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2091
The Conquest of a Continent
The Passing of the Great Race; The Racial Basis of European History
Marcus Eli Ravage (1 File) >>>/zundel/2093
A Real Case Against the Jews; Commissary to the Gentiles
Martin Luther, Dr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1239
The Jews And Their Lies
Mary Phagan Kean (1 File) >>>/zundel/1238
The Murder of Little Mary Phagan
Michael A. Hoffman II (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1234
Judaism Discovered
Judaism's Strange Gods
King Kill 33; Masonic Symbolism Behind the Assassination of JFK
They Were White and They Were Slaves; The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
Michael Collins Piper (8 Files) >>>/zundel/1226
Best Witnesses
Final Count
High Priests of War
Judas Goats
The Confessions Of An Anti-Semite
The Golem - A World Held Hostage
The New Babylon
Ye Shall Know the Truth; 101 Books Nationalists Needs To Read Before They Ban Them
Michael F. Connors (1 File) >>>/zundel/2094
Dealing In Hate; The Development Of Anti-German Propaganda
Michael Hudson (1 File) >>>/zundel/2095
Killing the Host; How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
Michael Sharpe (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1225
Leibstandarte; Hitler's Elite Bodyguard
Michael Walsh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1224
The Triumph Of Reason - The Thinking Man's Hitler
Mike S. King (18 Files) >>>/zundel/1206
Bancarotta; An Allegory about Central Banking (or What Ron Paul Didn't Say in 'End the Fed')
God Vs. Darwin
Interview with Hitler; An Educational Parody
Killing America; A 100 Year Murder, 40 Historical Wounds that Bill O'Reilly Didn't Write About
Mein Side of the Story; Key World War II Addresses of Adolf Hitler
Napoleon Vs. The Old and New World Orders
Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order 1763-1939 (Part 1)
Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order WW2-2015 (Part 2)
President Psycho!; The Hidden Past of Barack Obama
Putin Vs. Obama or Macho Man Vs. Girly Boy (Pictures)
The Bad War; The Truth Never Taught About World War II
The Morphine Genocide - How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly With 'Palliative Care'
The Real Roosevelts; An Omitted History, What PBS & Ken Burns Didn't Tell You
The War Against Putin; What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia
Naeim Giladi (1 File) >>>/zundel/2096
Ben-Gurion's Scandals; How the Hagannah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews
Norman Finkelstein (1 File) >>>/zundel/1203
The Holocaust Industry; Reflections on the Exploitations of Jewish Suffering
Otto Dietrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2097
With Hitler on the Road to Power
Ovid Need Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1202
Identifying Identity; A Biblical Examination of Assumptions Found In British-Israelism, Anglo-Saxonism & Christian-Identity
Patrick J. Buchanan (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1199
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America
The Death Of The West; How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilisation
Paul Findley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1198
They Dare To Speak Out; People & Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
Paul Rassinier (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1196
The Real Eichmann Trial or The Incorrigible Victors
Peter Schafer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1195
Jesus in the Talmud
Phd. Albert D. Pastore (1 File) >>>/zundel/1194
Stranger Than Fiction; An Independent Investigation of 9-11 and the War on Terrorism
Phillip Mauro (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1192
The Hope of Israel; What is it
R. W. Shufeldt (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2098
America's Greatest Problem; The Negro
The Negro; A Menace to American Civilization
Rev. Denis Fahey (1 File) >>>/zundel/1191
Rulers of Russia
Rev. E. Cahill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1190
Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement
Revilo P. Oliver (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1182
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
Can 'Liberals' Be Educated
Christianity - A Religion For Sheep (as Ralph Perier)
The Enemy of Our Enemies
The Jewish Religion
The Jewish Strategy
The Origins of Christianity
What We Owe Our Parasites
Reflections On The Christ Myth
Richard Harwood (1 File) >>>/zundel/1181
Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials; A New Look
Richard Lynn (1 File) >>>/zundel/2101
Race Differences in Intelligence
Robert H. Williams (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1178
The Ultimate World Order
Robert Ley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1177
The Pestilential Miasma Of The World
Robert W. Whitaker (1 File) >>>/zundel/1176
The Founding Myths Of Israeli Politics
S. Z. Batten (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1168
Building A Community
If America Fail; Our National Mission and Our Possible Future
The Christian State; The State, Democracy, and Christianity
The New Citizenship; Christian Character in its Biblical Ideas, Sources, and Relations
The New World Order
The Social Task Of Christianity; A Summons to the New Crusade
Seymour M. Hersh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1167
The Samson Option; Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy
Sheldon Emry (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1161
America Will Turn - Suddenly
An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches The Jews Are Israel
Bible Law on Money
Billions For The Bankers & Debts For The People
Cinderella - Israel in Disguise
God Punishes Israel
Silas Walter Adams (1 File) >>>/zundel/1160
The Legalized Crime of Banking
Stephen A. Zarlenga (1 File) >>>/zundel/2102
Lost Science of Money; The Mythology of Money; The Story of Power
Stephen Birmingham (1 File) >>>/zundel/1159
Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City
Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City (Illustrated)
Stephen Sizer (1 File) >>>/zundel/2103
Christian Zionism; Its History Theology And Politics
Susan Cavin (1 File) >>>/zundel/2105
Office of Strategic Services & the Frankfurt School; Recycling the Damaged Lives of Cultural Outsiders
Suzan McGee (1 File) >>>/zundel/1158
Chasing Goldman Sachs; How the Masters of the Universe Melted Wall Street Down and Why They'll Take Us to the Brink Again
T. Lothrop Stoddard (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1157
Racial Realities in Europe
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy
Theodor Fritsch (1 File) >>>/zundel/1156
The Riddle Of The Jew's Success
Thomas Goodrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2107
Hellstorm; The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947
Tim Ripley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1155
Hitler's Praetorians; The History Of The Waffen-SS 1925-1945
Udo Walendy (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1148
Forged War Crime Photos Malign The German People!
Holocaust Fake Photographs
Image Documents for the Historiography (Deutsch)
The Development of a Picture in Three Steps
The Fake Photograph Problem
The Right In Which We Live
Truth For Germany; The Guilt Question of the Second World War
V. K. Clark (1 File) >>>/zundel/2109
Warwolves of the Iron Cross; The Union Jackal
Valdas Anelauskas (1 File) >>>/zundel/1147
Zionism & Russia
Viscount Leon de Poncins (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1145
Freemasonry and Judaism; Secret Powers Behind Revolution
Judaism and the Vatican; An Attempt At Spiritual Subversion
State Secrets - A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics
Victor E. Marsden (1 File) >>>/zundel/1143
Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Translated by Victor E. Marsden)
Victor Ostrovsky (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1140
By Way Of Deception - The Making & Unmaking Of A Mossad Officer
Viktor Suvorov (1 File) >>>/zundel/2110
Icebreaker; Who Started the Second World War
Vladimir Avdeyev (1 File) >>>/zundel/2111
Raciology; The Science Of The Hereditary Traits Of Peoples (Foreword by Kevin MacDonald)
Vladimir Stepin (1 File) >>>/zundel/1139
The Nature Of Zionism
Werner Sombart (1 File) >>>/zundel/2112
The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Who We Are
William L. Pierce (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1138
Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945
The Turner Diaries
William S. Sadler (1 File) >>>/zundel/2116
Race Decadence; An Examination of the Causes of Racial Degeneracy in the United States
Willie Martin (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1134
1001 Quotes By & About Jews
A Chronology of the International Conspiracy To Form The New World Order
Communism - A Jewish Talmudic Concept
The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice
Wilmot Robertson (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1131
The Dispossessed Majority
The Ethnostate
This archive was completed a few days after the passing of Ernst Zundel. I had named the board after his many years of fighting the holocaustian kikes that run israel. RIP.
(I created+named the board zundel weeks before he passed away though, which was a curious synchronicity)
Tomorrow I'll finish, Graham Hancock - Magicians of the Gods. Wouldn't recommend it though. Don DeLillo - Zero K, before that. Also meh. Thinking of the others and what I might suggest… you want politics so… Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. I don't remember the author.
pic related
We should probably destroy art just as they destroyed privacy through their fat lesbians and their smug idiots until nothing is left.
I have never heard about thaat one before. How is it? Is it kiked in anyway?
I was tempted to blow you fuck out with library pics but that would be poor opsec. Keep it up though, that's a good START.
Nice Quads. Been working my way through Lothrop Stoddard's books, also recommend his book The New World of Religion of Cuck™. Amazing that he predicted so much of our current predicament, not only the white genocide but the rise and spread of Religion of Cuck™. He was well regarded at the time of publication ,now relegated to the trash heap, while his contemporary - the commie nigger WEB DuBois - is lauded as some kind of racial hero. I've read through some of Stoddard's and DuBois' debate transcripts, they debated racial issues in the 1920s in front of sold out audiences.
Anyway, highly recommend. Rising Tide of Color had a big impact on me.
Any good books on war or historical weapons and armor?
it's about 1100 pages only on page 200, so far seems like a word for word translation of the steganographic records but without the untranslated it's hard to tell the accuracy, some of the records were 'partly destroyed' so you get incomplete sentences
Go to used book stores, ones where the books are all like 1-3$. You can get a lot of great finds there, books which would otherwise be like 20-50+$. I got Gulag Archipelago for example for 1.50, could easily turn around and sell it for 20-40. Not a bad collection though. Should grab some stuff on Goebbels.
Is that from a pdf? If so, can you hook me up?
What books should I add next?
I really enjoy having new copies of books, but those costs add up. I'll be sure to check my local book stores out
I'm working on digitizing my copy I'll upload it to /pdf/ when I'm done I need to build a new photo rig, also working on a few others
Which titles?
Juggling the Complete Fiction of Lovecraft and Storm of Steel, which, unfortunately, is the last revised version Junger made in 1961(~). After that I might read the Presocratics, Plato, and then Aristotle or Emerson. One of those two.
Tonight I read my magic 8 ball
The Creature from Jekyll Island
I just finished it about a month ago. I loved it.
Can you make me a recommendation for my next read?
Based on your book, the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Can anyone recommend some good books laying out the corruption and subversion of the Christian faith / Bible by the kikes?
David Irving (26 Files) >>>/zundel/1382
1965 - In The Service of the Reich; The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel
1965 - The Mares Nest; The War Against Hitler's Secret 'Vengeance' Weapons
1967 - Accident; The Death of General Sikorski
1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17
1968 - The Virus House; Germany's Atomic Research and Allied Counter-Measures
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst I
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst II
1973 - The Night the Dams Burst III
1973 - The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force
1981 - The War Between the Generals
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor (Deutsch)
1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
1986 - Morgenthau Plan (Deutsch)
1986 - Morgenthau Plan Introduction In English
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt1
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt2
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt3
1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt4
1987 - Hess; The Missing Years 1941-1945
1989 - Göring; A Biography
1996 - Goebbels; Mastermind of the Third Reich
1996 - Nuremberg; The Last Battle
2001 - Hitler's War and the War Path
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity appendices
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity endnotes
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity index
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt1
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt2
2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt3
2003 - Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
2005 - Rommel The Trail of the Fox
2007 - Apocalypse 1945; The Destruction of Dresden
2007 - Secretly Overheard - Eavesdropping On Hitlers Reich
Norse & European (147 files) >>>/zundel/561
Modern European (38 files) >>>/zundel/679
Ancient & Modern Rome (36 files) >>>/zundel/609
Ancient & Modern Greece (36 files) >>>/zundel/608
Christianity & Catholicism (27 files) >>>/zundel/610
Sumeria & Mesopotamia (5 files) >>>/zundel/611
Laurence A. Waddell (7 files) >>>/zundel/600
Idolatry in Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, Paganism & Christianity (27 files) >>>/zundel/71
Other History (29 files) >>>/zundel/691
Aladar von Kovach - Ancient Edged Weapons; Pistols, Guns, Cross-bow, etc. >>>/zundel/1746
thanks nigger!
Holy spam batman.
We should just have a link to the book board in the header tbh
Pedo investigatory related…
Posting some crossboard links to various mega folders I've made.
I've also been a collector of Ernst Junger's works for a few years and I managed to get my hands on an .epub of The Forest Passage. If you're familiar with Eumeswil at all, it's required reading in relation to the Anarch figure.
Can anyone recommend a good book that talks about genetics in a modern academic standpoint? I've read The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee but found it a bit too pop-sci for my tastes since it just details the overall history of the gene. Hell, he only spent around 3-4 pages with some of the really early genetic works done by the NSDAP and Soviets in the 30's/40's. He also shot down Phrenology as well.
Finishing all of Michel Houellebecq's works. I'd suggest Submission to see how you respond to his writing before moving onto his earlier works.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Green Eggs and Ham. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical culinary arts most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sam's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Green Eggs and Ham truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sam's existencial catchphrase "I will not eat them Sam I am," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dr. Seuss's genius unfolds itself on their book pages. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Green Eggs and Ham tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Get on MY level heeb
I download PDF's and run them through Balabolka
You can get better voices and adjust the settings so its not as robotic. But it lets me listen to any PDFs or epubs.
Homu did nothing wrong
If you enjoyed Submission, a Algerian named Boualem Sansal did a book in response to it called 2084 which goes even further. Long story short, the government creates a mishmash of Religion of Cuck™ and Christianity but uses all kinds of technological mind control to stop wrong think. Writing's a bit dull and contrived, but the setting's interesting.
Currently working my way through When China Rules the World by Martin Jacques. He comes off as a bit of a Sinophile that has a little too much faith in the Chinese economy and the CCP as a governing body, but it's a decent read and quite informative on the whole.
Would recommend to anyone curious about China's growing presence on the world stage but would caution readers to take some of the conclusions and implications with a grain of salt.
This Time the World by George Lincoln Rockwell
I'm reading seven books at the moment, but right beside me is
Geometry by Its History. Very nice book covering geometry throughout the ages. I'd recommend it to those who have had some experience with university mathematics, but there is no reason why a talented high schooler couldn't enjoy it.