/ogc/ - Racing Vidya Thread - Twingo edition

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google.com./search?q=onedrive drops to 5gb&btnG=Search&gbv=1&hl=en&tbm=nws

fuck you MS

Leave it to MS to be greedy. I still end up just turning the in-game radio off while blasting music in another program.

The trial is only if you want to stream music you don't own, otherwise just upload it to onedrive's music folder, and then add it to a playlist which can be named anything. I just wish it would shuffle the songs and not play them in sequential order.

Is Burnout Legends or Burnout Dominator for the psp decent? I need some portable racing for my vita

Get Ridge Racers or Ridge Racer 2 if you're a yuropoor. Or Type 4. Unless you've beaten all those ad infinitum, then I've got nothing.

I remember playing them when they came out, and they're pretty good but I don't know how much they recycled from the console versions.

The Crew would be awesome if it had the Lada Nova in all specs.

The Crew would be awesome if I could have private server LAN parties. Oh well.

The Crew needs shitboxes.

Nothing and nobody needs shitboxes.

5 gbs there is shit already in my onedrive

why don't you just use spotify ? you can use your phone as a remote if it's on the same network as your pc.


when do I unlock the ability to join a club in FH3?

It takes a while.

I've got to have played at least 10-15 hours and still nothing. Fug.

Yeah I thought something was wrong with my install but I just kept on upgrading festivals and then it eventually unlocked.

After you've unlocked 3 or so locations. Have you been doing races and PR stunts to unlock fans?

Wow that's a hot normalfag opinion there m8 why don't you take it to /r/cars?

does horizon 3 even have shitboxes to drive?

i bet it doesnt have a hatchback skyline to drift around

I've got 3 festival locations now. Haven't gotten anything about clubs yet.

dont fucking play with me




It's even got 3 wheel shitboxes.


Just keep playing I guess. Is the clubs tab still locked in the pause menu?

Go jerk off to your cars somewhere else, Chad, this board is not for normalfags. Sage



is it a robin
that doesnt count

It's a Supervan III, thank you. Essentially, a Robin still.


Take your commoner taste back to 4chan.

Bet you are one of those who think steak should be eaten every day if possible

Fuck eating steak every day, that gets expensive and repetitive. And some days I just want a greasy slice of pizza.

Man, I wish the US had less retarded car laws. I want a Smart Roadster just to fuck with.

but racing vidya is fun and the likely hood of anyone here being chad is close to none

Exactly, some days you want to drive a Volvo or a Datsun instead of a Ferrari or a mangled Lamborghini #17 edition


>wants to drive the same plastic boxes everyone else does but with s t y l e
Like I said, commoner taste. Nu-male scum, on top of that.

Nobody said anything about status, mister projector.


Holy shit, I never knew Reiko was this cool.

I never knew she was this old, I only learned she was older than Kei of AC2 who was apparently born in '77.

It's a "your car is shit" judgement, because you use your car to go places. Not just to stare at. Shitboxes are good for neither of those.


At this point I'm just going to keep taking the bait.

Maybe she just has a fetish for going fast on the open seas.

It makes the one doujin she's in make so much more sense, though.

I'm implying you shouldn't be just examining your car and spamming the specs on /o/, but you know, driving it, and especially driving it to places.


Might as well kill yourself now, buddy

Why does it being "exclusive" matter? The whole point of a car to get somewhere in it, and not die on the way there. Is it not?

Please go back to Holla Forums.


Not an argument.


I don't care that it's probably about pissing.

Also I think this might be the most shit-posty thread we've had.

What do you do then? Shitpost on /o/ while it catches dust?

Oh, you don't know that video then
I have news for you, Sam french kisses men

wtf i like (((lena dunham))) now

Nice logic there, son
Smooth as a Lambo front bumper

Changing the story now, I can appreciate a dedicated troll.

They are. For vehicles intended to keep you going places, they're of a shit quality.


Get dominator
Its fun

I can't help but wonder if you're the edgy manual vs automatic user from the previous thread though even he seemed more like he was trying to be funny but failed terribly and you seem more like just a proper fucktard

How is driving a car of good quality make you anything but a normalfag?

Will you tell me next that having a lecherous wife and apartment living is not normalfag, as well? Come on. Don't tell me you cannot at least afford some beater to paint off and roam around in. There's not much money to spend in that.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Which one is it, fam?

1:30 and up
Bunch of homos

Beater is not shitbox.

Shitbox is made of shit, and of even worse quality than old american motor, or hitler long lost vehicle in teutosburg forest.

Beater is good car, like aforementioned vehicles of old american and hitler, but in not-so-pristine shape. Get it?

Give an example of a shitbox as opposed to what could be a beater, if you will.

And the feature isn't even that good, for starters it takes the playlist you give it and doesn't shuffles it. And then there's no DJ so no stupid voice clips about barn finds and skill songs (the DJ on the classical radio station is pretty based).

Because the way I see it there's a great overlap.
Take the car in , with how old they are getting they can be both shitboxes and beaters. And yet it becomes an /o/ meme, because /o/ is able to appreciate it as more than just a tool. That's what being a car enthusiast is all about.

That is what "normalfags" in this case have a hard time understanding.

if your car game does not allow you to drive cars from the vastly superior center position then it is holding you back and you should drop it right now.

It is hard to ascertain what would be the purest example of shitbox, but take those vehicles in OP for a good example of a globalist cuck shill's choice of ride. Either that, or a smartcar. Something else to be considered is the rise of American shitboxes, which came out of a fall in the automotive industry from the (((oil shortage))) in the mid-70's, and onward. Simply compare the Chevy Comaro models as the years went by to see that horrible transformation.

In the end, these machines either lay in rot, or are being mistreated by pablo as a "lowrider", cucking you out of a good ride. This was all discussed on Holla Forums, a while ago, so it surprises me that an anti-semitic cartoon collector such as yourself has not known of this.

Spics do treat their cars in bizarre ways, but some of them i assume are good people, and treat their Continentals and Monte Carlos in a way no nigger or even respectful all-american collectionists does
Muscle Cars are another story, thou. Spics are about the landbarges

One might consider him to be a degenerate after watching that and literally nothing else.

If a shitbox is a beater, on top of that, then it's basically worthless, as the china fucking crap that's fucked so many great american engineers over is now fucking you over, with parts that break down and will overall make you waste your funbux.

Let's not make this about wallbait. Shall we?

I see, as a Yurofag we've pretty much been forced into what's always been considered "shitboxes" by American standards since at least the end of WW2.
The only thing that might set them apart from modern shitboxes is less built-in obsolescence. But I'm fully intending on not driving what our administrative benefactors want me to, which is anything at this point.

You know something that is really pissing me off lately?

There's no decent hot hatchbacks in GTA Online. There's like, one "modern" hatch and the Gremlin, but that's really about as close as they get. There's nothing approaching a good old 90's CRV or a fucking GTi.

Sure, if you have profound levels of autism.

Because nobody likes hatchbacks anymore on account of how fucking gay they are

If some of them weren't good people they would be much more hated than niggers
Plus i know a few of them, it is clear the few good men are from a very different racial profile than your usual walljumper
They are racially more divided than New York, and let me tell you, you won't see the tiny tanned ones with devil eyes stalking women outside the Depot driving any Impalas painted with sun motifs

Not saying they are all ok due to their illegal shenanigans, but i rather have them than niggers or pajeets
Obviously would rather have none

Godless pinko commie detected

They will always hold a special place in my heart for how gaudy and terrible they are.

You have my sympathies. At least burgerland had some fun, until the (((financial difficulties))) came in, and even then, there are still some scalibers in the rough to be driven yet again.

Play a real racing game, and get some better taste, at that.

You can go back to >>>/4chan/ already.

I wonder why? Got anything to tell everyone, hombre?

Hey fuck you, if I want to ride around in my disposable partymobile that's my business you turbofag.

Live in Tucson
I know the kind of people they are, same with the few niggers we got
Not a lot of lowriders, but the degenerate Commiefornians bring them from time to time
Why, got a problema, homes?

>You can go back to >>>/4chan/ already

How about you go back to your tard wrangler and tell him the autism drugs aren't working

Well, people are more likely to shell a stupid amount of money for an hypercar than a riced hatchback, and stupid amounts of money are what sells shark cards. It's a shame there are hardly any online racing in lower classes.

Plebians, please. Disperse yourselves, before you drive the mercy of your lords to an end.

I want to Make America Great Again.


Why bother with the game, at that point? Go back to IV. Online still works there, right?

Are people triggered by the OP or what?


It already is, you just need to fix NY, DC and the entire California
Well now i that i think of it, it sounds difficult
Also humble the population, being the best of the best will fuck with your brain sooner or later, hence California and the jews at NY
Shafted when V came out

Protip: Japan kicked U.S.'s butt in the automotive industry long time ago

Your choice, faggot, because I for one am not seeing the outsourcing companies kf today coming back to reintroduce V8 steelboxes, yet.

You need to leave

Somebody asked if any games had shitboxes and somebody else got triggered and told people to stop liking what he didn't like. Naturally he kept getting replies instead of people ignoring the autism. Enjoy the ride.

Please don't tell me that's real.

This ain't /jp/, and this ain't 4chan. Deal with it.

It is, and the beaner I'm replying to would probably own and brandish one, if he wasn't already so much of a slackjawed faggot.

Thank god 8ch has ID filtering




What the hell does this have to do with anything?

If they ever do another real RR game with story vignettes like Type 4 then they should definitely make her a MILF team owner. I'd sign up for Nagase Racing any day.

are you trying to argue that MS did drop people size down to 5 GB when there are COUNTLESS news stories about it

google.com./search?q=onedrive drops to 5gb&btnG=Search&gbv=1&hl=en&tbm=nws

maybe they give employees 30 GB now and you just unknowing showed that you're a shill.


When OneDrive switched to 5 GB, they sent an email asking for people if they wanted to keep the 15 GB. user probably clicked yes and got the 15 GB.
The other 15 GB is a promotional thing, and were offered if you used the OneDrive app with photo upload on your smartphone. user probably did that as well.

you only got more space if you referred people his referred rate is zero

they never sent an email like that because I had over 10 gbs, the only emails i received was "delete your shit "

whats funny is that they state that they are ending the "15 gb camera roll bonus " promotion

you're gay aren't you?

Sorry for the wait, boss.

It's okay, I'll convert her with the power of my shitbox. Failing that, gently holding her hand during a nice dinner.

I had this idea too, actually. If they keep aging her, she'll be too old to be a Race Queen, but she still has valuable insight as a manager.
pls Bamco, I want an open world Ridge Racer in all of Ridge State.


shit my request for italian nationality from 2009 was rejected

WHY would you do that?
t. Italian

i live in a 3rd world shithole that might fall apart so i'm gathering nationalities in the hopes of moving to a yuropoor country if anything happens, my ancestors have been to almost all european countries so in most places i'm eligible

Good luck user unless you're a turkish cockroach.

Oh ok, then I understand
Hope everything goes fine

Horizon 3 update on the way today.
The important bits:
- Fixed a performance issue on Windows 10 that caused stuttering with high or unlocked framerates on certain hardware configurations
- Improved stability on Windows 10
- Disable mouse move detection while driving
- The Windows 10 video options screen will no longer ask users to save when no changes have been made
- Additional options have been added to the Windows 10 Advanced Controller Menu. These include:
o Steering wheel sensitivity
o Invert Force Feedback
o Centre spring scale
o Damping scale
- Fixed a problem where pre-order cars and the Halo Warthog were not appearing in the Windows 10 version of the game for some players

- Logitech G27 is now registered correctly on Windows 10, so the correct default mapping will be applied
- All wheels with enough buttons have had the horn added to their default mappings on Windows 10
- Fix to dead zones for acceleration and braking axes on wheels
- Default mappings for all TX Racing Wheel variants
- Fixed a bug where custom input mappings would not save successfully

Smartcars are RWD, though, so they got that going for them. Netter generic shitbox would be something like a Scion iQ, something that truly has nothing redeeming.

Pic related.


I gave though about an open world and really wanted it like TXR (with better arcade like physics). It'd take place in Ridge State with all the courses connected and with a desert (Renegade from RR64) area and Aqualine inspired zone added in. Maybe it could be split into northern and southern regions so you don't have to go all over hell's half acre and to keep you from just blitzing everyone.

Car selection would consist of as many cars from the series as possible going as far back to the first Ridge Racer (some of the more plain special vehicles like the G00 and Basscruiser would be included too, with more street going versions of Angelus and Crinale kinda like what was in RR64) with a good degree of customizing (Ridge Racer 7 was going in the right direction and the F&F TXR rip off Namco did is perfect customization wise)

Negase would be the Speed King substitute And the RRV Crinale would serve as the ???

Also do you just have the name, I don't have a sadpanda account but could probably find it else where if I had the moon rune name

The Crew would be so much better if you could perform heists in it, such as robbing trains or trucks on highways.

Remind me, why the Twingo is the mascot of /ogc/?

smug joy

That's pretty much what I want out of an open-world RR too, though I've never played TXR. Apparently the first one is on Dreamcast and PSP, so I know what I'll be nabbing. And even if there wasn't customization of vehicles, I just want all the courses + actually able to drive through Ridge City/Rave City/Ridge State country side and all the vehicles across the series. If they invented a few more lower class, general cars, I'd be interested in that too. Like an ersatz Focus to the Danver's version of the Mustang.

Name is DEE THREE BOSS Vol. 4 according to Panda.

M5 a shit
enjoy your gay fake engine noises and your turbocucked engines built by mohammad

the official /ogc/ seal of quality disagrees

This begs the question, is there any Twingo mod for any game and why /ogc/ hasn't made a Twingo only championship yet?

Twingo I is only available as mod for Racer and GTA IV to my knowledge.


lol amerifats can't into luxury sportscars

why even bother having a motor industry if you're this shit.

at least it's not the cesspool yuoropoor sports/supercars are


Do Americans make supercars?


now post another one and americans make supercars
until then they make supercar, or at least used to

This is technically a supercar. :^)


That's a shame

the gt90 did nothing wrong

That's just a countach they ruined, you can barely even drive the thing it's so unusable


good photoshop tbh fam
or you could just, like, do the skin yourself :^) and we could have meme touge battles

it looks like a chink having a stroke though

Jesus, I forgot all about that fucking thing. All I remember is playing a racing game with it on the PS1 as a kid. NFS2 I think.

The Delorean was initially designed with an emphasis on safety.

made it on ms paint tbh
too lazy to turn on my xboner



so i downloaded tokyo xtreme racer
why is the car handling so good and so bad at once?

Custom bucket list challenges in Horizon 3 save your car, paintjob, and tune. This is of course to make it completely fair for other players who attempt it.
>My face when I made a jump stunt bucket list with my custom fully upgraded pink Reliant without training wheels and the brake pressure set to zero.


Of course not only does he act like a faggot inside them he acts like one outside them


I tried getting one of those from the auction house but they tried to get me to pay real money for it.

its from the new dlc pack
pay up goy

chick car y/n?

No, it's blue. Everyone knows blue is for boys.

that was the intention
although i tried it out and while it handles really well and is easily controllable the subaru is much faster/has better acceleration/AWD.
I'm not sure how it will play out once it starts getting upgrades and since it's much lighter the power to weight gets a better boost

faggot car for faggot gayfags wot like bum-fun and are gay fags in gay bars doing gay drugs to gay music by gay bands wot suck big gay cock.

As in Right Wing Death. Not to be confused with Right Wing Death Squads.

This is the RWDS transport, right here.

Who has that chart of the recommended steering wheels?

Wait you can drive Crown Victoria's in FH3?


Don't bother, it's DLC.

I have most of the premiums in War Thunder AND preordered the boats expansion, try me.

Well the game performs like shit as well. What are your specs?

Do the lights work?

do it fgt

Yes, the lights work. I don't think there's a siren though.


Apparently there was/is a patch that should make it perform better though.

Depends, I own many computers but my most powerful is this at the moment.

CPU temp makes me scared. Are you using stock cooler or what?

Yeah, that's a crazy high temp. Overclocked on a stock cooler?

That molten piece of metal is not going to cut it. I seriously hope those temps are while running Prime95 or some shit.

yeah but I'm doing webm encoding and I just turned my air on so it's fine.

here's the other car, i gave up on the miata.
Also disregard what i said earlier about car handling apparently this one (which is the one i started up with) has some really strange feeling to it unmodded, i can't explain it but with some changes it's disappearing

i have only 3 email from the one drive team. they all say delete your shit none of them ask me if i wanted to keep it

what was the sending address for that email ?

tbh the components are made to handle these temps, sure there's a good feeling element to lowering the temps (on which the cooler industry lives) but it's not critical.

Try to open the thing and clean it thoroughly.

any one with a wheel, update to the newest ver of Forza Horizon 3

go to settings, set invert force feedback to OFF its on by default

you're welcome


there where people on the forza forums defending this shit for weeks " thats how forza does it "

Your swassie is stuck in reverse.

if ze swastika point ze foward
ze car go fastah
ze swastika spim liek ze weel



I was expecting a screamer, or the balls going into someones gaping asshole.

that would be way to much faggotery …
i guess you spent to much 4cuck
i just spoiled it in case thumbnail reveal the result

hope you nerds don't mind me turning this into a tuning-cars-in-game-with-not-a-lot-of-tuning-to-do blog
carfu is coming along pretty nicely. one small beneficial change at a time

Is this TXRZero on PS2? I'm looking into the PSP version of the first TXR. Never played any game in this series before.

no it's txr 3 for the ps2

The only interesting track I found was that terribly small Isle of Man and some Toronto city course. I just wanted my TC tracks back again.



Man, timeless fm is the best for skill songs, just ended up drifting a roundabout for the entirety of this song.

If I hadn't jacked off before I started playing I would be doing so right now.

Man, i remember very well one of the old OP's warning us about champion cocksucking faggots like you invading their old /o/ board
Now i can truly see, plus a trump redditor nonetheless by checking your sage=downboat philosophy
Kicked from Holla Forums, and invading the /o/ thread now because he gets kicked out of /k/ too
Please take a breath and post in a few weeks

both of you are faggots and should kill yourselves tbh

I would take that hint seriously if you weren't using a >camaro
Holden In Down Under


I fucking called it years ago.

You could have at least tried to have emulated the look of his signs with red pinstripe or something to accent the blue/white just like his real stuff. Here's a 3 color palette I just made for you.

hopefully they don't stick like they did on rest of the website

I'd honestly like to see some 70's styled cars, would be neat

Also thanks, found it easy, shame it's not translated

It's a shame the micks fucked him over on the engine. At least it was reliable.

Has anyone else used the De Tomaso in TXR3 and found it to be disappointing? I also need to get back into playing it.

(ID change?)
Nigga just throw one of these on
Stop doing that to your CPU

I threw one of these into my computer when I swapped out cases for a full tower. It runs a bit hotter than I want, but the temps change only ~5C under full load.


Also turn off the vibration unless wheel shakes are your fetish.

Interestingly, it exists in most gMotor games (rFactor and the bunch) and has to be turned on for Logitech wheels.

Also, the DJ is amazing.

it's shit at turning like all cars in the game but it's the most viable car to get if you can't afford the Ford GT especially when you can engine swap it.



I cannot believe they added actual content. Good job.

The simple fact that I can remove parts off of my vehicle and Drive a chassis with an engine makes this game the greatest game for customisation.

Carfu is having weight issues, don't bodyshame her!

Do you notice any bottlenecking? I have a 8320 at 3.5 ghz (or 4.0) and a 280, I was thinking of upgrading to a 480 so that when I eventually upgrade to 4 or 5k the GPU need is already there.

when you get to level 5 weight down the entire car's body is just carbon fiber, It's pretty neat.

Timeless and Off road trucks go together SO well.Busting out of the rainforest at 100 km/h in your Ford 150 Raptor to hit some sweet ass dune jumps is great. I did that to the song you posted.

Drift Stage had another update. I'm tempted to buy into it and see what progress has been made but $15 is pretty steep for a game that seems less finished than Sky Rogue.

Poor pedrito

pajeets are harmless besides giving street cleaners a hard time


You need to go back to cuckchan

Actually, a decent question for anyone: is Driveclub on PS4 any good? I'm really itching to try PSVR and having a decent racing game on it would be nice.

Every other racing game feels obsolete when I can just play Wipeout HD with my Wipeout zone faggots.

Yeah dude go for it.

Sounds like a great experience then. :^)

I know PSVR has the lowest resolution, but it's supposed to still be acceptable. Is Driveclub really that bad? I'll just stay away from any PS4 racing games since they all seem pretty bad from what I remember reading here. I mostly want PSVR for AC7, if that ever comes out.

Nevermind, it's shit. I'll wait for it to fail and then buy it when it's dirt cheap.

It's not just the resolution and the performance. PSVR embargo lifted today and there are loads of reports about drift, lag, bad tracking, issues with required space and other techinical shit that can be summed up with Yo this shit will make you throw up.

I've never played Drive Club but I remember that when it released it was an incredible buggy mess that took them months to fix (I think they fixed it eventually?) and they promised a free version that I don't think they ever delivered on and on top of that the game itself wasn't very highly regarded in general. I sure as fuck haven't heard a peep from the developers or the game in general. They might've been merged into another studio or something.

Oy, Spintires is on sale. Yea or nay?

Fuck me, if I wanted that much of a headache, I'd have bought the open source headset, at least that one is decent make and resolution.

It's confirmed shit, then. Well fuck.

No bottlenecking at all, though I haven't tried emulators or the like. The native video encoder is buttery smooth and has very little drops except in some rare cases like Doom 3 or Brink I know, they're both mediocre where it makes the FPS crawl due to OpenGL.

Ye, the gorillion varients mod packs that are most popular on the mod db currently are a testament to that even if half the variants are redundant save for a single swapped part and paint job

It's cool to mess around and can be pretty "comfy". One of the few games where it actually feels like driving off road. It's not a driving fast having fun kind of game obviously. There was some controversy about the dev saying he refuses to update it but I think he went back on that but some research might be needed.

The dev is getting assfucked by the publisher and lost the rights to his game, the only reason it gets updates at this point is because the publisher has a gun to his head and isn't afraid to fuck him over again just like the map DLC fiasco. In return for getting screwed over every few months the dev releases time bomb updates that blow up the code of the game over time until it becomes an unstable piece of shit.

the videogames police stops the vidya menace once more

Looks like the last update was a fix for the timebomb in april. And an announcement for consoles. I can't really find anything else.



i dont even play online and the design is private lol

good, purple and green is an ugly colour scheme. Purple is too dark and Green is too dark and they clash. Don't you know the saying?
"Pink and green should not be seen unless theres a colour inbetween" purple is too close to pink on the colour wheel so it breaks the rule.

You need a set of colours where 1 is the light shade and the other is the dark shade. And you need to contrast with Warm and cools like Orange and Blue, or Red and Green, Purple and yellow ect.

Blacks, greys and whites work with anything that's why they're called "shades" and not "colours"

Get serious, drop the purple, try a red, and not a namby pamby rosso corsa, you'll look like a christmas tree. Head for a maroon with silver/chrom accents,

Green Mid

or if you want to play it safe go straight for a british racing green/emerald/forest with golden yellow/saffron/orange with white accents around the yellow.


Never make your base a bright colour, it's not fashionable right now, maybe in a decade, but not right now, this decade its very gaudy and grotesque to have a bright colour scheme.

We're in a dark decade right now. It goes:
50's - Dark
60's - Light
70's - Dark
80's - Light
90's - Dark
²°00's - Light
²°10's - Dark


Nigga, I don't give a shit about that, I just want cars to look nice and drive well.

seems like someone needs his daily dose

Appears someone hasn't had their daily dose.

I'd say triggering your autism must have been well worth it.

You've seen the fucking single block lazy ass swastika flags, retarded color combinations, hard edges and shit. Just look at and tell me there's any hope.

Though educating someone on color theory servers a purpose in making basic decent looking stuff I think this "it's not fashionable right now" sentiment is too far because who the fuck cares about what's in or out. Also that's a literal meme skin so any sort of artistic judgment of it is a total waste.

Nah, not autism, If you're not a fucking rampant transfaggot too busy sat outside the local KFC protesting your right to drop a fat shit into a urinal they do actually teach you shit in artschool. Nothing about getting a job sadly, that's why I'm here sharing with you for free what I payed a college tuition for.

Looking nice is a subjective concept based off of the zeitgeist of the culture around you.

Or in English: if you want to look nice fucking play by the rules.

Might as well use this education for something.

Meme skin or no if you set out to make something it might as well look nice.


Yeah it's a nice thing man, but you're applying it to a shit meme skin that was probably slapped together in two minutes for an ebin screenshot.

But if I somehow try to make a design I'll try to keep that in mind. Who knows maybe some actual art might make it look better.

At least I have an excuse nobody can argue with when people tell me to get a job.

i cant believe my shitpost police skin managed to trigger all of this autism

that gave me a chuckle user

don't even try to pretend like you're not proud of your meme skin. I've seen you post it around already.

i am
i just cant believe the art autism

i guess i should have made pic related instead, it fits the tastes of this thread more :^)

Boy is that comical though. I mean honestly you'd have to be a humorless faggot to not at least smile at that one a little bit.


That doesn't even English good.

That's to be accepted, not what does and does not look good. Cubism was accepted, but realism is far more beautiful than cubism. It isn't to say it's not without merit, but fashion and art are different from general "looks good".

i'll do that first thing tomorrow :^)

why don't you make that excuse being idle rich



Because I don't think 350 britbong neetbux is really Idle rich.

Immigrant Pajeets are a mixed bag, they're either the nicest people or complete assholes. Though they tend to sway more to the asshole side.

Anyways bump with a rough gem.

some shit from last year

Where's the best Diablo version in modern games?

It's like another exodus but on a small scale though maybe it's the refugees from 20$chan shitting up this thread too.

>emulating Burnout Legends

i've been here since 2014 :^)

Nah, 15peryear is still afraid of Holla Forums due to being a CP honeypot despite the fact leddit has more CP than we ever had and refuse to come.

Me too, these no fun allowed faggots are in basically every single thread.
Fucking godamned, I mean at least you guys are entertaining. Also, check em.

video games are srs business

Flatout 2, GT Legends and a bunch of other shit for less than 2 eurobux

btw my confederate pride flag vinyl group got me a week ban from the share bit of the game and possibly from clubs since the tab is greyed out

gg me

Nice. Good to see online fuckers have no sense of humor.

Can anyone recommend a good motorcycle racing game? I tried ride and it is trash.

Tourist Trophy is supposed to be good, haven't played it myself though.

I heard it's meh, but it was made by Poliphony so I might be wrong but only 4 bikers in race is bullshit

all I feel is pain

Super Hang On

If I gave enough of a fuck I would send a few emails to hispanic/latino orgs to cause a shitstorm about it.

Dirt Dash is fucking rad, are there any other arcade rally games like that? I've never played Sega Rally, but it looks similar. Anything modern that would be similar?

Hey, at least that series can be left alone in peace. If Bamco made a new Ridge Racer, it'd probably be F2P with idolshits as the main focus for pushing skins and dlc money.

Also keep in mind the past bundle is still up, and includes the fabled almighty rFactor 1 in it for only $2.50 for the whole set.


I will admit, GT Legends is probably one of the best rFactor standalones of the last decade up there with RACE 07. I know Automobilista is supposed to be a beefed up Game Stock Car Extreme but I've not played Automobilista yet to verify.

maybe you can get our friendly neighbor email firing autists to give a shit?

Is it worth a buy?

If you like driving around tracks and not being overly autistic but still a little autistic about it then yes.

I had noticed that a few minutes ago PCARS and Ridge Racer Unbounded were both on sale. Not sure about either game since RR:U looks like a Split/Second knockoff and PCARS got slammed on as a disappointment. For the same price as PCARS I can get Killing Floor 2 or Sniper Elite 3 and the Season Pass.

They already tried it. Failed miserably.
please use archive.is/free-to-play-racer-ridge-racer-driftopia-to-be-shut-down-at-end-of-beta/

How awful can one's tastes be?

nice link

Don't get RRU. For the love of all that is good in Ridge City, RRU is not good. Doesn't feel like Ridge Racer, crashes with controllers plugged in, online servers are kill but no update removes the startup check for servers, and it's not even in Ridge City. And Nagase isn't in it, it's some dangerhaired girl.

PCars is still fun. Not ultra realistic from what I've gathered, but still fun. If you like Forza Horizon-type simcade, it's similar. More realistic than arcade, less realistic than pure simulation.

No, that's just a F2P version, not focusing on idolshits and general jewry like Tales DLC and all of Ace Combat Infinity.

At least Infinity feels like Ace Combat.

RRU is meh, t I bought it for a fiver and still felt a bit ripped off. Pretty repetitive, the handling model is a bit weird (drifting is ass-backwards) but the explosions are somewhat satisfying and it can provide a few hours of entertainment until the novelty runs off. Didn't hate it, but then again I wasn't a RR kid so maybe that plays.
PCARS is okay, the PC version tends to be buggy if the game doesn't like your machine but it's a solid simcade. Try to get the GOTY edition, some of the content inside the DLCs is pretty good.
Don't like KF tbh, but Sniper Elite 3 looks quite solid if a bit repetitive if you played SE2

been here for a long time too.. you should know /ogc/ has alot of polfags


Here's why the PC release of Forza Horizon 3 has so many issues. It's more or less a completely direct port from Xbone.

so sad

Weren't they saying it wasn't a port, but was being built alongside the xbone ver?

Well if it's basically using the same code, they aren't really wrong.

The fuck did you expect?

Why didn't you niggers shill for CTR harder? Not only is it a fun as fuck kart game, it supports the NeGcon which means it has wheel support in PCSXR.

Neat. This means they know what to fix, right?
Who am I kidding? It'll take them several months anyway.

It sounds like they'd need to redo a pretty hefty chunk of how the game's backend works. I wouldn't hold my breath for a fix.

can I get animu liveries for PCARS?

The ugliest thing.

Project CARS is fine if you just want to race around tracks for a while. Other than that it's pretty dull. The graphics are good though.
imo I'd buy assetto corsa instead, just for the modding capability and great engine sounds.

Well, it's 70% off and I'm keen to try PCARS.
I guess I'll just refund it if it's bad .

Nonsense, MKX was just as broken at launch, if not more. With a lot of the same problems too! And they even fixed it years later. archive.is/PIHmK

On the other hand, Apex works a lot better and while I didn't check if it had the same characteristics as H3 maybe the actually competent Windows devs that helped T10 may end up helping Playground so they don't look like what Treyarch has been to IW for so many years.

I guess they just developed the game on the highest end machines and figured it would scale down by snapping their fingers.

So we have over 10 members in the Horizon 3 club now so I thought I'd set up a few races. Could those of you in the club please answer this simple poll so I know what time to set them up on? You can pick multiple times.

Alternatively, use this site to convert to your timezone. I just picked the first site I saw for the poll. greenwichmeantime.com/time-gadgets/time-zone-converter/

What are /ogc/'s thoughts on the mitsubishi GTO?

join the discord for FH3


You need to go back

See Crank, See Crank walk, Walk crank walk.

Jokes aside, they're very technologically advance (which is honestly where most of it's less then stellar reliability comes from) and they're great performers, if a bit uninvolving when they work. They're also weirdly the prototype for the Nissan GTR (V6 Twin Turbo, AWD, heavy as fuck, bespoke chassis, crammed to the tits with tech.)

Also we've hit the end of another thread and in 4 days Honk Honk

lucky puppy post

good car in GT

whats the deal with this heel-toe shit? isn't it easier to just left foot brake?

Well your left foot is taking care of the clutch (which I'm sure is an alien concept to you clapistani).

New thread.