White man killed after honeymoon by blacks. College professor spreads rumor it was white gunmen

Innocent man and his wife were walking in nice neighborhood in Louisville when they were robbed. Victim attempted to pull his concealed carry but was gunned down and died at the scene. Family friend saying it was 2 dindus but fucking media and police won't report on the race of suspects. Meanwhile a cucked Trump-hating college professor at Louisville is trying to spread rumor the two gunmen were white.

Fuck him. Twitter: @aslajoie

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Just part and parcel.

Honestly the prof doesn't seem to be saying it in a "FUCKING WHILE MALES" kind of way, he more seems like he's mistaken than intentionally stirring shit.


pull up professors twitter @aslajoie .
First tweet is… Cheering on transgender elected in VA.
Yeah, think we can easily tell he's acting oblivious to smear whites intentionally.

his twitter reeks of kikery and treason

Jesus christ the chutzpah on these kikes. Fuckin' sic em, boys.

There's gotta be a law against knowingly spreading false/misleading information about a crime. Get him arrested for interfering with a police investigation.


Every morning on the local news there's at least 1 story about niggers shooting each other somewhere in Louisville. Never relax.

He saved his woman from rape and died in a worthy way.

Cause of death: VOLKISCH HEROISM


I mourn this man, but let his tragically early, needless death be a reminder;


the niggers were probably in a vehicle. if he was carrying, he would have seen niggers coming towards him on foot. i fucking hate niggers so much, im not even white but holy shit whenever i see something like this

Just another liberal retard unaware of the undeclared race war against any White people. Walking through inner cities late at night without packing a CCW. Not seeing any problem with this behavior, not getting a taxi or have your own vehicle.

Around blacks, never relax!
Video very much related.

The Cherokee Triangle district has one of the lowest crime rates within St.Louis, but the crime itself is extremely high with predominately niggers causing crime.

He was trying to pull out his CCW

Actually, Jason shot and hit the little 15 year old niglet with the gun. The niglet shot back while running away and killed Jason. The niglet was found a few blocks away by police. The second suspect is at large.

Jason worked for Humana which is a for profit health insure, while also having a 'comedy' twitter account related to Louisville. All could be avoided by not walking around niggerville late at night.

Last year there were repeated robbery-murders in the Highlands and Crescent Hill area in niggerville which plaqued social media redpilling ppl on the nigger problem, also the Cherokee Triangle area is far from a crime-free zone.

Protip: People don't just fall down and insta-die when you shoot them. Do so with moves and cover in mind and don't just stand there.

I for one am all for every gun owner being forced to take a shooting course to learn the basics. It'll also cut down on newcomer threats in the future.

did some digging
did i do good?







White on the bottom of their feet can still qualify as white.

There is no white. Even if there is , there won't be a white race in the foreseeable future. There was none in the past, therefore a future based on the principle that in the past there was no diverse society is false, therefore a white ethnostate will never be.

Those who advocate for an ethnostate are doing that based on notions that there was a monoculture and white race. There never was in Europe, never anywhere in the world. You can't go in this world without aceepting diversity, you should accept diversity or face war. There is only more diversity in the future into one human, not white, not black but human.

You die, kike.

Tor kike get out. It is either white enthnostate or goyim to the fullest. All that would happen if people "blended together" is the future subjugation of the sheep moreso than it is today. The things you prize and hold dear are false and you know that deep down inside. All you want is the subjugation of you children's children from people who you call "old white men" when we here know better than that and you could spend just two or three days taking the time to learn who rules you. Look at who started the feminist movement, look at who owns pornography, media, who owns the central banks? If you spent more time researching and learning rather than spout off bullshit your idiotic, peabrained professor told you to say, you could actually make a change for a truly just cause.

Polite sage for setting straight a dumb college liberal.

I'm also an STL user. Want to shoot some time?



got a link to the coral abood,highlands post?
it all hinges on whether or not that's real, or if they release pictures of the culprits later



Yep, that's a fucking jew. When you guys going to start killing them already?

It's funny that you claim that you claim that there is "no white" when you're the same torfag who had like 15 posts salivating in that shitty white genocide porn thread.

4/10 bait, made me reply.

This. The racist cunt who got gunned down probably deserved it.

yep, an (((honest))) mistake, I'm sure

War it is.

Professors and teachers are scum tbh

Good. Fuck, now I'm really sad about the loss here. The worst part is the nigger isn't dead and we don't have uncucked enough laws to correct that error.

If he survived and one or both of the niggers were dead Holla Forums would label him a Kike and demand his head for harming one of "our" "based niggers".



Can we talk about how being fat is not okay, that you can't even fight off niggers?


Kill yourself kike.

Hopefully they'll identify them soon.

>flatout lying about who the murderers were to keep the (((agenda))) going

Boy, this won't backfire at all. Especially if anyone grows some balls and presents concrete evidence

Wait, what if the professor hates trump because he's one of those anti-white christians

Seriously, do people really still NOT automatically think it's a nigger perpetrator whenever they hear about ANY crime? What sort of cuck actually thinks there's a doubt 99.9% of the time it's going to be a fucking stinking nigger? You'd have to be willfully ignorant.

did you two dumbfucks read the fucking OP? It said he reached for his CCW and was gunned down.

Niggers, amirite?

Police are now confirming that it wasn't "2 white males" but they have arrested FOUR BLACK TEENAGERS. Someone needs to update our professor friend @aslajoie on the latest developments.

You're trying too hard moshe

I wonder what the mental gymnastics will be like when pol is proven wrong….again

Can't even read this rubbish.
It sounds like it was pieced together by a Chinese bot based on the top ten most popular phrases on this site.
Time to go offline and speak to real people, I recommend six months without internet. Also read some old books and learn how to communicate.

Always post proof, you'll win more people faster.

He'd have to be quick-draw mcgraw to kill 4 negroids at close range before they can kill him or his wife.

What would stop it is all born criminals wearing exploding collars that can be detonated by devices carried by all humans.
A human will be tried for destruction of public property if he detonates without reason.
If threatened in any way, verbally or physically, or see any sort of minor crime about to happen, they can detonate without repercussions.