♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Red, Red Wine Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Red, Red Wine Edition
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Fair enough.
You should be fine driving it.
We'll see.
Worst case I get arrested I suppose.
Hello, love.
This nigga ain't Erio
You've been dead for four years.
Hi desu
Me neither
I didn't think people would notice if I posted it twice..
Screw you guys and your cute Mio folders
amazon has one. people on goodread say its good.
why do you like lorca?
i knew that part.
You can't get arrested for a missing headlight.
Driving without a license will, but even a nonregistered vehicle is just they impound it and fine you.
But Trump is an "ally to the gays".
Good ^ ^ I wanna try every part.
weeell I mean, all the stores are closed now so
Your thread has now become worst now that I have arrived!
Actually it was already shit cause i was here
Don't worry I noticed you.
Somebody fucking kill me, I have to take a shower but the hot water isn't working. I want to die.
He's just manipulating them for the vote.
I have a valid license
It is still under a temporary registration for another 5-6 days
I have 20 day plates
NH doesn't require insurance
Yeah, I guess I'll be aight.
And I get to stop and get a m-macchiato on my way in ;p~
They don't even have water in Africa.
just spit on yourself
stop cancer linking like that
you're not Luka
Wrong. I'm the village idiot here. teehee.
poor guy needs his inhaler.
I'll do whatever I want.
Do you prefer senpai or sempai?
Do what you would have Luka do and kill yourself
But no one cares about Africa, so that's okay.
I'll spit on you.
So you lied, you weren't going shopping!
I'm not reallu sure why but I like sempai more.
Thats the Jam
I am flamboyant, sue me.
I have a question to ask... but you have to answer me truthfully
God is watching
They totally have more than enough water in Ghana right now lel
Hi subtle
you got a deathwish, kiddo?
But does anybody care about you?
Read a biography and his works simultaneously.
As in read in what's going on with him as he's writing and stop the biography to read some of his major works when it's in the timeline.
Just to see how their life warps their writings.
It's generally how I read anything.
In the 70s he supported adding a protective class of sexuality, ie illegal to discriminate based upon that fact. And in 2000, was behind a push for "same sex unions". All of anti-gay rhetoric has been to specific right wing groups.
Then yeah, you're fine.
Enjoy driving instead of walking for once.
Enjoy the coffee.
Why... ?
I'm sure he's just ordering dresses online.
Do I need to have a reason?
u-uhm uhm
We just need some bread and peanut butter. It'll go great with that Jam.
Satanism is not a "Christian invention."
Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.
Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.
Satanism is not about "evil."
Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity."
Satanism is not about death.
True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention.
We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being.
We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity.
We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies. This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control.
We are law abiding.
We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."
We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity. We have done our research. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.
Christianity was a reaction to the original Pagan religions, labeled as "Satanism" meaning "enemy/adversary" in Hebrew. If you read through the information contained within this website, we prove this.
Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.
The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.
Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought.
Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state. Satanists do not push Satanism or prosyletize.
Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation. We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries.
We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves. Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body. The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the firey kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability. This is the true meaning of "Raising the Devil." The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life.
We work directly with Satan. We believe each and every person who is willing and respectful can have a personal relationship with Satan. There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism; the Ministry is here only for guidance and support.
We take our tenets and practices directly from Satan himself. For far too long, enemies of Satan such as the Christian churches have been at liberty to dictate lies concerning Satan and Satanism. These lies have been the foundation of occult crimes and other heinous acts that they indirectly promote. True Satanism has been actively and zealously suppressed for centuries and many out of ignorance believe lies about Satan and react accordingly.
Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion. Satan accepts us as we are, but guides us to advance ourselves to where we evolve to a higher level. Spiritual Satanists are free to live their lives as they choose- responsibility to the responsible. We live by natural law and encourage everyone to develop themselves to their fullest extent.
tl;dr kek
Not if you cut yourself first on all these edges. teehee~
Yeah I wish anime would say it more
-petting intensifies-
Please don't post things from the nazi alien cult.
Wish I had money to order dresses online.
W-why would you lie to me...
Good post aswell my friend +1 rep
I love you
sounds like a fun way to read a biography. especially around such a character. have to keep an open mind about this, though. can't go in expecting what i'm going to get out of it. one of the reasons i'd never started is because the time never felt right.
Just saying he's never been anti-gay until it was pandering to specific lobbying groups and saying he would appoint a Supreme Court justice to overturn the marriage mandate.
I dunno I kinda like the meaner girls like Mine and I don't think they would ever say that.
Hail Satan~
I-I didn't know they w-were closed first..
who is that semen demon
Fun times.
Hail Ilpalazzo~
how do you say you hail satan if you don't have satanist in your name?
Is tokai becoming the trap?
If only I knew
Get a job, you fucking hikikomori.
It's more about the "ride" type thing.
To see change in the person and their writings instead of just drawing specific meanings and purposes from whatever. It's seeing what about the author is the author's lives speaking and what's the characters'/narratives'.
Going for a prework drive. Toodles~
Because baphomet tattoo ;3
hi whore
whats up
whoa that's hardcore as fuck
is it on the head of your penis?
I-I'll do anything for you to make up!
I already had to take a cold shower, I'm already dead inside.
Doubtful, I'm only ever wanted for the D.
Later Elma!~
How about I pretend to try, and just mooch off the kindness and generosity of others for subway?
If Tokai is a bear...then he can become a bear trap.
i took a cold shower once
fuck that shit
have you been awake since i got to sleep?
Never go full Luka.
but leeg skins anf subway :(
Well i thought it was funny.
are chinese people human?
iunnoo that's for you to decide
Don't call me that ._.
Please don't be sad... I've read that before on some website lol
there's also an argument to be made for poems and what they mean by themselves.
of course it's hard to talk about the poem without the poet. some more than others.
you don't have to know the life of Shakespeare to appreciate a clever sonnet.
in English classes, we were taught that we could glean a lot about an author from their works. it seemed like a lot of forced intellectualization. but also sometimes it made a lot of sense when compared to, or explained by the author. guess it depends on the individual.
Or are they dancer?
They say the same thing about whites
but whore is your name, whore
what do you want me to call you
im pretty sure they aren't either
It's even worse because I feel bad for making fun of Theseius.
I did too.
That's the problem
Surprise me.
Ah. Okay. I will for you.
But. They can dance if they want to.
hi red
Not at all, I went to bed right after you did. Woke up uhh...2 and a half hours ago to go to the gym.
They can leave their friends behind.
time to get felix to fix it then.
I feel like I should recognize that song.
Only if they don't do the
Because if their friends don't dance,
and if they don't dance,
then they ain't no friends of theirs
Too bad, I won't tell you it.
I-I'll be your personal maid
Fucking phone I swear to god
aw, cute
Did ya get all hot and sweaty?
Words are inherently meaningless if you know nothing of the author because you don't know what caused them to come to certain realizations. How they got to those realizations is important to every narrative so it just seems fitting for the same to be said about the author as it is one of the characters.
What if I told you I was starting to shitpost more with music/lyrics that are meant to be vague :^)
Well obviously. I didn't go to the gym to be a little bitch. I'm always hot though.
..I require no pay
Did I do good?
I was going to correct the and but then I was like "No. Leave it."
So what do you do over there anyway?
hey look at this
I'd laugh and wait for something funny to happen.
Jolly elekid with the thing that evolves it to electivire
hello idiot
What if I wanted to pay with
sexual favours?
I'm waiting for them to notice
If you wanna see something good go check your phone
hows up?
words are inherently meaningless, but we're human.
certain imagery and moments carry meaning for us.
we don't need to know what Shakespeare did over the summer to know why he compared thee to a summer's day.
it might help, but some poems speak true about the human condition. our perceptions and feelings.
they can paint a picture we understand, without knowing what the paint was made from.
arguably... we can never really know. especially if they're dead.
how do you know you're attributing the right meaning to the right words if the author doesn't directly specify?
1. I am at work
2. It only evolves from Electabuzz
I'm one of a very few network security techs here. We have jurisdiction over 4 separate networks that support like 1000 people directly, and a fuckton-thousand indirectly.
So not much.
What do you do in the ol' US of Ayyylmao
That first one is pretty good. name names
Should I just breed electabuzz until I get a jolly one?
I-I'd eagerly accept
Right now that you may need more information to be is not an expert to get out there are two different people who don't have any idea how many people who don't like it when I get a chance to win a free copy of the most important thing is that the thing is that the thing is that the thing is that you are a few days ago by the way to get a chance to win a free copy of the most important thing about being on twitter now you want it was the best thing that has the same as you want a good time to get to the gym and whatnot and then the next to the is a good day at work and the other hand is a good day at work and the other hand is a good day at work in an interview that are available from a different teacher who had no problem at least the next year of my followers will iiiiii ok but it does have an awesome night with and for any loss and stuff in a is he still hasn't changed his place on this one was hurt the car to a teachers who has to go home and the rest on is not responsible to do so much to say about fuck you
I'm about to pick my kid sister up from school.
i don't feel like responding ...
Alice gave me this avatar
oh jeeze that sounds pretty important
so uh... ya deal with hackers n shit? you ever link into the computer world?
Are you supporting my computer?
Jacking off too much and playing D&D. That's pretty much it. I'm pretty fuckin boring tbh.
is she hot?
best kiss pic~
I really need a maid outfit now
You could, but that would be very time consuming. I'd either catch a wild Electabuzz with a Jolly synchronizer or breed a female electabuzz with a Jolly Pokemon in its egg group holding an Everstone
Oh look, literally everyone's predictions about Tokai are coming true
What a surprise
Nah, but I set shit up for the guys that deal with hackers. I pretty much make sure no one gets in that isn't supposed to. And if I fail, I support the cyber warfare guys in getting them out. I'm thinking of switching to being one of those guys though.
Don't worry, all I do is lift and play Overwatch on normal days. Weekends are much more fun.
She has a boyfriend punk.
the problem here is that idk where to get electabuzz
F for effort.
I think the countless times in the modern era where an author has said "no fuck the audience" when they generally take the wrong message from something fairly obvious they were saying just is a point that without knowing the author, there's a huge margin of error the critical reading department since reading is almost exclusively an intimate activity. Sure, there's forums and courses and what have you for debating whatever anyone is reading but generally, most people just read and think about it themselves. Or don't.
What do you mean?
Yes, I'm aware that's a giant run on and do not care.
But I wanna be the one doing the maid stuff...
I thought I did really good that time.
Thoughts on overwatch?
Who was the person who you wanted to notice the subtle message from those videos you linked?
Don't make me put my foot up your ass.
I'm too tired
-kisses you on the cheek-
Because I wear masks when I interact with people
She's trying to turn me into an Alicefriend
What if we switch every week or so?
That's cool. Dude you're like my favorite TV hacker, Mr. Robot :^)
Oh good, I was getting a little worried you were this super exciting dude all the time. I know another military man like that, he can be a pain.
Why's that? You go out with the boys on the weekend or somethin?
Yeah, well what if I beat him up and took his lunch money?
Oh, apparently it's not available in the wild in ORAS. If you wait til I get home around 6 I can see if I have one
The fuck you want?
Did you look at your phone?
guess the argument for knowing what happened in their lives, parallel to their writing, makes sense in emotional poetry.
but probably not for Tolkein, or Rowling. there will always be a margin. there is a sounder argument when doing it with poetry.
maybe it's impossibly to clarify all the mystery. maybe that's a good thing.
I remember when Diamond and Pearl came out and everyone was trying to get an Electrivire for its type coverage.
same, that's why i put little effort into my posts sometimes
I wanted to kiss you and I did
It didn't work
You're right. It'll be a waste of money....but the fanart
I just want to give it a go because of it.
Not in the butt!
I poop from there!
She doesn't talk to me anymore.
Let's see who it looks cuter on first.
I don;t think you could do that.
Too bad it's SHIIIIIIIIT
But for why
I mean, I'm no hacker so...
Nah, I enjoy my chill time in my room with videogames/weeb shit.
I just have more time on the weekends to do stuff like snowboarding/skydiving/going to festivals and shit. I love going out and doing shit, I just don't like dealing with people.
Alright thanks, I'm going to try and breed a shinx in the meantime. Just need an everstone.
LOL, I didn't want to say that because y'know.
I am a haxx0r
I remind her of Koko-chan
at least not for 40
hmmm okaii
but what does the loser wear?
But it's something you have to be aware of.
Even look at communications between two people, using the least flourished English as possible. There's miscommunications and even then, most of what we know they're talking about is based on the context about the speaker and the audience. Literature is no different since that's just how language works.
Please cover your mouth while your are hacking it may be contagious.
i'm glad
I always have a certain feeling whenever I post this gif
You still don't have one of those? Jeez
Get one in Granite Cave
That comment was as nonsexual as it gets.
How long til price drop?
I can tell and sort of relate.
I just got one, in Geosenge town. I was there too lmao, the odds.
Yes Blood-chan, I know
It's not as if we even used to talk in the first place, outside of thread banter
Probably because I got upset and blocked and deleted her from everything.
But I'ma raging homosexigle so I don't know the difference.
I dont get nerf meme
Oh okay, good
She says "nerf this" when she ults.
How about now?
Thats pre gay
how you doing with the launchpad scoot?
One of her lines in the game is "Nerf this"
Hence the application of said phrase to sexual innuendo
they're prolly not as sexy in game anyways
I'm excited to play now.
anything for a win win
I dont get nerf gun
Pretty aite. I am waiting for an extension usb cable for my phone and I think I have a way of using the launchpad in ableton.
If so
Fuck, I was hoping some of you were going to be in Orlando.
You got a point...
stale joke
Get a haircut, find a nice girl, settle down and have kids.
We can both wear nothing and see where it goes.
nice c:
iirc, it's build for ableton
something something User 1 Mode
Grim is not here atm, but I can take a message for you.
So you should quite enjoy it, right?
why, is he a big guy?
Oh. Gay as fuck dude.
So you're an anime connoisseur then?
Tsuchi, please.
We both know I want the be the nice girl.
are you just trying to gimmie an erection?
I need to begin building a library of memes and other vocal samples.
When it comes tomorrow or friday I shall be able to have some fun w e w
Making the terrible music :3
just wait for a sale
oohh I know exactly where I'm going
you ever just want to
That is MFF's purpose in life
Hes into martial arts and think hes a black belt or something.
I would crush him though
aww yiss ^^
be super inventive
like these are midi fighters not launchpads obvs, but the controllers as MIDI input is what i mean
think outside the box ^^
what the fuck are they gonna do?
Now I just need to get a Jolly Hawlucha. My friend says he has one but his 3ds is at his friends place. Idk when he'll get it :T
I think I might have a Hawlucha somewhere
Fine. I will. Maybe.
Most likely get it on steam.
I'm beginning to think the one stuck in the dress is the loser.
that was the wrong video but same concept lmao
who she
this is why i like science. situations where ambiguity is finite and solvable. i mean, theoretically that should be true for author's intent.
can an introspective writer recall the purpose and value of everything they wrote? maybe there was no rational design. or maybe there was a vague rationality, that somehow created NEW meaning by the end of its writing.
critical analysis says that you can determine meaning. that it is determinable.
i think some parallels will be obvious. some, less so.
the best one can do is try to see the world through their eyes.
what made them tick, feel, and what they were trying to express.
and if it's okay if you fall short... right?
well i don't know what to do with this erection now
so YOU'RE a big guy?
so many big guys here
I'm an unbreakable wall of beef.
gotta go
also dat using a rubix cube as an instrument while simultaneously solving it
Use it on someone or something
Alternatively you could try the GTS
Oh man that shit is cool as fuck.
Yeah, just gonna be a cool as hell scooter dood.
who knows
one day i could be creamfields
with USB
and be apostle to jesus
already tried to, I haven't seen or caught one yet.
Pfft, not at all. I just watch anime occasionally. I like the over the top combat and death shit. It's like a good action movie. Without the plot.
You're pretty gay yourself, though... Just actual gay.
We all could just be internet big guys for all you know.
have fun beefcake
i'll wait till my mom is home
She kicked me off the ship
You hate me because I took your boyfriend
Me too... she hasn't changed at all in the time you were away. Anyway MGD and Angel are still dating
Smart move
I think more of it as a win win
not like the dress will stay on for long
Hata no Kokoro-chan
any reason why?
Dating, or "dating"?
I need to hit Angel up more.
I don't even remember what the contest was.
Any you recommend? I've tried getting into anime but I think that's the only kind I really enjoy. Plot is for fucking gaylords.
Internet big guys are still big guys.
They're on Route 10 in X/Y and not available in ORAS
Sweet dude
What even
i googled it previously. either you or her told me about it.
no wait, it was your steam name. that's why. you also definitely told me.
why didn't you tell me this before?
yeah I just hatched my shinx right now and I'm at route 10 currently.
I don't know lol, I was high on meds
Something about Angelic
Like cyber sex and buying Steam gifts for each other "dating"
He said I was better than you
shaun wasabi is crazy inventive
kinda more niche these days, but his older stuff is a little easier to listen to
vid uses an M-Audio Trigger Finger, a Midi Fighter 3D, and original work on guitar c:
Oscar didn't do it.
He a good boy and dindu nuffin.
maybe about who can last the longest..
Cause I never talk about anime unless it's brought up. Cause I don't like it lmao.
shame his midi fighter 64 recently got stolen, that was custom made for him, can't get another :/
Do you like her?
gross. is this why i kept yelling at you before?
Look at your own world view and fabric.
You can get rough ideas about what made you how you are but even then, there's plenty of elements that are so minor in memory that you've forgotten or ambiguous constant pressures that you don't realize how it changed and warped you.
Even an author is unaware of what of himself is bleeding through what s/he writes.
You can speak of meanings of whatever in generalized absolutes but they're all still flawed because it's a situation where it's truly impossible to have every bit of data and circumstance that led to its formation. Biographies and knowing the author just help piece together more and more of the specific things and in what light it should be viewed in.
Nice, good luck
Who did?
Yeah man awesome you do that
A friend of mine a year or two ago linked me eithe rone of his or someone similars videos. I was like "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
Might have been someone else.
But it was when(not that I have stopped) creaming at Dubstep.
I used to love this one pub/club at uni that had a punk room, a metal room, an indie room and a dubstep room. Just wandering through the night.
scumbags -_-
i used to have the socks he wears here.
So more dating than "dating."
Well, as long as they're happy, I guess.
Well, that's just not fair.
I'll lose every time.
... you yelled at me?
He's hurt her a few times over the years... what should I do?
you said i did before..?
REMINDER - MGD is cancer.
I can do very long..
needs a lotta foreplay then
As long as you never say 'yassss' again, sure.
Berserk is a great one. Re Zero is a new one I'm enjoying, but it has feels. Gangsta was great. Deadman Wonderland, but the MC was a lil bitch. Mirai Nikki was cool but it tried hard on the plot. There are a lot. I liked Tokyo Ghoul and Parasyte. Ajin is fucking badass with lots of killing, but it's CGI.
I love doing a yas IRL
How do you mean?
What's the winner get again?
seems like a way to call someone a sociopath
in this collection of Hitchens' essays, three of them are criticisms of other peoples' biographies of writers or figures. for missing out or skimming on important details, explaining what made them important and relevant. a good biography contains as many relevant things and how they relate to the bigraphee.
there is no better source of insight than the author's own words. the more prolific they were, the less mystery there seems to be.
guess i'll wing it. keep an open mind before, during, and after.
To be the little girl, obvs.
Im gonna enjoy cramming my bluray Tokyo Ghoul 1 and 2 tomorrow
I should watch it. Would you recommend?
I need some to watch damn it.
Nothing's hotter than blood on a cute girl, man.
soto pls
Totally yo.
i could do with some rope right now tokai
Why would you yell at me v.v
he's nice has long as you can manage to press the tip of you nose against his tummy with you're giving head
nothing... I'll leave it alone.
Yup... Alice doesn't understand me at all
That's all I'm saying. It's more important to just give yourself as much information as possible to understand someone. I genuinely am leery of autobiographies because they contain a lot of tangents and half truths, sometimes outright fabrications because they're all written so the audience sees them in a particular way, not necessarily a true view of them.
Fuck, I need better stamina then.
Tsuchi train me.
Might be for the best.
...what? How?
Who are you to judge my fetish, e-dude
brb quick gotta walk the doggie
whatever though
with you I'm always a winner
-Rocky montage-
but I love saying that! It's so fun!
Ah, that's cool. I was watching Gangsta but I stopped after like, the 2nd episode for some reason.
I need more manga and shit like Berserk.
I thought this was a guide on how to hang myself and i was disappointed
Well, the contest is who lasts the longest.
So clearly I need to train my sexual stamina somehow.
Teach me.
Wah... .///.
Y-you make me blush...
Can I just hire a stand in or a hooker so I don't have to do anything?
Ah, I don't read Mangos so I can't help you there
How is it fun it make me want to cut my ears off.
Take responsibility, mate.
Why aren't you hanging yourself Loco?
LOL okay
Only if they'll dress up like Saber.
I don't want to stick my dick in that crazy.
Why even humor it this long?
you ever tried making a noose out of an extension cord
it ain't easy
Cause it makes you feel like a sassy black girl.
Just try it, go "yaaaasssssssss"
but in an autobiography, taking their words with a grain of salt, and cross-referencing it with other objective information leads to a clearer picture about their internal and external lives. moreso than a biography which relies on piecing things together subjectively. it's why two people can end up with different interpretations. fuck. that's frustrating to me.
i'm sure there are biographers that come across this problem, and solve it as best they can.
overcoming their own bias and looking at the evidence, relating it only when they can.
guess that's one difference between a good one and a bad one.
And how would you being with someone dressed as Saber help you be the little girl?
Sticking your dick in crazy tends to be the best, though.
I will throat fuck you. Please stop.
I have never heard a sassy black girl say "yasss"
and I know a thing or two about sassy black girls
Because if the winner is whomever lasts the longest,
and the winner gets to be the little girl,
then to be the little girl I need to last the longest.
Only when aspyxiating(?) while I beat the meat.
yassss is a scottish thing tbh
Kind of want to see Tsuchi dressed as Saber...wherever he may be.
Hey hey hey, you excited for the Steam sale?
I only just remembered it right now and my wallet already hurts.
You've got jungle fever?
I've only ever heard it online tbh.
Sometimes it's fun to hear what he comes up with
It's a disgusting thing. Scots should not be proud of this.
Not really tbh. There aren't a lot of good games up... I could probably get it all cheaper on G2A anyway. I'm super excited for new Deus Ex though. What do you play on Stam
do you guys actually say lass/laddie/lad?
good shit
very rarely
my pot dealer calls me lass in texts
that's like the only time i've ever heard it
That goes back to an earlier point: it's about more information. Most biographies add the one thing left out of autobiographies and that's the setting of the time, the difference in values and other quirks you'd never know because the author assumes everyone would know that since the intended audience were people of their own era. Generally, compiled biographies that are a mix of first, second, and historical sources tend to be the best for that.
Cosplaying isn't my deal and the whole thing is noty territory.
No that crazy.
You just want me to pay for a Saber cosplayer for you to fuck.
then you need to read it more
He misspelled ass
One of my really good friends in town, her entire family are scottish. It was only her who was born and mostly raised in England.
Anyway she has a Notts accent when I speak to her, but if we are talking and her Dad(Da) calls, she just goes full on near glasgweagan scottish.
Shit is insane and makes me laugh all the time.
Revertigo is a real thing.
I'm gonna fill the bath with absinthe and water and i'm gonna slit my fucking wrists in it
what do you think about that
Rin's been back like a week and he's already in good with the traps
What a legend
Whats that?
I own 200 games and yet I play very little. No game interests me like tabletop games, where I can do literally whatever the fuck I want.
I still buy games though.
Yesterday I bought a Vietnam FPS. Pretty gud stuff, reminds me of earlier CoD's.
Oh? You're into black girls then, huh?
I've seen a few cute black girls at my school, but I'm way too shy to talk to them, plus I'm sure they're mega-normies.
He's got smoother moves than Boo.
Colbert's been posting for like 3 years and still can't get the trap pussi
what a fucking joke
And Rin did sort of ringlead the trap in the old threads.
I also am a normie...
You make it sound like a bad thing.
I forgive you.
Ah. I suppose it's good then.
I'm a fucking spastic weirdo that loves shouting and cussing.
Jesus, no.
Shots fired
I don't go for the traps fam
If I was going to do that, I'd just take the Saber for myself.
there is some degree of faith put into the biographer.
i think i'm going to do Lorca.
fortunately he seemed to have a pretty public life in his own time.
that was a preemptive REEEE just know theres more REEEEE with your name on it
You Romanboo
greeks were obvs better
sup axel...
I know lol
there's no hemlock here
Maybe I can find a weirdo black girl that isn't fat.
I just need a real life tomoko.
Sup user_Sama.
Also could anyone here repost the ice cream collage and other tier list like things?...thanks.
Then you're putting faith in the autobiographer to be truthful.
It's just something that all possibilities will have faults.
I thought Loco was raised on a Catholic education.
He must know he is going to hell.
But then again.
Being a fagwhore. They ought to be bound there already.
Oh. Okay, there, Gilgamesh.
oh trust me there are ALOT of those... freakay
nm, bout to jump up for work in a few min. been awhile
Hey, I've already asked someone else to do it if she ever decided to cosplay for a con.
Don't judge me.
i went into my imgur to see if i had wish's last list, and i was met with like a billion pictures of my fresh self harm
that did me an enormous frighten
where they at doe
what about over there?
I wanna bury my face in those locks.
also loads of pictures of me before my hair was red, which is equally jarring at this point
long beach...lol
Oh, I'm judging.
If it's you, I won't complain.
Indeed it has. Just the usual for me.
I'll be going for a walk soon. later ppl.
good to see you sir
my god i like don't even recognize myself with black hair any more
She'd make a great Artoria Alter Lancer.
infinitely trippy man
murder me
this is how i know myself now
that black haired girl is like another person
fuckin mind tricks.
Do you bite your hair sometimes?
I do
Better ==RED== than dead
oh no, a horrid little monkey
you'd best not bite me, you ugly cunt
Hey man, as long as they won't kill me I'll go for it.
Makes it more fun.
It's a website that sells games much cheaper than Steam, but for steam. It's great. I play a shit ton of FPS games. What vietnam fps?
Who's that cutie?
yeh... there arent any black people there
your hair looks like grims ketchup nips
me duh
i wasn't here that day :/
The more you talk the harder I judge.
W-with my lips yes...
I am now wanting to meet up with you.
Just to carry clippers.
And buzz your hair off just to spite you.
That outfit though. Polkadot/Heart bra? Cuties online for real.
I still have my free murder.
i was playing videogames when i got the weirdest sense
it felt like someone hasn't seen grim's nipples
emergency delivery is here
I wanna brush it
don't forget i beat up strangers for fun
i did see it eventually, i missed it at the time tho.
Men of Valor.
there are Somalians!
So many that some busses are deemed "Somali trolleys"
What could your 5'4", 100 pound self even do?
B-be gentle...
5'7, 112 pounds, thank you very much!
And I'll make it happen.
Maybe it's best you don't don that look. A lot of tumblr feminists already have the whole red hair and square glasses look. You might give people the wrong idea.
You act as if this is some sort of deterrence to me.
Ah, heard of it, never played it.
It's literally just www.G2A.com man.
me on the right
i cant believe i came to this shithole for nothing
that is a picture of me
i already look like that
and nobody would mistake me for a feminist.
It's okay, feels a little boring though and the guns have no real kick to them. Good for shootin dirty gooks though.
well that was intimidating
I'll treat it like silk, smooth and careful.
You can't even own anything for self defense there.
The worst you'd do is those girl arm flails that doesn't even count as slapping.
You're here for Rin.
Go after that booty.
They don't have a man in their life.
I know. I should've used keep instead of don.
please do...
I secretly love it when other people brush my hair.
im graduating dude...
ill ive been doing is flirting with girls so i can see them over the summer
im exhausted
how can a man be a feminist?
that site looks shady as fuck tbh
it's called being a cuck
Yeah, but none of them will have an ass like Rin.
You know you want to smash that.
I can own, and carry a knife.
And I do have training for those.
It just can't be a butterfly knife, or have a spring to eject the blade when the release is switched.
Or be over a certain size.
Or this rule.
Or that rule.
Don't be rude to Asians. They're the cutest race. Would de_stroy. Well, Japs and Koreans anyway.
Most well known youtubers use it, I use it, it's pretty highly held. I love it.
night night fat retards x
I feel like I need to chug some pepto after that.
I havent seen his ass
how is it?
It's so calming ^ ^
oh I would try a braid, just once.
so I can say I have.
na na
Just ask him for it.
Jokes on you.
I don't have an ass.
I-I'll let you...
Go on...
fucking tsuchi
And get the flowers of course!
I'll make it princess hair
Are you going to
do that to me?
Wow. Such freedom.
You want him to bloody your nose?
He's just being coy.
Go after it.
ehm thanks
Ill use this
most definitely
that sounds lovely...
I don't need a fancy knife to murder someone.
Yeah, obviously.
You don't?
[insert blushy picture here]
I can just imagine you going full weeb if you were even in a fight or some situation that required self defense where you'd start trying to talk about kung fu then swiftly get laid out.
I like giving the gift of spankings more
I'm not that bad.
My reaction speed, and control is actually really decent.
I just lock up when another human being touches me.
Spankings are also nice.
cause you're my little princess
Hm... I will think about it.
my man
Alright there, Naruto.
Are you even drunk?
And I love it.
Hey man.
I may be a weeab.
I may be a hikikomori NEET.
But even I realize there's a time and a place, and if that dude looks like he wants to hit me, it's not the time nor the place to talk about kung fu.
Or the path of chivalry.
Or the path of bushido.
Or the art of this.
Or the technique of that.
Okay, okay. In their defense, the ... club thing... was a Chinese guy.
I follow the martial code of Chivalry erryday.
Oppai piggu go homui
What... At least I'm honest.
I-It's spoilered for a reason
are you uhm watching?
I appreciate that but...
No wonder you're such a faggot.
Go chug at least a bottle of wine.
Just whatever's in the subscription feed...
Are you watching anything at the moment?
It's not even weekend.
why do you want me drunk?
o-oh uhh yeah
a certain link earlier
Hey, I'm fine with boobs, and I'm a simple person
I see boobs, and I squeeze them,
but boobs so large she has back problems just make me gag.
Fun Fact: They needed to fold it that many times because it was so fucking shitty
What's wrong with that?! He looked like a cute girl, and I had already danced with him and had my hands all over him. I couldn't just say nah.
I want to do that now...
and I don't mean watch the link
I guess.
I suppose you wouldn't have done it had it been one of those flat-faced ultra-slant chineses.
Anyway, I gotta eat dinner.
Just so you can deny this homosex with Rin later.
The first one with the ship girl wasn't in the "back problem" territory.
Pretty much all steel prior to the modern age was generally shitty and entire guesswork of carbon content.
Damascus was pretty much the only area to have near perfect carbon content in their steel.
I'll happily participate
Drunk just makes me more active
Later gayboy