The thread in the catalog is locked because it was made when the other one was up, so making a new.
Here's the run down:
Discussion, opinions, we wuz mafiosos and shiiiet.
The thread in the catalog is locked because it was made when the other one was up, so making a new.
Here's the run down:
Discussion, opinions, we wuz mafiosos and shiiiet.
Doo doo
Pee pee
It'll be a bad game.
New gameplay footage
GOTY, tbh.-IGN
I recently played this and it depressed me because I realized people could write stories this well with a team of ten Japs and a budget of rice bags back in the 90s.
Mafia is going to be nothing but halfassed edge because developers are still so scared of reviewers that they will never grow the nads to speak up about the issues.
Every single thing about this shitpile screams compromise. His Tiger Woods skin and white dude face. The "kinda shitty, kinda not" New Orleans. The gameplay is copy paste from every other TPS you've ever played.
Whoops, forgot my weeb shit.
Did anything uncover hidden QUALITY? It looked decent in the gameplay demo I caught recently, but I was also piss drunk.
the thing that depresses me the most is that the first game had an awesome story portraying the "career" of a mafioso, the relations with the Don and the rest of the family, the various jobs and competition with rival families and police, and the conscience of the main character battling with his fears and desire for a better life. All written by a group of slavs in early 00's in a country with no game dev tradition. And then you get these fucks with a big budget, a successful IP, and so many better games to learn from, and they shit out something like this
I remember that webm with the grenade. Beyond that I have not watched a single thing about this
Fucking this
Was this supposed to be Hotline Miami 3 before it was retooled into Mafia 3?
Now, I sure as hell didn't like Mafia 2, but I can at least appreciate it, but this is just shit.
I cringed. How pathetic.
Game written by a gay nigger, made by a white, numale cuck, and funded by a Jew.
You can't make this shit up.
Behold the power of diversity physics!
The story was excellent but the world and the attention to detail is what really stuck with me, especially the guns and the vehicles. Reminder that this game came out around the time vice city came out and has details that you wont find in gta V. Take car damage for example, not only could you flatten the tires but you could puncture the gas tank causing the fuel to leak out and leave the car out of gas, or damage the gear box so the car wouldn't go up to full speed. You could really tell the devs cared about their game and put a lot of effort into it.
Then theres the II. Dont get me wrong, I loved the game but what we got wasn't even 1/4 of what was supposed to be in the game. Seriously read the cuttingroom floor page, its fucking depressing. The first time I read that shit I wanted to cry. That said this is where the series death really started, not only because it was unfinished but because it invited in the legion of fags who think mafia is a sandbox game and whined on and on that there was nothing to do in the world.
III is the product of that, and as such was doomed from the start to be shit. Not only are the original devs long gone but they hired a bunch of no names that never made a game before to turn it into a clone godfather II with batman vision and one button takedowns. The deliberately paced and nuanced story gives way to a lazy revenge story to bookend action set pieces GoW style shooting galleries. This shit is Mafia in name alone. This series is fucked sideways and you can thank 2k solely for that.
Absolute idiocy.
Who's gonna break the news to them?
All of his fucking characters are Gokus and Bulmas, fuck.
someone has the slowed down version?
And boy does ti show. Every preview video of the game is littered with bugs, stiff animations, broken physics, retarded AI, takedowns that don't align properly with the models, teleporting to play the animations, etc.
The cherry on top is the fact the game was solely made to push an agenda, and if I was more tinfoil I'd speculate they chose Mafia specifically because of Varva's comments. The guy clearly made Mafia with love, and these subhumans shit on his legacy.
Niggers could give less of a shit. Hell, it's not even the Jew's fault since they weren't the ones selling blacks into slavery to begin it, it was the negro kangz that set up the slave trade. Jews, white and Arabs merely stumbled upon it.
If anything modern niggers who still think they are entitled to muh reparations and thus don't want to work or even just study, are the ones with a privilege. They are currently free to be subhumans and still expect the government to send them checks. Shouldn't they be protesting this game because Brownie McMulatto is acting white? If it weren't for double standards, leftists wouldn't have any standards at all.
15 Jewish slave trade ships out of how many?
The politically correct term is welfare.
I honestly can't wait until it, Watch Dogs 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda bomb. It's gonna be awesome mining all the salt.
You know what the possibly greatest saltmine in the current year +2 of our lord will be? The new fucking Harry Potter movies.
What's with the fake nerds' obsession with Star Wars?
I always found the movies boring and the setting was never too interesting.
It still doesn't explain why Mr. Schmuck Average Joe whose grandparents arrived in the 1920's feel like they owe the giant blob of black people a fucking thing.
Wew, did rowling write more harry potter books or are these standalone?
I think it's standalone shit, I'm not a Potterfag and I don't give enough of a shit to investigate.
Who fucking cares? Mafia 2 was one of the worst games ever made.
Wait, what?
It's specifically because they got all their ideas of what a nerd is from the Big Bang Theory.
They'll say they were always fans of Star Wars and Star Trek, they'll pretend playing Halo makes them nerds, they'll spout shitty Spock quotes and talk about their Alienware PCs, but ask them about anything even remotely nerdish, in the reals sense of the word, and watch them fumble around like headless chicken.
Most of them don't even know Star Wars had an extensive EU.
ok I want to wake up now
Fantastic Beasts and magical whateverthefuckery.
Like what? Genuinely curious, not being argumentative.
It'll keep being made regardless. They don't really "learn" from progressive pandering projects bombing nor stop doing it because they simply don't care. "Sticking it to white men" matters more than even money to genuine bigots.
There are worse, you can't be serious. The graphics were OK and the soundtrack was good
Ask them about tabletops for example, or mention the fact that the Fallout franchise didn't begin with 3, or that Doom is a thing, tell them about Dwarf Fortress or rougelikes, the origins of RPGs.
Basically, ask them about anything that you'd consider basic knowledgeable to navigate Holla Forums or /tg/ and watch their eyes glaze over.
These people aren't nerds, they're hipsters that dress like nerds and talk about "nerd" things, but only kosher ones that won't make them look creepy in front of their peers.
At least we'll get a good laugh out of it, and whoever is left with a shred of sanity in the industry will learn from their perpetual mistakes.
I said one of the worst, not THE worst. The story was bullshit and the gameplay was mediocre at best.
Thanks for answering me m8. I agree with ye
You can read the Gameinformer article titled "Fight the Power" (I shit you not) and the devs are positively dripping with their hatred of the white mafia. After that I looked up where these new hacks were located at and it's outside San Francisco. I knew immediately at that moment this game was going to be shit, and I've waited for a good while too be able to watch it burn. Next will be Watch Dogs 2, if the normalfags aren't retarded and do not agree to fight Not Trump and for social justice.
Satan, I have trouble finding any good reason not to sink San Francisco into the ocean.
Am I wrong?
Tumblr art is so god damn generic. It's like everyone who uses that shitbox site homogenizes into one shitty untalented hack.
I hope these AAA companies become more diverse so they eventually implode and get a much needed dose of reality.
Leftists do have a talent for conforming, it's why they don't need a conspiracy to all scheme in the same direction, once a narrative catches on they all quickly fall in line like the brainwashed drones they are.
There is not a single original thought among them, hence why tumblr is so successful, it's a site wholly based around "reblogging" and aping each other's art.
Diversity basically means getting rid of all the white men. Pic related are the developers of Watch Dogs 2, they fill me with confidence that the game will be a runaway success.
Mafia III threads = Holla Forumss enclave
what's the point? people will forget about it 2 months afte release
Holla Forums of all boards should know the threat that post-modernist(sjw's) ideology poses to fun, Surely?!
Remember goyim
2004 game has black protagonist
2016 game has black protagonist
What happened to Holla Forums?
No use user. You cannot argue with someone who has been brainwashed to parrot shit out that they don't even comprehend.
This post pretty much sums it up. Being a "nerd" never became cool, being a fake nerd did. The amount of cunts I've met with Triforce tattoos that know absolutely nothing about The Legend of Zelda is incredible.
It'll take 4 days for the game to come out, who's expecting a massive day one patch or lackluster reviews on release?
aside from this game, what other games can i kill KKK members?
Holla Forums grew up and stopped buying the diversity proaganda forced down their throats in their teenage years.
To be fair what exactly are you expecting from a board that is predominantly populated by Holla Forums and socio-politically minded Holla Forumsirgins that fled cuckchan?
I hate to say it but maybe 4chan really would be the better choice for you.
GTA San Andreas was a genuine good game CJ was a likeable character with depth and motivations the game was great. Fastforward to 2015 GTA V's Franklin is boring as shit even his ghetto friend Lamar Davis is more interesting, Franklin only cares about "Muh Paper" " Muh fat stacks of paper"
Also SJW's made everything about identity politics.So you either fight it or you sit the hell down and shut the hell up.On top of everything there is a actual assault taking place on the very foundations of western civilization right now.
Anyone with even slightly brown skin knows that they can simply push the "Racist card" for resource extraction from white people and absolved of any wrong doing by guilting white people and it's actually creating genuine racists because of this "guilting abuse".
Reminder that Holla Forums doesn't care about the actual quality of anything, only its potential as propaganda for their own ideals.
..his job title is actually 'Senior Black Writer'?
How egotistical can these people be?
Makes me wonder what will happen to that new Hangar 13 studio if the game tanks. Maybe he'll have a full on sperg-style meltdown about how people weren't ready for such a diverse game and didn't understand it, etc, etc, etc.
>mfw I applied at this place years ago and never got called back
GTA IV has plenty of details you won't find in GTA V
Same with San Andreas
Upon retrospect, it is shit, user. Face it.
They are americans
Nigger americans on top of it
What the protection of classical western liberalism???. Like the ability to not believe in a god and not be horse whipped by the local shaman or perhaps the ability to excise radical new ideas and not cling to superstitious concepts.
Yeah those stupid Holla Forumslacks really are stupid for not want militantly aggressive cultures which don't care about free speech and low IQ individuals to overrun the west.
But all of that is true, user.
Aside from some particularly awful missions, GTA:SA was great and CJ was a solid main character.
Mafia 3 looks to be a pile of anti-establishment shit written by a black guy with a huge chip on his shoulder. Reminds me of that cunt Manveer at Bioware. Good thing the mass market doesn't care about their shitty politics and both of those studios aren't long for this world.
This guy is scraping Spike Lee levels of 'The black man has always been a slave in the US, but only I'm smart enough to see it!'
The fucking guy should write a book called 'How to Alienate Your Audience and Go Out of Business.' 2K would be more than happy to publish it, lel.
Well, they had to find some way to fill the diversity quota.
Not based on actual credentials, of course, but by creating a bullshit job
More than Leftist apparently!
In Holla Forumsspeak, people with opinions contrary to yours should be called a [boogeyman of the day, i.e goons, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or most recently, CTR] shill.
I didnt need to see anything else
Its crap
Neither does, the mdoern takes i mean
Holla Forums was about voicing the political incorrect ideas from every party, not the western ideals they try to push these days
Which are okay (the ideals i mean), and i agree with them, but it seems there has been an agenda from the mods and the newly integrated madmen to shut down any talk regarding to anything else not from that line, much like Holla Forums shuts down anything regarding that too
There's has been some funky dealings in that regard, and they turned themselves in the villains they hated so much
Of course their eternal shitpost ordeal cannot let them see that, much less when mods rile them up and call for reinforcements, including literal Redditors
A damn shame, because Holla Forums was one of the best boards in imageboard history, that if we take into account /n/, /new/ and 4chon's /new/
"citation needed"
The Irony is that Holla Forums is the new revolutionaries while "left" is very much the Establishment which is actively engaged in censorship. Leftists hate the fact that they are the New Authoritarian dictatorship which they fought against now Holla Forums is calling them out about it and the "left" absolutely hates it.
This is what happens when parents let their children eat paint chips.
He's a wigger being pushed as your regular nigger, and the usual suspects for a supporting cast are antagonists first and foremost because "muh justice"
Oh come on you retard, anyone who has posted there for more than 2 weeks knows mods publicly ban shills, but also ban under the table unpopular opinions
Check the ban listing, that kampy weedsmoking shitskin does a mess everytime a thread about anything other than white politics appear
They turned the place into a hugbox and throwing the leftists out of the car was a big mistake, first because you cannot argument with them about how wrong their are, thus creating a big refugee for retards, and second because people lost the knack for argumenting + digging history, everyone on Holla Forums searched their shit, right now most users are some lazy cunts, very few users do their job and citing when argumenting, that you can see as clear as water, non Flint water of course
The rest you said i agree completely, but they have always been cunts since Marx appeared
nico bellic is the best gta protag m8
"citation needed"
Don't play me fool, No "citation" No argument. Anecdotal evidence isn't an argument.
you guys dont have nothing better to do than throw shit at niggers on a video game board? that's what all you did in the last thread
about Holla Forums, they just feed themselves whit information that supports their views, they are not interested on information unrelated to their views or that opposes them, that is whyt those "patricians" dont get into board of actual discussion like /his/, /sci/ and you could consider /g/, they just regurgitate information whit only the conclusions compressed into images, they love graphs and maps (it would pretty easy to corrupt statistical data and put them into graps in order to manipulate them), they love to talk about IQ, but too few know about the test itself, as an example.
Every time I watch this I notice even more idiotic shit. So far my list includes:
the southern union did nothing wrong
They are infected with a parasite. Their disease is called toxoplasmosis.
This parasite changes behavior: It dumbs you down, makes you gay and removes your sense of danger, so it can spread easily.
Infected are not able to understand arguments. The only way to solve the problem is to single out those parasite carriers and quarantine them.
I bet you the main character is going to kill that fat guy from Mafia 2 just like how the main character in 2 killed the Mafia 1 protagonist.
It's probably going to be something stupid, like they'll make him say racist things before he dies in an attempt to make the player hate him for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE.
what is that?
We might as well not argument anything, in an imageboard the vast majority of things are anecdotal due to its anonymous and ephemerous nature
But OK, i give dice, you can check mods being eternally assravaged here
Yes, i agree most of the comments are retarded, but why ban them? you know we read even more retarded stuff sometimes that get quickly rebutted by an informed fellow, but they dont get banned because they are some batshit insane nordicist theory or an accusation about how Australians are just chinks and yugo immigrants, something the mods love to eat everyday. Just dont call America a mixing cesspool of shit or how nordics weren't that good due to their lack of a decent empire apart from the germanics fellows
What about playing as a kkk member?
Correct The Record.
Nice Hitler dubs.
This. Fucking this. Everyones a fucking mega fan of Star Wars until you mention Dash Rendar, Kyle Katarn, Mira Jade or any fucking Star Wars thing that didn't have to do with the movies.
Fuck them, they ruined Star Wars.
Posing as a nerd is trendy, being a nerd is not. There is a massive infestation of know-nothing posers in anything "nerd/geek" right now. Posers have existed in many subcultures & are more interested in gaining attention + social capital than the actual subject matter. It is a host-parasite relationship, in no way is it symbiotic & the host certainly does not retain it's condition prior to the infestation.
got a name?
You make interesting points which I'll have to consider and I'm in total agreement with you on the diversity of ideas especially in a total free speech zone.
The other two things I can see being said yes, but where the fuck do you get this little bit? Who the fuck is saying that in relation to video games?
It's going to be real awkward when modders make it so you can play as a KKK model and gun down the other nogs.
am I missing something or this is REALLY appealing to the common normalfag, all this in your face racial commentary is just off-putting, even when I disregard the side I am on
As if this gamelike any other AAA game in this year are moddable.
[insert ban pic with obvious bait thread as "proof"]
yeah yeah, heard it all before.
Speaking of anti-modding, do we know about the DRM for Mafia 3? Are they going full Denuvo? Maybe always online?
I can't wait for the 7th to see what a pile of shit this game is.
Feels like a classic case of 99% of a game studio wanting to make a game but 1% with some sort of inexplicable influence deciding to make it their personal political soapbox.
He's not wrong tho. I've been ban for using sarcasm on autistic skinheads despite the fact i actually support them a huge number of issues.
Holla Forums needs to clean house and actually allow the market place of idea dominate,The weak ideas will fall and if fascism is such a strong ideology it'll stand up simple as that.
None of this banning Holla Forums it makes Holla Forums no different from them.
Buddy i have no problem with that in particular, my problem is that they are implying they are not doing that (like a jew) and using badly the board's name (like the jews)
You, our we because i heavily browse there since our first days + /new/ days, proclaim the board to be a very different thing from what it was
And here's your pics , check the listing and you will find all the proof you want. Check it with a firm head, or with your Holla Forums context, and tell me that is cool from a board once known for its total liberty of speech that wasn't random either
Are you telling me that people actually liked San Andreas? That game was a pile of shit even when it launched. Added so many mechanics that didn't mesh with the overall design. Fell into the same trap of bigger world, better game.
Vice City was the best GTA up to that point and San Andreas was the turning point where the lost the direction of where they were headed.
trashman.tif, seriously why give it any further attention
here, after prejudging this game I thought I would check out the thread and see if I'm wrong.
As you can see, I was not.
Shitposting is a bannable offense.
While i have to say he did shitpost, we can find a lot more shitposts close to that but dont even get a warning, why?
Because he was banned for shitposting AGAINST the main idea (our good ol Fascism), not because of the shitpost itself. If that were the case, almost all memetic warfare shit and kek stuff along with the italian song would be banned too
Not, it's not. It is when it flames the mods
Shit posting and trolling is a way of life man. If you can't laugh at a clearly troll post then i've got some bad news my friend
I lurk Holla Forums on occasion and it baffles me how so many people there take the most obvious sarcasm dead seriously.
Looks more like a sarcastic response.
That's cancer especially considering what people view as shitposting is a largely subjective affair. Even worse for a community that can't discern sarcasm.
It is. Especially when you're whining about the mods like a cunt.
Never forget who was there for you when everything went to shit. Remove CTR.
I don't fully understand your argument, friendo
It seems to me that you cannot make a post without showing your dislike about the facts
Neither did he or me whine about mods in our demostration of shitpost comparatives, him with his joos shitpost or me with the ban listing showing a bunch of disgruntled users who simply show an opinion, ignorant but an opinion nonetheless
You sure showed me with that gif m8, bonus points for being from an era with the shining WT Snacks, a man who knew how to clean things, and who didnt hide the fact he banned things he didnt like, as per the rules of the random board clearly showed, unlike the currently fake bravado of our current degenerate mods back in Holla Forums
Not every board is Holla Forums. Do not confuse every board's rules with that of Holla Forums.
Then you're not complaining about the mods.
seems legit
Wait a miinnute
Oh shit this is a hostage saving mission
Good thing the thug next to him was a solid steel wall
They're not even trying to hide it anymore. I hope this turd bombs harder than Stillborn.
No, you claimed a ban was especially more deserved when the shitpost was about whining about the mods.
None of us did that, but we are whining about their putrid work due to their mischiveous image and overall shitting what was once one of the best boards.
It still is a competent board, but no way near /new/ or even the fresh out of the boat Holla Forums we had here back in Fall/Winter 2014. Its quality also very heavily depends on the bunch of happenings there has been since a year ago. You cut that out and you are left with quite shitty threads with failed discussion, kek/dubposting erradicating any kind of advance and derailing almost any thread due to ex-/r9k/ madmen and Reddit expatriates spilling their meme folders
Of course, a nigger wouldn't know how to save hostages anyway, since the idea of taking someone hostage is on a higher thinking level than they are capable of
you got it
You completely deserved to get gassed, you insufferable faggot.
To be fair i wouldn't blame the game for the input and choices of the person playing in the webm.
stay on cuckchan with your guerilla advertisement
Why did they do that anyways? In most games it seems like that would result in an "Innocent killed! Restart at checkpoint". Neither option is really great but it just feels weird thanks to poor animations
That's so fucking weird. Some chairs move, some don't, some NPCs have canned dying animations, some don't, the plant doesn't break until well after the explosion..
I really hope we get a Disasterpiece Theater video for Mafia III like we did for Watch Dogs.
You literally stole this from 4chan you fucking faggot.
And the 2004 game was GTA SA which didn't market itself as some progressive bullshit.
that third wemb
Shitposting is a bannable offense. Despite Holla Forums being full of it, that doesnt mean you can carry over that style here or anywhere else, without expecting to get banned.
I was agreeing with you, and using that set a scale, on top of that, you dumb cunt.
It just shows you the people making games don't know shit about playing video games
Exactly, it wasn't some big take down "the man" type message. You were just a nigga in the hood trying to claim turf and stack paper
You agree like a shitpost, bet you would be banned if the weed turk checked your post
4chon showed what happens when you don't lift a finger to shills. It's dead for a reason.
but the 4chan one was posted at a later date
It doesn't matter. The Nerd/Jock dichotomy was always just a away to portray Jews as heroic in American media.
It reeks of late Soviet desperation.
Yes, because m00t created Holla Forums as a /new/sman apology and almost everyone on chon mirated there again
Those who stayed created a chaotic meme den kinda like late /sp/, that i won't deny, it was a mess, but it was a tiny minority along with 100% confirmed israeli shitposters who guided the madness
But don't be fooled, it died because everyone went to Holla Forums, and identifying a shill depends on the one with the power. If they are mad, they might as well ban common users more often than the real shills
I love these shitty Ugandan movies.
Is this a raid or why are so many autistic leftard trolls from Holla Forums here to shitpost? Or maybe it's just two guys changing IP's and reposting the same old b8 images they've used dozens of times before.
If those commie welfare leeches actually had a fulltime job, you'd see 80% of the shitposting on Holla Forums disappear.
Kill all kikes and kike puppets.
How madly are you spamming the report button right about now?
I'd find it hard to believe that most people aren't aware of at least… some of the EU just through the games.
Guys like Kyle Katarn and Revan are super easy to get familiar with.
well, most of the time they're using a VPN that the mods want banned. Check it out sometime, there are like a hundred VPN nodes banned with the same copypasta ban notice.
i love Holla Forums, it's my home, but the mods are compromised. you won't find many of us defending the mods.
pretty much. that coonrune "I'm cryin fam" emoji trump picture gets used a lot, in particular.
It was my home too until some weeks ago (still go daily, but Holla Forums is my main hub)
And no, there is indeed a shitload of users defending them, and making that echochamber worse than before, because any claim against the state of the board will get you branded a shill, CTR men, kike, etc. A public attack on the mods will get you more flame in the thread, and a certain ban.
It's not like here when we attacked Mark the jew, you could see his croonies coming from the rocks to attack you and post in a bizarre way, but a good bunch of us went to his gut.
There, where the users are more vocal, they will only attack the claimer, that means the silent ones don't care or are scared of a ban. That's ridicolous for a board who fights for people to see the current injustice
And you can see a bunch of whiners worse than me in plenty of /new/ copycat boards. Mods have done a horrific job at trying to manage a general political incorrect board, where you can get banned for being politically incorrect against their personal ideas
Sage because i have no info on Mafia 3 other than no reviewer copies other than shill ones on Twitch
Another game that will be forgotten once the shock marketing dies out.
if only this was the real game instead
This shit right here is the worst
I want Charles Webb to fuck my wife.
Funny thing is they were probably hoping that most would like the rebels and jedi and whatnot. Even since I was a little kid and saw those movies for the first time I have always loved the Empire WAY more than the rebels.
The thing that amazes me is how they never fucking learn. I can understand the devs being complete fuckwits since the studio seems to be filled with niggers and numale cucks, but why the fuck does the publisher finance shit like this?
EA, for example, is still going with their gay pandering agenda. Why? It never made them any fucking money, no amount of cocksucking from the gaming press ever increased sales. GTAV goes out of its way to shit on everyone and it sold like hotcakes.
That tends to happen more often than not. Bandai has been trying to dissuade people from cheering for Zeon for years before they eventually gave up.
There's some part of our lizard brain that responds positively to men in parade formations, dressed in cool uniforms, flexing their military muscle.
Probably why I like Storm troopers so much.
I'm going to have this playing at the Gitmo torture chambers.
It gets even better.
And the cheery on top:
>Early on, we decided that everything Lincoln does either furthers his quest to take down the Italian mob or build up his own criminal family. So, while you can take over prostitution rackets in the city, Lincoln doesn’t have the time or desire to partake
Game is basically cucking the nigger. I am actually amazed they missed out on the chance to have a negro pimp out white women and muh dik them himself.
Blame the developers for making such a shit game someone can escape unhaarmed from a grenade blast, as well as the horrible death animations resulting from it. Why are millenials so shit at game development?
It'll be in the most hamfisted manner possible.
Angrynig Mcmafia3 shoots him in the head with a gold desert eagle and has unprotected interracial barnyard sex with a underage white girl while C.K Louis watches on approvingly.
Original source, right here.
Nice pics though - saved.
By the way the 2nd image is false, the first slave owner wasn't a nigger.
The image's been debunked several times.
But the jewish ships seems good (also has a citation).
In all seriousness - kill yourselves.
Normally I let stupid bullshit like this go uncontested because I can't be fucking bothered.
But this shit needs to stop
I bet you think it's poised to create your perfect zombie apocalypse paradise too.
He's making a comparison, captain dipshit.
God damn it, Mark, you fucking Jewish turd. Console wars are banned, but Holla Forums wars are not? Fuck you and "muh free speech" meme.
So is this shit on Denuvo or what?
Welcome to germany since the 70s.
That image is like A Wyatt Mann cartoons.
hurr hurr go bek to Holla Forums cuck cuck cuck xddddd
Good job, you are mentally retarded.
Yeah but this isn't "most games". You think the diversity quota studio which is developing this knows fuck all about how games should work?
The thread started with we wuz and hol up
This "normal thinking" sure does look fucking gay.
these people are the most special.
I wouldn't be so sure.
At the end you'll always find a jew waiting for his return and if he doesn't get any , he will start to look at the cause of it.
And no reality bending and wishing can change the reality that shit like that simply doesn't sell, no matter what focus groups and "experts" say.
Cold hard coin should, in time, fuck those pandering parasites harder than anything else.
shm fam
shm vigorously fam
first battlefield 1, now this.
what is this shit
better question is why are you preodering games in current year?
it's true. Even without the WUZ these games would still be horrible and not worth any attention.
Who says I'm preordering these shitty games?
I learned my lesson at battlefield 3
Have some copy-pasta:
If you think jews & kosher puppets will stop making propaganda because they're losing money you're unfortunately mistaken. Another example is Huffpost hasn't earned a profit in years yet continues to exist. Again, the propaganda matters more. I believe it's their fathomless hatred toward white male created/led western civilization & immense degeneracy that fuels illogical profit losses just to push a "message".
Thats weird, so it has two less features than GTA3? For the push on all the fancy graphics it really seems to have done a lot more bad than good.
I enjoy them being oblivious
Oyy Veeey, classical art and beauty standards don't exist goy
The nigger "scientist" in XCOM 2 is a joke which breaks my suspension of disbelief every time.
He is voiced by a nigger, who can't even into proper English and has trouble reading his lines, while trying to sound like a smart guy.
You are the niggers user.
And you just know he's there, specifically as the smart scientist, because of leftist ideology pushing.
I think you only liked it because the black guy acted liek the stereotype, and in your polarized mind, no black man can act outside of your paradigm.
Who would have thought years of openly anti-white racism condoned by the media and government would lead to a negative change in attitudes towards diversity?
White people didn't shoot first. The very fact that everyone was fine with a black protagonist in 2004 shows the average white person was open to the idea of diversity.
Guess who fucked it up?
The cry of the defeated drone who failed at spreading discord. This "argument" is extremely popular on faceberg kosher/leftyst groups and other (((communities))) were being the victim in the eyes of the web is most profitable.
Oh boy, most the people who hate Holla Forums are old Holla Forumsacks disgusted by the hugbox its become.
No. It was merely a novel experience to be a hood rat. No one related to him at all.
This it was just fun to run around as a nigger and do niggerish things.
The difference is back then a black character was a black character, where now its a black Savant Mary Sue.
I think has the right of it. People have gotten tired of diversity, the left has made it impossible to ignore the race and/or gender of the character and things will keep getting more radical.
I personally welcome this, I am beyond fatigued with all the "real womyn" and "noble people of color" the media keep shitting in my face and want nothing to do with any of it.
Niggers and women want representation? They can go and make their own fucking games, watch them sell like shit and get the fuck out of the industry. They have done nothing but bring vidya down from the moment they joined.
The politics is only one thing fucking it.
The originals were designed as mafia movies that let you play the action. This is standard ubishit where you're a superhero with a million objectives and all that.
Holla Forums here currently playing The Binding of Isaac, replaying Dark Souls PtD and trying to make my way through Haydee.
Here is a screenshot of an emission at the Generators during my Monolith run through CoC a few months back.
You can shut up now.
Worst part is its never actual niggers doing this shit.
Its either
You never see a BIX NOOD MUH DICK negro talking about equal representation because for 12 years of his child hood he has been watching a nip with a monkey tail beat the fuck out of aliens.
You don't see hood rats doing this because they're all dead or in jail by the age of 25, and because they lack the IQ points to learn to speak and write English properly, let alone program.
Not that it changes anything, I don't want diversity, I don't want inclusivity, I don't want tolerance. I want an industry that finally remembers who their real demographic is an starts making products aimed at them.
That's what happens when you spend them all on double jump.
I wonder if the Japanese say the same thing about us.
Jap claiming to prefer Japs in their entertainment would be like a European claiming they prefer Europeans while almost exclusively featuring niggers.
Do you not know what the Japanese are?
Judging by skull shape, the Amon are at least partially descended from very early Europeans. The more you look at it, the more it becomes clear that they are an entirely different race from the protochinese that overran the island during the ice age land bridge.
Take a look at their beards, first of all. Chinese are low testosterone and the best most can do is thin pubs-like peach fuzz around their cheeks. The Ainu, however, show absolutely no problem growing full imam-style, terrorist-tier beards. Another thing muse on–creativity. Other east asians are renown for their lack of creativity. This is because creativity is correlated with high intelligence and high testosterone, which they lack (if you even think about citing publicized Chinese claims of IQ averaging in the 110s, I’ll just laugh in your face). If you look at only scientific Nobel Prizes per capita, you will see that Japan dominates the rest of the countries in the region.
Japan produces 1.659 science laureates per 10 million people. Taiwan is next in Asia with 0.428, above China’s ratio of 0.036–a ratio, by the way, which is lower than even India’s, 0.046. Even Hong Kong, which is filled with millionaires and cream of the crop Chinese, has only 1.372. Japan’s ingenuity is so far out of the mongoloid league that it is beating lower-tier European countries such as Poland (1.295), Russia (1.115), Belarus (1.053), Romania (1.025), Portugal (0.966), Spain (0.434), and Ukraine (0.223), and is just below Italy’s ratio of 2.174.
Koreans weren’t even mentioned above because they have yet to earn even one prize in science, despite students there having the most rigorous education in the world, having to study from sunrise to sunset, Monday to Saturday. How could Japan be so ingenious if they are descended from the Koreans, if not for the admixture of a superior indigenous race?
The character of Jōmon peoples is also similar to that of whites.
“The people of Ainu, meek, humble, good-natured, trusting, polite, sociable, respecting property, hunting-bold. The belief in friendship and generosity, selflessness, honesty–their usual quality. They are truthful and do not tolerate cheating.”
– Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
This is the polar opposite of the slimy, nasty, and deceptive nature of Chinese, who brutally massacred them in their own homeland and assimilated the remainder by force. Although very few pure Jōmon remain, they have left a huge cultural impact, including the honor suicide. Japanese culture is greatly enriched by its northern rival. Traditional Japanese religion–Shinto–reveals the obvious Ainu roots; Ainu origin of the ritual of seppuku and complex valor “bushido.” The representatives of the privileged class of samurai in Japan are actually descendants of the Ainu (and we all show samurai exclusively Mongoloid type).
Despite the arbitrariness of some merchants and Cossacks, the Ainu (including edzoskie) looking at the Russian defense against the Japanese. Perhaps eyed bearded Ainu saw people who came to them natural allies, so sharply different from those of living around the Mongoloid tribes and peoples. After all, resemblance of our explorers and the Ainu was just amazing. It even fooled the Japanese. In their first reports Russian referred to as “red Ainu.”
Japanese are a mixed race. They were formed by the merging of two races: the Yayoi and the Jōmon. Yayoi were more typical mongoloid, probably closely related to Chinese. Jōmon were curiously similar to Europeans. The Japanese ability to grow facial hair, unlike most mongoloids, comes from them.
These different characteristics surface differently in Japanese people, which is why some Japanese look overtly mongoloid (Yayoi characteristics) and others look almost European (Jōmon characteristics). Most Japanese are generally Yaoyi.
Jōmon Japanese used to comprise the bulk of Japan’s warrior aristocracy. Today Jōmon features are still prized. You will see, for example, protagonists and generally good people are drawn more Jōmon, which is the reason for the “people in anime look white” confusion. It’s not that they look white, as such, it’s that they are Jōmon. Likewise, thugs, scumbags, and the lower class in general are drawn more Yayoi, looking Chinese.
Hidetoshi Nakata – Yayoi, and Ken Hirai – Jōmon, respectively.
1. Reported for being an obvious shill. No, I won’t tell you how I know.
2. lol no, the mods are shills paid by anti-Holla Forums groups. It’s as far from a hugbox as can be.
We know they do from the Star Ocean debacle. Neither them, or us, like it when Japanese publishers decide to shit up their product for a "wider Western appeal".
The difference is that the Japanese have no inhibitions in reminding the industry (vidya, anime, manga, etc.) who pays their paycheck.
I wish I wasn't this lazy to dig through my image folder and find an user's account of what happens when some fuckwit decides to mess with his audience over in Japan, but I do remember a distinct example.
Kannagi is a shitty, generic harem manga/anime, but that's besides the point for this story. These kind of stories are made with a specific audience in mind, and the audience has specific expectations in this regard. The publisher knows this, the author knows this, the audience know this.
But the author decided she was gonna be a dumb cunt for whatever reason and implied the main heroine had a previous boyfriend and wasn't pure anymore. Cue shitstorm. Death threats sent to her, merchandise (the main source of income) either dropped in front of the publisher's doorsteps or otakus making videos of them burning that shit in protest. Publishers then scrambles to fix this and apologizes to the audience.
That's how you get the industry to remember who puts their food on the table. Wish people in the West had enough balls to do something like this.
And even still, not seeing light eyes or hair.
This is how pathetic liberals actually are.
Die in a fire, faggot. Your industry was destroyed by you not listening to Holla Forums.
leftypol, everyone.
You don’t seem to comprehend what was written, so stay out of the discussion.
Holy fuck nigger, Nips are descended from the exploration missions that Emperor Qin sent for the secret of immortality.
Like holy fuck nigger you lack any self-awareness.
Oh shit, you are some Holla Forums shitposter.
Fucked up on reply
Meant for
Stop feeding it you fucking retards.
Just fuck off if you can't handle the bantz you whiny cunt
I'm positive you're a shill, or a dumb spic whom forces himself to be around what you call 'whites' in order to feel better about yourself.
As do all of your kind does, hence why 4chan went to shit, too many non-whites running about not understanding what the fuck is going on, shitting where they eat and so forth.
Look at you, you have so many grammatical errors and typos, it makes me wonder if you're mentally deficient, or just a typical shitskin whom can't fucking spell.
Look I made a poem about how retarded you are.
Do you rike it?
All these non points
You only need to use (((REDDIT MEME))) and it would be golden.
What does browsing pol and playing video games have to do with each other?
To give a quick rundown, before the election cycle and Trump announcing his candidacy, videogames were considered degenerate.
Now that Trump is swelled because of election hype, and Europe becoming a Caliphate they have started cross posting and would like everyone to forget that they were screaming degenerate at anyone for liking vidya.
Not that they actually like vidya, they just use it as a way to shoehorn their politics, as if anything they posted the majority of the board doesn't already agree with.
When you first see them you think its just a Holla Forums thread, then you go in it and its infodumps of shit filled with Holla Forums newfags screaming shill at anyone who disagrees and reporting their reports.
Its like the Holla Forums crossover posting of 2007-8
Reddit spacing? The fuck are you talking about? over here did the same thing I did, I don't see you trying to make some half ass attempt at claiming he's now from 'reddit' because of how he's properly formatting his post.
Sorry to say kid, but it's clear you're not from around here, especially if you made the conclusion to per-emptively jump the gun assuming your little tactic of projecting where you dragged your faggot shit-skinned ass from onto those whom are making you 'uncomfortable' isn't going to work, and it never has, episodically here.
I think you should head on back 4chan, it's where all you ugly, autistic, childish non-whites like to mill about pretending you're 'white' cause you're dancing upon hallowed ground that used to be 'white'.
You claim there are "non-points" too, but you don't take the time to refute said points? To list said points?
What's your ethnicity and country of origin?
Got any screencaps left nigger?
How nu are u, that you don't understand what I'm talking about.
You say after not understanding what I meant by reddit spacing.
What's next you're going to unsheath your katana?
Careful kid may cut yourself on that edge
You honestly sound like an edgy kids on steam.
Also I'm white, half german and in America.
Sure now coming up edgy steam cancer.
Wow you're a dumb motherfucker.
Do you not know how imageboards work? Let alone internet communities as a whole? Do you actually think that each board is supposed to be it's own fucking enclave, with strict population rules in terms of you can only like one thing kinda bullshit.
I mean yes, I understand that the simpletons, autsitic man-children and non-whites abide by this rule because to them, being 'loyal' to one board is the only thing they have since they have no culture to be proud of, no real ethnicity to call their own, let alone anything to be proud of on a general level.
So, just like politics, they rally and make noise, not because they care, but because they want to see their team color win. Cause that's how people lacking self-awareness view any type of 'conflict'. They view it simply as if it were a game, going as far as to getting violent if their little faggot liberal cuck commie team doesn't win, letting hypocrisy spew around like rancid feces from a broken septic tank.
The people who go to Holla Forums are the SAME people who go to Holla Forums.
Not even the slightest, again, the people who go to Holla Forums are the same people who go to Holla Forums, that being said the people who actually talk about video games, more specifically shit that isn't garbage are the people whom go to Holla Forums whom aren't autistic lefty kike slaves trying to appease their masters, or the idiotic non-white children whom come here because they feel it'll make them superior to their fellow shit-skinned kinsmen.
No one there asks, "Hey guyz whats a good nazi game" Or games about playing as niggers, or games asking about axis powers as good guys.
You're making shit up purely for the fact you have some hidden agenda, but due to having no self-awareness, you come off of as an extremely obvious attempt to try and push this autistic stance of claiming the two communities of Holla Forums and Holla Forums are now apparently two different people, because you are fearful of being ousted from Holla Forums for being a faggot and a shit-skin.
So all you're doing right now is to try and make such a claim so you can remain on Holla Forums and the same time, not be ousted here or on Holla Forums so you can continue getting a paycheck for shit posting, being a shill, being a kike's plaything, etc.
I swear, the more of you retards I see flooding Holla Forums with this bullshit as soon as someone says, "Nigger", or when someone on Holla Forums is complaining about third worlders/non-whites in video games being laggy piece of shits with no ability to actually play, let alone understand the game at hand, there is always that one autistic fuck stain aka you to try and 'rally the troops'.
It's pathetic.
Oh well, at least one good thing I learned today.
Maybe once upon a time but Holla Forums is a fucking hugbox.
Holy fuck do you sound like a edgy highschooler.
Says the nigger claiming I'm a shitskin for posting screencaps that show Holla Forums being a hugbox, and is seemingly unaware how much of an edgy tween he sounds.
The more you post the more you will see of it.
You seem to be incredibly unaware of how cringey and autistic you are, on top of not understanding the worst Holla Forums gets the more Holla Forums will push away because we know cancer when we see it.
Holla Forums can't into bantz though.
All the average Holla Forumsnigger does at the first sign of of discord is autistically shriek about shills and leftypol and then hit report and filter as fast as he can.
Which of course makes your kind mad as fuck as soon as you leave your safespace of Holla Forums and witness other anons voice their opinions unpunished, hence the legend of the allmighty freech-invasion that secretly tries to d/c was born by you retards.
Because it's simply inconceivable to you that someone could think badly of Holla Forums and not be a secret agent of Holla Forums, freech, CTR or whatever boogeyman you have this week.
Again kid, you claim reddit spacing versus the proof I have that the reason why 4chan went to shit was due to the influx of non-whites/shitskins flooding the fucking website, thus becoming the vocal minority and leading to the demise of Holla Forums, and any other semi-popular boards that were literally sacked overnight and turned into husks.
Plus here you are trying to take qoutes from my post, but adding a bunch of 'uhs' and 'ums' to try and play some strange socio-psychological game to try and down-play my intelligence Which won't work, cause it's not only obvious what you were doing by bringing up reddit, when no one was talking about that disgusting pedophilic shithole, but also proves you honestly have no real argument to combat what I've said
ON top of that, you think you're being cute and amusing for using the whole "Uh/Um" shit, when your little nigger in office uses about 300 Ums and about 400 Uhs per minute whenever he's forced to actually think and open his fucking maw.
But I'm sure the irony will just bead on your back and roll off like the quack you are.
Then, you go out of your way to act like an atypical memer thinking this is how people on Holla Forums act, trying to slowly, post by post, assimilate and pretend you're now 'one of us' and in hopes try to get other anons to blindly follow you because you assume, like every other dumb kike/shitskin that rolls through here, that Holla Forums works like some idiotic social media garbage where you can just "pretend" to be on "their" side, and thus garner backup you clearly never had to begin with, because unlike people with self-awareness, you only live in the now, and never fully think or plan out your little shill attempts.
But of course, you believe if you can topple me, that you've essentially 'won the war' and you'll feel better about your non-human clown ass milling about where you simply do not belong.
Plus, posting shitty steam groups have nothing to do with what you and I are discussing, or rather the truth I am talking about when it comes to non-whites destroying 4chan, 4chan's Holla Forums, 4chan's Holla Forums and now destroying Holla Forums slowly and surely, seemingly each day more and more of you dregs fill up the board with bullshit breaking the rules all the damn time, and over all making it a pain to actually peruse the fucking board without having to put you mindless zombies in your place.
Look at you,
No you aren't. 'White' isn't a race, nor is it an ethnicity, Neither is German a race or an ethnicity, it is a nationality.
Plus I don't give a shit if you're in America, being in America means it's more likely you're a dumb spic or kike than actually being someone who's ethnically european.
So again, What is your ethnicity?
No its because you didn't even know what I meant by reddit spacing, which indicates you are new.
Like holy shit nigger this is great, whatever you do don't stop posting.
Did i miss something or when did you post that proof?
And when you point out that Holla Forumsacks go around deliberately sperging and shitposting on other boards they immediately pull out the "No True Scotsman" and claim it's actually some D/C shill pretending to be them. I've seen that shit back in 2011 with /new/, and I see them pulling that shtick again now.
I don't think I've ever seen a single user on this site use the word bantz who isn't a fucking retard.
This, holy fuck absolutely.
They test the waters if they can get away with being double niggers and when they get called out they get someone else to claim it was all a ruse by Holla Forums or the other boogeyman of the week.
You talk about reddit posting, but it seems I've struck enough of a nerve to show your true colors.
You see that thing you're doing right now, yeah THAT thing.
The whole "I'm going to break down your post bit by bit like a child in hopes maybe people will take my seriously, making a bloated post with no substance and misusing the quoting system due to not fully understanding why or what it's there for." thing.
So it's good that we know two things, if not 'three' things about you.
The real kicker is, the fact you willingly just now, in that post ==ALONE== made it obvious you're not from around here, and just the typical emotionally bruised shit-skin upset that neither anons or myself will accept you as 'one of us'.
>on top of not understanding the worst Holla Forums gets the more Holla Forums will push away because we know cancer when we see it.
>the more Holla Forums will push away because we know cancer when we see it.
>we know cancer when we see it.
No one here, and I mean no one uses we like that. Unless you're some dumb shit-skin again which you are, and you instinctively push this hive-mind bullshit cause you shit-skins have no individuality, no personality, no problem solving skills, no soul, no heart, no humanity.
No self-awareness.
Oh and no one here uses the term hugbox either, I should make that clear. Again, your attempts are the weakest I've encountered, you seem to have a lot of pent up aggression when it comes to me calling you out for being a shit-skin.
Guess I must be opening up old wounds.
Wall of text = redditor tbh fam
Also look at all that white space, that's some reddit tier wasting of internet.
You do get the more you sperg out and the more you shitpost the more you convince others that Holla Forums is filled with edgy kids taking retard pills.
That's you fam
Top reddit.
But in all serious can I ask you reddit fags a question?
Why do you sound like you just grabbed words from a Thesaurus and threw it randomly across your posts?
Top kek
Ah there we go, another example of you being a shill,
Pulling the whole, "When did you post the proof shit", literally blocking out anything factual or anything remotely close to the truth, Literally everyone knows what I mean when I say firmly, with fervor and disgust that non-whites are the reason why 4chan fell, why it became infected with stupid fucking forced memes, idiotic beaners trying to post their mom's facebooks trying to jerk off with one another with their faggot mexican generals which ALWAYS ended up with underage beaner kids trying to look at each others dicks, posting social media shit and spamming the board tenfold with such garbage to the point it wasn't even funny anymore.
I can go on about the non-white mods whom started banning people for using nigger like they always had, and of course, for banning the one thing Holla Forums was known for, Nigger Stories.
That happened so early on but it was a warning call for the rest of us. Then came /soc/ with hordes of niggers whom pretended to be 'white' came out into the open begging for attention, this one hideous fat niggress whom was an autistic weeb whom kept drawing herself shitty little avatars spamming on Holla Forums for attention until she was promptly banned for being a legitimate nigger, going as far as to running to other boards, getting banned until /soc/ was created, and she in tern showed the world herself after she kept posting her faggot drawings asking for attention, anons assumed cause her drawings were never colored, that she was some fat chink.
Oh boy were they wrong. Because of her, more niggers came out of the wood work, more spics, more mudslimes and dune coons because now, 4chan was a multicultural place thanks to /soc/.
Before /soc/, spics were around more than their nigger counterparts, even actual spic girls milling about on Holla Forums begging for white dick, etc. I mean literally begging, and I think one guy like 'bought' her or some shit.
Didn't help she was sporting a nigger nose and people questioned her so called 'mexican heritage' due to her claiming the usual spic rhetoric, "Haha I'm 'white' guys, but just a little burnt, mami es meme!".
Thanks to her, more beaner children, more beaner girls came to Holla Forums looking for the same thing, to be accepted as 'white', cause they seem to ignore the act every time that dumb bitch posted, she was banned multiple times, but alas, people fell for the whole TITS or GTFO. She didn't even have large breasts and looked like disgusting brown skinflaps.
Lo and behold, Holla Forums was now filled with a sizable mexican population, along with other beaners.
To the point, whenever someone would mock mexico, or beaner antics cause we did have Beaner Stories along side Nigger Stories on Holla Forums long long time ago, they'd flood the thread as soon as Nigger Stories started turning into Beaner Stories halfway through the thread, but due to being illiterate and taking far too long to read, they'd catch on a bit too late, get emotional and start shit posting.
All in all, from the examples right here, ones that anyone can verify if they weren't fucking underage and have been on 4chan around 2006 and stayed there would know.
Worse part is, when Kojima's Birthday was on Holla Forums around I think 2010/2011, the birthday card made was then trying to be co-opted by all the underage mexican kids, going as far as to posting their facebooks, posting pictures of themselves, and screaming left and right to his facebook, or konami's at the time I cannot remember, demanding that they say it was from Mexico cause 'they' made it, and that it wasn't from Australia.
Then, anons knew that Holla Forums wasn't safe, purely for the fact over a thousand ugly little obese potato looking spics were the cause of 'summer Holla Forums' and other shitposting dilemmas. Literal Twelve year olds, slowly and steady they grew in number, attracted the niggers, sand-niggers/curry niggers, chinks.
It's the main reason why we are here now, and not there.
Oh but yeah, you wouldn't know that cause you're a typical band-wagon shit-skinned moron with the gall assuming he can actually 'take over' Holla Forums that he's 'one of us', especially with the ==WE== shit.
Yeah, no.
Not even me faggot, check ID's
Like holy fuck are you doing this on purpose?
There are worse things than edge, user.
can't wake up
And not one source was posted that day
You have to be doing this on purpose, no one is that retarded.
The non-white mod was on Holla Forums not Holla Forums and Holla Forums was known for a lot more then nigger stories, which was all in all a very small part, most of which weren't even negative about niggers.
You are so out of your element kid.
we have a loony here
So which of you is a nigger? That's not yet confirmed.
← As a test, is the situation in this image appealing to you?
Yeah the nigga above posting a book excerpt and fununists are both the same cancer.
What's wrong with that picture user?
All I see is a romantic date with a Basketball american woman out with the father of her children, ingesting healthy cultural food.
You can tell its romantic from rose.
You're probably a nigger to be honest.
IF you can't read what's being said, then you clearly don't care for what's being discussed or the integrity of Holla Forums as a whole.
Then again you're one of those dumb underage memer shitstains using outdated nigger lingo like "fam" thinking you're hip and cool for doing so, only coming off as a mental midget whom can't understand the usage oft he word family, and why it's autistic to start calling random anonymous individuals 'fam' as if you know them on such a level when you're more than likely a shit-skin.
SO, instead of making excuses as to why you cannot read what is in front of you, instead of typing short-hand like an inbred third-word mud baby, perhaps next time your rebuttal won't be,
Again, what's with these excuses here? Wall of Text, "White Space" when this board is fucking blue, yet I got you incorrectly stating it's 'white space' acting as if that somehow devalues the truth I have presented.
Where's the rebuttal? Where's the argument?
I see you replied to me TWICE, as if you're pretending to be two fucking people, which makes it a little suspicious that you first typed like some illiterate nigger, than change your entire diction and the way you carry yourself in your second post.
You are aware what an ID is right?
Care to enlighten me what that means? I don't understand memer nigger lingo.
What lies. We all know the existence of such a specimen is mere speculation and the product of those cryptozoology kooks.
For all we know negro sows reproduce asexually, like parasites.
user if you noticed there is only a woman in that picture
Dammit double dubs, you are a brilliant troll.
preordered this progressive game, can't wait. We need more games with POC leads.
Maybe the bulls are invisible?
Oh that's a strange coincidence here, we got b6a7b8 trying to pretend he's two different people.
Then I got you, cfbc3a, using the same nigger lingo as if you seemingly forgot what device you're on, and what little persona you were supposed to put on.
Funny how once I put on the pressure, here you are going out of your way to start posting dumb fucking memes instead of actually defending your point of view, as if you truly are some cucked, whipped moron whom clearly is nothing more than another unaware shit-skin being played for a fool.
So it's clear you're posting under two different IDs to try and create backup for yourself cause you realized your in hot shit and can't get paid unless you're able to fully take over the thread.
Plus, no words have I used from a thesaurus, I've used average vocabulary.
You could at least try to point out these 'big bad words' if you're going to be make the absurd claim I'm using a fucking thesaurus, which is only further pushing you truly lack self-awarness.
You still didn't answer me either, What's your ethnicity? Or are you that insecure over the fact I've put you on the burner and you desperate attempts to climb out only result in you burning your hands and feet as you clamor around screaming memes left in right in hopes you'll get 'help'.
Seriously, you seem to be one idiotic clown. You just keep on projecting too, like the comment of taking retard pills.
What's that supposed to mean? Or are you just trying to use examples from how miserable and pathetic your life is assuming that everyone posting here is some dim-witted illiterate non-white child whom not only is still in high school, but has to take medication in order to actually have your brain function only somewhat similar to that of a human being?
Again, no rebuttal.
For someone who talks plenty of shit and talks big, once I stepped on your tail you literally fell apart. Must such being a weak-bodied, weak-minded individual, your lack of self-awareness makes you a slave.
Thank you Rabbi, you truly are our greatest ally
No one is doing that your paranoid retard.
You got someone else confused with me because you didn't read ID and now you are claiming that I pretended to be them.
Which is usually always how Holla Forums damage control works, is that people disagreeing with them are actually one person despite several posts.
you dont have nothing better to do?
We, all here, should learn to respect and appreciate just how much effort he's putting in baiting. It's not something you see all that often these days.
You think this nigger does anything productive while he shitposts online?
Being a Holla Forumsack is what he is, its all he has going for him, when its challenged he has to not only justify it to us but to himself as well.
I'm on the fencepost, I think he is 100% honest.
This is a thread for fucking video games, where the hell are all the video games? Fuck it, I'm just gonna talk about NiER, is it worth it to finish the game 2 more times for those other endings? I kind of want to go and play Drakengard instead.
Oh my god he got double dubs again!
You remind me of that that wannabe /k/ommando that made a twat of himself in the stalker general in front of the international RoH community manager. Your mother didn't kill sandgooks in the first gulf war tbh my famalam bruv.
That's cute, you're still not posting any rebuttal, and resorted to 'saging'.
Jesus, you're one stupid fucking shit-skin.
Where do you think you are right now?
Oh look at that, you don't even know what you're talking about.
There was two non-white mods on Holla Forums, I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Then here you go making lies about fucking Nigger Stories.
I bet you don't even know what Nigger Stories were about do you?
Okay, so the fact you have no idea what nigger stories are hands down proves my point about you fucking posers. This is way too easy.
Since when asking someone's ethnicity now "Genepol statics" whatever the fuck that means, I'm thinking you meant statistics.
Either way, he claims he's not a shit-skin, I ask him to give me his ethnicity, he doesn't do it, proving he's another insecure non-white abomination that is merely pretending to act as if he's on the same mental plain as the average ethnic european.
You seem to be another shit-skin bothered that you now feel threatened on a board you don't belong on.
That entire image gives me the impression she reeks of piss, feces and that strage nigger smell that no one can put their finger on, but the smell once you've smelled it is something so disgusting, there's a hint of feces, but the over all Nigger BO, the unwashed hair mattered in clumps on top of being burnt to hell and back, the over all disgusting lanky but grossly short stature, can't even afford a fucking fanta, and isn't even wearing shoes on top of straightening their hair to pretend to be white.
Looks like a fucking creature from Donkey Kong Country, and no, not a member of Donkey Kong cause it's clear they're the white Gorillas of DK Isle, if you can't tell why, then I have no hope for you.
The devs have said the game isnt gonna shove some sort of message down your throat but since they wanted to stay true to the setting you get called a nigger every now and then
Wheres the proof?
Honestly when I beat a videogame and the only thing changed by decisions is the ending then I just Jewtube the endings.
I only play through for different endings when it changes gameplay, missions or characters.
Don't know if Nier is like that though.
Holy shit they're triple dubs and I didn't even notice.
The weapon collection isn't worth it, watch the endings on youtube and go play Drakengard
Oh shit, you have no argument and have proven you’re wrong! Thanks.
Like holy fuck nigger you have no argument and are obviously a shill.
Kill yourself, faggot. You’re the reason the industry has collapsed.
So I guess that makes me the shill cause I'm clearly causing you to fill your fucking diaper up right?
Oh no, I didn't get you confused with you you fucking moron.
Maybe if you read the post, and looked at the picture, you'd understand I questioned the user for posting in two different demeanor whilst one of them saging, as if he's clearly pretending to be another individual with the same ID.
Maybe if you weren't such a dumb nigger devoid of any reading comprehension, you'd understand that if I were talking baout you, I would have mentioned your ID, which I didn't.
It's like dealing with a bunch of fucking toddlers, you don't give one attention he'll start shitting and pissing and making up little autistic stories in hopes he'll get his spanking next.
This is far too wasy.
I have yet to been rebutted or even approached in an intelligent manner. Also, again with the nigger lingo, and yet you're trying to call me a nigger? Seriously?
The picture you posted with the whole shake my head, to be honest fam shit and you actually bothered to 'save' it too.
It's funny how you dumb shit-skins are now quacking among yourselves because you're too fearful of actually being put down.
Okay, and?
Yet we bantz'd a presidential candidate into freaking out over a frog.
Proof was posted earlier in the thread.
Holy fuck do people get pissed when you call out their hugbox.
Oh wait this is the nigger claiming that Nips were white.
Retards really do flock together.
Where's Joshu?
My mother is an accountant so whatever or whomever you got me confused with I honestly don't give a shit about.
Again I can ask for your ethnicity but you're not going to give me an answer due to your insecurities and clear mental deficiencies.
Yes you did
You really don't seem to get how it works here.
Also you got any source for your claims.
Nope, there was no such proof. The mods are paid shills working against Holla Forums. It cannot, by definition, be a hugbox. Anyone who claims it is a shill, as already shown by leftypol and intl screencaps.
And no, your strawman doesn’t mean I said what you say I did. Reported for obvious shilling.
I know second time gives you more dialogue before boss fights and expands on the monsters you fight before you get to them. Because you're actually destroying the human race everytime you kill them.
actual spoiler btw if you didn't want that.
Yeah, I think that's what I'm gonna do, thanks for the input.
Also when running it in the emulator, everytime I do the special attack for the dragon while flying the frame rate just shits itself and blows the sound up
Did this happen in the original?
Because it's just wonderful
You proved him right though, stunning lack of any self-awareness, when you look in the mirror do you think its a nigger robbing you?
Then its probably worth it to do it at least once.
Doesn't ring any bells so probably not
by the way, i heard that hillary activists were posting as alt-right users being retarded assholes, shitposting in a retarded way using proxies, might explain this "autism"
no you treashed all your credibility there, no rule aganist shilling.
Thanks for admitting you’re a shill. Reported.
What do you expect?
Look how they flock to me, thinking they're 'smart' and 'good boys' because they're busy lapping up each others feces meanwhile as soon as they fucking get called out, in a thread about how Mafia III is garbage due to the same reason why 4chan was fucking destroyed, why this site is getting destroyed and why we can't have nice things anymore, because of non-whites.
You have these fools crying for truth and democracy, but when it bites them on the ass, they resort to shitposting, spewing memes being autistic memers and actually being proud at the end of the day for being a fucking drone.
It's the reason why video games are fucking dumbed down, because of morons like them whom can't think for themselves, and even if they could they ==WON'T==. They'd rather stroke themselves and their egos cause they're again, 'good boys' because they claim to like niggers, spics, chinks, sand-niggers, curry-niggers, etc.
But again, stating this when they live far away from said shit-skins, and probably themselves abusing the system getting cash they don't deserve, never fucking work, but know damn well if they were forced to actually get up to sustain themselves, they'd end up dead after a failed mugging attempt over their fucking 3ds.
Open your eyes you idiotic shit-skinned clown.
The proof is right in front of you. You don't even fucking see the issue with the way you're acting, you're literally milling about like a fucking two year old screaming 'WHERES DA PUDDING' cause mommy is busy sucking dick and your father is no where to be found, as with all nigger families.
Don't try and come here and pretend you actually like video games when you even say yourself you go to kiketube to look for endings, and only mention NiER cause the other user did, and even then can't even fucking type it right, further proving you're a fucking poser.
Reported for filing reports that don't violate the rules, you Finnish mongol.
Notice how this newfag can't redtext.
> spam u with big letters lol!
you could be roperted for volating the rule 8, you know, same whit
yeah, i think these are not Holla Forumsacks
Screencapped some of the idiocy I witnessed today.
Could be, could be not. Holla Forums got and is getting a influx of newfags thanks to the elections. There are also quite some halfchan cucks jumping ship.
I'll probably finish it before I finish Drakengard, and before I start 3. Avoiding 2 since I've heard it's shittier than all the other games.
Sounds about right, probably more of my computer's fault.
Any other games to recommend for ps2? Look ing for something else to play while waiting for RE7 and Persona 5
I also like how less than 10% of the thread has been dedicated to not talking about the game, considering it's out right now, probably available to pirate.
If the 4chan purchase goes through, expect the Fourth Exodus to come down fucking HARD on all of us.
See image.
As you can see here your board actually bans for wrong think
You were the first one screaming for a ban faggot.
Again, shit for brains, little beaner boy, whatever you are.
I even posted a screencap of my accusation, but you're now trying to make it about you when again if it was, I'd be posting your ID with the accusation.
You seem to be really fucking illiterate on top of having no real means of understanding who's talking to who, to the point you try to super impose your own inability to handle the hustle and bustle of a imageboard, and thus flail about like a typical outsider.
Either that or you actually were posting under that ID and is now dumb enough to make such a correlation, further proving my point how desperate you non-whites are when it comes to trying to slip n' slide threads whenever you get caught.
Then you start talking about claims for my sources as if you, some underage shitskin is going to make me do anything you ask of me?
Only thing I'd do if you asked me to is to help you pull the trigger on yourself, other than that, look it up yourself.
Oh wait, no you can't cause you weren't there, therefore proving you're one of those new-wave bandwagon fuck stains whom came to Holla Forums when it was already infected with non-whites to the point no one worth a damn was posting and it fell into meme spouting and the birth of the 'memer' bullshit.
Notice how easy it is to redtext
Again, just because I forgot to put it on it's own line doesn't mean shit when I was using italics and bold earlier in the thread.
Again, this proves what?
I'm still waiting on that rebuttal, you can't refute anything it seems.
Even the guy talking about the Jomon shit, it is a wide known fact that the Japanese Ainu have European ancestry. No where does that make them European, then again you morons actually can't seem to understand ancestry let alone genetics.
Did you just check the rules/FAQ to see if there's a way you can get rid of me? You know, you could actually refute what's being said instead of being a dumb fucking kike looking for the easy way out by 'reporting' me for breaking rule 8.
When in reality you're breaking a couple yourself.
Thanks for proving my point.
Dude 10/10 commitment.
Sorry, no. Those images have nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
I disproved it. Thanks for being illiterate.
Make a thread about porn. Watch all the hot opinions come flying in that it should be banned.
Wait, I have one right here. Holla Forums falls for the "Utah bans porn" bait article for the thousandth time.
It's no secret they support censorship, and I don't know why you would really expect them not to.
what makes you think i am a shill?
Commit suicide.
Wow shills replied to a shill thread. How about that.
Try the fuck again.
i said that shilling are not agagnist the rules, how that leads that i am a shill?
Yeah cause I'm waiting for you to quit being a dumb faggot bitch and actually defend your claims.
All you're doing now is screencapping my posts and putting sponge cuck on top of it.
Seriously, are you in fucking middle school or something?
Is being confronted so much of a travesty that you yourself cannot handle the pressure that comes with the shove, so you have to run around like a headless chicken with memes spewing from the axe wound.
You reported someone for disagreeing with you then called someone a liberal for saying you could be banned for breaking rule 8.
You really are struggling to understand the problem here?
Truth is not a matter of disagreement. Moral relativism is demonstrably false.
No because this was never an discussion, a discussion is two people willing to actually surrender points and realize they were wrong.
You believe the shit you say religiously so arguing with you is a waste, so its better to just trigger you which has been working out fantastically.
lol no
To someone not paying attention to your shit, it sounds like that’s code for “I have no argument whatsoever and can’t disprove what he said.”
Oh now I recognise cfbc3a, he always uses the same images.
lol yes, that is literally debate and discussion to groups arguing to get to the truth.
I love the images as they always are great at outing the newfags.
Blood Will Tell, God Hand, Rogue Galaxy, Valkyrie Profile 2
Add on to that, Monster Hunter original, if your running and Emulator and want like being the S in S&M play dos with translation pack>
Jade cacoon though it's a single player, Monster rancher is great too, fuck I can think of more if given time.
I think I’ve found your problem.
Understanding what qualifies as a discussion?
Whats your problem?
Screaming for bans then 10 posts later whining that someone said you could be reported?
So taking what you said, I am literally incapable of reading or writing, while making comments after reading and writing.
So you don't mean literally, you mean figuratively.
So way to sound like a millennial.
What's next I'm the literal next Hitler because I disagree with you.
Thanks for confirming.
dont evade, what leads ou to believe that i am a shill?
It feels good knowing I won this.
Yeah that's what I thought, You can't refute but instead posting autistic bullshit that has been known to be used by shills.
Good job, let me guess what your favorite video game is, probably some stupid shit like faggy birds.
You didn't win shit, the fact that you are indeed a shill, and thus being one are more than likely non-white, and therefore never wins.
Nice try.
where do i admit it?
Several posts of this nerds sperging out.
Kek is truly glorious for delivering his servants to uplift my sides.
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed now, are you?
Sorry, no. Out of Africa was disproven.
well, you are a loonie as the other, also look what i got from /politics/, i learned from your kind though
Thanks for posting an image that proves my statements, though! Always nice to have help.
Pretty sure this thread is filled with nothing but you and the other sperg being called retard by 10+ people.
It’s hilarious just how fucking pathetic you are. If you had ANYTHING resembling an argument, you would have posted it at the beginning.
tbh fam
Yet you're here defended this cuckoldry, on top of being a dumb fucking shit-skin whom thinks he can call everyone 'nerds' when you went out of your way to come here and talk about this shitty game.
Maybe you are one of those devs for Nigger III.
smh fam no chill
Maybe you are one of those devs for Nigger III.
You got me fam
Sounds like this really IS the game for you cucks.
This is the spergiest fucking thread I've seen in a while. Congratulations, you're all autistic!
I like how you shit-skins all talk the same way on top of always using nigger lingo and such.
Very strange that you liberals always have the same demeanor on top of a pension of shitty memes and macro images saved off tumblr, reddit, etc.
Truly it must be hell to life without self-awarness.
Thanks user, after all this effort I'm glad I pulled it off.
You have any more of micro-bikinis, or point me in a direction of a good site.
Those are my everything.
Yeah you should read my posts.
Here's some more
tbh muh fuggin whitey devil boiz tolken big up in dis but dey ave nuffin n dey no dis lmfao
Underboob is far superior then upper boob.
Bikini Riot and Bikini Pleasure is all I'm aware of.
That's all I needed.
its a game where you can kill trump, so its automatically a 10/10 for me.
Can you really?
Or is it just a Trump Lite character
It's funny though that you faggots resort to spamming kike whores instead of actually maintaining a discussion.
But all that being said, it's amusing that you kikes think posting whores will some how pacify those whom oppose you. You might be able to get the autistic shit-skins and libshits cuck-oids whom never felt the touch of a woman even thought they're surrounded 24/7 by them, albeit ugly kikes.
This is amusing, you got all the shitposters all making their presumed final post in a shitty piss poor attempt of getting the last laugh so they can finally get paid and prove to their kike investor they did the job.
Yeah, not today yids. I swear, the world will rid themselves from kikes, race traitor libshits, shitskins and the like, and maybe then we'll be able to actually play real video games again, like Epic Pinball.
white boy you best now we be cumin and when we do u gonna b reel sorry for real my nigga hahaha omg ur gonna b so sry
check out mi dick nigguh n look at all des 'white mails' lmfao
Nice collection user, you must be a real connoisseur of interracial, trap and cuck porn.
lmao dumb fukken honkey lmfao u crazy man
Wew, user you do have a rare fetish.
I'm glad to accommodate you.
Just intrested in your fetish.
So you go on and on about niggers yet you look up images of nigger dick and save them.
How tsundre.
You're tsundre for nigger dick.
this game is Heresy. I hope some niggers Chimping out in San Fransisco kill the kikes who made this bullshit.
nigger when I'm feeling Black pilled I lurk Holla Forums to look for something comfy to try to take my mind off of the decaying world. A few years back this board was much more Holla Forums friendly.
now often I find myself even more depressed after browsing Holla Forums
you NEET cultural lolbertarian faggots are hopeless
Didn't even have to click on those to find from the other anons that you're indeed one of those disgusting cuckold freaks that like to spam this shit on Holla Forums and Holla Forums alike.
If i had to guess from the last time one of you shills tried pulling this shit on Holla Forums, you're that ugly bi-racial nigger child whom came to Holla Forums begging to be accepted as an equal cause you hated yourself, promptly posted a picture of yourself and got reminded you are indeed a nigger and that just because your mother was a dumb fuck and thought sleeping with a nigger was a good idea didn't make you white, on top of said mother being a kike.
Nice memes.
All of you fucking shit-skins are nothing but dimwitted animals only going on instinct and impulse, aka, no self-awareness. Multiple anons have discussed the whole self-awareness situation and many have come to the conclusion that people have in the past, that non-whites are not human, due to lacking the key thing that ethnic euros do have, being self-aware, and you know on top of looking like some cross between a chimp, gorilla and a down syndrome riddled chink-curry creature with a bit of maize on the side.
To think I come back to this thread to see if anyone bothered giving me the rebuttal I was loking for, and instead I see the two main shills getting upset at one another for the other one being a dumb nigger, thus ruining the other faggot's vibes, but yet said faggot goes,
So not only can he not spell interested right, but he's genuinely curious about niggers fucking low-life meth addicts and the like. I swear you kids get more and more disgusting as time goes on, but then again that's what happens when you allow kikes, the most deceitful of the non-whites to flood your countries, rise through the ranks and take you down systematically using depraved sexual antics because the kikes themselves actually enjoy that shit.
Note to any anons whom may or may not be viewing this thread. Do yourself a favor and study the mannerism, demeanor and over all way that cfbc3a and b6a7b8 carry themselves, for these are the reason why Holla Forums is turning to shit, two glaringly obvious non-whites upset at the fact they were born as literal feces colored non-humans, lower than any animal on the planet, so calling the animals would be a horrible misconception, cause at least animals or at least animals that aren't primates seem to be sporting self-awareness and thus clearly more valuable then any spic, nigger, chink, curry/sand nigger that will ever post on Holla Forums.
Remember the Nigger Stories Holla Forums, remember the threads upon threads being thankful no nigger would ever set foot upon our territory, how no beaner would ever come here due to being too fucking stupid and childish cause they're fearful of the most idiotic shit, so an imageboard would be too much stimulation to the point they'd have panic attacks.
I believe Holla Forums should start pruning the shit-skins and start keeping Holla Forums just Holla Forums. Not this co-opted kike heeb hunk of shit these yids like to call "being progressive".
I like how the one actual guy arguing has gotten banned yet the actual shitposter got off scotfree.
You should be flattered people assume you're mischievious rather than retarded.
Are you familiar with John Rawls Public Reason?
Do you realize that Public Reason is an mandate that the scope of allowable debate. That in essence liberalism places certain restrictions on what sorts of beliefs it is admissible to bring into public discourse. It in its very nature is the basis for a demand for Political Correct speech.
That your demand that those you allege to be Holla Forumslocks not have an opinion on a video game is actually a call for censorship of the full range of discourse and a referendum on the free marketplace of ideas. Paradoxically it's simply inconceivable to you that someone could think badly of Niggers, Kikes, Progressivism, Modernity, Multiculturalism, Egalitarianism and Liberalism in general or more specifically of a game born out of white guilt and published by Kikes that's soul premise is to be revenge porn for dindus.
What is even more ironic is your use of buzzwords like "safespace" while demanding Holla Forums be free of opinions that you deem heretical because you seem to think their is a Holla Forums boogeyman intentionally raiding the board as apposed to the more reasonable opinion that there are Fascist and Ethnic Nationalist that play video games from time to time.
Lets also not forget that the second exodus to fullchan was born primarily due to the fact that self appointed sophist like yourself where demanding that these sorts of issues be shut down. It is beyond reason in your mind to conserve that their are those posturing to take over roles as Hot Pockets in the community and intentionally stir up drama in order to sow civil unrest. More remarkably is your deliberate incredulity regarding the cuck meme, you merely assume people are misusing it in order to try to discredit is legitimacy as an accurate appraisal of the situation. Why you have a vested interest in defending cuckoldry can only be speculated, but it may hypothetically have something to due to your status as a stepfather to the child for your coalburning wife. Or maybe you are merely pretending to be apart of the Holla Forums clique because you are looking to be troll-shielded from anyone critiquing your degenerate fetish?
Ultimately, if you are truly an advocate for free speech then you are morally obliterated to tolerate these critiques of liberalism. That doesn't mean you cannot disagree with someone but rather you need to come up with something more substantive then defection and crying like a bitch "I know you are but what am I". The fact of the matter is because you never Low energy memetics tbh fam. question the validity of your own presupposition of your ideas are built on a house of cards. Its a weak foundation for any rational thought. Therefore the deeper esoteric meaning of your half baked ebin May-May's are just as shallow as your half-baked worldview. Trying to pathologize others and shame them into agreeing with your position is no longer working Goldberg.
Therefore, the people of Holla Forums are free to make the proclamation fuck Mafia III, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck mudslimes, fuck leftist, fuck progressives, fuck liberalism and you really don't have any solid grounds to protest from an intellectually honest standpoint. That is unless you are advocating that Holla Forums censor the scope of allowable discourse, if so then by what metric are you any different then the liberals that people colloquially call SJW's?