Reminder to Vote Today

Reminder to everyone to go out and vote today! You still have some time to do so after work if you haven't already. For example, my local booths are open until 8pm. It's currently 6pm EST, hurry out there and vote!

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If you're curious about what/who you are scheduled to vote for, you can look online for some sample ballots. Here's Pennsylvania's site for example ballots:


There are 295 mayoral positions being voted on tonight, across 26 states, including Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, California, North Carolina, etc

The shills are scared.

Local voting can be swayed far easier than you think. My county's website has lots of pdfs that list the number of people who voted last time. The town just across from me apparently only had 127 Democrats and 105 Republicans show up to vote last time.

You're a post too late, you hook nosed rat

Have fun getting fucking in the ass with more gun control and Marxist policies. At least you can say you voted.

Come on Agent Smith, post your copypasta again.

History is made by those who show up! If you're unsure of where to physically vote, you can check your state's website for a listing of open stations. Some towns even have their own website that list all of the voting stations.

Voting for Israel-first cuckservatives isn't going to make history.

New Jersey and Virginia get to vote on governors today! If you're not in NJ or VA, often you'll still get questions on who should be allowed to stay in their position.

Any guidance as to how to vote in CO? I've been slacking on keeping up with state and local politics.

It looks like you've got till 7pm tonight to find out! Let me take a look around their State's website and see if I can find more info…

Would vote the local populist R just to piss these kikes off. In this case there is no true winner.

I saw this thread at 6:30 EST, I'm about to finish my last set of deadlift, then I'm running out to the booths.

I have no idea what I'm doing though. Fuck it. Any advice to offer a Western PAnon?

It looks like Colorado has moved to mail voting as its primary method.

It looks like you can still register to vote today, but you will have to go to a physical location to do so. I am unsure at what hour they will cut this off though:

Each county has its own link for physical locations:

Yeah but for who?

PA tends to favor physical voting locations. They're usually located at a church or a fire station, etc, Look for your nearest polling station via:

If you voted in the primary election last year, then your name should already be in their books. Same thing if you moved. I changed my address at the DMV when I moved last July and I was correctly placed in my new county's paper books. Inside will be a bunch of elderly people sitting at some tables. They'll find your name in the list, ask you for ID, have you sign your name, and let you in.

If you're not registered, some places will let you register right there. Everyone is always very friendly and if you're not sure on who you can vote for, there are usually people standing outside of the voting area chatting with folks and asking for you to vote for them. I had a nice lady show me where the station was and ask me to vote for her husband today.

Could you possibly be any more fucking stupid?

We should make local elections top priority from now. We can't have (((democracy))) sneak up on us. Remember that NSDAP were elected. If you want to get one step closer to Whitetopia, you have to elect /ourguys/ and if you don't know who those guys are then you might accidentally vote for a zionist stooge.

Steps to voting:
Most important step:
> stance on (((israel)))
This step should be easy and arguably the first but in some cases like with Texas with its governor, there are no alternative choices.

Let's not forget that you yourself could run for office, of not now then in the future. Become /ourguy/.

Just double checked, PA does let you register in person. Be sure to bring some proof of your address just in case (any letter in the mail with your name on it will do).

Half an hour to go to a polling station in Ohio and register with a provisional ballot. Voted against issue 2 and tax levies, neutral on issue 1.

I'm already registered man.

Yeah, I know where my location is. I'm talking about what I'm voting FOR.

Ah. I mostly voted R for all of the higher positions, except I voted against someone with the name "Rothstein" . PA gets to vote for a lot of Judges this time around. For local (school board, commissioner, etc) I talked to some of the people outside and had done light research beforehand. You still have another 50 minutes or so so you can probably still talk to some of the locals outside.

tbh lad, i dount there will be anyone outside.
Most people didnt even know it was an election day.

I'm not so sure. I suppose it depends on your county. My county has a whole lot of signage everywhere, and there were about 5 people in nice suits standing under a tent in the rain still talking to folks (a rainstorm has been going on since the afternoon). The lady whose husband I voted for wasn't under the tent and was instead holding the door for people to get in quicker.

This. There are quite literally no good people to vote for who aren't indoctrinated baby boomers looking to fuck you over. Anons will disagree but you can't fix the current state of this country through voting anymore.

Remember that you can also vote directly on whether or not you want a certain law to be passed! On the ballot will also be questions pertaining to specific legal proposals.

There's approximately 30 minutes left for voting for most of the east coast's voting booths.

For mine, the state website where you could look up polling station had a sample ballot. I did a bit of digging into the listed names. Idk if PA has sample ballots, but here's a listing of county-wide candidates for Allegheny County, for example. There will be similar lists on the state, county, and municipial levels.,_Pennsylvania_(2017)

This site looks to have some links:

Reminder that churches are very valuable for voting. Plenty of underutilized people who are willing to go right-wing on a lot of issues. Make sure the church is lutheran, baptist, pentecostal or harvest and you can definitely find support for political causes.

NJ has bullshit to vote for

CAfag here, the only election today near me is a "special municipal election" two cities over according to the California secretary of state website.

VAfag here. I voted. I'm in a blue county, and NOVA exists, but maybe something good will happen.

It's like you don't even want to MAGA, MEGA, and keep winning!!

=Shareblue BTFO==

can't handle all this salt!
I would have 4 repeated pointless images, but I don't feel like enabling scripts just to esoterically trumppost :^)

Local elections are very important! Getting a small group of people to vote can have huge results. Pictured is several examples of people winning with just one vote! One person even got a position with a 1 vote write-in! You can easily become a part of your local government by finding an empty position and writing your own name in.


20 minutes left for most east coast poll booths!

If you disagree with the voting process altogether, then there's a way to express yourself! You can select the "no vote" button in the booths to signify that you care about the process, but disagree with the options!

wew lad

Aaand it looks like my brain is tired! Whoops!

Holla Forums needs to run for local offices.
>your money, and infrastructure were important…til now

Easily accomplished in really small towns.

Looks like Northam has VA locked up. Way to go fucking cuckservative fags. Do you even 2020?

VA13 electing a tranny to state legislature. What the fuck are you people doing out there?

8pm EST has been reached!
Those of you in the midlands and west coast still have some time!

I somehow end up saying this in almost every fucking thread: Boomers need to get out of the way and fucking DIE.

Millennials are just as cucked.

NOVA just needs to either become another state, or be glassed. Preferably both.

I live in a 97+% white locality. Rural, republican, salt of the earth. The government is still full of crooks, scumbags, pedos, the works. They bent over backwards to appease the biggov/jew money and fuck over the locals. We even got a decent guy elected to head the police and they are still continuing the policy of acting like an occupation force aimed at the whites and not at doing their supposed jobs. Try and infiltrate if you want, but there is no winning by using The System

ps, I was talking about a small town

shame, it's easy money too
If you're a WesternPA user then we likely had similar ballots - if you voted down party lines you did it wrong. Voted mostly Republican and former cops / military.
tell me, did you have to choose between a (((hook-nosed Kennedy))) or a (((plain shyster))) for county?

polls not signs, still a little brain dead from the cold
sage for double post

Fox just announced Northam won with 58%.

Done and done.
Voted all Republican, but no women. Because women don't belong in politics.

That said: What the fuck is up with the "Democrat/Republican" category? Saw a bunch of them on the ballot, and avoided like the plague, as I can't imagine how that could even work, its like being Communist/NatSoc. Doesn't make any sense.

The only people outside where I was were three soyboy guys in their late-30's and a woman wearing a pussy hat, who handed me a 'Vote for Progress!" card, which I barely looked at, because right after it was handed to me she said 'Vote Democrat!", to which I laughed audibly. On the way back out, all 4 stopped what they were talking about and gave me an evil glare. I smiled at them.
Feels good.


someone please vote to fix NJ.

At the end of the day, both were "establishment" picks so it really doesn't matter.

It is not about winning. It is about making the forces be to at least take an effort into exerting their influence, instead of handing them power on a platter. Makes the next moves easier and swings the momentum in your favor. Remember that it takes several elections to completely shift a region all the way (see: California, Rust Belt, Florida).

It always matter, you defeatist cuck. Vote for the fucker that can make way easier for a candidate closer to what you want. Elections are not "vote for the candidate you like most", its "vote for the one you disagree the least".

tbh m8, I dunno who basically any of the people are that I voted for, I just went down party lines, avoided women and people with Jewish/Black/foreign sounding names.
Though, to be fair, I started paying attention to the election about an hour and a half before the booths closed.

Oh, and I saw a nice lil bulletin they'd put out, offering me a whopping $130 dollars to be a part of overseeing the elections… but frankly, $130 isn't worth more than like an hour or two of my time, especially if its to be spent dealing with shitty suburban Boomer liberals (which, given my location, is the majority of the folks coming into that place).

Counting only started thirty minutes ago and shits getting called wtf?

You say that m8, but when they go, the White percentage of the population drops by about 15 points.

This, except in smaller elections its a lot more likely that, if you organize a decent sized group together, like a church or a (((faceberg))) group then it has a high chance to turn out well to vote for someone you'd actually want

Has nothing to do with being defeatist, its having an R candidate whos full of shit vs a dem who's also against you. You lose with both.
I would have voted R for the laughs but I wouldn't have expected a whole lot.

we need to do some kind of op imply Northam is getting money from Ms-13 & stuffed the boxes.

there's nfw he did this fairly

The conflict here is a matter of degrees.

You do, and some people have ascribed to (what I would call faulty) belief that we can try to "out-Jew the Jew!" and use incrementalism to climb back… Which I would call faulty, because I've seen nothing to suggest that's possible in our context.

Choose one m8.


except all the money and incentives and entrenched support is on their side. fighting on their turf does nothing. at best, you can use it as a platform to get ideas out to people, but on the local level, it probably isn't enough to even be worth that

What the fuck happened? How did these libtards surge so suddenly

To be fair, NatSocs were a bit more on the faggy socialist side until Hitler took power.
In fact, much of the NatSoc party ended up revolting against Hitler because he wasn't focusing his policies on the anticapitalist aspects of the platform as much as they wanted.

This is why the brownshirts were killed, they literally tried to overthrow Hitler because he wasn't socialist enough.

8:30 EST has been reached! Remember that your polls may close local time at 7pm instead of 8pm, like Colorado user's polls do. In half an hour many CST and MST polls will be closed!

Yep. There's no way america gets out of this without getting your hands dirty. See the UK.

Northern Virginia.

Its interesting though, the dems still need to run a white guy to win races.

trump/pence supported someone for our local special election, who is an absolute piece of shit who is a rino in a house of rinos, who recently beat out a mediocre, but fairly decent tea-party type.

It does not always matter to pick someone that's 99% cancerous masquerading as health over 100% honest cancer. Even acknowledging the validity of such a contest is a loss.

Corey Stewart would have won tonight if got the nomination. FOR FUCKS SAKE VOTE IN YOUR FUCKING PRIMARY NEXT TIME





The confusion of everything else going on led to a blackout in voting for these stations. Just about anything could've happen, even attempts at doing the same like they did during primaries and election by making the race seem "close".
Regardless, what was the list of all states running and what was the aftermath?

Interesting. It also does bring up a good point. Which ones running are trying to capitalize on "please trump endorse me, i need your endorsement to win" rather than being likeable for having nationalist oriented likability.

You cant change turfs easily. You have to make do with what you have, and that is why elections need to be about voting for the less worse candidate, and that is 99% of times the Republican in US. You'll have to wait for the next JFK from gen Zyklon.

Trump had 10% of Hillary's budget. Money means little if you have substance. The turf matters little in the grand scheme of things.

You're forced to. Not voting means giving to third parties the responsability of voting, and that is the ultimate cuck move. Vote for the 99% cancer, group with your local community and express your dissatisfaction to the party's candidate.

When he tanks (and we know he will), then the populists always win.

He will be running for senate.

People are pretty much saying a lot of GOP voters stayed home because Gillepse refused to embrace Trump

I can see the reactions already claiming he is a sore loser. I can also see the blackpill shills readying their macros. But I don't really see this any different then if you were to walk up to a Steelers fan and brag in their face about how the Packers lost last night. How do you expect the Steelers guy to react to that display?

So from the sounds of it, at least to my understanding or impression that particular was either going to be controlled OP, or whatever the second option was. Of course they won't see the trap that has been set for them

And it wasn't even Brianna Wu

Virginia is a long shot because of all those gov workers by DC. Gillespie was a establishment fuck anyway he shrugged off trump and would probably have been a cock RINO anyway. He would have been better then having a Democratic but not my much. It would have been better to run someone who could drop red pills, make a lot of noise and rally people then a career politician. Even then those DC suburbs make winning really hard. I hope that that will change over the next couple of years but it has not yet.

I only vote for the best candidate there is or I invalidate my votes.

This really is key, local and state elections can be really easily swung, dedicated individuals can do it.

The Republican party has pretty much lost all credibility so if Trump doesn't endorse you, don't expect to win.

hey guys how are the elections going? we maga yet?


Just stop.

it's been 140 fucking years of ssdd, I have the pictures from the museum with a jew in the crowd to prove it, whose family is still important locally.

look at his family, jfk a meme

you're not paying attention

I can't even