Company of Heroes 2

I just started it, and its kinda fun, sure the jewery is really horrible, but the game is fun.

Is anyone playing it?

I've played it. Not a bad singleplayer experience, the Arden campaign keeps you on your toes if you never really got gud. Mods add to it as well. Can't say anything about multiplayer since I haven't tried it

Played it. Threw my arms in disgust.

First one is far better, don't have to deal with the DLC jewery and there are tons of mods that add in new factions/settings.

I'm playing it off and on, yeah. Haven't once played vanilla, though, only with the Spearhead mod to get it as close to CoH 1 as you can get while completely dodging all of the bullshit loot drops. It's pretty enjoyable in compstomp, although as always, there's an awkward skill jump from Normal to Hard that can make it difficult to get into that nice sweet spot where things aren't trivialized nor are you getting your shit nearly pushed in in the process of winning and thus not enjoying it.

I like the fact that it doesn't take 15 minutes for infantry squads to die to vehicles and explosions actually kill people now.
Beyond that nothing remarkable.




i played it after I played the Blitzkrieg mod for COH1, so I was thoroughly disgusted. that said, if it angers the commies on metacritic so badly simply by painting the russians as the borderline-insane rape-hungry monsters they actually were, it might be worth a second look



It's almost as if Russians take the memory of the second world war seriously. At least they aren't ashamed of their past like the Germans are. They are also worried about the caliphate forming on their doorstep, and how they will have to fight yet another war to fix Europe.




Not ashamed to have liberated Europe from two power hungry empires, nor to be preparing to liberate it from the next one. No thanks needed.

Blyadnik go home, Russia is shit.

Oh those silly Russians, thinking that they know their own history better than some Canadians.

Yeah, you're right. I'm sure Russians have a completely unbiased view of themselves not being violent savages raping any woman with a hole. Next you'll tell me the US, UK, Germany, and Japan have written totally unbiased history books that don't gloss over horrific tragedies they've commited.

Japan you have have a point with, but
muh slavery, muh alamo
muh french, muh natives
muh imperialism, muh colonies
muh holocaust, muh fascism

Denying or even downplaying the holocaust is illegal in Germany.

Honestly, we killed a shit ton of Indians and I'm pretty sure most people don't give a shit. Niggers should have gone back to africa instead of staying here and being a waste of space. Attacking mexico was seen as a good thing and I'm sure people would wish to attack it again. We probably treated the Germans badly during WWII, but so did japan with some of our POWs and the Russians treated the Germans a hell of a lot worse. The only things I really feel bad were the CIA bullshit that overthrew some governments making parts of South America and the middle east shit. That wasn't us fighting for America that was special interests causing chaos for money.